Career 3.0: Practical Career Planning Advice to Find your Dream Job in Today's D
Career 3.0: Practical Career Planning Advice to Find your Dream Job in Today's Digital World

De uren van de rat: Luce's Gezelschap
De uren van de rat: Luce's Gezelschap

De Terugkeer Van De Prinses: Saga Van De Twee Prinsessen 3
De Terugkeer Van De Prinses: Saga Van De Twee Prinsessen 3

A Kenyérkeres?k embersége: ?sszegy?jt?tt novellák
A Kenyérkeres?k embersége: ?sszegy?jt?tt novellák

Startup Syndicate Investment Playbook
Startup Syndicate Investment Playbook

Op kot met Jentel In het derde jaar: Op Kot 3
Op kot met Jentel In het derde jaar: Op Kot 3

The Prophet of Paradise
The Prophet of Paradise

The Illustrated History of World War I
The first truly total war, the ‘war to end all wars’, shocked the world with its scale and brutality. Men from both sides went to war in August 1914 expecting to be home by Christmas, but on the Western and Italian Fronts troops became locked in a grim stalemate of trench warfare. For the first time, advances in both agricultural and industrial production had made it possible to equip and sustain mass armies for years in the field. The Illustrated History of World War I describes a conflict that began with a naval arms race in the early 1900s, and ended in 1918 with the deaths of nearly 23 million soldiers of all nations. As many more would die in the influenza pandemic that raged after the fighting had ceased. The war brought great social, political and military change. The innocence of the Victorian world was gone, replaced by an era of uncertainty. With the aid of more than 250 black-and-white photographs and full-colour artworks, The Illustrated History of World War I recreates the battles and campaigns that raged across the surface of the globe, on land, at sea and in the air. Including full colour maps of specific actions and campaigns and feature boxes explaining important events and personalities involved in the conflict, The Illustrated History of World War I provides a graphic and compelling account of the first truly modern war.

The World's Greatest Military Aircraft: An Illustrated History
Ever since man first took to the air, combat aircraft have been at the cutting edge of aviation technology, resulting in some of the greatest and most complex designs ever built. The World’s Greatest Military Aircraft features 52 of the most important military aircraft of the last hundred years. The book includes all the main types, from biplane fighters and carrier aircraft to tactical bombers, transport aircraft, multirole fighters, strategic strike aircraft and stealth bombers. Featured aircraft include: the Fokker Dr.1 triplane, the legendary fighter flown by German flying ace Manfred von Richthofen, ‘the Red Baron’, during World War I; the Mitsubishi A6M Zero, Japan’s highly-manoeuvrable fighter that dominated air-to-air combat in the early part of the Pacific War; the tank-busting Il-2 Shturmovik, the most produced aircraft in World War II; the Harrier jump jet, a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) fighter that has been service for more than 40 years; the B-2 Spirit bomber, an American precision strike aircraft used in recent conflicts in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan; and the F-22 Raptor, an air superiority fighter with state-of-the-art stealth technology that makes it almost invisible to radars. Each entry includes a brief description of the model’s development and history, a profile view, key features and specifications. Packed with more than 200 artworks and photographs, The World’s Greatest Military Aircraft is a colourful guide for the military aviation enthusiast.

The Viking Warrior: The Norse Raiders Who Terrorized Medieval Europe
"…and they laid all waste with dreadful havoc, trod with unhallowed feet the holy places, dug up the altars, and carried off all the treasures of the holy church. Some of the brethren they killed; some they carried off in chains; many they cast out, naked and loaded with insults; some they drowned in the sea." —Simeon of Durham, A History of the Community of Durham Beginning in 789 CE, the Vikings raided monasteries, sacked settlements and invaded the Atlantic coast of Europe and the British Isles. They looted and enslaved their enemies, terrorizing all whom they encountered. But that is only part of their story. Sailing their famous longboats, they discovered Iceland and North America, colonised Greenland, founded Dublin, and also sailed up the River Seine and besieged Paris. They settled from Newfoundland to Russia, conquered eastern England, and fought battles from Ireland to the Caspian Sea. They traded walruses with Inuits, brought Russian furs to Western Europe and took European slaves to Constantinople. Their graves contain Arab silver, Byzantine silks and Frankish weapons and artefacts. Illustrated with more than 200 maps, photographs and artworks, The Viking Warrior examines these fearsome warriors through their origins, social structure, raiding culture, weapons, trading networks and settlements.

