

College Biology
College Biology
Sundberg, Marshall
The Collins College Outline for College Biology is a comprehensive overview of core topics from cell structure to genetic engineering. Chapters on DNA and basic biological chemistry; animal development and major organ systems; plant structure and function; populations and ecosystems; current and controversial issues; and more will provide students with all of the information needed to master a college-level or AP biology course. Fully revised and updated by Dr. Marshall Sundberg, College Biology includes practical "test yourself" sections with answers and complete explanations at the end of each chapter. Also included are essential vocabulary definitions and sample exercises, as well as detailed images, charts, and diagrams.The Collins College Outlines are a completely revised, in-depth series of study guides for all areas of study, including the Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science, Language, History, and Business. Featuring the most up-to-date information, each book is written by a seasoned professor in the field and focuses on a simplified and general overview of the subject for college students and, where appropriate, Advanced Placement students. Each Collins College Outline is fully integrated with the major curriculum for its subject and is a perfect supplement for any standard textbook.
United States History to 1877
United States History to 1877
Cummins, Light
The Collins College Outline for United States History to 1877 starts with the founding of the country and continues through the Civil War and Reconstruion. The colonial era, the constitutional convention and founding of the American system of government, the beginning and rise of the Supreme Court, and many more monumental events in the early era of the United States are also covered. Completely revised and updated by Dr. Light T. Cummins, United States History to 1877 includes a test yourself seion with answers and complete explanations at the end of each chapter. Also included are bibliographies for further reading, as well as numerous maps, timelines, and illustrations.The Collins College Outlines are a completely revised, in-depth series of study guides for all areas of study, including the Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science, Language, History, and Business. Featuring the most up-to-date information, each book is written by a seasoned professor in the field and focuses on a simplified and general overview of the subjec for college students and, where appropriate, Advanced Placement students. Each Collins College Outline is fully integrated with the major curriculum for its subje and is a perfe supplement for any standard textbook.
College Chemistry
College Chemistry
Boone, Steven
The Collins College Outline for College Chemistry is a comprehensive guide to the fundamental concepts behind chemical reactions, bonding, equilibria, and thermodynamics, with topics ranging from simple chemical measurements and the basics of atoms and molecules to entropy, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. Fully revised and updated by Dr. Steven Boone, College Chemistry includes practical "test yourself" sections with answers and complete explanations at the end of each chapter. Also included are essential vocabulary definitions and sample exercises, as well as detailed images, charts, and diagrams.The Collins College Outlines are a completely revised, in-depth series of study guides for all areas of study, including the Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science, Language, History, and Business. Featuring the most up-to-date information, each book is written by a seasoned professor in the field and focuses on a simplified and general overview of the subject for college students and, where appropriate, Advanced Placement students. Each Collins College Outline is fully integrated with the major curriculum for its subject and is a perfect supplement for any standard textbook.
A Few Good Eggs
A Few Good Eggs
Vargo, Julie
Insight and frank, friendly advice on overcoming infertility -- from two women who have lived through it all. We are bombarded by images of blissful older mothers, such as Madonna and Celine Dion. But 'Hollywood' articles about pregnancy and fertility at middle age gloss over the tremendous amount of financial, emotional, and physical effort faced by couples struggling to conceive. In this warm, funny, empathetic book, journalist Julie Vargo and literary agent Maureen Regan -- women who have experienced personally almost every aspect of infertility -- give readers a glimpse into what to expect when you're not expecting. Hormones, sperm counts -- nothing is too personal for these two outspoken women! Ranges from technical to humorous and everything in between. What are good, snappy comebacks to the question, 'Why aren't you pregnant?' What is the difference between gonadotrophin releasing hormone and progesteroneShould you freeze your eggsThese questions and many more are answered, and in the tone of a couple of good friends. Between them, the authors have gone through hormone treatments, miscarriages and multiple inseminations -- so they know firsthand the rollercoaster ride of trying to achieve pregnancy. With wise advice on how to communicate with doctors, husbands, friends, and mothers, this book is an invaluable guide for all women facing infertility.
