The Baby Sleep Book
Drawing on considerable experience as both parents and professionals in the paediatric profession, the best-selling parenting experts Dr. William and Martha Sears have produced the definitive guide to the frequently fraught and troublesome topic of sleep. The Sleep Book is designed as a practical and contemporary guide to parenting, ensuring you can get your child to sleep and making sure night time isn’t dreaded. Containing the latest medical research, and providing informed and considered advice on all the issues, this book offers guidance and support to keep you and your child rested and refreshed. Includes advice on all aspects of sleep such as: ? 8 infant sleep facts every parent should know ? 31 ways to get your baby to sleep and stay asleep ? Bedwetting ? Hidden medical causes of night waking ? Sleep trainers ? Night weaning – 12 alternatives for the all-night nurser ? Night terrors ? 5 reasons why high need infants sleep differently ? Sleep safety ? SIDS: the latest research on how sleeping with your baby is safe ? Co-sleeping: Yes, No, Sometimes An invaluable resource for parents of young children, The Baby Sleep Book provides guidance on how to get your baby to sleep, what to do if he wakes up to often, what to do if he sleeps to much. It also helps with moving the place of sleep, sleepwear, managing the sleep time of more than one child, and night time feeding.

First-Time Parent: The honest guide to coping brilliantly and staying sane in yo
Forget unrealistic childcare manuals – this is the book you really need to help you cope brilliantly with those first chaotic days and months ahead. As a health journalist and mother-of-three, Lucy Atkins is familiar with both the medical aspects of childbirth and baby development, and the reality of day-to-day life as an exhausted first-time mum or dad. In her feisty, humorous style, she begins with that first mind-blowing day and addresses the issues unique to the first-time parent who stares at their newborn and thinks “Where are the instructions?” Anticipating the questions and concerns of all new mothers–Why does my baby cry so much? Will I ever lose all this weight? Am I a bad parent because…?–the book provides practical advice and level-headed reassurance. It addresses the needs of the baby and, very importantly, those of the parent during the first year of their baby’s life. Contents include: ? Starter’s orders – the equipment and kit you really need, as opposed to what the department store tells you ? Hello – how to cope with the first few hours ? Start – coming home, bonding, how to survive the first few days ? Sleep – for everyone! ? Cry – why your baby cries, what to do, why you'll want to cry, too ? Eat –breastfeeding, supplemental feeding, moving to solids, nutrition ? Grow – baby's physical and mental development ? Play – yes, you two actually can have fun ? Thrive – health considerations for baby and parent ? Live – adapting to your new life, the changing mother-father relationship ? Work – coping with being at home and with going back to work ? Also includes information on single parenting, and on adopted, multiple and special needs babies. The First-Time Parent is on your side, and reassures that you can cope brilliantly with your new baby and your new life.

The Playful Parent
The Playful Parent offers a new solution for parents and carers looking for a calmer, happier and smarter way to parent the under-fives. This activity-led parenting guide shows how to get young children involved and learning, thinking and growing, helping and cooperating without any need for ‘the naughty step’ or punishment at all, but by making play the beating heart of family life. Julia Deering offers support and advice to busy parents, combining down-to-earth practicality with hundreds of simple activities, tips, tricks and fixes, guidance, prompts and brilliant ideas that show parents how to tap into their child's playful instincts. You can use The Playful Parent to: ? Make your little one’s good behaviour become their normal behaviour ? Remove those parent/child battle-of-will situations ? Help steer clear of the flashpoint furies and melt-down moments of the ‘terrible twos’ ? Run fuss-free errands with your toddlers in tow ? Tackle tricky transitions such as bedtimes and car journeys with ease ? Develop your child's independence and unleash their natural creativity ? Bond with a child in the first language they know: play Whether you've forgotten how to play or you're still a child at heart, The Playful Parent equips you with all the know-how you need to make play work for you and your family; transforming parenting during the early years into a more enjoyable, rewarding and memorable experience. Includes: ? A guide to the principles of play and how to use the 7 Ways to Play concept ? Advice on how to organise your home – and your life – for maximum play with minimum stress ? Over a hundred uncomplicated and irresistible activities for your 18 month – 5 year olds ? A Family Favourites chart so you can record favourite activities and start building daily and weekly planners

