Apache Spark Deep Learning Cookbook
A solution-based guide to put your deep learning models into production with the power of Apache Spark Key Features * Discover practical recipes for distributed deep learning with Apache Spark * Learn to use libraries such as Keras and TensorFlow * Solve problems in order to train your deep learning models on Apache Spark Book Description With deep learning gaining rapid mainstream adoption in modern-day industries, organizations are looking for ways to unite popular big data tools with highly efficient deep learning libraries. As a result, this will help deep learning models train with higher efficiency and speed. With the help of the Apache Spark Deep Learning Cookbook, you’ll work through specific recipes to generate outcomes for deep learning algorithms, without getting bogged down in theory. From setting up Apache Spark for deep learning to implementing types of neural net, this book tackles both common and not so common problems to perform deep learning on a distributed environment. In addition to this, you’ll get access to deep learning code within Spark that can be reused to answer similar problems or tweaked to answer slightly different problems. You will also learn how to stream and cluster your data with Spark. Once you have got to grips with the basics, you’ll explore how to implement and deploy deep learning models, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) in Spark, using popular libraries such as TensorFlow and Keras. By the end of the book, you'll have the expertise to train and deploy efficient deep learning models on Apache Spark. What you will learn * Set up a fully functional Spark environment * Understand practical machine learning and deep learning concepts * Apply built-in machine learning libraries within Spark * Explore libraries that are compatible with TensorFlow and Keras * Explore NLP models such as Word2vec and TF-IDF on Spark * Organize dataframes for deep learning evaluation * Apply testing and training modeling to ensure accuracy * Access readily available code that may be reusable Who this book is for If you’re looking for a practical and highly useful resource for implementing efficiently distributed deep learning models with Apache Spark, then the Apache Spark Deep Learning Cookbook is for you. Knowledge of the core machine learning concepts and a basic understanding of the Apache Spark framework is required to get the best out of this book. Additionally, some programming knowledge in Python is a plus.

戰火下的詩情 ── 抗日戰爭時期戴望舒在港的文學翻譯

Afl? cum: De ce modul ?n care facem ceva decide rezultatul ac?iunii
„Lectur? obligatorie pentru oricine vrea s? aib? succes în afaceri sau în via?a personal?.“ – Jim Skinner, CEO McDonald’s 2004–2012

Lean In. Femeile, munca ?i voin?a de a conduce
În mijlocul lag?rului de prizonieri de r?zboi condamna?i s? construiasc? o cale ferat? între Birmania ?i Thailanda, cunoscut? cu denumirea Calea ferat? a mor?ii, chirurgul Dorrigo Evans, comandantul lag?rului, este torturat de povestea de dragoste pe care a tr?it-o cu tân?ra so?ie a unchiului s?u cu doi ani în urm?. În str?dania lui de a-?i salva oamenii de înfometare, de holer?, de persecu?ii, Dorrigo prime?te o scrisoare care îi schimb? pentru totdeauna cursul vie?ii. O poveste despre dragoste ?i moarte cu multiplele lor fa?ete, despre r?zboi ?i despre adev?r, în care eroul î?i tr?ie?te experien?a de via?? numai pentru a descoperi tot ceea ce a pierdut.

Terapia Gerson. Cel mai eficient program de nutri?ie pentru prevenirea
i-am czut n genunchi m-ai ridicat i m-ai aezat pe marginea patului tu ca pe un semn de ntrebare mai trziu am adormit mpreun i am cltorit mult unul prin visele celuilalt fr s ne ntlnim uneori ntre noi e o pace privim mpreun aceiai pixeli pn oboseti suferi de miopie i alte boli ale ochilor uneori mi ngdui s i pun eu picturile de sear i atunci ochii ti te prsesc i se uit la noi ochii ti vd cum eu nu mai am identitate ochii ti mi condamn ficiunile ochii ti au puteri oculte i nu le folosesc ochii ti sunt complicii mei ochii ti tiu c am descoperit lipsa de sens a existenei omului pe pmnt i m iart