The Simple Secrets for Becoming Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise
The Simple Secrets for Becoming Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise
Niven, David, PhD
Sociologists, therapists, and psychiatrists have spent entire careers investigating the ins and outs of health, success, and happiness, but their findings are inaccessible to ordinary people, hidden in obscure journals seen only by other experts.Now David Niven, the international bestselling author of the Simple Secrets series, has collected the most current and significant data from more than a thousand of the best scientific studies on three of the most important aspects of our daily lives. Niven has boiled these findings down to sound, succinct advice for each day of the year, presenting 365 essential ways to find and maintain health, wealth, and wisdom. Each entry is accompanied by a true story showing the results in action. Whether you want to enhance your body, your bank account, your IQ, or all three, this bestselling series offers 365 essential ways to let science help you.
Pet Food Nation
Pet Food Nation
Weiskopf, Joan
A Must-Read for all Pet LoversFor decades, dog and cat owners have depended on popular commercial foods to keep their beloved animals well-fed. Until 2007, when the national pet food catastrophe left pet owners scrambling for an alternative to mass-quantity, factory-produced food. How can you break away from your reliance on the commercial pet food industryPet Food Nation offers the solution: Stop feeding your pet from a bag or a can gradually, and then permanently. Instead, let's return to the way our ancestors fed their cherished pets since the dawn of time, with a variety of fresh and cooked foods from our own homes, the smart, simple, and healthy way.Pet Food Nation features : How to transition your pet from commercial food to a healthier diet Six signs of dietary problems with your pet Why homemade food is better for your pet The best diet for an older pet What to feed your breed Basic easy recipes for dogs and cats Buy this book and learn how to feed your pets properly and safely now!
A View from the Eye of the Storm
A View from the Eye of the Storm
Harari, Haim
In 2004, internationally known physicist Haim Harari was invited to address the advisory board of a major multinational corporation. In a short speech he offered a penetrating analysis of the components of terror, and presented a passionate call for a new era in the Middle East. The speech, entitled "A View from the Eye of the Storm," was not intended for publication, but when a copy was leaked and posted onto the Internet, it caused a worldwide sensation, eventually being translated into more than half a dozen languages. Now as the modern era of Islamic terror continues to unfold Harari reaches further, to offer this serious yet accessible survey of the landscape of Middle Eastern war and peace at this challenging crossroads in history.Moving beyond the sterile discourse of foreign affairs journals, Harari encourages the world to view the Middle East through the eyes of a "proverbial taxi driver," a man on the street whose wisdom (and sense of humor) outstrips that of the experts. And, as he observes, to anyone familiar with the Middle East from a taxi driver's perspective, the "persistent ugly storm" engulfing the Arab world is far more than a territorial battle with Israel: It is an "undeclared World War III" that rages from Bali to Madrid, from Nairobi to New York, from Buenos Aires to Istanbul, and from Tunis to Moscow. The sad result is that much of the Arab world has become an "unprecedented breeding ground for cruel dictators, terror networks, fanaticism, incitement, suicide murders, and general decline." And unless the free nations of the world mobilize to stop it, Harari argues, this new world war will continue to cause bloodshed on all continents.As a fifth-generation Israeli-born observer, Harari includes a thorough response to the conventional wisdom about Middle Eastern affairs, including a frank dissection of the media's lopsided portrait of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Drawing on his family's two centuries of life in the Middle East, he offers a compelling catalog of the steps necessary to reach a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians steps, he writes, that are "inevitable not because everybody accepts them today, but because all sides must accept them before peace can be achieved." And he urges the civilized world to combat terror by isolating its state sponsors, blocking its funding, and promoting education, women's equality, and human rights reform.Eloquent in its simplicity, written with passion, humor, and the directness of a scientist who has spent a lifetime explaining his work to the general public, A View from the Eye of the Storm is that rare book with the power to change hearts and minds.
Healthy Life Kitchen
Healthy Life Kitchen
Henner, Marilu
If you're like most people, 70 percent of what's in your kitchen right now is unhealthy and has to go. Now the good news ...This book will show you that there are healthy and tasty alternatives to everything in your refrigerator and pantry, and the transition is easier than you think.When it comes to food, most of us go through a constant tug-of-war between the foods we love and the foods we feel we should be eating. But what if we didn't have to give up our favourite foodsWhat if we could take recipes from our childhood or our favourite cookbooks and find healthier ways to enjoy them?Marilu Henner's Healthy Life Kitchen shows you a new way, a better way, to create a "health factory" in your home. Out go the red meat, dairy, and refined sugar products, and in come the freshest fruits, vegetables, grains, soy, seafood, poultry, and seasonings imaginable-and, in a few easy steps, you've created a Healthy Life you!After inspiring legions of readers with Marilu Henner's Total Health Makeover and The 30-Day Total Health Makeover, Marilu presents the first cookbook in her bestselling series.
