

Brecon Beacons (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 126)
Brecon Beacons (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 126)
Jonathan Mullard
The first comprehensive book to be published about the wildlife of the Brecon Beacons is a much-anticipated addition to the New Naturalist series, and reveals the natural wonders of this seemingly wild and inhospitable mountain landscape. The Brecon Beacons range across upland Wales and create a varied landscape of extensive cave systems, limestone crags and rich meadows. This variety supports thousands of species, some of which are found nowhere else on Earth. The natural history of the Brecon Beacons is like most parts of the British Isles – inextricably linked to the activities of man across many thousand years. Jonathan Mullard explores the evolving landscape and observes its effects on its native species and habitats. He provides a detailed examination of the geology of the region and the integration of the archaeological and historic landscape with the natural landscape and its fauna. Covering the vast diversity of its mountains and moorlands, rivers and waterfalls, caves, woodlands, wetlands and farmland, he provides an overview of man’s influence on the natural environment over the centuries and the ongoing conservation of the area. A landscape rich in legends, the Brecon Beacons play host to a number of myths involving, among others, King Arthur. Mullard explores these rich tales alongside other cultural landmarks of historical interest, such as the churches and chapels of the area. The culmination of years of research, New Naturalist Brecon Beacons is an inspiring exploration of this diverse and fascinating area.
Lakes, Loughs and Lochs (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 128)
Lakes, Loughs and Lochs (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 128)
Brian Moss
Another volume in the popular New Naturalist series, this book gives a comprehensive account of the natural history of Britain and Ireland’s inland waters, many of which are popular holiday destinations. The study of life in British lakes and rivers has been traditionally neglected in natural history publications, and yet the intricacies of plant and animal ecology as a whole can be readily studied in a pond or lake. Not since Macan and Worthington’s landmark publication in 1951, Life in Lakes and Rivers – volume 15 in the New Naturalist series – has there been a comprehensive overview of British freshwater life. In Brian Moss’s much-anticipated new volume, he gives a passionate account of the natural history of our lakes, loughs and lochs. Our understanding of lakes has changed enormously since the days of Macan and Worthington. From new techniques using stable isotopes and molecular biology to ambitious approaches using whole lakes for experiments; from advances in chemical methods that detect tiny traces of organic substances to the development of new electronic instruments, it is becoming increasingly urgent to make use of these advances to help maintain and conserve some of the most damaged of the Earth’s ecosystems. Freshwaters form the fascinating threads that stitch together the landscapes of our planet with a myriad of exchanges involving an array of organisms, from algae and insects to hippopotami and otters. Healthy lakes and their shores influence our quality of life and they strengthen the economy. They are important ecosystems that can sustain a healthy balance of aquatic life, provide us with much enjoyment, and help support our socio-economic needs. At the same time they suffer the consequences of human abuses of the land – increasing urbanisation, intensive farming, drainage and an increasing invasion of non-native species, to name but a few. Moss explores the richness of their fundamental ecology, emphasizing the need to view these freshwater systems as a whole, and not to manage or assess them in isolation, as well as the importance of ongoing conservation efforts.
Shallow Seas (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 131)
Shallow Seas (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 131)
Peter Hayward
Told for the first time in English, Paul Preston’s new book tells the story of a preventable tragedy that cost many thousands of lives and ruined tens of thousands more at the end of the Spanish Civil War. This is the story of an avoidable humanitarian tragedy that cost many thousands of lives and ruined tens of thousands more. It has many protagonists but centres on three individuals. One, Dr Juan Negrín, the victim of what might be termed a conspiracy of fools, tried to prevent it. Two bore responsibility for what transpired. One of those, Julián Besteiro, was guilty of culpable na?vety. The other, Segismundo Casado behaved with a remarkable combination of cynicism, arrogance and selfishness. On 5 March 1939, the eternally malcontent Colonel Casado launched a military coup against the government of Juan Negrín. Ironically, he ensured that the end of the Spanish Civil War was almost identical to its beginning. As Mola, Franco and the other conspirators of 1936 had done, Casado led a part of the Republican Army in revolt against the Republican government. He claimed, as they had done, and equally without foundation, that Negrín’s government was the puppet of the Communist Party and that a coup was imminent to establish a Communist dictatorship. Casado’s ambition was to go down in history as the man who ended the Spanish Civil War. Instead he ensured the Republic ended in catastrophe and shame as Negrin’s attempts to achieve an honourable and negotiated peace with guarantees for the civilian population were thwarted and Franco and his forces wreaked havoc and revenge. Madrid collapsed into civil war and two thousand people died. Refugees fled reprisals in their thousands and those who couldn’t escape met a terrible fate. Paul Preston, the leading historian of 20th century Spain, tells this shocking story for the first time in English. It is a harrowing tale of how the flawed decisions of politicans can lead to tragedy.