Day Of Reckoning
Day Of Reckoning: A uplifting compilation with a protagonist Head Coach of the California Pirates expansion team in pro football.? Chaz Wellington; the architect of a team in the American Conferences West division. Wellington drafts from the State schools across the 53 man roster. Powerful rhetoric delivered by Chaz when psyches up his athletes come game day. Action packed throughout, where covers job losses in manufacturing, a large part of the fan base. Wellington an Icon to the poor to middle classes of stratification based on his aid to those who had their work outsourced.? A must read for the athletes derived from the public schools.

The Promise of the Tea-Gods
THE PROMISE OF THE TEA-GODS BY H. K. O'HARA: A MEGA-NOVEL INSPIRED BY A TRUE EVENT IN THE AUTHOR'S LIFE Her crime was sending him a birthday card, and Kim Soo-kang—a well-known South Korean ballad singer—didn't think twice about deleting her from his friends list. After all, he didn't really know her, so she didn't really matter—she was just-another-nobody trying to be somebody by way of being a nuisance. Being deleted because of a small gesture of kindness might make a girl cry. But she wasn't a girl, she was a woman with a rare gift—the American poet, K, who always found something beautiful among the sharp stones and dark sounds of that other world. The world where men who live in golden cages often sing the saddest songs. And just when Soo-kang's life hits an unbearably lonely note, she arrives in South Korea, looks into his eyes, smiles, and touches his hand—a touch that makes his soul sing. And then the secrets start to unfold. Big Secrets. Secrets that multiply at the speed of light. ***A TRANSCENDENTAL LOVE STORY, this metaphysical mega-novel sparkles with mystery, empowering messages, a touch of magic, and a romance that spans thousands of lifetimes… "This is a BIG book in so many ways and I loved it. I got to stay and visit with the characters for more than a two-day read and that alone was special. There are so many eye-opening life lessons here and H. K. O'Hara is an incredibly talented writer. This is a gift!" —Barbara (5-star review) "I LOVED reading this book! It is beautifully written and so uplifting and inspiring. I couldn't put it down!" —J. Shields (Facebook review) "AN UPLIFTING LOVE STORY… Beautifully written and touching." —Marilyn (5-star review) "I really enjoyed all the mystical aspects of this book. The descriptions of energies, what's beyond this one life, and how our fates can be tied together really give the reader a lot to think about." —Online Book Club Review "H. K. O'Hara writes with the touch of an artist, the voice of an orator, and the wisdom of a sage." —John Harricharan, Bestselling Author

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator: Updated & Revised
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is a fictionalized story based on the trading career of Jesse Livermore. It follows his journey from the age of 15 when he made his first $1,000 to becoming a Wall Street legend. See how he learned the ins and outs of trading the hard way while losing his fortune and then making it all back. Decades after its original publication, readers are still getting tremendous value from Livermore's experience. Contains timeless investment wisdom.

S? nu te ?ntorci niciodat?!
Cherry: Ochi migdala?i fermec?tori, piele de culoarea cafelei cu lapte, imagina?ie debordant?, umor ?i reac?ii imprevizibile...Via?a lui Cherry e pe cale s? se schimbe pentru totdeauna. ?mpreun? cu tat?l ei, se mut? la Somerset, unde o mam? nou? ?i patru surori noi – nou?e ?i a?teapt?. Acolo vor s? realizeze proiectul la care au visat dintotdeauna: o afacere cu ciocolat?.Dar prima zi petrecu t? la Somerset ?i ofer? lui Cherry o surpriz?: fermec?torul Shay Fletcher o vr?je?te pe loc. O singur? problem?: Shay are deja o iubit?... Honey, noua sor? vitreg? a lui Cherry.Cherry ?tie foarte bine c? prietenia ei cu Shay e periculoas?. Dar asta nu ?nseamn? c? poate sta departe de el...?Emo?ionant, tandru ?i de neuitat.“ - The GuardianSeria Clubul fetelor dependente de ciocolat?are ?n distribu?ie surori rebele, b?ie?i supercool ?i una dintre marile iubiri ale lui Cathy – ciocolata.

