

每满80减40 石油化工设备维护检修规程 2019版 一册:通用设备
石油化工设备维护检修规程 2019版 一册:通用设备
针对通用设备逐步大型化、专业化的发展趋势,编委会和全体参加编制的专业技术人员结合2004 版《石油化工设备维护检修规程》册通用设备、第二册炼油设备、第三册化工设备的编制情况,对通用设备中SHS 01018《离心式空气压缩机维护检修规程》、SHS 01019《离心式氨气压缩机维护检修规程》、SHS 01022《离心式风机维护检修规程》,以及炼油设备中SHS 02005《M 系列主风机组维护检修规程》、SHS 02008《EI系列、D 系列主风机组维护检修规程》、SHS 02010《MCL 系列主风机组维护检修规程》等结构相似、名称类同、主要检修内容相似的规程行了合并,按照结构特重新整合为三项规程,分别是SHS 01018《垂直剖分离心式压缩机维护检修规程》、SHS 01019《水平剖分离心式压缩机维护检修规程》和SHS 01041《齿轮离心式压缩机维护检修规程》;对通用设备SHS 01023《轴流式风机维护检修规程》和炼油设备SHS 02006《AG系列主风机组维护检修规程》、SHS 02007《AV 系列主风机组维护检修规程》等合并为SHS 01050《轴流式压缩机组维护检修规程》。增加了SHS 01051《干气密封维护检修规程》、SHS 01052《机械密封维护检修规程》、SHS 01053《螺纹锁紧环换热器维护检修规程》、SHS 01054《Ω 环换热器维护检修规程》、SHS 01048《板壳式换热器维护检修规程》、SHS 01055《液力透平维护检修规程》、SHS 01059《螺杆真空泵维护检修规程》、SHS 01060《旋转喷射泵维护检修规程》、SHS 01061《烟气轮机维护检修规程》、SHS 01063《常温球形储罐维护检修规程》、SHS 01044《废热锅炉维护检修规程》、SHS 01073《一般机泵用联轴器检修及质量标准》、SHS 01035《高速离心泵维护检修规程》和SHS 01049《多式地面火炬维护检修规程》。更名了1 个维护检修规程,即SHS 01031《火炬维护检修规程》更名为SHS 01031《高架火炬维护检修规程》。《储运设备》共2 项规程SHS 11001—2019《长输(油气)管道维护检修规程》和SHS 11002—2019《码头输油臂维护检修规程》,不单独成册,收《通用设备》分册。经过对规程合并、取消、删除及增加后,本册终编制的维护检修规程数量为60 项。
每满80减40 剑来·第五辑(29-35册)出版精校版
《剑来》是网络大神烽火戏诸侯创作的古典仙侠小说,是继《雪中悍刀行》后才情的全新力作。小说以宏伟的叙事、宏大的架构、宏富的想象力,讲述了一个平凡少年陈平安因缘际会之下走上修行之路,虽然经受了重重考验,但仍一直坚守善良初心,不断成长,终成为绝顶剑侠的故事。不同年龄层的文学爱好者都可以在小说中得到共鸣。 在《剑来》构建的光怪陆离却丰富有趣的仙侠世界里,不仅充盈着具有中国古典传统的气韵和精神,更带有浓浓的世救世思想,隐约呼应着中国历代儒家尤其是现当代新儒家探求救国自强之路的哲思。作者在小说中塑造的众多以陈平安为代表的人身上,寄予了“中国人格”,隐动着精神上承继中华优秀传统而又体现当下社会的浮脉。小说徐徐展的不仅是一步步的道山跋涉,更是忠孝、家国间的艰辛抉择,情与法难两全的伤痛,侠气与仙气的异同争执,以及根本的人性本善与人性本恶的分歧争端。这是一种站在人类至高处的宏阔格局,就这一而言,《剑来》是令人肃然起敬的一部作品,足堪代表当下网文的境界。
每满80减40 剑来·第六辑(36-42册)出版精校版
