The Sunshade
AFTER the brilliant success which attended, in the spring of last year, our volume on The Fan—a success which was the result, as I cannot conceal from myself, much more of the original conception and decorative execution of that work of luxe than of its literary interest—I have determined to close this series of Woman's Ornaments by a last little work on the protective adornments of that delicate being, as graceful as she is gracious: THE SUNSHADE, the Glove, the Muff. This collection, therefore, of feminine toys will be limited to two volumes, a collection which at first sight appeared to us so complex and heavy that a dozen volumes at least would have been required to contain its principal elements. This, doubtless, on the one hand, would have tried our own constancy, and on the other, would have failed in fixing more surely the inconstancy of our female readers. THE spirit has its freaks of independence, and the unforeseen of life ought to be carefully economised. Moreover, to tell the whole truth, the decorative elegance of a book like the present hides very often beneath its prints the torture of an intellectual thumbscrew.

PARENTING GUIDE: Teach Your Kids About Chores
PARENTING GUIDE: Teach Your Kids About Chores

On the Origin of Species
Bine a?i venit ?n casa primitoare a naturii, aici unde numerele stau al?turi de flori ?i anim?lu?e. Din acest fermec?tor tablou, nu trebuie s? lipsi nici voi, dragi copii.V? ve?i ?mprieteni cu matematica, urm?rind zborul fluturilor sau zburd?nd printre t?m?ioarele parfumate ?i ve?i ?nv??a, ?n mijlocul lor, graiul prin care plantele ?i animalele ??i r?nduiesc via?a calcul?nd totul f?r? eroare.Juca?i-v?, bucura?i-v? ?i ?nv??a?i u?or matematic?!

Manualul redactorului. Introducere ?n teoria ?i practica edit?rii este descrierea clar? ?i concis? a unei ocupa?ii esen?iale ?n domeniul editorial. Adresat? ?n primul r?nd redactorilor specializa?i ?n carte nonfiction, lucrarea este structurat? ?n nou? capitole. Acestea trateaz?, pe r?nd, toate aspectele teoretice ?i practice pe care un redactor de carte aflat la ?nceput de carier? trebuie s? le cunoasc? pentru a-?i ?ndeplini ?n bune condi?ii sarcinile prev?zute ?n fi?a de post: multiplele ?n?elesuri ale termenului ?editor“, istoria concis? a edit?rii, domeniile generale ale c?r?ii de nonfic?iune, elementele componente ale unei c?r?i de nonfic?iune, personajele-cheie ale edit?rii ?i raporturile func?ionale dintre acestea, aspectele de etic? ?n rela?ia cu autorii, principiile de baz? ale legisla?iei rom?ne?ti ?n materie de drepturi de autor, etapele edit?rii ?i normele generale de editare prezentate sistematic, cu exemple concrete de tratare a unor situa?ii des ?nt?lnite ?n practica de zi cu zi (scrierea numelor proprii, scrierea numeralelor ?i a unit??ilor de m?sur?, folosirea abrevierilor, ?ntocmirea notelor ?i a bibliografiilor, ?ntocmirea indicilor de nume de persoane sau tematici, tratarea ilustra?iilor ?i a legendelor aferente etc.).

