Little more than ten years ago drones were barely used, but now more than 50 countries have them in service and they are not only changing how wars are fought but how crops are sprayed, how underwater pipelines are monitored and even how sports events are filmed. If it’s too risky to send a manned aircraft to survey the intensity of a hurricane or a combat zone, or too costly for conservation wardens to chart the movement of wildlife, drones can be used. Used for reconnaissance work and mapping as well as launching missiles, drones can fly autonomously or be controlled by remote control. Peering into a volcano about to erupt, checking how fast a forest fire is spreading, exploring the wreck of a sunken ship, charting your enemy’s position and taking out a military target—these are just some of the uses of drones today. From drones the size of a fingertip to drones that can carry soldiers, from single rotorcraft to multi-rotorcraft to propeller craft drones, Drones expertly examines these complex vehicles, which are not only very different from manned aircraft, but also very different from each other. Illustrated with more than 220 colour photographs and artworks, Drones is an exciting, accessibly written work about the latest in military and civilian aviation technology.

Norse Myths: Viking Legends of Heroes and Gods
The stories of Thor, Odin and Loki are familiar to most of us. Many people know that the Norse gods fought against giants and were ultimately betrayed by Loki the trickster. The end of the world and the death of the gods in a grim battle called Ragnarok has also found its way into popular culture. Ideas taken from Norse mythology are frequently found in modern fantasy and science fiction – such as elves, dwarfs and undead warriors rising from an unquiet grave, for example. Norse mythology is rich in adventure and ideas about creation, death and the afterlife. Norse Myths takes a wide-ranging approach, examining the creation stories of the Norse world, the monsters and the pantheons of the deities, including such figures as Heimdall, Freya and Baldr. It looks at the sagas and the Prose and Poetic Eddas, which tell of real and imagined people, featuring both heroic tales and humorous escapades. The book also examines how Norse myths were interpreted in a Christianized Europe and how their motifs influenced medieval German writers and, in turn, were used in the modern world in very different ways, by the likes of composer Richard Wagner and in the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien. Illustrated with 180 colour and black-&-white artworks and illustrations, Norse Myths is an engaging and highly informative exploration of a rich mythology that still resounds today.

Preparing for ISO Certification Audit – A Plain English Guide
“Before you decide if your company should go for the certification, you have to ask yourself one important question: Do you really need it?” This book is a complete guide that will not only help you decide on this crucial concern, but also lead you from the beginning of the certification project to the end. This book is not focused solely on one ISO standard – the certification process is the same for any standard, so the book is adapted in such a way that it is perfectly acceptable for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 20000, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 13485, and IATF 16949. Kosutic wrote Preparing for ISO Certification Audit: A Plain English Guide primarily for beginners in this field, and for people with moderate knowledge about ISO certification. The book is structured in such a way that someone with no prior experience or knowledge about ISO standards can quickly understand how the whole certification process works, and what steps to take for its successful completion. This book is a straightforward guide for ensuring your company passes the certification audit, leading you through the following steps: The final check before going for the certification – this part of the book explains in detail all the necessary steps that need to be done before going for the certification. How to choose a certification body – here you will learn about the most important criteria for choosing the certification body. Among others, you should consider the reputation, specialization, and experience of a certification body. Steps in the company certification and how to prepare – in this part of the book you will learn more about the Stage 1 audit, Stage 2 audit, and surveillance visits – the three main steps in the certification process. Which questions the certification auditor may ask – this section of the book will give you insight into how the certification auditors usually perform the certification audit, explaining what documentation you should prepare, what evidence the auditor will try to find, and what kind of questions you can expect during the certification interview. How to talk to the auditors to benefit from the audit – “Don't forget that auditors are only people, and no matter how professional they are, they will always be glad if you treat them fairly, and will be negative if you treat them badly.” What the auditor can and cannot do – this section is also very important in order to prepare your company for the certification audit. You have to be aware that there are borders that a certification auditor shouldn’t cross. Written in plain English with easy-to-understand language, this is the only book you will ever need on the subject.?

