

Dispatches from Dystopia
Dispatches from Dystopia
Brown, Kate
"e;Why are Kazakhstan and Montana the same place?"e; asks one chapter of Kate Brown's surprising and unusual journey into the histories of places on the margins, overlooked or erased. It turns out that a ruined mining town in Kazakhstan and Butte, Montana-America's largest environmental Superfund site-have much more in common than one would think thanks to similarities in climate, hucksterism, and the perseverance of their few hardy inhabitants. Taking readers to these and other unlikely locales, Dispatches from Dystopia delves into the very human and sometimes very fraught ways we come to understand a particular place, its people, and its history.In Dispatches from Dystopia, Brown wanders the Chernobyl Zone of Alienation, first on the Internet and then in person, to figure out which version-the real or the virtual-is the actual forgery. She also takes us to the basement of a hotel in Seattle to examine the personal possessions left in storage by Japanese-Americans on their way to internment camps in 1942. In Uman, Ukraine, we hide with Brown in a tree in order to witness the annual male-only Rosh Hashanah celebration of Hasidic Jews. In the Russian southern Urals, she speaks with the citizens of the small city of Kyshtym, where invisible radioactive pollutants have mysteriously blighted lives. Finally, Brown returns home to Elgin, Illinois, in the midwestern industrial rust belt to investigate the rise of "e;rustalgia"e; and?the ways?her formative experiences have inspired her obsession with modernist wastelands.?Dispatches from Dystopia powerfully and movingly narrates the histories of locales that have been silenced, broken, or contaminated. In telling these previously unknown stories, Brown examines the making and unmaking of place, and the lives of the people who remain in the fragile landscapes that are left behind.
Secret Lives of Teachers
Secret Lives of Teachers
Welcome to "e;East Hudson,"e; an elite private school in New York where the students are attentive, the colleagues are supportive, and the tuition would make the average person choke on its string of zeroes. You might think a teacher here would have little in common with most other teachers in America, but as this veteran educator-writing anonymously-shows in this refreshingly honest account, all teachers are bound by a common thread. Stripped of most economic obstacles and freed up by anonymity, he is able to tell a deeper story about the universal conditions, anxieties, foibles, generosities, hopes, and complaints that comprise every teacher's life. The results are sometimes funny, sometimes scandalous, but always recognizable to anyone who has ever walked into a classroom, closed the door, and started their day.?This is not a how-to manual. Rather, the author explores the dimensions of teaching that no one else has, those private thoughts few would dare put into a book but that form an important part of the day-to-day experience of a teacher. We see him ponder the clothes that people wear, think frankly about money (and the imbalance of its distribution), get wrangled by parents, provide on-the-fly psychotherapy, drape niceties over conversations that are actually all-out warfare, drop an f-bomb or two, and deal with students who are just plain unlikeable. We also see him envy, admire, fear, and hope; we see him in adulation and uncertainty, and in energy and exhaustion. We see him as teachers really are: human beings with a complex, rewarding, and very important job.There has been no shortage of commentary on the teaching profession over the decades, but none quite like this. Unflinching, wry, and at times laugh-out-loud funny, it's written for every teacher out there who has ever scrambled, smirked, or sighed-and toughed it out nonetheless.?
Edible Memory
Edible Memory
Jordan, Jennifer A.