Healthy Kids
Healthy Kids
Henner, Marilu
We all want our children to be fit and healthy, but the current invasion of fast food, sugary snacks, and oversize portions are creating an epidemic of overweight, inactive, and unhealthy kids. The powerful influences of the fast-food industry, omnipresent junk food advertising, and the vicious cycle of TV, computer games, and Internet addictions only make our children more susceptible to a sedentary lifestyle and a lifetime of bad habits and obesity. Now, health pioneer and dedicated mom Marilu Henner says it's time to say good-bye to sugarcoated cereals, artificially colored cheese puffs, oceans of sugary soft drinks, nutritionally deficient school lunches, and fastfood supermeals!As Marilu explains, parents who want the best for their children need to feed them fresh, whole foods to grow by. In Healthy Kids she shows you how to create a healthy, balanced lifestyle for your kids and how to make the transition from dairy-, fat-, sugar-, and chemical-laden foods to the vibrant, natural, nourishing foods we were all meant to eat.Healthy Kids offers a proven plan to help parents and kids alike learn to eat healthier and feel better. Inspiring and enjoyable to read, it features:More than 100 mouthwatering recipes your children will loveHelpful, creative suggestions on getting your child into the habit of exerciseScores of tips on transitioning from dead food to live foodA special For Kids Only section with fabulous food-based puzzles, games, and challengesAge-specific recommendations for what foods your children might likeTimesaving shopping lists and helpful food preparation chartsExpert advice from pediatricians, physical trainers, teachers, and expert nutritionists on all aspects of nourishing your familyAs Marilu says, Healthy Food = Healthy Children. And Healthy Kids provides the essential information on creating a lifetime of nutritional eating habits for your growing children.
Modern European History
Modern European History
Barber, John R.
The Age of Modern Europe; The Industrial Revolution; The Ancien Regime and Its Critics; The Despots and the High Enlightenment; The French Revolution and the Reign of Terror; The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Empire; The Attempt to Restore the Acien Regime; The Age of European Revolution; The New Nationalism; The Industrial Nation States; The Industrializing States; The Culture of Industrial Europe; The Great War and the Russian Revolution; The Formation of the Soviet Union; The Rise of Fascism; The European Democracies; The Second World War; Cold War Europe; Eastern Europe since 1953; The Cold Wars and After; Western Europe and the European Community since the 1950's; Modern and Ultra-Modern Europe in the 1990's. Also includes Chronology of History, Maps, Charts, Tables, Full Index, and Bibliography.
The Greedy Bastard Diary
The Greedy Bastard Diary
Idle, Eric
A stunningly witty exploration of the American landscape -- not to mention a brilliant comic's mind -- this diary is chock-full of everything you ever wanted to know about Eric Idle, Monty Python, America, and sleeping on a bus. In these pages, the sixth-nicest Python is cheeky, touching, and funny when recounting the riotous tales of his beginnings, his affectionate reminiscences of his fellow Pythons, traveling the world, and taking us backstage at the smash Broadway hit Spamalot.Fascinating, moving, at times even amusing, this book will dramatically improve your sex life, will make you feel intelligent and charming within the first several pages, and after a few chapters, will permanently eliminate all your personal or health problems. So come experience eighty days, 15,750 miles, and forty-nine cities as you never have before!
Golf My Own Damn Way
Golf My Own Damn Way
Daly, John
If you know anything at all about John Daly and if you don't, what in the hell are you doing with this book in your handsyou know he approaches the game of golf from an, uh, slightly different perspective than your average two-time major winner. How differentWell, for starters, Long John thinks the PGA Tour ought to permit Bermuda shorts, make carts mandatory, let him wear his hair down to his butt if he wants to, and strip-search tournament patrons at the entrance gate to keep cameras and cell phones off the course.In Golf My Own Damn Way, you'll take a virtual ride on Big John's magic bus as he tells you the best way to grip it so you can rip it. Looking for a sure cure to bunkerphobiaIt's here. A one-hour golf lesson that's 100 percent guaranteed to make you a better golferDitto. Want to know why you should occasionally leave your big dog in your trunk, how to watch your weight, and what golf and sex have in commonYou came to the right book. And while he's busy explaining all these and many other things, Daly also tells you why you should keep your head out of the game, let your belly lead your hands, listen to your right foot, check your ball position and buy a hybrid (the club, not the car).Following in the spike prints of his 2006 bestselling autobiography, My Life In and Out of the Rough, Golf My Own Damn Way is an off-the-wall and intensely personal yet imminently practical and accessible tip sheet on how to cut ten strokes off your score now. Two things are certain: you've never seen a golf instructional book quite like this one, and you'll never need another one. Fairways and greens, Pard!
