The Tyranny of Numbers: Why Counting Can’t Make Us Happy
Never before have we attempted to measure as much as we do today. Why are we so obsessed with numbers? What can they really tell us? Too often we try to quantify what can’t actually be measured. We count people, but not individuals. We count exam results rather than intelligence, benefit claimants instead of poverty. The government has set itself 10,000 new targets. Politicians pack their speeches with skewed statistics: crime rates are either rising or falling depending on who is doing the counting. We are in a world in which everything designed only to be measured. If it can’t be measured it can be ignored. But the big problem is what numbers don’t tell you. They won’t interpret. They won’t inspire, and they won’t tell you precisely what causes what. In this passionately argued and thought-provoking book, David Boyle examines our obsession with numbers. He reminds us of the danger of taking numbers so seriously at the expense of what is non-measurable, non-calculable: intuition, creativity, imagination, happiness… Counting is a vital human skill. Yardsticks are a vital tool. As long as we remember how limiting they are if we cling to them too closely. Americans who claim to have been abducted by aliens = 3.7 million Average time spent by British people in traffic jams every year = 11 days Number of Americans shot by children under six between 1983 and 1993 = 138, 490

The Positive Woman
The ebook edition of Lindenfield’s classic offers practical advice and positive strategies for creating changes in every area of your life. In ‘The Positive Woman’, Gael Lindenfield shows women how it is possible to transform their lives with a new and positive approach, which can affect everything from the state of their wardrobes to the state of their relationships. Using simple, user-friendly exercises, alongside anecdotes, personal observations and inspirational quotations, Gael Lindenfield guides her readers to discover their own positive power and hidden strength.

Heroes: The Greatest Generation and the Second World War
‘Heroes’ is the story of an extraordinary generation of young men, mostly British, who came of age in the Second World War. These young men – and women – found themselves facing life-threatening danger and the kind of responsibility few would be prepared to shoulder today. Whether fighting in the jungles of Burma or on the D-Day beaches, as submariners, pilots, spies or prisoners of war, young soldiers in WWII displayed astonishing courage and resilience, united by honour and bound by the fellowship of their comrades. Those who made it home are now a passing generation, and for many this is the last chance for them to tell their stories – men like football legend Tom Finney, who saw action in southern Italy; or James Bond set-designer Ken Adam, a German Jew who flew as a fighter pilot for the RAF; or identical twins Tom and Dee Bowles, who landed together on Easy Red beach on D-Day. Many of these young men never returned home and those who did faced insurmountable challenges assimiliating back into civilian life. ‘Heroes’ is a moving and uplifting tribute to an remarkable generation.

A Great Task of Happiness: The Life of Kathleen Scott
This is a biography of Kathleen Scott based on her diaries, and Bruce's brother and the Grand Postleniks of Wallachia. In Paris in 1901, she learnt to sculpt with Rodin and made friends with Isadora Duncan - whose illegitimate baby she later delivered - and enagaged in a long and silent flirtation with Edward Steichen and rebuffed Alistair Crowley. A formidable woman, Kathleen was a sculptor, a confidante of Asquith during his years as prime minster, and was loved and admired by men as diverse as Max Beerbohm, George Bernard Shaw, Lawrence of Arabia and the Norwegian explorer Nansen. In 1908 she married Robert Falcon Scott and after bearing Peter, the son she had longed for, helped Captain Scott to prepare for his ill-fated Antarctic expedition. She learnt of her husband's death 18 months after it had happened, in mid-ocean on her way to meet him. In 1910 she started to keep diaries for Scott to read on his return; after his death she continued writing them, covering politics, exploration, art and her friends and family. Eleven years after Captain Scott's death she married again, to Edward Hilton Young (later Lord Kennet), who was to become a cabinet minister, and had another son, Wayland. She was always independent, energetic and fond of men and babies, though her spirit was considered masculine - Shaw said that his friendship with her was the nearest he came to homosexuality.

