Clinical Updates in the Management of Severe Asthma
Clinical Updates in the Management of Severe Asthma
Atopic Dermatitis: New Perspectives on Managing a Chronic Inflammatory Disease
Atopic Dermatitis: New Perspectives on Managing a Chronic Inflammatory Disease
Bütünsel Bak??la Canl?l?k-II: "Madde ve Enerji, Beden ve Ruh ?li?kisi"
alardan beridir insanln duygularn, rüyalarn, davranlarn, düüncelerini, hemen her eyini etkileyen ve algland kadaryla sorduu baz sorularn günümüz dünyasnda anlalmaya, kaplarnn aralanp bilincimizi yeniden ekillendirmeye baladn grürken, yeni sorular oluturmaya baladmz grüyoruz. Bugünlere kadar hepimizin merak ettii sorularn bazlar unlardr: - Canllk nedir - Duygularmz nedir - Ben neyim Bunlar alglayp yorumlayabildiimiz bilin nedir - Beden ile düünce zamanda nasl balanmtr - Düüncelerimi, grdüklerimi, gzleyen nedir - Uzay nedir Nasl var olmutur - Evrende neyin ifadesiyiz - Zaman nedir - lümden sonras var mdr Ruh olarak tanmladk, zihin-beden arasnda balanty kurmaya, duygular anlamaya alrken. Bilincin, algnn ve tüm bunlarla nasl bir ilikisi olabileceini sorguladk. Genelde yle oluyor ya bütünün nce paralarn anlamaya, paralara ayrp anlamaya almann, sorunlarn izlerini sürüp bütünle olan etkileimini grmeye yneliyoruz. Zamann iinde zaman geirmemize ramen, bilincimizle, canllmzla nasl balantl olduunu grmezden geldik. Günümüz dünyasnn ulat bilgi, yaamsal deneyimlerin kaydedilip aktarlmas, izlediimiz filmlerden tutun da, deneyimlerimizin hzl etkileimiyle zaman aralklarn orduk. Snr sistemimize benzeyen internet alar oluturduk. nsanlk olarak yapay zekalar gelitirdik. Hücre ile beden benzeri; canlyla tüm canlln, ekosistemin, varln etkileim rüntüsü olduunu anlamaya baladk. Belki de oluturduumuz yeni anlamlar, gelecekte oluacaklarn paralardr. Deiim devam ediyor. Grünen o ki, canllar bu evrenin en ileri evrensel alanlardr. Soralm kendimize; Evrende canllktan daha anlaml bir ey var mdr
Clinical Updates in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Clinical Updates in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Majoritatea deceselor cauzate de cancer ar putea fi evitate ?Marele c?l?u“ al secolului XXI, cancerul este ?n mod gre?it perceput ca o calamitate ce love?te la ?nt?mplare, o nenorocire ?mpotriva c?reia suntem neputincio?i. Cartea arat? c? exist? o leg?tur? ?ntre tabagism, surplusul de greutate, sedentarism, alimenta?ie, expunerea la razele ultraviolete, lipsa de somn ?i cancer, precum ?i c? majoritatea deceselor cauzate de aceast? boal? ar putea fi evitate prin modific?ri simple ale stilului de via??. Cele 10 reguli pentru reducerea riscurilor, izvor?te din analiza mai multor decenii de cercet?ri ?tiin?ifice, reprezint? o arm? puternic? ?mpotriva cancerului ?i le ofer? pentru prima dat? celor care au supravie?uit bolii un instrument concret de prevenire a recidivelor, ?n scopul cre?terii speran?ei de via??. ? excesul de zah?r ?i gr?simi din produsele alimentare industriale ar putea induce o dependen?? similar? celei asociate consumului de droguri ? dou? ore ?i jum?tate de activitate fizic? de intensitate moderat?, s?pt?m?nal, reduc riscul de mortalitate al bolnavilor de cancer ? cei care consum? trei por?ii de legume crucifere pe s?pt?m?n? prezint? un risc de recidiv? redus la jum?tate
This unique edition of Dubliners from Dead Dodo Vintage includes the full original text as well as exclusive features not available in other editions.
