木心散文小说系列6种 (4)《哥伦比亚的倒影》——作为木心晚年编订的简体中文版作品,收入《九月初九》《竹秀》《空房》《哥伦比亚的倒影》《明天不散步了》《上海赋》等颇具木心行文风格的作品13篇。2006年初版亮相,就获《南方周末》《北京青年报》等媒体关注,引发这一年将是“木心年”的读书界讨论。 (5)《琼美卡随想录》——木心晚年定稿,一字一句一个标点都十分讲究,体现含而不露的一贯风格。各篇标题都是两个字的,如《剑柄》《缀之》《卒岁》等等,奇思妙想,终篇不绝。 (6)《温莎墓园日记》——循着小说集里的末篇“温莎墓园”,看罢温莎公爵和公爵夫人的“爱情回顾展”,犹居尘世的男男女女都不免想起自己,自己的痴情,自己的薄情。木心说,这分明是通俗的无情滥情的一百年。收入木心晚年编订的多篇小说。 (7)《即兴判断》——关于生命的高远与不可知,木心奉上一份轻盈的“美学判断”。据《木心谈木心》复盘披露,1993年木心应听课学生再三恳请,在纽约给陈丹青一众授课的“世界文学史”讲座上,曾以9堂课的半数时间讲述自己的文学创作,讲即分享《<即兴判断>代序》。 (8)《素履之往》——“素履之往”,源自《易经?履卦》:“初九,素履,往无咎。”以朴素坦白之态度行事,此自无咎。以喻质朴无华、清白自守的处世态度。木心说,生命好在无意义,才容得下各自赋予意义。 (9)《爱默生家的恶客》——木心晚年重新编订的一部散文小说集,曾笑称“我的起点太低”,收有首次面世的小说,还有木心首篇专写沮丧的文学作品,并重解三言二拍,呈现中国古体小说的新风格。
《暗黑者四部曲》 十八年前,一起离奇的爆炸案,使刑警罗飞的女友和好友袁志邦同时死去;十八年后,爆炸案凶手再次现身网络,以Eumenides(复仇女神)为名发出死刑征集帖,由网民公投出他要杀死的对象。 凡收到“死亡通知单”的人,都将按预告日期,被神秘杀手残忍杀害。即使受害人报警,警方严密布下天罗地网,并对受害人进行贴身保护,神秘杀手照样能在重重埋伏之下,不费吹灰之力将对方手刃。 所有的杀戮都在警方的眼皮底下发生,警方的每一次抓捕行动都以失败告终。而神秘杀手的真实身份却无人知晓,警方的每一次布局都在他的算计之内,这是一场智商的终极较量。 看似完美无缺的作案手法,是否存在破解的蛛丝马迹?这场关于智商的较量又将以谁的胜利收尾…… 《邪恶催眠师三部曲》 事实上,催眠术早被用于各行各业,心理医生用来治病救人,广告商用来贩卖商品,江湖术士用来坑蒙拐骗……意志薄弱的人、欲望强烈的人、过度防范的人,都极易被催眠术操控。 在街头实施的“瞬间催眠术”,可以让路人迷迷糊糊地把身上的钱悉数奉上;稍微深一些的催眠,更可以让人乖乖地去银行取出自己的全部存款;而如果碰到一个邪恶催眠师,被催眠者不仅任其驱使,就算搭上性命也浑然不觉。 意志薄弱的人、欲望强烈的人,容易被催眠;过度防范的人,警惕心越强,越容易被催眠。催眠师找准了催眠对象的心理弱点,利用人的恐惧、贪念、防备,潜入对方的精神世界,进而操控他们。瞬间催眠、集体催眠、认知错乱、删除记忆…… 一群平日深藏不露的催眠师,突然出现在街上、写字楼、医院、广场……,在他们眼里,世人都是梦游者任其驱使,而他们之间的斗争,却将所有普通人的命运卷入其中。 翻开本书,带您见识催眠师之间正与邪的斗法,了解这个隐秘而又无处不在的神秘世界。
Guide to Missouri Confederate Units, 1861-1865
Tracing the origins and history of Missouri Confederate units that served during the Civil War is nearly as difficult as comprehending the diverse politics that produced them. Deeply torn by the issues that caused the conflict, some Missourians chose sides enthusiastically, others reluctantly, while a number had to choose out of sheer necessity, for fence straddling held no sway in the state after the fighting began. The several thousand that sided with the Confederacy formed a variety of military organizations, some earning reputations for hard fighting exceeded by few other states, North or South. Unfortunately, the records of Missouri's Confederate units have not been adequately preserved-officially or otherwise-until