Managing ISO Documentation – A Plain English Guide
In this book, Dejan Kosutic, author and experienced ISO consultant, is giving away his practical know-how on managing policies, procedures, plans, forms, reports, and other documented information. No matter if you are new or experienced in the field, this book gives you everything you will ever need to learn on how to handle ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 20000, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 13485, AS9100, and IATF 16949 documents. Many ISO practitioners are often disappointed with the quantity and complexity of the documentation. You can frequently hear: “We don’t need these documents – we’re doing just fine without them; this would only be overkill.” “This standard is all about documentation – we simply need to fill out all the documents, and we’ll automatically get the certificate.” “We need to write policies and procedures for each and every process, activity, and control in our company – the more documents, the clearer the rules will be, and it will be easier for us to comply.” This book is here to prove these statements wrong. As Kosutic says: “The main point of the implementation of any standard is that the employees perform their activities and processes in a better way, and the documentation is here to help you do that, because otherwise, their processes and activities would become unmanageable.” Managing ISO Documentation: A Plain English Guide is a step-by-step guide that will explain the sequence of writing the documentation and its relationship with the PDCA cycle, how to decide on your documentation strategy, how to decide which policies and procedures to write, and what might be the most crucial part – how to write documentation that will be accepted by your employees. Written in easy-to-understand language, whether you’re an experienced practitioner or new to the field, Managing ISO Documentation: A Plain English Guide is the only book you’ll ever need on the subject.

Venu-gita: A fuvola dala
Дэн, Эбби и Джордан давно мечтали вместе съездить в Новый Орлеан. Ребята жаждали веселых приключений, но полученное в ?Фейсбуке? сообщение-предупреждение от друга, однажды спасшего им жизни, положило конец веселью – ведь тот погиб год назад… Чем ближе они к встающему из руин после урагана городу, тем сильнее становится ощущение опасности. За ними следит странный черный мотоциклист. Дэн понимает, что навлек на себя и друзей смертельную опасность, но именно сейчас он приблизился к разгадке гибели родителей. Djen, Jebbi i Dzhordan davno mechtali vmeste s#ezdit' v Novyj Orlean. Rebjata zhazhdali veselyh prikljuchenij, no poluchennoe v ?Fejsbuke? soobshhenie-preduprezhdenie ot druga, odnazhdy spasshego im zhizni, polozhilo konec vesel'ju – ved' tot pogib god nazad… Chem blizhe oni k vstajushhemu iz ruin posle uragana gorodu, tem sil'nee stanovitsja oshhushhenie opasnosti. Za nimi sledit strannyj chernyj motociklist. Djen ponimaet, chto navlek na sebja i druzej smertel'nuju opasnost', no imenno sejchas on priblizilsja k razgadke gibeli roditelej.

A nulladik nap
A nulladik nap

?va három lánya
va három lánya

Gyermekkor a vásznakon: A dualizmus kori gyermekszemlélet az alf?ldi iskola fest
Luke Livingstone szerencsés ember: nagyszer? férj, gondos családapa, sikeres ügyvéd, a társadalom megbecsült tagja. Házassága irigylésre méltóan szép és a Londonhoz k?zeli családi háza maga a nyugalom szigete. Pedig Luke hatalmas titkot rejteget. Az évek múlásával egyre képtelenebb elviselni a terhet, és egy napon úgy d?nt, bevallja a családjának: amióta az eszét tudja, mindig n?nek érezte magát. A hátralev? éveit nem szeretné továbbra is úgy élni, ahogy azt mások elvárják t?le. Lehet-e eltemetni valakit, ha nem halt meg, csak ezután másképp él k?ztünk? Mit szól Luke átváltozásához a feleség, a gyerekek, a kollégák? Ki marad mellette és ki fordul el t?le? Charity Norman új-zélandi írón?t úgy emlegetik, mint Jodi Picoult méltó vetélytársát. Felkavaró és elgondolkodtató regényei mélyen emberi témákat feszegetnek nagyon olvasmányos stílusban. Olyan kérdéseket szegez az olvasóknak, amelyekre nincsenek egyértelm? válaszok.

