
你的生活是否因焦虑和压力失去了控制?你是否常常被恐惧、愤怒等负面情绪困扰?你是否经历了重大的负面事件与变故?本书作者在人生的艰难时期发现,速写将她的思想、情感和想法以一种有形的形式表现出来,进而使她能有效地处理自己的情绪、应对消极想法并改变生活。 艺术并不令人生畏,任何人都可以拿起一支笔,开始一种变革式的创作实践,它将改变你表达 和体验内心深处完整自我的方式。速写的本质是一种创造性的表达方式,它已发展成一种治疗工具,帮助我们识别自身情绪、处理个人经历、实现预期结果。这种自我表达与自我反省的日常过程 将帮助我们应对焦虑与创伤,重建欣欣向荣的内心图景。本书包含20个话题,如希望、信念、勇气、表达、进步、反思等,每个话题包含两个速写练习,指导我们进行实操演练。 本书适合任何希望找到平静、实现自我疗愈、重塑心理健康的读者阅读。 曾经喜欢热闹、喜欢笑的Gaga如今变得食不知味,彻夜难眠,感受不到快乐,连悲伤也消失殆尽,仿佛只剩一个躯壳,做任何小事都觉得疲惫不堪,失去了活着的勇气。一夜之间她的生活变成了灰色的,她决定在自己彻底崩溃之前一个人出去走走。她开着车在山间追逐云彩,在一间乡村木屋住了下来。一天,她无意中路过一座山间寺庙,在这里遇到了改变她人生的修行之人静祠,由此开启了一段暖心的疗愈旅程。在与静祠的相处过程中,在亲人的陪伴下,Gaga开始探索自己的内心世界,逐渐找到了生活的真谛,走出了抑郁的阴霾。 2020年,突如其来的焦虑抑郁症让作者乐炎的生活陷入前所未有的困境。长时间的失眠和持续的情绪低落不断折磨着她的身心。从*初的抗拒到接纳,从寻求帮助到自我觉醒,在经过近一年的系统治疗后,乐炎已经康复。她以自身经历为蓝本,以心理小说的形式,鼓励踏上这条荆棘之路而彷徨失措的你:保持希望和勇气,终会重获新生。此外,本书还邀请心理专家针对25个关于抑郁症的问题进行了专业解答。希望这本书能成为照亮你生命的光。 绘画是孩子*青睐的表达方式之一,通过孩子的画,家长可以一览孩子丰富的内心世界。在孩子的画中,线条、几何图形、人物、物体、自然元素等都传达了孩子的快乐与悲伤、希望与恐惧,甚至揭示了孩子遭受的童年创伤及心理问题。要想读懂其中含义,家长就要学会结合不同情境,综合分析孩子绘画中的所有细节特征——主题、布局、笔画、颜色等,还要特别关注孩子遗漏的、夸大的或不合时宜的元素。 本书引导我们进入儿童画的迷人世界,通过绘画,家长不仅可以了解孩子的个性特征、智力水平,还可以了解孩子行为的动机、孩子与家庭成员的关系、学业问题、社交问题,以及孩子对世界的感受与认识。本书详细介绍了解读儿童画的方法与技巧,还围绕儿童描绘的家庭、生活经历等六大主题,进行了详细的案例分析。作者发明的一种解读儿童画的 Davido-CHaD 测验,目前正在全世界范围内使用,作者通过四个案例对该测验进行了详细介绍。 本书为家长提供了深入了解孩子的有效工具,同时也可作为心理咨询工作者的参考用书。 童年和青春期的时光并非总是充满欢乐,因为成长过程中带来的变化可能会给孩子带来焦虑和不安。而在孩子的绘画作品中出现的所有符号,都表达了他们在生活中体验到的*强烈、*深刻的情感和冲动。因此,对孩子的绘画作品进行解读可以帮助我们读懂孩子的内心,甚至确定问题所在。 在本书中,我们将看到儿童和青少年绘画作品中的一些常见符号,如太阳、月亮、彩虹、山、花朵、动物等,如何清晰、明确地表达了他们的内心世界和情感体验。如果这些符号得到正确解读,孩子的绘画作品可以成为非凡的工具,有助于我们密切关注他们的身心发展。通过这种方式,我们可以了解孩子的成长是平静的还是受到了干扰,以便根据他们的需要选择适当的养育方式。 本书适合关注儿童和青少年成长及心理健康的父母、老师阅读。


