破尘见日三部曲,分别为《策》《解》《结》 几宗错综复杂的案子,几桩尘封的旧事。真人剧本杀推凶,一场必须参与的游戏。 少女付连歧联手林隽为了找出真相,抽丝剥茧破获谜题,两人的感情也随之升温…… 付连歧的哥哥死了,一个叫林隽的男人找上来,先是在她的身上安装窃听器,然后让她揭开她哥哥临死前留给她的“棋局”…… 付连歧按照她哥哥预设好的模板跟人参演真人剧本杀的时候,一遍遍猜测哥哥的用意,试图发现哥哥“自杀”的真相以及哥哥隐藏多年的那件事。 林隽到底是好是坏? 哥哥为什么要以剧本杀的形式告诉她真相? 万千谜题萦绕在这个刚失去亲人的少女身边,付连歧能否破尘见日?

《有一年》是知名插画师、畅销漫画作品《生活蒙太奇》作者天然的插画作品集。 这是一个生活观察者对美好生活无时无刻的记录。同时也是一个关于美的创作试验:连续365天每天3小时的生活速写,700多幅作品合集,呈现如诗如画的有一年。 这一年里,天然的画笔带我们光临了生活中无数的美好场景和温柔角落。在冬日的书店,阳光透过窗户洒,有慵懒的猫咪和温暖的错觉;在半梦半醒的清晨,大家步履不停地梦游着奔向远方;儿时的旧物不经意地展现在眼前时,被冻结的时间似乎躲藏在弹珠里的气泡中;而猫咪们的慵懒,总是幸福得迷迷糊糊…… 天然说:“有一年,有多彩的音律,有诗歌和细语,以及追逐时光时洒下的斑斓。”《有一年》,不只是画笔记下的那一年,更是我们所有人的任何一年。期待与各位一起回首这《有一年》的漫漫时光。

别笑,这是大清正史(套装共3册)。 第1部叙述了自努尔哈赤出世(1559年)至顺治二年(1645年)史可法困守扬州86年问的历史。此时正是清朝崛起、明朝灭亡之大动荡、大变革的非常时期,其问所发生的历史事件,既精彩纷呈,又血腥。惨烈。 第2部描绘了自混世魔王张献忠出世(公元1606年)至康熙五十九年(1720年)岳钟琪入藏击败准噶尔兵105年间的历史。流寇祸殃天下,南明小朝廷苦苦挣扎、苟延残喘,清兵入关后的血腥*,郑成功的愈挫愈勇、忠贞不改,顺治帝的为爱痴狂、沮丧抗争,康熙的擒鳌拜、平三藩、灭噶尔丹的“呵呵”武功。 第3部描画了自康熙末年诸子争立至嘉庆初年平定白莲教约80年间的历史。其中以雍正、乾隆两朝的政治斗争和军事征伐贯穿全篇,而乾隆帝所谓的“十全武功”则是作者全力论述的重头戏。


本书从实用的角度出发,介绍了嵌式发需要掌握的知识和相关应用。首先,介绍了发所需的严谨流程及每一步要完成的任务。着给出了发过程中需要储备的基本知识,包括程序算法、硬件设计方法总结、软件发中U-Boot和内核调试方法,重在于经验的归纳和总结。随后介绍了GPON ONU、机顶盒、Wi-Fi和4G小基站方面的发框架。这些均是作者在真实的发过程中形成的经验总结。 本书为了在有限的篇幅内介绍大量的信息,特采用大量的图形来表示发流程,这些都是经过了大量的实践验证并已形成了正式的产品。书中介绍的重要技术和很多功能模块有着很强的可移植性,可以帮助读者快速完成实际的设计和发。 本书内容丰富,阅读面广泛,对高校学生和发工程师实用的参考书,也是一本很实用的工程实践手册。