Climate Change and Disaster Management
This book makes the case that many climate related scientists have provided data that confirm that burning fossil fuels has increased greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, which has had a major impact on climate change. Each of the six chapters provides many references and questions for review. The first chapter emphasizes worldwide awareness of the relationship between climate change and disasters in the Asia Pacific region. The following chapters cover such topics as climate change mitigation measures by government and the relationship between climate change and disaster preparedness, response, and recovery, the role of EPA and FEMA, actions taken by the Asian Bank and the probable future impact of climate change on mass migrations in the future.

Povestea fetitei pierdute
Una dintre cele mai mari romanciere contemporane" -The New York Times Book Review Odat cu acest ultim volum remarcabil alTetralogiei Napolitane, Elena Ferrante transform povestea despre Lila i Elena ntr-o epopee extraordinar care se ntinde de-a lungul a ase decenii i se constituie ntr-un portret al unui cartier, al unui ora n tranziie i al unei ri ce-i croiete drum cu greu prin prima jumtate a secolului XX. -The New York Times nPovestea fetiei pierdute, Elena Lila au ajuns acum la vrsta maturitii; amndou au avut parte att de mpliniri, ct i de eecuri. Dincolo de toate, prietenia lor a rmas punctul n jurul cruia le graviteaz vieile.Au luptat s scape de cartierul srccios din Napoli n care au crescut. Elena s-a cstorit, s-a mutat la Florena i a publicat cteva cri bine primite. n acest ultim volum al tetralogiei, asistnd neputincioas la disoluia lumii pe care i-a creat-o, decide s se ntoarc la Napoli. Lila, de pe alt parte, n-a reuit niciodat s se ndeprteze de oraul copilriei. A nceput o afacere de succes, dar asta a adus-o mai aproape de conflictele violente din snul comunitii mcinate de ur, ovinism i agresivitate.Cele dou eroine se atrag, se resping, se influeneaz reciproc, se ndeprteaz i apoi se regsesc, se invidiaz i se admir la nesfrit. Viaa le supune la noi provocri, dar Lila i Elena descoper, fiecare n ea nsi, dar i n cealalt, fora necesar pentru a merge mai departe.Pe fundalul unui Napoli pe ct de seductor, pe att de periculos i al unei lumi aflate ntr-o transformare radical, povestea prieteniei de o via dintre cele dou protagoniste este spus cu un talent i o sinceritate inegalabile. Cele patru volume constituie o saga impresionant la care simi nevoia s te ntorci i care i aduce noi revelaii de fiecare dat.Acest remarcabil ultim volum confirm faptul cTetralogia Napolitaneste capodopera Elenei Ferrante. -Publishers Weekly RomaneleTetralogiei Napolitanesunt construite pe mai multe planuri, iar Ferrante mbin perfect felul de a povesti cu efectele stilistice cu totul speciale. -The Independent Elena Ferrante este pseudonimul unei romanciere italiene. A publicat ase cri, printre careL’amore molesto (dup care Mario Martone a fcut un film omonim) iZilele regsirii mele, descris ca rvitoare" deNew York Timesi ecranizat de Roberto Faenza.La Pandora M au aprut primele dou romane ale Tetralogiei Napolitane:Prietena mea genialiPovestea noului nume.Toat lumea ar trebui s citeasc orice poart semntura Elenei Ferrante.The Boston GlobePersonajele feminine ale Elenei Ferrante sunt autentice opere de art.El País

The Abilities: Realize the Power Within You
The Abilities: Realize the Power Within You

What the Mountains Know: Life, Unstuck
What the Mountains Know: Life, Unstuck

The Complete Where Dreams - Volume 2 of 2
The Complete Where Dreams - Volume 2 of 2

The Night Stalkers White House - Books 1-3
The Night Stalkers White House - Books 1-3

Just a Book of Limericks
Just a Book of Limericks

The Delian Cycle: The first Dray Prescot omnibus
The first five books in the Saga of Dray Prescot of Earth and of Kregen are brought together in this omnibus edition. Together, they make up the Delian Cycle, in which Dray Prescot comes to terms with the alien world of Kregen. Here he tries to make sense of his situation: the Star Lords, the Savanti, the marvelous places, strange beasts and stranger people. And here he pursues his greatest love of two worlds, Delia of the Blue Mountains. Dray Prescot's saga has been aclaimed as the best planetary adventure series since Burroughs stopped writing about Barsoom. This edition contains a map and glossary.

