Matplotlib 2.x By Example
Unlock deeper insights into visualization in form of 2D and 3D graphs using Matplotlib 2.x About This Book ? Create and customize live graphs, by adding style, color, font to make appealing graphs. ? A complete guide with insightful use cases and examples to perform data visualizations with Matplotlib's extensive toolkits. ? Create timestamp data visualizations on 2D and 3D graphs in form of plots, histogram, bar charts, scatterplots and more. Who This Book Is For This book is for anyone interested in data visualization, to get insights from big data with Python and Matplotlib 2.x. With this book you will be able to extend your knowledge and learn how to use python code in order to visualize your data with Matplotlib. Basic knowledge of Python is expected. What You Will Learn ? Familiarize with the latest features in Matplotlib 2.x ? Create data visualizations on 2D and 3D charts in the form of bar charts, bubble charts, heat maps, histograms, scatter plots, stacked area charts, swarm plots and many more. ? Make clear and appealing figures for scientific publications. ? Create interactive charts and animation. ? Extend the functionalities of Matplotlib with third-party packages, such as Basemap, GeoPandas, Mplot3d, Pandas, Scikit-learn, and Seaborn. ? Design intuitive infographics for effective storytelling. In Detail Big data analytics are driving innovations in scientific research, digital marketing, policy-making and much more. Matplotlib offers simple but powerful plotting interface, versatile plot types and robust customization. Matplotlib 2.x By Example illustrates the methods and applications of various plot types through real world examples. It begins by giving readers the basic know-how on how to create and customize plots by Matplotlib. It further covers how to plot different types of economic data in the form of 2D and 3D graphs, which give insights from a deluge of data from public repositories, such as Quandl Finance. You will learn to visualize geographical data on maps and implement interactive charts. By the end of this book, you will become well versed with Matplotlib in your day-to-day work to perform advanced data visualization. This book will guide you to prepare high quality figures for manu*s and presentations. You will learn to create intuitive info-graphics and reshaping your message crisply understandable. Style and approach Step by step comprehensive guide filled with real world examples.

NativeScript for Angular Mobile Development
Learn NativeScript to build native mobile applications with Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript About This Book ? Power packed hands-on guide to help you become pro-efficient with NativeScript ? Harness the power of your web development skills with JavaScript and Angular to build cross-platform mobile apps ? Create highly maintainable and feature-rich apps with TypeScript and NativeScript APIs Who This Book Is For This book assumes you have a general understanding of TypeScript, have heard of NativeScript and know what it's about, and are familiar with Angular (2.0). You don't need to be an expert in any of these technologies, but having some sense of them before reading is recommended this book, which is ideal for intermediate to advanced users. What You Will Learn ? Bootstrap a NativeScript for Angular app ? Best practices for project organization ? Style your app with CSS/SASS ? Use Angular together with NativeScript to create cross-platform mobile apps ? Take advantage of powerful Angular features, such as Dependency Injection, Components, Directives, Pipes, and NgModules right within your NativeScript apps ?Gain insight into great project organization and best practices ?Use Objective C/Swift and Java APIs directly from TypeScript ?Use rich framework features and third-party plugins ?Style your app with CSS/SASS ?Integrate @ngrx/store + @ngrx/effects to help with state management ?Test your app with Karma and Appium In Detail NativeScript is an open source framework that is built by Progress in order to build truly native mobile apps with TypeScript, JavaScript or just Angular which is an open source framework built by Google that offers declarative templates, dependency injection, and fully featured modules to build rich applications. Angular’s versatile view handling architecture allows your views to be rendered as highly performant UI components native to iOS and Android mobile platforms. This decoupling of the view rendering layer in Angular combined with the power of native APIs with NativeScript have together created the powerful and exciting technology stack of NativeScript for Angular. This book focuses on the key concepts that you will need to know to build a NativeScript for Angular mobile app for iOS and Android. We’ll build a fun multitrack recording studio app, touching on powerful key concepts from both technologies that you may need to know when you start building an app of your own. The structure of the book takes the reader from a void to a deployed app on both the App Store and Google Play, serving as a reference guide and valuable tips/tricks handbook. By the end of this book, you’ll know majority of key concepts needed to build a successful NativeScript for Angular app. Style and approach This step-by-step advanced tutorial focuses on the key concepts you need to know to build a NativeScript for Angular mobile app for iOS and Android.

