
10后孩子的养育法则 你是否发现,自己看不懂10后?他们貌似不同于任何一代人:见识广、有主见、懂世故、正义感爆棚;但同时,手机电脑不离手、网络媒体玩儿得倍儿遛。 10后是无可厚非的"网络原住民"。然而过早、过多接触数字媒介,给他们带来便捷和更广阔视野的同时,网络欺凌、自我认知混乱、学业压力剧增、抑郁焦虑情绪激增等新的问题也蜂拥而至。 约翰·达菲博士基于其25年亲子关系研究、10000+真实案例分析,在《10后孩子的养育法则》中详细解读电脑、手机、游戏、社交媒体将如何改变孩子的大脑、行为和进化;深度剖析10后面临的巨变与挑战,并给出了12条智慧养育法则。约翰·达菲博士呼吁父母提早关注并修正自己的养育方式,尽早跟上10后孩子的步伐。 教育3.0 科技的发展、时代的巨变给当下的教育行业带来了巨大的挑战,工业时代的教育方式早已过 时,未来的教育如何发展,行业形态如何变化,需要什么样的教师,具备怎样的能力,才能培养出能够驾驭未来的下一代? 中国教育创新先锋顾远在这本书中清晰梳理了教育随时代变迁的发展脉络,从工业时代的教 育1.0形态,即课堂式学习,到当下的教育2.0时代,即素质教育变革所倡导的社群式学习、项目制学习,到未来的教育3.0形态,即社会化学习,不仅构画了未来教育蓝图,为教育创新实践者指出一条有法可循的理想路径,更是预判了教育发展新趋势,为教育从业者指出未来职业发展方向,也让家长也能从这本书中看到教育发展的未来,为孩子的教育做出明智决策。 不较劲的养育 《不较劲的养育》是*斯·福汉德博士与尼古拉斯·朗博士40年研究和实践的结晶,书中针对2~6岁幼儿的5周教养方案,经过实践证明可靠有效,能够帮助父母发觉导致孩子破坏行为的特殊问题,学习如何有效处理孩子的固执行为,检测孩子是否为多动儿,掌握管理特殊行为问题的策略。 实施5周教养方案,不仅能让孩子稳定情绪、改善行为、塑造优良品格、发挥性格中的潜在优势,还能让父母从处处跟孩子较劲的困境中解脱出来,不吼不叫、不急躁,从容应对养育难题。 小改变,大影响 《作为青少年问题专家、澳大利亚“zui有影响力的女性”之一,凯特·格拉丁辅导过许许多多的青少年。她反复从孩子们口中听到很难坚持目标、学业毫无进步,常常觉得沮丧失落的烦恼,因为生活中有太多让人分心的事,学业压力与社交生活常常让人喘不过气。如果你也有以上烦恼,那么这本书正适合你! 要知道,想要改变现状,你需要的也许不是激励,而是习惯!! 领头羊老大,外交家老二,推销员老幺 排行的影响无处不在,大多数美国总统都是家中的老大,或者“代”老大;许多成功的企业家都是中间孩子;大多数喜剧演员都是老小……这就是排行的秘密。 为每个孩子量身定制育儿策略:帮忙追求尽善尽美的老大放下执念;给备受忽视的中间孩子更多时间;缓解两个孩子的竞争;不要太娇惯调皮捣蛋的老小。 6种不同排行组合的婚姻,夫妻契合度较高的是老大和老小组合。 生意场上遇到陌生客户,知道他的排行便打开了与他进一步沟通的窗口。 与青春期孩子的18场关键对话 孩子在成长为大人,父母也要升级至2.0! “那个曾经眼睛闪闪发亮、充满梦想的孩子去哪儿了?” 为什么再也搞不懂孩子在想什么?为什么总是忍不住对他们生气? 《与青春期孩子的18场关键对话》从青春期孩子自述角度切入,通过61个真实案例,让孩子亲口告诉你为什么他们会抽烟、喝酒、厌学,沉迷网络不爱社交,与父母关系降到冰点…… 针对当今时代青春期孩子面临的社交困扰、学业压力、亲子关系等18个青春期关键问题,本书作者基于20+学校心理咨询实战经验,解析青春期孩子的心理动态,传授父母让孩子主动谈心的秘诀,指导父母为孩子营造支持性的成长环境。 美感是*好的家教 不管在什么领域,那些杰出的人都是从基础做起。但是建构好基础之后,左右未来发展的也许并不是大量的知识、技术,而是创造力和审美力。本书的作者,日本知名美育教育家山本美芽,通过采访数百位日本教育界和艺术界人士,并总结自己的育儿经验,为父母们提供了培养孩子创造力和审美力的有效途径。 在书中,作者告诉父母们,美感和好品味并不是遥不可及的。生活中的点点滴滴,比如倾听风声雨声、观察花的不同质感、寻找能代表自己心情的颜色,甚至是妈妈的发型服饰都可以塑造孩子的美感,让孩子成为一个有趣的创造者。 在儿童心理健康问题日益严重的今天,美育不仅能培养孩子审美力和创造力,更有助于打造孩子健康的心态。本书提供了超多实用的tips,将美育融入日常,丰富孩子生活感知力,让孩子成为一个即成功又美好的人。 教出乐观的孩子 《教出乐观的孩子》是积极心理学之父马丁·塞利格曼集30年、千百个成人及儿童研究之精华著成的教育经典。而大量研究表明,比起成功,乐观对孩子来说更具有意义、更具有价值。乐观的孩子,更容易成功,更有创造力,更容易有幸福的生活,我们传统上追求的财富成功,都可以通过乐观获得。 《教出乐观的孩子》一书目的在于让父母、老师及整个教育系统教会儿童习得乐观。这本书与其他育儿及自我提升书籍不同的是,它不仅有理论与实验,还有一些关于育儿问题的重要建议。一些自称专家的人,轻率的意见令许多父母如获救命稻草,基于脆弱的证明、原理和临床的假设,来改变自己抚养孩子的方式。《教出乐观的孩子》彻底改变这一点,特别反驳了纯粹的正向教育、纯粹的鼓励式教育和自尊教育,倡导用科学、理性的ABCDE法则教出乐观的孩子。 蒙台梭利家庭方案:3~6岁 4岁就可以认识成百上千个汉字,5岁就能掌握四位数加减乘除,6岁便可以理解空气热胀冷缩、火山爆发等原理.......为何蒙氏娃拥有令人称奇的潜能?又如何才能激发孩子的潜能?这本书不仅为你揭秘,还手把手教会你,在家养出潜力惊人的蒙氏娃。 《蒙台梭利家庭方案:3~6岁》为首对在欧盟地区获得国际蒙台梭利协会(AMI)认证的中国爸妈所著,他们在本书中呈现了一套在家就能轻松使用的蒙氏教育方案,直击学龄前孩子的4大核心学习能力:语言、数学、科学、认知,按照3~6岁孩子的敏感期节奏,详细拆解了100个蒙氏活动的原理及实践步骤,为父母提供了切实可行的实践指南。 园丁与木匠 你以为孩子总爱胡乱地打闹?其实孩子在学习社交互动; 你以为孩子在安静地玩玩具?其实孩子是在探索世界奥秘; 你以为孩子因为无聊才问为什么?其实孩子是在寻找答案; …… 孩子在玩的时候,究竟在学什么?他们又究竟是怎么学的?孩子能从父母身上学到什么? 在《园丁与木匠》中,国际儿童学习研究泰斗艾莉森·高普尼克带你看懂孩子行为背后的学习规律,用大量经典而富有创造性的实验,向你描述了孩子在看的时候,在听的时候,在玩的时候,在做的时候,都是怎么学习的,以及在幼儿期、学龄期、青春期不同阶段的学习特性。 智慧妈妈的聊天魔法 人物质丰富的时代,养育孩子的烦恼似乎更多了,大家对孩子有了更高的要求,又时刻担心孩子养不好,父母每日每夜面对着诸多养育困惑,由此而产生了大量的焦虑、担忧、恐慌、烦躁,而这些都只是浮于表面的感受,问题的根源在于不知道究竟什么样的父母才是真正的好父母。 日本*心理大师、村上春树一生推崇的心灵导师河合隼雄,用朴实的语言轻巧地破解父母的48个养育困惑,从孩子出生到成年,娓娓道破养育本质。抛开高深的心理学术语,用智者般的人生禅语,谈天说地间让万千父母豁然开朗。