Bütünsel Bak??la Canl?l?k-I: "Madde ve Enerji, Beden ve Ruh ?li?kisi"
CANLILIK Nedir? Bilin? nedir? Zamanla ba?lant?l? olduklar?n? g?rebilir miyiz? Duygular?n ne oldu?unu s?yleyebilir miyiz? Beden ve Ruh ayr? m? yan?lg? m?d?r? Beden ve ruh, madde ve enerji gibi midir? Einstein'?n ünlü E=M.C2 formülüyle, madde ve enerjinin temelde ayn? ?eyler oldu?unu ve birbirlerine d?nü?ebildiklerini, maddenin yo?unla?m?? uzay-enerji alan? oldu?unu g?stermi?tir. Madde ile enerji aras?ndaki benzerlik ne i?e, beden ile ruh aras?ndaki benzerlikte ?yle midir? Beden madde ise Ruh enerji midir? Bilin?, duyulardan kayna??n? alan daha üst bir duyu mudur? Hücreler dokular?, dokular organlar?, organlar sistemleri olu?turur dü?üncesinde bilincimizi de g?rebilir miyiz? Haf?zam?zdaki bilgilere istedi?imiz her an neden ula?amay?z? Daha da ?nemlisi, tüm bilincimizi zaman?n ?ok k?sa an?na s??d?rabilir miyiz? Neden?
The Secret Garden
IT was just a year after the death of Galileo, that an infant came into the world who was christened Isaac Newton. Even the great fame of Galileo himself must be relegated to a second place in comparison with that of the philosopher who first expounded the true theory of the universe. Isaac Newton was born on the 25th of December (old style), 1642, at Woolsthorpe, in Lincolnshire, about a half-mile from Colsterworth, and eight miles south of Grantham. His father, Mr. Isaac Newton, had died a few months after his marriage to Harriet Ayscough, the daughter of Mr. James Ayscough, of Market Overton, in Rutlandshire. The little Isaac was at first so excessively frail and weakly that his life was despaired of. The watchful mother, however, tended her delicate child with such success that he seems to have thriven better than might have been expected from the circumstances of his infancy, and he ultimately acquired a frame strong enough to outlast the ordinary span of human life.For three years they continued to live at Woolsthorpe, the widow's means of livelihood being supplemented by the income from another small estate at Sewstern, in a neighbouring part of Leicestershire. In 1645, Mrs. Newton took as a second husband the Rev. Barnabas Smith, and on moving to her new home, about a mile from Woolsthorpe, she entrusted little Isaac to her mother, Mrs. Ayscough. In due time we find that the boy was sent to the public school at Grantham, the name of the master being Stokes. For the purpose of being near his work, the embryo philosopher was boarded at the house of Mr. Clark, an apothecary at Grantham. We learn from Newton himself that at first he had a very low place in the class lists of the school, and was by no means one of those model school-boys who find favour in the eyes of the school-master by attention to Latin grammar. Isaac's first incentive to diligent study seems to have been derived from the circumstance that he was severely kicked by one of the boys who was above him in the class. This indignity had the effect of stimulating young Newton's activity to such an extent that he not only attained the desired object of passing over the head of the boy who had maltreated him, but continued to rise until he became the head of the school.The play-hours of the great philosopher were devoted to pursuits very different from those of most school-boys. His chief amusement was found in making mechanical toys and various ingenious contrivances. He watched day by day with great interest the workmen engaged in constructing a windmill in the neighbourhood of the school, the result of which was that the boy made a working model of the windmill and of its machinery, which seems to have been much admired, as indicating his aptitude for mechanics. We are told that Isaac also indulged in somewhat higher flights of mechanical enterprise. He constructed a carriage, the wheels of which were to be driven by the hands of the occupant, while the first philosophical instrument he made was a clock, which was actuated by water. He also devoted much attention to the construction of paper kites, and his skill in this respect was highly appreciated by his schoolfellows. Like a true philosopher, even at this stage he experimented on the best methods of attaching the string, and on the proportions which the tail ought to have. He also made lanthorns of paper to provide himself with light as he walked to school in the dark winter mornings.
Mind That Found Itself
An autobiographical account of his confinement in a mental institution of the time, by Clifford Whittingham Beers.