《剑来》是网络大神烽火戏诸侯创作的古典仙侠小说,是继《雪中悍刀行》后才情的全新力作。小说以宏伟的叙事、宏大的架构、宏富的想象力,讲述了一个平凡少年陈平安因缘际会之下走上修行之路,虽然经受了重重考验,但仍一直坚守善良初心,不断成长,终成为绝顶剑侠的故事。不同年龄层的文学爱好者都可以在小说中得到共鸣。 在《剑来》构建的光怪陆离却丰富有趣的仙侠世界里,不仅充盈着具有中国古典传统的气韵和精神,更带有浓浓的世救世思想,隐约呼应着中国历代儒家尤其是现当代新儒家探求救国自强之路的哲思。作者在小说中塑造的众多以陈平安为代表的人身上,寄予了“中国人格”,隐动着精神上承继中华优秀传统而又体现当下社会的浮脉。小说徐徐展的不仅是一步步的道山跋涉,更是忠孝、家国间的艰辛抉择,情与法难两全的伤痛,侠气与仙气的异同争执,以及根本的人性本善与人性本恶的分歧争端。这是一种站在人类至高处的宏阔格局,就这一而言,《剑来》是令人肃然起敬的一部作品,足堪代表当下网文的境界。
每满80减40 剑来·第七辑(43-49册)
《剑来》是网络大神烽火戏诸侯创作的古典仙侠小说,是继《雪中悍刀行》后最具才情的全新力作。小说以宏伟的叙事、宏大的架构、宏富的想象力,讲述了一个平凡少年陈平安因缘际会之下走上修行之路,虽然经受了重重考验,但仍一直坚守善良初心,不断成长,最终成为绝顶剑侠的故事。不同年龄层的文学爱好者都可以在小说中得到共鸣。 在《剑来》构建的光怪陆离却丰富有趣的仙侠世界里,不仅充盈着具有中国古典传统的气韵和精神,更带有浓浓的世救世思想,隐约呼应着中国历代儒家尤其是现当代新儒家探求救国自强之路的哲思。作者在小说中塑造的众多以陈平安为代表的人身上,寄予了“中国人格”,隐动着精神上承继中华优秀传统而又体现当下社会的浮脉。小说徐徐展的不仅是一步步的道山跋涉,更是忠孝、家国间的艰辛抉择,情与法难两全的伤痛,侠气与仙气的异同争执,以及最根本的人性本善与人性本恶的分歧争端。这是一种站在人类至高处的宏阔格局,就这一而言,《剑来》是令人肃然起敬的一部作品,足堪代表当下网文的最高境界。
每满80减40 剑来·第四辑(22-28册)出版精校版
《剑来》是网络大神烽火戏诸侯创作的古典仙侠小说,是继《雪中悍刀行》后才情的全新力作。小说以宏伟的叙事、宏大的架构、宏富的想象力,讲述了一个平凡少年陈平安因缘际会之下走上修行之路,虽然经受了重重考验,但仍一直坚守善良初心,不断成长,终成为绝顶剑侠的故事。不同年龄层的文学爱好者都可以在小说中得到共鸣。 在《剑来》构建的光怪陆离却丰富有趣的仙侠世界里,不仅充盈着具有中国古典传统的气韵和精神,更带有浓浓的世救世思想,隐约呼应着中国历代儒家尤其是现当代新儒家探求救国自强之路的哲思。作者在小说中塑造的众多以陈平安为代表的人身上,寄予了“中国人格”,隐动着精神上承继中华优秀传统而又体现当下社会的浮脉。小说徐徐展的不仅是一步步的道山跋涉,更是忠孝、家国间的艰辛抉择,情与法难两全的伤痛,侠气与仙气的异同争执,以及根本的人性本善与人性本恶的分歧争端。这是一种站在人类至高处的宏阔格局,就这一而言,《剑来》是令人肃然起敬的一部作品,足堪代表当下网文的境界。
每满80减40 石油化工设备维护检修规程 2019版 四册:化纤设备(上、下册)
石油化工设备维护检修规程 2019版 四册:化纤设备(上、下册)
对《化纤设备》规程行了整合,对设备名称类同、主要检修内容相似及设备检修内容强相关的规程行了归并,将通用设备归《石油化工设备维护检修规程》册《通用设备》中,把有使用局限性且即将退出生产的设备规程予以删除,经过合并、删减及取消后本册终规程编制数量为:装置规程4 项,设备规程94 项,分上、下两册出版,上册为腈纶设备、下册为涤纶设备。
每满80减40 中国集成电路材料产业技术发展路线图(2019版)
每满80减40 思维不设限:写给专属职场人的成事指南(套装10册)
杰夫•贝佐斯 沃尔特•艾 萨克森 珍大户 远方青木 枪大叔 柯林•布里亚 比尔•卡尔 沈帅波 罗杰•道森 史蒂芬•柯维 约翰麦克斯韦尔