Microsoft HoloLens By Example
Get to grips with HoloLens development as you create mixed reality apps from scratch About This Book ? Create awesome Augmented Reality (AR) apps for the Microsoft HoloLens platform ? Unleash the power of Unity SDK for HoloLens to create next generation AR apps ? Explore the exciting world of gesture control, visual mapping, voice command for apps, and many more cutting edge possibilities with HoloLens Who This Book Is For This book is for developers who have some experience with programming in any of the major languages such as C#, C++, and so on. You do need any knowledge of Augmented Reality development. What You Will Learn ? Extend the computing experience beyond the flat glass screen by placing and embedding virtual objects holograms) into the physical world ? Interact with the holograms using gaze, gestures, and voice ? Enhance the experience with spatial sound ? Allow multiple users to naturally collaborate with each other ? Integrate voice commands into your own HoloLens projects ? Experiment with techniques to better understand the real world ? Implement a user interface in Mixed Reality ? Blend the virtual and physical world by making the holograms interact and react to the physical environment In Detail Are you a developer who is fascinated with Microsoft HoloLens and its capabilities? Do you want to learn the intricacies of working with the HoloLens SDK and create your own apps? If so, this is the book for you. This book introduces and demystifies the HoloLens platform and introduces new ways you can interact with computers (Mixed Reality). It will teach you the important concepts, get you excited about the possibilities, and give you the tools to continue exploring and experimenting. You will go through the journey of creating four independent examples throughout the book, two using DirectX and two using Unity. You will learn to implement spatial mapping and gesture control, incorporate spatial sound, and work with different types of input and gaze. You will also learn to use the Unity 5 SDK for HoloLens and create apps with it. Collectively, the apps explore the major concepts of HoloLens, but each app is independent, giving you the flexibility to choose where to start (and end). Style and approach This book takes an example-based approach where you’ll build AR apps with increasing difficulty. You will learn more about HoloLens platform as well as AR app development in general.

Mastering Android Studio 3
Unleash the power of Android Studio 3 to develop mobile applications faster and efficiently. About This Book ? Use Android Studio not just as an IDE but as a complete testing and build solution ? Produce customized APKs with Gradle to suit various versions of an app, such as test versions and free versions of an otherwise paid app. ? Explore all aspects of UI development and testing using working XML and Java examples. ? Learn seamless migration from Eclipse and other development platforms to Android Studio. Who This Book Is For This book targets developers, with experience of developing for Android, who are new to Android Studio or wish to migrate from another IDE such as Eclipse. This book will show you how to get the utmost from this powerful tool. What You Will Learn ? Create styles, themes, and material designs ? Set up, configure, and run virtual devices using the AVD manager ? Improve the design of your application using support libraries ? Learn about GitHub libraries ? Use emulators to design layouts for a wide variety of devices, including wearables. ? Improve application performance in terms of memory, speed, and power usage In Detail Android Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) designed for developing Android apps. As with most development processes, Android keeps resources and logic nicely separated, and so this book covers the management of imagery and other resources, and the development and testing tools provided by the IDE. After introducing the software, the book moves straight into UI development using the sophisticated, WYSIWYG layout editor and XML code to design and test complex interfaces for a wide variety of screen configurations. With activity design covered, the book continues to guide the reader through application logic development, exploring the latest APIs provided by the SDK. Each topic will be demonstrated by working code samples that can be run on a device or emulator. One of Android Studio's greatest features is the large number of third-party plugins available for it, and throughout the book we will be exploring the most useful of these, along with samples and libraries that can be found on GitHub. The final module of the book deals with the final stages of development: building and distribution. The book concludes by taking the reader through the registration and publication processes required by Google. By the time you have finished the book, you will be able to build faster, smoother, and error-free Android applications, in less time and with fewer complications than you ever thought possible. Style and approach This is a step-by-step guide with examples demonstrating how Android Studio can be used as a complete solution for developing, testing, and deploying apps from start to finish.