Each week during the growing season, farmers' markets offer up such delicious treasures as brandywine tomatoes, cosmic purple carrots, pink pearl apples, and chioggia beets-varieties of fruits and vegetables that are prized by home chefs and carefully stewarded by farmers from year to year. These are the heirlooms and the antiques of the food world, endowed with their own rich histories. While cooking techniques and flavor fads have changed from generation to generation, a Ribston Pippin apple today can taste just as flavorful as it did in the eighteenth century. But how does an apple become an antique and a tomato an heirloomIn Edible Memory, Jennifer A. Jordan examines the ways that people around the world have sought to identify and preserve old-fashioned varieties of produce. In doing so, Jordan shows that these fruits and vegetables offer a powerful emotional and physical connection to a shared genetic, cultural, and culinary past.?Jordan begins with the heirloom tomato, inquiring into its botanical origins in South America and its culinary beginnings in Aztec cooking to show how the homely and homegrown tomato has since grown to be an object of wealth and taste, as well as a popular symbol of the farm-to-table and heritage foods movements. ?She shows how a shift in the 1940s away from open pollination resulted in a narrow range of hybrid tomato crops. But memory and the pursuit of flavor led to intense seed-saving efforts increasing in the 1970s, as local produce and seeds began to be recognized as living windows to the past. In the chapters that follow, Jordan combines lush de*ion and thorough research as she investigates the long history of antique apples; changing tastes in turnips and related foods like kale and parsnips; the movement of vegetables and fruits around the globe in the wake of Columbus; and the poignant, perishable world of stone fruits and tropical fruit, in order to reveal the connections-the edible memories-these heirlooms offer for farmers, gardeners, chefs, diners, and home cooks. This deep culinary connection to the past influences not only the foods we grow and consume, but the ways we shape and imagine our farms, gardens, and local landscapes.?From the farmers' market to the seed bank to the neighborhood bistro, these foods offer essential keys not only to our past but also to the future of agriculture, the environment, and taste. By cultivating these edible memories, Jordan reveals, we can stay connected to a delicious heritage of historic flavors, and to the pleasures and possibilities for generations of feasts to come.
Purposeful Graduate
Purposeful Graduate
Clydesdale, Tim
We all know that higher education has changed dramatically over the past two decades. Historically a time of exploration and self-discovery, the college years have been narrowed toward an increasingly singular goal-career training-and college students these days forgo the big questions about who they are and how they can change the world and instead focus single-mindedly on their economic survival. In The Purposeful Graduate, Tim Clydesdale elucidates just what a tremendous loss this is, for our youth, our universities, and our future as a society. At the same time, he shows that it doesn't have to be this way: higher education can retain its higher cultural role, and students with a true sense of purpose-of personal, cultural, and intellectual value that cannot be measured by a wage-can be streaming out of every one of its institutions.The key, he argues, is simple: direct, systematic, and creative programs that engage undergraduates on the question of purpose. Backing up his argument with rich data from a Lilly Endowment grant that funded such programs on eighty-eight different campuses, he shows that thoughtful engagement of the notion of vocational calling by students, faculty, and staff can bring rich rewards for all those involved: greater intellectual development, more robust community involvement, and a more proactive approach to lifelong goals. Nearly every institution he examines-from internationally acclaimed research universities to small liberal arts colleges-is a success story, each designing and implementing its own program, that provides students with deep resources that help them to launch flourishing lives.Flying in the face of the pessimistic forecast of higher education's emaciated future, Clydesdale offers a profoundly rich alternative, one that can be achieved if we simply muster the courage to talk with students about who they are and what they are meant to do.
Darwin Deleted
Darwin Deleted
Bowler, Peter J.
The ideas and terminology of Darwinism are so pervasive these days that it seems impossible to avoid them, let alone imagine a world without them. But in this remarkable rethinking of scientific history, Peter J. Bowler does just that. He asks:?What if Charles Darwin had not returned from the voyage of the Beagle and thus did not write On the Origin of SpeciesWould someone else, such as Alfred Russel Wallace, have published the selection theory and initiated a similar transformationOr would the absence of Darwin's book have led to a different sequence of events, in which biology developed along a track that did not precipitate a great debate about the impact of evolutionismWould there have been anything equivalent to social Darwinism, and if so would the alternatives have been less pernicious and misappropriated?In Darwin Deleted, Bowler argues that no one else, not even Wallace, was in a position to duplicate Darwin's complete theory of evolution by natural selection.?Evolutionary biology would almost certainly have emerged, but through alternative theories, which were frequently promoted by scientists, religious thinkers, and moralists who feared the implications of natural selection. Because non-Darwinian elements of evolutionism flourished for a time in the real world, it is possible to plausibly imagine how they might have developed, particularly if the theory of natural selection had not emerged until decades after the acceptance of the basic idea of evolution. Bowler's unique approach enables him to clearly explain the non-Darwinian tradition-and in doing so, he reveals how the reception of Darwinism was historically contingent. By taking Darwin out of the equation, Bowler is able to fully elucidate the ideas of other scientists, such as Richard Owen and Thomas Huxley, whose work has often been misunderstood because of their distinctive responses to Darwin.Darwin Deleted boldly offers a new vision of scientific history. It is one where the sequence of discovery and development would have been very different and would have led to an alternative understanding of the relationship between evolution, heredity, and the environment-and, most significantly, a less contentious relationship between science and religion. Far from mere speculation, this fascinating and compelling book forces us to reexamine the preconceptions that underlie many of the current controversies about the impact of evolutionism. It shows how contingent circumstances surrounding the publication of On the Origin of Species polarized attitudes in ways that still shape the conversation today.?
