Pe via?? ?i pe moarte. Al doilea volum din trilogia Pe t?r?mul haosului
Cum convingi un f?pta? s?-?i recunoasc? nelegiuirile? Dar un angajat s? admit? c? a furat din companie? ?i cum vei reu?i s?-l faci pe partenerul de via?? s? admit? c? a min?it? Dac? ?n bestsellerul Spy the Lie, cei trei fo?ti agen?i CIA te-au ?nv??at cum s? detectezi ?n?el?toria, acum vei afla ?n ce fel po?i s?-l determini pe cel?lalt, ?n mod persuasiv, dar neagresiv, s? dest?inuie secretele ce-l apas?.Plec?nd de la propria experien?? de interogatori, autorii ofer? o serie de tehnici relevante pentru arta ?smulgerii“ adev?rului: ?inerea celui interogat ?n modul de g?ndire pe termen scurt (pentru a nu se mai ?ntreba ce va p??i dac? m?rturise?te), proiectarea vinov??iei (?Poate c? ceva independent de tine te-a ?mpins s? faci asta“), ra?ionalizarea ac?iunilor (?Mul?i ar fi reac?ionat la fel ?n atare condi?ii“), empatia cu f?pta?ul ?i identificarea tipurilor sale de rezisten??. Cartea este o dovad? vie c? tehnicile create pentru contraspionaj sau investiga?ii penale pot fi adaptate destul de u?or pentru interviul de angajare, ?n examin?rile din sala de tribunal, la masa negocierilor sau ?n via?a de familie.

Cartea clanului din Baltimore
Inima te ?n?eap?, stomacul devine rebel, urechile ?iuie, tremuri de furie sau de nervi. Emo?iile clocotesc ?i e?ti ve?nic stresat. Pe ne?tiute, organismul se fr?nge sub aceast? presiune: apar palpita?iile, respiri mai greu, transpiri mai des ?i acuzi tulbur?ri gastrointestinale. Evit?nd capcana explica?iilor simpliste, de tipul ?bolile de inim? sunt efectul ambi?iei ?i agita?iei", cartea de fa?? prezint? un model complex, bio-psiho-social, ?n care stresul emo?ional este v?zut nu doar ca factor de ?mboln?vire sau agravare a bolii, dar ?i ca efect adesea ignorat al afec?iunii somatice. Organizat pe diverse grupe de organe (inima, pielea, organele genitale, vocea, aparatul locomotor etc.), volumul ofer? clarific?rile medicale ?i psihologice necesare, dar ?i m?suri terapeutice eficiente – de la procedee de relaxare ?i somatoterapie la tehnici cognitiv-comportamentele pentru re?ncadrarea bolii, reintegrarea la locul de munc? ?i mai buna gestionare a emo?iilor. Cartea se adreseaz? at?t publicului larg (bolnavi ?i apar?in?tori), c?t ?i medicilor ?i psihologilor clinicieni.

Noua cardiologie. Opri?i afec?iunile cardiovasculare cu efecete letale ?nainte
Citind romanul lui Cosmin, am intrat automat n rolul unui cenzor paranoid, din ce n ce mai ncruntat, pe msur ce intram n pinea de cuvinte. Mai ncruntat fiindc am nceput s adun ntrebri pentru a pune la punct autorul, pentru a-l convinge c un asemenea text nu trebuie publicat, fiindc este periculos pentru ceteanul de bun credin, este subversiv i cu att mai nociv, cu ct ncearc s se ascund n spatele absurdului. Fiindc nou, cenzorilor, la cursul de cenzur aplicat ni s-a atras atenia de la bun nceput: atenie mare la absurdul cu substrat, la textele aparent schizoide! Acolo se ascunde buba! Iar buba trebuie tratat chirurgical! Cine se ascunde n spatele Cinelui de lemn Cine e Jumtatea de Matrioc Iar antierul e cumva La Canal Adic personajele tale au nnebunit din cauza regimului Nu neleg! Mi biete, ai cam srit calul! Fii atent la mine, textul tu nu poate fi publicat! Sau te apuci de scris normal, pe nelesul omului echilibrat, sau las-te! Auzi la el, CHINUL VENIC I NEOSTOITA SCRNIRE A DINILOR!“ – Micleuanu M. Bi, Pera sta e de belea. N-am mai citit nici un scriitor de sta care s-i frece creierii cum o face el. Dup ce termini cartea te nvri n cerc n mijlocul camerei, ca un tmpit, i nu tii ce-i cu tine, frate, pe bune. Eti praf.“ – Un biat C. Pera pare s fie al treilea frate Strugatski. Umor, suspans, intertextualism, fantasy – acestea sunt ingredientele romanului pe care tocmai l citesc i n care, mai mult ca sigur, i-ai dori i tu s fii personaj, fie i mcar unul secundar. Mie mi-ar plcea s fiu Cinele.“ – V. Leac

