

Best Practices: Communicating Effectively
Best Practices: Communicating Effectively
Kranz, Garry
In this age of digital communication, getting the right message across clearly is crucial to success. Communicating Effectively, a comprehensive and essential resource for any manager on the run, shows you how.Learn to: Build relationships through effective communication Get more done via e-mail Draft pitch perfect letters, memos, and reports Conduct productive conference calls Deliver hard-hitting presentations The Collins Best Practices guides offer new and seasoned managers the essential information they need to achieve more, both personally and professionally. Designed to provide tried-and-true advice from the world's most influential business minds, they feature practical strategies and tips to help you get ahead.
Best Practices: Achieving Goals
Best Practices: Achieving Goals
Schienle, Kathleen
Aiming high is essential to success. But by following through and completing what you've set out to do, you can truly outperform your competitors. Achieving Goals, a comprehensive and essential resource for any manager on the run, shows you how.Learn to: Set smart and challenging goals for yourself and your employees Create a goal-focused environment Help employees meet their objectives Anticipate and overcome obstacles Measure progress and stay on track to achieve success The Collins Best Practices guides offer new and seasoned managers the essential information they need to achieve more, both personally and professionally. Designed to provide tried-and-true advice from the world's most influential business minds, they feature practical strategies and tips to help you get ahead.
Love Is Not Enough: A Smart Woman’s Guide to Money
Love Is Not Enough: A Smart Woman’s Guide to Money
Merryn Somerset Webb
Merryn Somerset Webb, star of Channel 4's hit series ‘Superscrimpers’, shows you how to face the future with both money and confidence in this financial bible for sassy women. Money may not buy you love but it certainly helps with life's other little luxuries. From shopping sprees to pension plans, ISAs to investments, money plays a crucial role in our present and future comfort. We may not like to admit it, but diamonds – or cold, hard cash – really can be a girl's best friend. So why, when women have much to celebrate, are we reluctant to talk about it? Why, when we have more wealth in our own names than ever before, do women take less interest in money than men? And why do we still feel that demonstrating an interest in finance is somehow…unfeminine? Because let's face it – for most of us, Prince Charming and his bank balance just aren't coming. If we want to secure our futures we're going to have to do it ourselves. The good news is that it's not hard to do. Dealing with our personal finances is much, much easier than the financial industry would have us believe. Women tend to make better investors than men too – our instincts, so to speak, are on the money. All we need is a bit of know-how and the confidence to put it into practice. Combining years of financial expertise with a healthy dose of scepticism and an easy sense of humour, Merryn Somerset Webb's sharp, witty and appealing guide to personal wealth for sassy women provides the answers. Whether you're drowning in debt, negotiating a higher salary or tackling the thorny issue of a pre-nup, just one read through and you'll be in a position to sort your finances out for good, transforming them from a constant worry into a source of peace of mind.
Willing Slaves: How the Overwork Culture is Ruling Our Lives
Willing Slaves: How the Overwork Culture is Ruling Our Lives
Madeleine Bunting
A hard-hitting exposé of the overwork culture and modern management techniques that seduce millions of people to hand over the best part of their lives to their employer. Work has come to increasingly dominate British national life. ‘Job intensification’ affects every shopfloor, office, classroom and hospital, as a cult of efficiency has driven a missionary magnetism of tighter deadlines and more exacting targets in the most exploitative and manipulative work culture developed since the Industrial Revolution. What do we get in return for this hard work? Stagnant wages, job insecurity, stress, exhaustion; the British workforce has not been so powerless for over a century. ‘Willing Slaves’ exposes the paradox that, though we’re all being exploited, it’s work that has come to give our lives meaning: religion, political causes, family life have become secondary. This book reveals how this astonishing fraud has been perpetrated, how millions of workers know they face burnout but believe ‘there is no alternative’. Bunting tells us how to take our lives back – and what will happen if we don’t.