War for the Soul of America
War for the Soul of America
Hartman, Andrew
When Patrick Buchanan took the stage at the Republican National Convention in 1992 and proclaimed, "e;There is a religious war going on for the soul of our country,"e; his audience knew what he was talking about: the culture wars, which had raged throughout the previous decade and would continue until the century's end, pitting conservative and religious Americans against their liberal, secular fellow citizens. It was an era marked by polarization and posturing fueled by deep-rooted anger and insecurity.?Buchanan's fiery speech marked a high point in the culture wars, but as Andrew Hartman shows in this richly analytical history, their roots lay farther back, in the tumult of the 1960s-and their significance is much greater than generally assumed. Far more than a mere sideshow or shouting match, the culture wars, Hartman argues, were the very public face of America's struggle over the unprecedented social changes of the period, as the cluster of social norms that had long governed American life began to give way to a new openness to different ideas, identities, and articulations of what it meant to be an American. The hot-button issues like abortion, affirmative action, art, censorship, feminism, and homosexuality that dominated politics in the period were symptoms of the larger struggle, as conservative Americans slowly began to acknowledge-if initially through rejection-many fundamental transformations of American life.?As an ever-more partisan but also an ever-more diverse and accepting America continues to find its way in a changing world, A War for the Soul of America reminds us of how we got here, and what all the shouting has really been about.
Imaginea Rom?niei prin turism, t?rguri ?i expozi?ii universale, ?n perioada inte
Imaginea Rom?niei prin turism, t?rguri ?i expozi?ii universale, ?n perioada inte
Claudiu Alexandru Vitanos
Anna Benz aminte?te de Karenina, combin?nd ?n plus senzualitatea periculoas? din 50 de umbre ale lui Grey ?i disperarea Doamnei Bovary.Anna Benz, o americanc? ?n v?rst? de aproape 40 de ani, locuie?te cu so?ul s?u elve?ian, Bruno – care este bancher – ?i cei trei copii mici ai lor ?ntr-un or??el lini?tit de l?ng? Zürich. De?i duce o via?? prosper? ?i a?ezat?, Anna simte c? e ?n pragul unui colaps mental. ?n deriv? ?i incapabil? s? comunice cu so?ul ei ?i s?-?i ?n?eleag? propriile g?nduri ?i sentimente, Anna ?ncearc? s?-?i reg?seasc? entuziasmul cu ajutorul unor experien?e noi: cursuri de german?, analiz? jungian? ?i o serie de aventuri sexuale ?n care intr? cu o non?alan?? ce o uime?te p?n? ?i pe ea.Dar situa?ia devine tot mai ap?s?toare ?i v?rtejul de minciuni ?i scap? de sub control.Pentru c? a trecut dincolo de limitele moralei, Anna va descoperi c? nu mai exist? ?ntoarcere.“Un roman de debut despre Anna, o casnic? plictisit? care, asemenea eroinei cu acela?i nume din romanul lui Tolstoi, se arunc? ?ntr-o aventur? psihologic? ?i sexual? a autocunoa?terii.“ - The Oprah MaMagazine“Senzual ?i profund, acest roman extraordinar de bine scris dezv?luie sufletul sf??iat al unei femei.“ - People“Cartea lui Essbaum e construit? impecabil, meticulos, iar alternan?a trecut-prezent e redat? cu mare virtuozitate.“ - Chicago Tribune“?n copil?rie visam s? ajung o romancier? faimoas?. Scriam pove?ti care erau minunate, a?a cum sunt inven?iile copil?riei, dar sunau ?ngrozitor. Mai t?rziu mi-am dat seama c? m? pricep la jocul poeziei, apoi versurile au devenit paragrafe…“ - Jill Alexanander Essbaum
Dic?ionar de sociologie rural?