All Edge
Work is changing. Speed and flexibility are more in demand than ever before thanks to an accelerating knowledge economy and sophisticated communication networks. These changes have forced a mass rethinking of the way we coordinate, collaborate, and communicate. Instead of projects coming to established teams, teams are increasingly converging around projects. These "e;all-edge adhocracies"e; are highly collaborative and mostly temporary, their edge coming from the ability to form links both inside and outside an organization. These nimble groups come together around a specific task, recruiting personnel, assigning roles, and establishing objectives. When the work is done they disband their members and take their skills to the next project.Spinuzzi offers for the first time a comprehensive framework for understanding how these new groups function and thrive. His rigorous analysis tackles both the pros and cons of this evolving workflow and is based in case studies of real all-edge adhocracies at work. His provocative results will challenge our long-held assumptions about how we should be doing work.
Worthy of the Cause for Which They Fight
Worthy of the Cause for Which They Fight chronicles the experiences of a well-educated and articulate Confederate officer from Arkansas who witnessed the full evolution of the Civil War in the Trans-Mississippi Department and western theater. Daniel Harris Reynolds, a community leader with a thriving law practice in Chicot County, entered service in 1861 as a captain in command of Company A of the First Arkansas Mounted Rifles. Reynolds saw action at Wilson's Creek and Pea Ridge before the regiment was dismounted and transferred to the Army of Tennessee, the primary Confederate force in the western theater. As Reynolds fought through the battles of Chickamauga, Atlanta, Nashville, and Bentonville, he consistently kept a diary in which he described the harsh realities of battle, the shifting fortunes of war, and the personal and political conflicts that characterized and sometimes divided the soldiers. The result is a significant testimonial offering valuable insights into the nature of command from the company to brigade levels, expressed by a committed Southerner coming to grips with the realities of defeat and the ultimate demoralization of surrender.
Subject of Murder
The subject of murder has always held a particular fascination for us. But, since at least the nineteenth century, we have seen the murderer as different from the ordinary citizen-a special individual, like an artist or a genius, who exists apart from the moral majority, a sovereign self who obeys only the destructive urge, sometimes even commanding cult followings. In contemporary culture, we continue to believe that there is something different and exceptional about killers, but is the murderer such a distinctive typeAre they degenerate beasts or supermen as they have been depicted on the page and the screenOr are murderers something else entirely?In The Subject of Murder, Lisa Downing explores the ways in which the figure of the murderer has been made to signify a specific kind of social subject in Western modernity. Drawing on the work of Foucault in her studies of the lives and crimes of killers in Europe and the United States, Downing interrogates the meanings of media and texts produced about and by murderers. Upending the usual treatment of murderers as isolated figures or exceptional individuals, Downing argues that they are ordinary people, reflections of our society at the intersections of gender, agency, desire, and violence.
Botany (Collins Internet-Linked Dictionary of)
Compiled by a team of scientists,and edited by Jill Bailey in consultation with Sir John Burnett, Chairman of the Trustees,National Biodiversity Network and Dr Andrew Lack,Senior Lecturer in Environmental Biology,Oxford Brookes University
Healing Your Emotions: Discover your five element type and change your life
Angela & John Hicks are the joint principals of the College of Integrated Chinese medicine in Reading. Angela is author of The Five Laws for Healthy Living, Principles of Acupuncture and Principles of Chinese Medicine. John is author of Principles of Chinese Herbal Medicine. They have been practising for over 17 years.
Trouble in Paradise: Uncovering the Dark Secrets of Britain’s Most Remote Island
A shocking exposé of the terrible secrets at the heart of the Pitcairn Island community – a tale of systematic child abuse and rape which stretches back over 40 years. Pitcairn Island – home to the descendants of the mutineers of the Bounty – has long been thought of as a tropical paradise. Wild and remote, it is Britain’s most isolated outpost and a fantasy destination for many. But in 1999, British police, alerted by unsettling reports of a rape, descended on the island. Their investigation developed into a major enquiry which revealed that Pitcairn was the site of widespread and horrific sexual abuse instigated by the island men on girls as young as twelve. Scarcely a man on the island was untainted by the allegations, and almost none of the women had escaped, though most residents feigned ignorance, even when their own daughters were abused. Abusers included the magistrates and police officers as well as brothers and uncles. Few of the victims were able to leave the island; those who did never went back. Kathy Marks was one of only six journalists permitted to live on the island while she reported on the ensuing trial and witnessed Pitcairn's domestic workings first-hand. In this riveting account she documents a society gone badly astray, leaving lives shattered, codes broken and a paradise truly lost.
