
Дивись уперед: Над?йний шлях до омр?яного життя
Ez a k?nyv két év kutatómunkája alapján íródott. Fórumokon, internetes hozzászólásokban megnyilvánuló vélemények, és a velük kapcsolatban felmerült kérdések, illetve válaszok adják az írás gerincét. Nem orvos, nem tudós, nem kutató írta szaknyelven, hanem egy egyszer?, érz? ember, hétk?znapi nyelven, k?zérthet?en, azon igyekezve, hogy párhuzamot vonjon a szexuális irányultság két végletével és megértesse, hogy e szexuális orientációk egyenérték?ek. A kül?nleges szerelmi szálon futó t?rténet humorral, drámával f?szerezve bemutatja azokat a k?zponti problémákat, melyek a gy?l?letet táplálják a melegek felé és igyekszik utat mutatni az elfogadás irányába. Ma irtózol a homoszexuálisoktól. De mi lesz holnap, amikor a gyermeked, a legjobb barátod vagy a legkedvesebb rokonod megvallja, hogy ? úgy boldog? Az élet sorban osztja a pofonokat és nem tudhatjuk, mikor csattan a mi orcánkon... A k?nyv címét az alábbi idézet ihlette: ?Adj tüzedb?l lángot annak, aki kér!” /Marcus Tullius Cicero/ ?

TOTAL WAR: Attila kardja
Not many years ago the group Insecta was held even by Zoologists to include numberless small creatures—centipedes, spiders, mites, etc.—which further study has shown to present essential differences of structure, and in popular language any fairly minute animal is still an insect, just as any insect is popularly a “fly”—or, in the United States, a “bug.” Scientifically the use of the term Insect is now much restricted, though still extensive enough in all conscience, since it includes many more than a quarter of a million known species. Zoologists recognise a large group of animals characterised by having no internal skeleton but a more or less firm external coating of a peculiar substance called chitin, often strengthened by calcareous deposits, which necessitates the presence of joints in their bodies, and especially in their limbs if they are to move freely, just as medieval suits of armour required to be jointed. These are the Arthropoda. One subdivision of this group consists of aquatic animals, breathing by gills, and known as Crustacea. Crabs, lobsters, shrimps and “water-fleas” are familiar examples, and with the exception of the so-called land-crabs the only Crustaceans habitually found on land are wood-lice. The other Arthropoda are air-breathing, and since their characteristic breathing organs are branching tubes known as tracheae, the term Tracheata is sometimes used to include them all. They fall naturally into three divisions, the Myriapoda, the Insecta and the Arachnida, and it is in this last-named division that we shall find the spiders. The Myriapoda are the centipedes and millipedes, and having said this we may dismiss them, for insects and arachnids are strictly limited as to legs; and no myriapod can ever be mistaken for a spider. The Arachnida are so varied in structure that it is not easy to give characteristics common to them all, and to any general statement there are bound to be exceptions, but for practical purposes it may be said that while an insect, when mature, has only six legs, and a pair of feelers or antennae of quite different structure, Arachnids have normally eight legs, and their feeling organs are not antennae but leg-like “pedipalps.”

HA RVID AZ LET, TOLDD MEG EGY BALLPSSEL!” A knyvben hét beszélgetést olvashatsz volt brtnlakókkal, igazi nehézfiúkkal, akik együttesen csaknem 100 évet tltttek a rácsok mgtt, és most az életükrl vallanak Dorkának. Megismerkedhetsz az Isten ostorával, aki 13 évesen lóktéssel kezdte, Felipével, akit fénykorában a fél magyar rendrség üldztt az M3-ason, a Profival, aki a magánzárkán hosszú éveken át csak gyúrt és olvasott, vagy rpival, aki már régen nem is élne, ha nem került volna be a sittre. Elgondolkodhatsz a pokolról, az emberlésrl és az ártatlanságról, borzadhatsz, félhetsz, nevethetsz és sírhatsz.BKY DORKA, a Feldmár Intézet igazgatója 2011 óta dolgozik a brtnben, a Feldmár Andrással kifejlesztett Mesekr program keretében. A fogvatartottak saját életük élményeibl állítanak ssze mesejátékokat, amit aztán dramatizálnak, rendeznek, megzenésítenek és eladják a gyerekeiknek.

Сила ?нтроверт?в: Тих? люди у св?т?, що не може мовчати
Disciplina affascinante e misteriosa, la Selfica permette di realizzare oggetti in metallo, inchiostri e colori in grado di interagire positivamente con l’ambiente e permettono a chi li possiede di aumentare il benessere personale, la sensibilità, l’equilibrio psicofisico. Le “self”– siano esse gioielli, strutture per l’ambiente o quadri – aiutano chi le usa a conoscere meglio se stessi e a entrare in contatto con dimensioni energetiche e campi di informazioni differenti da quelli in cui siamo normalmente immersi. La Selfica – sviluppata attraverso le ricerche e gli insegnamenti di Oberto Airaudi, Falco Tarassaco, ispiratore di Damanhur, Federazione di Comunità – è in realtà un’arte-scienza antichissima, già conosciuta da molti popoli del passato. Questo libro racconta le sperimentazioni di numerosi ricercatori e appassionati, raccolte dall’Autrice, protagonista a sua volta di molte esperienze appassionanti. ? un viaggio in una nuova dimensione dove tempo, spazio, emozione e memoria rispondono a leggi molto diverse da quelle a cui siamo abituati...