安徒生的童話 超越了時間和空間的限制,受到全球一代又一代讀者的喜愛,感動着孩子們的心靈,啟迪他們追求心中的真善美。本書精選28個安徒生經典童話,根據故事主題分成三大篇章:睡前故事篇:夜鶯、豌豆上的公主、沒有畫的畫冊、小雛菊、小意達的花、在小安娜的房間裏、笨蛋漢斯。 品格教育篇:人魚公主、白雪皇后、旅伴、堅定的錫兵、打火盒、皇帝的新衣、拇指姑娘、沼澤王的女兒、醜小鴨、老頭子做事總不會錯、天國花園、野天鵝、會飛的箱子。 心靈啟蒙篇:賣火柴的女孩、幸運的套鞋、跛子、牧羊女和掃煙囪的人、紅鞋子、幸運的佩爾、癩蛤蟆、園丁和主人。

C?ntecul p?s?rilor
Romanele lui Jules Verne sunt f?r? pereche. Le citesc cu ochi de adult ?i ?nc? ?mi amintesc c?t de tare m-au ?nc?ntat. Jules Verne este un maestru ne?ntrecut ?n arta de a construi o poveste care ?l fascineaz? ?i ?l tulbur? pe cititor.

Re?eta geniului. Cum s? devii lider ?n orice domeniu de activitate
Pufi ??i dore?te foarte mult s? aib? un c?min, a?a cum au fra?ii ?i surorile ei – dar se pare c? nimeni nu o vrea… C?nd Ela ??i face apari?ia la ferm?, o ?ndr?ge?te imediat pe simpatica pisicu?? ?i ??i dore?te s? o adopte, dar mama e hot?r?t?: f?r? pisici ?n cas?. Oare ce se ?nt?mpl? cu pisicu?ele pe care nimeni nu le vrea? Seria Prima mea lectur? este dedicat? micilor cititori pasiona?i de c?r?i ?i de citit. ?nc?nt?toarele aventuri ale unor copii dornici s? aib? un animal de companie ofer? o lectur? accesibil? ?i antrenant?, cu ajutorul c?reia pot fi exersate f?r? niciun fel de dificultate abilit??ile de citire. Structura complex? a frazelor ?i a vocabularului ?i dezvoltarea nara?iunii pe mai multe planuri reprezint? pasul necesar pentru abordarea cu succes a textelor clasice de mari dimensiuni

Check, Please!
The outrageous Janice Dickinson -- former star of TV's America's Next Top Model, bestselling author, and glam girl extra-ordinaire -- now brings her patented blend of hard-won romantic wisdom and diva chic to her first-ever dating guide. Loaded with uncensored dish on her romantic sagas -- and her stranger-than-fiction bedroom adventures -- Check, Please! unveils Janice's dating dos and don'ts, culled from her three decades at the top of the fast-track world of modeling, and a rich, racy life of dating, mating, and extricating.With the same voracious charm that propelled her into the arms of some of America's most eligible bachelors, here Janice shares her secrets to landing men, loving them, and letting them go. From first dates and old flames to primping, cheating, and sizing things up, Check, Please! is a girl's guide to an irreverent, extravagant love life.Some titillating tips from Check, Please!Lesson #2: Wanna Get a Guy's AttentionIgnore Him!Lesson #13: If He's Got His Eye on the Door, He's Already Halfway Through ItLesson #28: Don't Do Anyone You Might RegretLesson #40: It's Okay to Want More, More, MoreLesson #47: Don't Follow Trends -- Start ThemFrom the unfettered hedonism of her modeling days -- spent in white-hot one night stands and steamy affairs -- to her crusade to find Mr. Right today and tomorrow, Check, Please! is a fun, over-the-top vicarious thrill ride as only Janice can deliver it -- with a core that's surprisingly real. Check, Please!

Since her death at the age of nineteen in 1431, Joan of Arc has maintained a remarkable hold on our collective imagination. She was a teenager of astonishing common sense and a national heroine who led men in to battle as a courageous warrior. Yet she was also abandoned by the king whose coronation she secured, betrayed by her countrymen, and sold to the enemy. In this meticulously researched landmark biography, Donald Spoto captures her astonishing life and the times in which she lived. Neither wife nor nun, queen nor noblewoman, philosopher nor stateswoman, Joan of Arc demonstrates that everyone who follows their heart has the power to change history.

