Emlékek b?rt?nében
Emlékek b?rt?nében


Egy meszely az fél icce
Katherine Shaw egész életét a balettnek szentelte. Mindig is arról álmodott, hogy hivatásos balerina lesz, ám tizenkilenc évesen úgy d?nt, hogy még szüksége van pár évre, miel?tt meg tudna birkózni egy társulattal. ?gy legjobb barátjával, Alexanderrel együtt egyetemre megy. Persze az új élet, távol a szül?kt?l nem k?nny?. Kat kétségbeesetten vágyik arra, hogy végre lány barátja is legyen. Belinda, a szobatársn?je ezt kihasználva, el?sz?r a legjobb barátn?je, majd a legnagyobb riválisa lesz. Katherine-nek azonban nemcsak Belindával kell megküzdenie, hanem arról is d?ntenie kell, hogy végre megvalósítja nagy álmát, és a Királyi Balettben táncol, vagy átadja magát a szerelemnek.

One Meal a Day: The Proper Knowledge of How to Eat to Live Abundantly
One Meal a Day: The Proper Knowledge of How to Eat to Live Abundantly

Falling Kingdoms - Lázadók tavasza
Falling Kingdoms - Lázadók tavasza

Street workout mindenkinek
Street workout mindenkinek

Az éj leple alatt
Az éj leple alatt

One Meal A Day: The Proper Knowledge of How to Eat to Live Abundantly
One Meal A Day: The Proper Knowledge of How to Eat to Live Abundantly

"熱愛旅遊的年輕女作家Rebec HoHoHo,設計全新「女遊」路線,精選大女孩小女孩愛的食、買、玩、學、看,發掘首爾GIRLY的一面!!!




Divergent - Vol. II - Insurgent
Volumul reune?te interviuri din 1997 (Pana mea), 2008 (chat cu scriitori rom?ni – Observator cultural), 2010 (Rom?nia literar?), un chestionar, un dialog inedit (2016) ?i extrase din dou? din documentarele ?n care autoarea a fost prezent? (Aici Nora Iuga ?i Nino al meu). ?n cazul Norei, c?r?ile nu s?nt totul ?i, a?a cum nu avem prea multe exemple literare actuale, omul ?ncununeaz? opera. De-aceea ne-am permis s-o coment?m ?mpreun? ?n dialoguri mai vechi sau mai noi, ?n filme documentare ?i-ntr-un blog audio, pentru a mai trage de timp cu Operele complete. (un cristian)

Bébi. Bumm!: Jesszus, szülni 40 f?l?tt?
Bevándorlás Magyarországra, kitelepítés Németországba, málenkij robot Oroszországban, küzdelmes napok újra Magyarországon, a hazában. Világos, Hódmez?vásárhely és Elek. Itt kezd?d?tt családunk élete. 1856-ban született Josef Schwarz anyai dédnagytatám Világoson, katolikus sváb családban. Hódmez?vásárhely az apai ág születési helye. Kerekes Sándor nagyapám 1871-ben született katolikus magyar családban.A sváb parasztok Eleken találkoztak a magyar iparosokkal. Itt találták meg a munkalehet?séget, amivel családjukat el tudták tartani.Családunk t?rténete egyszer? hétk?znapi emberek életér?l szól, akik átéltek két világháborút, ukrajnai kényszermunkát és németországi kitelepítést. Unokáim családunk leszármazottainak ?t?dik generációja. Tudniuk kell, hogy a t?bb mint 150 év alatt családunk t?rténete hogyan alakult, milyen életet éltek ük- és dédszüleik.Elégtételt kell kapnia a nagyszüleimnek és a szüleimnek, hogy az emlékezet nem engedi elfelejteni az életüket.