随着人类海洋活动的不断增加,如何提供高性能、高性 价比、可靠安 全的海洋通信网络服务已成为一个亟待解决的问题。海洋是一个巨大的咸水体,其空间由岸基、水面、天空和水下组成,网络部署环境、气候条件和用户分布等与陆地空间存在较大差异,这导致陆基通信网络技术无法直应用到海洋环境中。卫星通信是目前仅有能提供海洋几乎全覆盖的通信网络技术,但是由于其制造和维护成本高、部署风险大,卫星服务的性价 比阻碍其被广泛应用,这也推动了近年来对海洋空间新型通信网络技术的研究和探讨。本书分析海洋通信网络所面临的环境特和技术发展所面临的挑战,介绍现有主要海洋通信网络技术,研究和讨论一些新型海洋通信网络的协议、算法和体系架构及发展趋势。 本书可为从事相关领域研究和发的人员提供有价值的借鉴,为高校师生了解海洋通信网络现状和发展方向提供指导,为政府部门和企事业单位的科研规划人员提供参考。

Learning pandas
If you are a Python programmer who wants to get started with performing data analysis using pandas and Python, this is the book for you. Some experience with statistical analysis would be helpful but is not mandatory.

卫星通信网络在弥补数字鸿沟和增强全球数字经济服务健壮性等方面发挥着不可替代的作用,是未来信息通信基础设施的重要组成部分。本书重从卫星通信网络效能评估、星座设计、频率使用方式、波束资源调度方式、按需管理、软件定义卫星通信网络几个方面,阐述按需服务卫星通信网络的设计理念与设计方法以及效能分析等。全书共 7 章,第 1 章介绍 6G 时代卫星通信网络的创新需求与发展趋势,从科学、技术、工程 3 个方面分析按需服务卫星通信网络面临的问题及挑战;第 2 章结合卫星广域业务分布的时空非均匀特征,探讨结合服务效益和服务成本的卫星通信网络评估准则,初步研究系统容量与星座规模及服务用户规模的关系;第 3 章讨论当前宽带卫星通信网络多重覆盖的新特征,重阐述科学利用频轨资源的泛同步轨道新理念,介绍按需覆盖星座设计方法,并分析多重覆盖效能;第 4 章讨论非静止轨道卫星通信系统频谱共存时面临的干扰规避和减缓问题;第 5 章和第 6 章围绕卫星通信网络用户路资源按需管理需求,讨论包括跳波束系统架构与调度策略、业务预测与资源管理等面向按需服务的通信技术设计方法;第 7 章介绍软件定义卫星通信网络的概念,以及面向中低轨混合星座的软件定义卫星通信网络架构,并给出控制面在线带宽分配优化方法与数据面星载可编程多协议处理交换架构等实例。 本书可作为卫星通信网络相关专业研究生的参考用书,也可供从事卫星通信网络领域研究、系统设计与发、网络运营等工作的相关人员参考。

IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale 6
This book is a real-world practical tutorial with lots of examples. The data grid concepts are clearly explained and code samples are provided. The concepts are applicable to all IMDGs, and the examples represent the eXtreme Scale approach to the problem. This book is aimed at intermediate-level JavaEE Developers who want to build applications that handle larger data sets with massive scalability requirements. No previous experience of WebSphere eXtreme Scale is required.

