Secrets:A Story of Addiction, Grief & Healing:A Story of Addiction, Grief & Heal
Introduction to Secrets: A Story of Addiction, Grief & Healing ? Highly educated individuals with doctorates publish papers full of information, facts, and figures, explaining reasons for addiction. It is often good information extensively researched and properly cited. I do not have a Ph.D. or a doctorate. I am simply one who loves to teach, write, and more importantly, a mom who loves her family. I majored in motherhood. I minored in English. ? Sadly, I lost something most dear to my heart, my daughter’s voice. I only hear her voice as echoes in my mind, and as I read her journals. Her journals are full of her—her voice, worries, goals, sadness, hopes, desires, disappointments, happiness and love. Her writing identified her feelings, but they do not clearly define her as a person because her life was so much more. How to define, articulate her essence, her multi-dimensional personality? ??????????? In writing this story, I used words and prose that allow the reader to peer into the looking glass, perhaps to see beyond themselves to what lurks in the background of the human soul. How special each of us really is. We all deserve to be loved and to be recognized for the good we do, for the difference we make by just being. ? The writing of this story has been incredibly difficult. I was told that I was terribly hard on myself. Well, the truth is not always pretty. But accepting the truth as a means to better understand one’s environment and to move forward can be healing. It is not easy. Healing takes time. It can be painful. It is often long and arduous. Sometimes, the nearly healed wound is reinjured, the scab is torn loose, exposing the tender flesh beneath. It may ooze again for a time, but then the healing begins again. Grief can be like that. A year has passed; a year of grief, healing, learning, better understanding addiction. ? The road leading to addiction and the reasons one succumbs to substance use disorder is long and winding. Addiction is complex and those who struggle with it usually face other mental health challenges too. They struggle with loss, loneliness, pain, and emptiness. They long for fulfillment. They feel misunderstood, misjudged, stigmatized, unloved. These voids must be filled. The human spirit demands it. ? Society is quick to formulate judgments toward those struggling with addiction. However, is addiction a choice? Is mental illness a choice? Everyone’s story is different. I can only share mine. The effects of addiction ripple out, washing over everyone in some manner or form. Like many, I originally thought substance use was a choice, a deficit in one’s moral code, a weakness that one should be able to control. Why must tragedy occur to inspire illumination? ? As I began to write, my inner eye became focused, intent on rediscovering Sarah. The Sarah I knew as a child had long ago morphed into an adult I did not recognize or understand. I blamed myself. Where did I go wrong? In how many ways did we fail her as her parents? I wanted to understand. Will sharing my story allow others to more easily identify the symptoms of addiction and to recognize addiction as a disease? I hope so. That is why I am breaking the silence, using Sarah’s voice, as well as my own with a clear objective: To de-stigmatize addiction. ? Can we work towards removing the fear and the terrifying stigmatization attached to addiction and try something different? Let us direct positive energies toward these struggling souls. Rather than projecting fear and judgment, what would happen if society projected understanding, empathy, compassion, and acceptance? Acceptance that they have an illness, not just addiction, but often, buried beneath the surface, acute sadness, and unresolved conflict. ? As society begins to remove the stigma of addiction, boundaries to seeking recovery will lessen, improving the odds of recovery, decreasing the risk of death by overdose. Sarah’s death must not be an ending—let it be a beginning towards understanding, acceptance, and empathy.

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Psihologia manipul?rii
Toate raionamentele brbailor nu cost nici mcar un sentiment al femeilor.“ – VoltairePractici eficiente de pick-up. nceptor Fii pe faz! Urmeaz cursul de iniiere n ale pick-up-ului.Primo. Cine eti i doreti ceva i chiar obii sau doar visezi i colectezi frustrriSecundo. Ce tii s faci Procedee, tehnici i metode... Te tenteaz Citete.Tero. Rezultatul ine minte, rezultatul nu poate fi dect unul de succes.Pick-up – un model de comportament al omului de succes, dar i o abordare bine gndit a comunicrii cu persoanele de sex opus i seducerea lor. Pentru aceasta ai nevoie de un maxim de informaie util i dexteritate.Probabil aceast carte te va supra. Poate c te va face s te dezamgeti. Probabil c vei pierde cele mai dragi iluzii. Cu siguran te vei indispune, vei fi suprat, te vei nfuria sau vei rde. Nu este exclus c te vei cstori sau poate c invers, vei divora, citind-o. Aa c, nainte de a da pagina, gndete-te bine, poate ca nu merit s tii attea lucruri despre brbai.n aceast carte brbatul apare exact aa cum este n realitate. Iar aceasta privelite nu este pentru cei cu psihicul slab. Anume din aceast cauz i mai repet: dac ii la iluziile tale, dac vrei n continuare s crezi c brbaii sunt nite copii mari, renun la aceast carte. F acelai lucru, dac eti convins c i cunoti pe brbai.Brbatul ideal nu bea, nu fumeaz, nu pariaz la curse, niciodat nu face reprouri i nu exist.

