

Oracle JDeveloper 11gR2 Cookbook
Oracle JDeveloper 11gR2 Cookbook
Nick Haralabidis
“Oracle JDeveloper 11gR2 Cookbook” is a practical cookbook which goes beyond the basics with immediately applicable recipes for building ADF applications at an intermediate-to-advanced level. If you are a JavaEE developer who wants to go beyond the basics of building ADF applications with Oracle JDeveloper 11gR2 and get hands on with practical recipes, this book is for you. You should be comfortable with general Java development principles, the JDeveloper IDE, and ADF basics
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8: Expert Administration Cookbook
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8: Expert Administration Cookbook
Tanner Ezell
This book is written in an easy-to-read style, with a strong emphasis on real-world, practical examples. Step-by-step explanations are provided for performing important administration tasks. If you are Cisco Unified Communications administrators or engineers looking forward for advanced recipes to perform important administration tasks, then this is the best guide for you. This book assumes familiarity with the basics of Cisco’s Unified Communications Manager architecture.
Alfresco 3 Records Management
Alfresco 3 Records Management
Dick Weisinger
This book is structured in a sequential way that walks you through the steps necessary to set up your Alfresco Records Management system. Chapters follow a logical progression with each chapter building on the knowledge and implementation details learned in earlier chapters. If you are a records manager, business analyst, or a software developer, and want to implement the Alfresco Records Management program for your organization, then this book is for you. You don't require any prior knowledge of Alfresco Share software to follow this book.
QlikView for Developers
QlikView for Developers
Miguel Ángel García,Barry Harmsen
Drive value and insight by developing business critical applications with QlikView 12 About This Book ? Develop your own scalable and maintainable QlikView applications ? Learn time-saving techniques for making your QlikView development more efficient ? A one-stop guide to developing BI applications with QlikView Who This Book Is For This book is for anyone interested in working with QlikView or who has attended QlikView Developer training. The book caters for all QlikView developers, beginners and experts alike, and anyone who wants to improve their QlikView skills. What You Will Learn ? Understand important changes made in QlikView 12 ? Learn the techniques and best practices to transform data in QlikView via *s ? Load data from disparate sources to build an associative Data Model ? Build robust data models and overcome common modeling challenges ? Designing data visualization objects to present performance measures with charts and tables ? Learn to use dimensions and expressions in QlikView objects ? Utilize QlikView's built-in aggregation functions to achieve complex calculations ? Create Point In Time reporting and achieving complex calculations using Set Analysis ? Create a consistent and interactive user interface ? Ensure your QlikView applications and data are protected ? Optimize the QlikView Data Model ? Constructing a data architecture that supports scalable QlikView deployments ? Learn time-saving techniques for making your QlikView development more efficient In Detail QlikView is one of the most flexible and powerful Business Intelligence platforms around. If you want to build data into your organization, build it around QlikView. Don't get caught in the gap between data and knowledge – find out how QlikView can help you unlock insights and data potential with ease. Whether you're new to QlikView or want to get up to speed with the features and functionality of QlikView, this book starts at a basic level and delves more deeply to demonstrate how to make QlikView work for you, and make it meet the needs of your organization. Using a real-world use-case to highlight the extensive impact of effective business analytics, this book might well be your silver bullet for success. A superb hands-on guide to get you started by exploring the fundamentals of QlikView before learning how to successfully implement it, technically and strategically. You'll learn valuable tips, tricks, and insightful information on loading different types of data into QlikView, and how to model it effectively. You will also learn how to write useful *s for QlikView to handle potentially complex data transformations in a way that is simple and elegant. From ensuring consistency and clarity in your data models, to techniques for managing expressions using variables, this book makes sure that your QlikView projects are organized in a way that's most productive for you and key stakeholders. Style and approach This book will help you learn QlikView Development from a basic to a practitioner level using a step-by-step approach. It is smartly built around a practical case study – HighCloud Airlines – to help you gain an in-depth understanding of how to build applications for Business Intelligence using QlikView.
Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 12c - Second Edition
Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 12c - Second Edition
Adrian Ward, Christian Screen, Haroun Khan
comprehensive guide from Oracle experts, that will act as your single point of reference for building an Oracle BI 12c system that turns data in actionable insight. About This Book ?Come, start your first Oracle Business intelligence system and excel in BI with this exhaustive guide ?An all-encompassing guide for your Oracle business intelligence needs ?Learn from the self-paced professional guidance and implement Oracle business intelligence using this easy-to-follow guide by our experts Who This Book Is For If your job includes working on data, improving the financial or operational performance of your organization or you are a consultant for the above, then this book is for you. If you have been placed on a business intelligence project, then this book is for you. If you are the Project Manager, Business Analyst or Data Scientist then this book is for you. If you are an end user of Oracle Business Intelligence, then this book is for you too. Having a basic understanding of databases and the use of Business Intelligence is expected, but no knowledge of Oracle BI is required. What You Will Learn ?Install OBIEE in Windows, including how to create the underlying Weblogic Application server and the required database ?Build the BI system repository, the vital engine connecting your data to the front end of Oracle BI ?Develop effective analysis, draw out meaning from the data, and present it to end users on interactive dashboards ?Build pixel-perfect, printable reports using the embedded BI Publisher feature ?Build agents for actionable insight and enable your users to act on Business Intelligence at their desktop or
IBM Cognos TM1 Developers Certification guide
IBM Cognos TM1 Developers Certification guide
James D. Miller
This book is packed with real word examples. Each major certification topic is covered in a separate chapter, which helps to make understanding of concepts easier. At the end of each chapter, you will find a variety of practice questions to strengthen and test your learning. If you are a beginner to intermediate level Cognos TM1 developer looking to add an important IBM certification to your resume but don’t know where to start, this book is for you!
IBM DB2 9.7 Advanced Administration Cookbook
IBM DB2 9.7 Advanced Administration Cookbook
Adrian Neagu
This cookbook has recipes written in a simple, easy to understand format, with lots of screenshots and insightful tips and hints. If you are a DB2 Database Administrator who wants to understand and get hands on with the underlying aspects of database administration, then this book is for you. This book assumes that you have a basic understanding of DB2 database concepts.
JIRA Essentials - Third Edition
JIRA Essentials - Third Edition
Patrick Li
If you wish to develop your practical skills with JIRA in order to install, use, and manage your projects, then this is the perfect book for you. You need to be familiar with software project management and basic computer operations, specifically the system on which you will use JIRA.
IBM SPSS Modeler Cookbook
IBM SPSS Modeler Cookbook
Keith McCormick
This is a practical cookbook with intermediate-advanced recipes for SPSS Modeler data analysts. It is loaded with step-by-step examples explaining the process followed by the experts.If you have had some hands-on experience with IBM SPSS Modeler and now want to go deeper and take more control over your data mining process, this is the guide for you. It is ideal for practitioners who want to break into advanced analytics.
Királyok vagy zsarnokok?: ?gyfélpanasz 2.0
Királyok vagy zsarnokok?: ?gyfélpanasz 2.0
Dora Vas
Végh Sándor életútja tbb mint teljes volt. Miután letette a vonót egy végtelenül gazdag hegeds pálya után, ahol univerzális egyéniségét a legnagyobb mértékben és a legsokoldalúbban tudta kifejezni, a Camerata Academica élén tapasztalatai sszegzése mellett olyan megújulásnak voltunk a tanúi, amely párját ritkítja.” - Várjon Dénes. Száz esztendeje született a 20. század egyik legkiemelkedbb, világszerte ismert és elismert magyar eladómvésze, Végh Sándor. A ktet a centenárium alkalmából állít emléket a muzsikusnak, aki egy személyben volt hegedmvész, kvartettprimárius, karmester és pedagógus. Lwenberg Dániel végigkíséri a trténelmi okokból viharos, mvészi szempontból roppant változatos és termékeny életutat. A ktet ismerteti a mvész életrajzát, de a legnagyobb súlyt szakmai tevékenységére és zenei rkségére helyezi.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Buechner, Frederick
In this deeply moving book of reflection and recollection, Frederick Buechner once again draws us into his deeply textured life and experience to illuminate our own understanding of home as both our place of origin and our ultimate destination. For Frederick Buechner, the meaning of home is twofold: the home we remember and the home we dream. As a word, it not only recalls the place that we grew up in and that had much to do with the people we eventually became, but also points ahead to the home that, in faith, we believe awaits us at life's end. Writing at the approach of his seventieth birthday, he describes, both in prose and in a group of poems, the one particular house that was most precious to him as a child, the books he read there, and the people he loved there. He speaks also of the lifelong search we are all engaged in to make a new home for ourselves and for our families, which is at the same time a search to find something like the wholeness and comfort of home with ourselves. As he turns his attention to our dreams of the heavenly home still to come, he sees it as both hallowing and fulfilling the charity and the peach of our original home. Writing with warmth, wisdom, and compelling eloquence, Frederick Buechner once again enables us to see more deeply into the secret places of our hearts. The Longing for Home will help to bring clarity and guidance to anyone who searches for meaning in a world that all too often seems meaningless.