本套装包括《六个数》《量子力学的真相》等12册图书,《宇宙的结构》内容为●我们的宇宙是一首即兴创作吗?宇宙结构与音乐之间有着什么样的秘密联系?我们的宇宙本质上是一个音乐宇宙吗?《宇宙的结构》一书是理论宇宙学家、萨克斯演奏家斯蒂芬?亚历山大的颠覆式新作,他在书中创新地揭示了音乐和宇宙结构之间的秘密联系,非常独特。《时间重生》从宇宙大爆炸到宇宙的未来,从量子物理学的困惑到力与粒子的大统一,物理学家与宇宙学家面前的一切难题,归根结底的关键问题都是:时间。那么,时间是什么? 物理学发展史上,诸多物理学家、宇宙学家、思想家,包括伽利略、柏拉图、牛顿、爱因斯坦等,都认为时间不过是一个假象;他们的理论也多是独立于时间的。 在《时间重生》中作者斯莫林教授认为,在量子力学的诠释中,在量子力学与时空、引力与宇宙学的大统一中,时间发挥着至关重要的作用。这种时间观,是如何形成的? 在将时间驱逐出物理学与宇宙学研究的过程中,我们会付出什么代价?在接受时间真实性之后,我们又将付出什么,收获什么?《时间重生》将告诉你答案和一个与众不同的时间观! ●物理与音乐看似是对立的,但在《宇宙的结构》一书中,斯蒂芬?亚历山大将带领我们走过他非凡的探秘旅程——从毕达哥拉斯到爱因斯坦,从爵士乐到理论物理学,从天籁之音到弦理论,并揭示出:宇宙结构的起源实际上可能与爵士乐的即兴演奏有着很大的相似之处,那就是都是一种振动与共振! ●《宇宙的结构》这本书*迷人之处在于,它既是一本关于历史的回忆录,又是一本推广物理学的前沿科普著作,还是一本普及爵士乐的轻松读物。斯蒂芬?亚历山大关于宇宙结构和相关历史的研究,和他的人生故事一样,值得一读。