?j vitaminforradalom
?j vitaminforradalom
Szendi Gábor
Mi az üzleti tervük Kész képtelenség! ... Ez a knyv az izraeli technológiai sikerek színes trténeteit gyjti ssze. Bámulatos olvasmány” – WASHINGTON POST Hogyan képes Izrael – ez az alig 7,1 millió lakosú ország, amely nem rendelkezik természeti kincsekkel, ellenségek veszik krül minden oldalról és folyamatosan hadiállapotban áll – tbb start-up céget elindítani, mint Japán, India, Dél-Korea, Kanada és Nagy-Britannia A szerzk, Dan Senor és Saul Singer, geopolitikai szakértk lévén a legnevesebb izraeli feltalálók és újítók példájából merítve mutatják be eme siker titkát, nevezetesen azt, hogyan tvzi Izrael egyedül- álló módon az innovációt és a vállalkozói kedvet az ellenséges krnyezetben. Más országokban az illemszabályokat és a precíz tervezést hangsúlyozzák, Izraelben azonban a hücpe, vagyis a merészség a legfontosabb. A szerzk azt is megmutatják, miként járult hozzá a sikerhez Izraelnek a bevándorlással, a K + F-fel és a sorkatonasággal kapcsolatos politikája. Az amerikai NASDAQ-on ma tbb izraeli cég van bejegyezve, mint amennyi dél-koreiai, japán, szingapúri, kínai, indiai és európai cég együttvéve. Ha valamikor, akkor most érdemes tanulmányozni ezt a figyelemre méltó és rugalmas országot, mert olyan lenygz és meglep tanulságokra bukkanhatunk, amelyek más nemzetek, üzletemberek és szervezetek számára is hasznosak lehetnek - mindenkinek, akit érdekel a gazdasági siker titka.
Az essexi kigyó
Az essexi kigyó
Sarah Perry
- Hogyan érjük el, hogy a munkatársak felel?sséget vállaljanak, és mindent megtegyenek az üzleti sikerért?- Hogyan cs?kkenthetjük jelent?sen a helyiségekkel kapcsolatos k?ltségeinket?- Hogy készítsünk k?ltségvetést, ha nem vagyunk pénzügyi szakemberek?- Hogyan javítsuk a marketing eredményre gyakorolt hatását?Ez a k?nyv gyakorlati vezetési kézik?nyv. Nem gyárt elméleteket, ám megoldókulcsot ad a vállalat nev? komplexumhoz, a m?k?dés minden lényeges területén. Bemutatja, hogyan építhetjük fel, és irányíthatjuk részlegünket, telephelyünket vagy cégünket a hatékonyságot mint alapelvet szem el?tt tartva.Aki elolvassa a k?nyvet, átfogó eszk?ztárat szerez a mindennapos menedzsment-problémák megoldásához.A szerz? nemzetk?zi k?rnyezetben tett szert évtizedes menedzsment-tapasztalatára, specialistájává vált a létrehozó és átalakítási projekteknek. MBA diplomáját általános menedzsmentb?l szerezte Ausztriában. Jelenleg üzleti hatékonysági tanácsadással foglalkozik.
