The Fifth Foreign Legion Omnibus: Contains Three Full Novels
All three grand military SF adventures featuring the Fifth Foreign Legion—on the front lines in the hottest and strangest conflicts in the galaxy. Contains the complete novels March or Die, Honor and Fidelity, and Cohort of the Damned.

The Marines in World War II
Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and Tarawa are legendary names on the US Marines’ roll of honour, a testament to the bravery and sacrifice of Marines who answered the call to arms following the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. Growing to a peak of almost half a million men in 1945, at the beginning of the war the Marine Corps was a small expeditionary force with outdated equipment and an unproven new mission – amphibious assault. The Marines in World War II charts the combat history of the Marines from Wake Island to Okinawa, covering every major battle in between: Guadalcanal, Kwajalein Atoll, Bougainville, Saipan, Guam, and Peleliu, to name just a few. In addition to chronicling these hard-fought battles, the book also examines the important role played by Navajo code talkers, the development of Marine Corps aviation, the little-known role of Marines in the European theatre, and the story behind the iconic “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima” photograph. Today, the Marines are best remembered as the gritty, determined combat force that matured rapidly, learned hard lessons, took on the committed defenders of the Empire of Japan, crossed the Pacific Ocean island by island, and fought, bled, died – and won.

Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. Boxed Set Volume 2
Ever since the Big Uneasy, Dan Chambeaux worked as a human private investigator in the Unnatural Quarter. Even being murdered doesn't keep a good detective down, and zombie Dan "Shamble" is back from the dead and back on the case! And what an odd assortment of cases they are. Shamble is faced with the amphibious villain Ah'Chulhu, discrimination against a Medusa in a beauty pageant, and a flock of murderous feral chickens. Shamble teams up with his spectral girlfriend Sheyenne, a human lawyer with a soft spot for monsters named Robin Deyer, and his BHF (Best Human Friend) Officer Toby McGoohan to seek justice for the denizens of the Unnatural Quarter. In these three volumes— Slimy Underbelly, Tastes Like Chicken, and Services Rendered —Dan Shamble puts the P.I. back into R.I.P.

Na paraye 'ham: Nem tudom visszafizetni nektek
Маг?я Анджея Сапковського — у його вм?нн? з л?ризмом ? сарказмом створити уявний св?т, кожен з мешканц?в якого, кожне м?сце ? кожна под?я наст?льки нагадують нам св?т реальний, сучасний, що в?д?рватися в?д книжок неможливо. Дуже давно, коли людська раса т?льки обживала ворожий св?т, а маги у сво?х вежах займалися лише високою наукою чар?вництва, було створено г?льд?ю в?дьмак?в — рем?сник?в в?д маг??, яких навчали вбивати темн? породження потойб?ччя: в??в ? в?ппер?в, мантикор ? гул?в, грифон?в ? брукс-вамп?риць. Але з часом страшних почвар меншало, меншало й тих, хто мусив захищати в?д них людей, — ? дедал? част?ше в?дьмакам у спину лет?ли з-за паркан?в прокльони та кам?ння. В?д Яруги до Драконячих г?р мандру? один з останн?х в?дьмак?в — ?еральт ?з Р?в??, зустр?чаючи людей та ?стот, як? чимось дуже нагадують персонаж?в в?домих казок, та намагаючись зрозум?ти, чи залишилося у ньому самому хоч щось в?д людини, чи в?н — т?льки додаток до двох сво?х меч?в: звичайного зал?зного та в?дьмачого, з карбованим рук?в’ям та ср?бним клинком, який колись стане для нього мечем призначення… Mag?ja Andzheja Sapkovs'kogo — u jogo vm?nn? z l?rizmom ? sarkazmom stvoriti ujavnij sv?t, kozhen z meshkanc?v jakogo, kozhne m?sce ? kozhna pod?ja nast?l'ki nagadujut' nam sv?t real'nij, suchasnij, shho v?d?rvatisja v?d knizhok nemozhlivo. Duzhe davno, koli ljuds'ka rasa t?l'ki obzhivala vorozhij sv?t, a magi u svo?h vezhah zajmalisja lishe visokoju naukoju char?vnictva, bulo stvoreno g?l'd?ju v?d'mak?v — rem?snik?v v?d mag??, jakih navchali vbivati temn? porodzhennja potojb?chchja: v??v ? v?pper?v, mantikor ? gul?v, grifon?v ? bruks-vamp?ric'. Ale z chasom strashnih pochvar menshalo, menshalo j tih, hto musiv zahishhati v?d nih ljudej, — ? dedal? chast?she v?d'makam u spinu let?li z-za parkan?v prokl'oni ta kam?nnja. V?d Jarugi do Drakonjachih g?r mandru? odin z ostann?h v?d'mak?v — ?eral't ?z R?v??, zustr?chajuchi ljudej ta ?stot, jak? chimos' duzhe nagadujut' personazh?v v?domih kazok, ta namagajuchis' zrozum?ti, chi zalishilosja u n'omu samomu hoch shhos' v?d ljudini, chi v?n — t?l'ki dodatok do dvoh svo?h mech?v: zvichajnogo zal?znogo ta v?d'machogo, z karbovanim ruk?v’jam ta sr?bnim klinkom, jakij kolis' stane dlja n'ogo mechem priznachennja…