now. James E. McGhee is a highly respected and widely published authority on the Civil War in Missouri; the scope of this book is startling, the depth of detail gratifying, its reliability undeniable, and the unit narratives highly readable. McGhee presents accounts of the sixty-nine artillery, cavalry, and infantry units in the state, as well as their precedent units and those that failed to complete their organization. Relying heavily on primary sources, such as rosters, official reports, order books, letters, diaries, and memoirs, he weaves diverse materials into concise narratives of each of Missouri's Confederate organizations. He lists the field-grade officers for battalions and regiments, companies and company commanders, and places of origin for each company when known. In addition to listing all the commanding officers in each unit, he includes a bibliography germane to the unit, while a supplemental bibliography provides the other sources used in preparing this unique and comprehensive resource.
党的二十大报告指出,“持续抓好党史、新中国史、改革放史、社会主义发展史宣传教育”。党史、新中国史、改革放史、社会主义发展史这“四史”,是党员干部的必修课。 作者李忠杰是著名的理论家和党史学家,对党史、党代会有深独到的创新性研究。本书分“党史”“新中国史”“改革放史”“社会主义发展史”四个单元,每个单元以专题“公课”的形式集中介绍了“四史”的“精要”,主题突出,线索明晰,叙述简明,既强调“四史”间的联系性、统一性,又注重彼此之间的差别和侧重,同时在史料选择和叙述上做到了权威性、严谨性与可读性、趣味性的统一,对于广大党员干部深刻领会党的建立、领导、创新、发展、决策、组织和推动工作的百年光辉历程,能起很好的帮助、梳理和解疑释惑作用。
变得更有说服力意味着什么?有时这意味着合同的顺利签订,有时这又意味着你总能脱颖而出,可以说,说服力其实意味着一种你个人的影响力。 本书作者斯蒂芬·C.杨基于对神经语言程序学的研究和多年一线实践经验的积累,对如何在对方潜意识中植入建议、如何针对不同交流风格组合运用14种语言模式以及如何通过提问引导对方做出决定等进行了简单易懂的讲解。此外,针对每一种技巧,本书都给出了详细的情景模拟展示,并将语言公式化,以帮助读者便于练习、迅速上手。 本书适合那些希望减少身边阻力,获得更多积极反馈,构建更加和谐、默契的人际关系的读者阅读与学习。 销售是一项具有挑战性的工作,它拼的不仅是产品,更需要高超的沟通技巧与营销技巧。 本书将各类销售知识与技能分解为100 个知识点,内容涵盖销售礼仪、沟通口才、需求挖掘、产品展示、产品劝购、排除异议、售后服务、网络营销等销售领域的各个方面,既有理论指导,又有应对策略和案例分析。全书内容全面,形式灵活,销售人员可以在忙碌之余随时翻看查阅,逐步增加专业知识,提升销售能力。 本书适合所有销售人员以及有志于从事销售工作的人士阅读和使用,也可作为企业培训销售新人的教材。 比努力更重要的是正确的思维方式! 清空错误观念,实现爆发式成长 为什么我们总是难以走出所谓的舒适区?为什么舒适区慢慢不再舒适,变成了习惯区? 舒适区不可能永远舒适;而让我们感到痛苦的是,积习难改! 在人生中的某些重要时刻,我们会碰到探索的天花板,感觉遇到了瓶颈,开始变得迷茫。 这时,我们要如何自我更新,实现人生的跃迁呢?这种思维路径的转换,是否有章可循? 答案是肯定的。 《习惯陷阱 终身自我更新的15堂必修课》就是一本教你如何觉察并舍弃旧的惯性思维模式,真正实现思维转换的通关手册。 只有不断更新自己的思维方式,我们才有从习以为常的表象中洞察本质、发现趋势的能力。 