Double Trouble: Twins and How to Survive Them (Text Only)
This indispensable guide to multiple pregnancy, birth and beyond, comes from an expert on the subject – Emma Mahony is a twin herself as well as being the mother of twins. Humorous cartoons from the Times’ front-page cartoonist make this a lighthearted, informative guide to everything expectant mothers of twins need to know. Twins are amazing – but multiple pregnancy and birth, not to mention coping with twins once they are born, carries a set of special fears, risks and issues. Many parents-to-be find themselves overwhelmed. This guide is informative yet informal – in a similar vein to ‘Best Friends Guide To Pregnancy’. The author is uniquely experienced in this subject, being a twin and also a mother of baby twins. Contains advice from pregnancy and childcare experts as well as case studies. Illustrated inside with humorous cartoons from Jonathan Pugh, father of two and front-page cartoonist at The Times. An exploration of practical issues such as eating for three, managing breastfeeding, and the trend towards Caesareans for NHS twin births. ? Any special concerns? The unnecessary label of ‘high risk’ in pregnancy. ? Testimonies from mums who have tried different approaches. ? Interviews with medical and midwife experts. ? A step-by-step guide to the different stages of pregnancy and birth, including how to involve the father and explain twins to other siblings. ? Tips on managing once the twins have arrived.

Rough Diamond: Turning Disruption Into Advantage in Business and Life
In life you are most likely to regret that you didn’t do more of what you love...You will likely feel as though you spent your professional life getting up, going to the office and living the same day over and over, week after week, year after year, decade after decade. Ironically, it’s the same people who wind up regretting not doing more who spend their careers resisting change and shutting down creative ideas. I know, because I spent nearly two decades as a change agent in a large advertising agency.If you found your way to this book, chances are it’s because you have a fire in your belly, a hunger for change, and a belief in the transformative power of disruption. If you found this book, it’s probably because you know it’s time to shake things up but you’re not quite sure how.This book puts you on notice. You have it within your power to do more and be more, and I’m going to give you the tools to start. This is your opportunity to change your destiny, so you are the statistical anomaly - the Rough Diamond - who shines bright, even if unpolished, and savors each day for the opportunity it presents to innovate, connect and disrupt the status quo. "Ultimately, this book is about how to live a truthful life without regrets. It's about how to turn the inevitable disruptions into advantages - and in doing so - polish your own diamond."?(Nicole Yershon) Readers' reviews "A great insight into how to make things happen, nurture people in the workplace, and believe in yourself. Truly inspiring!" -?5 stars "This is not your typical business book and that's what makes it perfect" -?5 stars "Wonderfully inspiring!" -?5 stars About the AuthorNicole Yershon is a maverick, inspiration and the original rough diamond. She is, at once a consultant, speaker, judge, mentor and connector. She works on the front line of innovation - bringing organisations kicking and screaming into the 21st century. In that sense she properly defines disruption.Nicole is the founder of Lab For Hire? and before that the Ogilvy Labs – a dedicated Innovation unit of Ogilvy & Mather Group. Part of WPP Group plc.Just a few of the clients she has worked with over recent years. Amex, IBM, BP, Crimestoppers, Selfridges, Unilever, BA and Wetherspoons.

Hopeless to Hopeful
Hopeless to Hopeful: A Mom’s Guide to Raising Children with Special Needs and Staying Inspired is a blueprint for any mom raising a special needs child looking to live a balanced life. Catherine Todd shares the story of two of her children who struggle with autism, ADHD, and anxiety and the journey through their diagnosis. Mom’s parenting special needs children are faced with the ?struggle of finding support for themselves and their child. Maneuvering the IEP meetings, teacher communication, and finding support for both mother and child is often a lonely and isolating process. Hopeless to Hopeful reads like a personal story laced with practical strategies that work, from building a tribe of support for you and your child, to letting go of the guilt that comes with a child’s diagnosis. Moms will learn the importance of modeling an inspired and balanced life for their children, so that their children can create the same life for themselves. Children model what they are shown by their parents, and in Hopeless to Hopeful you will learn how to model a life of hope and inspiration for your children and family.

