

Povestiri, nu pove?ti!
Povestiri, nu pove?ti!
Colpit George
Nihilismul lui tefan Bolea este o masc n spatele creia se ascunde o inocen perpetuu incandescent. Revolta blasfematorie a poetului marcheaz un ritual de trecere spre iniiere, degajnd, n mod paradoxal, o nemrginit sete de via. Muzicalitatea incantatorie a textelor n limbile german, englez i romn plonjeaz cititorul n viziunea lumii reale.“ (Basarab Nicolescu)
Povesti pentru fetite
Povesti pentru fetite
Italo Calvino
Ianoi e viu, atent i emoionat de orice problem de parc acum abia ar ntra, aplecndu-se uor, sub naltul portic al Cunoaterii. Curios, profesnd acea dubl curiozitate, rar azi – fa de problem, dar i fa de cel ce o ridic. Fa de Fiin. Cultura romn se poate felicita, n zilele i anii notri un pic buimaci, unde Nordul valorilor pare a se fi rtcit undeva, n alte secole sau pe alte continente, c posed un cercettor, un profesor i un ins capabil de o asemenea cuprindere a unor platforme culturale att de auguste i, aparent, contradictorii. Unul din puinii supravieuitori ai acelei Mitteleuropa sapieniale, acei ndrgostii fr pricin de misterele artei i ale gndului, unul dintre acei, rari azi i n Europa, ce pesc uor peste granie istorice i mentale, rigide pentru atia, cu o graie, cu o uurin ce ne poate nela asupra acelui depozit afund de suferin i travaliu, de tenacitate unic pe care numai prezena unui ideal poate s-o explice. Iat unde putem gsi Idealul su Modelul, dezorientai nu rareori de propriile noastre ezitri i eecuri.“ (Nicolae Breban)Ianoi este un om pentru care problema morala exist, iar faptul acesta l aaz ntr-o postur extrem de fecund i de necesar, de mediator. ntr-o lume care devine tot mai conflictual, uneori n mod stupid, cu totul superficial i aberant. Ion Ianoi cred ca ne d o lecie de economie de conflict. Vd n aceast lecie i n persoana lui un model de senintate, de sinceritate intelectual, de europenitate.“ (Mircea Martin)[...] stilul Ianoi; un stil unic n cultura romn. Nu e vorba, n cazul d-sale, de cri de erudiie pedant, seac, ci de cri scrise cu un mare talent literar, cred eu, i cu extraordinare capaciti de evocare.“ (Gabriel Dimisianu)Am spus i cu alte prilejuri, am scris i cu alte ocazii c Ion Ianoi este un dar fcut literaturii romne. Oare avem puterea de a ne bucura de acest dar Avem fora de a-l onora i de a ne minuna de el, aa cum se cuvine Printre scriitorii romni, prietenul nostru e perceput drept un crturar evreu-maghiar atipic. Printre evrei e tratat drept un romn sadea. n Ianoi vd un model de prim rang, un mare crturar ce s-a nzidit n literatura romn, un scriitor care ar face onoare oricrei culturi majore a lumii. Ianoi este, apoi, un spectacol, n pofida felului su de a fi, aproape n ciuda sa...“ (Aura Christi)
Dosarele Scarlet: Sp?rg?toare la ?n?l?ime
Dosarele Scarlet: Sp?rg?toare la ?n?l?ime
Tamsin Cooke
Edi?ie alc?tuit?, coordonat? ?i ?ngrijit? de Iulian Boldea?Profilul c?rturarului Nicolae Balot?, pe care acest volum se str?duie?te s?-l contureze, adun? laolalt? expresivitatea, rigoarea ?i erudi?ia eseistului ?i criticului literar, dar ?i afectivitatea sublimat? a memorialistului. Sumarul c?r?ii e alc?tuit din mai multe texte semnate de Nicolae Balot?, relevante pentru concep?ia sa critic? ?i estetic?, dintr-o schi?? de portret apar?in?nd lui Matei Boil?, din dou? dialoguri ?n care se ?mpletesc accentele confesive ?i proiec?iile teoretice ?i din dou? sec?iuni exegetice. Prima, Interpret?ri, con?ine abord?ri ale operei critice sau memorialistice a lui Nicolae Balot? ?n ansamblul ei, ?n timp ce a doua, Lecturi, cuprinde analize aplicate asupra unei anumite c?r?i. La toate acestea se adaug? necesarele repere bio-bibliografice. Textele au fost ini?ial tip?rite ?ntr-un num?r al revistei Vatra consacrat lui Nicolae Balot?; a?a se explic? unele referiri ale autorilor la binecunoscuta revist? din T?rgu-Mure?. Le mul?umesc, ?i pe aceast? cale, domnului Nicolae Balot?, pentru amabilitatea cu care a r?spuns provoc?rii noastre, ?i celorlal?i autori, pentru disponibilitatea domniilor lor, f?r? de care acest volum ar fi fost imposibil de realizat.“ – Iulian Boldea
Iubitafizica (?tiin?a iubirilor imaginare)
Iubitafizica (?tiin?a iubirilor imaginare)
Tănase Iulian
Dou? spa?ii literare: cel rom?nesc ?i cel spaniol. Dou? planuri de abordare: teoretic ?i hermeneutic.Acela?i element de referin??: metafic?iunea. Un studiu semnat de Anamaria Blanaru care vizeaz? o cercetare complex? a metafic?iunii, o privire critic? asupra polemicilor ?n care a fost abordat acest subiect.?
