The Guggenheims
A portrait of a great American dynasty and its legacy in business, technology, the arts, and philanthropyMeyer Guggenheim, a Swiss immigrant, founded a great American business dynasty. At their peak in the early twentieth century, the Guggenheims were reckoned among America's wealthiest, and the richest Jewish family in the world after the Rothschilds. They belonged to Our Crowd, that tight social circle of New York Jewish plutocrats, but unlike the others -- primarily merchants and financiers -- they made their money by extracting and refining copper, silver, lead, tin, and gold.The secret of their success, the patriarch believed, was their unity, and in the early years Meyer's seven sons, under the leadership of Daniel, worked as one to expand their growing mining and smelting empire. Family solidarity eventually decayed (along with their Jewish faith), but even more damaging was the paucity of male heirs as Meyer and the original set of brothers passed from the scene.In the third generation, Harry Guggenheim, Daniel's son, took over leadership and made the family a force in aviation, publishing, and horse-racing. He desperately sought a successor but tragically failed and was forced to watch as the great Guggenheim business enterprise crumbled.Meanwhile, "Guggenheim" came to mean art more than industry. In the mid-twentieth century, led by Meyer's son Solomon and Solomon's niece Peggy, the Guggenheims became the agents of modernism in the visual arts. Peggy, in America during the war years, midwifed the school of abstract expressionism, which brought art leadership to New York City. Solomon's museum has been innovative in spreading the riches of Western art around the world. After the generation of Harry and Peggy, the family has continued to produce many accomplished members, such as publisher Roger Straus II and archaeologist Iris Love.In The Guggenheims, through meticulous research and absorbing prose, Irwin Unger, the winner of a Pulitzer Prize in history, and his wife, Debi Unger, convey a unique and remarkable story -- epic in its scope -- of one family's amazing rise to prominence.

Is This Your Child?
IS THIS YOUR CHILDThese are the major symptoms of potentially unrecognized allergies. Does your child suffer from any of the following Allergic Nose Rub Eye Circles Red Ears Red Cheeks Eye Wrinkles Aggression Lack of Alertness Mottled Tongue In this breakthrough book, Dr. Doris Rapp offers a simple yet effective approach to handling "problem" children. Is This Your Childshows parents how to identify the common foods, chemicals, or common allergic substances that could be the culprits that cause some children or adults to feel unwell or act inappropriately. If your child is always sick, hyperactive, a slow learner, or cranky, the first question you should ask is not "What drug should be prescribed?" or "What have I done wrong as a parent?" Instead, find out the cause. Dr. Rapp gives sensible suggestions about how these reactions to foods and environmental factors can be recognized, prevented, and treated. With this information, many affected children should feel, act, behave, and learn better. If you can detect unsuspected environmental illness in your child--or yourself--you can change your lives so you're more content, happy, and free of illness.

The Fellowship
Frank Lloyd Wright was renowned during his life not only as an architectural genius but also as a subject of controversy from his radical design innovations to his turbulent private life, including a notorious mass murder that occurred at his Wisconsin estate, Taliesin, in 1914. But the estate also gave rise to one of the most fascinating and provocative experiments in American cultural history: the Taliesin Fellowship, an extraordinary architectural colony where Wright trained hundreds of devoted apprentices and where all of his late masterpieces Fallingwater, Johnson Wax, the Guggenheim Museum were born.Drawing on hundreds of new and unpublished interviews and countless unseen documents from the Wright archives, The Fellowship is an unforgettable story of genius and ego, sex and violence, mysticism and utopianism. Epic in scope yet intimate in its detail, it is a stunning true account of how an idealistic community devolved into a kind of fiefdom where young apprentices were both inspired and manipulated, often at a staggering personal cost, by the architect and his imperious wife, Olgivanna Hinzenberg, along with her spiritual master, the legendary Greek-Armenian mystic Georgi Gurdjieff. A magisterial work of biography, it will forever change how we think about Frank Lloyd Wright and his world.

HarperCollins e-books
An account of Germany's little known U-boat campaign against merchant shipping along the North American Atlantic coast during the first six months of 1942. It also documents the failure of the US Navy to meet the German attack.