Glock: The World's Handgun
The Glock series of handguns represents one of the greatest steps forward in pistol design since the introduction of the Colt M1911. Inspired by the Austrian Army’s 1980 request for a new sidearm, the Glock Ges.m.b.H. company set to work designing and developing a revolutionary new weapon that combined reliability, firepower, and the latest in material technology. Within two years it had been adopted by the Austrian Army, but such were its qualities that within a decade the handgun was a dominant presence in the global military, law enforcement, and civilian markets. More than 2.5 million Glocks have been sold to date, to more than 50 nations. Glock: The World’s Handgun follows the evolution of the Glock handgun from concept to market leader, and explains each of the many variants and calibers, starting with the original Glock 17 and working through to the latest fourth generation models, including the 9mm Model 19, .40 caliber Model 22., and subcompact Model 26. Illustrated with more than 200 artworks and photographs, Glock: The World’s Handgun is an expertly written account of one of the most influential handguns in the world today.

Always A Soldier: Three Regency Romance Novels
They fought and bled on the battlefields of Europe. Now they’re back in England and facing the greatest challenge of all. Welcome to Regency England, where a rifleman, a cavalry officer, and a reconnaissance scout are about to be ambushed by the thing they least expect: love.This special collection from award-winning author Emily Larkin includes three sexy and romantic full-length novels —?Lady Isabella’s Ogre,?The Spinster’s Secret, and the USA Today bestselling?Trusting Miss Trentham.If you love page-turning historical romances filled with emotion, secrets, and compelling characters, then this collection is for you!Length:?Three Regency romance novels totalling 230,000 wordsSensuality level:?These books contain love scenes ranging in heat from mild to steamy.In addition to the three novels, this collection also contains the first three chapters of?Primrose and the Dreadful Duke.★ ★ ★ ★ ★“Unique and romantic and emotional and simply amazing.”~ NetGalley reviewer (on?Trusting Miss Trentham)★ ★ ★ ★ ★“Straight up touched my heart. It's been a while since I laughed, cried, despaired, and felt one with a character to this extent.”~ Punya Reviews (on?The Spinster’s Secret)★ ★ ★ ★ ★“Clever, romantic, well-paced, and completely enjoyable. A delightful read!”~ Goodreads reviewer (on?Lady Isabella’s Ogre)