That Hideous Strength
The third novel in the science-fiction trilogy by C.S. Lewis. This final story is set on Earth, and tells of a terrifying conspiracy against humanity. The story surrounds Mark and Jane Studdock, a newly married couple. Mark is a Sociologist who is enticed to join an organisation called N.I.C.E. which aims to control all human life. His wife, meanwhile, has bizarre prophetic dreams about a decapitated scientist, Alcasan. As Mark is drawn inextricably into the sinister organisation, he discovers the truth of his wife’s dreams when he meets the literal head of Alcasan which is being kept alive by infusions of blood. Jane seeks help concerning her dreams at a community called St Anne’s, where she meets their leader – Dr Ransom (the main character of the previous two titles in the trilogy). The story ends in a final spectacular scene at the N.I.C.E. headquarters where Merlin appears to confront the powers of Hell.

Stand and Deliver!: And other Brilliant Ways to Give Birth
A book full of practical information on choosing the best type of birth experience for you and your baby and what to do in the final 8 weeks to prepare. Full of humour and encouraging birth stories, every mother-to-be will find it invaluable. ? Emma Mahony, humorous Times columnist whose Double Trouble stories about her two young twins charmed the nation, now gives you a first book on birth and the 8-week run-up to it. Taking a practical but lighthearted approach, she helps every new mother-to-be feel in control and ready for the big day. ? With positive stories from women who insisted on the right birth for them, as well as advice from experts in the field of childbirth, such as midwives, obstetricians and advocates of natural and water births. Includes: ? Why a good birth experience is a great objective ? How and why it’s best to avoid a ‘medicalised’ birth ? Everything you need to know about Caesarians ? What every woman is entitled to before labour ? How to write a birth plan and why it is useful ? Illustrated throughout with lighthearted cartoons from The Times’ front page cartoonist.

‘The characters are funny, endearing and completely original. Laura has a wonderfully wild and exciting imagination…she defies boundaries.’ Kate Nash Laura retells popular fairytales in her unique voice. The perfect gift for Christmas.

Low Blood Sugar
A comprehensive and accessible handbook providing vital information for sufferers of low blood sugar, this is an ideal reference guide and essential first step for those who want to understand and treat their symptoms naturally. Includes 60 delicious recipes to prove that sufferers don’t have to miss out! An increasing number of people are being diagnosed with low blood sugar due to today’s high-pressure lifestyles and the predominance of over-processed foods in our diet- and the number of sufferers is set to rise. This is an essential up-to-date reference guide to low blood sugar, detailing everything that sufferers need to know about their condition and how to treat it. A complete guide to how to treat low blood sugar, this book reviews all the latest research on subjects such as insulin resistance, syndrome X and the role of the adrenal and thyroid hormones, as well as providing information about all the complementary and orthodox treatments available. The book explains what low blood sugar is and what causes it, and lists the symptoms of the condition making it easy to spot. The easy-to-follow nutritional plan is accompanied by 60 delicious recipes that prove sufferers can still enjoy their food while keeping low blood sugar under control. A comprehensive resources section reviews appropriate supplements, websites and suppliers. Ideal for anyone who wants to prevent low blood sugar, as well as for anyone already suffering from this condition.

A Man of his Time
A wonderful historical novel from one of our best loved and most prolific writers As a young man Ernest Burton was a bold and reckless journeyman blacksmith, seducing all young girls he comes across. We watch him grow to become a master Blacksmith, and a tyrannical father of eight who refuses even to try to remain faithful to the woman he married and who reigns over his young family with an iron fist, instilling in his sons and daughters a mixture of fear and hatred of him. Burton is an extraordinary fictional creation – a bully who shows no mercy in his relentless terrorism of his sons, he can also be effortlessly charming, with a magnetic attraction that effects all he meets. Written in the sparse, plain language that Sillitoe has made his own, A Man of His Time is a mesmerising portrait of an extraordinary individual, aware that he is, in many ways, the last of a dying breed. It's a rich, absorbing, wonderfully readable novel that covers decades and crosses generations, depicting with singular brilliance an England poised on the brink of change.