Uciga?ul dragonului
Necesitatea acestei carti s-a impus in campul istoriografiei contemporane ca un raspuns ce se cerea stringent intr-un moment in care istoriografia in ansamblul ei a intrat intr-un serios impas girat si incurajat de predominanta agresiva si interferenta unor scoli si curente inconsistente, care de care mai zgomotoase, mai belicoase, mai ?originale“, concomitent cu intensificarea presiunii factorului politic (guverne, parlamente, tribunale, ong-uri etc).Tematica lucrarii o constituie evenimentele care au tulburat intreaga lume in perioada celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial.Studiile din aceasta carte au aparut sub semnatura celor mai prestigiosi istorici ai neamului nostru din aceasta perioada: acad. Dan Berindei, acad. Florin Constantiniu, prof. univ. dr. Gh. Buzatu (coordonatorul editiei), Stela Cheptea si multi altii.

Second Life
Totul e repetat p?n? ?n cel mai mic detaliu. Secund? cu secund?. Fiecare mi?care e atent studiat?. Nu va fi niciun martor care s? poat? reproduce exact ce s-a ?nt?mplat. Niciun poli?ist nu va g?si vreo pist? care s? duc? la f?pta?i. Av?nd la baz? o poveste adev?rat?, Made in Sweden e un roman cu o intrig? bine condus? despre o band? de infractori neobi?nui?i. Dar este ?i o poveste despre familie, despre dragostea fr??easc? ?i rela?ia complicat? dintre ta?i ?i fii. Despre Leo, Felix ?i Vincen – nu-i ve?i uita! ?Absolut nebunesc, absolut extravagant ?i absolut fantastic: ?n plus, foarte bine documentat.“ – Nordjyske Stiftstidende ?Extrem de bine scris, palpitant, captivant, vesel, tulbur?tor, emo?ionat, ??i d? fiori ?i-?i ?nghea?? s?ngele ?n vene – pur ?i simplu spectaculos. Made in Sweden e o pies? de categorie grea.“ – Fredericia Dagblad ?Structura e perfect cinematic?: scene bine construite, dialoguri vii ?i ac?iune atent condus?. Tema educa?iei ?i-a ?nsu?irilor cu care ne na?tem e abordat? cu subtilitate. Odat? ce-ai ?nceput s? cite?ti, nu te mai po?i opri!“ – Politiken

Marile minciuni nevinovate
Trebuie cu orice pre? s? treci examenul de admitere? Se cuvine ca so?ul sau so?ia ta s?-?i acorde mai mult timp? Este imperios necesar s? fii apreciat la serviciu? Desigur c? ??i dore?ti s? fie a?a ?i ar fi bine ?i pl?cut dac? aceste lucruri s-ar ?nt?mpla. Dar via?a nu se desf??oar? ?ntotdeauna dup? cum ne dorim noi. Vestea bun? este, ?ns?, c? tu ?i numai tu alegi cum s? te sim?i. Tu alegi dac? o situa?ie este o catastrof? sau o problem? obi?nuit? de via??, ce poate fi ?n?eleas? ?i dep??it?.Aceast? carte ??i ofer? numeroase tehnici ?i metode practice, u?or de aplicat, prin care s? po?i schimba felul ?n care te raportezi la evenimentele de zi cu zi, astfel ?nc?t ele s? devin? mai nuan?ate, mai suportabile, mai pu?in ?nfrico??toare. Utiliz?nd exemple din via?a oamenilor obi?nui?i, te invit? ?i pe tine, cititorule, s? redevii st?p?nul g?ndurilor ?i al vie?ii tale.

Breaking Free from Bias: Preventing Costly Complaints, Conflict and Talent Loss
Breaking Free from Bias: Preventing Costly Complaints, Conflict and Talent Loss

Motivating for STEM Success
Motivating for STEM Success

Beyond Interviews:: Changes in Women’s Lives and Politics (1970-2008)
Beyond Interviews:: Changes in Women’s Lives and Politics (1970-2008)

Biruitorii mor?ii
n doar civa ani, tefan Manasia a devenit una dintre cele mai importante figuri ale poeziei noastre de azi. i nu m refer aici doar la activitatea lui poetic propriu-zis (dac lsm la o parte plachetele underground, autorul a publicat deja trei volume), ci i la prezena pregnant n spaiul public(istic).“ – Alex Golditefan Manasia dispune – i n noul volum se vede cu ochiul liber – de o capacitate enorm de a experimenta. De altfel, poetul este cunoscut nc de la Amazon ca un mptimit al stilisticii glam. Poezia luxuriant, baroc, domolit i mprosptat de o estetic a onestitii discursului definesc, acum la al patrulea volum, anarhismul livresc al autorului.“ – tefan Baghiu