Borg, Marcus J.
Everyone knows the New Testament begins with the Gospel of Matthew, but how many know Matthew was actually one of the later books to be written(It wasn't even the first Gospel!) But Evolution of the Word is not your typical New Testament.Marcus J. Borg, esteemed Bible scholar and bestselling author, shakes up the order of the New Testament as we know it by putting the books in a completely new order the order in which they were written. By doing so, Evolution of the Word allows us to read these documents in their historical context. For the first time, see how the core ideas of Christianity took shape and developed over time.Borg surveys what we know of the Jewish community of Jesus followers who passed on their stories orally. Into this context emerges the apostle Paul, whose seven authentic letters become the first collected writings that would later become the New Testament. Borg offers helpful introductions for each book so that as we read through these biblical documents, spanning over a century in time, we see afresh what concerns and pressures shaped this movement as it evolved into a new religion.In this groundbreaking format, Borg reveals how a radical and primitive apocalyptic Jewish faith slowly became more comfortable with the world, less Jewish, and more pre- occupied with maintaining power and control. Evolution of the Word promises to change forever how we think about this historic work.
Arta supravie?uirii
Arta supravie?uirii
Constantin Tătaru
Cartea de Poezii a poetei confirm? un stil, o atitudine estetic? ?i o capacitate de a dep??i ?ngr?dirile presupuse de reactualizare a vechilor formule poetice. Claudia Voiculescu ??i asum? riscul de a p?rea demodat?, abord?nd ceea ce majoritatea poe?ilor din diverse genera?ii ori promo?ii, a respins, cel mai adesea din neputin??.Cred c? poezia Claudiei Voiculescu merit? aten?ia criticii ?i o mediatizare corespunz?toare. (Liviu Gr?soiu)Claudia Voiculescu ridic? forma fix? a rondelului la ?n?l?imi demne de orice competi?ie.... Este o poet? ?n al c?rei talent cred. (C.D. Zeletin)Poet? de ?nalt? for?? r?scolitoare, talent viguros cu cizel?ri de art? adev?rat? ?n ad?ncul substrat al cuv?ntului, vers pasional ?i cotropitor... (Pan. M. Vizirescu)Claudia Ilie, preoteas? ?ntru poezie... (Tudor George)Delicata poet? Claudia Ilie Voiculescu este o voce liric? de mare sensibilitate... (Dumitru Radu Popa)
Intrus ?n lumea umbrelor. Rebelul
Intrus ?n lumea umbrelor. Rebelul
Secui Marcel
Intrus n lumea umbrelor“ este un roman de sertar… care a fost scris ntre 1982-1986 i care a zcut ascuns n beci, ntr-o lad cu nisip pentru ptrunjei i morcovi de iarn, din 1986 pn n 1991. Apoi s-a mutat ntr-un sertar al biroului… pn astzi… Aciunea primului volum, CAPCANA“, se petrece n anii 1982 – 1983. Un scriitor aflat n slujba partidului comunist, un autor care semnase pactul cu diavolul“, pact n general negat, dar existent n realitate, care scria cri la comand“, dezerteaz. Un personaj deopotriv curajos i destul de la nct s fi semnat acest pact blestemat, vicios, drept i cinstit n acelai timp, afemeiat i pctos, ncpnat i realist, vntor i braconier, ducnd o via deanat, trit pe muchie de cuit, o via plin de femei i de infideliti conjugale, chefuri, prieteni la fel de vicioi, curajoi, nelinitii i realiti ca i el. Obosit de contiina care nu-l las sa adoarm, se refugiaz la ar, n nordul extrem al rii, ntre pduri i dealuri, pentru a scpa de oameni i de minciun. i descoper prieteni uitai i rude pe care n ultimii ani le ignorase. Dar, cutnd un adevr de care nc nu era contient, i descoper i dumanii. ntr-o goan parc nebun dup regsirea de sine, i rentlnete iubirile pierdute, femei care l-au iubit i pe care el le prsise cutnd mereu altceva, femei pe care