The Secret Agent: "A Simple Tale"
AMONG the ranks of the great astronomers it would be difficult to find one whose life presents more interesting features and remarkable vicissitudes than does that of Galileo. We may consider him as the patient investigator and brilliant discoverer. We may consider him in his private relations, especially to his daughter, Sister Maria Celeste, a woman of very remarkable character ; and we have also the pathetic drama at the close of Galileo's life, when the philosopher drew down upon himself the thunders of the Inquisition. The materials for the sketch of this astonishing man are sufficiently abundant. We make special use in this place of those charming letters which his daughter wrote to him from her convent home. More than a hundred of these have been preserved, and it may well be doubted whether any more beautiful and touching series of letters addressed to a parent by a dearly loved child have ever been written. An admirable account of this correspondence is contained in a little book entitled "The Private Life of Galileo," published anonymously by Messrs. Macmillan in 1870, and I have been much indebted to the author of that volume for many of the facts contained in this chapter. Galileo was born at Pisa, on 18th February, 1564. He was the eldest son of Vincenzo de Bonajuti de Galilei, a Florentine noble. Notwithstanding his illustrious birth and descent, it would seem that the home in which the great philosopher's childhood was spent was an impoverished one. It was obvious at least that the young Galileo would have to be provided with some profession by which he might earn a livelihood. From his father he derived both by inheritance and by precept a keen taste for music, and it appears that he became an excellent performer on the lute. He was also endowed with considerable artistic power, which he cultivated diligently. Indeed, it would seem that for some time the future astronomer entertained the idea of devoting himself to painting as a profession. His father, however, decided that he should study medicine. Accordingly, we find that when Galileo was seventeen years of age, and had added a knowledge of Greek and Latin to his acquaintance with the fine arts, he was duly entered at the University of Pisa. AMONG the ranks of the great astronomers it would be difficult to find one whose life presents more interesting features and remarkable vicissitudes than does that of Galileo. We may consider him as the patient investigator and brilliant discoverer. We may consider him in his private relations, especially to his daughter, Sister Maria Celeste, a woman of very remarkable character ; and we have also the pathetic drama at the close of Galileo's life, when the philosopher drew down upon himself the thunders of the Inquisition. The materials for the sketch of this astonishing man are sufficiently abundant. We make special use in this place of those charming letters which his daughter wrote to him from her convent home. More than a hundred of these have been preserved, and it may well be doubted whether any more beautiful and touching series of letters addressed to a parent by a dearly loved child have ever been written. An admirable account of this correspondence is contained in a little book entitled "The Private Life of Galileo," published anonymously by Messrs. Macmillan in 1870, and I have been much indebted to the author of that volume for many of the facts contained in this chapter.

