

Saddleback Educational Publishing
These traditional reads are brimming with spirited characters and positive values--but with a little extra excitement and bite, so hold on to your hats! Written expressly for the middle grade struggling reader, the series does not contain strong language, edgy themes, or dysfunctional families. In fact, family is the main theme of these titles. And one particular Latino family is the focus with their uncanny knack for finding humor, hope, and colorful personalities--even in unusual circumstances. Written at the lowest reading levels, the 50-page story structure is straightforward and moves the reader through the text quickly and efficiently. I know you're tired of the beach. This is just like being in the Heights. Only warmer. What do you want to do?
Crisis Intervention Training for Disaster Workers:An Introduction
Crisis Intervention Training for Disaster Workers:An Introduction
George W. Doherty
This book provides information about training for mental health professionals and first responders who work with victims of disaster related stress and trauma. It helps prepare them to relate with disaster victims and co-workers. Warning signs and symptoms are explored together with stages, strategies and interventions for recovery.The book will introduce you to disasters, the community response, the roles of first responders, Disaster Mental Health Services and Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) responders and teams. It provides a brief overview of these and their roles in responding to the needs of both victims and disaster workers. The role of CISM is presented and discussed both for disasters and other critical incidents. This includes discussion about war, terrorism and follow-up responses by mental health professionals. The book is designed to help readers identify appropriate methods for activating Disaster Mental Health Crisis Intervention Teams for disaster mental health services for victims, co-workers, and self.The content includes general theory and models of Disaster Mental Health, CISM, crisis intervention techniques commonly used in these situations, supportive research, and practice of approaches used in responding to the victims, workers and communities affected by disasters, critical incidents and terrorism threats and events.What People are Saying About Crisis Intervention Training for Disaster Workers"Provides a breadth and depth of knowledge as well as practical tools for beginner to expert. Should be required reading for all disaster responders, and, especially, mental health professionals considering disaster work."-Bruce L. Andrews, MS, LPC (ARC Disaster Mental Provider/Instructor)"This text serves as a wonderful adjunct and lead into the discipline of CISM. It provides a brief survey of disaster mental health and disaster mental health services."-Thomas Mitchell, LPCRocky Mountain Disaster Mental Health Institute Press"Learning from the past and planning for the future"Please visit RMRInstitute.org
Back-Up Quarterback
Back-Up Quarterback
Eleanor Robins
Meet the students of Carter High- they are a diverse group of teens from a variety of backgrounds. Each eBook features a character embroiled in a typical high school dilemma. Topics are involving and pertinent to young adult readers: romance, sports, friendship, exams, work, family. In just 48-pages, even your least motivated readers can easily finish. Dan has worked hard for three years to earn the quarterback slot on the football team, but Clay, a new boy who has moved to the area, is better and threatens to take the slot from him. Coach asks Dan to help Clay learn plays. Dan faces the dilemma of doing what is best for him and doing what is best for the team.
Aztec Ring Mystery
Aztec Ring Mystery
Eleanor Robins
Carter High is a typical high school. The students of Carter attend classes, participate in sports and drama, cram for exams, and go on field trips. Topics are involving and pertinent to young adult readers but with a twist of mystery. In just 48-pages, even your struggling readers can easily finish these eBooks! Jack's love of exhibits gets him into trouble. A fun filled science class turns sour as Mr. Flint discovers that his expensive Aztec ring is missing. As Jack was the only person alone with the ring, all eyes focus on him as the thief.
The Field Trip Mystery
The Field Trip Mystery
Eleanor Robins
Carter High is a typical high school. The students of Carter attend classes, participate in sports and drama, cram for exams, and go on field trips. Topics are involving and pertinent to young adult readers but with a twist of mystery. In just 48-pages, even your struggling readers can easily finish these eBooks! Drake and Noah didn't want to go on Mr. Zane's field trip to the gardens. At first, they seem to be in luck because the permission slips go missing. Then someone calls the bus company on Mr. Zane's behalf-twice. Is the field trip canceled? Did Drake take the permission slips and make the calls, or did someone else?
Where is Mr. Zane?
Where is Mr. Zane?
Eleanor Robins
Carter High is a typical high school. The students of Carter attend classes, participate in sports and drama, cram for exams, and go on field trips. Topics are involving and pertinent to young adult readers but with a twist of mystery. In just 48-pages, even your struggling readers can easily finish these eBooks! On the day of the science test, Mr. Zane is very late. As the day passes, all of Carter High worries what might have happened to him. Is Mr. Zane okay? Is he late or is he missing? When the students go to Mr. Zane's house, what will they find.