The Invisible Century
A book which offers fresh perspectives on the scientific developments of the past hundred years through the complementary work of two of the century’s greatest thinkers, Einstein and Freud. At the turn of the century there was a widespread assumption in scientific circles that the pursuit of knowledge was nearing its end and that all available evidence had been exhausted. However, by 1916 both Einstein and Freud had exploded the myth by leading exploration into the science of the invisible and the unconscious. These men were more than just contemporaries – their separate pursuits were in fact complementary. Freud’s science of psychoanalysis found its cosmological counterpart in the Astronomy of Invisible Light pioneered by Einstein. Together they questioned the little inconsistencies of Newton’s ordered cosmos to reveal a different reality, a natural order that was anything but ordered, a cosmos that was volatile and vast – an organism alive in time. These men inspired a fundamental shift in the history of human thought. They began a revolution that is still in progress and provided one of the past century’s greatest contributions to the history of science.

Walter Sickert: A Life (Text Only)
This edition does not include illustrations. The first major life of the outstanding British painter – and Jack the Ripper suspect – Walter Sickert (1860-1942), by the highly acclaimed biographer of Aubrey Beardsley. Walter Richard Sickert is perhaps the outstanding figure of British art during the last hundred years. Many contemporary painters, from Hodgkin and Bacon to Auerbach and Kossof, acknowledge a debt to his influence. His career spanned six decades of unceasing experiment and achievement. As a young artist, he was welcomed and encouraged by Degas. He was the disciple of Whistler and mentor of Beardsley. He founded the London Impressionists and the Camden Town Group. He was taken up by both the Woolfs and the Sitwells. He gave painting lessons to Winston Churchill. His energy was prodigious and his personality fascinating: he was also an illustrator, cartoonist, writer, polemicist, teacher and wit. He relished controversy: his early paintings of London music halls and his late works, based on 18th-century etchings and contemporary news photographs, provoked outraged criticism from conventional commentators. Sturgis also devotes an appendix to charting in detail Sickert's posthumous life as a player in the 'Jack the Ripper' circus, assessing (and demolishing) the arguments of Patricia Cornwell and others in the light of his own discoveries.

A fény?zés napjai
A The New York Times No.1 bestsellerében egy manhattani baleseti sebészt a kisfia szeme láttára ?lnek meg egy játszótéren. ?t év elteltével a gyilkos még mindig szabadlábon van… Amikor Laurie Moran férjét brutálisan meggyilkolták, csak a hároméves Timmy látta az édesapja gyilkosának arcát. Az átható kék szempár még ?t évvel kés?bb is kísérti álmában Timmyt. Laurie-t még nagyobb félelem nyomasztja – a gyilkos fenyegetése, amelyet odakiáltott a fiának, mik?zben elmenekült a helyszínr?l: ?Mondd meg anyádnak, ? lesz a k?vetkez?, utána pedig te j?ssz…” ?s az asszonynak most ismét gyilkossággal van dolga, ezúttal egy megt?rtént, de megoldatlan b?nügyekkel foglalkozó tévésorozat producereként. A sorozat els? részében egy n? húsz évvel korábbi, felderítetlenül maradt meggyilkolása a téma. Az élénk társasági életet él? asszonyt a friss diplomás lánya tiszteletére rendezett gála után megfojtva találták az ágyában. A nagy port kavaró gyilkosság országszerte szerepelt a hírekben, így Laurie biztos benne, hogy az ügy – a maga pazar k?rnyezetében és az akkori éjszaka vendégeinek k?zrem?k?désével – sikerre viszi majd a m?sort. ?m amikor megkezdik a forgatást Betsy azóta elhidegült barátaival, világossá válik, hogy valamennyiüknek titkai vannak – kinek kisebbek, kinek nagyobbak. ?s k?zben ráj?vünk, hogy az átható kék szempár még mindig figyel… ?Bízzunk Mary Higgins Clarkban: tudja, hogyan kell halálra rémiszteni bennünket.” -?THE NEW YORK TIMES A gyanú árnyékában sorozat k?vetekez? része A Hamupip?ke-gyilkosság címmel fog megjelenni.