G?ndirea ?nceat?
Povestiri de p?n? azi adun? ?ntre coper?ile sale povestirile c?rtur?re?ti ?i parabolice, cumva borgesiene, din Semnele timpului, volumul de debut al autorului, cu cele explod?nd ?realist“, infuzate de senzualitate ?i sexualitate, din Check Point Charlie, c?rora se adaug? c?teva nara?iuni inedite, care anun?? – poate prefa?eaz? – romanele cosmopolite cu care Liviu Antonesei ?amenin??“ de mai mul?i ani. Indiferent ?ns? de stil, tematic?, viziune ori inten?ii viitoare, toate au poveste, toate te ?in, p?n? la ultima pagin?, cu sufletul la gur? pe parcursul lecturii. F?r? a fi poli?iste, se citesc ca un thriller de bun? calitate.

Iluzia iubirii. De ce se ?ntoarce femeia maltratat? la agresorul s?u
Hogyan lesz a bácskai f?ldesúr fiából a cigányok bárója, hogyan találja meg az apja által elrejtett mérhetetlen kincsen kívül a boldogságot is egy gy?ny?r? t?r?k lány oldalán? – ezt meséli el Jókai ebben a kisregényében, amelyet a bel?le készült operett tett világhír?vé.

Celtic Legends: Heroes and Warriors, Myths and Monsters
From around 750BC to 12BC, the Celts were the most powerful people in central and northern Europe. With the expansion of the Roman Empire and the later Christianization of these lands, they were pushed to the fringes of north-western Spain, France and the British Isles. But there the mythology of these peoples held strong. The tales from Celtic myth were noted down and also absorbed into other cultures. From Roman and Christian scribes we know of characters like Morrigan the shape-shifting queen, who could change herself from a crow to a wolf, Cu Chulainn, who, mortally wounded in battle, tied himself with his own intestines to a rock so that he’d die standing up, and the Cauldron of Bran, which could restore life. Other than being fascinating in their own right, Celtic legends are of interest for the influence they had over subsequent mythologies. The story of the Holy Grail first appears in medieval romances but its antecedents can be found in the Celtic tale, the Mabinogion. Illustrated with more than 180 colour and black-and-white artworks and photographs and maps, Celtic Legends is an expertly written account of the mythological tales that both fascinate us and influence other writings.

Preparations for the ISO Implementation Project – A Plain English Guide
“There are many misconceptions about ISO standards that very often do not allow the standard to become a serious candidate for consideration, let alone for the actual implementation.” In this book, Dejan Kosutic, author and experienced ISO consultant, is giving away his practical know-how on preparing for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 20000, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 13485, AS9100, and IATF 16949 implementation. No matter if you are new or experienced in the field, this book gives you everything you will ever need to learn about preparations for ISO implementation projects, and how to avoid some costly mistakes in the process. The first step that is crucial to any ISO implementation project is to convince your top management to implement the ISO standard, and in order to do so, you have to speak the language they want to hear. As Kosutic says: “What management wants to hear are profit, market share, client satisfaction, cost cutting, business strategy, and business risks. And you can't blame them – after all, this is what their job is all about.” Starting from that step, Preparations for the ISO Implementation Project: A Plain English Guide will cover other important steps your organization must take in order to be completely prepared for the implementation of any ISO standard. Among other important things, you will learn how to choose a consultant, how to set up the project management structure, and what tools and templates can help you in the implementation project. Written in easy-to-understand language, this book is written for people who are going for an ISO implementation for the first time and need clear guidance on what to do before the project starts. Whether you’re an experienced practitioner or new to the field, it’s the only book you’ll ever need on the subject.