The Time Machine
zet olarak tüm tp almalar & Bilim felsefesi & Hayat hikayesi & Metodolojisi ve Tahlilleri ilaveli bni Sin, daha ocukluunda, evresini hayrete düüren bir zek ve hafza rnei gstermitir. Küük yata ann bütün, ilimlerini renmiti. Gündüz ve gece okumakla vakit geirir, mum nda saatlerce, ou zaman sabahlara kadar alrd. Pek az uyurdu. Buhara Emiri Nuh bni Mansur’u ar bir hastalktan kurtard ve bu yüzden de Samanoullar saraynn kütüphanesinde alma iznini ald. Bu sayede pek ok eseri elinin altnda bulduu iin vaktini kitap okumak ve yazmakla geirdi. Hükümdar ldüü zaman o, henüz yirmi yandayd ve Buhr'dan ayrlarak Harzem'e gitti: EI-Brni gibi büyük bir hret ve deerin, onun alkanlna, bilgisine deer vermesi, kendisini yanna kabul etmesi, beraber almas, hakknda kskanla yol at. Bu yüzden takibata bile urad. Harzem'de barnamayarak yeniden yollara dütü. ehirden ehre dolaarak nihayet Hemedan'a kadar geldi ve orada kalmaya karar verdi. bni Sn, ou fizik, astronomi ve felsefeyle ilgili olarak 150 civarnda eser yazmt. Farsa olan birka dnda bunlarn hepsi Arapa'dr. ünkü o devirde ilim eserlerini Arap diliyle yazmak detti. Arapa'ya bu bakmdan deer verilirdi. Bilhassa tp ilmine dair aratrmalar son derece orijinal ve dorudur. Bu yüzden dou ve bat hekimliine kelimenin tam anlamyla, 600 yl, hükmetmitir. Eserleri Bat dillerine Latince yoluyla evrilerek Avicenna diye hrete ulaan bni Sin, yanl olarak bir süre Avrupa'da ranl hekim ve filozof olarak tannmtr. Bunun da sebebi, eserlerini Türke yazmam olmasndandr… Bununla beraber, batllar da kendisini Hkim-i Tb, yani hekimlerin piri ve hükümdar olarak kabul etmilerdir. 16 yandayken pratik hekimlie balayan bni Sin, resm saray doktorluu da yapmtr. NDEKLER: BN- SNA’NIN HAYATI ve ALIMALARI ESERLER bn-i Sina’nn Felsefi Anlay Varlk ve Mantk BN- SNA VE VARLIK FELSEFES VARLIK FELSEFES VE BN SNA* Varla likin Grüleri: BN- SNA’DA 3 MESELE A- VARLIK BLNC’NN NCEL B- NAYET VE ERRN LAH KAZADA BULUNUU (KTLK PROBLEM) C-FLLERN ALLAHTAN SUDURU BN- SNA’NIN BLM FELSEFES SLAMDA SMYA VE BN- SNA’NIN SMYAYA KATKILARI.. Tarihi zgemii nkar ve Muhalefet Batya Etkisi BN- SNA’NIN TIP FELSEFES BN- SNANIN TIP TARHNDEK YER…. Tp Sahasndaki Baz Bulular TIBBIN KANUNU ESER HAKKINDA.. BN- SNA’NIN FA FELSEFES BN- SNA’NIN VARLIK VE EVREN FELSEFES BN- SNA VE SUDUR NAZARYES… BN- SNA VE SPNOZADA DN VE FELSEFE LKLER B. BN SN FELSEFESNDE LEMN KIDEM/EZELL SORUNU C. GENEL DEERLENDRME SLAM METAFZ VE BN- SNA slam Metafiziine Ksa Bir Bak: bn Sn’ya Gre Nefsin Bedenden Ayrl Sonras Durumu BN- SNA’NIN “El-rtü ve’t-Tenbhtü fi’l-Mantk ve’l-Hikme” Kitab Hakknda BN- SNA VE ETM BN- SNA’NIN PSKOLOJK YAKLAIMLARI bn Sina’nn Aile Siyasetine Dair Risalesindeki Temel Grüleri KEND AZINDAN BN- SNA Genlik ve Olgunluk Devresi (M. 997 -1005) Seyahatler Devresi (M.1005-1014) (bn-i Sn’nn Hayatnda) Büveyhler Devresi bn-i Sn’nn Hayatnda Kkyler Devresi (M. 1024 -1037) BN- SNA’DA NAMAZ VE FA BALANTISI BN- SN’NIN NAMAZ RSALES Namazn Mahiyeti: Namaz: Namaz, nefs-i natkann, gk cisimlerine benzemesi ve ebed sevap istemek iin Mutlak olan Hakk’a tapnmas demektir. Namazn hakikati: Namazn Zahir ve Batna Ayrlmas Beyanndadr: Bu blüm nceki iki ksm namazdan her birinin kime ve hangi snfa vacib olduunu bildirir: BN- SNA’NIN RUH LE LGL KASDES ZETLE BN- SNANIN BLME KATKILARI BN- SNANIN UNUTULMAYAN SZLER

The Secret Garden
IT was just a year after the death of Galileo, that an infant came into the world who was christened Isaac Newton. Even the great fame of Galileo himself must be relegated to a second place in comparison with that of the philosopher who first expounded the true theory of the universe. Isaac Newton was born on the 25th of December (old style), 1642, at Woolsthorpe, in Lincolnshire, about a half-mile from Colsterworth, and eight miles south of Grantham. His father, Mr. Isaac Newton, had died a few months after his marriage to Harriet Ayscough, the daughter of Mr. James Ayscough, of Market Overton, in Rutlandshire. The little Isaac was at first so excessively frail and weakly that his life was despaired of. The watchful mother, however, tended her delicate child with such success that he seems to have thriven better than might have been expected from the circumstances of his infancy, and he ultimately acquired a frame strong enough to outlast the ordinary span of human life.For three years they continued to live at Woolsthorpe, the widow's means of livelihood being supplemented by the income from another small estate at Sewstern, in a neighbouring part of Leicestershire. In 1645, Mrs. Newton took as a second husband the Rev. Barnabas Smith, and on moving to her new home, about a mile from Woolsthorpe, she entrusted little Isaac to her mother, Mrs. Ayscough. In due time we find that the boy was sent to the public school at Grantham, the name of the master being Stokes. For the purpose of being near his work, the embryo philosopher was boarded at the house of Mr. Clark, an apothecary at Grantham. We learn from Newton himself that at first he had a very low place in the class lists of the school, and was by no means one of those model school-boys who find favour in the eyes of the school-master by attention to Latin grammar. Isaac's first incentive to diligent study seems to have been derived from the circumstance that he was severely kicked by one of the boys who was above him in the class. This indignity had the effect of stimulating young Newton's activity to such an extent that he not only attained the desired object of passing over the head of the boy who had maltreated him, but continued to rise until he became the head of the school.The play-hours of the great philosopher were devoted to pursuits very different from those of most school-boys. His chief amusement was found in making mechanical toys and various ingenious contrivances. He watched day by day with great interest the workmen engaged in constructing a windmill in the neighbourhood of the school, the result of which was that the boy made a working model of the windmill and of its machinery, which seems to have been much admired, as indicating his aptitude for mechanics. We are told that Isaac also indulged in somewhat higher flights of mechanical enterprise. He constructed a carriage, the wheels of which were to be driven by the hands of the occupant, while the first philosophical instrument he made was a clock, which was actuated by water. He also devoted much attention to the construction of paper kites, and his skill in this respect was highly appreciated by his schoolfellows. Like a true philosopher, even at this stage he experimented on the best methods of attaching the string, and on the proportions which the tail ought to have. He also made lanthorns of paper to provide himself with light as he walked to school in the dark winter mornings.