Perl 6 Deep Dive
Learn Perl 6 effortlessly to solve everyday problems About This Book ? Filled with practical examples, this comprehensive guide explores all aspects of Perl 6. ? Leverage the power of Perl 6 concurrency to develop responsive and high-performant software. ? Delves into various programming paradigms (such as Object Oriented, functional, and reactive) that can be adopted by Perl 6 developers to write effective code. Who This Book Is For This book is for developers who would like to learn the Perl programming language. A basic knowledge of programming is assumed. What You Will Learn ? Learn the background from which Perl 6 appeared and how it developed. ? How to use Rakudo to run your programs. ? Various Perl 6 built-in types and details about their behavior ? Understand how scalar variables, hash variables, and arrays work ? Create meta operators and hyper operators ? How classes work and how to build software based on the Object Oriented Paradigm ? How Perl 6 provides support for concurrency, functional programming, and reactive programming. In Detail Perl is a family of high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages consisting of Perl 5 and Perl 6. Perl 6 helps developers write concise and declarative code that is easy to maintain. This book is an end-to-end guide that will help non-Perl developers get to grips with the language and use it to solve real-world problems. Beginning with a brief introduction to Perl 6, the first module in the book will teach you how to write and execute basic programs. The second module delves into language constructs, where you will learn about the built-in data types, variables, operators, modules, subroutines, and so on available in Perl 6. Here the book also delves deeply into data manipulation (for example, strings and text files) and you will learn how to create safe and correct Perl 6 modules. You will learn to create software in Perl by following the Object Oriented Paradigm. The final module explains in detail the incredible concurrency support provided by Perl 6. Here you will also learn about regexes, functional programming, and reactive programming in Perl 6. By the end of the book, with the help of a number of examples that you can follow and immediately run, modify, and use in practice, you will be fully conversant with the benefits of Perl 6. Style and approach This book will take you through essential Perl 6 concepts so you can implement them immediately

Puppet 5 Essentials - Third Edition
A Guide to managing servers and automation About This Book ? Breeze through Puppet's key features and performance improvements to bring real advantages to your IT infrastructure ? Discover Puppet best practices to help you avoid common mistakes and pitfalls ? Examples to help you get to grips with Puppet and succeed with everyday IT automation Who This Book Is For This book targets experienced IT professionals and new Puppet uses, who will learn all they need to know to go from installation to advanced automation. Get a rapid introduction to the essential topics and learn how to build best practices for advanced automation with Puppet. What You Will Learn ? Understand declarative configuration management ? Make use of GIT-based deployment workflows ? Extend Factor with secure elements ? Create modular and reusable Puppet code ? Extend your code base with publicly available Puppet modules ? Separate logic from data by using Hiera ? Understand and develop Puppet Roles and Profiles In Detail Puppet is a configuration management tool that allows you to automate all your IT configurations, giving you control over what you do to each Puppet Agent in a network, and when and how you do it. In this age of digital delivery and ubiquitous Internet presence, it's becoming increasingly important to implement scaleable and portable solutions, not only in terms of software, but also the system that runs it. This book gets you started quickly with Puppet and its tools in the right way. It highlights improvements in Puppet and provides solutions for upgrading. It starts with a quick introduction to Puppet in order to quickly get your IT automation platform in place. Then you learn about the Puppet Agent and its installation and configuration along with Puppet Server and its scaling options. The book adopts an innovative structure and approach, and Puppet is explained with flexible use cases that empower you to manage complex infrastructures easily. Finally, the book will take readers through Puppet and its companion tools such as Facter, Hiera, and R10k and how to make use of tool chains. Style and approach This book aims to impart all the knowledge required to tap into not only the basics of Puppet, but also its core. The basic ideas and principles of Puppet-based designs are explored and explained. Sophisticated tools are presented to enable you to use Puppet efficiently and productively.