Rocking the Ages
For almost forty years, Yankelovich Partners has helped America's biggest companies understand and reach their customers. Their breakthrough MONITOR studies-annual surveys that analyze the values, beliefs, attitudes, and expectations that shape consumer decisions-not only pinpoint current trends, but predict where the market will be in the future.Rocking the Ages: The Yankelovich Report on Generational Marketing (HarperBusiness; May 21, 1997) by J. Walker Smith and Ann Clurman turns the spotlight on America's generation gap and transforms what was born as a political and social rallying cry into a sound foundation for profitable marketing. Defining the essence of three generations-the Matures (born between 1909-1945), the Baby Boomers (1946-1964), and the Generation-Xers (1965-1978)-it explores in telling detail the experiences, life skills, values, personal and professional aspirations, likes and dislikes, and hopes and fears that distinguish each generation. Drawing on this unprecedented data, it elucidates how and why each generation reacts to a vast range of marketplace issues-including technology and cyberspace, healthcare and fitness, media and entertainment, retailing and financial services.From highlighting generational differences regarding such basic concepts as work itself-Matures regard it as an inevitable obligation, Boomers as an opportunity for self-fulfillment, and Xers as simply a paycheck-and gratification-delayed by Matures, demanded instantaneously by Boomers,virtual in the case of most Xers-to describing the widely differing versions of the American Dream each generation harbors, Rocking the Ages offers invaluable insights into how to market a product or service to reach one, two, or all three generations.

i am neurotic
Did you wash your handsSet the alarm clock?Lock the front doorBetter yet: Do you like even numbersDo you fold all of your trash neatly into squaresDo you count stepsDo you carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with you at all timesEveryone has his or her own neuroses. On a routine trip to the office bathroom, Lianna Kong discovered one of hers: "How could I possibly pee with my coworker sitting right next to me doing her business?" And, in that quiet moment of panic, iamneurotic.com was born.i am neurotic (and so are you) is a smorgasbord of anonymous confessions that reveal people's deepest, strangest, and funniest compulsions quirks that are triggered in the boardroom, the bedroom, and everywhere in between.

AC/DC: Maximum Rock & Roll
Over three decades and more than 150 million albums, AC/DC has established itself as much more than just a great rock band. For millions of fans spanning several generations across the world, they are an ear-bleedingly loud, sweat-soaked religion, courtesy of such classic albums as Highway to Hell and Back in Black.Now, in a book of astonishing breadth and scope, comes, for the very first time, the complete story of AC/DC. Everything you ever wanted to know and plenty more you never dreamt of is all here, the ultimate balls-out adventure, laced with sex, drunken escapades and brawls. It's a journey that started in the suburban Sydney, Australia, bedrooms of brothers Malcolm and Angus Young, boys who could wreak havoc with their guitars. Over their power chords were the lyrics and voice of Bon Scott, who would lead them higher and higher until his tragic death in 1980. The bittersweet irony after his death was that not only did the Youngs manage to hold together without him, but the band's fortunes and status skyrocketed with his replacement, Brian Johnson, and the album Back in Black.Five long years in the making, AC/DC: Maximum Rock &Roll is sourced from more than 1,300 interviews the band has given over the past thirty years combined with in excess of 75 of the authors' own interviews with those who worked with AC/DC both in the studio and on the road many of whom have never spoken about the band publicly. It's topped off with stunning, never-before-seen photos to create the ultimate portrait of the ultimate rock band.

文明的逻辑—人类与风险的博弈(全 2 册)
用经济学视角解释社会化,用风险与博弈重新理解人类文明。 一部具有宏大视野和学术突破性的著作。 迷信、婚姻、家庭、宗族、商业、金融……为何生产率不能完全解释文明化逻辑?如何衡量文明是步还是倒退?如何正确理解我们当下面临的一些社会现象?…… 生产率和风险应对力是判断人类步的两个关键维度,前者解决正常情况下的生活,而后者决定非常条件下的生存。在《文明的逻辑》一书中,作者以“人类与风险的博弈”历程为线索,使用数据量化分析和文献研究分析,通过人们所熟悉的创新、商业、金融等现象与历史,用翔实的数据与资料分析探讨文明演背后的内在逻辑,创新性地提出衡量文明的新标尺——“风险应对力”(即应对风险的能力),以此来帮助我们更完整地解读人类文明化程,为认识、发展人类社会文明提供独特视角。

中西医结合妇产科学是中西医结合专业的临床主干课程。本书为全国中医药行业高等教育“十四五”规划教材。 全书分为上、下二篇,包括总论、各论和附录,涉及理论、临床和妇产科常用实验室检查、妇产科常用方剂、主要参考书目等内容,共设20多个章。