Un taur ?n vitrina de piatr?. Antologie liric? (1977-2012)
Un taur ?n vitrina de piatr?. Antologie liric? (1977-2012)
Antonesei Liviu
Un b?ie?el c?ruia ?i pl?cea s? colec?ioneze insecte mult mai mult dec?t s? mearg? la ?coal? Un pasager (cu r?u de mare) care a c?l?torit ?n jurul lumii ?ntr-un voiaj ce a durat cinci ani Savantul care, formul?nd teoria evolu?ionist?, a declan?at o ?revolu?ie a g?ndirii" Toate cele de mai sus!Afl? mai multe despre adev?ratul Charles Darwin din aceast? biografie amuzant? ?i minunat ilustrat?!
Szokatlan jegyesség, Az olasz szomszéd: Szívhang 576–577
Szokatlan jegyesség, Az olasz szomszéd: Szívhang 576–577
Meredith Webber, Fiona Lowe
Szokatlan jegyesség, Az olasz szomszéd: Szívhang 576–577
Forró sarkvidék, ?ll az alku!: Szívhang 578–579
Forró sarkvidék, ?ll az alku!: Szívhang 578–579
Emily Forbes, Cindy Kirk
Forró sarkvidék, ?ll az alku!: Szívhang 578–579
Barack és nyári napfény, A legjobb gyógymód: Szívhang 582–583.
Barack és nyári napfény, A legjobb gyógymód: Szívhang 582–583.
Emily Forbes, Lynne Marshall
Barack és nyári napfény, A legjobb gyógymód: Szívhang 582–583.
Szívhang 566–567. - Isten hozott a szigeten!
Szívhang 566–567. - Isten hozott a szigeten!
Marion Lennox, Sue MacKay
Szívhang 566–567. - Isten hozott a szigeten!
Szívhang 572–573.
Szívhang 572–573.
Tina Beckett, Amy Ruttan
Szívhang 572–573.
Bahamai sell? (Hollywoodi doktorok 3.), Alabama visszavár
Bahamai sell? (Hollywoodi doktorok 3.), Alabama visszavár
Louisa George, Janice Lynn
Bahamai sell? (Hollywoodi doktorok 3.), Alabama visszavár
Hamis pár (Hollywoodi doktorok 4.), A sebész, aki elcsábított
Hamis pár (Hollywoodi doktorok 4.), A sebész, aki elcsábított
Amy Ruttan, Kate Hardy
Hamis pár (Hollywoodi doktorok 4.), A sebész, aki elcsábított
Choking Back the Devil
Choking Back the Devil
Donna Lynch
Choking Back the Devil by Donna Lynch is an invocation, an ancient invitation that summons the darkness within and channels those lonely spirits looking for a host. It's a collection that lives in the realm of ghosts and family curses, witchcraft and urban legends, and if you're brave enough to peek behind the veil, the hauntings that permeate these pages will break seals and open doorways, cut throats and shatter mirrors. You see, these poems are small drownings, all those subtle suffocations that live in that place between our ribs that swells with panic, incubates fear. Lynch shows her readers that sometimes our shadow selves--our secrets--are our sharpest weapons, the knives that rip through flesh, suture pacts with demons, cut deals with entities looking for more than a homecoming, something better, more intimate than family. It's about the masks we wear and the reflections we choose not to look at, and what's most terrifying about the spells is these incantations show that we are the possessed, that we are our greatest monster, and if we look out of the corner of our eyes, sometimes--if we've damned ourselves enough--we can catch a glimpse of our own burnings, what monstrosities and mockeries we're to become. So cross yourselves and say your prayers. Because in this world, you are the witch and the hunter, the girl and the wolf. "Lynch mixes in childhood fables with waking nightmares, the result is electrifying; sometimes in a few razor sharp words; sometimes in longer numbered verses counting down the cycle of a damaged life. The silent cries of souls tormented to healthiness by pills and poultices, force fed by imperfect humans, echo in the silhouette of these poems. I smiled at the shadows unexpectedly delivered by her words, as will you."--Linda D. Addison, award-winning author of How to Recognize a Demon Has Become Your Friend and HWA Lifetime Achievement Award winner "This collection is not for the chronically disturbed, as fear is doled out in terse, potent portions. I got the shivers reading these unsettling poems."--Marge Simon, Bram Stoker Award winner, SFPA Grand Master Poet "Choking Back the Devil is unlike any other poetry collection you've ever read. Donna Lynch crafts beautifully terrifying worlds, packed with dense imagery and horrifying yet lush details. This collection will get your blood racing even as it breaks your heart." --Gwendolyn Kiste, Bram Stoker Award-winning author of The Rust Maidens "Some dark poets use their verse as a means to exorcise their demons. Lynch instead embraces her torment, nurtures it, and transforms it into equal parts hideous and heavenly. With a mix of wicked wit, carnal fury, and commentary that has sharpened its fangs to drain you until you're left with nothing but despair, Choking Back the Devil is essential sustenance for harrowed souls."--Chad Stroup, author of Secrets of the Weird and Sexy Leper
Not A Number: Patrick McGoohan - a life.