Beyond Psychology:An Introduction to Metapsychology
Beyond Psychology:An Introduction to Metapsychology
Frank A. Gerbode
Person-Centered Techniques put You Back in Control of Your Destiny Metapsychology is the science of human nature and experience as viewed by you--the one who experiences--from the inside out, not by an outside "expert" trying to look in. The methods of "Applied Metapsychology" recognize you as the authority at the center of your world of experience, and provide tools to enable you to improve personal relationships, increase personal power, and fashion your world into the loving, fascinating, and fulfilling place you always wanted it to be. Readers of this book will learn... ·The principles and methodology of Applied Metapsychology, a truly effective method for understanding yourself, your own mind, and your world of experience. ·The principles of Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR), a technique for resolving the traumatic incidents that build upon each other to produce a network of distress that can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) . ·Specific other techniques to help you address the issues which concern you most--relationships, job satisfaction, and unwanted emotions such as grief and anger. ·A systematic method of case-planning for designing coherent and effective strategies for achieving these ends in a relatively short period of time. Acclaim for Beyond Psychology "Beyond Psychology deserves to be widely known, studied and applied. A new synthesis is now possible." -- Lewis H. Gann, Ph.D., Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University "Metapsychology represents a new and effective way of 'viewing' ourselves, our worlds, and our relationships with each other." -- Jerry S. Davis, Ed.D., Vice President for Research, Lumina Foundation for Education (retired) "Not in 30+ years of clinical practice have I found a more straight-to-the-core and consistently successful approach." -- Robert H. Moore, Ph.D., former Director Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy Clearwater, Florida "Stimulating and helpful... especially the section on Traumatic Incident Reduction... will contribute a great deal to change for the better." -- Robert A Harper, Ph.D., Book Review Editor Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy For more information please visit www.TIRBook.com From Applied Metapsychology International Press PSY045020 Psychology : Movements - Humanism PSY022040 Psychology : Psychopathology - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder SEL031000 Self-Help : Personal Growth
Humanizing Psychiatry:The Biocognitive Model
Humanizing Psychiatry:The Biocognitive Model
Niall McLaren
Does psychiatry have a future? Assailed from many directions, under constant attack for its reliance on "a drug for all problems" and increasingly unable to attract bright new trainees, the specialty is showing every sign of terminal decline. The reason is simple: modern psychiatry has no formal model of mental disorder to guide its daily practice, teaching and research. Unfortunately, the orthodox psychiatrists who control this most conservative profession are utterly antagonistic to criticism. Despite the evidence, they maintain a blind faith that "science will deliver the goods" by a biological examination of the brain. This book argues that their faith is entirely misplaced and is contributing to the destruction of an essential part of civilized life, the fair and equitable treatment of people with mental disorders. The author offers a rational model of mental disorder within the framework of a molecular resolution of the mind-body problem. Fully developed, this model will have revolutionary consequences for psychiatry--and the mentally-afflicted. Acclaim for the writing of Niall Mclaren, M.D. "This book is a tour de force. It demonstrates a tremendous amount of erudition, intelligence and application in the writer. It advances an interesting and plausible mechanism for many forms of human distress. It is an important work that deserves to take its place among the classics in books about psychiatry." --Robert Rich, PhD, AnxietyAndDepression-Help.com "Dr. McLaren brilliantly wields the sword of philosophy to refute the modern theories of psychiatry with an analysis that is sharp and deadly. His own proposed novel theory could be the dawn of a new revolution in the medicine of mental illness." --Andrew R. Kaufman, MD, Chief Resident of Emergency Psychiatry, Duke University Medical Center "I found Niall McLaren's book to be an incredibly well-written and thoughtprovoking. It is not, by any means, easy reading. It is also not for someone who doesn't have some form of background in understanding the various psychological theories and mental health conditions. I think that this would make an excellent textbook for a graduate class that allows students to question the theories that we already have." --Paige Lovitt for Reader Views About the Author The author is a psychiatrist of some 35 years standing. He writes philosophy in the bush outside Darwin, northern Australia, with his family as critics. For six years, while working in Western Australia, he was the world's most isolated psychiatrist. For more information please visit www.FuturePsychiatry.com PSY018000 Psychology : Mental Illness MED105000 Medical : Psychiatry - General PHI015000 Philosophy : Mind & Body
The Best Week Ever
The Best Week Ever
Eleanor Robins
Meet the students of Carter High- they are a diverse group of teens from a variety of backgrounds. Each eBook features a character embroiled in a typical high school dilemma. Topics are involving and pertinent to young adult readers: romance, sports, friendship, exams, work, family. In just 48-pages, even your least motivated readers can easily finish. Deb is reading problems and is self-conscious about it. She doesn't think smart boys will like her. But she's hardworking, helpful, and a girl of her word. Deb turns down a date to rake her sick neighbor's leaves. Ed, smart and handsome, comes by to give her a hand and- perhaps- ask her out.
