Delphi Collected Poetical Works of Adam Mickiewicz (Illustrated)
Explore Adam Mickiewicz, Poland’s National Poet, who was a leading figure of Romanticism, often likened to Byron and Goethe. Born in the Russian-partitioned territories of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Mickiewicz was active in the struggle to win independence for his homeland. His epic poem ‘Pan Tadeusz’ is celebrated as a masterpiece of European literature. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents Mickiewicz’ collected poetical works, with related illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Mickiewicz’ life and works* Concise introduction to Mickiewicz’ life and poetry* Images of how the poetry books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts* Excellent formatting of the poems* Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry* Easily locate the poems you want to read* Includes a modern-day verse translation of Mickiewicz’ great epic ‘Pan Tadeusz’ by Leonard Kress – available in no other collection* Features a bonus biography - discover Mickiewicz’ intriguing life* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit to see our wide range of poet titles CONTENTS: The Life and Poetry of Adam MickiewiczBRIEF INTRODUCTION: ADAM MICKIEWICZODE TO YOUTHTHE CRIMEAN SONNETS (Translated by Edna Worthley Underwood)KONRAD WALLENROD (Translated by M. A. Biggs)PAN TADEUSZ The PoemsLIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDERLIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The ProseMY FIRST BATTLE The BiographyADAM MICKIEWICZ: A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH by Edna Worthley Underwood Please visit to browse through our range of poetry titles or buy the entire Delphi Poets Series as a Super Set
Delphi Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche (Illustrated)
The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche became one of the most influential thinkers of the nineteenth century, whose attempts to unmask the motives that underlie traditional Western religion, morality and philosophy would deeply affect generations of philosophers, psychologists and authors. This comprehensive eBook presents Nietzsche’s complete works, with numerous illustrations, rare texts appearing in digital print for the first time, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Nietzsche’s life and works * Concise introductions to the novels and other texts * ALL the published books, with individual contents tables * Images of how the books were first published, giving your eReader a taste of the original German texts * Excellent formatting of the texts * Includes rare translations of Nietzsche’s poetry * Easily locate the poems you want to read * Includes Nietzsche’s rare autobiography ‘Ecce Homo’ * Special criticism section, with essays evaluating Nietzsche’s contribution to modern thought * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please note: there are no known translations in the public domain of a few early essays. When more translations become available, they will be added to the collection as a free update. Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Philosophical Writings HOMER AND THE CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY ON THE FUTURE OF OUR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS THE GREEK STATE AND OTHER FRAGMENTS THE RELATION BETWEEN A SCHOPENHAUERIAN PHILOSOPHY AND A GERMAN CULTURE HOMER’S CONTEST THE BIRTH OF TRAGEDY ON TRUTH AND LIES IN A NONMORAL SENSE PHILOSOPHY IN THE TRAGIC AGE OF THE GREEKS THOUGHTS OUT OF SEASON HUMAN, ALL TOO HUMAN THE DAWN OF DAY THE JOYFUL WISDOM THUS SPOKE ZARATHUSTRA BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL THE GENEALOGY OF MORALS THE CASE OF WAGNER THE TWILIGHT OF THE IDOLS THE ANTICHRIST NIETZSCHE CONTRA WAGNER THE WILL TO POWER WE PHILOLOGISTS The Poetry LIST OF POEMS LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Autobiography ECCE HOMO The Criticism FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE by George Brandes NIETZSCHE by John Cowper Powys NIETZSCHE AND WAGNER by Arthur Johnstone THE GERMAN WAR-TRIUMVIRATE by CHARLES SAROLEA PROPHETS OF DISSENT: NIETZSCHE by Otto Heller NIETZSCHE AND OTHER EXPONENTS OF INDIVIDUALISM by Paul Carus Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles
Acum, c?nd am ucis totul
Selec?ie de Teodor Dun? ?O parte a criticii a socotit c? Mazilescu este un ?poet de limbaj?, elaborat, rafinat, atras de artificiu, nu cu scopul exacerb?rii retorice a limbajului, ci, din contr?, pentru configurarea unui minimalism poetic, prin distorsiuni sintactice, blancuri, omisiuni, ?ntreruperi etc. ce au rolul de a revela o insolitare suplimentar? a limbajului poetic. Eugen Negrici caracteriza lirica lui Mazilescu prin formula fericit?: ?o stilistic? a eschivei?. Virgil Mazilescu trebuie privit, ?ns?, nu doar ca un poet al limbajului, oric?t de ?ncifrat, ci ?i ca un poet al fiin?ei, cu un discurs liric ce are o miz? clar ontologic?, dispus? chiar ?ntr-un registru neoexpresionist, un discurs ce ?ncorporeaz? ?n sine ‘?marile teme? ale modernit??ii: moartea, nebunia, suferin?a, Poezia cu ?majuscul?? ?i care percepe ?mistica poeziei ca instrument de m?ntuire, gravitatea rostirii? (Mircea C?rt?rescu)’.“ – Iulian Boldea
C?ntul clipei
Marieta Rdoi Mihi face parte din acea restrns categorie de poei a cror creaie este lipsit de metafora spectaculoas (glgioas!), beneficiind ns de taina cuvintelor, dnd alturrii acestora acea imprevizibilitate, venind parc dinspre Mallarmé sau, i mai aproape de noi, de la Ion Barbu, acest farmec al imprecisului care asigur autoarei o indiscutabil originalitate i esenializare a acestei poetici.“ – Radu Crneci
Scriitorul de vagoane ?i alte povestiri aproape adev?rate
Camil L. A. Camil este un alt nume. Persoana din spatele lui Camil L. A. Camil nu-?i asum? responsabilitatea celor scrise, de?i voi crede?i c? i-ar apar?ine de drept. ?Probabil”, g?nde?te acea persoan?, poeziile scrise de Camil L. A. Camil sunt retu?uri ?n trans?.” Eu nu sunt la?, dar nu mai ?tiu unde ?i c?nd am scris cele ce urmeaz?! S? fie uitarea singurul meu viciu?