Better on Toast
Hot or cold, savory or sweet—there's nothing better than fresh, flavorful ingredients on a slice of perfectly toasted bread!Toasts are the ideal meal, whether you need a handheld lunch, a creative buffet for hungry guests, or a craveable midnight snack. Better on Toast features more than seventy elegantly simple recipes for toasts to appeal to every taste—from Hot Miso Crab to Shaved Asparagus with Serrano-Basil Butter to Lavender Ricotta. Jill Donenfeld layers flavors and uses quality, wholesome ingredients to make each recipe stand out, while her magical toasting techniques bring out the best in every bread, from thick-cut brioche to hearty grain to her signature gluten-free Quinoa Millet Bread. Let's have a toast!

《字母表谜案》 当你隐隐觉得不对劲,致命的恶意正悄悄逼近! 4个连接死亡的字母,串联起4桩无人能解的谜案。午夜零点的凶杀现场、字里行间令人细思极恐的遗族手记……越细微的异常,越接近真相,也越令人不寒而栗! 《诡计博物馆》 当25年前的证据开口说话,才发现凶手一直就在身边! 诡异坠楼的女学生、年仅5岁的嫌疑人……有一座特殊的博物馆,专门收集 无人能解的离奇悬案。有一对奇怪的搭档,发誓破解瞒天过海的杀人诡计! 《不在场证明》 破解一切不在场证明诡计,本质是看穿时间的漏洞! 死而复生的被害人、睡梦中的凶杀案、雪地上的三行脚印。凶手利用时间的漏洞,制造了一个又一个几乎完美的不在场证明! 《密室收藏家》 短篇推理之神的密室攻略! 有一个神秘人,只要发生密室杀人案,他就会悄然现身。上锁教室里,音乐老师惨遭枪杀;密封房间中,死尸诡异坠楼;没有脚印的雪地上,凶手凭空消失……


《打造第二大脑》:一套名为第二大脑的数字知识管理系统——你不再须把所有细节记在大脑中,而是将*珍贵记忆、想法与知识储存在第二大脑(你自建的数字知识库,即档案、文件夹或云端硬盘),随需取用,助你完成工作、经营事业、管理生活。 《 微行动 》:这是一套帮助普通人自我脱困的思维和行为方法。它以解决问题为*终目的——用易如反掌的行动,针对问题发生的条件,一次只改变一点点,逐渐松动问题,*终如蝴蝶效应般迎来改变。 《大脑健身房》:传统健身房能让我们身体变得更健康,身材变得更健美。而大脑健身房能针对焦虑、压力、专注力、抑郁、记忆力、衰老等问题进行逐个突破。 《如何成为更聪明的人》:本书介绍了一种超越批判性思维的进化思维学——敏捷思考(SMART THINKING),它包括概念思维、创新思考和*优化决策三个层级,并在每个层级中探索我们陷入思维误区的原因,提供了实践可行的解决路径,帮助我们摆脱权威的观点独立思考,摆脱不可靠直觉的影响,大胆地思考,掌控现状和期望,看穿表象,找到本质的知识生产术。

《郭霭春全集》收录郭霭春教授著作共计800万字左右。本卷收录《八十一难经集解》《难经集注白话解》《新医林改错 》,为《郭霭春全集》之一。《八十一难经集解》是以《医统正脉》本《难经本义》为底本,收王九思《集注》同时,加以校勘;《难经集注白话解》主要内容是对《难经》行校勘和注释同时,予以语译,以通俗易懂的白话文形式解读;《新医林改错 》,是郭霭春先生对中医经典著作校勘心得。《全集》全面反映了他在中医药学领域的学术成就。郭霭春先生治儒通医,文理医理融会贯通,精通史学、国学,于目录、版本、校勘、训诂、音韵等专门之学,造诣精深,并善诗词。他深研中医基础理论,精医史、善临证,尤以文献研究和中医内科见长,有“津沽杏林三杰”之誉。治学精勤,著作颇丰,其代表作有《黄帝内经素问校注》《灵枢经校释》《黄帝内经素问校注语译》《灵枢经校注语译》《中国医史年表》《中国分省医籍考》等。