Swift 4 Programming Cookbook
Over 50 recipes to help you quickly and efficiently build applications with Swift 4 and Xcode 9 About This Book ? Write robust and efficient code and avoid common pitfalls using Swift 4 ? Get a comprehensive coverage of the tools and techniques needed to create multi-platform apps with Swift 4 ? Packed with easy-to-follow recipes, this book will help you develop code using the latest version of Swift Who This Book Is For If you are looking for a book to help you learn about the diverse features offered by Swift 4 along with tips and tricks to efficiently code and build applications, then this book is for you. Basic knowledge of Swift or general programming concepts will be beneficial. What You Will Learn ? Explore basic to advanced concepts in Swift 4 Programming ? Unleash advanced features of Apple's Xcode 9 IDE and Swift Playgrounds ? Learn about the conditional statements, loops, and how to handle errors in Swift ? Define flexible classes and structs using Generics, and learn about the advanced operators, and create custom operators ? Explore functionalities outside of the standard libraries of Swift ? Import your own custom functionality into Swift Playgrounds ? Run Swift on Linux and investigate server-side programming with the server side framework Vapor In Detail Swift 4 is an exciting, multi-platform, general-purpose programming language. Being open source, modern and easy to use has made Swift one of the fastest growing programming languages. If you interested in exploring it, then this book is what you need. The book begins with an introduction to the basic building blocks of Swift 4, its syntax and the functionalities of Swift constructs. Then, introduces you to Apple's Xcode 9 IDE and Swift Playgrounds, which provide an ideal platform to write, execute, and debug the codes thus initiating your development process. Next, you'll learn to bundle variables into tuples, set order to your data with an array, store key-value pairs with dictionaries and you'll learn how to use the property observers. Later, explore the decision-making and control structures in Swift and learn how to handle errors in Swift 4. Then you'll, examine the advanced features of Swift, generics and operators, and then explore the functionalities outside of the standard library, provided by frameworks such as Foundation and UIKit. Also, you'll explore advanced features of Swift Playgrounds. At the end of the book, you'll learn server-side programming aspect of Swift 4 and see how to run Swift on Linux and then investigate Vapor, one of the most popular server-side frameworks for Swift. Style and approach Each recipe addresses a specific problem, with a detailed discussion that explains the solution and offers insight into how it works.

SharePoint Development with the SharePoint Framework
Design and create beautiful solutions using modern development tools for SharePoint Online About This Book ? Get the best out of the latest Sharepoint Framework and leverage the Sharepoint RESTful and JSOM APIs. ? Develop efficient client side applications with JavaScript injection and Sharepoint Addins. ? Get the best tips and tricks on designing your website flawlessly. Who This Book Is For This book targets current SharePoint developers, as well as people starting their journey on SharePoint development. The reader must have basic web development programming knowledge, including JavaScript and CSS. The reader should have familiarity using and managing SharePoint-based collaboration sites. What You Will Learn ? Understand what the SharePoint Framework is ? Create modern solutions using the new tools, approaches and frameworks ? Learn how to use Visual Studio Code for effective SharePoint development ? Package and deploy your code, using automation as needed ? Work with content and data stored in SharePoint ? Benefit from third party frameworks without having to build your own frameworks ? Debug and troubleshoot your code with ease ? Configure security in your application In Detail SharePoint is one of Microsoft's best known web platforms. A loyal audience of developers, IT Pros and power users use it to build line of business solutions. The SharePoint Framework (SPFx) is a great new option for developing SharePoint solutions. Many developers are creating full-trust based solutions or add-in solutions, while also figuring out where and how SPFx fits in the big picture. This book shows you how design, build, deploy and manage SPFx based solutions for SharePoint Online and SharePoint 2016. The book starts by getting you familiar with the basic capabilities of SPFx. After that, we will walk through the tool-chain on how to best create production-ready solutions that can be easily deployed manually or fully automated throughout your target Office 365 tenants. We describe how to configure and use Visual Studio Code, the de facto development environment for SPFx-based solutions. Next, we provide guidance and a solid approach to packaging and deploying your code. We also present a straightforward approach to troubleshooting and debugging your code an environment where business applications run on the client side instead of the server side. Style and approach The approach will be that of a practical tutorial which will take you through every topic using code samples and working examples.