Leonardo Da Vinci: "A Psychological Study of an Infantile Reminiscence"
FROM the eastern gate of Mardin the road decants itself plainwards in a skein of curves and zigzags—a vertical descent of 2000 feet, spinning out its gradients to a length of five or six miles. It is not at all a bad road. One could easily bicycle down it—and perhaps even bicycle up it if in specially strenuous mood. But it is, as it were, the swan-song of the modern Ottoman Telfords, and as soon as it reaches the level it reverts into a sheaf of footpaths. Henceforth to the end of our journey we saw no more metalled roads.We had now, too, a further reminder of the fact that we were quitting civilization, for a couple of zaptiehs rode with us to escort us over the stage to Nisibin. Hitherto such protection had been deemed needless: but in these remoter districts the Government prefers to have some tangible assurance of a European traveller’s safety, seeing that it is liable to be held responsible if he is unfortunate enough to come to grief. Thus that modest intruder finds himself passed on from city to city with all the pomp and circumstance of an armed cavalry escort; and afflicted at every stage with the consciousness that he is passing current at a face value vastly in excess of his intrinsic worth. The zaptiehs are a sort of military police, analogous to the Spanish Civil Guard or the Royal Irish Constabulary; though we fear that these two corps d’elite would not be likely to feel gratified at a suggestion that such deplorable ragamuffins should “march through Coventry” with them. Personally, for the most part, they are good-humoured and obliging fellows; accepting rough weather and hard lodging with the utmost philosophy. Also they rather welcome the chance of a little escort duty. It is a pleasant change from the monotony of garrison life; and there is a tip to look forward to finally, though this must be “under the rose.” “You have not mentioned that you’ve given us a present?” said one of our fellows with engaging na?veté when we asked him to carry back a letter—“Because it isn’t allowed!” But though Western civilization extends thus far no longer, there is not wanting tangible evidence to prove that it was here long ago. In the midst of one of the first plain villages there rises, like a lofty aiguille, the angle of a Roman watch tower. It seems impossible that such a slender fragment should be able to withstand wind and weather much longer; but hitherto the huge square blocks have stood firm though all support has fallen away. A Roman church (or more probably a Roman house converted into a church) stands in another village; and at the end of a short day’s journey we turned aside to visit some yet more striking remains. The mountains at this point ravel out on to the plain in a line of gently sloping spurs, and from between two of these issues a broad and shallow but never-failing stream. The spurs immediately westward of it are conspicuously gashed across with wide deep transverse trenches; and as we draw nearer we perceive that the ridge on each side of the river is crested with a ruined rampart, and that the hollow enclosed between them is a regular sugar bowl of huge disjointed stones. Here and there out of the chaos rises the fragment of a mighty tower or a massive skeleton archway, and presently we can descry a few wretched Kurdish hovels half hidden among the débris of the great devastated city.

The Sign of the Four
Copernicus, the astronomer, whose discoveries make him the great predecessor of Kepler and Newton, did not come from a noble family, as certain other early astronomers have done, for his father was a tradesman. Chroniclers are, however, careful to tell us that one of his uncles was a bishop. We are not acquainted with any of those details of his childhood or youth which are often of such interest in other cases where men have risen to exalted fame. It would appear that the young Nicolaus, for such was his Christian name, received his education at home until such time as he was deemed sufficiently advanced to be sent to the University at Cracow. The education that he there obtained must have been in those days of a very primitive description, but Copernicus seems to have availed himself of it to the utmost. He devoted himself more particularly to the study of medicine, with the view of adopting its practice as the profession of his life. The tendencies of the future astronomer were, however, revealed in the fact that he worked hard at mathematics, and, like one of his illustrious successors, Galileo, the practice of the art of painting had for him a very great interest, and in it he obtained some measure of success.??By the time he was twenty-seven years old, it would seem that Copernicus had given up the notion of becoming a medical practitioner, and had resolved to devote himself to science. He was engaged in teaching mathematics, and appears to have acquired some reputation. His growing fame attracted the notice of his uncle the bishop, at whose suggestion Copernicus took holy orders, and he was presently appointed to a canonry in the cathedral of Frauenhurg, near the mouth of the Vistula.? To Frauenburg, accordingly, this man of varied gifts retired. Possessing somewhat of the ascetic spirit, he resolved to devote his life to work of the most serious description. He eschewed all ordinary society, restricting his intimacies to very grave and learned companions, and refusing to engage in conversation of any useless kind. It would seem as if his gifts for painting were condemned as frivolous; at all events, we do not learn that he continued to practise them. In addition to the discharge of his theological duties, his life was occupied partly in ministering medically to the wants of the poor, and partly with his researches in astronomy and mathematics. His equipment in the matter of instruments for the study of the heavens seems to have been of a very meagre description. He arranged apertures in the walls of his house at Allenstein, so that he could observe in some fashion the passage of the stars across the meridian. That he possessed some talent for practical mechanics is proved by his construction of a contrivance for raising water from a stream, for the use of the inhabitants of Frauenburg. Relics of this machine are still to be Been.??The intellectual slumber of the Middle Ages was destined to be awakened by the revolutionary doctrines of Copernicus. It may be noted, as an interesting circumstance, that the time at which he discovered the scheme of the solar system has coincided with a remarkable epoch in the world's history. The great astronomer had just reached manhood at the time when Columbus discovered the new world.??Before the publication of the researches of Copernicus, the orthodox scientific creed averred that the earth was stationary, and that the apparent movements of the heavenly bodies were indeed real movements. Ptolemy had laid down this doctrine 1,400 years before. In his theory this huge error was associated with so much important truth, and the whole presented such a coherent scheme for the explanation of the heavenly movements, that the Ptolemaic theory was not seriously questioned until the great work of Copernicus appeared. No doubt others, before Copernicus, had from time to time in some vague fashion surmised, with more or less plausibility, that the sun..

