

Beyond C. L. R. James
Beyond C. L. R. James
John Nauright and Alan G. Gobley
Beyond C. L. R. James brings together essays analyzing the interconnections among race, ethnicity, and sport. Published in memory of C. L. R. James, the revolutionary sociologist and writer from Trinidad who penned the famous autobiographical account of cricket titled Beyond a Boundary, this collection of essays, many of which originated at the 2010 conference on race and ethnicity in sport at the University of West Indies, Cave Hill in Barbados, cover everything from Aborigines in sport and cricket and minstrel shows in Australia to Zulu stick fighting and football and racism in northern Ireland. The essays, divided into four sections that include introductory comments by each editor, are written by some of the more well-known sport historians in the world and characterized by a focus on the role of culture and sport in society in the context of both political economies and the state as well as colonial and postcolonial struggles. Included also are discussions on how sport at once brings people together, shapes the identities of its participants, and reflects the continuing search for social justice.
Odd Thomas Series Books 1-5
Odd Thomas Series Books 1-5
Dean Koontz
The 400 million copy worldwide bestseller Dean Koontz is at his very best in this critically-acclaimed page-turner – soon to be a major motion picture. Find out why Odd Thomas is the master storyteller’s most-loved creation. Odd by name, a hero by nature. He’s Odd. Odd Thomas, to be precise. Genius fry-cook at the Pico Mundo grill; boyfriend to the gorgeous Stormy Llewellyn – and possibly the only person with a chance of stopping one of the worst crimes in the bloody history of murder… Something evil has come to the desert town that Odd and Stormy call home. It comes in the form of a mysterious man with a macabre appetite, a filing cabinet full of information on the world’s worst killers, and strange, hyena-like shadows following him wherever he goes. Odd is worried. He knows things, sees things – about the living, the dead and the soon to be dead. Things that he has to act on. Now he’s terrified for Stormy, himself and Pico Mundo. Because he knows that on Wednesday August 15, a savage, blood-soaked whirlwind of violence and murder will devastate the town. Today is August 14. And Odd is far from sure he can stop the coming storm…
Martin Faber: The Story of a Criminal
Martin Faber: The Story of a Criminal
John Caldwell Guilds
William Gilmore Simms's (1806-1870) body of work, a sweeping fictional portrait of the colonial and antebellum South in all its regional diversity, with its literary and intellectual issues, is probably more comprehensive than any other nineteenth-century southern author. Simms's career began with a short novel, Martin Faber, published in 1833. This Gothic tale is reminiscent of James Hogg's Confessions of a Sinner and was written four years before Edgar Allan Poe's "e;William Wilson."e; Narrated in the first person, it is considered a pioneering examination of criminal psychology. Martin seduces then murders Emily so that he might marry another woman, Constance. Martin confesses to his friend and is killed after attempting to stab Constance when she visits him in jail. The book was immediately successful and was well received by the northern media, thus starting Simms's successful career as a writer, one that would rank him as the only major southern literary figure besides Poe before the Civil War. As with other volumes in the Arkansas Edition of Simms's work, this volume includes a critical introduction by the editor and a Simms chronology, as well as appendices dealing with textual matters. This edition also includes Simms's 1829 story, "e;Confessions of a Murderer,"e; which was the germ for his first book of fiction.
Looking Back at the Arkansas Gazette
Looking Back at the Arkansas Gazette
Roy Reed
The Arkansas Gazette was born in a log cabin November 20, 1819, on a bank of the Arkansas River. A local establishment donated a barrel of whiskey to celebrate the event. The first issue carried a complaint from a citizen that the town had too many lawyers. When the paper died 167 years later, the problem was not lawyers but corporate executives who had found themselves, to their confusion, in charge of the oldest newspaper west of the Mississippi and not knowing what to do with it.