The Single Dad's Guide to the Galaxy: Parenting in the Real World
The Single Dad's Guide to the Galaxy: Parenting in the Real World

Surviving Toxic In-Laws: The Big Bullies: The Big Bullies
Surviving Toxic In-Laws: The Big Bullies: The Big Bullies

Psihologia manipul?rii
Toate raionamentele brbailor nu cost nici mcar un sentiment al femeilor.“ – VoltairePractici eficiente de pick-up. nceptor Fii pe faz! Urmeaz cursul de iniiere n ale pick-up-ului.Primo. Cine eti i doreti ceva i chiar obii sau doar visezi i colectezi frustrriSecundo. Ce tii s faci Procedee, tehnici i metode... Te tenteaz Citete.Tero. Rezultatul ine minte, rezultatul nu poate fi dect unul de succes.Pick-up – un model de comportament al omului de succes, dar i o abordare bine gndit a comunicrii cu persoanele de sex opus i seducerea lor. Pentru aceasta ai nevoie de un maxim de informaie util i dexteritate.Probabil aceast carte te va supra. Poate c te va face s te dezamgeti. Probabil c vei pierde cele mai dragi iluzii. Cu siguran te vei indispune, vei fi suprat, te vei nfuria sau vei rde. Nu este exclus c te vei cstori sau poate c invers, vei divora, citind-o. Aa c, nainte de a da pagina, gndete-te bine, poate ca nu merit s tii attea lucruri despre brbai.n aceast carte brbatul apare exact aa cum este n realitate. Iar aceasta privelite nu este pentru cei cu psihicul slab. Anume din aceast cauz i mai repet: dac ii la iluziile tale, dac vrei n continuare s crezi c brbaii sunt nite copii mari, renun la aceast carte. F acelai lucru, dac eti convins c i cunoti pe brbai.Brbatul ideal nu bea, nu fumeaz, nu pariaz la curse, niciodat nu face reprouri i nu exist.

Dic?ionarul Luceaf?rului eminescian
O carte strict necesar? ?n biblioteca fiec?ruia. Dic?ionarul cuprinde scriitorii cei mai importan?i ai literaturii rom?ne, de la clasici p?n? la contemporani, romancieri, poe?i, esei?ti, critic ?i istorici literari. Dic?ionarul, al?turi de alte opere din acela?i gen, vine s? completeze un domeniu fragil din cultura rom?neasc?.

A végrehajtó és az adós: A bírósági végrehajtás a gyakorlatban
A negatív érzelmek - mint a b?ntudat, a düh, a kétség, a csalódás - nyomot hagynak a lelkünkben. Minél hosszabb id?n át vagyunk kitéve ezeknek a rossz érzelmi állapotoknak, annál maradandóbbak lesznek a nyomaik is. Kurt Tepperwein kifejlesztett egy eredményes lelki méregtelenít? módszert, amellyel fel tudjuk frissíteni, s?t úgyszólván újraéleszthetjük a lelkünket. Meggy?z? és k?nnyen alkalmazható programmal magyarázza el az okokat; hogy hogyan szabadulhatunk meg a negatív mintáktól; és hogy mely tényez?k segítik a lelki higiénét. A nélkül?zhetetlen tanácsadó k?nyvet egy sor személyes kérdéslista és az ?nvizsgálat elvégzéséhez való gyakorlati útmutató teszi teljessé. "Ismerjük fel, hogy minden helyzetben megvan a lehet?ségünk arra, hogy eld?ntsük, mit állítunk a k?zéppontba, és hogyan akarunk reagálni. K?vessenek az úton, és meglátják, hogy minden bosszantó helyzetben van legalább egy olyan aspektus, amely hálára vagy ?r?mre adhat okot."

