
透视浙村 历史文化村落保护利用的浙江探索与实践
历史文化村落是人类聚居的一种重要类型,是中华农耕文明的见证者和活化石,是历史创造的不可再生的重要遗产。本书聚焦浙江,在充分的田野调研和翔实的数据梳理基础上,以理论研究为支撑,构建具有指导意义的历史文化村落保护利用机制、模式、路径及绩效评价体系,以40个具有代表性和示范性的村落为例,阐释浙江历史文化村落保护利用的探索实践。本书分为上、下两篇,上篇着重对浙江地域环境、历史文化村落特征及保护利用评价、保护利用规划设计研究等做了详细的阐述和理论建构;下篇以地域为单位阐述代表村落的特征概貌、规划设计、建设实绩及保护利用模式与路径。 本书适合乡村规划建设人员、村落保护研究从业人员、各级规划建设管理人员、关心热爱村落保护发展的社会人士,以及高等院校城乡规划等相关专业师生阅读。




在众多情感联系中,有多少令你满意?有多少令你全然放松?又有多少令你患得患失、缺乏安全感? 个体在人际关系中体验到的程度不一的安全感(心理学家称之为依恋类型)是决定这些人际关系是否融洽且愉快的一个重要因素。 本书立足于依恋理论领域的核心观点,帮助读者确认自己及所关心之人的依恋方式,从而学会与生活中*重要的人建立更健康的关系。 这是一本依恋理论说明书,也是一本亲密关系修炼手册,书中提供以下内容。 *依恋小测验——确定你的安全感和不安全感得分,了解自己的依恋类型和行为倾向。 *依恋理论的基础知识——了解焦虑型依恋、回避型依恋和安全型依恋的特征、表现。 *不安全型依恋的应对措施——教你面对自己和他人的依恋模式,学会展开健康的沟通和交流。 *行为练习——了解自身局限,学会应对棘手情况,强化情感纽带,建立稳固、长久的亲密关系。 *不同依恋类型间的相互作用——提升人际关系质量,共同迎接外部挑战、应对危机。 你的过去不一定决定你的未来,无论处于何种关系,你都值得好好被爱。 我们害怕孤独,向往亲密,希望拥有一份亲密的友情或爱情,却往往在爱中受伤: 在友情中: ·你们常常因观念不一致而发生冲突,陷入受伤和无力…… ·你希望对方能为你疗愈痛苦,结果他却成了压垮你的*后一根稻草…… ·两个人的友情,突然挤进了第三个人,嫉妒、愤怒、悲伤占据了你的心…… 在爱情中: ·对方总是不及时回复消息,给你留下极度糟糕的幻想空间…… ·你无法忍受片刻的分离,丧失独立生活的能力,越爱越孤独…… ·你总是遇到“渣男”“渣女”,反复进入糟糕的亲密关系…… 这不禁让我们心生疑惑:为什么会如此呢?到底哪里才能找到好的亲密关系? 这就是本书要回答的问题。这是一本写给每个想要过得更幸福的人的亲密关系答疑书,包含两个部分,分享了亲密关系发展的6个阶段的不同重点,以及亲密关系中的核心议题与常见困惑。相信每个人读完,都会对亲密关系乃至其他人际关系问题,有不一样的收获和领悟。 说到成瘾,生活中除了有对酒精、网络成瘾的情况,还有一种心理上的成瘾——依赖成瘾,即人们对被爱、被认可成瘾。这种过度依赖的心理状态的主要表现为,具有顺从行为、对分离感到恐惧等。无论是在情侣关系还是在单纯的家人、朋友关系中,依赖成瘾的人都会表现出这些特征,如难以表达与他人不同的意见,因为害怕失去他人的认可、被抛弃而对自己、自己的判断或者自己的能力缺乏信心。他们也会在孤身一人时“感到非常不舒服”“无能为力”,甚至有时,他们为了被人喜欢,在前一段关系结束后便迫切地寻求下一段关系。 情感依赖将人禁锢在不健康甚至危险的关系中,让人们盲目开始下一段关系,陷入恶性循环,或导致人们酒精成瘾、陷入抑郁,在关系中拼命顺从、讨好对方,情感依赖使得从小缺爱的依赖者更容易受到二次伤害,他们自身的一些性格特点也容易使身边的人感到疲惫、窒息,从而破坏一段关系。 本书作者对如何战胜情感依赖进行了系统阐述,旨在教会读者如何爱自己,建立健康的亲密关系。 没有人是一座孤岛,我们都生活在一段段或近或远的关系中。但并非每一段关系都会持续一生。那些亲密关系的丧失,不论是与至交好友、亲密爱人还是血脉至亲,都会让我们感情受创,甚至自尊受到伤害,自我价值感降低。此时,你内心可能不断地纠结:到底出了什么问题? 《如何结束一段关系》陪你走过这段伤心之旅,陪你面对其间的愤怒、内疚、焦虑、迷茫、矛盾、执着等情绪,让你不再因恐惧而否认、逃避或用不健康的方式应对,帮助你放下内心的纠结并以此为契机,盘点过往生命,梳理过往关系,学会善待自己,重塑自我形象,勇敢说“不”,活出不讨好的人生。当你运用书中提供的工具,建立起内部和外部支持系统,逐步处理悲伤后,你就可以一步步走出受困的关系模式,拿回人生的主导权。