le iubise i care l-au prsit, prieteni i dumani care nu l-au uitat, oameni trectori prin viaa sa. Cu incontiena omului brusc trezit la realitate, se las purtat de valul ntmplrii, aflnd adevruri mereu ntrezrite i bnuite, dar tinuite ntr-o lege a tcerii pe care n-o nelege nc. Tenace din fire i venic gata s rite totul pe o carte dintr-o nevoie aproape bolnvicioas de senzaii tari, ncepe s ntrebe, contient c fr ntrebri, nu exist nici rspunsuri. Iar ntrebrile lui trezesc brusc furia stpnilor si comuniti. Ameninrile acestora i ale securitii care, la ordin, i urmrea fiecare micare, trezete n el i curajul neamului din care se trage i care dormise n el n toi aceti ani. ncpnat i ncrncenat, ncepe s afle adevrul despre colectivizarea din nordul ndeprtat, att de apropiat sufletului su. Pas cu pas afl despre crimele, ororile, minciunile i teroarea ce se aflau n spatele mreelor realizri ale partidului cruia i slujea. Afl despre oameni pe care i cunoscuse i care erau altceva dect crezuse el ca sunt. Obosit de atta minciun, se decide sa spun, n sfrit, adevrul. Realizeaz ns c pe nevzute i negndite, czuse n CAPCANA… pentru ca ce altceva este pn la urma adevrul, dect capcana propriei tale contiine! Cnd te hotrti s spui adevrul, nu te poi ocoli pe tine nsui pentru a-l spune doar despre ceilali! Adevrul este doar unul singur, i te include i pe tine i faptele tale… alturi de ceilali i de faptele lor…
Secui Marcel
Centurionii“ este radiografia unei lovituri de stat ntr-o insul din Marea Caraibelor. Este un roman alert i documentat, bazat pe informaii reale i existente, n care tehnica militar i cea de informaii este cea din realitatea care ne nconjoar, dar care nu ne este ntotdeauna direct accesibil tuturor, din raiuni practice.n aciunea crii vei descoperi o lume ascuns, trepidant, colorat. Este lumea plin de un farmec ciudat i pervers, lumea secret i fr mil a spionajului, a politicii duplicitare la cel mai nalt nivel, a manipulatorilor de bani i de informaii clasificate, a mercenarilor provenii din cele mai de top trupe pentru operaiuni speciale, a tehnicienilor informaticieni care descoper, urmresc i devalizeaz conturi bancare secrete, a traficanilor de armament i nu n ultima instan, a tiraniilor acceptate i protejate de politicile oscilante i interesate ale marilor puteri, alturi de lupttori pentru libertate, rebeli cu o cauz dreapt... i cu conturi bancare alimentate periodic n schimbul informaiilor i al aciunilor comandate i executate.Personajele sunt oameni normali n aceast lume ascuns privirilor indiscrete. Brbti antrenai, curajoi i gata oricnd s-i vnd priceperea i s-i ncerce norocul sub un nou steag strin, femei frumoase, inteligente i fr scrupule sau mil, politicieni corupi i interesai mai mult de buzunarul propriu dect de binele naiunii pe care o reprezint, manipulatori de informaii dispui oricnd s le schimbe contra unui un pre corect... O lume a profesionitilor, n care amatorii nu triesc destul pentru a-i numra banii. O lume n care supravieuiesc numai cei care sunt fcui s supravieuiasc.
Intrus ?n lumea umbrelor. Capcana
Intrus ?n lumea umbrelor. Capcana
Secui Marcel
O carte pentru copiii ?i adolescen?ii de la trei la nou?zeci ?i trei de ani. ?n fiecare sear?, ?nainte de a se duce ?n p?tu?ul lui, micu?ul Andrei se strecur? l?ng? mine ?n pat, “ca s?-i dau c?lduric?“, obicei mai vechi, dar la care nu voia sa renun?e nici acum, ?n toiul verii; a?a c? se strecura l?ng? mine, mi se cuib?rea la piept ?i, pref?c?ndu-se c? a?teapt? s?-?i primeasc? por?ia de c?lduric? – un fel de-a zice, c?ci de fapt el era cel care ma ?nc?lzea pe mine! – ?l auzeam ?optind deodat?, exact ?n clipa c?nd eu sim?eam c? ?ntrebarea nu poate sa mai ?nt?rzie: -Tat?, nu-mi poveste?ti ce s-a mai ?nt?mplat ?n p?durea pentru copii?