Antologia Nebula 2013
Care este tipul t?u? E?ti Activ, Colaborator, Conduc?tor sau Explorator? Analist, Asimilator, Intensificator sau Vizionar? E?ti Extravertit sau Introvertit? G?se?te-?i cariera perfect? pentru tipul t?u de personalitate ?i ob?ine succesul!Pentru a fi fericit ?i a avea succes ?n via?a profesional?, trebuie s? g?se?ti o carier? care se potrive?te nu numai cu interesele tale, ci ?i cu tipul t?u de personalitate. ?n aceast? carte, autoarea folose?te Indicatorul de Tipuri Myers-Briggs (MBTI) pentru a prezenta opt modalit??i distincte de a lucra ?i te ?ncurajeaz? s? reflectezi asupra preferin?elor tale naturale – propun?ndu-?i pentru aceasta liste de verificare, exerci?ii, strategii ?i sfaturi – ?i ??i ofer? toate instrumentele necesare pentru a-?i descoperi propriile preferin?e naturale ?i a ?i g?si cariera ideal?. Acest ghid pentru g?sirea unei cariere potrivite include detalii despre dezvoltarea diferen?elor dintre tipuri pe parcursul vie?ii, sfaturi pentru echilibrarea vie?ii personale cu via?a profesional? ?i foarte multe sugestii de posibile cariere, bazate pe preferin?ele personale. Autoarea face o analiz? minu?ioas? a fiec?rui tip, oferind sfaturi practice pentru cre?terea ?i dezvoltarea profesional?, precum ?i form?rile ?i profesiile potrivite fiec?ruia.

The Gentle Birth Method: The Month-by-Month Jeyarani Way Programme
Childbirth guru Dr Gowri Motha, who practises with Dr Yehudi Gordon – author of Birth and Beyond – shows women how her revolutionary method helps women carry the baby to full term, have less intervention in the birth; feel less pain in labour, and feel happy and in control. ? The Gentle Birth method is a concise pregnancy programme combining diverse therapies such as ‘creative healing’ massage, a simple diet, self-hypnosis, reflexology and affirmation techniques ? The method was created by Dr Gowri Motha as an alternative to conventional obstetric practise, when she became alarmed at the increasing number of women needing intervention during their births. It teaches expectant mothers how to train their bodies and minds in order to reduce or prevent complications during pregnancy and labour. ? This book outlines the Method, with a month-by-month programme explaining how to rebalance the body and tailor it to the optimum condition for the birthing process. It includes guides to treating problems such as: – back pain – nausea – heartburn – fluid retention – stretch marks ? The programme offers women a formal framework in which to prepare their bodies and so avoid facing a labour that is unnecessarily long, arduous and traumatic, with significantly lower uptakes of pain relief.

Steve Biddulph’s Raising Girls
Steve Biddulph's Raising Boys was a global phenomenon. The first book in a generation to look at boys' specific needs, parents loved its clarity and warm insights into their sons' inner world. But today, things have changed. It's girls that are in trouble. There has been a sudden and universal deterioration in girls' mental health, starting in primary school and devastating the teen years. Steve Biddulph's Raising Girls is both a guidebook and a call-to-arms for parents. The five key stages of girlhood are laid out so that you know exactly what matters at which age, and how to build strength and connectedness into your daughter from infancy onwards. Raising Girls is both fierce and tender in its mission to help girls more at every age. It's a book for parents who love their daughters deeply, whether they are newborns, teenagers, young women - or anywhere in between. Feeling secure, becoming an explorer, getting along with others, finding her soul, and becoming a woman - at last, there is a clear map of girls' minds that accepts no limitations, narrow roles or selling-out of your daughter's potential or uniqueness. All the hazards are signposted - bullying, eating disorders, body image and depression, social media harms and helps - as are concrete and simple measures for both mums and dads to help prevent their daughters from becoming victims. Parenthood is restored to an exciting journey, not one worry after another, as it's so often portrayed. Steve talks to the world's leading voices on girls' needs and makes their ideas clear and simple, adding his own humour and experience through stories that you will never forget. Even the illustrations, by Kimio Kubo, provide unique and moving glimpses into the inner lives of girls. Along with his fellow psychologists worldwide, Steve is angry at the exploitation and harm being done to girls today. With Raising Girls he strives to spark a movement to end the trashing of girlhood; equipping parents to deal with the modern wor