WSO2 Developer’s Guide
WSO2 Made Simple – dive deep into the core concepts of WSO2 to overcome the challenges faced while using the Enterprise Integrator About This Book ? Design, create, and publish services in the WSO2 technology ? Integrate the WSO2 Enterprise Integrator with other components and servers ? Log and test deployed services Who This Book Is For If you are a Java solutions architect or developer and are keen to understand how to build enterprise applications with WSO2, this book is for you. No prior knowledge of WSO2 is expected. What You Will Learn ? Configure WSO2 Enterprise Integrator server in a production environment ? Create SOAP Proxies and REST APIs ? Interact with WSO2 Message Broker ? Write services using the new language: Ballerina ? Schedule automatic tasks for the services you create ? Manage log messages depending on the log level of the system ? Integrate with social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Yammer ? Test SOAP Services using the Tryit feature and SoapUI tool ? Work with Quality of Services In Detail WSO2 Enterprise Integrator brings together the most powerful servers provided by the WSO2 company for your SOA infrastructure. As an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), WSO2 Enterprise Integrator provides greater flexibility and agility to meet growing enterprise demands, whereas, as a Data Services Server (DSS), it provides an easy-to-use platform for integrating data stores, creating composite views across different data sources, and hosting data services. Using real-world scenarios, this book helps you build a solid foundation in developing enterprise applications with powerful data integration capabilities using the WSO2 servers. The book gets you started by brushing up your knowledge about SOA architecture and how it can be implemented through WSO2. It will help build your expertise with the core concepts of ESB such as building proxies, sequences, endpoints, and how to work with these in WSO2. Going further, you will also get well-acquainted with DSS data service concepts such as configuring data services, tasks, events, testing, and much more. The book will also cover API management techniques. Along with ESB and DSS, you will also learn about business process servers, the rules server and other components that together provide the control and robustness your enterprise applications will need. With practical use cases, the book covers typical daily scenarios you will come across while using these servers to give you hands-on experience. Style and approach The book is a complete guide and helps you get the right start—from understanding SOA architectures to getting valuable experience with two important integration servers such as ESB and DSS. It will include some real-world practical scenarios to help you master the best practices followed right across the industry and overcome the challenges you're likely to face on a daily basis.

OAuth 2.0 Cookbook
Efficiently integrate OAuth 2.0 to protect your mobile, desktop, Cloud applications and APIs using Spring Security technologies. About This Book ? Interact with public OAuth 2.0 protected APIs such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Google. ? Use Spring Security and Spring Security OAuth2 to implement your own OAuth 2.0 provider ? Learn how to implement OAuth 2.0 native mobile clients for Android applications Who This Book Is For This book targets software engineers and security experts who are looking to develop their skills in API security and OAuth 2.0. Prior programming knowledge and a basic understanding of developing web applications are necessary. As this book's recipes mostly use Spring Security and Spring Security OAuth2, some prior experience with Spring Framework will be helpful. What You Will Learn ? Use Redis and relational databases to store issued access tokens and refresh tokens ? Access resources protected by the OAuth2 Provider using Spring Security ? Implement a web application that dynamically registers itself to the Authorization Server ? Improve the safety of your mobile client using dynamic client registration ? Protect your Android client with Proof Key for Code Exchange ? Protect the Authorization Server from invalid redirection In Detail OAuth 2.0 is a standard protocol for authorization and focuses on client development simplicity while providing specific authorization flows for web applications, desktop applications, mobile phones, and so on. This book also provides useful recipes for solving real-life problems using Spring Security and creating Android applications. The book starts by presenting you how to interact with some public OAuth 2.0 protected APIs such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Google. You will also be able to implement your own OAuth 2.0 provider with Spring Security OAuth2. Next, the book will cover practical scenarios regarding some important OAuth 2.0 profiles such as Dynamic Client Registration, Token Introspection and how to revoke issued access tokens. You will then be introduced to the usage of JWT, OpenID Connect, and how to safely implement native mobile OAuth 2.0 Clients. By the end of this book, you will be able to ensure that both the server and client are protected against common vulnerabilities. Style and approach With the help of real-world examples, this book provides step by step recipes for troubleshooting and extending your API security. The book also helps you with accessing and securing data on mobile, desktop, and cloud apps with OAuth 2.0.