A n?: Csajsziknak
A n?: Csajsziknak

Hands-On RESTful Python Web Services
Explore the best tools and techniques to create lightweight, maintainable, and scalable Python web services Key Features *Combine Python with different data sources to build complex RESTful APIs from scratch *Configure and fine-tune your APIs using the best tools and techniques available *Use command-line and GUI tools to test CRUD operations performed by RESTful Web Services or APIs Book Description Python is the language of choice for millions of developers worldwide that builds great web services in RESTful architecture. This second edition of Hands-On RESTful Python Web Services will cover the best tools you can use to build engaging web services. This book shows you how to develop RESTful APIs using the most popular Python frameworks and all the necessary stacks with Python, combined with related libraries and tools. You’ll learn to incorporate all new features of Python 3.7, Flask 1.0.2, Django 2.1, Tornado 5.1, and also a new framework, Pyramid. As you advance through the chapters, you will get to grips with each of these frameworks to build various web services, and be shown use cases and best practices covering when to use a particular framework. You’ll then successfully develop RESTful APIs with all frameworks and understand how each framework processes HTTP requests and routes URLs. You’ll also discover best practices for validation, serialization, and deserialization. In the concluding chapters, you will take advantage of specific features available in certain frameworks such as integrated ORMs, built-in authorization and authentication, and work with asynchronous code. At the end of each framework, you will write tests for RESTful APIs and improve code coverage. By the end of the book, you will have gained a deep understanding of the stacks needed to build RESTful web services. What you will learn *Select the most appropriate framework based on requirements *Develop complex RESTful APIs from scratch using Python *Use requests handlers, URL patterns, serialization, and validations *Add authentication, authorization, and interaction with ORMs and databases *Debug, test, and improve RESTful APIs with four frameworks *Design RESTful APIs with frameworks and create automated tests Who this book is for This book is for web developers who have a working knowledge of Python and would like to build amazing web services by taking advantage of the various frameworks of Python. You should have some knowledge of RESTful APIs.

PostgreSQL 10 High Performance
Leverage the power of PostgreSQL 10 to design, administer and maintain a high-performance database solution About This Book ? Obtain optimal PostgreSQL 10 database performance, ranging from initial design to routine maintenance ? Fine tune the performance of your queries and avoid the common pitfalls that can slow your system down ? Contains tips and tricks on scaling successful database installations, and ensuring a highly available PostgreSQL solution Who This Book Is For This book is designed for database administrators and PostgreSQL architects who already use or plan to exploit the features of PostgreSQL 10 to design and maintain a high-performance PostgreSQL database. A working knowledge of SQL, and some experience with PostgreSQL will be helpful in getting the most out of this book. What You Will Learn ? Learn best practices for scaling PostgreSQL 10 installations ? Discover the best hardware for developing high-performance PostgreSQL applications ? Benchmark your whole system – from hardware to application ? Learn by real examples how server parameters impact performance ? Discover PostgreSQL 10 features for partitioning and parallel query ? Monitor your server, both inside and outside the database ? Design and implement a good replication system on PostgreSQL 10 In Detail PostgreSQL database servers have a common set of problems that they encounter as their usage gets heavier and requirements get more demanding. Peek into the future of your PostgreSQL 10 database's problems today. Know the warning signs to look for and how to avoid the most common issues before they even happen. Surprisingly, most PostgreSQL database applications evolve in the same way—choose the right hardware, tune the operating system and server memory use, optimize queries against the database and CPUs with the right indexes, and monitor every layer, from hardware to queries, using tools from inside and outside PostgreSQL. Also, using monitoring insight, PostgreSQL database applications continuously rework the design and configuration. On reaching the limits of a single server, they break things up; connection pooling, caching, partitioning, replication, and parallel queries can all help handle increasing database workloads. By the end of this book, you will have all the knowledge you need to design, run, and manage your PostgreSQL solution while ensuring high performance and high availability Style and approach This book has been organized in such a manner that will help you understand basic PostgreSQL 10 performance tuning to an advanced-level configuration.