The Soil (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 77)
The soil is one of the great unsung disappearing resources, with over 100m tonnes being destroyed every year. This edition is exclusive to The soil is the work place of farmers and gardeners, but it is also a fascinating environment inhabited by insects that can leap into the air to a record height, multilegged scavengers that are vital to the decomposition of plant matter and the long, thin, entwining strands of thousands of species of fungi. Although soil plays a vital role in the functioning of the world, it has often been overlooked, mainly because it contains a huge range of different fields, all of which have become specialities in their own right. This book brings together specialists in these fields to give a broad overview of the staggering advances that have been made since Sir John Russel's The World Of Soil was published in this series in 1947. The first two chapters introduce the physical structure of the soil. The next four chapters deal with the specific animals and plants and how they exploit this environment. The final four chapters describe how these animals interact and how man has used and abused the soil in his striving to gain more and more from this resource.
Smart Swarm: Using Animal Behaviour to Organise Our World
How Understanding Flocks, Schools and Colonies Can Make Us Better at Communicating, Decision Making and Getting Things Done. The modern world may be obsessed with speed and productivity, but twenty-first century humans actually have much to learn from the ancient instincts of swarms. A fascinating new take on the concept of collective intelligence and its colourful manifestations in some of our most complex problems, Smart Swarm introduces a compelling new understanding of the real experts on solving our own complex problems relating to such topics as business, politics, and technology. Based on extensive globe-trotting research, this lively tour from National Geographic reporter Peter Miller introduces thriving throngs of ant colonies, which have inspired computer programs for streamlining factory processes, telephone networks, and truck routes; termites, used in recent studies for climate-control solutions; schools of fish, on which the U.S. military modelled a team of robots; and many other examples of the wisdom to be gleaned about the behaviour of crowds-among critters and corporations alike. In the tradition of James Surowiecki's The Wisdom of Crowds and the innovative works of Malcolm Gladwell, Smart Swarm is an entertaining yet enlightening look at small-scale phenomena with big implications for us all.
Broken: Part 3 of 3: A traumatised girl. Her troubled brother. Their shocking se
Rosie Lewis is a full-time foster carer. She has been working in this field for over a decade. Before that, she worked in the special units team in the police force.Based in northern England, Rosie writes under a pseudonym to protect the identities of the children she looks after.
The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity
Roy Porter is Professor of the Social History of Medicine at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine. He is the editor of the Fontana History of Science series, and the author of over sixty-five books, including the acclaimed bestseller ‘London: A Social History’. His book on the history of madness in England, ‘Mind Forg’d Manacles’, won the Leo Gershoy Prize.
Mind Time: How ten mindful minutes can enhance your work, health and happiness
Michael Chaskalson Michael is one of the pioneers of mindfulness teaching and research in Europe. He is the author of the agenda-setting The Mindful Workplace and Mindfulness in Eight Weeks. Based on his 40 years of personal practice of mindfulness and related disciplines, Michael now shares his insights and research with audiences worldwide as a keynote speaker, coach, consultant, and teacher. Michael is founder and CEO of Mindfulness Works and a Professor of Practice at Ashridge Business School. Dr Megan Reitz Megan is Associate Professor of Leadership and Dialogue at Ashridge Business School where she speaks, researches, and consults on the intersection of leadership, change, dialogue and mindfulness. She has presented her research to audiences throughout the world and is the author of Dialogue in Organizations.
Tell Me How it Ends: An Essay in Forty Questions
Valeria Luiselli was born in Mexico City in 1983. She is the author of the novels Faces in the Crowd and The Story of My Teeth, and of a collection of essays called Sidewalks. Her work has been published in magazines and newspapers such as Letras Libres, the New York Times, the New Yorker, Freeman’s, El Pais and Harper’s and she is published in fifteen languages. She is currently professor of Romance Language and Literature at Hofstra University and lives in New York City.