A Very Good Year
A Very Good Year
Eleanor Robins
The students of Carter High return for their senior year. These books continue the stories from Carter High Chronicles and introduce new characters. Topics are involving and pertinent to young adult readers: romance, sports, friendships, exams, work, family. In just 48-pages, struggling readers can easily complete each novel. Clay is starting quarterback for the Carter High football team. He works hard to get what he wants. Clay wants to date Kim, but she turned him down last year. When Clay helps Hank with his passes, he finds out that Kim studies with Hank's sister. It could be the start of a very good year.
Saddleback Educational Publishing
These traditional reads are brimming with spirited characters and positive values--but with a little extra excitement and bite, so hold on to your hats! Written expressly for the middle grade struggling reader, the series does not contain strong language, edgy themes, or dysfunctional families. In fact, family is the main theme of these titles. And one particular Latino family is the focus with their uncanny knack for finding humor, hope, and colorful personalities--even in unusual circumstances. Written at the lowest reading levels, the 50-page story structure is straightforward and moves the reader through the text quickly and efficiently. Lightning lit the sky. The thunder was loud. The light went out. The plane went dark. Then the plane fell.
Lucky Falcon Mystery
Lucky Falcon Mystery
Eleanor Robins
Carter High is a typical high school. The students of Carter attend classes, participate in sports and drama, cram for exams, and go on field trips. Topics are involving and pertinent to young adult readers but with a twist of mystery. In just 48-pages, even your struggling readers can easily finish these eBooks! Since one of Carter High's football players made a small wooden falcon in shop class, the team has won all of its games. Did the falcon bring them good luck? Could Carter High beat Newton High and be number one? Would Emmett and the other Newton High players want to win badly enough to steal the lucky falcon?
Just Be Yourself
Just Be Yourself
Eleanor Robins
The students of Carter High return for their senior year. These books continue the stories from Carter High Chronicles and introduce new characters. Topics are involving and pertinent to young adult readers: romance, sports, friendships, exams, work, family. In just 48-pages, struggling readers can easily complete each novel. Starting your senior year at a new school is tough. Harder still when you can't hear some of what is said to you. Rick wanted the Carter High students to like him. He thought if they knew he wore a hearing aid, they wouldn't want to be his friends.
The Worst Year Ever
The Worst Year Ever
Eleanor Robins
The students of Carter High return for their senior year. These books continue the stories from Carter High Chronicles and introduce new characters. Topics are involving and pertinent to young adult readers: romance, sports, friendships, exams, work, family. In just 48-pages, struggling readers can easily complete each novel. Everything seemed stacked up against Griff. He had Mr. Reese for science and Coach Mann for P.E. He disappointed both teachers his junior year. Now he had to face them for another year. Even worse, Laine was in one of his classes. If she didn't like him last year, why would she this year?
Saddleback Educational Publishing
These traditional reads are brimming with spirited characters and positive values--but with a little extra excitement and bite, so hold on to your hats! Written expressly for the middle grade struggling reader, the series does not contain strong language, edgy themes, or dysfunctional families. In fact, family is the main theme of these titles. And one particular Latino family is the focus with their uncanny knack for finding humor, hope, and colorful personalities--even in unusual circumstances. Written at the lowest reading levels, the 50-page story structure is straightforward and moves the reader through the text quickly and efficiently. The bus should have arrived at the Heights at five o'clock. Two hours later, there was no sign of it. Everyone was scared and confused. A bus full of students had vanished.
Saddleback Educational Publishing
These traditional reads are brimming with spirited characters and positive values--but with a little extra excitement and bite, so hold on to your hats! Written expressly for the middle grade struggling reader, the series does not contain strong language, edgy themes, or dysfunctional families. In fact, family is the main theme of these titles. And one particular Latino family is the focus with their uncanny knack for finding humor, hope, and colorful personalities--even in unusual circumstances. Written at the lowest reading levels, the 50-page story structure is straightforward and moves the reader through the text quickly and efficiently. Franco was an hour into his morning dive. He swam to the edge of the reef. Something caught his eye. When he swam closer, he gasped. There was a huge ship's mast!