Good Family
A retreat on Lake Michigan for old-money WASPs, Sand Isle has long been the summer residence of the Addison family. The youngest member of the clan, Maddie Addison, survived an awkward but sheltered adolescence only to be plagued in adulthood by alcoholism, a failed marriage, and an unendurable loss that sent her fleeing the burden of family expectations. Now, after an eleven-year hiatus, Maddie has been summoned back to Sand Isle, where her widowed mother languishes near death. What awaits Maddie is a collision of distinct, eccentric personalities -- by turns hilarious and poignant -- as well as an archive of memories that evoke pleasure, passion, and pain. Beneath the silent gaze of her ailing mother, Maddie and her family must confront their past and face the future to once again find a home in a house steeped in untold stories of its own.

The Way We Were
Paul Burrell served Diana, Princess of Wales, as her faithful butler from 1987 until her death in 1997. He was much more than an employee: he was her right-hand man, confidant, and friend whom Diana herself described as "the only man she ever trusted." Featuring previously unseen interior photographs and remarkably intimate details, The Way We Were flings open the doors to Kensington Palace, leading readers deep inside the private world of Princess Diana room by room, memory by memory. Marking the tenth anniversary of the princess's death, Burrell has penned a faithful and poignant tribute to "the boss" capturing as never before her vivacity and love of life, her style, her fashion, and her heart. Some images that appeared in the print edition of this book are unavailable in the electronic edition due to rights reasons.

Acclaimed author Francesca Lia Block weaves pure magic into this deftly constructed tale殮e girl′s path to womanhood told in linked short stories. Written in her uniquely poetic, carefully crafted style, Echo is a tour-de-force from one of our most exciting contemporary writers. Ages 11+

Annette Vallon
For fans of Tracy Chevalier and Sarah Dunant comes this vibrant, alluring debut novel of a compelling, independent woman who would inspire one of the world's greatest poets and survive a nation's bloody transformation.Set amid the terror and excitement of the French Revolution, James Tipton's evocative novel is the story of a woman who has for too long been relegated to the shadows of history: Annette Vallon, William Wordsworth's mistress and muse.Born into a world of wealth and pleasure, Annette enjoys the privileges of aristocracy, but a burning curiosity and headstrong independence set her apart. Spoiled by the novels of Rousseau, she refuses to be married unless it is for passion. Yet the love she finds with a young English poet will test Annette in unexpected ways, bringing great joy and danger in a time of terror and death. Told in sparking prose, Annette Vallon captures the courage and fearlessness of a woman whose dramatic story illuminates a turbulent and fascinating era.

Soul Catcher
Augustus Cain faces a past he wants to forget, a present without prospect or fortune, and an uncertain future marred by the loss of his most prized possession: the horse that has been his working companion for years. He is also a man haunted by a terrible skill—the ability to track people who don't want to be found. Rosetta is a runaway slave fueled by the passion and determination only a mother can feel. She bears the scars—inside and out—of a life lived in servitude to a cruel and unforgiving master. Her flight is her one shot at freedom, and she would rather die than return to the living hell that she has left behind.In the perilous years before the Civil War, the fates of these two remarkable people will intertwine in an extraordinary adventure—a journey of hardship and redemption that will take them from Virginia to Boston and back—and one that will become an extraordinary test of character and will, mercy and compassion. It is an odyssey that will change them both forever.Soul Catcher is a dazzling tapestry of imagination and character, atmosphere and emotion. Poignant and utterly compelling, it is a story to be savored and remembered.

The Happiness Myth
Jennifer Michael Hecht explodes the myths about happiness, liberating us from the message that there's only one way to care for our hearts, minds, and bodies.