套装包括: 1. 长期主义 2. 认知世界的经济学 3. 长期价值 4. 借势 5. 亚马逊逆向工作法 6. 伟大的复利 7. 优势谈判 8. *成交 9. *能沟通的七个习惯 10. 掌控管理
每满80减40 中外名著少年简读合集:昆虫记、凡尔纳科幻小说、森林报、四大名著、西顿动物记(全5套)
儒勒·凡尔纳是科幻小说的鼻祖,他的每部作品都是史诗级,其中不少还都是鸿篇巨制。本书精选了凡尔纳的四大经典科幻小说,其中包括《海底两万里》《八十天环游地球》《格兰特船长的儿女》《神秘岛》,将原本晦涩难懂的名著改编为孩子们爱看的形式,帮助孩子们轻松地读懂凡尔纳科幻名著中的经典故事!这是一本非常适合学生阅读的好书。 本套图书将法布尔《昆虫记》原著中的昆虫故事改编成精美的插图本,用拟人化的写法揭示了不同昆虫的生活习性,用写实的插图展示了昆虫们的外形特征,让孩子们在阅读昆虫故事的同时了解不同昆虫的习性,让生活在钢筋水泥环境中的孩子们感受到大自然的奇妙,体会法布尔先生对生命的尊敬和热爱。这是一套非常适合学生学习阅读的经典名著。 这部名著是苏联著名儿童科学作家维·比安基的代表作。著者以其擅长描写动植物生活的艺术才能,用轻快的笔调、采用报刊形式,按春、夏、秋、冬四季12个月,有层次、有类别地报道森林中的新闻,森林中愉快的节日和可悲的事件,森林中的英雄和强盗,将动植物的生活表现得栩栩如生,引人入胜。著者还告诉了孩子们应如何去观察大自然、如何去比较、思考和研究大自然的方法。 四大名著指的是《水浒传》《三国演义》《西游记》《红楼梦》四部杰出的古典著作,它们是中华民族的文化瑰宝,具有极高的艺术成就,值得人们一读再读。本书精简了四大名著的内容,使之适合青少年阅读,并配以精美插图,增加阅读趣味。《水浒传》描写了一群不堪压迫的“好汉”,其中的108位好汉个个性格鲜明,他们或智或勇,或洒脱或忠义,他们满腔热血却无力回天,让人唏嘘感叹。《三国演义》是一部历史演义小说,东汉末年群雄割据,魏、蜀、吴三国之间你来我往,政治、军事上争斗不断。一个个叱咤风云的英雄人物,在这乱世中上演了一幕幕荡气回肠的风云史诗。《西游记》是一部浪漫主义的神魔小说,讲述了孙悟空、猪八戒、沙和尚和白龙马护送圣僧唐三藏到西天取经,他们历经九九八十一难,终到达西天取得真经。小说中,描绘出了一个奇幻瑰丽的神话世界,情节曲折、扣人心弦。《红楼梦》是古典小说的之作,讲尽了人间烟火、诉全了悲欢离合,以贾府为首的四大家族由盛而衰为背景,红楼儿女们的爱情悲剧为脉络,描绘了一幅栩栩如生的社会世态百相,极具文学性与艺术性。 《西顿动物记》(少年简读版)全套4册,彩色环保印刷,针对青少年读者,量身定制,根据《西顿动物记》原著精心改编,以童话般的叙述方式、拟人化的描写手法以及清新淡雅的插图设计,将心灵深处迸发出的动人情感刻画得淋漓尽致。
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每满80减40 高品质图文大赏(共8册)
每满80减40 大秦帝国(精华版)(全5册)(从挨打弱国到无敌强国,全景式还原秦一统天下全过程。茅盾文学奖入围作品,孙皓晖代表作)
列国纷争的战国时期,时为西北边陲弱国的秦,内有贵族掣肘,外有强敌窥伺,已处于亡国边缘。 值此危亡之际,秦国明君贤臣迭出,百余年间,就从一个挨弱国,变成横扫天下的无敌强国。 秦孝公即位后,广招贤才,任用商鞅变法,秦国迅速崛起; 秦惠文王时期,以张仪为相,连横六国,又用司马错为将,取巴蜀为粮仓; 秦昭襄王时期,文用范雎远交近攻之策,武用白起伐楚、破赵,六国俯首; 后,嬴政奋六世之余烈,在李斯、蒙恬等的辅佐下,短短数年间,先后灭韩、赵、魏、楚、燕、齐,建立起中国历史上个大一统的中央集权国家。 翻本书,看秦如何力战群雄,统一六国!