本书对大前端技术栈行了全面的讲解,以实战驱动教学,内容涉及HTML5 CSS3模块、JS模块、jQuery模块、Bootstrap模块、Node.js模块、Ajax模块、ES6新标准、Vue框架、UI组件和模块化编程等。本书厚度有限,但学习的空间无限。 全书共分为五个阶段,共18章。阶段走前端之HTML5 CSS3(第1~6章),第二阶段探索JS的奥秘(第7~8章),第三阶段PC端整栈发(第9~11章),第四阶段ES6 Node 工程化(第12~14章)和第五阶段Vue技术栈(第15~18章)。书中引了丰富的实战案例,实际性和系统性较强,能够很好地帮助读者提升就业竞争力。书中还引了3个企业级实战项目,为造企业刚需人才。 本书适合初、中级前端发者、渴望了解前端知识整体脉络的程序员,以及希望突破瓶颈一步提升的工程师阅读。

Scoundrels in Law
From the critically acclaimed author of Crazy '08 comes the thrilling true story of the most colorful and notorious law firm in American history. Scoundrels in Law offers an inside look at crime and punishment in the nineteenth century, and a whirlwind tour of the Gilded Age. Gangsters and con men. Spurned mistresses and wandering husbands. Strippers and Broadway royalty. Cat killers and spiritualists. These were the friends and clients of Howe Hummel, the most famous (and famously rotten) law firm in nineteenth-century America.The partners gloried in their reputation and made a rich living from it. William Howe left London a step ahead of the law to find his destiny defending the perpetrators of murder and mayhem in post-Civil War New York, in an age of really good murders. A dramatic, diamond-encrusted presence, Howe was one of the great courtroom orators of his era, winning improbable acquittals time after time.Abraham Hummel enjoyed a quieter but perhaps more fearsome notoriety, shaking down high society so well and so often that receiving an envelope with the law firm's name on it became almost a rite of passage.The partners bestrode Gilded Age New York with wit and brio, and everyone from Theodore Roosevelt to Lola Montez had a part in their story. In Howe Hummel's prime, it would not have been unusual to see a leading politician, a pickpocket, a Broadway star, a bank robber, and a socialite all crowded together into the waiting room of their offices, located conveniently across the street from the city jail. Howe and Hummel were not particularly good men. They were perfectly ready even eager to lie, cheat, and bribe on behalf of their clients. They did stop short of murder, though, a principle that played a critical role when the famous firm imploded in a truly spectacular web of deceit gone wrong.Through the windows of the dingy premises of Howe Hummel, readers can glimpse the Gilded Age in all its grime and grandeur. Cait Murphy restores this once-famous duo to their rightful place in the pantheon of great American characters.

After the Ice
An eye-opening look at the winners and losers in the high-stakes story of Arctic transformation, from nations to natives to animals to the very landscape itself The Arctic like the canary in the coal mine has reacted more quickly and dramatically to global warming than many had anticipated. Hundreds of scientists are urgently trying to predict just how the Arctic will change and how those changes will in turn affect the rest of the planet. But plenty of other people, driven by profit rather than data, are interested as well. The riches of the world’s last virgin territory have spurred the reawakening of old geopolitical rivalries. The United States, Canada, Russia, Norway, and the Danish territory of Greenland all control areas around the Arctic Ocean. We face a new era of oil rigs and drill ships, of tankers taking shortcuts from Yokohama to Rotterdam, as well as a potential fight over the Arctic’s treasures.Alongside the winners from an open Arctic sea are the many losers, from the nomadic reindeer herders of Siberia and Scandinavia to the Inuit hunters of Alaska, Greenland, and Canada. Other creatures that rely on the vast expanses of sea ice, including seals, birds, and whales and the ecosystems within which they live may disappear to be replaced by different creatures. Combining science, business, politics, and adven-ture, Alun Anderson takes the reader to the ends of the earth for what may be the last narrative portrait of this rapidly changing land of unparalleled global significance.