Dic?ionar de sociologie rural?
Ilie Bădescu
Roman de suspans ?i psihologic sofisticat ?i, ?n acela?i timp, medita?ie sf??ietor de onest? asupra memoriei, identit??ii ?i ?mb?tr?nirii, Elizabeth a disp?rut spune povestea lui Maud, o femeie ?n v?rst? care se lupt? cu ravagiile demen?ei senile ?i care ?ncepe o c?utare disperat? pentru a-?i g?si cea mai bun? prieten?, Elizabeth, despre care crede c? a disp?rut. Demersul ei ?n c?utarea adev?rului o va purta ?napoi zeci de ani ?i va avea consecin?e cutremur?toare. Nimeni nu o crede ?ns? pe Maud – nici fiica ei, Helen, nici ?ngrijitoarele ei, nici poli?ia, nici, mai ales, temperamentalul fiu al lui Elizabeth, Peter. ?narmat? cu noti?e scrise de m?n? pe care ?i le las? singur? ?i cu un sentiment cople?itor c? Elizabeth are nevoie de ajutorul ei, Maud este hot?r?t? s? descopere adev?rul ?i s?-?i salveze prietena iubit?. Dar indiciile pe care le descoper? par s? o conduc? tot mai departe ?n propriu-i trecut, la o alt? dispari?ie r?mas? nerezolvat? – cea a surorii ei, Sukey, survenit? la scurt timp dup? al Doilea R?zboi Mondial. ?n timp ce amintirile vii ale tragediei care a avut loc cu mai mult de cincizeci de ani ?n urm? o cople?esc, Maud g?se?te o nou? motiva?ie ?n c?utarea ei. Ar putea misterul dispari?iei lui Sukey s? fie cheia pentru a o g?si pe Elizabeth?
Discursuri ?i dezbateri parlamentare (1864-2004)
Discursuri ?i dezbateri parlamentare (1864-2004)
Gh. Buzatu
Proiecte de c?s?torie menite s? cimenteze vechi alian?e; jocuri la burs? riscante ?i amenin?area cu falimentul unui personaj bine v?zut ?n cercurile financiare; dezv?luirea unui infanticid pe care protagoni?tii ?l credeau definitiv uitat; apari?ia ?n scen? a unui t?n?r nobil foarte bogat, dar cu ciudate sc?p?ri ?n ce prive?te manierele. Contele de Monte-Cristo este implicat ?n toate aceste evenimente, ac?ion?nd conform planului s?u bine pus la punct. Oare ?tie ?i cine este asasinul care folose?te cu at?ta ?ndem?nare otrava, sem?n?nd moartea chiar ?n familia unui om al legii?
Angelbound Box Set: Books 1-5
Angelbound Box Set: Books 1-5
Christina Bauer
Angels! Demons! Love! Snark! The first three books of the best-selling series are now in one ebook collection with extended editions...ANGELBOUND?(Book 1) - Extended Wedding Edition!Myla Lewis is a girl who loves two things: kicking ass and kicking ass. She’s not your every day quasi-demon, part-demon and part-human, girl. Myla lives for the days she gets to fight in Purgatory’s Arena. That is, until she meets Prince Lincoln, a super-sexy half-human and half-angel demon hunter. But what’s a quasi-demon girl to do when she falls for a royal demon killer? With a love with fighting for, Myla’s about to shake up the after-realms.SCALA?(Book 2)?- Extended Edition!Myla Lewis has a whole lot of trouble. A magical object called Lucifer’s Orb is threatening millions of souls, and it’s Myla’s job to make it go away. Plus, an old enemy is plotting to separate Myla from her Angelbound love, Prince Lincoln. But Myla and Lincoln are fighting back. Can they stop the Orb, save Purgatory’s souls, and stay together… Or will both the after-realms and their relationship be destroyed?ACCA?(Book 3)In just one week, supernatural warrior Myla Lewis must discover enough evidence to send the evil House of Acca to prison … or she’ll end up in jail herself, along with her fiancé. Time to kick some ass.“I’m virtually speechless when it comes to these novels. I have not found an author that I adore the writing style of this much since Jennifer L. Armentrout. The world that Bauer creates is amazing.”?-?Brittany's Book Reviews Angelbound OriginsIn which Myla Lewis kicks ass and takes names1. Angelbound2. Scala3. Acca4. Thrax5. The Dark Lands6. The Brutal Time7. Armageddon8. Quasi Redux?(future)Angelbound OffspringThe next generation takes on Heaven, Hell, and everything in between1. Maxon2. Portia3. Zinnia4. Rhodes5. Kaps?(Summer 2020)6. Huntress?(Summer 2021)Angelbound LincolnStories from the point of view of Mister The Prince1. Duty Bound2. Lincoln3. Trickster?4. BaculumAlso From Christina Bauer- Fairy Tales of the Magicorum, a series of modern fairy tales with sass, action, and romance- Beholder,?where a medieval farm girl discovers necromancy and true love- Dimension Drift,?a dystopian adventure with science, snark, and hot aliens- Pixieland Diaries,?which tells the story of sassy pixie Calla and 'her' elf prince, Dare
