
《景县史苑》一书由景县历史文化研究会编纂,主编邓文华,副主编李云龙、王连忠、陈冰。本书是1998年至2018年以来景县地方历史研究学者所发表的有关作品,主要包括对景县古代历史研究、读史笔记、学术论文、小说、诗歌等方面的文章,涉及作者 20多名。全书近60万字,分六个部分:部分为景县古代历史的研究,以及民俗文化、读史笔记等;第二部分为抗战史料;第三部分为老一辈革命王任重传记,抗战时期在景县牺牲的革命烈士张俊峰、石嘉植等英雄事迹,献身当代国防事业的景县人傅卫的事迹;第四部分为景县退休干部的工作回忆;第五部分为新时代涌现出来的科技人才的学术文章;第六部分为与景县历史相关的小说、传说等。

编辑推荐 套装包含《浙江籍》、《漫话丰子恺》、《潮起潮落——我笔下的浙江文人》、《越踪集》、《文苑拾遗》、《问道录》、《立春随笔》、《苦路人影》、《剪烛小集》、《入浙随缘录》共十本作品。 “蠹鱼文丛”紧紧围绕浙江地域文化,旨在通过挖掘浙江丰厚的人文传统,带领读者走进老派文人的精神世界。策划者表示,希望文丛在“缅怀浙江文人风采,评点现代文坛成就”的同时,成为有趣、有料、有识、有文采的书香读物。 内容简介 “蠹(dù)鱼文丛”10册,包括:陈子善的《浙江籍》、徐重庆的《文苑拾遗》、叶瑜荪的《漫话丰子恺》、扬之水的《问道录》、孙郁的《苦路人影》、徐雁的《越踪集》、王稼句的《剪烛小集》、子张的《入浙随缘录》、朱航满的《立春随笔》、李辉的《潮起潮落——我笔下的浙江文人》。 中国现代文学史上,诸多“高峰人物”,如鲁迅、茅盾、郁达夫、徐志摩、戴望舒、施蛰存、陈梦家、赵萝蕤……都是浙江人,“蠹鱼文丛”的作者则是中国现代文学史的资深研究者,甚至与有些大家有过很深的交游。 上世纪八九十年代,普通的文学爱好者,要去见这些大家并不是很难的事,只要一封书信约定,便可欣然前往。 因而,“蠹鱼文丛”写出了很多中国现代文学史上的细节,有趣可读,立足于挖掘浙江丰厚的人文传统,带领读者走进老派文人的精神世界。

诺jiang大师加缪处女作+经典代表作!加缪对荒诞世界的观察、对人生意义的思考,发端于处女作《快乐的死》,在《局外人》《鼠疫》《西西弗神话》中深入、完整!这一次彻底读懂加缪! 《局外人》 公司小职员默尔索因杀人而被法庭指控,zui终却因为“在母亲下葬时没有哭泣”,被判处了死刑。 在我们的社会里,任何不在他母亲葬礼上哭泣的人,都有可能被处以死刑。——加缪 《快乐的死》 公司小职员梅尔索日复一日做着无聊的工作,过着一成不变的生活,他孤独、虚无,对整个世界都提不起兴趣。 精心设计一场谋杀后,他获得了巨额财富,得以逃离每天八小时的工作,有钱有自由。开始四处旅行、游历…… 有钱能快乐吗?有时间能快乐吗?有情人和爱能快乐吗?如何才能真正感受到自我的满足和快乐?梅尔索在旅途中不断思考这些问题,探索活着的乐趣…… 《快乐的死》是诺jiang得主加缪24岁创作的小说处女作。加缪用自己真实的经历和“荒诞感”体验作为素材塑造了主人公梅尔索,是其对人生意义的初步探索。加缪终其一生都在思考的问题,可以在《快乐的死》里找到发端与答案! 《鼠疫》 一场鼠疫猝不及防地席卷了一座普普通通的小城,不断增加的死亡人数打破了市民们平凡的生活:恐慌扩散,谣言疯长,混乱取代平静成为日常…… 但在这个城市中有一群人,自发地承担了救治鼠疫患者、维护城市秩序的责任,他们来自各行各业:医生、公务员、记者、神父等等。 他们不是闪闪发光的英雄。 他们只是一群普通人。 初版于1947年的《鼠疫》,通过描写这场突如其来的疫情,以及普通人如何与疫情抗争的故事,呈现了人类反抗苦难与死亡的诸多姿态,它肯定人类直面荒诞并与命运抗争的力量,给予现代人关于生存的重要启示。 《西西弗神话》 曾经我也觉得人生没有意义,直到西西弗告诉我人生真谛! ●活着怎么这么累? ●日复一日的生活是为了什么? ●人生到底有什么意义? 加缪说:人生毫无意义,所以更值得一过! 希腊神话中的西西弗,永不停息地将巨石推向山顶,而巨石又一成不变地滚下来。这在加缪的一篇随笔里,成了人类生活的象征。然而,依照加缪的解释,推石上山这场搏斗本身就足以充实一颗人心,因此西西弗是幸福的。对于加缪,本质的问题已不是人生是否值得一过,而是如何带着与生俱来的伤痛去生活。——1957年诺贝尔文学奖授奖辞 《西西弗神话》初版于1942年,是诺贝尔文学奖得主加缪对人生意义的全mian思考。 本书直面人类生存的困境,成为20世纪西方文学中具有影响力的哲学随笔。