The Conscious Cook
A former steak-lover himself, Chef Tal struggled for years on a vegan diet that left him filled with cravings for meat and dairy. Frustrated by the limited options available and unwilling to sacrifice the delicious flavors he associated with eating meat, he decided to create vegan meals that could hold their own at the center of the plate.Chef Tal found that by applying traditional French culinary techniques to meatless cuisine, he was able to create delicious meals full of rich flavor and healthy fat—meals that any food-lover, even devoted meat-eaters, would find completely satisfying.Seventy groundbreaking recipes later, Chef Tal is ready to share his magic. The Conscious Cook features vegan versions of tried-and-true dishes such as Oysters Rockefeller, Caesar Salad, Corn Chowder, and Paella, as well as adventurous new cuisine like Lemongrass Consommé with Pea Shoot and Mushroom Dumplings and Peppercorn-Encrusted Portobello Fillets. A full-color photo accompanies each of the recipes. Also included are engaging stories from influential people in the vegan world; a peek into Chef Tal's pantry and kitchen; a guide to eating seasonally; and a selection of dinner party menus.Above all, The Conscious Cook shows readers that avoiding the health risks and ethical dilemmas of eating meat and dairy does not mean sacrificing taste or satisfaction. The starters, soups, sandwiches, entrées, and desserts here offer culinary adventure that will truly revolutionize the way the world experiences meatless food.

Plant Power
If you're looking to transition to a fully vegan lifestyle or you'd just like to incorporate more plant-based whole foods into your diet, Plant Power offers everything you need to know to transform your kitchen, plate, and life. From choosing the freshest whole foods and stocking a vegan pantry and refrigerator to streamlining meal preparation, this delicious cookbook delivers the recipes, strategies, and inspiration you need to make the very most of the healthiest ingredients nature has to offer.Plant Power promises you will have more fun in the kitchen, learn to prepare meals more intuitively and creatively, and gain a genuine appreciation for how downright delectable foods in their most elemental, unprocessed form can be. Bestselling author Nava Atlas will have you coming back for more as these recipes will soon become your new go-to favorites.

150 Best Terrace and Balcony Ideas
150 Best Terrace and Balcony Ideas is the ultimate resource for innovative terrace, roof garden, patio, and balcony design ideas for outdoor spaces of all shapes and sizes. Featured inside this lavish guidebook are 150 never-before-shared tips and techniques provided by internationally renowned architects and designers, along with full-color photographs and diagrams of sixty-five uniquely beautiful projects from around the world. The design ideas reveal how to create exterior spaces that are clean, modern, and comfortable, as well as how to use cutting-edge materials that are practical, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. Best of all, the design ideas featured inside are easy to follow and can be tailored to the unique tastes and needs of individual homeowners.