Early Humans (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 134)
Early Humans (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 134)
Nicholas Ashton
Nick Ashton has been a curator at the British Museum for over 30 years, specialising in Lower and Middle Palaeolithic archaeology. He helps curate the extensive stone tool collections from these periods and has directed and published major excavation projects at the Lower Palaeolithic sites of High Lodge, Barnham, Elveden and Hoxne (all in Suffolk). He is currently Co-Director of the Pathways to Ancient Britain Project funded by the Calleva Foundation. His work focuses on the earliest occupation of northern Europe, currently being investigated through fieldwork at Happisburgh (Norfolk), the early human adaptation to northern environments and the investigation of when Britain first became an island.
Owls (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 125)
Owls (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 125)
Mike Toms
Owls have always featured prominently in the mythology and folklore of a variety of cultures. These mysterious nocturnal creatures are thought to be symbols of wisdom, omens of death, and bringers of prophecy. In fact, owls are one of the oldest species of vertebrate animal, with fossils dating back 60 million years. Owls have been a source of inspiration to writers, artists, historians and naturalists alike. In a much-anticipated volume on one of Britain’s most fascinating group of birds, Mike Toms draws on a wealth of experience and research, providing a comprehensive natural history of British owls. The first part of the book covers various aspects of owl taxonomy, origins, anatomy, behaviour and ecology and looks across the British owl species, drawing comparisons and highlighting differences. The second part takes each species in turn to provide a more detailed perspective, fleshing out relevant conservation issues, behaviour and status. Toms explores Britain’s beloved Barn Owl, Tawny Owl and Snowy Owl amongst several others. He uses the vast database and latest research from his work with the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) to focus particularly on the specifics of owls’ breeding ecology, their dispersal patterns, diet, vocalisations, de*ion, population changes and mortality. He addresses conservation issues, changes in legislation and potential changes in the status of one of Britain’s most iconic birds, providing a fascinating overview of the biology and history of British owls.
每满80减40 中国绿色工业年鉴(2019)
每满80减40 熊秉元生活经济学九部曲(套装共9册)
熊秉元 等
每满80减40 民国大师列传(全8册)
民国新旧交替、命运之争, 在旧传统和新思潮的影响下,涌现了一大批杰出的思想者与文人墨客, 他们博学多才、冠绝当时,创造了中国思想史上ZUI传奇的一页。 这些耳熟能详的人物背后,都藏有哪些不为人知的有趣故事; 这些众所周知的故事背后, 又有着怎样曲折离奇的隐情? 著名作家、《南渡北归》作者岳南老师,为您还原ZUI真实、ZUIQUANMIAN、ZUI有趣的的民国大师故事!