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Healthiness
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Healthiness
Edell, Dean, M.D.
America is in a chronic state of confusion and anxiety about matters ofhealth. Each day, we are bombarded with news of medical breakthroughs,wonder drugs, and hidden dangers. Now author and radio host Dr. DeanEdell clears things up with this at-home medical resource that squarelyconfronts more than five hundred common health concerns, including:The skinny on fat, carbs, Atkins, and Xenical Sex, with a look at Viagra, orgasms, chlamydia, and HPV "Alternative medicine" and the myths of herbs, essential oils,and supplements Women's issues, from fertility to breast-feeding to fibroids Botox, breast implants, and the business of beauty Infectious diseases, from the common cold to the WestNile virus Cancer breast, colon, prostate and advances in early screening and treatment Addictions, including coffee, booze, grass, Vicodin, and Paxil Containing quizzes, symptom checklists, web links, and recommendedreading lists, this invaluable guide will help you take charge of your ownhealth, save time and money, and alleviate anxiety over health issues today.
The 24-Hour Turnaround
The 24-Hour Turnaround
Williams, Jay
No matter what your age or health, you can improve in just 24 hours -- with increased energy, stamina, and libido; elevated mood; more fat-burning enzymes; and youthful vitality In her years as exercise physiologist and trainer to the stars at the exclusive Mauna Lani Resort in Hawaii, Jay Williams, Ph.D., has counseled thousands of clients -- and has learned what works. Now she shares her experience and inspiring message in this groundbreaking book, offering eight Total Life Changes that work together to help you improve your health, lose weight, and reduce your biological age. And she provides proven "jump-start" techniques that will give you results within 24 hours. Jay starts her program with innovative motivational tools to keep you focused, no matter what your diet or exercise history. Then, armed with a new attitude, you'll become your own personal trainer. With Jay's unique H.E.A.R.T. workout you'll lose weight, increase strength, and reduce stress without the aging side effects of high-intensity exercise. The whole foods in Jay's Definition Diet will help you nourish your hormones, body, cardiovascular system, muscles, and brain -- so you reduce body fat, have fewer mood swings, speed up your metabolism, and remain youthful and strong at any age. Everyone knows that we should drink a lot of water, but did you know that it's an antiaging mustBy following a personal hydration schedule, you'll reduce hunger between meals, have more energy, increase your muscles' ability to burn fat, and improve your body's removal of toxins. The trendy attitude toward "a glass of wine a day" for good health may actually be hurting your body's ability to burn fat. Jay helps you understand the facts surrounding the "French paradox." And she shows how antiaging sleep can boost your immune function and even help you drop unwanted pounds. With the discrepancies in popular opinion about hormone replacement therapy, how do you decide what's right for youJay presents the studies that show that artificial hormones increase your risk of breast or uterine cancer and may further increase your risk of heart disease. Learn how to balance your hormones naturally to prevent the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. Finally, no life change is complete without the antiaging benefits of stress reduction. Learn how to use yoga and meditation to protect your body from the ravages of stress -- today and every day. It's never too late to make a life change. With her eight important Total Life Changes, delicious recipes, spa secrets, and inspiring stories of people who have made dramatic changes in their lives, Jay Williams helps you start now -- for a lean and healthy body for the rest of your life.
Saddleback Educational Publishing
These traditional reads are brimming with spirited characters and positive values--but with a little extra excitement and bite, so hold on to your hats! Written expressly for the middle grade struggling reader, the series does not contain strong language, edgy themes, or dysfunctional families. In fact, family is the main theme of these titles. And one particular Latino family is the focus with their uncanny knack for finding humor, hope, and colorful personalities--even in unusual circumstances. Written at the lowest reading levels, the 50-page story structure is straightforward and moves the reader through the text quickly and efficiently. Antonio slid down the rope. He held on for dear life. It got darker as the twister moved closer. It was loud. Like a giant freight train!