本书共18 章,涵盖了144 例艾滋病(AIDS )病例的1400 余幅图片,内容以影像图片为主、文字描述为辅,结合镜下 彩色病理图片,通过对动态的AIDS 患者的胸腹部影像资料的描述,以每一病例病变发生发展的过程,说明AIDS 的影像特点; 结合每一病例的临床资料,诊断及鉴别诊断,阐述AIDS 各种机会性感染的发病、演变、治疗及转归。 本书在AIDS 及其机会性感染的诊治方面具有较大的参考价值,适合临床医学及影像医学工作者阅读。

Last Apprentice 3-Book Collection
The first three volumes of the internationally bestselling Last Apprentice series! Thomas Ward is the seventh son of a seventh son. He is destined to battle the creatures of the dark: witches, boggarts, ghosts, and more. And he will, as the apprentice to the local Spook. But can he survive when so many apprentices have failedThis ebook collection of the acclaimed series that inspired the major motion picture Seventh Son includes Book One: Revenge of the Witch; Book Two: Curse of the Bane; and Book Three: Night of the Soul Stealer.

蔡澜为人幽默风雅,以鲜活、生动的文字讲述他的所见所闻,与读者分享他的识见。他说:“为了喜欢写而写,才是一个真正的开端。除了文字之功,还要够真、够坦白。”一篇篇的小品文,真切动人,令人感到趣味盎然,惭惭地,便会感受到一点一滴的生活哲学从文字中渗出来。本套装共6册,分别为《命运好好玩 : 汉、英》《过好这一生》《人生好玩》《我喜欢人生快活的样子》《学做妙人》和《随心随意去生活》