?ntemeierea metafizicii moravurilor
Pedagogii alternative ofer? o prezentare clar? ?i cuprinz?toare a ?ase metode pedagogice – Pedagogia Montesorri, Pedagogia Waldorf, Pegadogia curativ?, Pedagogia Freinet, Planul Jena, Programul step-by-step. Fiecare metod? pedagogic? este descris? ?n c?te un capitol. Astfel, capitolele au o structur? elegant?, care urm?re?te redarea principalelor aspecte legate de respectiva pedagogie. Cartea este deschis? de o introducere ?i include, la final, concluzii, dar ?i o bibliografie, util?, f?r? doar ?i poate, pentru oricine ar dori s? aprofundeze chestiunile analizate ?n fiecare capitol. Con?inutul capitolelor este adaptat ?n func?ie de metoda pedagogic? descris?. Concep?ia pedagogic?, perspectiva privind dezvoltarea copilului, metoda sau metodele de predare, ?nv??are ?i evaluare, rela?ia profesorului (?nv???torului) cu elevii sau rela?ia ?colii cu p?rin?ii sunt printre elementele abordare ?n cadrul fiec?rei pedagogii.Cartea se ocup? doar de c?teva pedadogii alternative dintr-o multitudine de sisteme educative concepute ?n ultimele secole. Cele ?ase metode pot fi ?ncadrate ?n curentul pedagogic ,,educa?ia nou?“, fiind elaborate ?n primele decenii ale secolului XX. Ele ofer? solu?ii ?i concep?ii diferite privind educa?ia copilului, alternative la modelul clasic, al pedagogului ceh Jan-Amos Comenius (secolul al XVII-lea), care prevede gruparea elevilor pe clase, cu elevi de aproximativ aceea?i v?rst?, ?i structurarea con?inutului pe discipline, repartizate pe ani de studiu ?i cicluri. Autorul ?ncearc? s? demonstreze c? aceste pedagogii alternative sunt complementare ?i diversitatea metodelor poate asigura valorificarea calit??ilor elevilor.Aceast? lucrare le este destinat? studen?ilor care urmeaz? specializ?ri din domeniul ??tiin?ele Educa?iei“, dar ?i cadrelor didactice interesate de teoria ?i practica alternativelor educa?ionale ?nt?lnite ?n ?ara noastr? ?i, nu ?n ultimul r?nd, p?rin?ilor interesa?i de un rol mai activ ?n educarea copiilor lor. Am c?utat s? prezent?m ?n paginile sale concepte de baz?, principii de ac?iune, strategii ?i tehnici de lucru specifice, care se pot constitui ?n repere de g?ndire ?i ac?iune pedagogic?. (p. 13)

Sen Benimsin: "2015'te ge?en bir a?k hikayesi"
Los Angeles, New York ve ?stanbul'da ge?en bir a?k hikayesi..

Dumineca Orbului
Mamele, care fac at?t de multe lucruri, spun adesea despre ele c? stau ?n cas? ?i nu fac nimic. Se simt singure, invizibile ?i ne?nsemnate. ?i asta de?i fiecare mam? ??i preg?te?te copilul pentru societatea ?n care tr?im cu to?ii. ?ntreaga civiliza?ie depinde de munca mamelor. ?i nu sunt vorbe prea mari. Via?a social? ar fi haotic? f?r? contribu?ia at?t de ?nsemnat? a mamelor. Dac? ele se simt lipsite de importan??, atunci cu siguran?? valoarea muncii lor nu este apreciat? cum se cuvine. Cartea Ce fac mamele este scris? cu scopul de a ilustra nu doar motivele pentru care meseria de mam? merit? toat? admira?ia noastr?, ci ?i influen?a pe care noi to?i o avem ?n acest sens. Cu to?ii suntem conecta?i la universul acesta al mamelor.Atunci c?nd o femeie ?ncepe s? le spun? celor din jur c? este ?ns?rcinat?, se simte uneori de parc? ar fi p??it pe un teren minat. Pentru fiecare ?ntrebare posibil? legat? de ea ?i de copilul ei, exist? cel pu?in dou? ?coli opuse de g?ndire. Fiecare ?coal? de g?ndire ??i consolideaz? principiile prin intermediul unui atac la adresa ?colii ?inamice“, cu previziuni ?nfrico??toare privitoare la ceea ce se va ?nt?mpla dac? mama va c?dea prad? influen?ei acesteia. Au ap?rut o mul?ime de c?r?i care le ?ndeamn? pe mame s? urmeze regulile sau instruc?iunile personale ale autorilor, deoarece acestea, chipurile, le-ar u?ura munca. Dar c?t de util este un set de reguli? Tr?im ?ntr-o societate tolerant?, iar dreptul de a alege este o consecin?? pre?ioas? a acestui fapt. Totu?i, mamele se simt adesea etichetate ?n func?ie de alegerile pe care le fac ?i respinse de femeile care au luat decizii diferite. Autoarea ?ncearc? ?ns? s? ne spun? c?, ?n spatele alegerilor noastre individuale, exist? teme fundamentale, comune mai tuturor mamelor. Le ?mp?rt??im oriunde am locui ?i indiferent de epoc?. Rolul de mam? se concentreaz? asupra dragostei pe care o ofer? copilului s?u. Cartea ??i propune s? ofere pe de o parte ?ncuraj?rile de care au at?ta nevoie mamele, pe de alta, un reper ferm pentru oricine ?ncearc? s? le ?n?eleag?.