The Charlie Davies Mysteries Books 4-6
Charlie Davies is back, and now that she’s a licensed PI there’s no stopping her.?Join Charlie on her mystery-solving adventures in this value-packed, binge-worthy box set!Higher Learning:Charlie Davies is about to face her worst nightmare: she's going back to high school. Following the death of a local schoolgirl, Charlie must go undercover to find out who is dealing drugs to students. Not only does this mean heading back to class, but she must also get to know the girl's friends - who happen to be cheerleaders. Time to break out the pom-poms.Santa’s Little Helper:There's a flashing Santa on the loose, jingling his bells at unsuspecting holiday shoppers. Since Charlie is currently on her boss's naughty list, she must go undercover as an elf to try and track this wayward Santa down. This means that at the jolliest time of year, Charlie will be reunited with her greatest enemy: retail.Undetected:All the signs point to Charlie's big bro, Topher, being back in town. The trouble is, Charlie can't find him - and she's not the only one looking. Even for an amazing PI, this is a tricky case, and Charlie's hardly in the 'amazing' category. With the police searching for her brother, convinced that he's a murderer, Charlie's racing against the clock to find him and help him before he's arrested - or worse. A hilarious sleuthing series for anyone who loves to laugh out loud on their crime-solving adventures. If you enjoy chick-lit murder mysteries with romance and a snarky heroine, give Charlie Davies a try!

First French Reader for Beginners Volume 2: Bilingual for Speakers of English
First French Reader for Beginners Volume 2: Bilingual for Speakers of English

The Lohvian Cycle I: The eleventh Dray Prescot omnibus
On the magnificent and mysterious, beautiful and terrible world of Kregen, a planet orbiting Antares four-hundred light-years from Earth, much may be achieved and much lost. Far more than merely a strong sword arm is required for victory. Far more than a cunning and devious brain is needed to secure success. Having won his princess, Delia of Delphond, Delia of the Blue Mountains, and having become the Emperor of Vallia with Delia at his side as Empress, Dray Prescot has renounced the crown and throne. Any thoughts of a quiet life are foolish, as he well knows. Among the many problems besetting him, the most important are uniting the lands of Paz and beating off the viciously hostile raiders from over the curve of the sea, the feared and hated Shanks. Containing three novels: Scorpio Reborn Scorpio Assassin Scorpio Invasion

Naval Warfare 1914–1918: From Coronel to the Atlantic and Zeebrugge
The struggle for naval supremacy and the naval arms race inspired by HMS Dreadnought may have captured the headlines, but the opening stages of the naval war were dominated by the threat from German cruisers stationed outside European waters, until they were hunted down and sunk by the Royal Navy, notably at the Battle of the Falkland Islands in 1914. Germany switched its focus to the U-boat, seeing it as a weapon capable of winning the war by starving Britain into surrender. Unrestricted submarine warfare led to the sinking of millions of tons of shipping, but it would also force the USA to enter the war on the Allied side in 1917. In the Mediterranean, the French fleet took the lead, while Austria-Hungary supported German actions. The Allied attempt in 1915 to use maritime power to break the strategic deadlock with an amphibious operation in the Dardanelles ultimately failed, although Allied sea power helped sustain the successful campaigns against the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East. What would prove to be the decisive naval engagement of the war took place in 1916 at the Battle of Jutland. Whilst the clash itself was inconclusive, the German High Seas Fleet would be all but confined to port for the rest of the war, handing the initiative to the Royal Navy. The resultant command of the seas allowed the Allies to carry fresh American armies and much-needed supplies to Europe in 1917. However, victory for the Allies was ultimately delivered by the naval economic blockade. By preventing the import of war materials and food, the fighting power and morale of the German armed forces was weakened. It was the mutiny of the High Seas Fleet in October 1918 that prompted the German Revolution and the subsequent abdication of the Kaiser. With the aid of over 300 photographs, complemented by full-colour maps, Naval Warfare provides a detailed guide to the background and conduct of World War I naval operations, describing the struggle to win control of the high seas around the globe.