本套书共8册,分别为《尽在不言中》《良辰讵可待》《一霎风雨我爱过你》《指间欢颜》《如果没有遇见你》《浮生寄流年》《薄暮晨光》《从开始到现在》。 《如果没有遇见你》:二十岁那年的秦欢以为,她一定是全世界ZUI幸福的女人,而顾非宸便是她所有幸福和笑颜的来源。六年时光如白驹过隙,就那样匆匆忙忙地离她而去,如同那段远去的曾经无比甜蜜的爱恋,剩下的只是一些回忆,而更多时候,她连想一想它们都会觉得痛。明明不想再记起,明明想要逃离,那个人,却不是她不看不听不想就会轻易离去的。顾非宸,给了他ZUI甜蜜的爱情,也给了她毕生难忘的伤害,却也在关键时刻护她周全。面对曾经分手的真相,面对平淡却安稳的一段感情,还有那些纷纷扰扰纠缠不清的过往,她又该何去何从? 《浮生寄流年》:南谨曾用两年的时间爱上了一个不该爱的人,然后用了五年的时间去遗忘。可是,时光并没有磨灭掉他们之间的爱恨,反而使之愈加浓烈。她深爱着萧川,却也恨极了萧川。命运的齿轮转了一个圈,再相遇时,她却成了自己的替身…… 我以为那是一次新生,是上天给我的又一次机会,让我可以从头来过,原来却是命运跟我开的又一个玩笑。浮生漫漫,情寄何处? 《薄暮晨光》:年轻漂亮的报社女记者方晨在一次偶然的机会下结识了具有黑道背景的韩睿,并发现韩的身份神秘特殊。在经过的几次接触之后,方晨怀疑韩睿可能与自己姐姐当年的意外死亡有关,遂有计划地接近韩睿,希望可以查出姐姐的真正死因。 然而,在两人共同经历了某些事件之后,她却发现自己渐渐爱上了这个高深莫测的男人。可也就在这个时候,方晨得知,韩睿才是杀死姐姐的真正凶手。为查明真相,她陷入韩睿敌人的圈套中,ZUI终导致游艇爆炸,韩睿生死未卜,而她也被绑架,直到一切真相大白…… 《从开始到现在》:讲述生命里ZUI唯美而残酷的爱情故事。在他看来,眼前的这个女人,应当ZUI该享受平凡、安宁这两个词的人。然而,他却将她拖了一个不平静的旋涡里。当爱情到来的时候,热烈而不可阻挡,她并没有深刻了解到自己爱上的究竟是怎样一个人,当爱情如自己般变换,她却发现,哪怕命运给了她重生的机会,而她的选择却一直都没有变。 从开始到现在,每一段感情都有着美好的记忆,也会有无奈与痛苦,我们从单纯变得复杂,逐渐忘记开始在心中无比美好的那个她/他,然而ZUI初的时光已经无法回去。

Triumph Over Adversity 3-in-1 Collection
For the first time, Casey Watson’s The Girl Without a Voice, Torey Hayden’s Beautiful Child and Mary MacCracken’s Lovey are combined in an exclusive e-book bundle. Discover the moving stories of three inspirational teachers as they try to pull their students out of the darkness. The Girl Without a Voice is the shocking story from bestselling author and foster carer Casey Watson. Thirteen-year-old Imogen joins Casey’s class and suffers from selective mutism – although her grandparents insist they have no idea why. Not content with the explanation that Imogen is just playing up, Casey starts digging and it’s not long before she starts to discover a very different side to Imogen’s character. After months of silence, Imogen utters her first, terrified, words to Casey: ‘I thought she was going to burn me.’ Internationally bestselling author Torey Haydon returns with Beautiful Child, a stunning and poignant account of an extraordinary teacher's determination never to abandon a child in need. Seven-year-old Venus Fox never spoke or listened. Yet an accidental playground 'bump' would release a rage frightening to behold. The school year that followed would prove to be one of the most trying, perplexing, and ultimately rewarding of Torey's career, as she struggled to reach a silent child in obvious pain. Mary MacCracken’s deeply moving memoir Lovey is the account of eight-year-old Hannah, who joins Mary’s class and retires to a cupboard, refusing to come out. Howling almost non-stop she was displaying the worst symptoms that Mary had ever seen. How could Mary help a child who had been shut up in closets and treated like an animal? How could she reach this lost girl?


