

Young, Alexa
What happens when two besties become full-blown worsties?Avalon Greene rules the fashion scene at her sunny SoCal middle school with a diamond-clad fist, calling out classmates for their fashion-do's and most unfortunate clothes-pas. She's determined to host the social event of the season—a soiree in honor of her forever-friendship with Halley! Unfortunately, Halley's new look is one thing Avalon just can't celebrate. . . .Halley Brandon is just back from art camp and can't wait to share her funky new style with her best friend, Avalon. But when Avalon cries fashion foul, Halley realizes her best friend's true colors may clash with her own. Has their ultra-fabulous friendship finally gone out of style?From sharing custody of their puppy, Pucci, to drawing up a list of who gets which friends, Avalon and Halley discover what happens when you battle the person who knows everything about you—and isn't afraid to use your secrets to get what she wants.Best friends. Worst enemies. Frenemies.
Brodskaya, Nathalia
Degas was closest to Renoir in the impressionist’s circle, for both favoured the animated Parisian life of their day as a motif in their paintings. Degas did not attend Gleyre’s studio; most likely he first met the future impressionists at the Café Guerbois. He started his apprenticeship in 1853 at the studio of Louis-Ernest Barrias and, beginning in 1854, studied under Louis Lamothe, who revered Ingres above all others, and transmitted his adoration for this master to Edgar Degas. Starting in 1854 Degas travelled frequently to Italy: first to Naples, where he made the acquaintance of his numerous cousins, and then to Rome and Florence, where he copied tirelessly from the Old Masters. His drawings and sketches already revealed very clear preferences: Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Mantegna, but also Benozzo Gozzoli, Ghirlandaio, Titian, Fra Angelico, Uccello, and Botticelli. During the 1860s and 1870s he became a painter of racecourses, horses and jockeys. His fabulous p
Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya
Sarah Carr-Gomm
Astudy of Francisco Goya’s life and work appears to present many contradictions. For nearly forty years Goya was the principal painter at court and he recorded the glittering wealth of the Spanish nobility. At the same time, in one of the least enlightened countries in Europe, Goya was a liberal thinker. He was a tireless commentator on the social conditions of his age. He hated authority in any form, be it priest, soldier or official, and above all he hated those who exploited the helpless. He was concerned with the floating population, with criminals and prostitutes, and by the crippling poverty that resulted from the injustices of an uneven distribution of wealth. The court must have been ignorant of his criticism or blind to his cries of protest.
Paul Gauguin
Paul Gauguin
Victoria Charles
On 8 May 1903, having lost a futile and fatally exhausting battle with colonial officials, threatened with a ruinous fine and an imprisonment for allegedly instigating the natives to mutiny and slandering the authorities, after a week of acute physical sufferings endured in utter isolation, an artist who had devoted himself to glorifying the pristine harmony of Oceania’s tropical nature and its people died. There is bitter irony in the name given by Gauguin to his house at Atuona – “Maison du Jouir” (House of Pleasure) – and in the words carved on its wood reliefs, Soyez amoureuses et vous serez heureuses (Be in love and you will be happy) and Soyez mystérieuses (Be mysterious). After receiving news of the death of their old enemy, the bishop and the brigadier of gendarmes – the pillars of the local colonial regime – hastened to demonstrate their fatherly concern for the salvation of the sinner’s soul by having him buried in the sanctified ground of a Catholic cemetery. Only a small gr
Vincent van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh
Victoria Charles
Octave Uzanne
乔凡尼安东尼奥康纳尔(Venetian Giovanni Antonio Canal),通常被叫做卡纳莱托(Canaletto,1697-1768)受父亲的影响进入了绘画和透视的世界。他是一位剧院的装修师,他的城市景观图为有名。当时的业余爱好者从意大利旅行归来后,也带回了他们的城市绘画。卡纳莱托成为了巴洛克时代西罗尼希玛的化身。卡纳莱托在绘画中注重隔开不同位面,他也是这一技巧的先驱人物,他以精确的细节装饰绘画。为了更好地强调距离,卡纳莱托层用一架针孔照相机把摄得的画面投影到幕布上,然后在幕布上精确地描绘出风景。卡纳莱托的绘画是静态的,利用线条的准确性和调色板的不同色调,在他手中创造了艺术*美丽的全景图。 在这本引人入胜、内容丰富的著作中,Octave Uzanne激发了读者对于这位十七世纪的不同寻常的威尼斯画家的热情。
Labor of Love
Labor of Love
Hawthorne, Rachel
To Do:Investigate the French QuarterBuy new hammerStop worrying that hard hat is going to ruin my hairStop thinking about ex-boyfriend. No guys this summer!Find some cool jazz clubs to visit laterGet psychic readings with Jenna and AmberGet Jenna and Amber to stop talking about psychic readings, the cute guy the psychic said I would meet, and the cute guy I just met. No guys this summer!!!Throw self into work. Stop thinking about the cute guy!