歌德曾说:“一个人如果看到了罗马,他就看到了一切。”作为古代世界中首屈一指的大帝国,罗马人曾将欧亚非的广大地区纳疆域,罗马人创的一系列政治制度、法律规范、管理模式以及公共工程等,至今仍影响着西方社会,成为现代西方文明永不衰竭的活水源头。 诸王传说、政体沿革、凯旋荣光、权力辉煌、英雄陨落,都将在这一部波澜壮阔的罗马帝国发展演变史中清晰呈现。让我们一起在历史、人文、哲学智慧中获得浸润,激荡心中的美德和恢宏理想,了解有温度的“永恒之城”罗马,了解当今的西方社会与世界格局。








中华民族在漫长的文明程中创造出许多优秀的神话。创世神话不仅是众多神话类型的主体,而且内容丰富,形式多样,往往蕴含着一种积极向上、奋发有为、敢于创新的民族精神。 ? ? 《中华创世神话选注》将中华创世神话划分为综合型创世、神的起源、世界万物起源、人类起源、动植物起源、自然现象起源等六大类型,共选录各类创世神话3000余篇。本书选录的是世界万物起源神话。每篇神话除尽可能呈现文本的原来面貌之外,还增添了相应的阅读提示、基本母题等信息,并对原文本出版信息作出必要的补充和规范,使用者能够据此对每篇神话文本的出处、流传情况、叙事主题、文化内涵、关键情节、基本母题等有所把握。


Blossom Street Bundle (Book 6-10): Twenty Wishes / Summer on Blossom Street / Ha
Perfect for fans of Maeve Binchy' - Candis Welcome to Blossom Street – where dreams come true. Fall head over heels in Blossom Street with the second five books in Debbie Macomber’s bestselling series bundled together for perfect reading pleasure. Including: Twenty Wishes, Summer on Blossom Street, Hannah’s List, A Turn in the Road and Thursdays at Eight. Make time for friends. Make time for Debbie Macomber.