Lupul ro?u
Audrey s-a ?nconjurat mereu de c?r?i ?i muzic?, filosofie ?i visuri. E ceea ce o deosebe?te de fiin?ele Echo, ni?te ma?in?rii misterioase, lipsite de emo?ii, alc?tuite ?n a?a fel ?nc?t s? semene cu fiin?ele omene?ti ?i s? serveasc? st?p?nilor umani. DANIEL e un Echo – dar e diferit de cei din specia lui. Simte o puternic? leg?tur? cu Audrey; un sentiment pe care n-a fost programat s?-l aib? ?i pe care nu ?i-l poate explica. Dar e hot?r?t s? ?ncerce. O poveste zguduitoare despre iubire, pierdere ?i ceea ce ne face cu adev?rat umani. Excelent... foarte omenesc ?i sensibil. –Patrick Ness Minunat de amuzant, inventiv si captivant. –The Times O poveste extraordinar?, de citit dintr-o suflare. The Sun ?Noi urma s? fim o lume a noastr?, un univers ?n doi, ?i asta era bine. De fapt, era incomparabil mai bine dec?t un univers al unuia singur. Ea ?nsemna totul. Ea ?nsemna speran??, team?, iubire ?i durere. Ea era c?t se poate de vie. Iar a fi viu ?nseamn? a avea posibilit??i ?i incertitudini. Via?a este ceva ira?ional, iar ira?ionalul nu poate fi cartografiat. De aceea, ?n fiecare via?? — ?n fiecare via?? adev?rat? — exist? o ?ncreng?tur? de alte vie?i, ca ?n gr?dina potecilor ce se bifurc? despre care citisem c?ndva. S? iube?ti pe cineva este un proces prin care ?l aju?i pe cel?lalt s? g?seasc? cea mai bun? variant? dintre vie?ile posibile ?i s? o tr?iasc?.“

A holdsarló fénye: A teljes t?rténet
Trez "Latimer" valójában nem létezik. ?rnyékként él és dolgozik az emberi világban ezzel a kitalált személyazonossággal. Kisgyermekként a szülei eladták a S'Hisbe faj királyn?jének, Trez viszont elsz?k?tt, és bártulajdonosként évek óta a New York állambeli Caldwellben él. A szexrabszolgaság el?l menekült el, amire a királyn? kényszeríteni akarta. Soha senkire sem tudott igazán támaszkodni... csak ikertestvérére, iAmre. iAmet mindig is egyetlen cél vezérelte, megóvni testvérét az ?npusztítástól. Már úgy érzi, hogy kudarcot vallott, amikor Trez életében megjelenik a kiválasztott Selena. Ekkor azonban már túl kés?. Elérkezett az id?, hogy Trez teljesítse a k?telességét, és n?ül vegye a királyn? lányát. Nincs menekvés, nem tehet semmit, hogy elkerülje. Csapdába esve a szíve vágya és a kéretlen sors k?z?tt Treznek el kell d?ntenie, hogy bajba sodorja-e saját magát és másokat... vagy ?r?kre hátat fordít a n?nek, akit szeret. Ekkor azonban váratlan tragédia t?rténik, amely mindent megváltoztat. Az érzelmileg mélypontra került Treznek muszáj újra életcélt találnia, kül?nben ?r?kre elveszíti ?nmagát és a lelkét. iAm pedig, a testvéri szeretet nevében, arra készül, hogy meghozza a legnagyobb áldozatot... J. R. Ward neve fogalom a vámpírt?rténetek rajongóinak k?rében. Akit egyszer rabul ejtett káprázatos, rémséges, baljós és szenvedélyes világa, az odaadó híve és olvasója marad. A K?nyvjelz? magazin 2015. novemberi számában megjelent cikk: Vér dupla whiskeyvel

Ve?nic t?n?r. Nutrigenomica: solu?ia pentru o s?n?tate radiant? la orice v?rst?
Dac vei citi aceast carte, vei realiza c i-ai ratat adolescena. Fragmente din manuscris au circulat prin cminele studeneti din Cluj i au destrmat mai multe cupluri dect vacanele de var: fetele i doreau s fie iubite precum Roxana, clasicele suc i film ncetnd brusc s nsemne ceva. Nu citi aceast carte! Dar cumpr-o, ca s-l fereti i pe altul de ea.“ – Sorin-Mihai Gradn tririle autorului, Roxana pare o himer. Roxana este experiena trit de toi n spiritul adolescenei. mprtit sau nu, pasiunea este cea care ne contureaz imaginea a ceea ce vom deveni. Cu ct mai puternic pasiunea, cu att mai mare potenialul viitoarelor triri care abia se deschid.“ – Lucian MareValul de sinucideri generat de Suferinele tnrului Werther va prea o glum pe lng tsunamiul generat de apariia obiectului pe care-l ii n mn.“ – iQ 666)Dac ai putea scrie un jurnal att de sincer, n-ai mai avea nevoie de memorie sau de preot.“ – Karel Cispic)Dac ai 16 ani i i pic n mn Caietul Roxanei, nici n-o s tii ce te-a lovit. Va fi manualul tu, cartea scris cu snge, pentru tine, din care vei afla tot ce ai nevoie s tii pentru a trece cu bine (sau nu) de adolescen. Dac ai peste 16 ani i dai de Caietul Roxanei, te va atinge o nostalgie infernal: pentru iubirile adevrate pierdute pentru totdeauna, pentru anii n care puteai tri doar pentru rock i filosofie, pentru vremurile n care Romnia avea un ritm cu care nc mai puteai rezona. Un Cioran mai rzvrtit ca niciodat, mai sincer i mai intens, mixat cu Nietzsche i Lautreamont, pe fundal cu Guns N’ Roses i gothic metal, tefan Bolea din Caietul Roxanei are tot ce-i trebuie pentru a deveni rock star-ul i scriitorul-cult al unei generaii noi cu gust pentru poezie i filosofie.“ – Cristina Nemerovschi