Alfresco 3 Enterprise Content Management Implementation
Munwar Shariff is an experienced software trainer for CIGNEX Technologies Inc. He has trained many users, administrators, and developers in Alfresco and many other CMS systems. This book distils the hands-on approach of his training courses into a concise, practical book. The emphasis is on getting up and running fast and discovering the scope and power of Alfresco 3 incrementally through practical examples. This book is designed for system administrators, experienced users, and business owners who want to install and use Alfresco in their teams or businesses. Because Alfresco is free, many teams can install and experiment with its ECM features without any upfront cost, often without management approval. The book assumes a degree of technical confidence but does not require specialist system administration or developer skills to get a basic system up and running. Alfresco is particularly suitable for IT consultants who want or need to set up a flexible enterprise content management system for their clients, be that for demonstration, development, or as a mission-critical platform. This book gets you to that result quickly and effectively. Though this book is not a developer guide, various examples in the book will help developers to extend Alfresco functionality and to integrate Alfresco with external systems.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Professional Reporting
Discover tips and trick for Dynamics NAV report building About This Book Create and customize reports in Dynamics NAV 2015 using RDLC, Word, Power BI, and Reporting Services Work with different elements in the toolbox such as tablix, which can be used as a List, Table, or Matrix and understand the differences between them and when to use which This book is a pragmatic guide with clear instructions and real-world examples to teach you about the reporting capabilities of Dynamics NAV 2015 Who This Book Is For If you are a consultant, developer, customer, user, or just interested in the reporting capabilities of Dynamics NAV, then this book is for you. Basic knowledge of Dynamics NAV will be helpful. What You Will Learn Understand why reports are designed in a specific way and then apply this knowledge to your advantage Develop document reports using different techniques Apply filtering and sorting, and create groups Use RDLC to visualize information Visualize information, KPIs, and trends using expressions, Gauges, Charts, Data bars, Indicators, and Spark lines Create and optimize your dataset for RDLC and for Word layouts Use Power BI with Dynamics NAV to bring your data to life Build Reporting Services reports on top of Dynamics NAV In Detail Microsoft Dynamics NAV is a multi-lingual, multi-currency business management solution that organizations use to manage their accounts, supply chain, sales, payroll, and HR. It is an ERP tool for organizations that is fast to implement, easy to configure, and simple to use. It is widely used because simplicity is a part of its development, product design, usability, and implementation. This book will help you to master, analyze, and deliver the most challenging reporting requirements in Dynamics NAV 2015. The book starts by explaining report development and it's different phases such as data model, layout, and testing you go through. It introduces you to RDLC and the different controls in the toolbox, such as the Tablix, in its many forms. You will learn to use expressions to make your layout dynamic and to overcome typical problems. Moving on, the book will teach you to visualize data and be able to understand and read a report as it is intended. You will also learn to use Microsoft Word to create a layout for a report. With Power BI and Power Pivot, Power View, and Power Map, you will learn how easy and powerful it is to bring your data to life, so you can spot trends and perform in depth analysis of your business. Reporting Services is also explained as another way that you can apply the knowledge you have about RDLC to build RDL layouts outside of Dynamics NAV. By the end, you will create different types of charts so you can visualize key performance indicators inside the Dynamics NAV application. Style and approach This book is an essential guide in to understanding what is involved in creating reports in Dynamics NAV and its reporting capabilities.

Alfresco Developer Guide
This book focuses on teaching by example. Every chapter provides a bit of an overview, and then dives right in to hands-on examples so you can see and play with the solution in your own environment. All code samples run on both the latest Enterprise and Labs release. This book will be most useful to developers who are writing code to customize Alfresco for their organization or who are creating custom applications that sit on top of Alfresco. This book is for Java developers, and you will get most from the book if you already work with Java but you need not have prior experience on Alfresco. Although Alfresco makes heavy use of open source frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate, JavaServer Faces, and Lucene, no prior experience using these is assumed or necessary.

Oracle Modernization Solutions
This book combines case studies with practical examples of how to implement modernization techniques using Oracle (and partner) products to modernize to the Oracle Platform. The book also weighs the pros and cons of specific modernization use cases. Finally, we explore some of the emerging trends in technology and how they apply to legacy modernization. Legacy system architects, project managers, program managers, developers, database architects and decision makers who own mainframe and heterogeneous systems, and are tasked with modernization will all find this book useful. The book assumes some knowledge of mainframes, J2EE, SOA, and Oracle technologies. The reader should have some background in programming and database design.

QlikView 11 for Developers
It will be a step-by-step tutorial that will discuss best practices. The book is structured in such a way that it can be read both from start to end or can be dipped into. If you are a developer who is looking to learn a fast and easy way to learn to develop your business intelligence apps with QlikView, then this book is for you. If you are a power-user in a QlikView environment, then you will find quicker ways of working with QlikView. You should know the basics of business intelligence before you pick up this book. This book covers QlikView Desktop Personal Edition. Deployments to QlikView Server/Publisher are out of scope for this book.

Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Core Development and Extension Cookbook
This is a practical, hands-on book providing in depth tutorials on each topic. It is full of step by step examples of the key points for each subject to give a core understanding. The examples are designed to be worked through, and start right from scratch. Each topic will cover the development, configuration and testing of working examples. The book provides clear illustrations and tips each step of the way. It also comes with fully tested, complete, working code - if ever you get stuck. Each chapter introduces the topic and what you need to do to get ready to start the exercises. It will tell you what tools you need to use and when to use them. This book is written for individuals who want to learn how to develop extensions in Oracle E-Business suite. If you are involved in development or supporting an e-business suite implementation you should find this book very useful. The book is detailed so minimal technical expertise is required. It is suitable for beginners who have little experience or developers who may want to use the book to brush up on their skills.

Microsoft Silverlight 5 and Windows Azure Enterprise Integration
This book is a step-by-step tutorial that shows you how to obtain the necessary toolset to create and run Silverlight Enterprise Applications on Azure. The book also covers techniques, practical tips, hints, and tricks for Silverlight interactions with Azure. Each topic is written in an easy-to-read style, with a detailed explanation given and then practical step-by-step exercises with a strong emphasis on real-world relevance. If you are an application developer who wants to build and run Silverlight Enterprise applications using Azure storage, WCF Services, and ASP providers, then this book is for you. You should have a working knowledge of Silverlight and Expression Blend. However, knowledge of Azure is not required since the book covers how to integrate the two technologies in detail.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Reporting
Part tutorial, part reference guide, this book will show you how to create and manage reports as well as identify the most appropriate reporting tool for any reporting challenge. In addition, you will learn universal topics such as how to locate data for any given report. Although some of the reporting tools addressed in this book are exclusive to Dynamics GP 2010, many of the topics discussed also apply to older versions of GP. If you are a Microsoft Dynamics GP developer, consultant, or power user who wants to create and manage reports, then this book is for you. A working knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics GP is required. A basic understanding of business management systems and reporting applications such as Microsoft Excel and SQL Reporting Services is highly recommended.

Microsoft BizTalk 2010: Line of Business Systems Integration
This book focuses on Microsoft BizTalk 2010; however, most of the concepts and explanations will apply to BizTalk 2006 R2 and BizTalk 2009. If you are an experienced BizTalk developer who wants to integrate BizTalk with Line of Business systems using practical scenarios, then this book is for you. A solid understanding of BizTalk at an intermediate level is required. This book assumes developers are comfortable creating schemas, maps, orchestrations, ports and messages in Visual Studio and configuring applications in the BizTalk Administration Console. However, experience in integrating with Line of Business systems is not necessarily required.

Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step 2010
A focused tutorial, this book is much more than just another step-by-step guide into project management. This book shows you how to implement Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step business solutions, with Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step providing the basis. This book will also help you to plan, align, and orchestrate your sales activities. It will orient you to tactics required to be efficient, proactive, goal driven and flexible in your Microsoft Dynamics engagements. If you are a Dynamics consultant, developer, or in a customer resources or sales role that requires guidance and knowledge of the ERP/CRM business solutions space or to deliver business solutions that meet or exceed the expectations of your organization, then this book is ideal for you.

Professional Plone 4 Development
Professional Plone 4 Development is written in a clear conversational easy-to-understand style. This book cuts short the preamble and gets straight to the point - building robust, content-rich web applications with Plone 4. Detailed real world examples are provided for each chapter. This book assumes that the reader is familiar with Plone from the point of view of an administrator or power user, has a basic understanding of web application development, and is comfortable with the Python programming language.

Mastering LOB Development for Silverlight 5: A Case Study in Action
This highly practical, expert level tutorial teaches you to build a Line of Business application with the aid of a case study which gradually builds throughout the book. It also includes a jumpstart chapter for developers coming from other technologies. If you already have a firm grasp of Silverlight development and are keen to advance your specialist knowledge of Line of Business (LOB) application development, then Expert Line of Business Application Development for Silverlight 5: Quick Start Guide is for you. If you are a developer with experience of other technologies, you may also find this book useful.