S?n?tatea mental? a elevului. Ghid pentru personalul didactic
Trei fo?ti ofi?eri CIA, autorit??i interna?ionale ?n detectarea disimul?rii, v? ofer? un set de tehnici accesibile pentru a afla dac? vorbitorul din fa?a voastr? spune sau nu adev?rul. Fie c? realiza?i un interviu de angajare sau o anchet? judiciar?, fie c? vre?i s? afla?i dac? adolescentul vostru a consumat droguri ori dac? partenerul v? ?n?al?, ave?i acum la dispozi?ie un arsenal de ?ntreb?ri ?i tehnici de interpretare care ?i-au dovedit eficien?a chiar ?i ?n fa?a celor mai versa?i spioni ?i terori?ti. Baz?ndu-se pe analize complexe ale unor anchete de contraspionaj sau ale unor interviuri televizate cu politicieni pref?cu?i, cartea v? ?nva?? s? pune?i cele mai percutante ?ntreb?ri ?i s? identifica?i minciuna pornind de la semnele ei verbale (ezit?ri, generaliz?ri, apelul la divinitate) ?i nonverbale (mutarea centrului de sprijin, acoperirea fe?ei cu palma etc.). ?Arta ?n?el?ciunii este tema principal? a acestei c?r?i, care se adreseaz? unui spectru larg de speciali?ti: psihologi, avoca?i, judec?tori, procurori, poli?i?ti, investigatori, oameni de afaceri, oameni de v?nz?ri etc.“ – Ion Duvac, fondator al Psychological Profiler Academy

The Upheaval Series: Books 1-3
Now you can enjoy the full Upheaval Series trilogy at a discounted price. Slow Walk Every journey begins with a need and a single step. SLOW WALK, the first book in the Upheaval series, introduces the reader to a new world where survival often means choosing who deserves to live—and who should die. Edge of Reality Sanity is madness put to good use. George Santayana Book Two of the Upheaval series, EDGE of REALITY takes the reader on an extraordinary and unexpected adventure in a world turned upside down. Solstice Moon Survival can be summed up in three words–Never Give Up. Bear Grylls Book Three of the Upheaval series, SOLSTICE MOON concludes Sydney’s courageous journey, traveling down twisty and challenging paths the reader never imagined.

O inim? de Broscu??. Volumul 8. Simplitatea, cea mai frumoas? lec?ie a vie?ii
Simona Drgan are fora de a supune textele de autoritate asupra crora se apleac unei lecturi personale, “vede“ ideile n intricaia lor originar, le restructureaz n conformitate cu propriul ei scenariu. in sa apreciez faptul c, n ciuda tematicii sale, lucrarea de fa nu este arid, nu sufer (dect n proporii acceptabile) de acea placiditate stilistic, inevitabil analizelor teoretice. Capacitatea de sintez, spiritul critic, precizia terminologic, luciditatea i supleea, calmul operator, toate acestea atest o cert vocaie teoretic“. (Mircea Martin)Cum se ntmpl cnd o ecuaie care a umilit cerbicia multor duzini de matematicieni i afl mintea capabil s-i dea de capt, mprtim n cazul de fa bucuria unei revelaii: pare ca Foucault i consorii, cei ce n loc de scrieri i texte au inventat uzul sofisticat al scriiturii i discursului, au ntlnit n autoarea de fa un autentic partener de dialog. Avem a face cu o lucrare fr caracter compilativ, demonstrnd o amprent personal, o anumit prospeime a observaiei directe, un soi de entuziasm agreabil al dezbaterii de idei, care se transmite i cititorului, smulgndu-l reflexelor lui sceptice ori obosite“. (Paul Cornea)n opinia mea, un merit major al Simonei Drgan este acela de a reui, ntr-o manier indubitabil personal, sa exprime, cu o elegan a claritii ce se remarc de la prima la ultima pagin a lucrrii, unele dintre cele mai complicate, ca sa nu spunem “stufoase“, idei formulate vreodat n perimetrul tiinelor filologice“. (Ciu Dobrescu)