Daniel Silva's Gabriel Allon Collection, Books 11 - 13
Daniel Silva's Gabriel Allon Collection, Books 11 - 13
Silva, Daniel
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Silva come books 11-13 in his beloved Gabriel Allon series: Portrait of a Spy, The Fallen Angel, and The English Girl.
每满80减40 曾宪九胰腺病学(第2版)
《胰腺病学》第1版于2007年8月出版,作为一部全面、系统阐述胰腺疾病发病机制、临床诊断和综合治疗的学术专著,获得了从事胰腺疾病诊治工作者的关注和好评,并荣获国家新闻出版总署第二届“三个一百”原创图书出版工程奖。 为了缅怀我国胰腺外科的奠基人曾宪九教授,铭记他对我国胰腺疾病研究和实践作出的巨大贡献,第2版更名为《曾宪九胰腺病学》。 本次修订,由我国普通外科、消化内科、内分泌科、肿瘤内科、病理科、影像科、麻醉科等百余位知名专家,在充分参考国内外文献的基础上,结合临床实践行大比例充实和更新内容,较为全面地反映了国内、国外胰腺疾病领域的新理论、新理念以及诊治技术的新展,力图帮助读者拓宽视野、更新知识。同时,创新性引阅读要、展与争议、推荐阅读等栏目,且以二维码形式加视频,方便读者阅读和学习。
每满80减40 中国医籍补考
刘时觉编*的《中国医籍补考》为补日本丹波元胤《中国医籍考》未备而作,大体与之同步,收载自远古至清嘉庆二十五年的中国医学古籍,分医经、本草、食治、养生、藏象、病机、诊法、明堂经脉、伤寒、温病、金匮、临床综合、方书、内科、外科、伤骨科、妇产科、儿科、咽喉口齿、眼科、法医、医案、医活医论、丛书全书、史传、书目、运气、其他共 28个门类,凡3608种,较《中国医籍考》新增2506种。作者2011年撰《中国医籍续考》,则续《中国医籍考》收载道光元年至宣统末的医学古籍3068种,本书并载《续考补编》408种。二书为姊妹篇,相互参阅,自可为“辨章学术,考镜源流”的阶梯。 本书体例参照丹波氏,载录医籍序跋,作者传记、文集、墓志铭,以及各种目录学*作有关提要、按语,兼及史传、方志、家族宗谱中有关医籍的记载,研究考证医籍书名、卷帙、撰作、出版或校勘年代、医籍现存、亡佚、未见、阙失、辑佚等情况;考证书籍性质、别名、简要内容、沿革变化、丛书子目等内容;考证作者籍贯、姓氏、字号,载录其经历、医学成就。每有参考异同,订正讹谬,并附己说于后,或阐述性质,或罗列别名,或简述内容,或载录版本,或记录演变,或考证真伪,或记收载丛书,孤本抄本,则别列藏书者。末附书名索引、*者索引及主要参考书目。 本书资料丰富,内容精专,考证周密,立论严谨,学术挖掘深透,为中医学术研究提供了可靠的资料,具有较高的文献价值。本书是研究中医学术渊源和中医医术发展脉络的重要学术专*,可为从事中国医学研究及中国医学史、中国文化史与中国历史研究者提供重要参考。
Ceph Cookbook - Second Edition
Ceph Cookbook - Second Edition
Vikhyat Umrao, Michael Hackett, Karan Singh
Over 100 effective recipes to help you design, implement, and troubleshoot manage the software-defined and massively scalable Ceph storage system. About This Book Implement a Ceph cluster successfully and learn to manage it. Recipe based approach in learning the most efficient software defined storage system Implement best practices on improving efficiency and security of your storage cluster Learn to troubleshoot common issues experienced in a Ceph cluster Who This Book Is For This book is targeted at storage and cloud engineers, system administrators, or anyone who is interested in building software defined storage, to power your cloud or virtual infrastructure. If you have basic knowledge of GNU/Linux and storage systems, with no experience of software defined storage solutions and Ceph, but eager to learn then this book is for you What You Will Learn Understand, install, configure, and manage the Ceph storage system Get to grips with performance tuning and benchmarking, and learn practical tips to help run Ceph in production Integrate Ceph with OpenStack Cinder, Glance, and Nova components Deep dive into Ceph object storage, including S3, Swift, and Keystone integration Configure a disaster recovery solution with a Ceph Multi-Site V2 gateway setup and RADOS Block Device mirroring Gain hands-on experience with Ceph Metrics and VSM for cluster monitoring Familiarize yourself with Ceph operations such as maintenance, monitoring, and troubleshooting Understand advanced topics including erasure-coding, CRUSH map, cache pool, and general Ceph cluster maintenance In Detail Ceph is a unified distributed storage system designed for reliability and scalability. This technology has been transforming the software-defined storage industry and is evolving rapidly as a leader with its wide range of support for popular cloud platforms such as OpenStack, and CloudStack, and