

YS/T 5226-2016 水质分析规程
YS/T 5226-2016 水质分析规程
  本书按智能电网包含的类别分成12章,每章独成体系就国内外技术与产业发展现状、未来发展趋势、发展前景与路线图行深分析研究,而提出各自的发展对策与建议,后汇总各个环节的研究结果,整体提出我国智能电网产业发展环境及对策、建议,展望未来智能电网的发展趋势。   第1~12章分别为智能电网概论、电力传感器与传感网、测量系统与保护控制、电网信息通信与计算、分布式电网、智能用电与智能园区、电力电子器件与装置、智能高压电气设备、电力储能系统、超导电力技术、我国智能电网产业发展环境及对策建议、智能电网的全球制高和发展路线。   本书将普及性、科学性有机地统一起来,既具有一定的思想、理论深度,又具有浅显易懂、实用的特,并且本书按智能电网包含的类别行章节划分,将差异性与整体性有机统一起来,方便各分行业读者阅读。本书既适合政府部门、行业决策机构制定政策法规,电气与信息行业学术研究机构规划研究方向参考,也适合电气与信息企业决策者,技术、管理及市场人员,以及投资、证券行业及咨询机构的人员在规划、投资、研究、项目实施中使用。
《史记》是中国史书中的一部巨著,也是古代文化的百科全书。 全书一百三十卷,记述自黄帝始至汉武帝止约三千年的历史,书写上至帝王将相、下至市井小民的故事。可对于小学生读者来说,其篇幅内容浩繁,且以古文写就,文字难懂。 杨富森教授从《史记》中精心挑选出四百多位历史人物的精彩故事,其中有帝王、哲人、贤士、辩士、君子、英才、将相等,涵盖小学阶段必知《史记》人物、故事、时间表;以更加适合小学生阅读的口吻编写,突出故事性和可读性;轻松拓展考纲+课纲内容,史学、文学、国学知识一本全到位。
本书稿收录了吴汉东教授在知识产权应用问题研究方面的代表性文章,收集了作者大量的研究成果。这些成果专注于知识产权法律科学的基础理论体系和知识产权制度建设的重大现实问题,具有较高的出版价值。第二版在版的基础上补充了之前遗漏的几篇文章,从而使文集内容更全面。 知识产权的创新和应用、保护逐渐成为企业发展保驾护航的有力工具以及推动社会经济发展的驱动力。然而,由于政策、人员、环境等各方面的影响,在知识产权的创造和实际转化、应用上,仍然存在较大的困难。结合实际应用过程中遇到的问题,本书剖析了知识产权转化应用的常见方式和程序,并分析了导致科技成果转化不畅的因素。分为政策运用与战略实施、法律制定与规范适用和制度评价与法律完善三编。
Legal Aspects of Medicines 2nd Edition
Legal Aspects of Medicines 2nd Edition
Dimond, Bridgit
Concise overview of the laws relating to the supply, administration and prescribing of medicines. User-friendly format for easy reference on the job, or a handy revision aid. Highly practical with case studies throughout to demonstrate application of theory into practice and revised and updated to reflect current law. This book is intended for all health professionals who are likely to be involved in the dispensing, administration, prescribing or supply of medication, whether in hospitals or in the community. It may also be of assistance to others, such as health service managers, patient groups and their representatives, lecturers and clinical supervisors. Each chapter uses a situation to illustrate the relevant laws so that the law can be explained in a practical jargon-free way. The book is intended to introduce readers to the basic principles which apply and the sources of law, so that they can, by following up the further reading and websites provided, add to their knowledge. This book will provide a baseline on which readers can develop their knowledge and understanding of the law relating to medicines.
Legal Aspects of Patient Confidentiality 2nd edition
Legal Aspects of Patient Confidentiality 2nd edition
Dimond, Bridgit
This revised and updated edition explores the law relating to patient confidentiality and reflects the recent legislation in the field. The text is written in a jargon free, non-legalistic way to allow the reader to understand the principles and how they apply to practice. The book is aimed at all health professionals who care for the patient, and for patient service managers, patient groups, relatives and anybody who is interested in understanding the law relating to patient confidentiality. The book includes case studies throughout.