A királyn? esküje
A hetvenes évek elején, Buenos Aires tartomány egyik kisvárosában meg?lték Tony Duránt. Tony, a sármos, rejtélyes idegen egy New Jerseyben nevelkedett Puerto Ricó-i szerencsevadász. Míg élt, az érdekl?dés k?zéppontjában állt, volt, aki csodálta, más figyelte minden lépését. ? volt a gy?ny?r? és kül?nleges Belladona ikerlányok szeret?je, az ?reg Belladonának, a vidék egyik leggazdagabb urának a bizalmasa. A b?ntényt k?vet?en a maga módján mindenki a tettes után nyomoz, ugyanakkor az esettel kapcsolatba hozott figurákon keresztül az olvasó el?tt feltárul a korabeli argentin társadalom minden ellentmondásossága, s kiderül, hogy a társadalmi-politikai visszásságok - korrupció, f?ldspekuláció, feketegazdaság - ágyaztak meg a gyilkosságnak. ?s hogy mi az igazság? Erre a kérdésre - a korrupt államügyészen kívül - Croce rend?rf?n?k és Luca Belladona t?nkrement gyártulajdonos, valamint a f?városi tudósító, Emilio Renzi keresi a választ. Az igazság azonban sokarcú, mély filozófiai fogalom. Piglia regénye árulásokról és piszkos üzletekr?l, egy ártatlan és egy igazi b?n?sr?l, szenvedélyekr?l és csapdákról szól. De leginkább az igazság viszonylagosságáról. Ricardo Piglia a kortárs argentin prózairodalom legkimagaslóbb írója, aki a regényeiben felvázolt eszmékkel, lebilincsel? ábrázolásmódjával, karakterteremt? m?vészetével kiérdemelte, hogy a kritika Borges méltó utódának tartsa.

A sors k?nyve
Virág harminc elmúlt, de sem az álommeló, sem az álomotthon, sem az álompasi nem akar valósággá válni. ?nbizalma, optimizmusa mégis t?retlen. Pedig van kivel ?sszemérnie magát. Alig pár évvel id?sebb n?vére, Judit már régen révbe ért. Jókép? férj, három gyerek, anyagi gondokról nem is hallott, de még rettenetes f?n?k sem igyekszik pokollá tenni az életét. Aztán váratlanul Juditot elhagyja a férje egy fiatalabb n? miatt... Hogyan tud újra magára találni a n?vér? ?s hogyan tud ebben segítségére lenni a kelekótya húg? Talán els? lépésként azzal, hogy pici albérletébe k?lt?zteti n?vérét a z?r?s kamaszlánnyal, az iskolát kezd? k?zéps?vel, és az épp járni tanuló egy éves unoka?ccsel. ?s míg a két testvér azon van, hogy Judit szívét ?sszeragasszák, Virág élete is a feje tetejére áll.


今個假期京滬廣鐵路遊 (2014-2015年版)
2014年是廣九直通車來往廣州至九龍開行35周年,現時來往廣州至九龍之列車班次頗為頻密,安坐車內,不用兩小時便到廣州,可謂是從香港到廣州快舒適的交通工具。商務旅客更可利用車廂內提供的WiFi上網處理業務。車上的餐飲種類繁多,為旅客帶來極大方便。本書推薦旅客選乘直通火車達北京、上海、廣州這三大城市,並詳細介紹京、滬、廣著名景點三地美食。 作者簡介: 黃照康,從事旅遊業三十多年,現任香港外遊旅行團代理商協會名譽會長、前香港旅遊業議會理事、香港旅遊業會領隊課程導師、旅行社顧客服務及親善技巧課程導師、廣東省增城等市、縣的旅遊形象大使公職。黃照康(Sunny)自小喜愛背囊式自助遊,遊遍中國各省、東南亞、印度、中東、歐美澳紐,以至於中南美洲及北極與北韓等神秘地域。由1993年起曾為港、甹的紙張媒體和電子媒體任嘉賓主持。


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Divergent - Vol. III - Experiment
E textul pe baza cruia am fcut spectacolul Habemus bebe, n primvara lui 2014, mpreun cu soul meu, regizorul Robert Blan. Iniial nu-l voiam publicat, apoi m-am rzgndit, publicarea i d o via textului pe care scena nu i-o poate da (i invers cred c e la fel de valabil). Non Stress Test va fi un poem mai lung, pe o tem care nu a fost i nici nu este la mod: maternitatea. E nsoit i de un set de fotografii, sper s fie o carte mito. i de data asta m-am jucat cu limitele genului: o variant a textului a aprut deja n traducere (n bulgar i n maghiar) ca text de teatru”. (Elena Vldreanu)

Halálos ?sz
Halálos ?sz