Colonial Tales: The Confines of the Shadow – Volume II
Set in the inter-war period, between the late 1920s, when Italy began solidifying its power in its new Libyan colony, and the end of World War II, when control of the country passed into British hands. Spina's chief subjects in these stories are Italian military officers who idle their time away at their club or exploring the strange lands where they have been posted, always at odds between the jingoistic education they received at home and the lessons they've learned during their time in Libya. These short stories map the transformation of the Libyan city of Benghazi from a sleepy Ottoman backwater in the 1910s to the second capital of an oil-rich kingdom in the 1960s. Employing a cosmopolitan array of characters, ranging from Ottoman functionaries, to Sanussi aristocrats and Italian officers, Spina chronicles Italy's colonial experience from the euphoria of conquest - giving us a front row seat to the rise and subsequent fall of Fascism in the aftermath of World War II - to the country's independence in the 1950s. Spina continues his narrative with the discovery of Libya's vast oil and gas reserves, which triggered the tumultuous changes that led to Muammar Gaddafi's forty-two-year dictatorship.

The Falcon File: Containing The Fuehrermaster, The Filberg Consortium, and Foo F
The intelligence war in Europe during WWII opens the eyes of young American intelligence officer Wesley Hollinger. He does not like what he sees... The Fuehrermaster Spring, 1941. Britain's Prime Minister Winston Churchill is on the verge of being overthrown by an English lobby group of Nazi appeasers who plan to sign a secret pact with Nazi Fuehrer Adolf Hitler to end the war in Europe. Hitler gets wind of the overthrow. He feels that the British group are ready to cut a deal on his terms, and that only one man--his deputy Rudolf Hess--could pull it off for the Fatherland. Through secret channels, Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler--who has his own ambitions to be Fuehrer--finds out what Hess and Hitler are attempting. Across the channel, Churchill's group is ready. Young hot-shot American intelligence agent, Wesley Hollinger, on loan to the British Secret Service, uncovers Heinrich Himmler's plan to eliminate Hess and plant an imposter... The Filberg Consortium It is late 1941. America has yet to enter the war. A German agent secretly lands in Great Britain with orders from Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler and financed by I.S. Filberg, the huge German industrial cartel, to identify and kill the prisoner called Rudolf Hess. Meanwhile, in London, American agent Wesley Hollinger discovers a crucial missing section to the first Hess peace papers found near the crash site in Scotland. The paperwork itemizes sensitive Wall Street loans to Nazi war factories -- deals arranged by I.S. Filberg. Hollinger doesn't know who to turn to -- his adopted England or his home country. And thousands of miles away in the Pacific a heavily-armed Japanese Task Force is heading towards Pearl Harbor... Foo Fighters It is early 1945 and Germany is losing the war. The Russians, the Americans, and the British are closing in on Berlin and Hitler's bunker. In this startling end-of-the-war tale two high-ranking Nazi officials, Martin Bormann and Hermann Goering, are collaborating with Wesley Hollinger and the American OSS for free passage out of Germany in exchange for blueprints to advanced German technology -- jet fighters, rockets, missiles and early flying saucers, nicknamed "Foo Fighters". The Americans are desperate to keep the Foo Fighter blueprints from reaching Russian and British hands. Wesley Hollinger of the OSS soon realizes what World War Two is really all about -- power, money, and politics.