Legal Aspects of Health and Safety
Legal Aspects of Health and Safety
Dimond, Bridgit
Presented in a clear and concise format that makes for easy reference and understanding, this revised and updated edition covers issues that are becoming increasingly important to health professionals, managers and educators, including proposed changes to the law since Lord Young's 2010 report Common Sense, Common Safety. Topics include cross infection and the spread of MRSA, greater regulation of health and safety standards, stress and bullying and the laws relating to notifiable diseases such as HIV/AIDS. Illustrated with case studies throughout, this book is designed to provide a clear introduction to the laws relating to health and safety, case law and statute law, so that the health professional has a sound understanding of the law.
Cultural Challenge
Cultural Challenge
Andricopoulos, Yannis
A collection of the three volumes by Yannis Andricopoulos on ancient Greek wisdom applied to modern culture and society, including:- Volume 1: In Bed with Madness- Volume 2: The Greek Inheritance- Volume 3: The Future of the PastIn Bed with MadnessGlobalism endowed us with McDonald's, 'the world's local bank', English football teams without English players and an irrepressible desire for more as enough is never good enough - the blanket is always too short. Our personal world as much as our social and political realities seem to have blithely surrendered to the madness of a civilization which views anything from corporate greed and global warming to military adventures and religious fundamentalism as normal as a door banging in the wind. The destructive capabilities of our age have run too far ahead of our wisdom. However, the process is not irreversible if our thinking can postpone its retirement. In Bed with Madness is 'a well-argued, powerful and profound indictment of contemporary culture', stylishly written - a reviewer said he would have bought it just for its humour!The Greek InheritanceThe culture of ancient Greece, a culture of joy, was replaced by the Judaeo-Christian culture of faith and then by the capitalist culture of profit. Yet it is the only culture worth fighting for if we want a world run by humans rather than theocracies, nanotechnologies or private equity funds. Yannis Andricopoulos views the Greek culture as the front line of the battle against individualism, materialism, authoritarianism and religious extremism. In a world turned into the corporations' playground, this is also the battle for human values, civic virtues and an ethical society. The Greek Inheritance traces the conflict between Greek values and those of the repressive, religious or capitalist order throughout the millennia. The book is challenging and well-written with a light, humorous touch.The Future of the PastUniversalism in its old forms has, just like door-to-door milkmen, gone for good. But the search for some universally accepted ethical standards cannot be abandoned - values are not colourless as the wind and odourless as thoughts. Looking into our world from the classical Greek point of view, Yannis Andricopoulos wonders whether we cannot place Justice again at the heart of our morality, look forward to the happiness of the individual rather than the upgrading of his or her consumer fantasies, and endeavour to create, not more wealth, but a just and honourable world. The Future of the Past is written in 'a lively, challenging style guaranteeing to stimulate debate on the most pressing issues of our time'.
Legal Aspects of Pain Management 2nd Edition
Legal Aspects of Pain Management 2nd Edition
Dimond, Bridgit
This revised and updated edition explores the law relating to pain management in recent years.It considers the legal issues which have arisn in recent high-profile cases and discusses the implications of legisation extending prescribing powers. The text is written in a user-friendly, readable form for the non-lawyer. It aims to provide a succinct, useful basis from which practtioner and others can extend their knowledge of the law for the protection of their patients, their colleagues and themselves. Scope and contents Human rights law Criminal law and procedure Negligence Professional registration Consent in relation to adults, children and mentally disabled adults.
Complete Guide to Precision Reflexology 2nd Edition
Complete Guide to Precision Reflexology 2nd Edition
Williamson, Jan
This edition provides a complete guide to precision reflexology, covering the basic techniques and knowledge and now includes a new chapter on the latest advanced techniques which have developed in recent years by the author. Redesigned into a user friendly format. Photos have been updated throughout. This text is appropriate for those practitioners already using this technique and for those who have yet to discover it. Precision Reflexology holds the same rationale as other forms of reflexology. It focuses on stimulating "e;reflex points"e; on the feet to maintain good health. Precision work connects to a person energetically, responds to the needs of each individual and aims to maintain natural balance. It does not rely on physical pressure but, at the same time, it can be powerful and effective. It can be taught in its own right or it can be adapted to enhance other forms of reflexology in post-graduate training. It provides an added dimension to a treatment and reflects an Eastern approach to healthcare. This book offers a step-by-step guide, with illustrations and charts for its application.