本书系统地论述了导弹和航天器空间轨迹测量融合数据处理与精度分析技术的基本原理。主要内容包括: 导弹和运载火箭飞行试验时各种外测体制测量和解算弹道参数的方法和公式,以及外弹道测量精度分析的原理、方法和公式; 航天器轨道运行时测轨系统测量和确定轨道参数的方法、公式,以及相应的轨道测量精度的分析方法和公式。特别是详细地阐述了对导弹和航天器在空域和时域上多信息测量源融合处理的技术和方法,推导了不同测量体制应用多种数学建模形式得到灵活多变的融合处理解算方法和表示式,以及对应的测量精度分析方法和公式。 本书可供从事导弹和航天测控系统总体设计、精度评定、数据处理工作及相关专业的科研人员以及高等院校的高年级本科生、研究生和教师阅读。

心理学经典门教材之一。曾超过十余年霸榜美亚心理学教材之首,而且是目前市场上普通心理学、心理学与生活教材的更新版本、学术前沿,没有之一。引了2100多篇2015年之后的参考文献和研究成果, 由美国著名教科书作者戴维·迈尔斯(David G. Myers)撰写,其在心理学教材写作方面无与伦比的才能,使得本书自出版以来一直被奉为心理学门的经典教材之一,并被翻译成多种语言在世界各大高校广为使用,本书为第13版。多位国内外心理学家联袂推荐。 作者戴维·G. 迈尔斯在美国霍普大学教授普通心理学课程长达50余年,本书是其毕生教学及研究的扛鼎之作,也是美国乃至全球高校广泛使用的普通心理学教材之一。本书全面、系统地阐述了心理学的基本概念、原理和理论,涵盖了心理学的各个主要分支领域,包括生物心理学、发展心理学、认知心理学、人格心理学、社会心理学、教育心理学,等等。全书共分16章,从心理学的批判性思考始,展至心理的生物学基础、意识与心理的双通道、天性与教养、生命周期的发展、感觉与知觉、学习、记忆、思维与语言、智力、内驱力、情绪、社会、人格、心理障碍和治疗等多方面内容。全书反映了最新的心理学研究成果和发展趋势,以及对此的批判性思考。 本书语言生动、富于感染力且深浅出,加了大量的插图、表格、专栏等,每章还有针对性的问题和自测练习启发读者思考。书中还引大量扩展性和总结性知识,将理论与生活相结合,便于读者将所学融于对生活的观察与实践之中。本书适合心理学专业的广大师生,也适合对心理学感兴趣的普通读者系统掌握心理学全貌。

Hometown Recipes for the Holidays
Hometown Recipes for the Holidays invites you to pull up a chair to America's dinner table and enjoy more than 250 cherished family recipes, special memories, and dozens of beautiful photographs. You'll find the perfect dish for each of your favorite celebrations: New Year's Day, the Fourth of July, Columbus Day, Passover, Easter, Memorial Day, Labor Day, President's Day, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.The editors of American Profile have compiled the nation's most delicious recipes—straight from their readers—in this book, which is modeled after the magazine's most popular section, “Hometown Recipes.” You'll find everything from breakfast with Grandma's Christmas Casserole and Wake-Up Casserole to the perfect additions to jazz up your buffet, such as Julia's Fresh Cranberry Relish and Aunt Peggy's Salmon Pasta Salad, to sit-down dinner options such as Almost Lasagna Zucchini Casserole and Ben's Swiss Steak. Top it all off with a decadent dessert, such as Butter Rum Cake, or something a little easier, such as No-Roll Sugar Cookies or Quick-and-Easy Family Peanut Brittle, to create an experience that your family and friends will remember for years.American Profile, one of America's most widely circulated magazines, celebrates hometown life, and in Hometown Recipes for the Holidays editors Candace Floyd, Anne Gillem, Nancy S. Hughes, and Jill Melton do just that.

Main-Course Vegetarian Pleasures
Sophisticated and stylish vegetarian main course pose the greatest challenge for the busy cook seeking meatless meals. With that in mind, Jeanne Lemlin, the award-winning author of Quick Vegetarian Pleasures, has created 125 recipes for savory vegetarian entrees to suit all occasions. Delicious, healthful, and easy to prepare, the recipes in Main-Course Vegetarian Pleasures--Roasted Vegetables with Polenta, Risotto Primavera, Pumpkin and Corn Chowder, among many others--take vegetarian cooking into that magical realm where style and substance produce genuine pleasure.