The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinnertime
There's no time like dinnertime!Oh, don't get me wrong. I adore breakfast. I love lunch! But dinnertime definitely tops them all. It's the time of day when we reunite with our sweeties, our kids, our friends, our parents . . . and catch up on the events of the day over something mouthwatering and delicious. Dinnertime anchors us, nourishes us, and reassures us. It's the greatest meal of the day!The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinnertime is a beloved collection of all the scrumptious supper recipes that make their way through my kitchen in regular rotation, from main dish salads to satisfying soups to hearty casseroles to comfort food classics . . . and everything in between. I lay out all the different ways I tackle dinner in my house, from super-quick 16-Minute Meals to make-ahead Freezer Food to irresistible pastas and a bundle of brand-new favorites of my crew.You'll want to immediately dive into surefire hits like Tomato Soup with Parmesan Croutons, Buffalo Chicken Salad, Baked Ziti, and Shrimp Scampi. But just wait till you try the Cashew Chicken, French Dip Sandwiches, Chicken Marsala, and Beef Stroganoff. And don't even get me started on the Tomato Tart, Chicken with Mustard Cream Sauce, and Pan-Fried Pork Chops. You'll have a very tough time deciding on a favorite!To take away the guesswork, I made sure to include all the step-by-step recipe photos I love to share, and I packed as much deliciousness into each chapter as possible. My hope is that you will turn to this book regularly to solve your dinnertime dilemmas, and that you will use these recipes to feed your family time and time again. The more stains, smudges, and smears on the pages, the better!Enjoy dinnertime in your household, friends!

The Truth
This is not a journey that was undertaken for journalistic purposes. It is a painfully honest account of a life crisis that was forced on me by my own behavior and its consequences. As such, it requires sharing a lot of things I'm not proud of and a few things I feel like I should regret a whole lot more than I actually do. Because, unfortunately, I am not the hero in this tale. I am the villain. So begins Neil Strauss's long-awaited follow-up to The Game, the funny and slyly instructive work of immersive journalism that jump-started the international seduction community and made Strauss a household name revered or notorious among single men and women alike.In The Truth, Strauss takes on his greatest challenge yet: Relationships. And in this wild and highly entertaining ride, he explores the questions that men and women are asking themselves every day: Is it natural to be faithful to one person for lifeDo alternatives to monogamy lead to better relationships and greater happinessWhat draws us to the partners we chooseCan we keep passion and romance from fading over timeHis quest for answers takes him from Viagra-laden free-love orgies to sex addiction clinics, from cutting-edge science labs to modern-day harems, and, most terrifying of all, to his own mother.What he discovered changed everything he knew about love, sex, relationships, and, ultimately, himself.Searingly honest and compulsively readable, The Truth just may have the same effect on you.If The Game taught you how to meet members of the opposite sex, The Truth will teach you how to keep them.

Boundaries for Leaders
In Boundaries for Leaders, clinical psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Henry Cloud leverages his expertise of human behavior, neuroscience, and business leadership to explain how the best leaders set boundaries within their organizations--with their teams and with themselves--to improve performance and increase employee and customer satisfaction. In a voice that is motivating and inspiring, Dr. Cloud offers practical advice on how to manage teams, coach direct reports, and instill an organization with strong values and culture. Boundaries for Leaders: Take Charge of Your Business, Your Team, and Your Life is essential reading for executives and aspiring leaders who want to create successful companies with satisfied employees and customers, while becoming more resilient leaders themselves.