From Voices to Results -  Voice of Customer Questions, Tools and Analysis
From Voices to Results - Voice of Customer Questions, Tools and Analysis
Robert Coppenhaver
Make the right decisions about your products and services by listening effectively to the people that matter – your customers About This Book ? Understand the core components, processes and technologies available for a VOC initiative ? Structure effective VOC programs and turn VOC into actionable product success ? A handy guide to help you identify the hidden needs of your customers and strengthen your relationship with them Who This Book Is For The book is for anyone who needs to get to know their customer, how they feel and what they think about a certain subject. If you are a stakeholder in any project responsible for customer relationships, this book will help you immensely. An awareness of VOC as a topic would be useful, although not essential. What You Will Learn ? Understand different unarticulated needs of your customers ? Deploy effective VOC in your organizations ? Identify and understand the different tools and processes to set up a successful VOC program ? Integrating your findings about your customers into successful products ? Effectively utilize VOC for a successful launch of your product In Detail This book is all about getting to know your customers – what they want and need, what they like and don’t like. Voice of the Customer is one of the most popular forms of market research combining both quantitative and qualitative methods. This book shows you how to engage with customers and understand their wants and needs, likes and dislikes – something which is becoming more in more important with the rise of an increasingly connected world. The book addresses the problem of understanding your customer and engaging with those customers. It also targets people who want to know how to do an effective VOC capture and analysis. As with any engagement/research based initiative, there is also a concern with the ROI. This book shows you how to overcome this problem as well. By the end of this book, you will have a thorough understanding of the relevant stages of a VOC project. It will show you how to devise an effective plan, direct the project to their objectives, and then show you how to collect the voice of the customer, with examples and templates for interviewing and surveying. Style and approach This book is a perfect blend of concepts and real-world use-cases which will help the businesses understand and therefore serve the customers better. Written in a very engaging manner, this book ensures you are able to grasp the theory and apply it in your business seamlessly.
The Strategist: Be the Leader Your Business Needs
The Strategist: Be the Leader Your Business Needs
Cynthia Montgomery
Strategy is about identifying why your business matters, not just analysing the competition. Cynthia Montgomery reveals how leaders can embrace the crucial role of The Strategist to really define and drive the objectives and advantages to power their companies forward. Cynthia Montgomery teaches the globally-renowned EOP (Entrepreneur, Owner, President) course at Harvard Business School, one of Harvard’s most oversubscribed executive courses. Participants are all seasoned executives, owners, CEOs, or COOs of privately held companies who pay tens of thousands of dollars to attend, with the goal of learning how to be more effective leaders and how to make their companies more successful. Montgomery’s course teaches them a totally new way to understand leadership, a way that fuses leadership with strategy. Her approach calls for a reset of current thinking about both. She shows that strategy is not just a tool for outwitting the competition – it is the most powerful means a leader has for shaping a firm itself. Montgomery takes the readers through the paces of her world-renowned course, teaching them how to develop the skills and sensibilities that living strategy and real leadership demand. No other book marries strategy and leadership in the same way – a way readers will find challenging, intriguing, and ultimately, inspiring.
Inside Intel (Text Only)
Inside Intel (Text Only)
Tim Jackson
Tim Jackson is the author of Turning Japanese and a biography of Richard Branson and Virgin, Virgin King. He is currently working on a book about the Sainsbury family.
?tk?zés: Rossz hely. Rossz id?. Nagy lecke.
?tk?zés: Rossz hely. Rossz id?. Nagy lecke.
Juhász Gergely
Kézik?nyv azoknak, akik érdekl?dnek a baromfitartás iránt és egyetlen helyen szeretnének utánanézni felmerül? kérdéseiknek. ? milyen fajtát válasszak? ? mi a jobb: a tenyésztés vagy a szaporítás? ? hogyan készítsem el házilag az olcsóbb és táplálóbb takarmányt? ? mekkora helyen érdemes tartani a baromfikat és hogyan alakítsam ki az él?helyüket? ? milyen el?feltételeket kell megteremtenem a keltetéshez és milyen keltet?gépet használjak? ? hogyan el?zhetem meg a legfontosabb betegségeket? ? melyek a dísztyúktenyésztés legfontosabb feltételei és hogyan készülhet fel sikeresen a versenyekre? A k?tet kuriózuma az ?sszesen 60 baromfifajtát bemutató részletes ismertet?.