Да ли ?е Срби?а шугава
Автор книги?– кандидат медицинских наук, врач с?многолетним опытом – просто и?понятно рассказывает о?здоровье и?отвечает на?самые распространенные вопросы. ? Предвестники серьезных недугов ??Факторы риска заболеваний сердца ??Тест на?определение склонности к?гипертонии ? Симптомы и диагностика распространенных заболеваний ??При каких признаках нужно немедленно обращаться к?врачу ??Традиционные и?народные способы профилактики и?лечения артериальной гипертензии, ишемической болезни, стенокардии, аритмии, сердечной недостаточности и?др. ??Лечение травами ??Лечебное питание ??Лечебная физкультура и?многое другое. Avtor knigi?– kandidat medicinskih nauk, vrach s?mnogoletnim opytom – prosto i?ponjatno rasskazyvaet o?zdorov'e i?otvechaet na?samye rasprostranennye voprosy. ? Predvestniki ser'eznyh nedugov ??Faktory riska zabolevanij serdca ??Test na?opredelenie sklonnosti k?gipertonii ? Simptomy i diagnostika rasprostranennyh zabolevanij ??Pri kakih priznakah nuzhno nemedlenno obrashhat'sja k?vrachu ??Tradicionnye i?narodnye sposoby profilaktiki i?lechenija arterial'noj gipertenzii, ishemicheskoj bolezni, stenokardii, aritmii, serdechnoj nedostatochnosti i?dr. ??Lechenie travami ??Lechebnoe pitanie ??Lechebnaja fizkul'tura i?mnogoe drugoe.

Ruins of Ancient Cities: (Volume - I)
"UKRAY" - UNIFIED FIELD THEORY - - A New Unification Theory on Electromagnetic Gravitation- PREFACE ? ?“This study which aims to prove that all forces and laws of physics exist in a single unified structure at the Starting and Ending moment of the Universe analyzes all laws of physics within the framework of a unified structure from Newton Mechanics to Quantum Theory, Einstein Relativity to modern 11-dimensional Super string theory. The study may also be considered as a "MODERN ERA PRINCIPIA" since it was started to be written in about 300 years (early 2007) after the publication of the great study of Newton named "PRINCIPIA" (1703-1707) on the topic of gravity theories. The volume includes SEVEN CHAPTERS in the form of SEVEN different articles which follow each other and make clear the subject when they are read consecutively. In addition, FOUR additional chapters in the form of APPENDIXES in nature of FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICS were also included at the end of the volume for readers who have a less degree of technical knowledge about the topic… THIS THEORY, GETS THESE QUESTIONS INTO; - A CHANGE into Gravitational field and field equations, STATIC AND UNIVERSAL GRAVITATIONAL CONSTANTS, - THE DYNAMICS OF Gravitational field with Combining the Electromagnetics Theory. - THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT COULD BE EXCEEDED? THIS THEORY WAS PREPARED AS A CONSEQUENCE OF APPROXIMATELY 16 YEARS STUDY, - WHOLE "666" PAGE- INCLUDES ABOUT 100 THEOREMS, - AND 1000 ILLUSTRATED DRAWINGS, - ASSERTS THE NEW PHYSICS OF THE UNIVERSE. AND MUCH MORE… "I imagined the situation of a mass falling towards the singularity point in a blackhole singularity in electrodynamic gravity conditions for some relative structures in the electromagnetic theory which is the most important and understandable theory in the classical physics I had comprehensive knowledge in my last years of my undergraduate term of the academic life (in about 2000) in an article of Faraday on the topic of the law of induction I had incidentally seen while I was examining the existing physics literature in the faculty's library. I wondered if the law of induction in a circular conducting wire differently perceived according to an observer in the train and the one on the land in the special relativity of Einstein may occur by the increase and decrease of mass during the course of falling to singularity in this blackhole and may create an electromagnetic gravity wave and a magnetic charge current which would decrease the impact of gravitation in parallel to this. This oriented me to a series of researches to study and create this theory for years and then directed me to create a unified electromagnetic gravity theory composed of SEVEN ARTICLES in total I will submit here in order and step by step. Even though the theory includes a deductive mathematical approach, tensor calculation and geometric modellings, I will give solutions of Einstein-Maxwell Equations with a different mathematical 4x4 Pauli-Dirac Spinors and Tensor calculation construction in direction of closed extra dimension of the space (5 Dimension Effect) What Does the Theory Tell? {Short Abstract and Philosophy of the Theory} The THEORY summarizes the general and simple mathematical description of the universe in the form of general conclusion items and forecasts the followings; Basic Projections of the Theory? - NEW MODEL OF AN ATOM, - NEW MODEL OF THE UNIVERSE, - CHANGE IN GALILEO Inertia Principle, - A Fundamental Change in the Structure of MAXWELL's EQUATIONS, AN ADDITIONAL TERMS AND ADDITIONS, - A CHANGE IN POYNTING ENERGY THEORY, - A NEW ATOMIC MODEL, - A NEW UNIVERSE MODEL, - CHANGE IN GALILEO'S PRINCIPLE OF INERTIA, - A FUNDEMENTAL CHANGE AND AN ADDITIONAL TERM IN THE STRUCTURE IF MAXWELL EQUATIONS, - A CHANGE IN STATIC FIELD EQUATIONS OF THE GRAVITY FIELD AND IN THE UNIVERSAL GRAVITY CONSTANT. - CHANGE IN POYNTING ENERGY THEOREM, - HOW CAN THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT BE EXCEEDED?