Death in Provence:A Novel
The first entry in a clever, lighthearted mystery series set in modern Provence—a delightful blend of Agatha Christie and Peter Mayle—featuring the irrepressible Penelope Kite, a young-at-heart divorcee with a knack for stumbling across dead bodies.It’s love at first sight when Penelope Kite sees Le Chant d’Eau—The Song of Water—the stone farmhouse tucked high in the hills above the Luberon valley, complete with a garden, swimming pool, and sweeping mountain vistas. For years, Penelope put her unfaithful ex-husband and her ungrateful stepchildren first. Since taking early retirement from her job in forensics at the Home Office in England, she’s been an unpaid babysitter and chauffeur for her grandchildren. Now, she’s going to start living for herself. Though her dream house needs major renovations, Penelope impulsively buys the property and moves to St. Merlot. But Penelope’s daydreams of an adventurous life in Provence didn’t include finding a corpse floating face down in her swimming pool. The discovery of the dead man plunges her headlong into a Provençal stew of intrigue and lingering resentments simmering beneath the deceptively sunny village. Having worked in the forensics office, Penelope knows a thing or two about murder investigations. To find answers, she must carefully navigate between her seemingly ubiquitous, supercilious (and enviably chic) estate agent, the disdainful chief of police, and the devilishly handsome mayor—even as she finds herself tempted by all the delicacies the region has to offer. Thank goodness her old friend Frankie is just a flight away . . . and that Penelope is not quite as naïve as her new neighbors in St. Merlot believe.Set against the exquisite backdrop of Provence, steeped in history, atmosphere, and secrets, Death in Provence introduces an irresistible heroine and a delightful new mystery series.

The House at the End of the Road
A powerful story about race and identity told through the lives of one American family across three generations In 1914, in defiance of his middle-class landowning family, a young white man named James Morgan Richardson married a light-skinned black woman named Edna Howell. Over more than twenty years of marriage, they formed a strong family and built a house at the end of a winding sandy road in South Alabama, a place where their safety from the hostile world around them was assured, and where they developed a unique racial and cultural identity. Jim and Edna Richardson were Ralph Eubanks's grandparents.Part personal journey, part cultural biography, The House at the End of the Road examines a little-known piece of this country's past: interracial families that survived and prevailed despite Jim Crow laws, including those prohibiting mixed-race marriage. As he did in his acclaimed 2003 memoir, Ever Is a Long Time, Eubanks uses interviews, oral history, and archival research to tell a story about race in American life that few readers have experienced. Using the Richardson family as a microcosm of American views on race and identity, The House at the End of the Road examines why ideas about racial identity rooted in the eighteenth century persist today. In lyrical, evocative prose, this extraordinary book pierces the heart of issues of race and racial identity, leaving us ultimately hopeful about the world as our children might see it.

An Ideal Wine
From the author of the acclaimed Angels’ Visits comes an inside look at how a handful of ingenious winemakers has transformed—and been transformed by—the California wine industry over the past four decades.In the 1970s, a group of idealistic baby boomers was attracted to the seemingly romantic world of winemaking. Over the course of nearly forty years, however—as competition from abroad increased, wine eclipsed beer and spirits as American adults’ beverage of choice, critics came to control the marketplace, and corporatization took over the industry—these young aesthetes would learn that wine is an unforgiving business. They would have to be clever to survive in an increasingly cutthroat atmosphere, and no one was more innovative than Randall Grahm of Bonny Doon Vineyard—the court jester and bleeding conscience of California wine, its most original and amusing figure. But Grahm is only one of the restless visionaries who, having chosen wine as the vehicle through which to fulfill their dreams, ended up changing the rules of the industry by adapting to its demands. From high technology to hardball entrepreneurship, from handicapping scores to holistic farming, each vintner operates by his or her own definition of an ideal wine. In this lively, sweeping account that spans the early seventies to the present day, David Darlington employs a sharp journalistic eye to profile a group of wine pioneers. A tale of vision and disillusion, brinksmanship and pragmatism, nature and business, politics and culture, An Ideal Wine is a fascinating look at an ever-evolving industry that reflects the values of our society and our civilization.