Ο Παρδαλ?? καμηλοπ?ρδαλο? και η Σκουληκαρδο?λα
λοι εμαστε ξιοι να αγαπηθομε, ταν μπορομε να αγαπσουμε...Να αγαπσουμε χαρζοντα την ομορφι που κρβουμε μσα μα!Aυτ η ομορφι μπορε να αλλξει, χι μνο τον κσμο μα, αλλ και ολκληρο το σμπαν! Everyone deserves to be loved, if they can love…Love by giving our internal beauty, because only this kind of beauty can change not only our world, but the whole universe!

No Place for Nathan: A True Short Story
A difficult and distressing tale of a young boy who desperately needs to be loved. Nathan is a troubled young child. Disruptive, aggressive and, most disturbingly, prone to violent mood-swings Nathan soon finds himself in at the school’s behavioural unit, managed by Casey – Ms Watson to her students. What’s even more disturbing is Nathan’s split personalities; from Jenny with a bright blonde wig to sexually frustrated Jack, Nathan’s behaviour demonstrates some serious psychological issues. What has caused all of this? Taken under the wing of Ms Watson Nathan is able to eventually trust, learn and grow into a happier little boy. But this happiness is short-lived and soon Ms Watson finds out a devastating secret about Nathan’s family life; an abusive father who raises Nathan in a filthy and squalid home unfit for animals, let alone a small child. But with social services reluctant to help an “attention-seeking” child they’ve looked into before Ms Watson’s efforts are put to the test. Will she be able to help this frightened little boy? Or will it all be too late?

Réussir sa prépa: Les 10 clés essentielles pour un mental de gagnant
tudiants en Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes coles des filières littéraires, scientifiques ou commerciales, ce livre est fait pour vous !Divisé en dix thématiques centrales, ce guide pratique, inspiré des dernières découvertes scientifiques, met à votre disposition un ensemble de conseils, méthodes et astuces qui vous permettront de gagner en efficacité dans l’acquisition de vos connaissances tout en renforant votre mental.Découvrez le secret de ces petites choses , qui contribueront grandement à améliorer la qualité de vos révisions : développement de la confiance en soi, réduction du stress, meilleure organisation...Cet ouvrage sera le partenaire de votre réussite.Lise LEINER, Psychologue clinicienne, diplmée de l’université Paris VII, est formée aux Thérapies Cognitivo-Comportementales et à la Sophrologie. Spécialisée dans la gestion du stress, elle accompagne depuis plusieurs années dejeunes étudiants dans la préparation de cursus exigeants.