Mastering Software Testing with JUnit 5
A comprehensive, hands-on guide on unit testing framework for Java programming language About This Book ? In-depth coverage of Jupiter, the new programming and extension model provided by JUnit 5 ? Integration of JUnit 5 with other frameworks such as Mockito, Spring, Selenium, Cucumber, and Docker ? Best practices for writing meaningful Jupiter test cases Who This Book Is For This book is for Java software engineers and testers. If you are a Java developer who is keen on improving the quality of your code and building world class applications then this book is for you. Prior experience of the concepts of automated testing will be helpful. What You Will Learn ? The importance of software testing and its impact on software quality ? The options available for testing Java applications ? The architecture, features and extension model of JUnit 5 ? Writing test cases using the Jupiter programming model ? How to use the latest and advanced features of JUnit 5 ? Integrating JUnit 5 with existing third-party frameworks ? Best practices for writing meaningful JUnit 5 test cases ? Managing software testing activities in a living software project In Detail When building an application it is of utmost importance to have clean code, a productive environment and efficient systems in place. Having automated unit testing in place helps developers to achieve these goals. The JUnit testing framework is a popular choice among Java developers and has recently released a major version update with JUnit 5. This book shows you how to make use of the power of JUnit 5 to write better software. The book begins with an introduction to software quality and software testing. After that, you will see an in-depth analysis of all the features of Jupiter, the new programming and extension model provided by JUnit 5. You will learn how to integrate JUnit 5 with other frameworks such as Mockito, Spring, Selenium, Cucumber, and Docker. After the technical features of JUnit 5, the final part of this book will train you for the daily work of a software tester. You will learn best practices for writing meaningful tests. Finally, you will learn how software testing fits into the overall software development process, and sits alongside continuous integration, defect tracking, and test reporting. Style and approach The book offers definitive and comprehensive coverage of all the Unit testing concepts with JUnit and its features using several real world examples so that readers can put their learning to practice almost immediately. This book is structured in three parts: 1. Software testing foundations (software quality and Java testing) 2. JUnit 5 in depth (programming and extension model of JUnit 5) 3. Software testing in practice (how to write and manage JUnit 5 tests)