Saddleback Educational Publishing
These traditional reads are brimming with spirited characters and positive values--but with a little extra excitement and bite, so hold on to your hats! Written expressly for the middle grade struggling reader, the series does not contain strong language, edgy themes, or dysfunctional families. In fact, family is the main theme of these titles. And one particular Latino family is the focus with their uncanny knack for finding humor, hope, and colorful personalities--even in unusual circumstances. Written at the lowest reading levels, the 50-page story structure is straightforward and moves the reader through the text quickly and efficiently. It was the most horrible thing I have ever seen. Everything was gone! Houses, trees, animals, even people had been washed into the sea.
It Does Matter
It Does Matter
Eleanor Robins
The students of Carter High return for their senior year. These books continue the stories from Carter High Chronicles and introduce new characters. Topics are involving and pertinent to young adult readers: romance, sports, friendships, exams, work, family. In just 48-pages, struggling readers can easily complete each novel. Laine used to think that it was OK to be a few minutes late. She often put her own needs before others, especially her best friend, Tess. But Laine finds out the hard way that being late does matter. Will she learn to be on time?
Time to Move On
Time to Move On
Eleanor Robins
The students of Carter High return for their senior year. These books continue the stories from Carter High Chronicles and introduce new characters. Topics are involving and pertinent to young adult readers: romance, sports, friendships, exams, work, family. In just 48-pages, struggling readers can easily complete each novel. Bel spent spring break caring for her sick aunt. She didn't see her boyfriend, Al, for over a week. Bel couldn't wait to talk to him, but Al never called her. Now spring break is over and Al is avoiding her. Is it time for Bel to move on?
Humanizing Madness:Psychiatry and the Cognitive Neurosciences
Humanizing Madness:Psychiatry and the Cognitive Neurosciences
Niall McLaren
An application of the philosophy of science to psychiatryAlthough it's been 140 years since Maudley's groundbreaking treatise, modern psychiatry is in a state of intellectual collapse. No psychiatrist practicing today can point to a universally agreed model of mental disorder which explains the common observations of mental disorder, dictates a research program and ordains a form of management.This book, the result of thirty years research in the philosophy of science, takes each of the major theories in psychiatry and demonstrates conclusively that it is so flawed as to be beyond salvation. It goes further, in that the author outlines a model of mental function which both satisfies the essential requirements of any scientific model, and shows how the phenomena of mental disorder can be described in a parsimonious dualist model which leads directly to a humanist form of management of the most widespread form of disability in the world today."This book is a tour de force. It demonstrates a tremendous amount of erudition, intelligence and application in the writer. It advances an interesting and plausible mechanism for many forms of human distress. It is an important work that deserves to take its place among the classics in books about psychiatry." --Robert Rich, PhD, AnxietyAndDepression-Help.comAbout the AuthorNiall McLaren has been an M.D. and practicing psychiatrist since 1977. Since then, he has undertaken a far-reaching research program, some of which has previously been published. For six years, while working in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia, he was the world's most isolated psychiatrist. He is married with two children and lives in a tropical house hidden in the bush near Darwin, Australia.From Future Psychiatry Press www.FuturePsychiatry.coman imprint of Loving Healing Press
Saddleback Educational Publishing
These traditional reads are brimming with spirited characters and positive values--but with a little extra excitement and bite, so hold on to your hats! Written expressly for the middle grade struggling reader, the series does not contain strong language, edgy themes, or dysfunctional families. In fact, family is the main theme of these titles. And one particular Latino family is the focus with their uncanny knack for finding humor, hope, and colorful personalities--even in unusual circumstances. Written at the lowest reading levels, the 50-page story structure is straightforward and moves the reader through the text quickly and efficiently. The light snow got heavier. The road was slippery. Soon snow covered the ground. The car struggled to get up the hill. It got hard to see. Everything was white.
Saddleback Educational Publishing
These traditional reads are brimming with spirited characters and positive values--but with a little extra excitement and bite, so hold on to your hats! Written expressly for the middle grade struggling reader, the series does not contain strong language, edgy themes, or dysfunctional families. In fact, family is the main theme of these titles. And one particular Latino family is the focus with their uncanny knack for finding humor, hope, and colorful personalities--even in unusual circumstances. Written at the lowest reading levels, the 50-page story structure is straightforward and moves the reader through the text quickly and efficiently. There was a pride of lions lying in the grass. All the lions were looking at the wildebeests. The Silvas took out their cameras. "I think they're hungry"