Not A Number: Patrick McGoohan - a life.
Rupert Booth
When Patrick McGoohan first starred in “Danger Man” in 1960 and as ‘Number 6’ in cult show “The Prisoner”, industry insiders hailed the arrival of an enigmatic genius and Hollywood beckoned. But who was this man who worked as a chicken farmer and bank clerk before becoming a hugely successful actor simply by chance? In this up-to-date biography Rupert Booth reveals the true character of a man whose off-screen behaviour matched his fiery on-screen persona. Why was he so puritanical, refusing even to kiss a woman for any part he played? Why was he so controlling over his work in “The Prisoner” and other productions? A timely exploration of the man whose declaration ‘I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, de-briefed or numbered!’ continues to resonate with audiences decades after it was first uttered with such conviction.
A Collection of Nightmares
A Collection of Nightmares
Christina Sng
Hold your screams and enter a world of seasonal creatures, dreams of bones, and confessions modeled from open eyes and endless insomnia. Christina Sng’s?A Collection of Nightmares?is a poetic feast of sleeplessness and shadows, an exquisite exhibition of fear and things better left unsaid. Here are ramblings at the end of the world and a path that leads to a thousand paper cuts at the hands of a skin carver. There are crawlspace whispers, and fresh sheets gently washed with sacrifice and poison, and if you’re careful in this ghost month, these poems will call upon the succubus to tend to your flesh wounds and scars.?? ?These nightmares are sweeping fantasies that electrocute the senses as much as they dull the ache of loneliness by showing you what’s hiding under your bed, in the back of your closet, and inside your head. Sng’s poems dissect and flower, her autopsies are delicate blooms dressed with blood and syntax. Her words are charcoal and cotton, safe yet dressed in an executioner’s garb.?? ?Dream carefully.?? ?You’ve already made your bed.?? ?The nightmares you have now will not be kind.?? ?And you have no one to blame but yourself.
The Piazza Tales
The Piazza Tales
Herman Melville
The Piazza Tales is the only collection of short stories by Herman Melville including: The Piazza, Bartleby, Benito Cereno, The Lightning-Rod Man, The Encantadas, The Bell-Tower.
The Healthy Life Cook Book
The Healthy Life Cook Book
Josh Verbae
The Healthy Life Cook Book features collections of traditional vegetarian food offering a complete guide to healthy eating. Unfermented bread, salads, casseroles, curries, gravies and sauces, egg dishes, pastry, puddings, cakes, jams, drinks, and even guides to unfired, raw food lifestyles and diets. In addition to recipes, the book features hints and tips on healthy food preparation and consumption. Complete weekly menus also included.
The Black Cat and Other Stories
The Black Cat and Other Stories
Edgar Allan Poe
Our pet-loving narrator injures his black cat under heavy influence of alcohol. From that moment onward, the cat flees in terror at his master's approach but this does not save Pluto from his master and eventually leads to Pluto's death and a mysterious house fire. The mystery does not end there and leads to even more unexpected events. The book features twenty other stories including: The Fall of the House of Usher, The Masque of the Red Death, The Imp of the Perverse.
The Gentle Spirit: A Fantastic Story
The Gentle Spirit: A Fantastic Story
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Can too much love be fatal? You are about to find out in this exquisite psychological drama between the owner of a pawnshop and his wife. The narrator's marriage started out cordially enough, but his miserly and reserved ways are taxing to his young wife. A dearth of communication and disagreements about how the pawnshop should be run result in arguments, though the narrator insists that they never quarrelled. One fine morning the narrator opens his eyes to see that his wife is standing over him with the revolver pointed at his temple.
The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American Civil War
The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American Civil War
Stephen Crane
The Red Badge of Courage follows events of the American Civil War, and life of a young private of the Union Army, Henry Fleming, who flees from the field of battle. Overcome with shame, he longs for a wound, a red badge of courage, to counteract his cowardice. When his regiment once again faces the enemy, Henry acts as standard-bearer.
Twenty Years After
Twenty Years After
Alexandre Dumas
In this sequel to The Three Musketeers, we continue following adventured of a young man named d'Artagnan. This story follows events in France during La Fronde, during the childhood reign of Louis XIV, and in England near the end of the English Civil War, leading up to the victory of Oliver Cromwell and the execution of King Charles I.