

One Meal a Day: The Proper Knowledge of How to Eat to Live Abundantly
One Meal a Day: The Proper Knowledge of How to Eat to Live Abundantly
Jason Drysdale
One Meal a Day: The Proper Knowledge of How to Eat to Live Abundantly
One Meal A Day: The Proper Knowledge of How to Eat to Live Abundantly
One Meal A Day: The Proper Knowledge of How to Eat to Live Abundantly
Jason Drysdale
One Meal A Day: The Proper Knowledge of How to Eat to Live Abundantly
Egy meszely az fél icce
Egy meszely az fél icce
Tasi Géza
Katherine Shaw egész életét a balettnek szentelte. Mindig is arról álmodott, hogy hivatásos balerina lesz, ám tizenkilenc évesen úgy d?nt, hogy még szüksége van pár évre, miel?tt meg tudna birkózni egy társulattal. ?gy legjobb barátjával, Alexanderrel együtt egyetemre megy. Persze az új élet, távol a szül?kt?l nem k?nny?. Kat kétségbeesetten vágyik arra, hogy végre lány barátja is legyen. Belinda, a szobatársn?je ezt kihasználva, el?sz?r a legjobb barátn?je, majd a legnagyobb riválisa lesz. Katherine-nek azonban nemcsak Belindával kell megküzdenie, hanem arról is d?ntenie kell, hogy végre megvalósítja nagy álmát, és a Királyi Balettben táncol, vagy átadja magát a szerelemnek.
Falling Kingdoms - Lázadók tavasza
Falling Kingdoms - Lázadók tavasza
Morgan Rhodes
Falling Kingdoms - Lázadók tavasza
Az éj leple alatt
Az éj leple alatt
Nora Roberts
Az éj leple alatt
Street workout mindenkinek
Street workout mindenkinek
Gödrösi Ádám
Street workout mindenkinek
Jacqueline Ng
A n?: Csajsziknak
A n?: Csajsziknak
Csernus Imre
A n?: Csajsziknak
何穎(Rebec Hohoho)
"熱愛旅遊的年輕女作家Rebec HoHoHo,設計全新「女遊」路線,精選大女孩小女孩愛的食、買、玩、學、看,發掘首爾GIRLY的一面!!!
Bébi. Bumm!: Jesszus, szülni 40 f?l?tt?
Bébi. Bumm!: Jesszus, szülni 40 f?l?tt?
Fejős Éva
Bevándorlás Magyarországra, kitelepítés Németországba, málenkij robot Oroszországban, küzdelmes napok újra Magyarországon, a hazában. Világos, Hódmez?vásárhely és Elek. Itt kezd?d?tt családunk élete. 1856-ban született Josef Schwarz anyai dédnagytatám Világoson, katolikus sváb családban. Hódmez?vásárhely az apai ág születési helye. Kerekes Sándor nagyapám 1871-ben született katolikus magyar családban.A sváb parasztok Eleken találkoztak a magyar iparosokkal. Itt találták meg a munkalehet?séget, amivel családjukat el tudták tartani.Családunk t?rténete egyszer? hétk?znapi emberek életér?l szól, akik átéltek két világháborút, ukrajnai kényszermunkát és németországi kitelepítést. Unokáim családunk leszármazottainak ?t?dik generációja. Tudniuk kell, hogy a t?bb mint 150 év alatt családunk t?rténete hogyan alakult, milyen életet éltek ük- és dédszüleik.Elégtételt kell kapnia a nagyszüleimnek és a szüleimnek, hogy az emlékezet nem engedi elfelejteni az életüket.