Naples at Table
Arthur Schwartz, popular radio host, cookbook author, and veteran restaurant critic, invites you to join him as he celebrates the food and people of Naples and Campania. Encompassing the provinces of Avellino, Benevento, Caserta, and Salerno, the internationally famous resorts of the Amalfi Coast, Capri, and Ischia—and, of course, Naples itself, Italy's third largest and most exuberant city—Campania is the cradle of Italian-American cuisine.In Naples at Table, Arthur Schwartz takes a fresh look at the region's major culinary contributions to the world—its pizza, dried pasta, seafood, and vegetable dishes, its sustaining soups and voluptuous desserts—and offers the recipes for some of Campania's lesser-known specialties as well. Always, he provides all the techniques and details you need to make them with authenticity and ease.Naples at Table is the first cookbook in English to survey and document the cooking of this culturally important and gastronomically rich area. Schwartz spent years traveling to Naples and throughout the region, making friends, eating at their tables, working with home cooks and restaurant chefs, researching the origins of each recipe. Here, then, are recipes that reveal the truly subtle, elegant Neapolitan hand with such familiar dishes as baked ziti, eggplant parmigiana, linguine with clam sauce, and tomato sauces of all kinds.This is the Italian food the world knows best, at its best—bold and vibrant flavors made from few ingredients, using the simplest techniques. Think Sophia Loren—and check out her recipe for Chicken Caccistora! Discover the joys of preparing a timballo like the pasta-filled pastry in the popular film Big Night. Or simply rediscover how truly delicious, satisfying, and healthful Campanian favorites can be—from vegetable dished such as stuffed peppers and garlicky greens to pasta sauces you can make while the spaghetti boils or the Neapolitans' famous long-simmered ragu, redolent with the flavors of meat and red wine. Then there's the succulent baked lamb Neapolitans love to serve to company, the lentils and pasta they make for family meals, baked pastas that go well beyond the red-sauce stereotype, their repertoire of deep-fried morsels, the pan of pork and pickled peppers so dear to Italian-American hearts, and the most delicate meatballs on earth. All are wonderfully old-fashioned and familiar, yet in hands of a Neapolitan, strikingly contemporary and ideal for today's busy cooks and nutrition-minded sybarites.Finally, what better way to feed a sweet tooth than with a Neapolitan dessertIce cream and other frozen fantasies were brought to their height in Baroque Naples. Baba, the rum-soaked cake, still reigns in every pastry shop. Campamnians invented ricotta cheesecake, and Arthur Schwartz predicts that the region's easily assembled refrigerator cakes—delizie or delights—are soon going to replace tiramisu on America's tables. In any case, one bite of zuppa inglese, a Neapolitan take on English trifle, and you'll be singing "That's Amore."A trip with Arthur Schwartz to Naples and its surrounding regions is the next best thing to being there. Join him as he presents the finest traditional and contemporary foods of the region, and shares myth, legend, history, recipes, and reminiscences with American fans, followers, and fellow lovers of all things Italian.

Nature Conservation (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 91)
This latest volume in the New Naturalist series provides a comprehensive study of wildlife conservation in Britain, concentrating on events in the last 30 years. As our environment is subjected to increasing assault from climatic changes and pollutants, conservation has become a growing concern for both specialists and generalists alike. The first chapter of this book considers the political and institutional development of nature conservation and reviews the physical and biological nature of Britain, its geology, climate and wildlife habitats. Subsequent chapters cover the loss of habitats and species, how these losses have been managed and the techniques used to survey and monitor the integration of nature conservation policies in industries from agriculture to forestry and fisheries. Marren continues by discussing how nature conservation has emerged from the sidelines to become a major concern. He addresses the role of the media, weighs up the successes and failures of the conservation movement and looks to what the future may hold.

Trilogy Collection (Tales of the Notorious Hudson Family)
The first three titles in a series of gritty family sagas, Our Vinnie, My Uncle Charlie and My Mam Shirley chart the lives of three of the most infamous members of Yorkshire’s real-life notorious criminal family, the Hudsons. Dramatic and shocking, these three explosive true stories document a community forsaken by society - one brother’s unrelenting determination to take justice into his own hands, one man’s ascendancy to power, and the tragedy that brought it all crashing down, and, finally, the vivid account of the ‘Tucker’ girls; the resourceful women at the helm of a notorious Bradford family who will never be forgotten.