The Highly Sensitive Child: Helping our children thrive when the world overwhelm
15-20% of children are Highly Sensitive – and they are often labelled shy, introverted, fussy or faddy. The real story is very different though and this intelligent, practical book helps parents know what to do, when to back off, and how to ensure their child is given the right sort of treatment at school. This book is the follow up to the author’s internationally best-selling personal development guide The Highly Sensitive Person. It is the first and only book for parents of highly sensitive children. It provides parents with insights and information so they can understand High Sensitivity, and help their highly sensitive child thrive in the world. It is important for these children to be understood so they can be helped to avoid the common traps of shyness and withdrawal that many highly sensitive fall into as they develop. Contains questionnaire for parents to find out if their child has the traits common in highly sensitive children. Discusses HSC’s at different ages – infant, toddler, school-age and adolescent.…

The Good Behaviour Book: How to have a better-behaved child from birth to age te
In THE GOOD BEHAVIOUR BOOK, Dr. William and Martha Sears, the paediatrics specialists whose books on birth, babies, and parenting have become widely praised best-sellers, provide a definitive guide to raising happy, well-adjusted, well-behaved children. Disciplining children means equipping them with the tools to succeed in life. In this unique guide, seasoned parents of eight, Bill and Martha Sears draw on personal experience and their professional knowledge as childcare experts to provide an authoritative approach to a broad range of disciplinary issues and practices. With focus on preventing behaviour problems as well as managing them when they arise, the Searses offer clear, practical advice on everything parents need to know about disciplining young children. Believing that discipline starts at birth, the Searses discuss baby discipline, disciplining the toddler, mother-father roles in modern parenting, saying no, self-esteem as the foundation of good behaviour, helping a child to express feelings, the constructive use of anger, good nutrition for good behaviour, and sleep discipline. On handling problem behaviour, the Searses cover sibling rivalry, spanking and alternatives to spanking, breaking annoying habits, and eliminating bothersome behaviours like whining and talking back. The Searses strongly advocate teaching children values like apologising and sharing, and explain how to deal with such issues as lying, stealing, and cheating. In addition, the Searses address building healthy sexuality and discipline in special situations such as after divorce and in the single-parent household.

Hate Me Now, Thank Me Later
With so many parenting styles to choose from, when it comes to giving your child the best start in life it can be difficult to know which way to turn. Psychiatrist and mother Robin Burman’s brilliant new book shows you the way: Hate Me Now, Thank Me Later is the definitive guide to helping your child grow with both love and discipline. Whilst in years gone by children were seen and not heard, too often nowadays their every whim and tantrum is pandered to. As much as the former is unthinkable, the latter can also be damaging to a child’s later life: over praised children allowed to set their own limits often become anxious and are unable to deal with the negative emotions they will eventually encounter. Hate Me Now, Thank Me Later finds the perfect balance between the outdated old and the unfortunate new. Through helpful guidance based on Robin’s extensive experience as both a certified psychiatrist and mother, it will teach you to be comfortable setting boundaries whilst maintaining a loving connection; fostering confidence, respect and emotional maturity in your child as a result. Packed with practical advice alongside plenty of sympathetic anecdotes, Hate Me Now, Thank Me Later is the warm, relatable guide to parenting which you can come back to again and again. Robin Berman, MD, is a psychiatrist; associate professor at UCLA; and a founding board member of the UCLA Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital.

Puntea artelor
Are 4 roi care se nvrt, dou sau trei pedale aflate n dreptul picioarelor, un schimbtor de viteze care se folosete cu mna i un volan. Ce este aa greu“ Asta dac suntem att de ignorani, nct nici soarele nu-l vedem. Sau suntem att de ncuiai la minte, nct nu ne-ar sensibiliza nici mcar o piatr aruncat ntre ochi. Sau suntem aa de arogani i plini de noi, nct i la coada de la pine sau n mijlocul pdurii trebuie s artm noi cum st treaba“. Dac ni se pare att de simplu ca numrarea pe degete pn la zece, atunci de ce suntem att de penibili n calitate de oferi