每满80减40 黑镜头20周年纪念系列:中国这100年+人类这100年2(大师镜头下小人物的大时代&历史中的人性之美)
本书收录了罗伯特?卡帕、亨利?卡蒂埃-布列松、马克?吕布、尤金?史密斯、史蒂夫?麦柯里等摄影大师的110幅代表作。这些作品在时间上跨越了一个世纪,地域上跨越了欧洲、美洲、非洲、亚洲以及远东地区。这些图片展示了世界百年重大事件中的微观景象,并通过每个照片主人公的面庞以及他们的人生故事体现坎坷人生以及动荡时代里的人性之美。一张照片,一个故事,一个事件,一段世界史。 这是一本通过历史中小人物的照片和故事从侧面反映中国变迁的摄影故事集,一个世纪以来,中国历史沧桑巨变,很多人都会觉得历史是大人物的局,但是真实的历史是每一个普通人的爱恨情仇、是每一个人的收获与坎坷。这个时代是中国的大时代,也是每一个普普通通中国人的大时代。摄影大师给你带来100余张历史中的面孔,以及中国人的情感与生活。
每满80减40 石油化工设备维护检修规程 2019版 五册:碳一化工设备
石油化工设备维护检修规程 2019版 五册:碳一化工设备
《石油化工设备维护检修规程》第五册《碳一化工设备》是根据中国石化煤化工发展及尿素产业关停退出的实际情况,由2004 版《石油化工设备维护检修规程》《化肥设备》演变而来。本次修订删除了尿素装置的全部设备和合成氨、甲醇装置通用性比较强的一般设备,保留了部分特色明显的氨合成、甲醇合成装置的设备,增补了煤气化及净化装置的部分特色设备。新增了中国石化目前已经投运行的、以煤为基本原料的7 类化工装置的维护检修规程。由2004 版的36 个设备维护检修规程调整到2019 版的7 类装置、18 台关键设备的维护检修规程,提升了维护检修规程对维护检修工作指导作用的针对性与有效性。
每满80减40 樱雪丸日本通俗史大合集(共8册)
《从哆啦A梦看日本》:通过《哆啦A梦》了解日本文化!原来《哆啦A梦》中竟然藏了这么多日本文化梗! 《从经典动漫看日本》:以十部经典日本动漫为切入点,通过动漫了解日本历史和日本社会的通俗历史! 《日本民主史入门》:从明治时期民主萌芽,到二战后的日本民间斗争,从5个历史阶段,生动有趣的讲述了日本民主发展与改革的曲折故事。任何现代民主的实现,都绝非一蹴而就! 《日本战国史入门》:以一休、北条早云、斋藤道等数十人的口吻讲述日本战国史!一口气读到凌晨的日本历史小说! 《中日恩怨两千年》(全4册):豆瓣评分7.3!樱雪丸力作!翻开本书,为你彻底理清中日之间外交往来、文化交流、战争冲突的历史渊源与来龙去脉!
每满80减40 图说中西方艺术系列(套装共8册)
每满80减40 后浪汗青堂·海洋文明史(一套主流历史著作中读不到的海洋视角的世界史, 刻画古代航路变迁历程,一套关于航海者的史诗!套装共4册,后浪出品)
后浪汗青堂·海洋文明史(一套主流历史著作中读不到的海洋视角的世界史, 刻画古代航路变迁历程,一套关于航海者的史诗!套装共4册,后浪出品)
每满80减40 平乐正骨骨伤学
1914.–1918.: Povijest Prvoga svjetskog rata
1914.–1918.: Povijest Prvoga svjetskog rata
David Stevenson
Iat?, ?n cuvintele Aurei Christi, curg?nd abundent, din surse ascunse, fluidul vivifiant al poeziei, s? nu ne temem de retorica majusculelor, al marei Poezii. (Nicolae Balota).Aici totul e grav. Nici ludicul, nici parodicul, nici oboseala contextului postindustrial ?i nici tendin?ele destructurante ale postmodernilor nu au trecere. Modernitatea Aurei Christi e una esen?ial?, organic?, refractar? modelor, n?zuind spre reinterpretarea semnelor ?i universaliilor; ?ntreb?rile pe care ?i le pune ea au fost ?i ale inainta?ilor, iar r?spunsurile transcend achizi?iile, relev?nd evolu?ia con?tiin?ei ?n mers, relev?nd evolu?ia unei creatoare de m?na ?nt?i, cu totul personal?. Scrieri mai noi, Labirintul exilului (2000), Elegii nordice (2002) ?i altele confirma consecven?a cu sine a unei con?tiin?e exemplare. (Constantin Ciopraga)M? auzi tu, oare, ?nstr?inato? Am citit poeziile tale la ceas de sear?, pe o teras?, av?nd ?n fa?? colinele Ierusalimului. Eu nu sunt un bun comentator de poezie, cei care au scris despre poezia ta te-au “prins“ foarte bine, ai for??, un sim? rar al tragicului ?i antene pentru transcenden??, f?r? s? cazi (din fericire) ?n ceea ce se cheam? “poezie religioas?