《习惯陷阱 终身自我更新的15堂必修课》作者讲述的许多通过咨询改变人生的真实故事,帮助了无数陷入迷茫和困境的人,让他们恍然大悟:“这才是我想要的人生!”。 神经科学作为一门全新的学科,不仅能够帮助我们训练自己的大脑,还能让我们的思维变得更敏捷,使我们的行为变得更高效。目前,有关大脑神经科学方面的研究已成为各大领域新的热点。 本书作者根据的脑神经研究,提供了一整套与传统方法完全不同的大脑训练方法——基于脑神经科学镜像科学的思维训练软技能,旨在帮助读者发掘他们在个人能力、学习习惯、技能方面的潜力,培养出以积极结果为导向的行为,更好地应对挫折管理、平衡生活与工作、激励他人、实现目标等挑战,进而远离压力、负面思维及低效的时间管理,让工作和生活变得更高效。 本书是欲开发自我潜能和有效提高工作效率的管理者、职场人士,以及对神经科学感兴趣的人士的不二之选。 随着时代的进步,女性获得了更多登上舞台的机会,尤其是借助表达红利实现个人成功的机会,但是她们仍然面临着迈出第1步的压力,那些教女性循规蹈矩的声音,从未停止。知名名沟通领导力专家朱迪思·汉弗莱也曾有这样的遭遇,但是她以极大的勇气和心力突破了这些外在的束缚,找到了属于自己的舞台。 在《即兴演讲2:女性如何提升影响力》中,作者介绍了调整心态、秀出自我的方法,毫无保留地分享了成为卓越演讲者所需要的脚本准备、声音训练及舞台表现提升的秘诀,让每一位希望乘风破浪的女性,都能够突破心灵的禁锢,练习并掌握即兴演讲的能力,拥有不凡且无悔的人生。 获得内在自信的障碍之一是:畏惧心理。畏惧是我们常面临的情绪之一,但并非所有的畏惧都会把你吓得直冒冷汗、惊声尖叫,有些畏惧会隐藏在暗处,伺机控制你甚至阻碍你采取行动、成就自我;还有些畏惧每天都出现在你的脑海里,悄悄化身为你早就习以为常的内心的声音。 这些畏惧常常表现为负面情绪、负面结果和消极行为——害怕暴露真实的自我、害怕变化、不善于寻求帮助、没勇气拒绝他人、害怕当众演讲、不愿意打电话、太在意别人的想法、无法从工作中抽身,甚至不相信自己能成功,等等。 本书具体介绍了 12 种阻碍我们获得成功的畏惧心理,身为商业教练的曼迪·霍尔盖特基于其丰富的指导经验和案例,提供了实用的行动框架,包括战胜畏惧心理的练习、技巧、策略、行动建议以及结果。读完本书,你将学会辨别哪些行为会对畏惧心理推波助澜,主导你的生活和工作;而哪些行动能帮你摆脱它的纠缠,获得持久的内在自信,进而离成功更近。 时间管理的好坏,不仅仅在于是否掌握了先进的时间管理方法,更重要的是有没有重塑内在的心智模式。而时间管理的本质,其实是打破自我认知遮蔽,唤醒时间,习得成长型思维,不断践行终身成长的理念。 当然,我们要想真正走进自己的内在,重塑心智模式,必须直面价值观的探索,学会与自我、与智能、与时代对话和相处。《掌控24小时》正是以一-天24小时的不同时段、不同场景为时间管理的切入口,阐述了在每个时间段所对应的场景中,如何破除认知遮蔽,建立正确观念,以获得成长与突破。事实上,一-天24小时只是一个隐喻,书中所探寻的路径,是我们每个人一生的功课,需要我们日复一日去迭代与修炼。 在工作中,我们不仅要有实力,还要善于展示自己的实力,所以在人生的重要时刻,不能输在表达上。 《PPT演讲力》以PPT演讲大树法则的五个维度为基础,针对工作汇报、求职面试、销售演示、融资路演及发布会、线上线下培训课程等场景,介绍了36个PPT演讲的实战技巧,包括如何给观众画像、如何设计演讲的逻辑结构、如何开场、如何结尾等,使读者可以通过刻意练习,掌控PPT演讲的全流程,针对各类演讲场景,找到适合的应对方法和案例参考。 《PPT演讲力》是毕业求职的学生、企事业单位职员、培训师等提升自身PPT演讲力的实战指南。
Not Without Honor threads together the stories of three American POWs-Carano; his buddy Bill Blackmon, who was also at Stalag 17 b; and John C. Bitzer, who survived the brutal "e;Death March"e; from northern Germany to liberation in April 1945. At times the journal reads like a thriller as he records air battles and escape attempts. Yet in their most gripping accounts, these POWs ruminate on psychological survival. The sense of community they formed was instrumental to their endurance. This compelling book allows the reader to journey with these young men as they bore firsthand witness to the best and worst of human nature.