Divergent - Vol. II - Insurgent
Divergent - Vol. II - Insurgent
Roth Veronica
Volumul reune?te interviuri din 1997 (Pana mea), 2008 (chat cu scriitori rom?ni – Observator cultural), 2010 (Rom?nia literar?), un chestionar, un dialog inedit (2016) ?i extrase din dou? din documentarele ?n care autoarea a fost prezent? (Aici Nora Iuga ?i Nino al meu). ?n cazul Norei, c?r?ile nu s?nt totul ?i, a?a cum nu avem prea multe exemple literare actuale, omul ?ncununeaz? opera. De-aceea ne-am permis s-o coment?m ?mpreun? ?n dialoguri mai vechi sau mai noi, ?n filme documentare ?i-ntr-un blog audio, pentru a mai trage de timp cu Operele complete. (un cristian)
Hands-On RESTful Python Web Services
Hands-On RESTful Python Web Services
Gaston C. Hillar
Explore the best tools and techniques to create lightweight, maintainable, and scalable Python web services Key Features *Combine Python with different data sources to build complex RESTful APIs from scratch *Configure and fine-tune your APIs using the best tools and techniques available *Use command-line and GUI tools to test CRUD operations performed by RESTful Web Services or APIs Book Description Python is the language of choice for millions of developers worldwide that builds great web services in RESTful architecture. This second edition of Hands-On RESTful Python Web Services will cover the best tools you can use to build engaging web services. This book shows you how to develop RESTful APIs using the most popular Python frameworks and all the necessary stacks with Python, combined with related libraries and tools. You’ll learn to incorporate all new features of Python 3.7, Flask 1.0.2, Django 2.1, Tornado 5.1, and also a new framework, Pyramid. As you advance through the chapters, you will get to grips with each of these frameworks to build various web services, and be shown use cases and best practices covering when to use a particular framework. You’ll then successfully develop RESTful APIs with all frameworks and understand how each framework processes HTTP requests and routes URLs. You’ll also discover best practices for validation, serialization, and deserialization. In the concluding chapters, you will take advantage of specific features available in certain frameworks such as integrated ORMs, built-in authorization and authentication, and work with asynchronous code. At the end of each framework, you will write tests for RESTful APIs and improve code coverage. By the end of the book, you will have gained a deep understanding of the stacks needed to build RESTful web services. What you will learn *Select the most appropriate framework based on requirements *Develop complex RESTful APIs from scratch using Python *Use requests handlers, URL patterns, serialization, and validations *Add authentication, authorization, and interaction with ORMs and databases *Debug, test, and improve RESTful APIs with four frameworks *Design RESTful APIs with frameworks and create automated tests Who this book is for This book is for web developers who have a working knowledge of Python and would like to build amazing web services by taking advantage of the various frameworks of Python. You should have some knowledge of RESTful APIs.
Kubernetes for Serverless Applications
Kubernetes for Serverless Applications
Russ McKendrick
Transform yourself into a Kubernetes specialist in serverless applications. About This Book ? Get hands-on experience in installing, configuring, and using services such as Kubeless, Funktion, OpenWhisk, and Fission ? Learn how to launch Kubernetes both locally and in public clouds ? Explore the differences between using services such as AWS Lambda and Azure Functions and running your own Who This Book Is For If you are a DevOps engineer, cloud architect, or a stakeholder keen to learn about serverless functions in Kubernetes environments, then this book is for you. What You Will Learn ? Get a detailed analysis of serverless/Functions as a Service ? Get hands-on with installing and running tasks in Kubernetes using Minikube ? Install Kubeless locally and launch your first function. ? Launch Kubernetes in the cloud and move your applications between your local machine and your cloud cluster ? Deploy applications on Kubernetes using Apache OpenWhisk ? Explore topics such as Funktion and Fission installation on the cloud followed by launching applications ? Monitor a serverless function and master security best practices and Kubernetes use cases In Detail Kubernetes has established itself as the standard platform for container management, orchestration, and deployment. It has been adopted by companies such as Google, its original developers, and Microsoft as an integral part of their public cloud platforms, so that you can develop for Kubernetes and not worry about being locked into a single vendor. This book will initially start by introducing serverless functions. Then you will configure tools such as Minikube to run Kubernetes. Once you are up-and-running, you will install and configure Kubeless, your first step towards running Function as a Service (FaaS) on Kubernetes. Then you will gradually move towards running Fission, a framework used for managing serverless functions on Kubernetes environments. Towards the end of the book, you will also work with Kubernetes functions on public and private clouds. By the end of this book, we will have mastered using Function as a Service on Kubernetes environments. Style and approach A clear, concise, and straightforward book that will empower you work with clusters and run serverless functions effectively.