Ziua recuno?tin?ei
Cum s? cre?tem copii care s? aib? ?ncredere ?n ei O dispozi?ie ?ncrez?toare ?i fericit?, bazat? pe respect s?n?tos de sine, este cel mai bun cadou pe care un p?rinte ?l poate oferi copilului s?u. Nu exist? formula perfect? pentru a fi p?rinte ?i a?a ceva este, ?n orice caz, un vis irealizabil. To?i avem momente c?nd nu facem fa?? presiunilor. Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer porne?te de la premisa c? respectul de sine este ingredientul de baz? al fericirii profunde ?i c? st? ?n puterea noastr?, ca p?rin?i, s? le d?ruim celor mici un respect s?n?tos de sine ?i, prin aceasta, fericirea aceea durabil? dup? care t?njim cu to?ii. Ce ?nseamn? respectul de sine? S? ne sim?im bine ?n leg?tur? cu noi ?n?ine, s? fim m?ndri de cine suntem. Dac? ai stim? de sine, e?ti fericit ?i ai ?ncredere ?n valoarea ta intrinsec?, ca persoan? unic?. Copiii, la fel ca adul?ii, au cele mai bune rezultate atunci c?nd se simt confortabil ?n propria piele. Iar acest lucru se ?nt?mpl? atunci c?nd li se spune c? au f?cut ceva bine, c? sunt simpatici, c? sunt o companie pl?cut?. Un copil ??i va dezvolta respectul de sine ?i va deveni o persoan? ?ncrez?toare, independent? ?i fericit? numai dac? este ferm convins de dragostea ?i aprecierea p?rin?ilor lui. Dac? te ?ntrebi cum po?i s? ??i aju?i copilul s? ??i dezvolte respectul de sine, ?n aceast? carte vei g?si solu?iile! Cartea cuprinde: - 9 capitole despre cum s? ??i cre?ti copilul av?nd o atitudine pozitiv? - Concepte-cheie precum ?laud?“, ?joac?“, ?timp“, ?atingere“ ?i ?discu?ie“ care te vor ghida ?n interac?iunea cu cel mic - ?ntreb?ri care te vor ajuta s? ??i ?n?elegi ?i s? ??i ?mbun?t??e?ti comportamentul - Informa?ii punctate, cu caracter concret ?i u?or de parcurs - Casete ?n care po?i face noti?e personale - 2 schi?e care explic? perfect raportul de cauzalitate dintre emo?ii, comportamente ?i urm?rile lor ?O carte practic? ?i bine scris?, care ofer? sprijin p?rin?ilor ?i expune multe idei utile.“ - Nursery World ?Se spune c? adev?rata fericire nu este reprezentat? de linia de sosire; ea este constituit? pe parcursul care te duce acolo. Dac? vom concepe fericirea drept ceva ce trebuie atins, g?sit sau cump?rat, rezult? c? ea poate, de asemenea, s? dispar?. Acest tip de fericire exist?, ?ntr-adev?r, dar este, prin defini?ie, extern, trec?tor ?i fragil. Exist? ?ns? o fericire mai ad?nc ?nr?d?cinat?, mai durabil?, ?i anume una care este situat? ?n interior. Dac? o avem sau nu depinde de cum ne apreciem pe noi ?n?ine, adic? de respectul de sine.”

100 de remedii naturale pentru copilul t?u
La Zürich, c?nd intri ?ntr-un magazin, spui ?Grüetzi“, la Berlin, ?Hallo“, la Buenos Aires, ?Ola“, un ?Hallo“ ?ntors pe dos, poate unde-i pe emisfera cealalt?, la Viena, ?Grüss Gott“, dar ?i la Sibiu, acum 60 de ani, se spunea tot ?Grüss Gott“. Timi?oara nu cred c? f?cea opinie separat?, c? unde-i unu’ nu-i putere, o ?tie tot rom?nu’, dar nici Budapesta n-avea de ce s? fac? mofturi, de vreme ce Sisi, superba ?mp?r?teas? a Austriei, devenise regina Ungariei, datorit? unui foarte cool conte maghiar... cam a?a se ?ncruci?eaz? ?i limbile. ?Grüss Gott“ ?nseamn?: ?Salut?-l pe Dumnezeu“ sau ?Domnul s? te aibe ?n paz?“. Din binecuv?ntare a ajuns marcaj de grani?? a fostului imperiu habsburgic. Gata. Mi-am f?cut intrarea ?n scen?. De fapt n-am vrut dec?t s? v? spun ?Bun? ziua“. (Nora Iuga 29 decembrie 2009)