The object of this book, which is addressed to all cultured men and women, is to set forth the primitive manifestations of love and to throw light on those strange emotional climaxes which I have called "Metaphysical Eroticism." I have taken no account of historical detail, except where it served the purpose of proving, explaining and illustrating my subject. Nor have I hesitated to intermingle psychological motives and motives arising from the growth and spread of civilisation. The inevitable result of a one-sided glimpse at historical facts would have been a history of love, an undertaking for which I lack both ability and inclination. On the other hand, had I written a merely psychological treatise, disregarding the succession of periods, I should have laid myself open to the just reproach of giving rein to my imagination instead of dealing with reality. I have availed myself of historical facts to demonstrate that what psychology has shown to be the necessary phases of the evolution of love, have actually existed in historical time and characterised a whole period of civilisation. The history of civilisation is an end in itself only in the chapter entitled "The Birth of Europe." My work is intended to be first and foremost a monograph on the emotional life of the human race. I am prepared to meet rather with rejection than with approval. Neither the historian nor the psychologist will be pleased. Moreover, I am well aware that my standpoint is hopelessly "old-fashioned." To-day nearly all the world is content to look upon the sexual impulse as the source of all erotic emotion and to regard love as nothing more nor less than its most exquisite radiation. My book, on the contrary, endeavours to establish its complete independence of sexuality.My contention that so powerful an emotion as love should have come into existence in historical, not very remote times, will seem very strange; for, all outward profession of faith in evolution notwithstanding, men are still inclined to take the unchangeableness of human nature for granted. The facts on which I have based my arguments are well known, but my deductions are new; it is not for me to decide whether they are right or wrong. In the first (introductory) part I have made use of works already in existence, in addition to Plato and the poets, but the second and third parts are founded almost entirely on original research. ?E. L.

Kurtizánok tünd?klése és nyomorúsága
Some people complain that science is dry. That is, of course, a matter of taste. For my own part, I like my science and my champagne as dry as I can get them. But the public thinks otherwise. So I have ventured to sweeten accompanying samples as far as possible to suit the demand, and trust they will meet with the approbation of consumers. Of the specimens here selected for exhibition, my title piece originally appeared in the Fortnightly Review: 'Honey Dew' and 'The First Potter' were contributions to Longman's Magazine: and all the rest found friendly shelter between the familiar yellow covers of the good old Cornhill. My thanks are due to the proprietors and editors of those various periodicals for kind permission to reproduce them here. G.ALLEN THE NOOK, DORKING: September, 1889. Falling In Love "..An ancient and famous human institution is in pressing danger. Sir George Campbell has set his face against the time-honoured practice of Falling in Love. Parents innumerable, it is true, have set their faces against it already from immemorial antiquity; but then they only attacked the particular instance, without venturing to impugn the institution itself on general principles. An old Indian administrator, however, goes to work in all things on a different pattern. He would always like to regulate human life generally as a department of the India Office; and so Sir George Campbell would fain have husbands and wives selected for one another (perhaps on Dr. Johnson's principle, by the Lord Chancellor) with a view to the future development of the race, in the process which he not very felicitously or elegantly describes as 'man-breeding.' 'Probably,' he says, as reported in Nature, 'we have enough physiological knowledge to effect a vast improvement in the pairing of individuals of the same or allied races if we could only apply that knowledge to make fitting marriages, instead of giving way to foolish ideas about love and the tastes of young people, whom we can hardly trust to choose their own bonnets, much less to choose in a graver matter in which they are most likely to be influenced by frivolous prejudices.' He wants us, in other words, to discard the deep-seated inner physiological promptings of inherited instinct, and to substitute for them some calm and dispassionate but artificial selection of a fitting partner as the father or mother of future generations.."