戴逸先生主要从事中国史研究,在清史、中国近代史领域尤有专长,他是国家清史编纂委员会主任,是中国当代少有的贯通清代前后期历史的清史研究大家。同时,他把清史放到世界背景下思考、讨论,学术视野开阔。无论是以其个人学术成果开拓重要研究领域,还是以其声望与影响推动中国清代历史研究的发展,他都卓有建树。国务院副总理马凯曾说:“戴逸先生和张卓元先生心怀祖国,言传身教,桃李满天下,取得了一系列优秀成果;他们几十年如一日,始终保持对学术的热爱和追求,不追风,不赶潮,独立思考,令人敬佩,令人感动。” 戴逸先生治学多年,笔耕不辍,其中《中国抗战史演义》作于1951年,在全国刚刚解放、不少人对中国共产党及其领导下的八路军、新四军在抗日战争中的中流砥柱作用不甚了解的情况下,这本普及型读物有着极大的社会效益。《中国近代史稿》是新中国成立以后先从思想理论角度撰写历史的近代史著作,梳理了整个近代史的脉络。从1978年起,戴逸先生用7年时间主持编写了70余万字的《简明清史》,摸清了清代历史的主要线索;在《1689年的中俄尼布楚条约》中,利用中、俄双方大量的官方档案和私人文献,再现了条约谈判的全过程,为中国政府处理中苏边境问题提供了珍贵的参考和备要,以崭新的思维方式开创了中国研究清朝边疆史的先河。2003年1月28日,清史编纂工程正式启动,戴逸先生受命担任清史编纂委员会主任。在纂修工作中实事求是,尊重历史,既要还原历史真实,又要反映时代精神,既要继承前人研究成果,又要勇于学术创新,既要理清中国历史的发展脉络,又要联系世界历史的发展。以史实为依据,去伪存真,去粗取精,避免主观臆断。要使新《清史》成为一部观点鲜明、内容充实、史料丰富、文笔生动的高水平的史书,尽量使思想性与学术性达到完美统一,使新《清史》成为传世佳作。同时,在编纂新《清史》工作中,注重培养出一批优秀的中青年清史专家。 所以说,戴逸先生著作等身,他的著作对学界和非专业大众读者都产生了深远的影响,这种影响经久不衰。而戴先生从未有过文集出版,他的著述散见各处,没有经过系统整理编排,尤其是主持编纂《清史》以来的文章尚未经过系统整理,这一直是学界一大憾事。此次出版文集,系统整理了戴先生治学之初至今的全部著述。《戴逸文集》拟选取其中有代表性的著述,包括专著、文章(专论、随笔、序跋)、讲演、采访记等等,分门别类后、按照时间排序,精编成10卷本的文集,总规模约700万字。因此这部《戴逸文集》的意义不言而喻,它既是戴先生多年治学的成果精华,也是后辈学人研究清史和近代史的之书。 《戴逸文集》对历史学学科建设具有重大意义,带有战略性、前瞻性,研究成果属国内一流水平,并具有相当大的国际学术影响。
《聊斋志异》是我国古典文学名著,多篇文章入选中小学语文读本或教材。本书由知名《聊斋志异》研究专家、中央电视台《百家讲坛》节目主讲人马瑞芳教授精心挑选《聊斋志异》中适合少年儿童阅读的篇章改编而成,包括《不露面的狐狸老师》《偶遇狐狸嫁女》《狐狸里边有“女侠》等,想象力丰富,文笔瑰丽,并设有“聊斋里的秘密”“哲理金句”“文化史常识”“原典精读”等板块,让少年儿童在阅读中华经典的同时,跟蒲松龄这个大作家学习写文章的技巧,提升自己的文学素养,体会汉语的简洁、含蓄、灵动、婉转之美,并通过《聊斋》故事长知识、明事理、辨是非,学习做人做事的道理! 苏东坡才情天纵,文学与艺术成就炳耀古今;风趣幽默,屡历坎坷仍乐观豁达。他的作品与人品都独具魅力,虽历经千载仍充满青春活力,令世人敬仰、遐思。本书以苏东坡的生平为主线,穿插各种历史故事与文化常识,在带领小读者走进苏东坡博大宏丰的精神世界,领略一代文豪的豪情、才情、真性情的同时,让他们体悟中华文明的独特魅力与中国文化的博大精深,从而学史习文,收获成长。 《少年读水浒》是央视《百家讲坛》主讲嘉宾、中国当代“水浒”讲评大家鲍鹏山,专为青少年创作的解读《水浒传》的系列作品。 作者打破原著的故事主线,选取宋江、林冲、鲁智深、武松、李逵这五个有代表性的水浒人物,围绕他们的故事串讲整部《水浒传》,展现《水浒传》中的江湖世界及其所反映的社会现实;不仅讲透故事,更从文本细节入手,深入字里行间,生动解析作品的思想价值和艺术特色,引领青少年领略《水浒传》文字的精妙和超凡的文学魅力;从文化和时代背景的角度对人物性格、人物心理、人物命运作深度剖析,帮助青少年增长人生大智慧,培养人生大格局。 书中还设置了“文化常识注释”和“水浒英雄谱”两个栏目,既是对正文的有益补充,也为“课本中的水浒”提供了丰富、深厚的背景支持,帮助青少年更便捷地走进《水浒传》这部厚重的文学经典。 春秋战国时代,各学派的哲学观点激烈碰撞,迸发出更加灿烂的智慧火花,学术盛况空前辉煌,史称“百家争鸣”。诸子百家将一生苦思的智慧成果,凝聚在自己的学术著作中,为我们留下了明德启智、永不过时的思想财富。这部专为少年儿童打造的中国哲学启蒙书,以明白晓畅的文字、简洁精当的阐释,向读者系统地梳理孔子、孟子、墨子、老子、庄子、荀子和韩非子等先哲的哲学思想精华,打破哲学“艰涩玄乎”的偏见,消除先秦文言的阅读壁垒,让孩子轻松看懂百家争鸣,爱上智慧之学。 少年儿童于手不释卷的阅读中,汲取先贤的思想精华,养成独立思考的能力、精益求精的魄力、兼容并包的胸襟,以及探索未知的勇气。
YS/T 5423-2014 重有色金属冶炼设备安装工程质量检验评定标准
YS/T 5423-2014 重有色金属冶炼设备安装工程质量检验评定标准
欢迎来到盖朵的世界,这里充满善意、惊喜和正能量。 希望你在这里告别沮丧和难过,希望你在这里有一个属于自己的小空间。 愿我们每一个人身边都有盖朵,愿我们每一个人都能成为盖朵…… 把爱化作一道光,哪怕再微弱,也能照亮你的黑夜。
ASME RTP-1—2013增强热固性塑料制耐腐蚀设备
ASME RTP-1—2013增强热固性塑料制耐腐蚀设备
(美)ASME增强热固性塑料制耐腐蚀设备委员会 编著
本书属于ASME 2013版非金属压力容器系列标准之一:ASME RTP-1—2013《增强热固性塑料制耐腐蚀设备》是一个非常重要的非金属容器标准。该标准主要内容包括:增强热固性塑料(RTP)制耐腐蚀容器的总则、材料、设计、制造、超压保护、检验与试验、制造商资质、认证以及13个规范性附录和16个资料性附录。 本书主要用作从事非金属压力容器专业的制造、设计、研发、监督用书,也可作为院校的教学参考用书,还可以作为工程技术人员的自学用书。
Git Essentials - Second Edition
Git Essentials - Second Edition
Ferdinando Santacroce
Dive and explore into the latest addons of the latest Git.About This Book·Master all the basic concepts of Git to protect your code and make it easier to evolve·Use Git proficiently, and learn how to resolve day-by-day challenges easily·This step-by-step guide is packed with examples to help you learn and work with Git's internalsWho This Book Is ForIf you are a software developer with little or no experience of versioning systems, or you are familiar with other centralized versioning systems, then this book is for you.If you have experience in server and system management and need to broaden your use of Git from a DevOps perspective, this book contains everything you need.What You Will Learn·Master Git fundamentals·Be able to "visualize," even with the help of a valid GUI tool·Write principal commands in a shell·Figure out the right strategy to run change your daily work with few or no annoyances·Explore the tools used to migrate to Git from the Subversion versioning system without losing your development history·Plan new projects and repositories with ease, using online services, or local network