Drupal 8 Module Development
Learn to create and customize impressive Drupal 8 modules to extend your website's functionalities About This Book ? Unleash the power of Drupal 8 programming by creating efficient modules and extensions ? Explore a plethora of Drupal 8 APIs and get the best out of them using the power of PHP coding ? Learn to implement efficient data management and data security by creating dedicated modules for it. Who This Book Is For The primary target of this book is Drupal developers who want to learn how to write modules and carry out development in Drupal 8. It is also intended for Drupal site builders and PHP developers who have basic Object Oriented Programming skills. A little bit of Symfony experience is helpful but not mandatory. What You Will Learn ? Write a Drupal 8 module with custom functionality and hook into various extension points ? Master numerous Drupal 8 sub-systems and APIs ? Model, store, and manipulate data in various ways and for various purposes ? Display data and content in a presentable and secure way ? Learn about the theme system and render arrays In Detail Drupal is an open source web-based content management system (CMS) that can be used for building anything from simple websites to complex applications. It enables individuals and organizations to build platforms that engage users and deliver the right content at the right time. Drupal 8 is an exciting new development in the Drupal community. However, the differences from the previous version are substantial and this can put quite some pressure on Drupal 7 developers that need to catch up. This book aims to help such developers in getting up to speed with Drupal 8 module development. The book first introduces you to the Drupal 8 architecture and its subsystems before diving into creating your first module with basic functionality. Building upon that, you will cover many core APIs and functionalities available to module developers. You will work with the Drupal logging and mailing systems, learn how to output data using the theme layer and work with menus and links programmatically. Then, you will learn how to work with different kinds of data storages, create custom entities, field types and leverage the Database API for lower level database queries. Moreover, you will learn about the Drupal 8 access system and caching layer as well as the APIs used for data processing (queues and batches). You will further see how to introduce java* into your module, work with the various file systems and ensure the code you write works on multilingual sites. Finally, you will learn how to programmatically work with Views, write automated tests for your functionality and also write secure code in general. By the end of the book, you will have learned how to develop your own custom module from scratch that can help solve a small problem or even provide complex functionality. And who knows, maybe you’ll even contribute it back to the Drupal community. Style and approach This book aims to introduce PHP developers to programming concepts specific to Drupal 8 to get them started on writing their own functionality with Drupal 8 and create efficient Drupal 8 modules and extensions.

Azure for Architects
Your one stop guide to making the most out of Azure Cloud About This Book ? Get familiar with the different design patterns available in Microsoft Azure ? Develop Azure cloud architecture and a pipeline management system ? Get to know the security best practices for your Azure deployment Who This Book Is For If you are Cloud Architects, DevOps Engineers, or developers who want to learn key architectural aspects of the Azure Cloud platform, then this book is for you. Prior basic knowledge of the Azure Cloud platform is good to have. What You Will Learn ? Familiarize yourself with the components of the Azure Cloud platform ? Understand the cloud design patterns ? Use enterprise security guidelines for your Azure deployment ? Design and implement Serverless solutions ? See Cloud architecture and the deployment pipeline ? Understand cost management for Azure solutions In Detail Over the years, Azure cloud services has grown quickly, and the number of organizations adopting Azure for their cloud services is also gradually increasing. Leading industry giants are finding that Azure fulfills their extensive cloud requirements. This book will guide you through all the important and tough decision-making aspects involved in architecturing a Azure public cloud for your organization. The book starts with an extensive introduction to all the categories of designs available with Azure. These design patterns focus on different aspects of cloud such as high availability, data management, and so on. Gradually, we move on to various aspects such as building your cloud structure and architecture. It will also include a brief de*ion about different types of services provided by Azure, such as Azure functions and Azure Analytics, which can prove beneficial for an organization. This book will cover each and every aspect and function required to develop a Azure cloud based on your organizational requirements. By the end of this book, you will be in a position to develop a full-fledged Azure cloud. Style and approach This hands-on guide to the Azure Cloud platform covers different architectural concepts and implementations necessary for any enterprise scale deployment.