Cea mai norocoas? fat?
n ultimele secole, omenirea a evoluat spectaculos la nivel intelectul i tehnic. Numai c, n planul dezvoltrii emoionale, a rmas cu multe veacuri n urm, susine Fromm. Cum se explic i cum poate fi soluionat acest decalaj socio-istoric dintre minte i inim Fcnd apel la date din istorie, psihologie social i psihanaliz, prezentul volum descrie modul n care destrmarea lumii medievale, cu ierarhiile sale stabile i securizante, a adus lumii occidentale moderne un confort material i o democratizare nesperate, ns cu preul unei anxieti venite din izolarea social, din dezrdcinare. n acest context, fuga de libertate" devine o fals soluie la alienare, prin care omul zilelor noastre e tentat s-i cedeze libertatea unor regimuri autoritariste, care, dei l transform ntr-o marionet, i ofer un sentiment de apartenen i de siguran. Ca antidot la nregimentare i extremism, Fromm mizeaz pe contientizarea resorturilor existenei noastre sociale, proces care ne poate face mai maturi la nivel afectiv i mai autonomi n gndire. Fuga de libertate apare atunci cnd eul se dovedete prea slab - sau prea slbit - pentru a-i mai asuma rspunderea propriilor alegeri, renunnd ca atare la puterea de decizie. Fromm vede n aceast capitulare o trstur inaugural pentru ceea ce el numete caracter autoritar sau sado-masochist. -- Dorin Liviu Btfoi - Romnia literarNumai dac omul va stpni societatea i va subordona angrenajul economic scopurilor fericirii umane, i numai dac va participa activ la procesul social, va putea s nving ceea ce l duce acum la disperare — singurtatea lui i sentimentul de neputin. - Erich Fromm

Acest cantec neimblanzit
Greva foamei, trotuare ocupate de protestatari, prim?rii luate cu asalt. Dar ?i un student care o seduce pe amanta profesorului. Pumni ridica?i, manifeste radicale, acuza?ii scandate contra guvernului. Dar ?i o b?tr?n? furi??ndu-se spre ?nt?lnirea cu iubitul ei. Nunta unor mafio?i, un uciga? cu ?ndoieli, un medic criminal. C??iva pui de g?in? ciugulind ni?te ro?ii. Povestirile lui Dumitru Crudu, scriitor pe deplin consacrat, redau ?ntreaga forfot? a vie?ii de azi, ?ntr un limbaj savuros, cu o verv? inegalabil? ?i cu un umor de cea mai bun? calitate.

tiin?a ?i experien?ele ?n pragul mor?ii.
Rstimp de douzeci de ani, sub egida acestui prestigios Club de Dialog – Ideea European – au fost organizate numeroase dezbateri, turnee, lecturi publice, conferine, ntruniri, simpozioane, att n ar, ct i peste hotare. M refer, n aceast ordine de idei, la Conferinele Modele Europene. Friedrich Nietzsche, Marx i Nietzsche. Vinovai fr vin, Modele europene. Ion Ianoi, Eugen Negrici. Iluziile literaturii romne sau Nicolae Breban. Trdarea criticii (...) in deopotriv la toate. Unele dintre acestea, multe – majoritatea! – au fost gndite de subsemnata mpreun cu romancierul Nicolae Breban, fiind rodul unei prietenii, al unei compliciti de litere rare – a spune, citnd-o de fapt pe Magda Ursache, unice – cum sunt, de pild, dezbaterile dedicate crilor-eveniment: Iluziile literaturii romne de Eugen Negrici i Trdarea criticii de Nicolae Breban, ca s citez exclusiv dou, oprindu-ne aici. Dar, m ntreb, iar i iar, de ce ne-am opri Nu spunea Blaga, oare, ntr-un vers memorabil: Orice nceput se vrea fecund“ Douzeci de ani sunt un nceput!Destinul nostru este literatura, spuneam ani de-a rndul, parafrazndu-l pe Napoleon, repetnd, iar i iar, aceast afirmaie gnomic, nu rareori, c pe o rugciune, ca pe o litanie, cu smerenie, iar, uneori-adeseori, cu spaim, ntruct – iubindu-l atroce pe sihastrul de la Torino, da, pe Nietzsche cel unic, cel hamletian – tiam, da, tiam, cine se joac de-a destinul... devine destin.“ – Aura Christi