Legal Aspects of Consent 2nd edition
Legal Aspects of Consent 2nd edition
Dimond, Bridgit
This second edition has been revised and updated to reflect current changes in legislation on consent in the medical and healthcare setting. This book explores the law relating to consent, covering both the general principles where the patient is a mentally competent adult, and also the specialist areas of mental incapacity, children and parents. The text is written for all health professionals who care for the patient, and for patient service managers, patient groups, relatives, lecturers and others who are interested in understanding the law relating to consent.
数学要素 全彩图解 + 微课 +Python 编程
数学要素 全彩图解 + 微课 +Python 编程
数据科学和机器学习已经深度融合到我们生活的方方面面,而数学正是启未来大门的钥匙。不是所 有人生来都握有一副好牌,但是掌握“数学 编程 机器学习”是王牌。这次,学习数学不再是为了考试、分数、升学,而是投资时间、自我实现、面向未来。为了让大家学数学、用数学,甚至爱上数学, 在创作这套书时,作者尽量克服传统数学教材的各种弊端,让大家学习时有兴趣、看得懂、有思考、更自信、用得着。 《数学要素:全彩图解 微课 Python编程》破数学板块的藩篱,将算数、代数、线性代数、几何、解析几何、概率统计、微积分、优化方法等板块有机结合在一起。从加、减、乘、除四则运算讲起,主要内容包括:第 1、2 章讲解向量和矩阵的基本运算;第 3 章讲解常用几何知识;第 4 章讲解代数知识;第 5、6 两章介绍坐标系;第 7、8、9 三章介绍解析几何;第 10 章到第 14 章都是围绕函数展;第 15 章到第 19 章讲解微积分以及优化问题内容;第20、21 两章是概率统计门;《数学要素:全彩图解 微课 Python编程》后四章以线性代数收尾。 《数学要素:全彩图解 微课 Python编程》内容编排上突出“图解 编程 机器学习应用”。讲解一些特定数学工具时,《数学要素:全彩图解 微课 Python编程》会穿插介绍其在数据科学和机器学习领域应用场景,让大家学以致用。 《数学要素:全彩图解 微课 Python编程》虽标榜“从加减乘除到机器学习”,但是建议读者至少具备高中数学知识。如果读者正在学习或曾经学过大学数学 ( 微积分、线性代数、概率统计 ),就更容易读了。
(美)Randall Hyde(兰德尔·海德)
本书介绍在使用高级语言编程时,程序员如何滴滴地提高程序运行效率,并在编写代码时,透彻地理解变量、数组、字符串、数据结构、过程与函数等方面各种方案的优缺,从而恰当运用。书中阐述计算机编程语言在底层硬件上的工作原理,引了一种被称为"高级汇编语言HLA”的学习工具。通过查看、比较编译器生成的汇编语言或机器代码,程序员能够了解代码的底层实现,以便在高级语言编程时选择恰当的方式高效地达到自身的目标。本书是一部提高程序员专业能力,以及通往编程大师之路的不可多得的佳作。 本书适合高等学校学生在掌握基本编程能力后,在有志于从事软件行业并精于此道时修炼使用,也可供已参加工作的程序员一步研修、优化工作技能时参考。此外,对于有意向编写编译器的程序员,此书可提供从普通应用到底层编译的衔,供他们学习初步的编译原理门知识。
《诗经》是中国历史上部诗歌总集,是中国文学与诗学审美的源头,也是理解中华传统文化精神与气味的起。本书为《诗经》做详解通释,先以阐明读诗基本方法的绪论为引领,再收录《诗经》全文,每首诗下又包含原文、诗旨、注音、词义、章句解说、旧注考辨、文学赏析等内容,注释详尽,可供不同层次和需求的读者用作阅读、学习与检索的参考书籍。 《诗经》存世悠久,注释版本众多,前人讲解中多有分歧之处。本书作者王静芝教授在20世纪下半叶台湾学术界及教育界声望卓著,曾长期任教于辅仁大学,历任中国文学系主任、中文研究所所长。他精研经史典籍数十载,以传习经典、续通文脉为己任,将毕生治诗的成果集于此书,“字注句解,贯串全章,单义简释,力求明快”,以望为“初学及自修者”提供一个简明平易的门径,一窥经典之基与诗史之美,是帮助今日读者与学人领会《诗经》全貌的经典之作。
Head to Head
Head to Head
Oliver Hill
Oliver Hill was, and is, a maverick. Born to an Establishment South African family – his father was an Anglo director – his future was pre-determined; a top school (Bishops), a first class degree at Wits University, on to Oxford, and then the steady climb up the Anglo-American corporate ladder.However, his parents recognised the rebel in Ollie and sent him to America where, with a first class degree in chemistry, he went to work for the famous “platinum king”, Charlie Engelhard, while waiting to see whether his application to Harvard Business School would be successful. He was accepted– although in the early ‘Sixties Harvard Business School was accepting no more than 20 foreign applicants a year. Ollie graduated with four distinctions – plus a lifelong passion for free thinking and, in particular, free markets.Returning to South Africa with a wife and daughter, and another child on the way, Ollie joined forces with a successful engineer, John Hahn, and together they founded a formidable independent force in the Southern African mining and chemicals industries.