Hands-On GUI Application Development in Go
Discover Golang's GUI libraries such as Go-GTK (GIMP Toolkit) and Go-Qt and build beautiful, performant, and responsive graphical applications Key Features * Conceptualize and build state-of-art GUI applications with Golang (Go) * Tackle the complexity of varying GUI application sizes with a structured and scalable approach * Get hands-on experience of GUI development with Shiny, and labs/ui, Fyne, and Walk Book Description Go is often compared to C++ when it comes to low-level programming and implementations that require faster processing, such as Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). In fact, many claim that Go is superior to C++ in terms of its concurrency and ease of use. Most graphical application toolkits, though, are still written using C or C++, and so they don't enjoy the benefits of using a modern programming language such as Go. This guide to programming GUIs with Go 1.11 explores the various toolkits available, including UI, Walk, Shiny, and Fyne. The book compares the vision behind each project to help you pick the right approach for your project. Each framework is described in detail, outlining how you can build performant applications that users will love. To aid you further in creating applications using these emerging technologies, you'll be able to easily refer to code samples and screenshots featured in the book. In addition to toolkit-specific discussions, you'll cover more complex topics, such as how to structure growing graphical applications, and how cross-platform applications can integrate with each desktop operating system to create a seamless user experience. By delving into techniques and best practices for organizing and scaling Go-based graphical applications, you'll also glimpse Go's impressive concurrency system. In the concluding chapters, you'll discover how to distribute to the main desktop marketplaces and distribution channels. By the end of this book, you'll be a confident GUI developer who can use the Go language to boost the performance of your applications. What you will learn * Understand the benefits and complexities of building native graphical applications * Gain insights into how Go makes cross-platform graphical application development simple * Build platform-native GUI applications using andlabs/ui * Develop graphical Windows applications using Walk * Create multiplatform GUI applications using Shiny, Nuklear, and Fyne * Use Go wrappers for GTK and Qt for GUI application development * Streamline your requirements to pick the correct toolkit strategy Who this book is for This book is designed for Go developers who are interested in building native graphical applications for desktop computers and beyond. Some knowledge of building applications using Go is useful, but not essential. Experience in developing GUIs is not required as the book explores the benefits and challenges they pose. This book will also be beneficial for GUI application developers who are interested in trying Go.

Mastering Microservices with Java
Master the art of implementing scalable and reactive microservices in your production environment with Java 11 Key Features * Use domain-driven designs to build microservices * Explore various microservices design patterns such as service discovery, registration, and API Gateway * Use Kafka, Avro, and Spring Streams to implement event-based microservices Book Description Microservices are key to designing scalable, easy-to-maintain applications. This latest edition of Mastering Microservices with Java, works on Java 11. It covers a wide range of exciting new developments in the world of microservices, including microservices patterns, interprocess communication with gRPC, and service orchestration. This book will help you understand how to implement microservice-based systems from scratch. You'll start off by understanding the core concepts and framework, before focusing on the high-level design of large software projects. You'll then use Spring Security to secure microservices and test them effectively using REST Java clients and other tools. You will also gain experience of using the Netflix OSS suite, comprising the API Gateway, service discovery and registration, and Circuit Breaker. Additionally, you'll be introduced to the best patterns, practices, and common principles of microservice design that will help you to understand how to troubleshoot and debug the issues faced during development. By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to build smaller, lighter, and faster services that can be implemented easily in a production environment. What you will learn * Use domain-driven designs to develop and implement microservices * Understand how to implement microservices using Spring Boot * Explore service orchestration and distributed transactions using the Sagas * Discover interprocess communication using REpresentational State Transfer (REST) and events * Gain knowledge of how to implement and design reactive microservices * Deploy and test various microservices Who this book is for This book is designed for Java developers who are familiar with microservices architecture and now want to effectively implement microservices at an enterprise level. Basic knowledge and understanding of core microservice elements and applications is necessary.