This brilliant edition of a timeless story is sure to become the favorite of a generation. Readers young and old will be enchanted by the illustrations of W. H. Thwaite. This is a picture book to treasure.Once upon a time, a rich merchant lived with his daughter. He loved the girl for her beautiful face and her sweet heart. But after his wife died, he decided to marry a second time, and his new wife was selfish and cruel. She had two daughters of her own who were just like her. . . .

Creatorii de manechine
~~30 de povestiri surprinz?toare Jon McGregor, autor distins cu premiul IMPAC Dublin ?i de dou? ori nominalizat la Man Booker Prize, prezint? un ?ndr?zne? volum de povestiri ?cu ?nceputuri r?u prevestitoare ?i urm?ri care ??i dau fiori” (The New York Times). ?n ?inuturile ml??tinoase din Lincolnshire, un comitat din estul Angliei, pericolul se ascunde ?n detalii. Aici, via?a ??i poate schimba cursul ?n orice clip?, din senin. Accentul cade pe lucrurile m?runte, dar evenimentele minore cap?t? propor?ii colosale ?i schimb? pentru totdeauna existen?a fragil? a personajelor. Naratorii acestor ?nt?mpl?ri delicate ?i uimitoare ne povestesc ceea ce cred ei c? este important, ?n vreme ce adev?rul se refugiaz? tocmai ?n ceea ce r?m?ne nespus. Sunt pove?ti despre ?ncurcatele c?i ale izol?rii ?i descoperirii de sine, despre strania leg?tur? dintre mediul de via?? ?i psihicul uman. O t?n?r? vede moartea cu ochii c?nd o c?p???n? de sfecl? ?i p?trunde prin parbriz ?n ma?in?. Un pu?ti d? foc unui hambar ?i un anume domn Davison p??e?te ceva ce nu vom afla niciodat?. Un tat? este arestat c?nd ?ncearc? s?-?i vad? feti?a la serbarea de Cr?ciun. Un b?rbat ?nfrico?at c? va veni o vreme c?nd ploaia nu se va mai opri construie?te o c?s? ?n copac. Un adolescent ucide ?ntr-un accident un b?rbat ap?rut de nic?ieri ?i ?ngroap? cadavrul. Doi muncitori poart? o conversa?ie pe malul lacului, ?n timp ce avioanele de lupt? zboar? deasupra lor preg?tindu-se de r?zboi. ?ie nu ?i s-ar putea ?nt?mpla a?a ceva. Dar uneori se ?nt?mpl?… ?30 de povestiri electrizante.” - New York Times ?O carte plin? de sev?, inventivitate ?i ?ndr?zneal?, care ne asigur? c? proza scurt? nu a murit – este bine-mersi, ?i poate atinge noi culmi.” - The Guardian ?Proza lui McGregor curge ap?s?tor ca ploaia englezeasc?, ?n cel mai bun sens cu putin??. Amplaste ?n estul Angliei, cele 30 de povestiri se ?es ?n jurul ?nt?mpl?rilor nea?teptate, ?ntr-un peisaj sc?ldat ?n lumina rece ?i umed? a dimine?ii. - Library Journal ?Sunt de-a dreptul captivante, surprinz?toare, povestirile acestui autor nominalizat la Man Booker Prize.” Kirkus Reviews De acela?i autor: P?n? ?i c?inii Initial value.