Gannon, Michael
In May 1943, Allied sea and air forces won a stunning, dramatic, and vital victory over the largest and most powerful submarine force ever sent to sea, sinking forty-one German U-boats and damaging thirty-seven others. It was the forty-fifth month of World War II, and by the end of May the Germans were forced to acknowledge defeat and recall almost all of their remaining U-boats from the major traffic lanes of the North Atlantic. At U-Boat Headquarters in Berlin, despondent naval officers spoke of "Black May." It was a defeat from which the German U-boat fleet never recovered.Black May is a triumph of scholarship and narrative, an important work of history, and a great sea story. Acclaimed historian Michael Gannon, author of Operation Drumbeat, has done enormous research and produced the most thoroughly documented study ever done of these battles. In his compelling historical saga, the people are as significant as the technical information.Given the strategic importance of the events of May 1943, it is natural to ask, How did Black May happen and whyWho or what was responsibleWere new Allied tactics adopted or new weapons employed?This book answers those questions and many others. Drawing on original documents in German, British, U.S., and Canadian archives, as well as interviews with surviving participants, Gannon describes the exciting sea and air battles, frequently taking the reader inside the U-boats themselves, aboard British warships, onto the decks of torpedoed merchant ships, and into the cockpits of British and U.S. aircraft.Throughout, Gannon tells the Black May story from both the German and Allied perspectives, often using the actual words of captains and crews. Finally, he allows the reader to "listen in" on secretly recorded conversations of captured U-boat men in POW quarters during that same incredible month, giving intimate and moving access to the thoughts and emotions of seamen that is unparalleled in naval literature. Rarely, if ever, has the U-boat war been presented so accurately, so graphically, and so personally as in Black May.
The Vitamix Cookbook
The Vitamix Cookbook
Berg, Jodi
The must-have cookbook from the chefs at VitamixFor the nearly one-hundred-year-old, family-run Vitamix company, health and vitality are in the name. The Vitamix Cookbook will change the way you think about ingredients by showing you how to incorporate more whole foods into your diet through delicious, easy-to-make recipes using a Vitamix blender. For these dishes, you can really use whole ingredients to make complete, satisfying meals in minutes. Blend the pineapple core, too fibrous to chew, into a refreshing Coconut-Pineapple Sherbet. Puree the whole tomato into Farmers' Market Marinara Sauce and use the sauce on top of homemade Polenta Pizza made from freshly ground cornmeal. Each of these 250 recipes relies on nutrient-dense whole foods, and with decreased prep time from blending, most come together in less than 30 minutes. By using the Vitamix to combine the flavors and nutrients in whole foods, you can improve your diet without sacrificing flavor or convenience. You will discover how to: chop vegetables in seconds for a savory soup that heats itself during the blending processmix your own flours and make bread doughmake innovative sauces and dressingsgrind fresh nut butterswhip up fresh juices, smoothies, nut milks, and even cocktailsand much more"With health, we have wealth!" Vitamix founder William Grover Barnard declared, and the immeasurable value of good health is reflected in every recipe in this book. Written by Jodi Berg, a fourth-generation member of the Barnard family and the Vitamix president and CEO, The Vitamix Cookbook includes dozens of gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan recipes, as well as inspiring success stories of a whole foods lifestyle. It is the essential cookbook for longtime Vitamix users—or anyone just discovering the marvels of the machine that has transformed the lives of home cooks for generations.