“. E un instinct p?g?n care te fere?te de o excesiva “cre?tinare“ a poeziei chiar ?i ?n Psalmi. (Leon Volovici). (fragment dintr-o scrisoare)E simplu: ?l vad pe Dumnezeu ca pe un partener de dialog, cu care ma cert nu rareori. Citesc adesea serile din Noul Testament mai ales; ei, ?i atunci ?ncepe fierberea... Nu prea merg la biseric? dec?t atunci c?nd simt imperios nevoia – adev?r pentru care Mama de pilda m? ceart? c?teodat?. Duc biserica mea cu mine; a?a pot s? m? rog oriunde, oric?nd. Spre deosebire de Cioran, eu cred ca nu Diavolul a f?cut lumea, ci Dumnezeu; doar c? spre sf?r?itul Facerii a obosit un pic; se ?nt?mpl? ?ntruc?tva c? ?ntr-o proza a lui Rilke, ?n care cele doua m?ini ale Domnului se iau la ?ntrecere ?i se pare ca st?nga profit? de oboseala dreptei... M? ?i ?ntreb uneori, pe urmele lui Unamuno: cine sunt eu s?-i cer socoteala lui Dumnezeu pentru ca lumea ?n care tr?im e a?a cum e? (Are dreptul, oare, o g?nganie s?-?i aroge obr?znicia de a se ciond?ni cu El, cu nimeni altcineva dec?t cu El?!!) ?i tot ca Unamuno, invoc?ndu-l pe Oberman, ?mi r?spund: da, c?ci pentru lume, pentru univers eu sunt nimeni, nu ?nsemn nimic, pentru mine ?ns? sunt totul.Gr?dini austere a stat – da, incredibil – ?n sertarele c?torva edituri circa ?apte ani; ani de izolare atroce, de singur?tate dorit?, iubit?, hulit? ?i, iar ?i iar, iubit?... E un volum publicat dup? o perioada de secet?, c?nd mi se p?rea – p?n? la o neagr? m?nie! – ca nu voi mai scrie niciodat? poezie... Nici cartea de debut n-am a?teptat-o at?tea... secole. E un volum care a circulat pe internet, prietenii trimi??ndu-mi mesaje, scrisori, cronici ad-hoc despre cartea mea de psalmi ?n r?sp?r. (Aura Christi)Faptul c? Gr?dinile austere au trecut prin PC-ul meu mi-a prilejuit o bucurie, o tulburare de zile aurorale. Nu m-am putut ab?ine ?i am citit c?teva poeme. N-am mai putut apoi s-o las din mana. M-a ?nv?luit ?i m-a luat pe sus cutremurata spiritualitate vital? care str?bate versurile. Asta nu mi se ?nt?mpl? prea des, citind poezie contemporan?. (Zoltan Terner)Mignona ?i b?t?ioas?, cheltuind pasionalitate, r?zboinic? ?n pofida fragilit??ii, ?mpr??tiind texte curajoase pe care amicii internau?i nu ezit? a le califica “dinamit? curat?