The Princess and the Hound
The Princess and the Hound
Harrison, Mette Ivie
He is a prince and heir to a kingdom threatened on all sides, possessor of the forbidden animal magic.She is a princess from a rival kingdom, the daughter her father never wanted, isolated from all except her hound.In this lush and beautifully written fairy-tale romance, a prince, a princess, and two kingdoms are joined in the aftermath of a war. Proud, stubborn, and bound to marry for duty, George and Beatrice will steal your heart—but will they fall in love?
Kama Sutra
Kama Sutra
Lamairesse, E.
Mega Square Kama Sutra pays homage to the magic of love and is a universal educational manual. This edition is tastefully illustrated with refined frescos and delicate prints.
Brodskaya, Natalia
“我画我所见,而非他人所想见。”难道还有什么能比 爱德华马奈(Edouard Manet)的这句话更能诠释印象主义运动了。马奈的这句话似乎与莫奈(Monet)或雷阿诺(Renoir)的情感表达完全不同。莫奈在去世前不久曾写道:“印象主义之名源我而起,但却冠以了一群并非印象主义者的群体,对此我深表遗憾。” 在这本书中,Nathalia Brodskaia考察了这场十九世纪末期的印象主义运动的矛盾之处,分析了印象主义群体在艺术家个人的主张之下形成了的连贯整体的悖论。学术艺术和现代抽象绘画之间的道路漫长而艰辛。作者逐一分析这场艺术运动的基本元素,通过每位艺术家的作品考察了个人的需求是如何催生出现代绘画。
Brodskaya, Natalia
Mega Square的《莫奈》通过优美地展示印象主义的作品,带领我们探索十九世纪绘画大师之一——莫奈的非凡的作品。莫奈的风景画和日常生活场景画中画锋急促,阐释了他对于光线和色彩的迷恋。对印象主义运动的爱好者来说,这本小书是一份完美的礼物。
Müntz, Eugène
Bade, Patrick
Born in 1860 in a small Czech town, Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) was an artist on the forefront of Art Nouveau, the modernist movement that swept Paris in the 1910s, marking a return to the simplicity of natural forms, and changing the world of art and design forever. In fact, Art Nouveau was known to insiders as the “Mucha style” for the legions of imitators who adapted the master’s celebrated tableaux. Today, his distinctive depictions of lithe young women in classical dress have become a pop cultural touchstone, inspiring album covers, comic books, and everything in between. Patrick Bade and Victoria Charles offer readers an inspiring survey of Mucha’s career, illustrated with over one hundred lustrous images, from early Parisian advertisements and posters for Sandra Bernhardt, to the famous historical murals painted just before his death, at the age of 78, in 1939.