They Are What You Feed Them: How Food Can Improve Your Child’s Behaviour, Mood a
Dr Alex Richardson, the UK's leading authority on how nutrition affects behaviour and learning, exposes the truth behind the foods we are feeding our children and offers simple, practical solutions all parents can use. An empowering, cutting-edge book that will transform the lives of children and help them reach their full potential. Senior Research Fellow at Oxford University and former school teacher, Dr Alex Richardson is the UK's leading expert on how what we do and do not feed our children impacts their learning, concentration, co-ordination and behaviour. Empowering and extremely practical, this book sorts out food fact from food myth and shows parents how to bring the best choices into their children's everyday diets. Includes simple meal plans and recipes as well as practical guidance on other lifestyle factors, such as time spent in front of TV and computer screens. A highly influential book that offers concerned parents concrete information and real solutions.

Eroul evurilor
"Asemeni ecologilor, care privesc natura ca pe un mediu indispensabil de supravie?uire ?i cer stoparea polu?rii pentru ca urma?ii no?tri s? mai poat? avea ce respira, ?i Mihai Maci prive?te ?nv???m?ntul ca pe un mediu de via??, indispensabil pentru viitorul na?iunii ?i pus sever ?n discu?ie de iresponsa?bilitatea distrugerii condi?iilor care fac posibile producerea ?i reproducerea binelui comun.?Vom disp?rea, ne avertizeaz? Maci cu vocea sa bl?nd?, iubitoare ?i ?nc?rcat? de disperare." -?H. R. Patapievici "Atunci c?nd abdic? de la menirea ei, ?coala nu e o simpl? institu?ie iner?ial?, ci una deformatoare. ?i nu deformeaz? doar spatele copiilor, ci, ?n primul r?nd, sufletele lor. Elevul care ?nva?? c? poate ob?ine note mari cu referate de pe internet e adultul de m?ine care va plagia f?r? remu?c?ri, cel care-?i copiaz? temele ?n pauz? va alege ?ntotdeauna?scurt?tura,?iar cel care promoveaz? cu?interven?ii?va ?ti c? la baza reu?itei st? nu cunoa?terea, ci?cuno?tin?ele. Luate indi?vidual, lucrurile acestea pot p?rea m?runte, ?ns? cumulate, ele dau m?sura deform?rii lumii ?n care tr?im ?i arunc? o umbr? grea asupra viitorului pe care ni-l dorim altfel." -?Mihai Maci Colec?ia Contributors?reune?te lucr?ri informative, inteligente, semnate de nume cu autoritate ?n diverse domenii. Cititorul va g?si ?n paginile colec?iei argumente conving?toare, analiz? riguroas? ?i independen?? ?n g?ndire. Volumele incluse ?n aceast? colec?ie sunt menite s? te fac? s? ?n?elegi ideile, tendin?ele ?i muta?iile din lumea modern?, din actualitatea imedi?at? ?i din min?ile celor ce provoac? sau decid schimb?rile.??Anatomia unei imposturi, de Mihai Maci, este al doilea volum al colec?iei Contributors.

Gentle First Year: The Essential Guide to Mother and Baby Wellbeing in the First
Dr Gowri Motha is one the UK’s most respected obstetricians, working in holistic practice alongside Dr Yehudi Gordon. Her Gentle Birth Method has been hugely popular with celebrities, including Gwyneth Paltrow. Now she helps mothers in the first year after birth bond with their child and give them the best start in life. A book that takes new parents month by month through the first weeks after birth – with detailed information on the health of mother and baby – and progresses to the end of the first year. Covering everything from colic and sleepless nights to your relationship with your partner, the book is a practical and emotionally reassuring guide to help you bond with your new child. It contains: ? the first weeks: the idea of creating a gentle passage into the world for the child and how to ensure good bonding is discussed ? the health of your baby and toddler. From early days of breast feeding and helping your baby to sleep to introducing first foods and coping with early childhood ailments ? the health of the mother: everything from episiotomy scarring to misaligned pelvises, insomnia and baby blues. Gowri introduces special massage and yoga techniques ? the growing child: stage-by-stage development and introducing useful toys and books ? family relationships: fathers and siblings, and grandparents