Microservice Patterns and Best Practices
Microservice Patterns and Best Practices
Vinicius Feitosa Pacheco
Explore the concepts and tools you need to discover the world of microservices with various design patterns About This Book ? Get to grips with the microservice architecture and build enterprise-ready microservice applications ? Learn design patterns and the best practices while building a microservice application ? Obtain hands-on techniques and tools to create high-performing microservices resilient to possible fails Who This Book Is For This book is for architects and senior developers who would like implement microservice design patterns in their enterprise application development. The book assumes some prior programming knowledge. What You Will Learn ? How to break monolithic application into microservices ? Implement caching strategies, CQRS and event sourcing, and circuit breaker patterns ? Incorporate different microservice design patterns, such as shared data, aggregator, proxy, and chained ? Utilize consolidate testing patterns such as integration, signature, and monkey tests ? Secure microservices with JWT, API gateway, and single sign on ? Deploy microservices with continuous integration or delivery, Blue-Green deployment In Detail Microservices are a hot trend in the development world right now. Many enterprises have adopted this approach to achieve agility and the continuous delivery of applications to gain a competitive advantage. This book will take you through different design patterns at different stages of the microservice application development along with their best practices. Microservice Patterns and Best Practices starts with the learning of microservices key concepts and showing how to make the right choices while designing microservices. You will then move onto internal microservices application patterns, such as caching strategy, asynchronism, CQRS and event sourcing, circuit breaker, and bulkheads. As you progress, you'll learn the design patterns of microservices. The book will guide you on where to use the perfect design pattern at the application development stage and how to break monolithic application into microservices. You will also be taken through the best practices and patterns involved while testing, securing, and deploying your microservice application. At the end of the book, you will easily be able to create interoperable microservices, which are testable and prepared for optimum performance. Style and approach Comprehensive guide that uses architectural patterns with the best choices involved in application development
Delphi High Performance
Delphi High Performance
Primož Gabrijelčič
Build fast, scalable, and high performing applications with Delphi About This Book ? Build efficient and concurrent applications in Delphi with focused examples ? Identify performance bottlenecks and apply the correct algorithm to increase the performance of applications. ? Delve into parallel programming and memory management to optimize your code Who This Book Is For This book is for Delphi developers who would like to build high performance applications with Delphi. Prior knowledge of Delphi is assumed. What You Will Learn ? Find performance bottlenecks and easily mitigate them ? Discover different approaches to fix algorithms ? Understand parallel programming and work with various tools included with Delphi ? Master the RTL for code optimization ? Explore memory managers and their implementation ? Leverage external libraries to write better performing programs In Detail Delphi is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that supports rapid application development for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, Google Android, iOS, and now Linux with RAD Studio 10.2. This book will be your guide to build efficient high performance applications with Delphi. The book begins by explaining how to find performance bottlenecks and apply the correct algorithm to fix them. It will teach you how to improve your algorithms before taking you through parallel programming. You’ll then explore various tools to build highly concurrent applications. After that, you’ll delve into improving the performance of your code and master cross-platform RTL improvements. Finally, we’ll go through memory management with Delphi and you’ll see how to leverage several external libraries to write better performing programs. By the end of the book, you’ll have the knowledge to create high performance applications with Delphi. Style and approach This book will take a step-by-step approach with focused examples to teach you how to increase the performance of applications.