Social Radicalism and Liberal Education
Social Radicalism and Liberal Education
Paterson, Lindsay
Liberal education used to command wide political support. Radicals disagreed with conservatives on whether the best culture could be appreciated by everyone, and they disagreed, too, on whether the barriers to understanding it were mainly social and economic, but there was no dispute that any worthwhile education ought to hand on the best that has been thought and said. That consensus has vanished since the 1960s. The book examines why social radicals supported liberal education, why they have moved away from it, and what the implications are for the future of an intellectually stimulating and culturally literate education.
Catholic Schools in a Plural Society
Catholic Schools in a Plural Society
Morris, Andrew B.
This book comprises a selection of articles published, mainly, in peer reviewed academic journals, supplemented by a smaller number of essays and documents prepared for policy makers within the Catholic educational sector.The chosen texts have been re-printed almost entirely as originally published except for the correction of certain typographical errors, some minor changes in punctuation and some editing to avoid unnecessary duplication, for example, historical background, or reviews of literature.The published articles, essays and briefing papers included this book represent much of the authors contribution to the study of Catholic sector maintained schooling over the last twenty years during which he has been a teacher, headteacher, educational administrator and, latterly, an academic.
Giovanni Gentile and the State of Contemporary Constructivism
Giovanni Gentile and the State of Contemporary Constructivism
Wakefield, James
This book presents Giovanni Gentile's actual idealism as a radical constructivist doctrine for use in moral theory. The first half describes the moral theory that Gentile explicitly identifies with actual idealism, according to which all thinking, rather than an exclusive domain of 'practical reason', has a moral character. It is argued that after Gentile's turn to Fascism in the early 1920s, this theory is increasingly conflated with his political doctrine. This entails several major changes that cannot be squared with the underlying metaphysics. The second half of the book develops a more plausible account of Gentilean moral constructivism based on the pre-Fascist idea of reasoning as an internal dialogue. Comparisons and contrasts are drawn with contemporary constructivist doctrines, as well as theories employing dialogical conceptions of reason. The internal dialogue is presented as a device enabling the thinking subject to make objective judgments about real-world problems despite the impossibility of her occupying a fully objective standpoint. Thus actual idealist moral theory is offered as an example of constructivism at its most radical, inviting advocates of less radical varieties to reassess the foundations on which their theories are built.
Early Years Observation and Planning in Practice
Early Years Observation and Planning in Practice
Barber, Jenny
This title is designed to help early years practitioners in any setting understand clearly and precisely how to best plan for and observe learning in the early years.This title covers all the key aspects of planning and observing that affect those in practice, including how to: Assess and observe children, Put children at the heart of your planning, Link observation to planning, Plan for the Early Years Foundation Stage. This title also includes printable/photocopiable forms for you to use to structure your own planning and observations with, and help you to put the best practice examples in this book directly into practice.