Székely és más finomságok kerek pocakoknak
Боли в руках, ногах, коленях периодически испытывают многие, а с возрастом болевые ощущения усиливаются. В этой книге представлена подробная информация о заболеваниях, которые становятся причиной неприятных симптомов. Вы вновь ощутите радость от движения без боли! ? Клинические симптомы, диагностика и лечение заболеваний: артрит, остеоартроз, синдром усталых ног, подагра и др. ? Народные методы лечения: настои, отвары, компрессы, ванны ? Лечебная гимнастика, массаж и самомассаж, рефлексо- и парафинотерапия ? Рецепты здорового питания ? Очищение организма и профилактика заболеваний ? ?Скорая помощь? для снятия боли. Boli v rukah, nogah, kolenjah periodicheski ispytyvajut mnogie, a s vozrastom bolevye oshhushhenija usilivajutsja. V jetoj knige predstavlena podrobnaja informacija o zabolevanijah, kotorye stanovjatsja prichinoj neprijatnyh simptomov. Vy vnov' oshhutite radost' ot dvizhenija bez boli! ? Klinicheskie simptomy, diagnostika i lechenie zabolevanij: artrit, osteoartroz, sindrom ustalyh nog, podagra i dr. ? Narodnye metody lechenija: nastoi, otvary, kompressy, vanny ? Lechebnaja gimnastika, massazh i samomassazh, reflekso- i parafinoterapija ? Recepty zdorovogo pitanija ? Ochishhenie organizma i profilaktika zabolevanij ? ?Skoraja pomoshh'? dlja snjatija boli.

Створено спльно з нтернет-ресурсом Мова – ДНК нац За допомогою нфографки показан правила та складн випадки вживання слв в укранськй мов Укранська без суржику, русизмв кальок за допомогою нфографки! Видання з наочними люстрацями та стислими правилами, прикладами вживання корисними статтями. Цю книжку створено з мрю про те, що колись в Укран буде модно знати деклька мов, а говорити укранською. Видання для тих, хто: – сплкуться укранською хоче вдосконалити сво знання; – прагне запобгти помилковому слововживанню; – бажа дзнатися нов фразеологзми й синонми; – намагаться уникнути вживання не властивих укранськй мовнй традиц зворотв висловв. Stvoreno spl'no z nternet-resursom Mova – DNK nac Za dopomogoju nfografki pokazan pravila ta skladn vipadki vzhivannja slv v ukrans'kj mov Ukrans'ka bez surzhiku, rusizmv kal'ok za dopomogoju nfografki! Vidannja z naochnimi ljustracjami ta stislimi pravilami, prikladami vzhivannja korisnimi stattjami. Cju knizhku stvoreno z mrju pro te, shho kolis' v Ukran bude modno znati dekl'ka mov, a govoriti ukrans'koju. Vidannja dlja tih, hto: – splkut'sja ukrans'koju hoche vdoskonaliti svo znannja; – pragne zapobgti pomilkovomu slovovzhivannju; – bazha dznatisja nov frazeologzmi j sinonmi; – namagat'sja uniknuti vzhivannja ne vlastivih ukrans'kj movnj tradic zvorotv vislovv.