FairTax: The Truth
In 2005, firebrand radio talk show host Neal Boortz and Georgia congressman John Linder created The FairTax Book, presenting the American public with a bold new plan designed to eliminate federal taxes and the IRS, jump-start the U.S. economy, bring back lost industries and jobs, and recapture billions of untaxed dollars hoarded by criminal and offshore businesses. Their book became an immediate #1 New York Times bestseller, propelling a powerful grassroots tax reform movement that's spreading like wildfire across our nation.Now, three years later, the authors are back to answer the outspoken and misinformed critics of their innovative proposal. Offering eye-opening new insights not covered in the original book, FairTax: The Truth debunks the negative myths and gross misrepresentations of this groundbreaking idea. The FairTax plan is simple, brilliant, and it will work enabling you to keep all the money in your paycheck; eliminating the fraud, hassle, and waste of our current system; and revolutionizing the way America pays for itself.

American Heroines
As long as there has been an America, the indomitable spirit of American women has shaped both the country’s history and society. Regardless of the time and place these women were born each excelled in her respective field, making it easier for the next generation. This is what makes them heroines. In American Heroines, Kay Bailey Hutchison presents female pioneers in fields as varied as government, business, education and healthcare, who overcame the resistance and prejudice of their times and accomplished things that no woman—and sometimes no man -- had done before. Hutchison, a pioneer in her own right, became the first woman elected to the United States Senate from the State of Texas. Interspersed with the stories of America's historic female leaders are stories of today’s women whose successes are clearly linked to those predecessors. Would Sally Ride have been given the chance to orbit the earth had Amelia Earhart not flown solo across the Atlantic Ocean fifty years beforeHad Clara Barton not nursed wounded soldiers on Civil War battlefields, aid may not have reached the millions it did while the Red Cross was in the hands of women like Elizabeth Dole and Bernadine Healy. Had Oveta Culp Hobby not been appointed the first Secretary of the Department of Health and Education by President Eisenhower, the country may have been deprived of such leaders as Secretary of State Madeline Albright and National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice. As a young girl, Senator Hutchison dreamed of an America where the qualifier "the first woman" had become obsolete. The profiles contained in American Heroines, illustrate how her dream is coming true, one courageous step at a time.

One Day the Soldiers Came
Today, in violence-torn regions across the globe, 20 million children have been uprooted, orphaned, or injured by war, famine, and poverty. This is their story . . . and ours.In this powerful and unforgettable book by turns painful, funny, terrifying, and triumphant Charles London takes us into the world of refugee children, celebrating their unique skills for survival and reflection. Their remarkable stories and drawings chill the blood and touch the heart, offering an indelible, first hand portrait of the war that rages beyond the headlines.

Birth of the Chess Queen
Everyone knows that the queen is the most dominant piece in chess, but few people know that the game existed for five hundred years without her. It wasn't until chess became a popular pastime for European royals during the Middle Ages that the queen was born and was gradually empowered to become the king's fierce warrior and protector.Birth of the Chess Queen examines the five centuries between the chess queen's timid emergence in the early days of the Holy Roman Empire to her elevation during the reign of Isabel of Castile. Marilyn Yalom, inspired by a handful of surviving medieval chess queens, traces their origin and spread from Spain, Italy, and Germany to France, England, Scandinavia, and Russia. In a lively and engaging historical investigation, Yalom draws parallels between the rise of the chess queen and the ascent of female sovereigns in Europe, presenting a layered, fascinating history of medieval courts and internal struggles for power.

Crowded with Genius
In the early eighteenth century, Edinburgh was a filthy backwater town synonymous with poverty and disease. Yet by century's end, it had become the marvel of modern Europe, home to the finest minds of the day and their breathtaking innovations in architecture, politics, science, the arts, and economics all of which continue to echo loudly today.Adam Smith penned The Wealth of Nations. James Boswell produced The Life of Samuel Johnson. Alongside them, pioneers such as David Hume, Robert Burns, James Hutton, and Sir Walter Scott transformed the way we understand our perceptions and feelings, sickness and health, relations between the sexes, the natural world, and the purpose of existence.In Crowded with Genius, James Buchan beautifully reconstructs the intimate geographic scale and boundless intellectual milieu of Enlightenment Edinburgh. With the scholarship of a historian and the elegance of a novelist, he tells the story of the triumph of this unlikely town and the men whose vision brought it into being.