Saddleback Educational Publishing
These traditional reads are brimming with spirited characters and positive values--but with a little extra excitement and bite, so hold on to your hats! Written expressly for the middle grade struggling reader, the series does not contain strong language, edgy themes, or dysfunctional families. In fact, family is the main theme of these titles. And one particular Latino family is the focus with their uncanny knack for finding humor, hope, and colorful personalities--even in unusual circumstances. Written at the lowest reading levels, the 50-page story structure is straightforward and moves the reader through the text quickly and efficiently. Neither one noticed the large creature in the woods. It quietly ran alongside them. Its red eyes stared at them. Lilia thought she heard a scream. She stopped and listened. Then she heard it again.
Saddleback Educational Publishing
These traditional reads are brimming with spirited characters and positive values--but with a little extra excitement and bite, so hold on to your hats! Written expressly for the middle grade struggling reader, the series does not contain strong language, edgy themes, or dysfunctional families. In fact, family is the main theme of these titles. And one particular Latino family is the focus with their uncanny knack for finding humor, hope, and colorful personalities--even in unusual circumstances. Written at the lowest reading levels, the 50-page story structure is straightforward and moves the reader through the text quickly and efficiently. "Mom? Mom! Can you hear me?" Lilia cried. But there was no answer. The only sound Lilia could hear were pebbles rolling down the mountain.
The Secret Message
The Secret Message
Eleanor Robins
Carter High is a typical high school. The students of Carter attend classes, participate in sports and drama, cram for exams, and go on field trips. Topics are involving and pertinent to young adult readers but with a twist of mystery. In just 48-pages, even your struggling readers can easily finish these eBooks! Can a little white lie get you into trouble? Logan tells Quinn that he likes breaking codes. But that isn't true. When Quinn gives Logan a coded message, his story catches up with him. Can Logan break the code before Quinn finds out? Or, will Logan tell her the truth?
Boy of Their Dreams
Boy of Their Dreams
Eleanor Robins
Meet the students of Carter High- they are a diverse group of teens from a variety of backgrounds. Each eBook features a character embroiled in a typical high school dilemma. Topics are involving and pertinent to young adult readers: romance, sports, friendship, exams, work, family. In just 48-pages, even your least motivated readers can easily finish. Kim and her best friend Fran are both interested in a new boy at school, but they don't realize that it's the same boy! Kim figures it out first, and has to decide if she is willing to risk her friendship with Fran.
K.V. Dominic Essential Readings
K.V. Dominic Essential Readings
K.V. Dominic
K. V. Dominic Essential Readings gathers for the first time the three most important works of poetry from this shining new light of contemporary Indian verse in English: Winged Reason, Write Son, Write and Multicultural Symphony. A fourth collection of 22 previously unpublished poems round out a complete look at the first 12 years of Dominic's prolific and profound verse. Each poem includes unique Study Guide questions suitable for South Asian studies curricula. Written in free verse, each of his poems makes the reader contemplate on intellectual, philosophical, spiritual, political, and social issues of the present world. Themes range from multiculturalism, environmental issues, social mafia, caste-ism, exploitation of women and children, poverty, and corruption to purely introspective matters. From the observation of neighborhood life to international events, and everyday forgotten tragedies of India, nothing escapes the grasp of Dominic's keen sense of the fragility of life and morality in the modern world. Praise for the verse of K. V. Dominic "K. V. Dominic is one of the most vibrant Indian English poets whose intense passion for the burning social and national ailments makes him a disciple of Ezekielean School of poetry. His poetic passion for the natural beauty keeps him besides the Romanticists." -- Dr. A. K. Choudhary, English poet, critic and editor, Professor of English, Assam, India "K. V. Dominic's poems are important additions to the growing global movement to bring about positive change and equality for all individuals. The injustices he confronts in his poems are the arrows and thorns that pierce his heart every day and the gushing blood that runs through his pen to paper." -- Rob Harle, poet and critic, Nimbin, Australia "K. V. Dominic is a poet of the suffering masses and oppressed sections of the society. He tries to dissect corruption at all levels, political or religious, social or academic and presents it in its true colours with all the ugliness and monstrous greed." --Prof. T. V. Reddy, reputed English poet, writer and critic, Emeritus Professor of English from Andhra Pradesh, India Learn more at www.profKVDominic.com From the World Voices Series at Modern History Press LITERARY COLLECTIONS / Asian / Indic