Elizabeth and Mary: Cousins, Rivals, Queens
This is the first biography of the fateful relationship between Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots. It was the defining relationship of their lives and marked the intersection of the great Tudor and Stuart dynasties. At its core were their rival claims to the throne of England. Distinguished biographer Jane Dunn reveals an extraordinary story of two queens ruling in one isle, both embodying opposing qualities of character, ideals of womaliness and divinely ordained kingship. Theirs is a drama of sex and power, recklessness, ambition and political intrigue, with a rivalry that could only be resolved by death. As regnant queens in an overwhelmingly masculine world they were deplored for their femaleness, compared unfavourably with each other, and courted by the same men. By placing this dynamic and ever-changing relationship at the centre of the book, Dunn throws new light and meaning on the complexity of their natures. She reveals an Elizabeth revolutionary in her insistence on ruling alone and inspired in her use of celibacy as a political tool, yet deeply feeling and more sympathetic than the usual picture of the virgin queen. Mary, too, is not the romantic victim of history but a courageous adventurer with a reckless heart, and a magnetic influence over men and women alike. Vengeful against her enemies and the more ruthless of the two, she was untroubled by plotting Elizabeth’s murder. Elizabeth, however, was in anguish at having to sanction Mary’s death warrant for treason. Jane Dunn brings her skills as a biographer to bear on history’s two most charismatic queens. Working almost exclusively from contemporary letters and writings, she lets them speak to us across more than 400 years, their voices and responses surprisingly familiar to our own, their characters vivid, by turns touching and terrible. The death in 1603 of Elizabeth, our greatest English queen, was to mark the end of the Tudors and the posthumous triumph of Mary, whose son, James I united the English and Scottish thrones under a Stuart king.

Transform Your Life: 10 Steps to Real Results
Carole Gaskell is a full-time lifecoach and Managing Director of one of the UK’s leading professional coaching businesses, The Lifecoaching Company.TLC was founded in 1998 with the mission of inspiring and empowering people and buinesses to reach theri full potential. Carole and all her coaches trained with the world’s leading coaching orgainisation, Coach University in the USA. She is one of only six British people to have graduated from Coachu. “A creative communicator with a great interest in people, I have a focussed, results-orinetated approach. I believe in getting to the core of a person, or business issue, whilst maintaining purpose and truth.” (Carole Gaskell)

Courtesans and Fishcakes: The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens (Text Only)
James Davidson lectures in ancient history and the classical languages at the University of Warwick. He was previously a Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford.

Grumpy Old Men: New Year, Same Old Crap
At last! A comprehensive, handy guide for the misery-guts in your life. Are you an irritable, crabby, cantankerous, malcontented old grump? Well relax, because you're not alone. Grumpy Old Men is an annotated, cross-referenced and fully illustrated manual for malcontents everywhere: the comprehensive Gripes of Wrath. A compilation of gripes and grumbles, illustrated with blood-boiling images such as derailed trains and traffic wardens throughout. The next time you find yourself enraged by pointless speed bumps, overcrowded trains, ill-mannered drivers, irritating adverts, inefficient customer help-lines, overbooked airlines, inconsiderate cyclists, slow-moving caravans, extortionate bank charges, persistent charity collectors, mindless hotel muzak, unfunny clowns or just plain miserable British weather, let this book take the strain. The ultimate in stress-relief for the 21st-Century Grouch.

The Pain and the Privilege: The Women in Lloyd George’s Life
‘Men’s lives are a perpetual conflict. The life that I have mapped out will be so especially – as lawyer and politician. Woman’s function is to pour oil on the wounds – to heal the bruises of spirit…and to stimulate to renewed exertion.’ Lloyd George was a man who loved women and the tale of his intertwined relationships contains many mysteries and a few unsolved intrigues. He was involved in a divorce case, fought two libel cases over his private life, and had persuaded the prettiest girl in Criccieth to be his wife. Lloyd George’s life was indeed a ‘perpetual conflict’. He was a habitual womaniser and despite his early, enduring attachement to Margaret Owen, marriage did not curb his behaviour. There were many private scandals in a life devoted to public duty. Ffion Hague illuminates his complex attitude to women. Her own interest stems from the many parallels in her own life.