New Totally Awesome Money Book For Kids
New Totally Awesome Money Book For Kids
Bochner, Arthur
Jam-packed with up-to-date, easy-to-understand information on every area of money, this smart, useful book—just right for kids age 8–14—makes learning about money fun. A savvy brother and sister team, Arthur and Rose explain a lot about money matters, including:?Budgets and savings (great ways to get the stuff you really want!) ?The basics of stocks, bonds, and other ways of investing ?Credit cards (“The Plastic Flash”) and borrowing ?Updated information on the Internet with useful Web links ?Online investing, Web safety precautions ?Saving and paying for college ?And much more
New Totally Awesome Business Book for Kids
New Totally Awesome Business Book for Kids
Bochner, Arthur
This first-of-its-kind book for young entrepreneurs is now completely revised and updated for a new generation by one of the original authors (now an adult) and his 14-year-old sister.Originally written by Arthur Bochner when he was just 13 with his mom, financial planner Adriane G. Berg, this was the first book to take kids step-by-step through the process of starting their own businesses. Now 24 and a successful political speechwriter, Arthur teams up with his kid sister, Rose, on a completely revised, updated edition to the basics of becoming an entrepreneur, offered in a smart, entertaining style just right for kids age 8-14.This fun and fact-filled volume includes: Cartoons, quizzes, games, and stories about starting up a business and making money from it How to use eBay and other Internet resources Ideas for donating to nonprofits and helping the environment. De*ions of 20 super businesses to start right now (such as lemonade stands, lawn mowing, garage sales) Ten basic business skills kids need to know: Speaking up for what you want; Business budgets; Record keeping, research, and filing; Telephoning; Negotiating; Putting it in writing; Marketing, advertising, and publicity; Networking; Working with others, even parents.
Evim Dolar Evim: “Evinden Para Kazan”
Evim Dolar Evim: “Evinden Para Kazan”
Ebru Fidan
Evini kiraya veren ev sahipleri!!Art?k ayl?k sabit kira bedeline mahkum de?ilsiniz!Hem eviniz sürekli kontrolünüz alt?nda olacak, Hem de yeterli hizmeti vererek daha fazla para kazanabileceksiniz.Bu s?rada dünyan?n her yerinden bir?ok dostunuz tan?d???n?z insanlar olacak.Bu kitapta evinizi nas?l, nerde, ne ?ekilde, pazarlayarak daha fazla kazan? elde edebilece?inizin ipu?lar? verilmi?tir.Hem e?lenin Hem kazan?n!!! ?NS?Z / G?R??Uzun y?llar i? hayat?nda ini?li ??k??l?, yorucu ve stres dolu zamanlardan sonra. Ebru art?k kendi i?ini yapmal?s?n bu kadar ko?tur ko?tur nereye kadar seslerine 2 y?l sonra kulak verdim. ?e?itli i?ler yapt?m ?ok ?e?itli desem yeri var J s?ralayacak olursam siz bile ?a??racaks?n?z.?ngiltere’de telefon uygulamalar? haz?rlay?p Türkiye’ye pazarlayan bir firman?n home ofise online dan??manl???,Italyan Panorama Vitrin Dizayn firmas?n?n ?stanbul’daki markalar?n Vitrin Tasar?m projelerinin haz?rlanmas?,Ing?ltere’den Erkek Giyim üzerine Türkiye’den ithalat yapan firman?n mü?teri temsilcili?i,?ngiltere Assosia firmas?n?n Türkiye’de Marka denetimiTabii bunlar hep otelcili?in yan?nda ekstra gelir i?in yapt???m i?lerdi. Malum ?stanbul gibi bir yerde tek ba??na ayakta kalabilmek emek ister.As?l mesle?im otelcilik, 15 y?l boyunca Laleli ve Taksim b?lgesinde baz? otellerde muhasebe de daha sonra da y?netici olarak g?rev ald?m. Gelin siz dü?