Cei care se ?ntorc
Volumul de fa?? din seria Eminescu, poem cu poem ne dezva?? de toate vechile obiceiuri de interpretare care au prezentat ?n limbaj de lemn poeziile eminesciene. Alex. ?tef?nescu ne face din nou cuno?tin??, de data aceasta ?n cuvinte simple ?i idei proaspete, cu unele dintre cele mai cunoscute poezii din literatura rom?n?. Analiza sa cuprinde observa?ii fresh ?i referin?e culturale pe gustul elevilor, tinerilor ?i iubitorilor de literatur? care (re)descoper? ast?zi crea?ia eminescian?.

Pas?rea Bunului Dumnezeu
O emo?ionant? poveste de dragoste despre o fat? care ?nva?? s? tr?iasc? de la un b?iat care vrea s? moar?. Theodore Finch e fascinat de moarte ?i se g?nde?te ne?ncetat la tot felul de modalit??i ?n care ?i-ar putea pune cap?t zilelor.Violet Markey tr?ie?te pentru viitor, num?r?nd zilele r?mase p?n? la absolvire.Cand Finch ar putea evada at?t din micul ei ora? din Indiana, c?t ?i din suferin?a cople?itoare provocat? de recenta moarte a surorii sale.C?nd Finch ?i Violet se ?nt?lnesc pe marginea clopotni?ei de la ?coal?, nu este foarte limpede cine pe cine salveaz?. Iar c?nd devin parteneri ?ntr-un proiect de descoperire a ?minunilor naturale“ din statul lor, am?ndoi fac descoperiri mult mai importante: Finch poate fi el ?nsu?i numai al?turi de Violet. Iar Violet numai al?turi de Finch poate uita de num?r?toarea zilelor ?i poate ?ncepe s? le tr?iasc?. ?ns?, ?n timp ce lumea lui Violet cre?te, a lui Finch ?ncepe s? scad?. O carte impresionant? despre doi liceeni amuzan?i, fragili ?i suferinzi. -- Entertainment Weekly Multe romane pentru adolescen?i trateaz? teme similare, dar pu?ine o fac ?ntr-o manier? memorabil?. -- Kirkus Reviews Ai terminat Sub aceea?i stea? Po?i ?ncepe acest roman emo?ionant despre o fat? care ??i promite sie?i s? tr?iasc? av?nd un rost, dup? o rela?ie cu un b?iat care pl?nuie?te s?-?i ia via?a. -- SELF Magazine ?M? ?nvelesc ?n pilot? c?t de str?ns pot – astfel ?nc?t nu mai pot z?ri nici camera – ?i m? ?ntind pe spate ?n pat, ca o mumie. Este o modalitate de a conserva c?ldura ?i lumina, ca s? nu mai poat? ie?i iar. ?ntind o m?n? prin deschiz?tur? ?i apuc alt? carte, apoi alta. ?i dac? via?a ar fi a?a? F?cut? numai din p?r?i fericite, niciuna ?ngrozitoare, nici m?car nepl?cut?. ?i dac? ne-ar sta ?n putere s? decup?m r?ul, pur ?i simplu, ?i s? p?str?m doar binele? Asta este ceea ce vreau s? fac pentru Violet – s?-i ofer numai binele, s? o ?in departe de r?u, a?a ?nc?t acel bine s? r?m?n? pentru totdeauna ?mprejurul nostru.“

Ghidul de fertilitate ?i contracep?ie. Clinica Mayo
Specialist ?n domeniul avangardei, scriitorul – extrem de incomod uneori! – Ovidiu Morar, scrie despre scriitorii evrei din Rom?nia ?ntr-un stil incomod, m?nat de un zeu al drept??ii, impar?ial ?i feroce. Cine sunt scriitorii evrei? ?n ce m?sura ei se deosebesc de rom?ni, unguri, francezi, ?i ?n ce m?sur? se aseam?n?? Aceste ?i multe alte ?ntreb?ri mai mult sau mai pu?in comode revin aidoma unui laitmotiv pe parcursul c?r?ii, scrise ?ntr-un stil alert, incitant, cu note v?dit incomode, iar pe aclouri de-a dreptul provocatoare.