《燃烧的大洋:1941—1942,从突袭珍珠港到中途岛战役》内容简介:1941年12月7日清晨,习惯了军事演习的火奴鲁鲁居民,像往常一样从嘈杂的炮火声中醒来。他们并未意识到,一首赌上国家命运的宏伟交响曲已然奏响…… 不可一世的日本,对美国不宣而战。珍珠港的两列巨舰烈焰腾空,永不沉没的传说消失在高耸入云的黑烟中。日军随后势如破竹。铺天盖地的太阳旗成为浩瀚大洋上的死神使者,日本战士则被对手视同怪物,留下不可战胜的神话。然而日军的“胜利病”给了美军机会。日本舰队试图将美军主力诱入圈套,一举歼灭,全然不知动向已被美军掌握,*终参战航母在中途岛全部葬身海底,战略主动权也拱手让人。 从珍珠港到中途岛,前所未有的激烈海战摇撼着参战国的根基。这六个月的战况,不仅决定了太平洋战争的走向,更是左右了整场二战的局势。此间历史的天平移动分毫,我们熟知的世界便会彻底不同。 《燃烧的大洋》书写的便是太平洋战争这扣人心弦的*初阶段。我们从中既可以领略罗斯福与丘吉尔谈笑风生背后的运筹帷幄,山本五十六目空一切的豪赌,又可以体会九死一生的飞行员面对阵亡战友遗物时的怅惘,舰队司令刚刚发出命令就收到不利情报时的绝望。当我们伴随书中的人物一同浮沉,历史不再遥不可及。 《征服的怒潮:1942—1944,从瓜岛战役到菲律宾海战役》内容简介:1942年6月初,求胜心切的日军在中途岛战役中损失惨重,速战速决的愿望彻底破灭,太平洋战争自此转入旷日持久的消耗战阶段。 盟军吹响反攻的号角后,风光怡人的太平洋诸岛,从所罗门群岛、吉尔伯特群岛到马绍尔群岛,都变成了血流成河的修罗场。盟军为夺取这些战略要地,发起了史上不曾有过的大规模两栖登陆战。一望无际的舰队如汹涌的怒涛,冲击日军的岛链防线。有些岛屿只有不到十个守兵,而更多的岛屿不仅是天然的堡垒,更有重兵把守,固若金汤。明知生还的机会渺茫,无数士兵仍然怀着复杂的心情,投入了惨烈的战斗……*终,一路向北推进的盟军攻占马里亚纳群岛,从此东京时刻面临空袭威胁,日本多条海上要道也岌岌可危,任何战术成败都不会再撼动大局。 从瓜岛战役到菲律宾海战役,双方长达两年的岛屿争夺战中,揭示了真正左右全局胜负的深层因素。在《征服的怒潮》中,伊恩·托尔一针见血地指出,美国凭借强大稳定的资源供给、军工产量和后勤保障,在这一阶段逐渐取得压倒性优势,到战争末段已是稳操胜券。然而,日本国内和军中不断宣扬和美化“玉碎”,要求部 队甚至平民在胜利无望的情况下战斗到底,至死方休。这样做的结果是,在日本统治者丧失斗志之前,还有150万日本军人和平民会丧命…… 《诸神的黄昏:1944—1945,从莱特湾战役到日本投降》内容简介:1944年6月的菲律宾海战役后,盟军在太平洋战争中占据了绝 对主动。为了减少伤亡和速战速决,美国人绞尽脑汁,而日军考虑的却只是如何“光荣赴死”。 在“七生报国”的心态驱使下,从莱特湾战役起,日军开始实行各种形式的“万岁冲锋”。无论是以“神风”为代表的特攻部 队,还是海上巨无霸“武藏号”和“大和号”,通通走上了不归路。日本媒体将一场场惨败美化为大捷,在东京遭遇伤亡超过十万人的空袭后只强调皇宫完好无损,天皇安然无恙。日本政府则要求民众展示“大和魂”,为国家做出更大牺牲。连妇女儿童也被训练用竹枪迎战,准备“一亿玉碎”。而在马尼拉,自知行将毁灭的日本兵,展现出人性至深的黑暗面,犯下罄竹难书的兽行。 在美军攻克硫黄岛与冲绳岛,获得了登陆日本本土的基地后,一部分日本领导人开始暗中推动停战,先前的好战论调反成阻碍。即便蘑菇云已在广岛与长崎上空腾起,依然有人试图以武装叛变阻止天皇宣读的终战诏书在全日本播出。然而,日方代表*终还是登上“密苏里号”,在投降书上签了字。太平洋战争与第二次世界大战就此结束,我们今日熟知的亚太格局也开始形成。 作为“太平洋战争三部曲”的*后一卷,《诸神的黄昏:1944—1945,从莱特湾战役到日本投降》延续了前两卷的特色,逼真还原了战争末段一幕幕惊心动魄的场面,而且带领读者走进华盛顿和东京的决策地,品鉴各方首脑在战略和外交层面的重大决议。它不仅给这部里程碑式的作品画上了完满的句号,更将军事史写作推向了新的巅 峰。
Digging for History at Old Washington