Death or Victory: The Battle for Quebec and the Birth of Empire
An epic history of the battle of Quebec, the death of General James Wolfe and the beginnings of Britain’s empire in North America. Military history at its best. Perched on top of a tall promontory, surrounded on three sides by the treacherous St Lawrence River, Quebec – in 1759 France’s capital city in Canada – forms an almost impregnable natural fortress. That year, with the Seven Years’ War raging around the globe, a force of 49 ships and nearly 9,000 men commanded by the irascible General James Wolfe, navigated the river, scaled the cliffs and laid siege to the town in an audacious attempt to expel the French from North America forever. In this magisterial first solus book, tying into the 250th anniversary of the battle, Dan Snow tells the story of this famous campaign which was to have far-reaching consequences for Britain’s rise to global hegemony, and the world at large. Snow brilliantly sets the battle within its global context and tells a gripping tale of brutal war quite unlike any fought in Europe, where terrain, weather and native Canadian tribes were as fearsome as any enemy. ‘I never served so disagreeable a campaign as this,’ grumbled one British commander, ‘it is war of the worst shape.’ 1759 was, without question, a year in which the decisions of men changed the world forever. Based on original research and told from all perspectives, this is history – military, political, human – on an epic scale.

Selling Your Father’s Bones: The Epic Fate of the American West
Part historical narrative, part travelogue through the wilds of the West and part environmental polemic, 'Selling Your Father's Bones' is a thrilling journey through the history and wilderness of the stunning area of landscape that is Continental USA. In the summer of 1877, around seven hundred members of the Nez Perce Native American tribe set out on one of the most remarkable journeys in the history of the American West, a 1,700-mile exodus through the mountains, forests, badlands and prairies of modern-day Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. They had been forced from their homes by the great wave of settlement that crashed over the West as the American nation was born. Led by their charismatic chiefs, the Nez Perce used their unerring knowledge of the landscapes they passed through to survive six battles and many more skirmishes with the pursuing United States Army, as they raced, with women, children and village elders in their care, towards the safety of the Canadian border.But all Chief Joseph, the young pastoral leader of the exodus, wanted was to return home - to his beloved Wallowa valley, which his dying father had ordered him never to abandon: 'Never sell the bones of your father and your mother. ' Now, Brian Schofield retraces the steps of that epic exodus, to tell the full dramatic story of the Nez Perce's fight for survival - and to examine the forces that drove them to take flight. The white settlement of the West had been largely motivated by patriotic fervour and religious zeal, a faith that the American continent had been laid out by God to fuel the creation of a mighty empire. But as he travels through the lands that the Nez Perce knew so well, Schofield reveals that the great project of the Western Empire has gone badly awry, as the mythology of the settlers opened the door to ecological vandalism, unthinking corporations and negligent leadership, which have lest scarred landscapes, battered communities and toxic environments.

Godwin on Wollstonecraft: The Life of Mary Wollstonecraft by William Godwin
LIVES THAT NEVER GROW OLD This unique series – edited by Richard Holmes – recovers the great classical tradition of English biography. Every book is a biographical masterpiece – still thrilling to read and vividly alive. The philosopher William Godwin fell in love with and married the radical feminist Mary Wollstonecraft, only to attend her deathbed (giving birth to their child, the late Mary Shelley). Heartbroken, Godwin immediately shut himself up in his study and wrote this intensely moving biography. True to his philosophical belief in absolute sincerity, Godwin coolly describes Wollstonecraft’s previous love affairs, her time in revolutionary Paris, her illegitimate child, and her two suicide attempts. The book almost wrecked both their reputations, but can now be seen as a masterpiece of indiscretion and human honesty.

The Ocean Railway
An epic social history of steamship travel from the 19th-century to the ‘Lusitania’, the ‘Mauretania’ and the ‘Titanic’. The great transatlantic steamships became emblems of an age, of a Victorian audacity of spirit-cathedrals to man's harnessing of new technology. Through the innovations and designs of key engineers and shipping magnates – Samuel Cunard, Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Edward Knights Collins – ‘the largest movable objects in human history' were created. To the wealthy, steamships represented glamorous travel, but to most they offered cheap passage out of Europe to the New World. At their peak, steamships delivered one million new Americans each year, transforming the world’s oceans from barriers into highways. In this fascinating history, Stephen Fox chronicles the tragedies that marked the evolution of the ocean liner, including the 1852 sinking of the ‘Arctic’, with the loss of three hundred and twenty-two lives, and the early 20th-century losses of the ‘Lusitania’ and the ‘Titanic’. Using contemporary records, diaries and writing, he penetrates the experience of transatlantic passage and examines the societies created on the vast floating cities, ‘a kind of third human environment, neither land nor sea but partaking of each, and bridging them in unprecedented ways’.