Organski delirijum i druge price
Azt mondják, hogy a leghosszabb visszhang, amelyet valaha mértek, 75 másodpercig tartott, de megnyugtathatok mindenkit, hogy ez sokkal tovább szól majd. A durranás megsüketítette k?rül?ttem a világot, mindent semmivé némított, hagyta, hogy pusztításának tük?rképe sokkal tovább megmaradjon, mint kellett volna. ?r?kké k?vetni fog engem, el fog pusztítani engem – elpusztít benneteket. Válaszokra vártok? ?n is.

The Samurai Warrior: The Golden Age of Japan’s Elite Warriors 1560–1615
During Japan’s Warring States period, centuries of strife had left the country divided and leaderless. Those who filled the power vacuum were the daimyo, warlords who ruled over the clans and provinces of Japan. Serving their daimyo, the samurai were the ultimate warriors at a time when military prowess won out over hereditary power and position. The nature of warfare itself changed—romantic ideas of mounted duels and battlefield decorum became as rare as aristocratic samurai leaders. Marching in to replace them were the common foot soldiers, the ashigaru , armed with pikes and matchlock rifles. The Samurai Warrior examines the fighting men of this key period in Japanese history. Divided into six chapters, the book describes the unification under the Tokugawa bakufu , the major battles of the era, the weapons and armour used, the social structure of Japanese society, myths about the samurai, and finally the decline of the samurai amidst the modernization of the Meiji period. Including more than 200 photographs, illustrations, paintings, and maps, The Samurai Warrior is a colourful, accessible study of Japan’s famous but often misunderstood warrior elite.

The World's Greatest Tanks: An Illustrated History
The World's Greatest Tanks features 52 of the best armoured fighting vehicles from World War I to the present day. Beginning with the prototype Mark V Male in 1917, the book ranges from World War I, World War II, through the Cold War and up to the highly sophisticated tanks that have seen recent service in wars in the Balkans, Caususus, and Middle East. From the Soviet T-34 and German Panther tanks of World War II to the M1A2 Abrams, Challenger 2 and T-90 of the present day, The World's Greatest Tanks is an expert examination of the most successful tanks of the past hundred years. Each entry is examined over two spreads and includes a brief description of the tank's development and history, a colour profile artwork, photographs, key features and specifications tables. Packed with more than 200 artworks and photographs, The World's Greatest Tanks is a colourful guide for the military historian and military technology enthusiast.

Gladiator: Fighting for Life, Glory and Freedom
“When everyone had had plenty to eat and drink they called for the gladiators. The moment anyone’s throat was cut, they clapped their hands in pleasure. And it sometimes even turned out that someone had specified in their will that the most beautiful women he had purchased were to fight each other….” – Athenaeus, The Learned Banqueters With their origins as blood rites staged at the funerals of rich aristocrats, gladiatorial combat is one of the defining images of ancient Rome. For more than 600 years, people flocked to arenas to watch these highly trained warriors participate in a blood-soaked spectacle that was part sport, part theatre and part cold-blooded murder. Gladiatorial contests were a spectacular dramatization of the Roman emperor’s formidable power. Gladiator looks at life and service in the Roman arenas from the origins of the games in the third century BCE through to the demise of the games in the fifth century CE. It explores the lives of the prisoners of war, criminals, slaves and volunteers who became gladiators, their training, and the more than 20 types of gladiator they could become, fighting with different types of weapons. From Spartacus’s slave revolt to the real Emperor Commodius who liked to play at being a gladiator, from female gladiators to the great combats involving hundreds of exotic animals, Gladiator is a colourful, accessible study of the ancient world’s famous warrior entertainers.