Щоб не забули. Пам'ять про тотал?таризм в ?вроп?
Este manual foi concebido com o objetivo de introduzir alguns conceitos, sistematizar os conhecimentos existentes e nortear o Programa de Vigil?ncia em Saúde da Toxoplasmose Congênita no município de Londrina. [...] [trecho retirado da Apresenta??o do livro]

Атлант розправив плеч?. Частина третя. А ? А
La fisica spirituale o esoterica racchiude la visione dell’universo e dell’evoluzione umana portata da Oberto Airaudi - Falco Taràssaco, fondatore della Scuola di Damanhur, nei suoi 40 anni di attività come guida spirituale e ricercatore. Una visione basata sulla conoscenza esoterica dalle tradizioni millenarie, ma che presenta molti spunti sorprendentemente avanzati, tali da far pensare in molti casi a conoscenze che arrivano dal futuro. ?Coyote Cardo, all’anagrafe Mario Faruolo, che ha seguito Falco T. per molti anni nei suoi incontri pubblici e nella Scuola di Meditazione damanhuriana, ci presenta in questo libro i fondamenti di questa fisica molto particolare, che interpreta la materia e le leggi che la dominano in un modo particolarmente originale. Nel testo, dopo una parte teorica che ci presenta i temi fondamentali comuni a tante filosofie spirituali, quali l’origine dell’anima umana, l’origine della materia, l’interpretazione dello spazio e del tempo, il concetto del Divino, l’autore si addentra nelle affascinanti e fantascientifiche tecnologie che la Scuola damanhuriana, tramite gli insegnamenti del suo fondatore, ha realizzato in questi anni. Il libro costituisce anche il testo di riferimento per i seminari di Fisica Spirituale che l’autore tiene da molti anni per Damanhur Welcome & University.

Чотири сезони (Chotiri sezoni)
Народные средства и рецепты лечения геморроя и варикоза, как и многих других хронических заболеваний, несмотря на простоту и доступность, станут надежной поддержкой медикаментозного лечения и самым эффективным средством профилактики. Продуманная и доступная лечебная диета с рецептами блюд на каждый день, рецепты отваров, настоек и мазей на лекарственных травах, продуктах пчеловодства, лечение лечебной глиной, с помощью соли, квасцов и металлов, водные процедуры, приемы массажа и самомассажа для снятия боли и облегчения симптомов заболевания при регулярном применении заметно и надолго улучшат ваше самочувствие.Narodnye sredstva i recepty lechenija gemorroja i varikoza, kak i mnogih drugih hronicheskih zabolevanij, nesmotrja na prostotu i dostupnost', stanut nadezhnoj podderzhkoj medikamentoznogo lechenija i samym jeffektivnym sredstvom profilaktiki. Produmannaja i dostupnaja lechebnaja dieta s receptami bljud na kazhdyj den', recepty otvarov, nastoek i mazej na lekarstvennyh travah, produktah pchelovodstva, lechenie lechebnoj glinoj, s pomoshh'ju soli, kvascov i metallov, vodnye procedury, priemy massazha i samomassazha dlja snjatija boli i oblegchenija simptomov zabolevanija pri reguljarnom primenenii zametno i nadolgo uluchshat vashe samochuvstvie.