also for virtualized platforms. Ceph is backed by Red Hat and has been developed by community of developers which has gained immense traction in recent years. This book will guide you right from the basics of Ceph , such as creating blocks, object storage, and filesystem access, to advanced concepts such as cloud integration solutions. The book will also cover practical and easy to implement recipes on CephFS, RGW, and RBD with respect to the major stable release of Ceph Jewel. Towards the end of the book, recipes based on troubleshooting and best practices will help you get to grips with managing Ceph storage in a production environment. By the end of this book, you will have practical, hands-on experience of using Ceph efficiently for your storage requirements. Style and approach This step-by-step guide is filled with practical tutorials, making complex scenarios easy to understand.
Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming
Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming
Federico Kereki
Master Functional Programming techniques with this comprehensive guide for writing cleaner, safer, high-performing JavaScript codes About This Book Become proficient and skilled with Functional Programming in JavaScript to solve real-world development problems Successfully apply Functional Programming concepts and techniques to everyday JavaScript programming Bring modularity, reusability, testability, and performance to your web apps Who This Book Is For If you are a JavaScript developer and want to apply functional programming techniques, then this book is for you. Only a basic knowledge of the concepts of functional programming is required for this book. What You Will Learn Create more reliable code with closures and immutable data Convert existing methods into pure functions, and loops into recursive methods Develop more powerful applications with currying and function composition Separate the logic of your system from implementation details Implement composition and chaining techniques to simplify coding Use functional programming techniques where it makes the most sense In Detail Functional programming is a programming paradigm for developing software using functions. Learning to use functional programming is a good way to write more concise code, with greater concurrency and performance. The JavaScript language is particularly suited to functional programming. This book provides comprehensive coverage of the major topics in functional programming with JavaScript to produce shorter, clearer, and testable programs. You'll delve into functional programming; including writing and testing pure functions, reducing side-effects, and other features to make your applications functional in nature. Specifically, we'll explore techniques to simplify coding, apply recursion for loopless coding, learn ways to achieve immutability, implement design patterns, and work with data types. By the end of this book, you'll have developed the JavaScript skills you need to program functional applications with confidence. Style and approach This book takes an easy-to-follow, step-by-step tutorial approach. You will make the most of JavaScript programming with a focus on the progression of functional programming techniques, styles, and detailed information about JavaScript libraries.