Positioned along the legendary Southwest Trail, the town of Washington in Hempstead County in southwest Arkansas was a thriving center of commerce, business, and county government in the nineteenth century. Historical figures such as Davy Crockett and Sam Houston passed through, and during the Civil War, when the Federal troops occupied Little Rock, the Hempstead County Courthouse in Washington served as the seat of state government. A prosperous town fully involved in the events and society of the territorial, antebellum, Civil War, and Reconstruction eras, Washington became in a way frozen in time by a series of events including two fires, a tornado, and being bypassed by the railroad in 1874. Now an Arkansas State Park and National Historic Landmark, Washington has been studied by the Arkansas Archeological Survey over the past twenty-five years. Digging for History at Old Washington joins the historical record with archaeological findings such as uncovered construction details, evidence of lost buildings, and remnants of everyday objects. Of particular interest are the homes of Abraham Block, a Jewish merchant originally from New Orleans, and Simon Sanders from North Carolina, who became the town's county clerk. The public and private lives of the Block and Sanders families provide a fascinating look at an antebellum town at the height of its prosperity.
Architects of Little Rock
Architects of Little Rock provides biographical and historical sketches of the architects working in Little Rock from 1830 to 1950. Thirty-five architects are profiled, including George R. Mann, Thomas Harding, Charles L. Thompson, Max. F. Mayer, Edwin B. Cromwell, George H. Wittenberg, Lawson L. Delony, and others. Readers will learn who these influential professionals were, where they came from, where they were educated, how they lived, what their families were like, how they participated in the life of the city, and what their buildings contributed to the city. Famous buildings, including the Historic Arkansas Museum, the Old State House, the Arkansas State Capitol, St. Andrews Cathedral, Little Rock City Hall, the Pulaski County Court House, Little Rock Central High School, and Robinson Auditorium are showcased, bringing attention to and encouraging appreciation of the city's historic buildings.Published in collaboration with the Fay Jones School of Architecture.