ünün nas?l deli gibi ?al??t???m?.Tatiller falan benim i?in lüks ?tesi bir ?eydi. Tatile ??kacak olsam vicdan azab? ?ekerdim J kald? ki hala tatil konseptine al??amad?m ama al???yorum art?k yava? yava?.Ger?? yapt???m en büyük tatil;yurt d???nda yasayan ablam Türkiye’ye geldiginde, a?lemle gec?rd?g?m 3 gunluk tat?l olmu?tu o da bilgisayar ve telefon ba??nda JNeyse uzun laf?n k?sas? art?k etraf?ma kulak verd?m ve ucundan ba?layal?m bakal?m ded?m. Otelc?l?k d?neminde zaten otel mü?terileri haricinde acentalar olsun, eski misafirlerimiz olsun sürekli konaklama ihtiya?lar? olurdu ve biz de bildi?imiz ?al??t???m?z yerlere y?nlendirirdik.Her ?ey bir tarafa, ?ncelikle sunu s?ylemek isterim ki ?ok merakli ve ara?t?rmac? bir ki?ili?im vard?r malum Basak burcuyum J Taksim’de bir otelde y?neticilik yaparken gitmedi?im online pazarlama e?itimi, okumad???m kitap, ara?t?rmad???m konu kalmad? desem abartm?? olmam. ?imdi meyvelerini topluyorum zaten. BU KITAP KIMLER ICIN HAZIRLANDI.Bu kitap 2 grup i?in haz?rland?1. Hali haz?rda dairesi olup bu sekt?rün i?inde olanlar ve geli?tirmek isteyenler.2. Bu sekt?rü duymu? ve dairesini de?erlendirmek isteyen ama nas?l yapaca??n? bilemeyenler i?in.Hali haz?rda ev sahibi olanlar bir ?ok konuya vak?f olabilirsiz ama bunun yan? sira nas?l daha da ilerleye bilir ve en iyi evsahibi olabilirsiniz. Bu geli?im size arama sonu?lar?nda bulundu?unuz b?lgedeki evler aras?nda daha ust s?ralarda ??kman?za yard?mc? olacakt?r.Ev sahipleri evlerini de?erlendirmek isteyenler ama bir turlu cesaret edemeyenler. Sizler i?in de her bir detay anlat?larak ad?m ad?m bu i?i nas?l yapabilece?inizi nas?l yard?mlar alabilece?iniz.
Who Killed Change?
Who Killed Change?
Ken Blanchard
By the bestselling author of The One Minute Manager, a business parable that teaches organizations to cope successfully with change. Every day organizations around the world launch change initiatives – often big, expensive ones - designed to improve the status quo. Yet 50 to 70 percent of these change efforts fail. A few perish suddenly, but many die painful, protracted deaths that drain the organization's resources, energy and morale. So, Who or what is killing change? That's what you'll find out in this delightful whodunit. The story features a Columbo-style detective named Agent who's investigating the murder of yet another Change. One by one, Agent interviews thirteen prime suspects, including a myopic leader named Vision; a chronically tardy manager named Urgency; an executive named Communication whose laryngitis makes communication all but impossible; and several other dubious characters. The suspects are sure to sound familiar, and you're bound to relate them to your own workplace. In the end, Agent solves the case in a way that will inspire you to become an effective Change Agent in your own organization.
Eyes Wide Open:How to Make Smart Decisions in a Confusing World
Eyes Wide Open:How to Make Smart Decisions in a Confusing World
Noreena Hertz
In ‘Eyes Wide Open’ Noreena Hertz does for decision-making what Daniel Kahneman did for thinking. ? Why should you be wary of experts? ? Are emails destroying your ability to think? ? How do you know which sources of information are credible? ? Whose advice should you trust? ‘Eyes Wide Open’ will help you through the data deluge and show you how to make better and smarter decisions. By weaving together cutting-edge research with real-world examples from Hollywood to Harry Potter, NASA to World War II spies, Hertz constructs a path to more astute and empowered decision-making in ten clear steps. With razor-sharp insight and an instinct for thought-provoking storytelling, she offers counterintuitive, effective guidance for making better choices—whether you are a businessperson, a professional, a patient, or a parent. ‘Eyes Wide Open’ is a game-changing book that empowers readers to become confident and wise decision-makers —savvy to how our emotions and habits can trip us up.