O carte pe s?pt?m?n? reprezint? norma decent? pentru un critic de ?nt?mpinare, cu at?t mai mult cu c?t el mai scrie ?i studii sau eseuri, ??i duce copilul la ?coal?, plimb? c?inele pe trasee lungi, dinainte calculate, petrece mult timp printre studen?i la cursuri ?i seminarii, formeaz? oameni tineri ?i ?ncurajeaz? debuturi, fiind prezent c?teva ore zilnic ?i pe Internet, pentru a prelua comenzi de colaborare sau ca s? onoreze unele mai vechi, cu scaden?e ?n general respectate. Cartea de fa?? prezint? jum?tatea pedanta, disciplinat? a celui care a scris, ca un program personal de evaziune, Visul lupului de step?: 52 de texte, dedicate scriitorilor rom?ni, formeaz? aici un ?an ideal“ consacrat literaturii recente, compus din respect pentru munca altora, din admira?ie ?i entuziasm, dar ?i din responsabilitatea critic? a disocierilor lucide, tran?ante, atunci c?nd cazurile o impun. Practic?nd cu pl?cere cronica de ?nt?mpinare de mai bine de 30 de ani, autorul c?r?ii de fa?? ?tie prea bine c? nu laude a?teapt? ?n primul r?nd scriitorul rom?n din partea criticului s?u, ci ?n?elegerea obiectiv? a demersului literar ?i onestitate. ?n consecin??, se prea cuvine ca recenzentul s? r?m?n? un om marginal ?i s? priveasc? vedetele din penumbr?. ?n ultim? instan??, critica de ?nt?mpinare devine stil prin coregrafia subtil? a distan??rilor reciproce: a scriitorului de sine ?nsu?i prin intermediul criticului s?u, ?i a acestuia din urm? de propria sa fixa?ie, prin mijlocirea c?r?ilor mereu noi pe care le cite?te.
Z?pad? neagr? ?i alte povestiri
Dar mai bine las-m pe o strad pustie i privete cum nimic nu se schimb.“ – Laureniu Ion
Proz? scurt? cu postludii
...Lng zid sttea btrnul, demnul btrn al dimineilor mele. Zidul se continua neted dintr-o cldire, a unui spital poate, cci printr-o ferestruic de la subsol, zbrelit, zream n etajere maldre de cearafuri i de-acolo venea un abur sur i uneori barbotarea unor voci. ns btrnul sttea mai ncolo, lng zid: scund, destul de bine mbrcat pentru o asemenea vreme, cu palton i cciul cu margini, ca la vreo aptezeci de ani, nu mai mult, totdeauna n picioare, foarte lng zi, cu minile n buzunare. Am spus c btrnul era scund, ns lat n umeri, dar aa mi se prea mie, pentru c dura mult timp pn ce treceam de el. Uneori i ddeam un leu. Alteori nu. Plecam de acas i tiam c btrnul va fi acolo, lng zid – rareori se ntmpla s lipseasc, l-am vzut acolo doi ani la rnd, adic dou ierni la rnd, cci numai iarna i fcea apariia, n zori, niciodat dup ce se lumina bine de ziu – i niciodat nu tiam, pn n ultimul moment, dac am s-i dau sau nu moneda. Numai n ultima clip scoteam mna din buzunar (era mai mult o aciune pe cont propriu a braului), iar el, atent i prompt, ntindea mna i i strecuram n palm bnuul.“
Dew Drops
Again and again, in Denver Welte's exquisite Dew Drops, poems startle us into awareness of the understated, the nearly always invisible and the marvelous; those aspects of life that come under the rubrics of loneliness and joy. Welte combines a light lyricism with a postmodern sensibility for life. This collection was gathered from a one time weekly blog that appeared over four years. They are arranged in date order rather than by theme, so that you may witness the poet's growth.
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