Bearing Witness
The first edition of Bearing Witness brought together for the first time 176 slave narratives from the state of Arkansas. Now, this new edition adds ten previously undiscovered accounts. No one knew the truths of slavery better than the slaves themselves, but no one consulted them until the 1930s. Then, recognizing that this generation of unique witnesses would soon be lost to history, the Works Progress Administration's Federal Writers' Project acted to interview as many former slaves as possible. In a continuation of the project's interest in the life histories of ordinary people, writers interviewed over two thousand former slaves, more than a third of them in Arkansas. These oral histories were first published in the 1970s in a thirty-nine-volume series organized by state, and they transformed America's understanding of slavery. They have offered crucial evidence on a variety of other topics as well: the Civil War, Reconstruction, agricultural practices, everyday life, and oral history itself. But some former Arkansas slaves were interviewed in Texas, Oklahoma, and other states, so their narratives were published in those other collections. And more than half of the testimonies in the Arkansas volume were interviews with people who had moved to Arkansas after freedom. Folklorist George Lankford combed all of the state collections for the testimonies properly belonging to Arkansas and deleted from this state's collection the testimony of later migrants
Pretty Little Liars and The Lying Game Starter Collection
This collection contains the first two novels in Sara Shepard's New York Times bestselling Pretty Little Liars and Lying Games series, plus a sneak peek at The Perfectionists, the first book in a brand-new Sara Shepard series!Pretty Little Liars: This page-turning start to the Pretty Little Liars series introduces readers to Rosewood and the pretty little liars who call it home. High school juniors Spencer, Hanna, Aria, and Emily thought their darkest secrets vanished when their best friend, Alison, went missing three years ago. But now someone named "A" is sending them notes and threatening to reveal their ugliest secrets—things only Alison knew.Pretty Little Liars #2: Flawless: Four pretty little liars have been very bad girls. But their most horrible secret yet is so scandalous that the truth would ruin them forever.The Lying Game: Separated at birth, twin sisters Emma Paxton and Sutton Mercer never had a chance to meet. And now they never will. Someone murdered Sutton and forced Emma into taking her place.The Lying Game #2: Never Have I Ever: The deeper Emma digs, the more suspects she uncovers. It turns out Sutton and her friends played a lot of games—games that ruined people's lives. Anyone could want revenge . . . anyone could want Sutton—and now Emma—dead.Plus, a sneak peek at The Perfectionists, another series full of Sara Shepard's trademark juicy secrets, nail-biting suspense, and beautiful girls who will do anything to hide the ugly truth.
The Madman's Daughter Trilogy: The Complete Collection
Megan Shepherd's gothic suspense trilogy, inspired by the stories of H.G. Wells, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Mary Shelley, is perfect for fans of Libba Bray, Leigh Bardugo, and classic horror and science fiction. This collection also contains a sneak peek of The Cage, the first book in Megan Shepherd's gripping new series about teens held captive in a human zoo by an otherworldly race.The Madman's Daughter, inspired by The Island of Dr. Moreau, is the story of Dr. Moreau's daughter Juliet, who travels to her estranged father's island only to encounter murder, madness, and a scintillating love triangle.Her Dark Curiosity: Inspired by The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, this tantalizing sequel explores the hidden natures of those we love and how far we'll go to save them from themselves.A Cold Legacy: With inspiration from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, this breathless conclusion to the Madman's Daughter trilogy explores the things we'll sacrifice to save those we love . . . even our own humanity.