Yorkshire Dales (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 130)
A definitive natural history of the Yorkshire Dales, covering the range of wildlife habitats, rich cultural heritage and ecological history of one of our best-loved National Parks. The Yorkshire Dales National Park is a special place: its outstanding scenery and the diversity of habitats is perhaps unrivalled in any other National Park in Britain. This rich biodiversity has been a great attraction to naturalists for over two centuries. But to fully appreciate the present-day plant and animal communities, their status and the constraints upon them, it is important to understand the geology and landscape history of the National Park, including the role that human populations have played in modifying the environment. In this long-anticipated New Naturalist volume, John Lee introduces the National Park, exploring both its geology and geomorphology, and describing the role of early naturalists and the Yorkshire Naturalists Union in recording and understanding the natural history of the Dales. He describes the major habitats or groups of habitats which underline the ecological importance of the Dales. Lee covers the earliest settlement times to the modern day, and he focuses in particular on the most iconic plant of the Dales, the Lady’s Slipper Orchid, arguably the rarest of native British plants, which until recently was thought to be confined to a single plant in the Dales. Lee takes a historical approach, describing its near eradication and early attempts to conserve it – including the establishment of a secret society – concluding with recent scientific conservation approaches.

The Art of the Film:Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Step inside the world of the talented art departments who, led by Academy Award?-winning production designer Stuart Craig, were responsible for the creation of the unforgettable characters, locations and beasts from the eagerly anticipated new adventure in J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World. The Art of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, edited by Dermot Power, concept artist on the film, takes you on a magical journey through a design process every bit as wonderful as that encountered by Newt Scamander in the wizarding world:from the earliest gatherings of the artists, designers and filmmakers to the magical time of the film’s production itself at Leavesden Studios. Bursting with hundreds of production paintings, concept sketches, storyboards, blueprints and matte paintings, and filled with unique insights about the filmmaking journey from Stuart Craig and the artists themselves, this superb book – officially licensed by Warner Bros. Consumer Products – presents a visual feast for readers, and will welcome fans of Harry Potter films into the world of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Terns (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 123)
This New Naturalist volume provides a much-anticipated overview of these fascinating birds – the first book on the natural history of British and Irish terns since 1934. Terns are small seabirds that are commonly seen along coastlines and estuaries in the summer months – their graceful flight and command of the air are among their most attractive features. Most of the five species of terns breeding in Britain and Ireland today are under intensive management, involving protection from predators, human interference, egg-collecting, recreational activities, land-use changes, and a range of issues concerning climate change, including rising sea levels and flooding of low-lying colonies. If these protective measures were abandoned then the numbers of terns would inevitably decline, with the possibility of several species ending up on the endangered list. Covering the history of terns in Britain and Ireland, David Cabot and Ian Nisbet explore these diverse issues as well as offering a comprehensive natural history of these stunning seabirds. Drawing on a wealth of new information and research, the authors focus on migrations, food and feeding ecology as well as breeding biology and behaviour. Perhaps most importantly, they highlight recent conservation issues and prospects, and what this means for the future of terns.

Falcons (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 132)
Falcons have been a source of inspiration to writers, artists, historians and naturalists alike. In a much-anticipated volume on one of Britain’s most fascinating group of birds, Richard Sale draws on a wealth of experience and research, providing a comprehensive natural history of the four British breeding falcons. The book takes each of the four breeding species in turn (Kestrel, Merlin, Hobby and Peregrine Falcon), exploring its form, habitat, breeding biology and status, along with a chapter on the hunting techniques of each species.

Beetles (Collins New Naturalist Library)
Richard Jones is a nationally acclaimed entomologist, a fellow of the Royal Entomological Society, fellow of the Linnean Society, and past president of the British Entomological and Natural History Society. He has been fascinated by wildlife since a childhood exploring the South Downs and Sussex Weald after plants and insects – especially beetles. He now writes about insects, nature and the environment for BBC Wildlife, Gardener’s World, Countryfile, the Guardian and Sunday Times and has regular media appearances on programmes such as Springwatch Unsprung, Natural Histories and Open Country. He is the author of several books on science and wildlife.

Brecon Beacons (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 126)
The first comprehensive book to be published about the wildlife of the Brecon Beacons is a much-anticipated addition to the New Naturalist series, and reveals the natural wonders of this seemingly wild and inhospitable mountain landscape. The Brecon Beacons range across upland Wales and create a varied landscape of extensive cave systems, limestone crags and rich meadows. This variety supports thousands of species, some of which are found nowhere else on Earth. The natural history of the Brecon Beacons is like most parts of the British Isles – inextricably linked to the activities of man across many thousand years. Jonathan Mullard explores the evolving landscape and observes its effects on its native species and habitats. He provides a detailed examination of the geology of the region and the integration of the archaeological and historic landscape with the natural landscape and its fauna. Covering the vast diversity of its mountains and moorlands, rivers and waterfalls, caves, woodlands, wetlands and farmland, he provides an overview of man’s influence on the natural environment over the centuries and the ongoing conservation of the area. A landscape rich in legends, the Brecon Beacons play host to a number of myths involving, among others, King Arthur. Mullard explores these rich tales alongside other cultural landmarks of historical interest, such as the churches and chapels of the area. The culmination of years of research, New Naturalist Brecon Beacons is an inspiring exploration of this diverse and fascinating area.