resourcesIn DetailSince its inception, Git has attracted skilled developers due to its robust, powerful, and reliable features. Its incredibly fast branching ability transformed a piece of code from a niche tool for Linux Kernel developers into a mainstream distributed versioning system. Like most powerful tools, Git can be hard to approach since it has a lot of commands, subcommands, and options that easily confuse newcomers.The 2nd edition of this very successful book will help you overcome this fear and become adept in all the basic tasks in Git. Building upon the success of the first book, we start with a brief step-by-step installation guide; after this, you'll delve into the essentials of Git. For those of you who have bought the first edition, this time we go into internals in far greater depth, talking less about theory and using much more practical examples.The book serves as a primer for topics to follow, such as branching and merging, creating and managing a GitHub personal repository, and fork and pull requests. You'll then learn the art of cherry-picking, taking only the commits you want, followed by Git blame. Finally, we'll see how to interoperate with a Subversion server, covering the concepts and commands needed to convert an SVN repository into a Git repository.To conclude, this is a collection of resources, links, and appendices to satisfy even the most curious.Style and approachThis short guide will help you understand the concepts and fundamentals of GIT is a step-by-step manner.
Embedded Linux Development using Yocto Projects - Second Edition
Embedded Linux Development using Yocto Projects - Second Edition
Otavio Salvador, Daiane Angolini
Optimize and boost your Linux-based system with Yocto Project and increase its reliability and robustness efficiently and cost-effectively. About This Book Optimize your Yocto Project tools to develop efficient Linux-based projects Practical approach to learning Linux development using Yocto Project Demonstrates concepts in a practical and easy-to-understand way Who This Book Is For If you are an embedded Linux developer with a basic knowledge of Yocto Project and want to broaden your knowledge with examples of embedded development, then this book is for you. This book is also for professionals who want to find new insights into working methodologies for Linux development. What You Will Learn Understand the basic concepts involved in Poky workflows along with configuring and preparing the Poky build environment. Configure a build server and customize images using Toaster. Generate images and fit packages into created images using BitBake. Support the development process by setting up and using Package feeds. Debug Yocto Project by configuring Poky. Build an image for the BeagleBone Black, RaspberryPi 3, and Wandboard, and boot it from an SD card. In Detail Yocto Project is turning out to be the best integration framework for creating reliable embedded Linux projects. It has the edge over other frameworks because of its features such as less development time and improved reliability and robustness. Embedded Linux Development using Yocto Project starts with an in-depth explanation of all Yocto Project tools, to help you perform different Linux-based tasks. The book then moves on to in-depth explanations of Poky and BitBake. It also includes some practical use cases for building a Linux subsystem project using Yocto Project tools available for embedded Linux. The book also covers topics such as SDK, recipetool, and others. By the end of the book, you will have learned how to generate and run an image for real hardware boards and will have gained hands-on experience at building efficient Linux systems using Yocto Project. Style and approach A clear, concise, and straightforward book that will enable you to use and implement the latest features of Yocto Project.