Spring Boot 2.0 Cookbook - Second Edition
Spring Boot 2.0 Cookbook - Second Edition
Alex Antonov
Take your application development skills to the next level by implementing Spring Boot features effectively About This Book ? This collection of effective recipes serves as guidelines for Spring Boot application development ? Get up to date with features of the latest version of Spring Boot 2.0 ? Tips and tricks to improve your efficiency through the stages of software development Who This Book Is For This book is for Java Developers who have good knowledge and understanding of Spring and Java application development. What You Will Learn ? Get to know Spring Boot Starters and create custom auto-configurations ? Work with custom annotations that enable bean activation ? Use DevTools to easily develop and debug applications ? Learn the effective testing techniques by integrating Cucumber and Spock ? Observe an eternal application configuration using Consul ? Move your existing Spring Boot applications to the cloud ? Use Hashicorp Consul and Netflix Eureka for dynamic Service Discovery ? Understand the various mechanisms that Spring Boot provides to examine an application’s health In Detail The Spring framework provides great flexibility for Java development, which also results in tedious configuration work. Spring Boot addresses the configuration difficulties of Spring and makes it easy to create standalone, production-grade Spring-based applications. This practical guide makes the existing development process more efficient. Spring Boot Cookbook 2.0 Second Edition smartly combines all the skills and expertise to efficiently develop, test, deploy, and monitor applications using Spring Boot on premise and in the cloud. We start with an overview of the important Spring Boot features you will learn to create a web application for a RESTful service. Learn to fine-tune the behavior of a web application by learning about custom routes and asset paths and how to modify routing patterns. Address the requirements of a complex enterprise application and cover the creation of custom Spring Boot starters. This book also includes examples of the new and improved facilities available to create various kinds of tests introduced in Spring Boot 1.4 and 2.0, and gain insights into Spring Boot DevTools. Explore the basics of Spring Boot Cloud modules and various Cloud starters to make applications in “Cloud Native” and take advantage of Service Discovery and Circuit Breakers. Style and approach This practical guide follows a recipe-based approach and provides extremely helpful guidelines to build, configure, and customize your Spring Boot applications.
Advanced Infrastructure Penetration Testing
Advanced Infrastructure Penetration Testing
Chiheb Chebbi
A highly detailed guide to performing powerful attack vectors in many hands-on scenarios and defending significant security flaws in your company's infrastructure About This Book ? Advanced exploitation techniques to breach modern operating systems and complex network devices ? Learn about Docker breakouts, Active Directory delegation, and CRON jobs ? Practical use cases to deliver an intelligent endpoint-protected system Who This Book Is For If you are a system administrator, SOC analyst, penetration tester, or a network engineer and want to take your penetration testing skills and security knowledge to the next level, then this book is for you. Some prior experience with penetration testing tools and knowledge of Linux and Windows command-line syntax is beneficial. What You Will Learn ? Exposure to advanced infrastructure penetration testing techniques and methodologies ? Gain hands-on experience of penetration testing in Linux system vulnerabilities and memory exploitation ? Understand what it takes to break into enterprise networks ? Learn to secure the configuration management environment and continuous delivery pipeline ? Gain an understanding of how to exploit networks and IoT devices ? Discover real-world, post-exploitation techniques and countermeasures In Detail It has always been difficult to gain hands-on experience and a comprehensive understanding of advanced penetration testing techniques and vulnerability assessment and management. This book will be your one-stop solution to compromising complex network devices and modern operating systems. This book provides you with advanced penetration testing techniques that will help you exploit databases, web and application servers, switches or routers, Docker, VLAN, VoIP, and VPN. With this book, you will explore exploitation abilities such as offensive PowerShell tools and techniques, CI servers, database exploitation, Active Directory delegation, kernel exploits, cron jobs, VLAN hopping, and Docker breakouts. Moving on, this book will not only walk you through managing vulnerabilities, but will also teach you how to ensure endpoint protection. Toward the end of this book, you will also discover post-exploitation tips, tools, and methodologies to help your organization build an intelligent security system. By the end of this book, you will have mastered the skills and methodologies needed to breach infrastructures and provide complete endpoint protection for your system. Style and approach Your one-stop guide to mastering the skills and methodologies of breaching infrastructures and providing complete endpoint protection to your system.