Excelen?a ?n management. Trei reguli pentru succes
Excelen?a ?n management. Trei reguli pentru succes
Linda A. Hill, Kent Lineback
Un program de preg?tire pentru managerii ?n formare ?Una dintre cele mai bune cinci c?r?i de business pentru cariera ta.“ – Wall Street Journal ?Sfaturi practice privitoare la tehnicile care ?i pot ajuta pe manageri s? devin? mai eficien?i.“– Forbes Drumul spre dob?ndirea pozi?iei de manager eficient este unul obositor ?i dificil. Te confrun?i cu a?tept?ri contradictorii din partea subordona?ilor, a superiorilor, a colegilor cu acela?i statut ca al t?u ?i a clien?ilor. Cum ai putea st?p?ni arta de a conduce? Cum s? faci fa?? dificult??ilor zilnice din activitatea de management? Excelen?a ?n management este un ghid indispensabil pentru autoevaluarea celor care ocup? pozi?ii de conducere ?i pentru ?n?elegerea lucrurilor pe care le pot face pentru a-?i ?mbun?t??i performan?ele. Sfaturile inteligente ?i practice, conceptele esen?iale ?i exemplele pe care le con?ine le vor permite at?t ?efilor afla?i la ?nceput de carier?, c?t ?i celor cu experien?? s?-?i ating? poten?ialul maxim de lider. Lectur? obligatorie pentru manageri! ?Un clasic modern.“ – Financial Times
When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long Term Capital Management
When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long Term Capital Management
Roger Lowenstein
Picking up where Liar’s Poker left off (literally, in the bond dealer’s desks of Salomon Brothers) the story of Long-Term Capital Management is of a group of elite investors who believed they could beat the market and, like alchemists, create limitless wealth for themselves and their partners. Founded by John Meriweather, a notoriously confident bond dealer, along with two Nobel prize winners and a floor of Wall Street’s brightest and best, Long-Term Captial Management was from the beginning hailed as a new gold standard in investing. It was to be the hedge fund to end all other hedge funds: a discreet private investment club limited to those rich enough to pony up millions. It became the banks’ own favourite fund and from its inception achieved a run of dizzyingly spectacular returns. New investors barged each other aside to get their investment money into LTCM’s hands. But as competitors began to mimic Meriweather’s fund, he altered strategy to maintain the fund’s performance, leveraging capital with credit on a scale not fully understood and never seen before. When the markets in Indonesia, South America and Russia crashed in 1998 LCTM’s investments crashed with them and mountainous debts accumulated. The fund was in melt-down, and threatening to bring down into its trillion-dollar black hole a host of financial instiutions from New York to Switzerland. It’s a tale of vivid characters, overwheening ambition, and perilous drama told, in Roger Lowenstein’s hands, with brilliant style and panache.
Hookah Nights: Tales from Cairo
Hookah Nights: Tales from Cairo
Anne-Marie Drosso
Anne-Marie Drosso's collection of fourteen short stories guides us through the turbulence of Egyptian modern history - from Gamal Abdel Nasser's early days of glory, to Abdel Fatah el-Sisi's recent assumption of power. Each story weaves a tapestry of hope, crisis and despair, illustrated through an array of characters trying to make sense of their lives in the face of social change and political turmoil. Drosso fictionalises potent segments of time from the mid-20th century onwards, revisiting illuminative figures from and affiliated with the 'Cradle of Civilisation'. The collection kicks off with 'Good Man', a story based on the life and death of writer and diplomat Herbert Norman (1909-1957), who was the Canadian Ambassador to Egypt (1955-1957) during the Suez Crisis. 'Lee is Coming' is loosely based on Lee Miller (1907-1977), the model, muse and photographer, following her divorce from an Egyptian businessman. These personal, often touching tales provide a seamless narrative to Egypt's tumultuous transitional phase.