150 Best Minimalist House Ideas
One of the most popular interior design trends, minimalism highlights the essence of a room, stressing clean lines, clutter-free spaces, and a limited color palette.In 150 Best Minimalist House Ideas, photographs and floor plans of minimalist homes around the world are featured. The images are of stunning bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms; and insightful text complements them to reveal the methods used to make the minimalist rooms so eye-catching and desirable. The text includes a wealth of both big-picture and more focused ideas. It covers subjects such as walls (if and when to use them), doors, and partitions; flooring, lighting, furniture, and staircases; and explores color, patterns, materials, and texture.The houses featured in this extraordinary volume were developed by distinguished international designers at the forefront of the minimalist movement. The result is a guide that offers both inspiration and practical, easy-to follow advice for creating maximum beauty using minimal elements.

The Beauty and the Beast
MinaLima, the award-winning design studio behind the graphics for the Harry Potter film franchise and the creators of the illustrated Jungle Book and Peter Pan, reimagine the beloved French fairy tale The Beauty and the Beast in this deluxe unabridged edition illustrated with stunning full-color artwork and nine 3-D interactive features published to coincide with the release of the blockbuster Disney live-action musical film starring Emma Watson, Ian McKellen, Josh Gad, Ewan McGregor, and Emma Thompson. Generations of readers have been bewitched by the epic love story of a beautiful young girl imprisoned in the magical castle of a monstrous beast. Now, the classic fairy tale is brought to life in this spectacular illustrated edition as originally envisioned by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve in 1740. The Beauty and the Beast is packed with specially commissioned, full-color artwork and nine exclusive interactive features, including: a fold-out map of the rich French city where the Merchant (Beauty's father) and his family reside a fold out that reveals the interior of the Beast's enchanted palace;a series of flaps (similar to an Advent calendar) that open to reveal different entertainments; available to Beauty in the Beast's palace;a dial of the ring Beauty turns on her finger to return to the Beast.This unique gift edition takes readers on a captivating journey through a mystical land filled with enchanting inhabitants. MiniLima's imaginative artwork, exquisite detail, and engaging design recreate this timeless romantic adventure as never before in a lush unabridged gift edition sure to be cherished for years to come.Disney's live-action movie musical version of Beauty and the Beast, directed by Bill Condon (Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Dreamgirls), stars Harry Potter alumna Emma Watson as Belle, Dan Stevens as the Beast, Ewan McGregor as Lumiere, Luke Evans as Gaston, Emma Thompson as Mrs. Potts, Ian McKellen as Cogsworth, Josh Gad as Le Fou, Kevin Kline as Maurice, Stanley Tucci as Cadenza, and Audra McDonald as Garderobe.

Freakonomics Rev Ed
Which is more dangerous, a gun or a swimming poolWhat do schoolteachers and sumo wrestlers have in commonHow much do parents really matterThese may not sound like typical questions for an economist to ask. But Steven D. Levitt is not a typical economist. He studies the riddles of everyday life—from cheating and crime to parenting and sports—and reaches conclusions that turn conventional wisdom on its head. Freakonomics is a groundbreaking collaboration between Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, an award-winning author and journalist. They set out to explore the inner workings of a crack gang, the truth about real estate agents, the secrets of the Ku Klux Klan, and much more. Through forceful storytelling and wry insight, they show that economics is, at root, the study of incentives—how people get what they want or need, especially when other people want or need the same thing.

Molto Gusto
The bestselling author of Italian Grill and Molto Italiano delivers a gorgeous collection of mouthwatering recipes to bring some Italian favorites home.Chef Mario Batali's zest for life infuses the casual Italian fare that has made his restaurant Otto Enoteca Pizzeria a perennially popular New York City destination. Now you can have the flavors of Otto at home, with Molto Gusto, a collection of recipes for everyone's favorites, from pizza, pasta, and antipasti to gelati and sorbetti. Mario has written the definitive book on great pizza making for the amateur, the novice, the foodie, and the gourmet cook, teaching how to make really great pizza at home without any fancy equipment. Here too are recipes for classic pizza, Otto's special pizzas, and even kids' pizzas.Looking for something a little lighterTry the antipasti. Based on seasonal vegetables, with a few recipes showcasing seafood and meat, these dishes can make up an entire, healthy meal. Also included are many of Mario's favorite simple pasta dishes, and to finish it all off, fantastic recipes for gelati, sorbetti, and copette.Filled with Mario's infectious personality and love of robust flavors, and illustrated with luscious full-color photos, Molto Gusto makes it easy to spend a night on the town without leaving home.