Depression, Emotion and the Self
Depression, Emotion and the Self
Ratcliffe, Matthew
This volume addresses the question of what it is like to be depressed. Despite the vast amount of research that has been conducted into the causes and treatment of depression, the experience of depression remains poorly understood. Indeed, many depression memoirs state that the experience is impossible for others to understand. However, it is at least clear that changes in emotion, mood, and bodily feeling are central to all forms of depression, and these are the book's principal focus. In recent years, there has been a great deal of valuable philosophical and interdisciplinary research on the emotions, complemented by new developments in philosophy of psychiatry and scientifically-informed phenomenology. The book draws on all these areas, in order to offer a range of novel insights into the nature of depression experiences. To do so, it brings together a distinguished group of philosophers, psychiatrists, anthropologists, clinical psychologists and neuroscientists, all of whom have made important contributions to current research on emotion and/or psychiatric illness.
Frankish, Keith
Illusionism is the view that phenomenal consciousness (in the philosophers' sense) is an illusion. This book is a reprint of a special issue of the Journal of Consciousness Studies devoted to this topic. It takes the form of a target paper by the editor, followed by commentaries from various thinkers, including leading defenders of the theory such as Daniel Dennett, Nicholas Humphrey, Derk Pereboom and Georges Rey. A number of disciplines are represented and different viewpoints are discussed and defended. The colleciton is tied together with a response to the commentaries from the editor.
Hospitable Universe
Hospitable Universe
Gambini, Rodolfo
This book argues that new developments in the sciences, in particular twentieth-century physics and twenty-first-century biology, suggest revising several pessimistic outlooks for the development of a scientific understanding of the relationship of humans with the universe - in particular, implications for the development of a natural religiousness. In the new vision a universe which is friendly to life and consciousness naturally emerges.
New Labour's Old Roots
New Labour's Old Roots
Diamond, Patrick
The New Labour project was not conjured up out of thin air - it only looks that way because of the party's amnesia about the intellectual roots and political traditions which have guided it. This book provides extracts from fifteen thinkers and politicians located within the revisionist tradition as an antidote to that amnesia. It is an 'all star cast' from R.H. Tawney, Hugh Gaitskell and Anthony Crosland to Roy Hattersley, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. The collection demonstrates that Labour's revisionism is not a rigid body of doctrine but a 'cast of mind' that distinguishes between core values (ends) and policy instruments (means) - revisionist thinkers are engaged in the continuous pursuit of policy innovation, never shrinking from abandoning policies that fail to achieve the desired ends. All successful Labour governments have been determined to avoid the confusion of means and ends. These essays show a determination throughout the party's history to debate and discuss political ideas in the cause of a fairer, more equal society. Fully updated and revised edition.
Microgenetic Theory and Process Thought
Microgenetic Theory and Process Thought
Brown, Jason W.
The chapters in this volume attempt to establish some foundational principles of a theory of the mind/brain grounded in evolutionary and process theory. From this standpoint, the book discusses some main problems in philosophical psychology, including the nature and origins of the mind/brain state, experience and consciousness, feeling, subjective time and free will. The approach - that of microgenesis - holds that formative phases in the generation of the mental state are the primary focus of explanation, not the assumed properties of logical solids. For microgenesis, the process leading to a conscious end point is, together with the final content, part of an epochal state, the outcome of which, an act, object or word, incorporates earlier segments of that series, such as value, meaning and belief.
Draw Across the Curriculum
Draw Across the Curriculum
Hutchison, Anne
Draw Across the Curriculum is a collection of 50 photocopiable art worksheets, designed to provide a handy cross-curricular drawing resource for the busy primary classroom teacher. Perfect for getting pupils to put pencil to paper, this collection of artsheets is brimming with humorous designs to copy and patterns to make.
MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part V
MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part V
Marcum, David
The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories - Part V: Christmas Adventures features contributions by: Bob Byrne, Derrick Belanger, Amy Thomas, David Marcum, Denis O. Smith, C.H. Dye, Marcia Wilson, Julie McKuras, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Bert Coules, John Hall, Jim French, S.F. Bennett, Narrelle M. Harris, William Patrick Maynard, Vincent W. Wright, James Lovegrove, Arthur Hall, Nicholas Utechin, Mike Chinn, Tracy J. Revels, Roger Riccard, Wendy C. Fries, Paul D. Gilbert, Jan Edwards, Molly Carr, S. Subramanian, Peter K. Andersson, Matthew J. Elliott, Hugh Ashton, and Mark Mower, with a poem by Ashley D. Polasek and forewords by Jonathan Kellerman, Roger Johnson, Steve Emecz, Melissa Farnham, and David Marcum.