Flux Architecture
Flux Architecture
Adam Boduch
Learn to build powerful and scalable applications with Flux, the architecture that serves billions of Facebook users every dayAbout This Book·This the first resource dedicated to the new architectural pattern that powers Facebook·You'll learn all the tips and tricks you need to get the most out of Flux·Filled with practical, hands-on samples, you'll not only understand how Flux works, but will be able to start building Flux-powered applications straight away·Written by Adam Boduch, software architect at Virtustream (EMC), and author of JavaScript at Scale, JavaScript Concurrency, and jQuery UI Cookbook for Packt PublishingWho This Book Is ForAre you trying to use React, but are struggling to get your head around Flux? Maybe you're tired of MV* spaghetti code at scale? Do you find yourself asking what the Flux?!Flux Architecture will guide you through everything you need to understand the Flux pattern, and design and build powerful web applications that rely on the Flux architecture.You don't need to know what Flux is or how it works to read along with the book. No knowledge of Flux's partner technology, ReactJS, is necessary to follow along, but it is recommended that you have a good working knowledge of JavaScript.What You Will Learn·Understand the Flux pattern and how it will impact your React applications·Build real-world applications that rely on Flux·Handle asynchronous actions in your application·Implement immutable stores with Immutable.js·Replace React.js with alternate View components such as jQuery and Handlebars·Test and benchmark your Flux architecture using Jest—Facebook's enhancement of the Jasmine libraryIn DetailWhilst React has become Facebook's poster-child for clean, complex, and modern web development, it has quietly been underpinned by its simplicity. It's just a view. The real beauty in React is actually the architectural pattern that handles data in and out of React applications: Flux. With Flux, you're able to build data-rich applications that engage your users, and scale to meet every demand. It is a key part of the Facebook technology stack that serves billions of users every day.This book will start by introducing the Flux pattern and help you get an understanding of what it is and how it works. After this, we'll build real-world React applications that highlight the power and simplicity of Flux in action. Finally, we look at the landscape of Flux and explore the Alt and Redux libraries that make React and Flux developments easier.Filled with fully-worked examples and code-first explanations, by the end of the book, you'll not only have a rock solid understanding of the architecture, but will be ready to implement Flux architecture in anger.Style and approachThis book is filled with practical, hands-on examples. You'll not only understand how Flux works, but will be able to start building Flux-powered applications straight away.
Learning Rust:A comprehensive guide to writing Rust applications
Learning Rust:A comprehensive guide to writing Rust applications
Paul Johnson, Vesa Kaihlavirta
Start building fast and robust applications with the power of Rust by your sideAbout This Book·Get started with the language to build scalable and high performance applications·This book will help C#/C++ developers gain better performance and memory management·Discover the power of Rust when developing concurrent applications for large and scalable softwareWho This Book Is ForThe book is for absolute beginners to Rust, who want to build high performance, concurrent applications for their projects. It is suitable for developers who have a basic knowledge of programming and developers who are using the C#/C++ language to write their applications. No knowledge of Rust is expected.What You Will Learn·Set up Rust for Windows, Linux, and OS X·Write effective code using Rust·Expand your Rust applications using libraries·Interface existing non-Rust libraries with your Rust applications·Use the standard library within your applications·Understand memory management within Rust and speed efficiency when passing variables·Create more complex data types·Study concurrency in Rust with multi-threaded applications and sync threading techniques to improve the performance of an application problemIn DetailRust is a highly concurrent and high performance language that focuses on safety and speed, memory management, and writing clean code. It also guarantees thread safety, and its aim is to improve the performance of existing applications. Its potential is shown by the fact that it has been backed by Mozilla to solve the critical problem of concurrency.Learning Rust will teach you to build concurrent, fast, and robust applications. From learning the basic syntax to writing complex functions, this book will is your one stop guide to get up to speed with the fundamentals of Rust programming. We will cover the essentials of the language, including variables, procedures, output, compiling, installing, and memory handling.You will learn how to write object-oriented code, work with generics, conduct pattern matching, and build macros. You will get to know how to communicate with users and other services, as well as getting to grips with generics, scoping, and more advanced conditions. You will also discover how to extend the compilation unit in Rust.By the end of this book, you will be able to create a complex application in Rust to move forward with.Style and approachThis comprehensive book will focus on the Rust syntax, functions, data types, and conducting pattern matching for programmers. It is divided into three parts and each part of the book has an objective to enable the readers to create their own applications at an appropriate level, ultimately towards creating complex applications.
[清](清)梅文鼎撰 高峰点校
《历算全书》是清初著名天文学家、数学家梅文鼎历算著作的合集,共计29种(另有1种存目无文),即《三角法举要》《勾股阐微》《弧三角举要》《环中黍尺》《堑堵测量》《方圆幂积》《几何补编》《解八线割圆之根》《历学疑问》《历学疑问补》《交会管见》《交食蒙求》《揆日候星纪要》《岁周地度合考》《春秋以来冬至考》《诸方节气加时日轨高度表》《五星纪要》《火星本法》《七政细草补注》《仰仪简仪二铭补注》《历学骈枝》《授时平立定三差详说》《历学答问》《古算衍略》《笔算》《筹算》《度算释例》《方程论》《少广拾遗》。 此次校,以雍正元年刻本为底本,以雍正二年刻本、《梅氏丛书辑要》本、《四库全书》本等为校本,并重新绘制了书中所有的图表、算式等。书末附有《勿庵历算书目》《梅文鼎历算书序跋》《梅文鼎传记资料》。