Kubernetes是由谷歌源的容器集群管理系统,为容器化应用提供了资源调度、部署运行、服务发现、扩缩容等一整套功能。Kubernetes也是将“一切以服务(Service)为中心,一切围绕服务运转”作为指导思想的创新型产品,它的功能和架构设计自始至终地遵循了这一指导思想。构建在Kubernetes上的系统不仅可以独立运行在物理机、虚拟机集群或者企业私有云上,也可以被托管在公有云上。本书总计12章,分别讲解Kubernetes的基本概念、实践指南、核心原理、发指南、网络与存储、运维指南、新特性演等内容。全书图文并茂、内容丰富、由浅深、讲解全面,并围绕在生产环境中可能出现的问题,给出了大量典型案例,比如安全配置方案、网络方案、共享存储方案、高可用方案及Trouble Shooting技巧等,有很强的实战指导意义。本书的内容也随着Kubernetes的版本更新不断完善,目前涵盖了Kubernetes从1.0到1.19版本的主要特性,努力为Kubernetes用户提供全方位的Kubernetes技术指南。无论是对于软件工程师、软件架构师、测试工程师、运维工程师、技术经理,还是对于资深IT人士,本书都极具参考价值。

C# 8.0核心技术指南(原书第8版)
本书全方位地介绍了 C# 的语言特性。在内容上,它兼顾了各种类型的读者。对于初学者,本书不论是介绍基本的语法,还是介绍高级的语言特性,都采用了讲解和示例结合的方法。而对于经验丰富的读者,本书的每一章都详尽而系统,是的案头参考书。 本书在前一版的基础上行了大量的修订工作。不但将既有的内容和范例全部迁移到 .NET Core 之上,对 C# 8.0 与 .NET Core 3.x 提供的新特性行了详细的介绍,还在部分示例中专门对编写跨平台运行的程序的技巧或陷阱行了说明。可以说,本书从内容上涵盖了目前 C# 与 .NET Core 全新正式发行版的内容。

C# 10核心技术指南
本书是一本C# 10的技术指南,在上一版的基础上行了全面更新,围绕概念和用例行组织,系统、全面、细致地讲解了C# 10从基础知识到各种高级特性的命令、语法和用法。本书首先介绍C#和.NET,第2-4章详细介绍C#语言的语法、类型和变量。其余各章则涵盖.NET 6基础类库的功能,包括LINQ、XML、集合、并发、I/O 和联网、内存管理、反射、动态编程、属性、加密和原生互操作性等主题。第5章和第6章是后续主题的基础,除这两章之外,其余各章可以根据需要按任意顺序阅读。本书的讲解深浅出,同时为每一个知识都专门设计了贴切、简单、易懂的学习案例,从而可以帮助读者准确地理解知识的含义并快速地学以致用。


既然青春留不住 精装版(张翰 陈乔恩主演电影同名小说)(试读本)
大一新生体检,无意间,他与她撞个满怀, 揭了她极力隐藏的“波霸”的秘密。 她觉得他是野蛮的“忍者神龟”, 他认为她是土气的“阿拉蕾”。 他抱着吉他自弹自唱了一首《小镇姑娘》, 她便从此疯狂爱上了他。 就在她以为爱神即将眷顾她的时候, 却发现他喜欢的只是她的“大胸”。 四年时光,白驹过隙。 七年后再度相逢,她已为人妇。 思念与绝望,幸福和疼痛—— 到底哪一种,才是他和她的宿命……