Mastering MongoDB 3.x:An expert's guide to building fault-tolerant MongoDB appli
Mastering MongoDB 3.x:An expert's guide to building fault-tolerant MongoDB appli
Alex Giamas
An expert's guide to build fault tolerant MongoDB applicationAbout This Book·Master the advanced modeling, querying, and administration techniques in MongoDB and become a MongoDB expert·Covers the latest updates and Big Data features frequently used by professional MongoDB developers and administrators·If your goal is to become a certified MongoDB professional, this book is your perfect companionWho This Book Is ForMastering MongoDB is a book for database developers, architects, and administrators who want to learn how to use MongoDB more effectively and productively.If you have experience in, and are interested in working with, NoSQL databases to build apps and websites, then this book is for you.What You Will Learn·Get hands-on with advanced querying techniques such as indexing, expressions, arrays, and more.·Configure, monitor, and maintain highly scalable MongoDB environment like an expert.·Master replication and data sharding to optimize read/write performance.·Design secure and robust applications based on MongoDB.·Administer MongoDB-based applications on-premise or in the cloud·Scale MongoDB to achieve your design goals·Integrate MongoDB with big data sources to process huge amounts of dataIn DetailMongoDB has grown to become the de facto NoSQL database with millions of users—from small startups to Fortune 500 companies. Addressing the limitations of SQL schema-based databases, MongoDB pioneered a shift of focus for DevOps and offered sharding and replication maintainable by DevOps teams. The book is based on MongoDB 3.x and covers topics ranging from database querying using the shell, built in drivers, and popular ODM mappers to more advanced topics such as sharding, high availability, and integration with big data sources.You will get an overview of MongoDB and how to play to its strengths, with relevant use cases. After that, you will learn how to query MongoDB effectively and make use of indexes as much as possible. The next part deals with the administration of MongoDB installations on-premise or in the cloud. We deal with database internals in the next section, explaining storage systems and how they can affect performance. The last section of this book deals with replication and MongoDB scaling, along with integration with heterogeneous data sources. By the end this book, you will be equipped with all the required industry skills and knowledge to become a certified MongoDB developer and administrator.Style and approachThis book takes a practical, step-by-step approach to explain the concepts of MongoDB. Practical use-cases involving real-world examples are used throughout the book to clearly explain theoretical concepts.
重生之嫡女归来【 三书六礼,十里红妆,嫁给自己心仪的男子。用尽所有人力物力手段,将他一个不受宠的皇子扶上了皇位。】
重生之嫡女归来【 三书六礼,十里红妆,嫁给自己心仪的男子。用尽所有人力物力手段,将他一个不受宠的皇子扶上了皇位。】
[南宋]熊方 等编 刘祜仁点校
范晔《后汉书》和陈寿《三国志》都没有表,宋代以后,学者陆续编撰了许多补表之作。 南宋熊方在宋高宗年间编撰的《补后汉书年表》,模仿班固《汉书》体例,弥补《后汉书》不足,经纬周密,叙次井然,对于补撰史表有创始之劳。后来清人诸以敦撰《熊氏后汉书年表校补》、钱大昭《后汉书补表》又对熊方补表做考证、补充,更为完善。 此外,关于《后汉书》,又有清人万斯同撰《东汉诸帝统系图》《东汉诸王世表》《东汉外戚侯表》《东汉宦者侯表》《东汉云台功臣侯表》《东汉将相大臣年表》《东汉九卿年表》等,黄大华、华湛恩、练恕也有补《后汉书》各类表;关于《三国志》,万斯同、周嘉猷、谢钟英、张守常、黄大华、周明泰、陶元珍、洪饴孙等有各类补表,多有参考价值,如洪饴孙《三国职官表》体例严密,功力较深,周明泰《三国志世系表》眉目清楚,标明出处,便于查阅。 本书将三十种《后汉书》《三国志》补表汇为一编,除张守常《谢钟英三国大事表补正》外,主要利用明书店出版的《二十五史补编》本为底本,加以校,更方便读者使用。