Practical Big Data Analytics
Practical Big Data Analytics
Nataraj Dasgupta
Get command of your organizational Big Data using the power of data science and analytics About This Book ? A perfect companion to boost your Big Data storing, processing, analyzing skills to help you take informed business decisions ? Work with the best tools such as Apache Hadoop, R, Python, and Spark for NoSQL platforms to perform massive online analyses ? Get expert tips on statistical inference, machine learning, mathematical modeling, and data visualization for Big Data Who This Book Is For The book is intended for existing and aspiring Big Data professionals who wish to become the go-to person in their organization when it comes to Big Data architecture, analytics, and governance. While no prior knowledge of Big Data or related technologies is assumed, it will be helpful to have some programming experience. What You Will Learn ? Get a 360-degree view into the world of Big Data, data science and machine learning ? Broad range of technical and business Big Data analytics topics that caters to the interests of the technical experts as well as corporate IT executives ? Get hands-on experience with industry-standard Big Data and machine learning tools such as Hadoop, Spark, MongoDB, KDB+ and R ? Create production-grade machine learning BI Dashboards using R and R Shiny with step-by-step instructions ? Learn how to combine open-source Big Data, machine learning and BI Tools to create low-cost business analytics applications ? Understand corporate strategies for successful Big Data and data science projects ? Go beyond general-purpose analytics to develop cutting-edge Big Data applications using emerging technologies In Detail Big Data analytics relates to the strategies used by organizations to collect, organize and analyze large amounts of data to uncover valuable business insights that otherwise cannot be analyzed through traditional systems. Crafting an enterprise-scale cost-efficient Big Data and machine learning solution to uncover insights and value from your organization's data is a challenge. Today, with hundreds of new Big Data systems, machine learning packages and BI Tools, selecting the right combination of technologies is an even greater challenge. This book will help you do that. With the help of this guide, you will be able to bridge the gap between the theoretical world of technology with the practical ground reality of building corporate Big Data and data science platforms. You will get hands-on exposure to Hadoop and Spark, build machine learning dashboards using R and R Shiny, create web-based apps using NoSQL databases such as MongoDB and even learn how to write R code for neural networks. By the end of the book, you will have a very clear and concrete understanding of what Big Data analytics means, how it drives revenues for organizations, and how you can develop your own Big Data analytics solution using different tools and methods articulated in this book. Style and approach This book equips you with a knowledge of various NoSQL tools, R, Python programming, cloud platforms, and techniques so you can use them to store, analyze, and deliver meaningful insights from your data.
VMware vSphere 6.5 Cookbook - Third Edition
VMware vSphere 6.5 Cookbook - Third Edition
Abhilash G B,Cedric Rajendran
Deploy and manage VMware vSphere 6.5 components with ease. About This Book ? Simplified and to-the-point theory and practical recipes to deploy and manage vSphere 6.5 ? Discover the best ways to deploy stateless and stateful ESXi hosts and upgrade them ? Storage and network resource management ? Certificate management using VMCA ? Monitor the performance of a vSphere environment. Who This Book Is For If you are a system administrator, support professional, or anyone interested in learning how to install, configure, and manage a vSphere environment, then this book is for you. This task-oriented reference guide will also benefit consultants or infrastructure architects who design and deploy vSphere 6.5 environments. What You Will Learn ? Upgrade your existing vSphere environment or perform a fresh deployment. ? Automate the deployment and management of large sets of ESXi hosts in your vSphere Environment ? Configure and manage FC, iSCSI, and NAS storage, and get more control over how storage resources are allocated and managed ? Configure vSphere networking by deploying host-wide and data center-wide switches in your vSphere environment ? Configure high availability on a host cluster and learn how to enable the fair distribution and utilization of compute resources ? Patch and upgrade the vSphere environment ? Handle certificate request generation and renew component certificates ? Monitor performance of a vSphere environment In Detail VMware vSphere is a complete and robust virtualization product suite that helps transform data centers into simplified on-premises cloud infrastructures, providing for the automation and orchestration of workload deployment and life cycle management of the infrastructure. This book focuses on the latest release of VMware vSphere and follows a recipe-based approach, giving you hands-on instructions required to deploy and manage a vSphere environment. The book starts with the procedures involved in upgrading your existing vSphere infrastructure to vSphere 6.5, followed by deploying a new vSphere 6.5 environment. Then the book delves further into the procedures involved in managing storage and network access to the ESXi hosts and the virtual machines running on them. Moving on, the book covers high availability and fair distribution/utilization of clustered compute and storage resources. Finally, the book covers patching and upgrading the vSphere infrastructure using VUM, certificate management using VMCA, and finishes with a chapter covering the tools that can be used to monitor the performance of a vSphere infrastructure. Style and approach This book will quickly get you started with managing VMware components.