SS-Totenkopf: The History of the 'Death's Head' Division 1940–46
The divisions of the Waffen-SS were the e?lite of Hitler’s armies in World War II. SS-Totenkopf is an in-depth examination of one of the most famous – or rather, infamous – of these divisions: the ‘Death’s Head’ division. The book explores the background to the unit’s formation from the early concentration camp guards; the men it recruited and the level of brutalisation to which they became accustomed; the key figures involved in its history, such as Theodor Eicke, its founding commanding officer; and the division’s organization. It also looks at the training regimen of the Waffen-SS, and the uniforms and insignia that members of the division wore. SS-Totenkopf also provides a full combat record of the division, which fought on both fronts during World War II, increasingly serving as a ‘fire brigade’ unit as the war turned against Germany, plugging gaps wherever they appeared in the front. The book outlines the unit’s involvement in the invasion of Poland, the fall of France, the invasion of the Soviet Union, the battle of Kharkov, the defence of Warsaw, and the final fruitless attempt to relieve Budapest in the last days of the Reich. Illustrated with rare photographs and written by an acknowledged expert, SS-Totenkopf is a definitive history of one of Germany’s leading fighting units of World War II.

Berlin 1945: The Final Reckoning
In April 1945, the final dramatic act of World War II in Europe was played out in Germanys capital city. Berlin 1945: The Final Reckoning is a comprehensive history of the last battle of Nazi Germany, which would see the virtual destruction of a city, and the eventual suicide of Adolf Hitler. Berlin 1945: The Final Reckoning begins with a study of the background to the battle and a description of events on the Eastern and Western Fronts before the Soviet forces reached Berlin. The city’s strategic importance to the German war effort and morale is considered, along with factors that caused the Western Allies to halt their advance on the Elbe rather than race the Soviet troops to the Reichstag. The German forces available for Berlin’s defence and their actual defensive preparations (or lack of them) are covered in depth, as is the devastating destruction caused by the ceaseless Allied bombing and remorseless shelling by the Soviet forces. The book describes in words and graphic pictures how, in a city reduced to rubble, a bitter hand-to-hand struggle developed between fanatical Nazis, SS troopers, old men and young boys of the Hitler Youth and the hard-bitten Soviet front-line troops bent on revenge. The suffering of the soldiers and civilians are revealed in full detail, with personal accounts from those involved in the battle. The book also describes the events in the bunker behind the Reichschancellery, where Hitler spent his last months. Finally the reader learns how German commanders disobey the Fuhrer’s orders to fight to the last man, and the fate of the city was sealed. The final chapter discusses the full implications of the battle for the Germans and Soviets, and briefly describes the search for Hitler’s body. Berlin 1945: The Final Reckoning is a brilliant, superbly illustrated account of the battle that ended the Nazi dream of a 100-year Reich.

The Balintol Cycle I: The thirteenth Dray Prescot omnibus
Dray Prescot begins an entirely new phase of his adventures on Kregen, that magnificent and terrible world four hundred light years from Earth. Reared in the harsh conditions of Nelson's Navy, Dray Prescot failed to find success on Earth but has succeeded in winning fortune on Kregen. He is called the Emperor of Emperors, the Emperor of Paz, but he himself regards these titles as meaningless. Paz is a vast grouping of continents and islands and is inhabited by innumerable races and nations, so why should they band together under Prescot? The Star Lords themselves have chosen him for this heavy task. Intrigue of Antares In this, the first book of the Balintol cycle, the Star Lords have dispatched Dray Prescot to the town of Amintin in the continent of Balintol. Under the streaming mingled lights of the Suns of Scorpio, Dray Prescot sets forth on new adventures in the subcontinent of Balintol. Gangs of Antares All hell was due to break out in the country of Tolindrin, and the city of Oxonium, as the capital, was likely to receive more than its fair share. Dray Prescot is in the middle of it, and strangeness unlike any that he has previously encountered awaits him... Demons of Antares Dray Prescot's task of uniting the disparate countries so that all Paz can defend itself against the predatory, fish-headed Shanks from the other side of the world is complicated. And the megalomaniac desires of certain princes and nobles who are determined to win the crown of Tolindrin for themselves, and who are willing to destroy anyone who gets in their way, isn't helping. They have hired mercenary armies and allied themselves with the traditional enemies of the country. Prescot must travel to Prebaya, the capital of Caneldrin, and use all his strengths and all his scheming and tricks to achieve his goal with as little bloodshed as possible...