“, sup?r?nd pe mul?i, scriind febril, asum?ndu-?i riscurile Balcaniei (“lin?at?“, pedepsit?, izolat? etc.), Aura Christi, cit?nd “vorbele atroce“ ale iubitului Nietzsche, vrea s? devin? ceea ce este: poet?. (...) Metamorfoza e izbitoare; discursul a devenit sincopat, auster, de o incanta?ie adumbrit?, celebr?nd “via?a de vis“, test?nd – prin “poemele de iubire“ – temele grave (rela?ia cu maestrul, divinitatea, moartea, poezia) pentru a conchide c?, doar povestit?, via?a e tr?it?. Mul?i dintre exege?ii Aurei Christi au subliniat “fulminant? ascensiune“ a poetei. Penetrant?, Aura Christi a avut ?ansa de a fi fost v?zut? ?n mediile bucure?tene. Dar meritele poetei, dincolo de suportul valoric, stau ?i ?n tenacitatea autoconstruc?iei, promov?nd – programatic – “ruptura“. (Adrian Dinu Rachieru)
每满80减40 中国农村调查(总第51卷村庄类第20卷黄河区域第1卷)
每满80减40 中国戏曲艺术与地方文化丛书(全10卷)
主编 刘祯,著者 杜建华,王屹飞,曾浩月,余天矩,杨志敏,陈志勇,褚伯承,赵君,焦振文,江棘,陈琛,罗丽,焦海民
中国戏曲史,就是一部中华民族民俗文化流变史。但随着现代经济社会的快速发展和人们生活方式的不断改变,传统戏曲出现了发展失衡和保护不力等现象。“古调多自爱,今人不多弹。”因此,发掘和加强戏曲这一文化遗产的自觉保护意识已经成为当务之急。 不同于一般的戏剧本位研究,本丛书把戏曲与地方文化有机结合起来,把研究重点聚焦在“历史”与“文化”上,通过对各剧种所处地域的历史分析,突出阐述了各剧种鲜明的地域特色,特别是其反映出的风土人情、审美意趣,并进一步揭示了这些剧种独具的历史价值、文化价值和艺术价值,以及它们在所流传地区业已成为地方名片的积极作用。同时还兼顾学术与通俗、研究与普及、历史与现状,形式上图文并茂、生动活泼,对保护和发扬中国传统优秀文化、提高中国文化软实力,都有十分重要的意义。
每满80减40 中国农村调查 (总第55卷·村庄类第24卷·黄河区域第5卷)
中国农村调查 (总第55卷·村庄类第24卷·黄河区域第5卷)
主编 徐勇;邓大才
每满80减40 多发伤病例精选
每满80减40 赛雷三分钟漫画三国演义(共9册)
1000万人正在看的“超萌赛雷”,前后创作三年,精心绘制全彩漫画三国演义! 电影式全场景,爆笑还原三国演义!立体,生动,涨知识! 《三国演义》可以说是古代中国重要的长篇章回体历史小说。“三国演义”有多个版本,但一直缺少一套立体生动的漫画版本。 而作为以立体生动为擅长的赛雷,正是要创作这样一套立体生动全场景呈现三国历史的作品。 一本主要集中在桃园三结义,曹操出场,讨伐董卓,三英战吕布等经典场景; 第二本主要集中在连环计,杀父之仇,曹操战吕布等经典场景; 第三本主要集中在李郭内斗,曹操救驾,张飞失徐州等经典场景; 第四本主要集中在孙郎大破严白虎,平定江东,辕门射戟,袁术称帝,小沛危机等经典场景; 第五本主要集中在吕布之死,青梅煮酒,袁术之死,降汉不降曹等经典场景; 第六本主要集中在斩颜良诛文丑,过五关斩六将,孙策之死,官渡之战等经典场景; 第七本主要集中在袁绍之死、皇叔失意、三顾茅庐等经典场景,生动地再现三国场景; 第八本主要集中在赵云单骑救主、张飞大闹长坂桥、诸葛亮舌战群儒等经典场景; 第九本主要集中在赵云单骑救主、张飞大闹长坂桥、诸葛亮舌战群儒等经典场景; 它突出的地方就在于用赛雷漫画的幽默风格按时间线索将三国的历史讲述出来,让读者在哈哈大笑中知晓三国历史的发展脉络。
《淮南子》,又名《淮南鸿烈》,是西汉淮南王刘安及其门客收集资料集体编写而成的一部哲学著作,在继承先秦道家思想的基础上,糅合了阴阳、墨、法和一部分儒家思想。《淮南子》内容牢笼天地,博极古今,是研究中国古代哲学、政治、军事、思想的重要典籍,也是探寻古代天文、历法、地理、物候、养生乃至文学、神话、民俗的宝藏,同时还是考察汉初语言的极珍贵的资料。     《淮南子校释》以正统《道藏》本为底本,以景宋本、王溥本等十二种有代表性的版本为校本加以校勘,并辑录庄逵吉、王念孙、孙诒让、杨树达、于省吾等众家注释。校释本最早出版于1997年,本次为第三次增补修订本。