The Valley of Fear: Illustrated
Darwin, ?nsan dahil tüm canl? türlerinin do?al se?i-lim yoluyla bir ya da birka? ortak ata-dan evrildi?ini ?ne sürmü? ve o günün ?artlar?na g?re bu teoriyi destekleyen pek ?ok kan?t sunmu?tur. Darwin'in fikirleri üzerine in?a edilen modern evrim teorisi, bugün biyoloji biliminin temeli ve birle?tirici ??esidir. Evrimin ger?ekle?ti?i ger?e?i Charles Darwin'in ya?ad??? d?nemde, do?al se?ilim teorisinin evrimin ana a??klamas? oldu?u ise 1930'lu y?llarda bilim dünyas? taraf?ndan kabul g?rmü?tür. Darwin'in orijinal teorileri modern evrimsel biyolojinin temelini olu?turmakta, hayat?n ?e?itlili?i üzerine birle?tirici bir mant?ksal a??klama sunmaktad?r. Darwin'in Hayat? da dahil Evrim teorisi ve türlerin k?keni eserini tüm y?nleriyle ele alan bu ba?ucu eserini mutlaka okuman?z? ?neriyoruz.. DARW?N K?MD?R? ?nsan dahil tüm?canl??türlerinin?do?al se?ilim?yoluyla bir ya da birka??ortak atadan?evrildi?ini??ne sürmü? ve o günün ?artlar?na g?re bu teoriyi destekleyen pek ?ok kan?t sunmu?tur.?Darwin'in fikirleri üzerine in?a edilen modern?evrim teorisi, bugün?biyoloji?biliminin temeli ve birle?tirici ??esidir. Evrimin ger?ekle?ti?i ger?e?i Charles Darwin'in ya?ad??? d?nemde, do?al se?ilim teorisinin evrimin ana a??klamas? oldu?u ise 1930'lu y?llarda bilim dünyas? taraf?ndan kabul g?rmü?tür.?Darwin'in orijinal teorileri modern evrimsel biyolojinin temelini olu?turmakta, hayat?n ?e?itlili?i üzerine birle?tirici bir mant?ksal a??klama sunmaktad?r. Darwin'in?do?a tarihine?duydu?u ilgi, ?nce?Edinburgh ?niversitesi'nde?t?p, sonra?Cambridge ?niversitesi'nde?teoloji?okurken geli?ti. Beagle?gemisinde yapt??? be? senelik yolculuk s?ras?nda, zaman?n me?hur jeolo?u?Charles Lyell'?n ortaya att???, ge?mi?teki jeolojik süre?lerin bugünkülerle ayn? oldu?unu savunan teoriyi destekleyecek pek ?ok g?zlem yapt? ve iyi bir jeolog olarak ünlendi.?Ayn? yolculukta, canl?lar?n co?rafi da??l?m? ve?fosiller?üzerine yapt??? dikkatli g?zlemler sonucunda, türlerin birbirine d?nü?ümüyle ilgilenmeye ba?lad? ve 1838'de?do?al se?ilim?fikrini geli?tirdi.?Daha ?nce benzer fikirlerin "sapk?nl?k" olarak nitelendirildi?ini ve bast?r?ld???n? g?rmü? oldu?undan, uzun süre fikirlerini en yak?n arkada?lar? d???nda kimseye a?mad?.?Olas? itirazlara en iyi ?ekilde cevap verebilmek i?in ara?t?rma yapmaya ve kan?t toplamaya ba?lad?.?1858'de?Alfred Russell Walla-ce'dan ald??? bir mektubu okuyunca, Wallace-'?n da kendisininkine benzer bir teori geli?tirdi?ini anlad?, ve nihayet teorisini yay?mlamaya karar verdi. 1859'da yay?mlad????On the Origin of Speci-es?(Türlerin K?keni ?zerine) adl? kitab?, canl?lar?n ortak atalardan evrilerek ?e?itlendi?i fikrinin geni? kabul g?rmesini sa?lad?. Daha sonra yay?mlad????The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex?(?nsan?n Türeyi?i, ve Cinsiyete Mahsus Se?ilim) kitab?nda insan evrimini ve cinsel se?ilim fikrini inceledi.?The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (?nsan ve Hayvanlarda Duygular?n ?fadesi) adl? kitab?nda ise insanlar?n ve hayvanlar?n duygular?n? ifade edi? ?ekilleri aras?ndaki benzerlikleri ortaya koydu.

Louis van Gaal: A Vastulipán
Проверенные доступные и безопасные средства помогут сохранить и восстановить здоровье! В книге собрана настоящая ?золотая дюжина? природных лекарей: яблочный уксус, перекись водорода, соль, сода, свекла, тыква, лук, чеснок, орехи, имбирь, алоэ и золотой ус. Все они давно известны в народной медицине, многократно доказали свою эффективность, опробованы миллионами людей и широко используются для победы над самыми разными недугами. Вы узнаете, как применять народные средства для лечения бронхита, насморка, аллергии, язвы желудка, гастрита, ревматизма, варикозного расширения вен, геморроя, диабета, алкоголизма, дерматита, кариеса, ран, головной боли и других недугов. ПОЛЕЗНОЕ ДОПОЛНЕНИЕ! Рецепты красоты для ухода за кожей и волосами. Proverennye dostupnye i bezopasnye sredstva pomogut sohranit' i vosstanovit' zdorov'e! V knige sobrana nastojashhaja ?zolotaja djuzhina? prirodnyh lekarej: jablochnyj uksus, perekis' vodoroda, sol', soda, svekla, tykva, luk, chesnok, orehi, imbir', aloje i zolotoj us. Vse oni davno izvestny v narodnoj medicine, mnogokratno dokazali svoju jeffektivnost', oprobovany millionami ljudej i shiroko ispol'zujutsja dlja pobedy nad samymi raznymi nedugami. Vy uznaete, kak primenjat' narodnye sredstva dlja lechenija bronhita, nasmorka, allergii, jazvy zheludka, gastrita, revmatizma, varikoznogo rasshirenija ven, gemorroja, diabeta, alkogolizma, dermatita, kariesa, ran, golovnoj boli i drugih nedugov. POLEZNOE DOPOLNENIE! Recepty krasoty dlja uhoda za kozhej i volosami.

Ихтияндр: Повесть, основанная на реальных событиях
A ciência e a tecnologia na contemporaneidade condicionam a organiza??o social e as formas existentes e emergentes de desigualdade e exclus?o tanto em cada sociedade como entre sociedades e regi?es do mundo. Os contextos de acesso e apropria??o do conhecimento científico e tecnológico s?o diversificados, como diferenciados s?o os públicos que se constituem em rela??o com esses contextos e modos de acesso e de apropria??o. Os textos desta colet?nea problematizam sob diferentes aspectos as quest?es críticas para a compreens?o e aplica??o do conceito de apropria??o social do conhecimento científico e tecnológico.

The Dark House
Illiberális. Inkorrekt. Igaz. Oriana Fallaci a Harag - trilógia második k?tetében még tovább megy, ítéletet hoz Európa felett, amely véleménye szerint már nem is Európa, hanem Eurábia, az Iszlám egyik gyarmata.