World of Howl Collection
One of the most memorable and irresistible characters in all of literature—the Wizard Howl—is introduced in Diana Wynne Jones's classic fantasy novel Howl's Moving Castle and makes guest appearances in two stand-alone sequel novels, Castle in the Air and House of Many Ways. Howl's Moving Castle was adapted into an acclaimed and Academy Award-nominated film of the same name, produced by Studio Ghibli and directed by Hayao Miyazaki.Sophie Hatter never intended to set out and seek her fortune. The eldest of three sisters, Sophie thought she was destined to fail. That all changed the day the Witch of the Waste turned her into an old woman. In order to lift the spell, Sophie barges into Wizard Howl's moving castle and strikes a bargain with Calcifer, his fire demon. But Howl is outrunning a curse of his own, and soon Sophie realizes that nothing is as it appears. . . . Howl, Sophie, and Calcifer return in both Castle in the Air and The House of Many Ways, two stand-alone sequels full of mayhem, secrets, and magic.
The Baroque Cycle
Get all three novels in Neal Stephenson's?New York Times?bestselling "Baroque Cycle" in one e-book, including:?Quicksilver, The Confusion, and?The System of the World.?This three-volume historical epic delivers intrigue, adventure, and excitement set against the political upheaval of the early 18th century.
Seven Wonders 3-Book Collection
Follow the story of Jack McKinley in the mysterious, action-packed adventure series that takes place throughout the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Jack discovers a secret organization on a hidden island and becomes the leader of a mission to retrieve seven lost magical orbs. As Jack and his three friends realize their lives are at stake, they have no choice but to accept the quest and embark on the challenge of their lives. Four friends. Six months. Seven Wonders. One goal.This collection includes books 1 through 3 in this bestselling series (The Colossus Rises, Lost in Babylon, and The Tomb of Shadows). It also includes the thrilling prequel novella to book 1, Seven Wonders Journals: The Select, plus Seven Wonders Journals: The Orphan, a short novella that chronicles a key character's valiant battle to rescue her best friend.
Henry Huggins 4-Book Collection
Henry Huggins feels like nothing very exciting ever happens on Klickitat Street . . . until one day when a friendly dog sits down and looks pleadingly at Henry's ice-cream cone. From that moment on, Henry and his new dog, Ribsy, are inseparable—and together, they cause more excitement than Klickitat Street can handle! This collection includes four beloved classics: Henry Huggins, Ribsy, Henry and Beezus, and Henry and Ribsy. Boys and girls alike will be charmed by these funny stories about an average boy whose life is turned upside down when he meets a lovable puppy with a nose for mischief.
韩寒畅销杂文集《青春》,至今销售已逾200万册!全书收2009-2011年创作的精选杂文。特别收录韩寒对于中国年内重大活动和事件的精辟言论,畅谈自我的叛逆与期许。含名篇《青春》《倒钩案》《荆州挟尸要价》《城市,让生活更糟糕》等。同时也收录韩寒在*近一年里的赛车、创作动态,以及生活真实记录,如《必须竖中指》《生活像跳楼一样往下延续》等随笔。作为一位率性敢言的年轻人,韩寒保有真诚,所思所写出于平凡生活的体会,尤其在《青春》一篇中娓娓道出疼惜同辈年轻人的心。 万千世事,且看未满三十岁的无忌"寒言": 《青春:青春》:"这些年轻人都是无解的,多么可悲的事情,本该在心中的热血,它涂在地上。" 《青春:他人的生活》:"屁民们需要的只是正义和权益而已,从来不是公正和权利。屁民们只是觉得,以前你吃肉,我们吃骨头,我们已经很满足。但现在怎么连骨头都不剩了呢? 那当然,主人养狗了嘛。但是,当真的掉下一些骨渣来时,又变成了屁民互掐。" 《青春:建国大业》:"我很喜欢小孩子,我可能无法遵守计划生育,更无法受计生委的人碰我的女人,所以,如果说我不小心多生了孩子,我就不会是这个国家的国籍了。" ★三十岁的韩寒: 1、发表韩三篇:谈革命,说民主,要自由。引发公众热烈讨论。 2、《青春》由美国西蒙与舒斯特出版公司(Simon ⪼huster)出版。 3、发布App"一个",安卓版"一个" ,覆盖数百万用户。 5、获得场地赛、拉力全国锦标赛双料冠军。? 三十岁的韩寒争议不少,成绩更多。 诚恳之作《我所理解的生活》,韩寒想说的都在这里了。