Mitul felin ?n literatura universal? este o lucrare ?n care s-a ?ncercat sintetizarea ?ntr-o form? accesibil?, ?ns? f?r? a fi superficial?, a unei cantit??i impresionante de material, material g?sit at?t ?n publicistica rom?n? c?t ?i cea str?in?. Subiectul lucr?rii a fost o alegere subiectiv?, fiind aproapiat de sufletul autoarei. Fiecare capitol ?n parte trateaz? un aspect al temei dezv?luite ?n titlu, respect?nd ?n acela?i timp o linie cronologic?, acest lucru facilit?nd ?n mod semnificativ ?n?elegerea ?i asimilarea informa?iei. ?ns? ?ntreaga lucrare are ca punct comun permanenta oscilare ?ntre planul real ?i cel fantastic, fabulos, ?ntre documente oficiale (precum cronicile) ?i m?rturiile oferite de supersti?iile populare. ?n primul capitol observam ?ara de origine a pisicii, Egiptul, ?i modul ?n care aceasta era tratat? ca o zeitate cu atribu?ii contradictorii (uneori benefice, alteori sinistre). De?i exportul lor a fost interzis de catre egipteni din motive religioase, acest lucru nu a ?mpiedicat r?sp?ndirea lor ?n toate culturile lumii. Sunt analizate de asemenea ?i diversele legende legate de na?terea pisicii la diferite popoare. Al doilea capitol trateaz? ?n detaliu o tr?s?tur? principal? a mitului felin ?i anume aspectul s?u, parc? implicit, feminin. Feminitatea, tandre?ea, instinctele materne, capriciile, viclenia, elegan?a, independen?a sunt doar c?teva dintre calit??ile comune ale femeii ?i pisicii, calit??i ?nf??i?ate de nenum?ra?i scriitori ?i arti?ti din toate timpurile ?i culturile.Capitolul al treilea ne ?nf??i?eaz? eternele conflicte dintre pisici ?i c?ini (lupt?ndu-se pentru ?ncrederea ?i afec?iunea omului), dintre pisici ?i ?oareci (o ?lupt?“ milenar? ?ntre Bine ?i R?u, unde binele, reprezentat de pisic?, nu ??i poate p?stra mereu puritatea). Aceste ?lupte“ au avut ca rezultat obsesia multor popoare pentru pisici. Dar cu toate acestea, pisicile au fost ?i vor r?m?ne fiin?e independente, niciodat? accept?nd un ?st?p?n“. Nu sunt pu?ini scriitori care ?n operele lor au ?nf??i?at pisicile asemenea unor oameni, capabile de absolut orice: a scrie, a citi, a c?nta, a juca teatru ba chiar ?i a vorbi. Ele au ?i unele dintre calit??ile omului (compasiune, abilitatea de a iubi) dar ?i c?teva dintre defectele acestuia (egoism, violen??, indiferen??). De asemenea li se atribuie puteri supranaturale cum ar fi clarviziunea.
Nicolae Steinhardt ?i libertatea ca destin
Nicolae Steinhardt ?i libertatea ca destin
Ciobotaru Irina
Un studiu provocator despre un altfel de Macedonski. Informa?ii inedite, aspecte mai pu?in cunoscute din via?a acestui important poet, ce face o incitant? paralela cu Eminescu, sunt menite s?-l repun? ?n luminile rampei pe un creator situat de exege?i ?n umbra literatilor mari. Cartea se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
1914 A nagy háború száz éve
1914 A nagy háború száz éve
Bihari Péter
Plume dorée, ange ou bourreau?, le premier volume de la Collection Un C?ur de Petite Grenouille (auteur: Gheorghe V?rtosu) ouvre la voie vers le monde de l’enfance, de l’amitié et des le?ons de vie qui forgent un fort caractère. Ce conte, écrit pour tous les ?ges, commence par l’aventure hors du commun d’une petite héro?ne, qui rassemble tout le courage dont elle est capable pour retrouver sa famille, perdue dans le monde. On nous parle de comment pardonner, de comment jouir vraiment de la vie et de tout ce qu’elle a de beau à offrir. Le premier volume de la Collection Un C?ur de Petite Grenouille est transposé dans des bandes dessinées et dans un film d’animation.
The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure
The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure
C. Norman Shealy
C. Norman Shealy is the founder of the American Holistic Medicine Association and a world-renowned neurosurgeon. He is the author of The Complete Family Guide to Natural Home Remedies and The Self-Healing Workbook.