Learning Microsoft Cognitive Services - Second Edition
Learn to build interactive and efficient applications by leveraging 24 effective cognitive services APIs powered by Microsoft About This Book ? Explore the capabilities of 24 of the APIs released as part of the Cognitive Services platform ? Build intelligent apps that combine the power of computer vision, speech recognition, and language processing ? Give your apps human-like cognitive intelligence with this hands-on guide Who This Book Is For .NET developers who want to add AI capabilities to their applications will find this book useful. No knowledge of machine learning or AI is necessary to work through this book. What You Will Learn ? Identify a person through visual inspection and audio ? Reduce user effort by utilizing AI-like capabilities ? Understand how to analyze images and text in different ways ? Find out how to analyze images using Vision APIs ? Add video analysis to applications using Vision APIs ? Utilize Search to find anything you want ? Analyze text to extract information and explore text structure In Detail Microsoft has revamped its Project Oxford to launch the all new Cognitive Services platform-a set of 30 APIs to add speech, vision, language, and knowledge capabilities to apps. This book will introduce you to 24 of the APIs released as part of Cognitive Services platform and show you how to leverage their capabilities. More importantly, you'll see how the power of these APIs can be combined to build real-world apps that have cognitive capabilities. The book is split into three sections: computer vision, speech recognition and language processing, and knowledge and search. You will be taken through the vision APIs at first as this is very visual, and not too complex. The next part revolves around speech and language, which are somewhat connected. The last part is about adding real-world intelligence to apps by connecting them to Knowledge and Search APIs. By the end of this book, you will be in a position to understand what Microsoft Cognitive Service can offer and how to use the different APIs. Style and approach This book takes you through essential API capabilities and shows how to utilize them to suit the needs of your application.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Cookbook
Gain useful insights to help you efficiently build, test, and migrate customized solutions on Business Central cloud and on-premise platforms Key Features * Explore enhanced functionalities and development best practices in Business Central * Develop powerful Business Central projects using the AL language * Master the new Business Central with easy-to-follow recipes Book Description Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a complete business management solution that can help you streamline business processes, connect individual departments in your company, and enhance customer interactions. Ok. That first part was really professional sounding, right? Now, let’s get into what this cookbook is going to do for you: put simply, it’s going to help you get things done. This book will help you get to grips with the latest development features and tools for building applications using Business Central. You’ll find recipes that will guide you in developing and testing applications that can be deployed to the cloud or on-premises. For the old-schoolers out there, you’ll also learn how to take your existing Dynamics NAV customizations and move them to the new AL language platform. Also, if you haven’t figured it out already, we’re going to be using very normal language throughout the book to keep things light. After all, developing applications is fun, so why not have fun learning as well! What you will learn * Build and deploy Business Central applications * Use the cloud or local sandbox for application development * Customize and extend your base Business Central application * Create external applications that connect to Business Central * Create automated tests and debug your applications * Connect to external web services from Business Central Who this book is for This book is for Dynamics developers and administrators who want to become efficient in developing and deploying applications in Business Central. Basic knowledge and understanding of Dynamics application development and administration is assumed.

Scaling Big Data with Hadoop and Solr - Second Edition
This book is aimed at developers, designers, and architects who would like to build big data enterprise search solutions for their customers or organizations. No prior knowledge of Apache Hadoop and Apache Solr/Lucene technologies is required.

ArcGIS for Desktop Cookbook
This book is a good companion to get you quickly acquainted with everything you need to increase your productivity with the ArcGIS Desktop. It would be helpful to have a bit of familiarity with basic GIS concepts. If you have no previous experience with ArcGIS, this book will still be helpful for you because it will help you catch up to the acquainted users from a practical point of view.

Learning Data Mining with Python
If you are a programmer who wants to get started with data mining, then this book is for you.

Learning Highcharts
A complete practical and comprehensive tutorial with clear and step-by-step instructions along with many examples. It's packed with examples, code samples and practical tips in a no-nonsense way. This book is both for beginners and advanced web developers who need to create interactive charts for their web applications. It primarily targets JavaScript Web developers who want to use the Highcharts library to prepare interactive and professional-quality charts and graphs for their applications quickly and easily. Prior experience with JavaScript is assumed.

Deploying Node.js
If you are an intermediate or advanced developer deploying your Node.js applications, then this book is for you. If you have already built a Node application or module and want to take your knowledge to the next level, this book will help you find your way.

Elasticsearch Blueprints
If you are a data enthusiast and would like to explore and specialize on search technologies based on Elasticsearch, this is the right book for you. A compelling case-to-case mapping of features and implementation of Elasticsearch to solve many real-world use cases makes this book the right choice to start and specialize on Elasticsearch.