Christensen Lars Saabye
Ce ve?i g?si ?n aceast? carte? Ve?i g?si ?nt?mpl?ri ?i pove?ti care seam?n? izbitor cu cele pe care le vedem ?n corpora?ii. Ve?i reg?si lucruri familiare, lucruri care v? plac, dar ?i lucruri care ?i vor pune pe g?nduri pe corporati?ti. Ve?i reg?si pove?ti despre situa?ii zilnice, colegii de birou, colegii de la alte birouri. ?i, nu ?n ultimul r?nd, v? ve?i reg?si pe fiecare dintre voi. De ce s? cump?ra?i o carte care v? poveste?te ceva ce tr?i?i zilnic? Poate pentru c? modul ?n care se poveste?te o s? v? plac? ?i o s? v? captiveze, pentru faptul c? e ca ?i cum cineva v-ar fi citit g?ndurile, pentru faptul c? doar vre?i s? v? sim?i?i bine descoperind mediul corporatist. Este o carte dedicat?, ?n principal, corpora?iilor ?i oamenilor care lucreaz? ?n ele, adic? despre noi, corporati?tii. ?ntr-un ton optimist ?i, sper, amuzant.
Gordon Ramsay’s Playing with Fire
Gordon Ramsay’s Playing with Fire
Gordon Ramsay
The bestselling follow-up to Humble Pie, now in paperback. When he was struggling to get his first restaurant in the black, Gordon Ramsay never imagined he'd be famous for a TV show about how to run profitable eateries, or that he'd be head of a business empire. But he is and he did. Here's how. "In the beginning there was nothing. Not a sausage - penniless, broke, fucking nothing - and although, at a certain age, that didn’t matter hugely, there came a time when hand-me-downs, cast-offs and football boots of odd sizes all pointed to a problem that seemed to have afflicted me, my mum, my sisters, Ronnie and the whole lot of us. It was as though we had been dealt the ‘all-time dysfunctional’ poker hand. I wish I could say that, from this point on, the penny dropped and I decided to do something about it, but it wasn’t like that. It would take years before the lessons of life, business and money began to click into place - before, as they say, I had a pot to piss in. This is the story of how those lessons were learned." This is Gordon Ramsay at his raw, rugged best. PLAYING WITH FIRE is the amazing story of Gordon’s journey from sous-chef to superstar. In his no-holds-barred style, Gordon shares his passion for risk and adventure and his hard-won success secrets.
Rajtad a szemem
Rajtad a szemem
Teresa Driscoll
"Imádsz írni? Szeretnéd, ha olvasnák is? Még jobb lenne, ha megvennék, amit írsz?Gondolj csak bele, rajtad kívül még milliónyian akarnak írók lenni, s még t?bben blogszerz?k, cikkírók. ?riási a kínálat, mennyi az esély, hogy téged észrevesznek? ?s ha észrevesznek, mennyien fognak olvasni? S, ha olvasnak elegen, hogyan éred el, hogy vegyenek is t?led? S, ha még ezt el is éred, tudod, honnan veszed mindehhez az id?t? Ha elgondolkodtál ezeken, akkor máris tudod, milyen értékes, ha valaki helyetted már elgondolkodott ezeken a kérdéseken, megkereste a megoldásokat, és számodra id?t, fáradtságot spórolva a ?kezedbe adja”." Van egy bizonyos pszichológiai folyamat, amin az olvasó átmegy,amikor megismeri az írásaidat. Ha ennek ismeretében és figyelembevételével építed fel a kommunikációdat, az nagyon jól fog m?k?dni. Biztosan azt szeretnéd, ha egyre t?bb olvasód és/vagy vev?d lenne. Ha alkalmazod a k?nyvben bemutatott lépéseket, az olvasókat k?nnyen eléred, majd lépésr?l-lépésre végigviszed azon a folyamaton, amely érdekl?d?b?l visszatér? olvasót és lelkes vásárlót alakít. Ez a világ egyik legcsodálatosabb folyamata: Te egyre lelkesebben írsz és az olvasók egyre jobban várják, az új munkáidat. Mindezt úgy, hogy nem nyomulsz, hanem ellenkez?leg, olyan szimpatikusan csinálod, hogy ?r?m?t okoz újra és újra visszatérni, olvasni és megvásárolni a m?veidet.