On the borderland between this world and the world of Quiddity, the sea of our dreams, sits Everville.For years it has lived in ignorance of the gleaming shore on which it lies.But its ignorance is not bliss. Opening the door between worlds, Clive Barker delivers his characters into the heart of the human mystery; into a place of revelation, where the forces which have shaped our past and are ready to destroy our future are at work.

An astonishing memoir for the untold number of children whose lives have been touched by bullying. Positive is a must-read for teens, their parents, educators, and administrators—a brave, visceral work that will save lives and resonate deeply.Paige Rawl has been HIV positive since birth, but growing up, she never felt like her illness defined her. On an unremarkable day in middle school, she disclosed to a friend her HIV-positive status—and within hours the bullying began. From that moment forward, every day was like walking through a minefield. Paige was never sure when or from where the next text, taunt, or hateful message would come. Then one night, desperate for escape, fifteen-year-old Paige found herself in her bathroom staring at a bottle of sleeping pills.That could have been the end of her story. Instead, it was only the beginning. Paige's memoir calls for readers to choose action over complacency, compassion over cruelty—and above all, to be Positive.Includes twenty-five photos from Paige's personal collection throughout.Supports the Common Core State Standards

Vegetarian Classics
Jeanne Lemlin sets the standard for accessible and appealing vegetarian cooking. Vegetarian Classics is Jeanne's most useful and comprehensive book to date: an essential collection of 300 no-fail recipes for soups, salads, sandwiches, pastas, pizzas, calzones, casseroles, stir-fries, stove-top dishes, sides, snacks, desserts, and breakfasts. Each recipe is deeply satisfying and surprisingly simple, reflecting Jeanne's trademark dedication to uncomplicated techniques and unparalleled flavor.

Raising Your Spirited Child, Third Edition
The spirited child—often called "difficult" or "strong willed"—possesses traits we value in adults yet find challenging in children. Research shows that spirited children are wired to be "more"; by temperament, they are more intense, sensitive, perceptive, persistent, and more uncomfortable with change than the average child. In this newly revised third edition of the award-winning classic, Dr. Mary Sheedy Kurcinka provides vivid examples of real-life challenges and a refreshingly positive viewpoint. Within these pages you will find: New strategies for managing intensity levels—not just the spirited child's, but yours too A simple, four-step program for peaceful bedtimes, mealtimes, holidays, and many other commonly challenging situations A focus on your child's strengths Steps for teaching your child how to be a problem solver and how to work with others Updated guidance on establishing clear limits And more! Charts and quick tips make this newly updated edition an indispensable guide for fostering a supportive, encouraging, and loving environment for children.

Phil Hellmuth Presents Read 'Em and Reap
very great player knows that success in poker is part luck, part math, and part subterfuge. While the math of poker has been refined over the past 20 years, the ability to read other players and keep your own "tells" in check has mostly been learned by trial and error.But now, Joe Navarro, a former FBI counterintelligence officer specializing in nonverbal communication and behavior analysis or, to put it simply, a man who can tell when someone's lying offers foolproof techniques, illustrated with amazing examples from poker pro Phil Hellmuth, that will help you decode and interpret your opponents' body language and other silent tip-offs while concealing your own. You'll become a human lie detector, ready to call every bluff and the most feared player in the room.

The Forgotten Man
In The Forgotten Man , Amity Shlaes, one of the nation's most-respected economic commentators, offers a striking reinterpretation of the Great Depression. She traces the mounting agony of the New Dealers and the moving stories of individual citizens who through their brave perseverance helped establish the steadfast character we recognize as American today.

Newt's Emerald
Inspired by the works of Georgette Heyer and Jane Austen, Garth Nix's Newt's Emerald is a Regency romance with a fantasy twist. New York Times bestselling author Gail Carriger calls it "charming; quite, quite charming."?After Lady Truthful's magical Newington Emerald is stolen from her she devises a simple plan: go to London to recover the missing jewel. She quickly learns, however, that a woman cannot wander the city streets alone without damaging her reputation, and she disguises herself as a mustache-wearing man. During Truthful's dangerous journey she discovers a crook, an unsuspecting ally, and an evil sorceress—but will she find the Emerald?