Mastering OpenCV 4 with Python
Create advanced applications with Python and OpenCV, exploring the potential of facial recognition, machine learning, deep learning, web computing and augmented reality. Key Features * Develop your computer vision skills by mastering algorithms in Open Source Computer Vision 4 (OpenCV 4)and Python * Apply machine learning and deep learning techniques with TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch * Discover the modern design patterns you should avoid when developing efficient computer vision applications Book Description OpenCV is considered to be one of the best open source computer vision and machine learning software libraries. It helps developers build complete projects in relation to image processing, motion detection, or image segmentation, among many others. OpenCV for Python enables you to run computer vision algorithms smoothly in real time, combining the best of the OpenCV C++ API and the Python language. In this book, you'll get started by setting up OpenCV and delving into the key concepts of computer vision. You'll then proceed to study more advanced concepts and discover the full potential of OpenCV. The book will also introduce you to the creation of advanced applications using Python and OpenCV, enabling you to develop applications that include facial recognition, target tracking, or augmented reality. Next, you'll learn machine learning techniques and concepts, understand how to apply them in real-world examples, and also explore their benefits, including real-time data production and faster data processing. You'll also discover how to translate the functionality provided by OpenCV into optimized application code projects using Python bindings. Toward the concluding chapters, you'll explore the application of artificial intelligence and deep learning techniques using the popular Python libraries TensorFlow, and Keras. By the end of this book, you'll be able to develop advanced computer vision applications to meet your customers' demands. What you will learn * Handle files and images, and explore various image processing techniques * Explore image transformations, including translation, resizing, and cropping * Gain insights into building histograms * Brush up on contour detection, filtering, and drawing * Work with Augmented Reality to build marker-based and markerless applications * Work with the main machine learning algorithms in OpenCV * Explore the deep learning Python libraries and OpenCV deep learning capabilities * Create computer vision and deep learning web applications Who this book is for This book is designed for computer vision developers, engineers, and researchers who want to develop modern computer vision applications. Basic experience of OpenCV and Python programming is a must.

Spring 5.0 Projects
Discover the latest features of Spring framework by building robust, fast, and reactive web applications Key Features * Take advantage of all the features of Spring 5.0 with third party tools to build a robust back end * Secure Spring based web application using Spring Security framework with LDAP and OAuth protocol * Develop robust and scalable microservice based applications on Spring Cloud, using Spring Boot Book Description Spring makes it easy to create RESTful applications, merge with social services, communicate with modern databases, secure your system, and make your code modular and easy to test. With the arrival of Spring Boot, developers can really focus on the code and deliver great value, with minimal contour. This book will show you how to build various projects in Spring 5.0, using its features and third party tools. We'll start by creating a web application using Spring MVC, Spring Data, the World Bank API for some statistics on different countries, and MySQL database. Moving ahead, you'll build a RESTful web services application using Spring WebFlux framework. You'll be then taken through creating a Spring Boot-based simple blog management system, which uses Elasticsearch as the data store. Then, you'll use Spring Security with the LDAP libraries for authenticating users and create a central authentication and authorization server using OAuth 2 protocol. Further, you'll understand how to create Spring Boot-based monolithic application using JHipster. Toward the end, we'll create an online book store with microservice architecture using Spring Cloud and Net?ix OSS components, and a task management system using Spring and Kotlin. By the end of the book, you'll be able to create coherent and ?exible real-time web applications using Spring Framework. What you will learn * Build Spring based application using Bootstrap template and JQuery * Understand the Spring WebFlux framework and how it uses Reactor library * Interact with Elasticsearch for indexing, querying, and aggregating data * Create a simple monolithic application using JHipster * Use Spring Security and Spring Security LDAP and OAuth libraries for Authentication * Develop a microservice-based application with Spring Cloud and Netflix * Work on Spring Framework with Kotlin Who this book is for This book is for competent Spring developers who wish to understand how to develop complex yet flexible applications with Spring. You must have a good knowledge of Java programming and be familiar with the basics of Spring.