?ri muri
kombákom betkkel írt, néhány sornyi szveg lóg bekeretezve szobám falán: N DES NAGYIKMNAK VIRGOT CSOKORBA AZRT A SO JJ MIT RTEM TET AZTA A helyesírás hagy némi kívánnivalót maga után, de egy tévestl ugyancsak szép teljesítmény. Sokszor rápillantottam ennek a knyvnek az írása kzben, mint ahogy eszembe jutott megannyi, mindkét unokámhoz fzd – csak nekünk sokat mondó és sokat jelent – pillanat, sszekacsintás, séta, játék, esti mese, beszélgetés: a mi, együtt kialakított, kzsen megélt életdarabkáink. Minden nagyszülnek van ezernyi, ert adó pillanata, amely unokájához kti. Beletartoznak ebbe a külnleges, egyedi, de a hétkznapi élmények is, melyekbl a kapcsolatukat építgetik. Mire nagyszülk leszünk, túl vagyunk életünk apróbb-nagyobb változásainak sorozatán, amelyek formáltak, csiszoltak, gazdagítottak bennünket. Akik megtapasztalhatták, tudják, az egyik legszebb változás a nagyszülvé válás – minden nehézségével és kihívásával együtt. letünknek errl a szakaszáról, az unokavárásra való ráhangolódásról, félelmeinkrl és rmeinkrl szeretnénk átfogó képet mutatni az olvasóknak. A nagymamák és nagypapák megszületésétl” kezdve, az unokákkal együtt tlttt mindennapokon és a családi szerepek újraértelmezésének nehézségein át, egészen az unokázás” gyakorlatáig – a kzs játékoktól az együtt elkészíthet finomságokig – sok-sok minden helyet kapott e ktetben. Nem titkolt célunk, hogy személyes trténetekkel és praktikus tanácsokkal segítsük leend vagy gyakorló nagymama- és nagypapatársainkat. Veres Mária

Como esquecer uma grande paix?o
Como esquecer uma grande paix?o

10 Maneiras de vencer uma discuss?o
10 Maneiras de vencer uma discuss?o

Como arrumar um namorado?
Como arrumar um namorado?

The Yellow Wallpaper
Familia este mediul primar al socializ?rii noastre. Rela?ia cu p?rin?ii no?tri este o rela?ie extrem de important? care marcheaz? ?ntreaga noastr? existen??. Dup? ac?iunea pozitiv? a p?rin?ilor, intervin educatorii, profesorii, mentorii, formatorii, fiecare cu ac?iunile ?i cuno?tin?ele sale, menite s? ne ?mbun?t??easc? ?n mod con?tient capacit??ile, atitudinile, orient?rile valorice ?i morale, dorin?a de a ?nv??a, de a munci. Copilul reprezint? un context psihologic determinat de personalitatea sa, de familia ?n care a crescut, de mediul social care l-a ?ncurajat ?i de modelele pe care le-a avut de-a lungul evolu?iei sale. Proiectul ?Educ?-m? cu viziune“ se adreseaz? bunicilor, m?micilor ?i t?ticilor, tuturor celor implica?i ?n cre?terea ?i educa?ia viitoarelor genera?ii.

Call Her Bluffs: A Man's Guide to dealing with women and their bs
Call Her Bluffs: A Man's Guide to dealing with women and their bs

Aaron's Rod
Te mit áldoznál fel, hogy teljesülj?n az álmod? Catherine boldog házasságát csak a gyermektelenség árnyékolja be. A sikertelen próbálkozások végül kapcsolatuk végéhez vezetnek. A fiatal n? feladja a harcot, és elengedi párját, hogy ne k?sse ?t egy gyermektelen élethez. Magányos ?nsajnálatba burkolózik, nem találja helyét a világban. Ekkor ismerkedik meg Calebbel, akivel lassan szerelem alakul ki k?ztük, de saját gyermek iránti vágyakozása nem hagyja nyugodni. Vajon az új kapcsolat elég er?t ad Catherine-nek, hogy újra merjen a családalapításra gondolni? A férfi z?r?s múltja miatt annak ellenére sem felh?tlen a boldogságuk, hogy úgy t?nik, ez alkalommal sikerrel jár a beültetés. A sors még további megpróbáltatásokat tartogat számukra. Katie Francoise fordulatokban gazdag második k?nyvében személyes tapasztalatait felhasználva ír arról, mennyi áldozatot képes meghozni egy n?, hogy elérje a célját, és saját gyermeke lehessen.

101 Xavecos
101 Xavecos

Se?me Hikayeler ?ocukalar ??in
Se?me Hikayeler ?ocukalar ??in