Early Humans (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 134)
Nick Ashton has been a curator at the British Museum for over 30 years, specialising in Lower and Middle Palaeolithic archaeology. He helps curate the extensive stone tool collections from these periods and has directed and published major excavation projects at the Lower Palaeolithic sites of High Lodge, Barnham, Elveden and Hoxne (all in Suffolk). He is currently Co-Director of the Pathways to Ancient Britain Project funded by the Calleva Foundation. His work focuses on the earliest occupation of northern Europe, currently being investigated through fieldwork at Happisburgh (Norfolk), the early human adaptation to northern environments and the investigation of when Britain first became an island.

Lakes, Loughs and Lochs (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 128)
Another volume in the popular New Naturalist series, this book gives a comprehensive account of the natural history of Britain and Ireland’s inland waters, many of which are popular holiday destinations. The study of life in British lakes and rivers has been traditionally neglected in natural history publications, and yet the intricacies of plant and animal ecology as a whole can be readily studied in a pond or lake. Not since Macan and Worthington’s landmark publication in 1951, Life in Lakes and Rivers – volume 15 in the New Naturalist series – has there been a comprehensive overview of British freshwater life. In Brian Moss’s much-anticipated new volume, he gives a passionate account of the natural history of our lakes, loughs and lochs. Our understanding of lakes has changed enormously since the days of Macan and Worthington. From new techniques using stable isotopes and molecular biology to ambitious approaches using whole lakes for experiments; from advances in chemical methods that detect tiny traces of organic substances to the development of new electronic instruments, it is becoming increasingly urgent to make use of these advances to help maintain and conserve some of the most damaged of the Earth’s ecosystems. Freshwaters form the fascinating threads that stitch together the landscapes of our planet with a myriad of exchanges involving an array of organisms, from algae and insects to hippopotami and otters. Healthy lakes and their shores influence our quality of life and they strengthen the economy. They are important ecosystems that can sustain a healthy balance of aquatic life, provide us with much enjoyment, and help support our socio-economic needs. At the same time they suffer the consequences of human abuses of the land – increasing urbanisation, intensive farming, drainage and an increasing invasion of non-native species, to name but a few. Moss explores the richness of their fundamental ecology, emphasizing the need to view these freshwater systems as a whole, and not to manage or assess them in isolation, as well as the importance of ongoing conservation efforts.

本书紧扣“实用”“中医”“儿科学”三大关键词,是全面系统论述中医儿科学基本理论与临床实践的大型实用型中医儿科学临床专著。本书内容有三大特:一是体现厚重的中医儿科基础理论,从中医儿科学术源流、古今历代儿科重要医著到中医儿科学基础理论,从儿科发病特、诊疗特色到小儿养育保健与护理特,均系统论述;二是融汇古今儿科学术精华与医疗经验,对儿科病证分中医传统候证与现代临床疾病加以论述,力求全面系统,更着力于精确实用,注重实践,将适用于小儿的传统疗法如外治、推拿、针灸以及民间便方、名医验方运用于现代儿科临床;三是专注于辨证论治的中医临证思维,破除“辨证分型”“分型(证)施治”的西医思维模式与框框,从临床实际出发,对每一病证的治疗以[证治条辨]的形式编写,充分体现中医辨证论治的原则性、灵活性与包容性,并对每一病证专设[临证思路]一栏,从“病机辨识”“症状识辨”“治法与处方原则”以及“用药式”四个方面加以阐述,启迪中医临床思维。回归中医临床,提高中医辨证论治水平与临证能力。 全书分儿科学术源流、儿科基础、儿科治法、儿科名医验方、证候、疾病及附录7篇。内容宏富,论证深,理论全面,治疗实用,概括古今,面向未来。是大型实用型中医临床医学参考工具书,可供中医界、特别是中医儿科界高、中级医疗、教学、科研人员参考。