De Kay, Charles
路易斯·康福特·蒂芙尼(Louis Comfort Tiffany)是闻名于世的珠宝商,也是美国新艺术运动的领头人。在美国处于不断增长的时期,蒂芙尼成功地将装饰提升到了艺术的高度。蒂芙尼的工作室尤其擅长处理玻璃,他们开创了独特的玻璃技艺,使得幻彩玻璃极具美感。追随着加勒(Galle)或多姆(Daum)的脚步,蒂芙尼对玻璃物尽其用:色彩、遮光、透光,戏玩于他的手掌间。当然,他为成功的还是充满色彩与阴影交汇的镶嵌玻璃台灯,类似于教堂的染色玻璃天窗。沉浸在色彩的棱镜之中,作者让我们梦回这家历久弥新的公司的诞生之期。
August Macke
August Macke
Macke, August;Cohen, Walter
Patrick Bade
Tamara de Lempicka created some of the most iconic images of the twentieth century. Her portraits and nudes of the years 1925-1933 grace the dust jackets of more books than the work of any other artist of her time. Publishers understand that in reproduction, these pictures have an extraordinary power to catch the eye and kindle the interest of the public. In recent years, the originals of the images have fetched record sums at Christie’s and Sotheby’s. Beyond the purchasing power of most museums, these paintings have been eagerly collected by film and pop stars.
Emerson Hough,Frederic Remington
After the New World had been settled by European immigrants landing on America’s eastern coastline, the only direction to go was west. This new country contained untold fortunes, and drew adventurers who wished to explore this vast frontier, and settlers who longed to make it their own.
Michael Siebenbrodt,Lutz Sch?be
The appendix, with its compressed chronology summarising the history of the Bauhaus and evoking parallel events in culture, politics, technology and science, allows for individual conclusions and the identification of links and references not included in the text.
Bikini Story
Bikini Story
Patrik Alac
The beginning of a new millennium – let alone a new century – simply demands a quick but thorough look back at the past hundred years. Different outline sketches of the history of the twentieth century might all too quickly resort to headline-style formulae about “a century of war and terrorism”, “a century of barbarism”, and omit any mention of a great number of events and triumphs that should be rightfully regarded as entirely positive. These might seem to have been of secondary significance in relation to more sombre events, but they certainly cannot be excluded if our historical round-up of a hundred years is to retain its proper balance, if it is to be truly historical, and not be reduced to checklists of damage and destruction, of wars and disasters alike and their cost of lives and property, of the numbers of casualties, and of the people, places, and things that are now as if they had never been.
Bonnard and the Nabis
Bonnard and the Nabis
Albert Kostenevitch
The Nabis group, assembled by Paul Sérusier, was comprised of several members from the Académie Julian. In refusing to comply with the rules of Impressionism, these artists claimed instead to be largely influenced by Gaugin. Their name, derived from the Hebrew Nahbi, signifies a prophet or a visionary, thus symbolizing their will to discover the sacred nature of writing. They were largely influenced by Japanese art, most notably wood engravings, as well as popular and primitive art and the art of the symbolic artist, Pierre Puvis de Chavannes. Although they all differed considerably from one another, there were two lines of thought in particular on which they all agreed; firstly, subjective misinterpretation, born within the artist’s emotions accentuating certain aspects of the subject that is being depicted, and secondly, objective misinterpretation ensuring the depiction finds its place in the fundamental order of the work. Their art is characterized by an absence of perspective and
Virginia Pitts Rembert
在电子游戏发明之前,希罗尼穆斯波希(Hieronymus Bosch)的笔下就已经创作出了恐怖但丑萌的怪物,还带有一点小幽默。他的作品是自信的宣言,有力地挑战了背叛基督教教义之人的精神恐慌。波希生于1450年,死于1516年,他的出生之时正值文艺复兴的高潮时期,也见证了这一时期的宗教战争。中世纪传统和价值观轰然倒塌,为新世纪的到来开辟了道路。在这样的新世纪里,信念失去了力量和魔力。 ?波希开始警告那些不信教者和对上帝丧失了信仰的人——等待是危险的。波希相信所有人必须要有自己的道德选择,他关注地狱、天堂和欲望的主题,才华横溢地挖掘了水果和植物的象征意义,让他的意向充满了强烈的性欲色彩。这本独特的选集展示了波希为引人入胜的作品,小巧的形式也让它成为了一份完美的礼物。