Short Life in a Strange World:Birth to Death in 42 Panels
Sure to be hailed alongside H is for Hawk and The Hare with Amber Eyes, an exceptional work that is at once an astonishing journey across countries and continents, an immersive examination of a great artist’s work, and a moving and intimate memoir.In 2012, facing the death of his father and impending fatherhood, Toby Ferris set off on a seemingly quixotic mission to track down and look at—in situ—every painting still in existence by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, the most influential and important artist of Northern Renaissance painting.The result of that pursuit is a remarkable journey through major European cities and across continents. As Ferris takes a keen analytical eye to the paintings, each piece brings new revelations about Bruegel’s art, and gives way to meditations on mortality, fatherhood, and life. Ferris conjures a whole world to which most of us have probably lost the key, and in the process teaches us how to look, patiently and curiously, at the world.Short Life in a Strange World is a dazzlingly original and assured debut—a strange and bewitching hybrid of art criticism, philosophical reflection, and poignant memoir. Beautifully illustrated with sixty-six color images, it subtly alters the way we see the world and ourselves.

Laughter at the Foot of the Cross
"e;Christian laughter is a maze: you could easily get snarled up within it."e; So says Michael A. Screech in his note to readers preceding this collection of fifty-three elegant and pithy essays. As Screech reveals, the question of whether laughter is acceptable to the god of the Old and New Testaments is a dangerous one.But we are fortunate in our guide: drawing on his immense knowledge of the classics and of humanists like Erasmus and Rabelais-who used Plato and Aristotle to interpret the Gospels-and incorporating the thoughts of Aesop, Calvin, Lucian of Samosata, Luther, Socrates, and others, Screech shows that Renaissance thinkers revived ancient ideas about what inspires laughter and whether it could ever truly be innocent. As Screech argues, in the minds of Renaissance scholars, laughter was to be taken very seriously. Indeed, in an era obsessed with heresy and reform, this most human of abilities was no laughing matter.

Limits of Critique
Why must critics unmask and demystify literary worksWhy do they believe that language is always withholding some truth, that the critic's task is to reveal the unsaid or repressedIn this book, Rita Felski examines critique, the dominant form of interpretation in literary studies, and situates it as but one method among many, a method with strong allure-but also definite limits.Felski argues that critique is a sensibility best captured by Paul Ricoeur's phrase "e;the hermeneutics of suspicion."e; She shows how this suspicion toward texts forecloses many potential readings while providing no guarantee of rigorous or radical thought. Instead, she suggests, literary scholars should try what she calls "e;postcritical reading"e;: rather than looking behind a text for hidden causes and motives, literary scholars should place themselves in front of it and reflect on what it suggests and makes possible.By bringing critique down to earth and exploring new modes of interpretation, The Limits of Critique offers a fresh approach to the relationship between artistic works and the social world.

Hegel, Heidegger, and the Ground of History
In this wide-ranging and thoughtful study, Michael Allen Gillespie explores the philosophical foundation, or ground, of the concept of history. Analyzing the historical conflict between human nature and freedom, he centers his discussion on Hegel and Heidegger but also draws on the pertinent thought of other philosophers whose contributions to the debate is crucial-particularly Rousseau, Kant, and Nietzsche.

High-Performing Preschool
The High-Performing Preschool takes readers into the lives of three- and four-year-old Head Start students during their first year of school and focuses on the centerpiece of their school day: story acting. In this activity, students act out stories from high-quality children's literature as well as stories dictated by their peers. Drawing on a unique pair of thinkers-Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky and renowned American teacher and educational writer Vivian G. Paley-Gillian Dowley McNamee elucidates the ways, and reasons, this activity is so successful. She shows how story acting offers a larger blueprint for curricula that helps ensure all preschools-not just those for society's well-to-do-are excellent.McNamee outlines how story acting cultivates children's oral and written language skills. She shows how it creates a crucial opportunity for teachers to guide children inside the interior logic and premises of an idea, and how it fosters the creation of a literary community. Starting with Vygotsky and Paley, McNamee paints a detailed portrait of high-quality preschool teaching, showing how educators can deliver on the promise of Head Start and provide a setting for all young children to become articulate, thoughtful, and literate learners. ?

Good to Great
The Challenge Built to Last, the defining management study of the nineties, showed how great companies triumph over time and how long-term sustained performance can be engineered into the DNA of an enterprise from the verybeginning. But what about the company that is not born with great DNAHow can good companies, mediocre companies, even bad companies achieve enduring greatnessThe Study For years, this question preyed on the mind of Jim Collins. Are there companies that defy gravity and convert long-term mediocrity or worse into long-term superiorityAnd if so, what are the universal distinguishing characteristics that cause a company to go from good to greatThe Standards Using tough benchmarks, Collins and his research team identified a set of elite companies that made the leap to great results and sustained those results for at least fifteen years. How greatAfter the leap, the good-to-great companies generated cumulative stock returns that beat the general stock market by an average of seven times in fifteen years, better than twice the results delivered by a composite index of the world's greatest companies, including Coca-Cola, Intel, General Electric, and Merck.The Comparisons The research team contrasted the good-to-great companies with a carefully selected set of comparison companies that failed to make the leap from good to great. What was differentWhy did one set of companies become truly great performers while the other set remained only goodOver five years, the team analyzed the histories of all twenty-eight companies in the study. After sifting through mountains of data and thousands of pages of interviews, Collins and his crew discovered the key determinants of greatness -- why some companies make the leap and others don't. The Findings The findings of the Good to Great study will surprise many readers and shed light on virtually every area of management strategy and practice. The findings include: Level 5 Leaders: The research team was shocked to discover the type of leadership required to achieve greatness. The Hedgehog Concept (Simplicity within the Three Circles): To go from good to great requires transcending the curse of competence. A Culture of Discipline: When you combine a culture of discipline with an ethic of entrepreneurship, you get the magical alchemy of great results. Technology Accelerators: Good-to-great companies think differently about the role of technology. The Flywheel and the Doom Loop: Those who launch radical change programs and wrenching restructurings will almost certainly fail to make the leap. Some of the key concepts discerned in the study, comments Jim Collins, "fly in the face of our modern business culture and will, quite frankly, upset some people.Perhaps, but who can afford to ignore these findings?

Loch Lomondside (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 88)
Loch Lomondside is celebrated for its outstanding scenery. The area supports a rich tapestry of water and wild land, forest and woodland, farmland and settlement. This edition is exclusive to newnaturalists.com Another volume in the popular New Naturalist series, this book is a comprehensive account of the history and natural history of this internationally famous area, which is soon to become one of the first National Parks in Scotland. For centuries, Loch Lomondside has been celebrated for its outstanding scenery. The area supports a rich tapestry of water and wild land, forest and woodland, farmland and settlement. It includes architectural and archaeological features of considerable importance, and has been celebrated by many great writers including Walter Scott, John Ruskin and William Wordsworth. Loch Lomondside is the most popular countryside destination in Scotland, attracting more than 2 million visitors each year. Over 70 percent of the population of Scotland are less than 1 hour's travelling time from the area. This book covers the history of the Loch and its people, forestry, agriculture and fisheries, the natural history, recreational activities, and conservation, past, present and future. It complements other regional volumes in the New Naturalist series which include the Hebrides, Orkney and the Shetland Islands.

Designs on the Contemporary
Designs on the Contemporary?pursues the challenge of how to design and put into practice strategies for inquiring into the intersections of philosophy and anthropology. Drawing on the conceptual repertoires of Max Weber, Michel Foucault, and John Dewey, among others, Paul Rabinow and Anthony Stavrianakis reflect on and experiment with how to give form to anthropological inquiry and its aftermath, with special attention to the ethical formation and ramifications of this mode of engagement. ?The authors continue their prior explorations of the contemporary in past works: How to conceptualize, test, and give form to breakdowns of truth and conduct, as well as how to open up possibilities for the remediation of such breakdowns. They offer a surprising and contrasting pair of case studies of two figures who engaged with contemporary breakdowns: Salman Rushdie and Gerhard Richter. Approaching Richter's artistic struggles with form and technique in the long wake of modernism and Rushdie's struggles to find a narrative form-as well as a form for living-to respond to the Iranian fatwa issued against him, they show how both men formulated different new approaches to anthropology for the twenty-first century.