《地名胜览:地名卷》【内容简介】 本书从不同侧面挖掘、整合赣榆地名文化资源,是一部反映赣榆全区地名文化概况的普及性读物,对于传承赣榆历史文脉,帮助后代赣榆人了解家乡地名文化的深厚内涵、触发其热爱家乡建设家乡的情感和行动具有重要意义。 《今古名人:名人卷》【内容简介】 本书记载了历代赣榆名人和在这个区域活动过的历史名人的踪迹概要,是赣榆山青水秀、人杰地灵的历史见证,对于传承赣榆历史文脉,梳理赣榆人文源流,发挥文化作为经济发展的“助推器”、政治文明的“导航灯”、社会和谐的“黏合剂”的独特功能具有重要价值和意义。 《方言漫谈:方言卷》【内容简介】 本书描写了赣榆文言的语音现象,对于研究古音和其他地区的方言都具有重要作用,对于传承赣榆历史文脉,梳理赣榆人文源流,发挥文化作为经济发展的“助推器”、政治文明的“导航灯”、社会和谐的“黏合剂”的独特功能具有重要价值和意义。 《物华天宝:风物卷》【内容简介】 本书主要介绍赣榆的物产特产、自然风景、风尚风俗等,是一部展示赣榆丰富物产的专著,对于传承赣榆历史文脉,梳理赣榆人文源流,发挥文化作为经济发展的“助推器”、政治文明的“导航灯”、社会和谐的“黏合剂”的独特功能具有重要价值和意义。 《诗文荟萃:艺文卷》【内容简介】 本书选编了历代文人骚客对赣榆这片土地的寄情及咏怀,其中不乏文学史上名篇佳作,力求从多侧面、多视角展示赣榆底蕴深厚的文化内涵,对于传承赣榆历史文脉,梳理赣榆人文源流,发挥文化作为经济发展的“助推器”、政治文明的“导航灯”、社会和谐的“黏合剂”的独特功能具有重要价值和意义。 《徐福史话:徐福卷》【内容简介】 本书主要介绍徐福东渡传播华夏文明,成为中日两国人民友好交往的缔造者和奠基人的传奇故事,对于传承赣榆历史文脉,梳理赣榆人文源流,发挥文化作为经济发展的“助推 器”、政治文明的“导航灯”、社会和谐的“黏合剂”的独特功能具有重要价值和意义。 《民间传说:传说卷》【内容简介】 本书广泛搜集流传于赣榆民间的百余篇传说故事,形象生动地体现了赣榆独特的山海风情及人民群众的淳朴智慧,对于传承赣榆历史文脉,梳理赣榆人文源流,发挥文化作为经济发展的“助推器”、政治文明的“导航灯”、社会和谐的“黏合剂”的独特功能具有重要价值和意义。 《话说非遗:非遗卷》【内容简介】 本书汇集赣榆的重点非遗项目,彰显了赣榆丰富的非遗资源和多彩的传统文化,力求从多侧面、多视角展示赣榆底蕴深厚的文化内涵,对于传承赣榆历史文脉,梳理赣榆人文源流,发挥文化作为经济发展的“助推器”、政治文明的“导航灯”、社会和谐的“黏合剂”的独特功能具有重要价值和意义。 《历史沧桑:建置卷》【内容简介】 本书反映了从远古时代到赣榆撤县设区七千多年的历史,赣榆的建置沿革,历朝历代发生在赣榆境内的重大历史事件以及重要历史人物生平事迹,是一部全面反映赣榆历史的通史,对于后代赣榆人了解和传承家乡历史具有重要意义。"

《 冒死记录:全三册》一个普通的公司职员,无意间发现了自己背上有一块正在迅速消失的蓝斑之后,他的生活方式完全改变了。整个世界不再是他眼中原来的轮廓,强悍的对手、巨大的神秘组织似乎无孔不,这一切就在你我的身边……也许你的一个不经意的举动,就揭了巨大黑幕的一角,黑幕后是怎样的一个世界?看似结束的背后,另一个故事却突然展……



为全面贯彻党的二十大精神,推动领导干部这个“关键少数”带头尊规学规守规用规、尊法学法守法用法,提高依法决策、依法办事的能力,我们策划编写了本书。 本书是国内知名的法律专家傅思明及其编撰团队,依据中央有关文件精神,以“党内法规篇”“国家法律篇”等篇章手,从领导干部“应知应会”,即把党内法规和国家法律作为履职从政必修课的角度行编写。本书系统阐释新时代法治的指导思想和精髓要义,并对具体党纪法规展精要简练的阐释和解读。 本书作者权威,逻辑层次分明,对于领导干部提高运用法治思维和法治方式的能力,具有积极参考价值。


形美、意美、音美,美得沉醉的双语唐诗宋词诗经诗画集 诗家的不朽,铸就300卷唐诗的风骨流韵 词宗的风华,写尽300阙宋词的红尘烟雨 诗三百,思无邪,这里还有诗经三千年回荡的涛声云灭 古诗英译:中国翻译泰斗,许渊冲教授亲自翻译,将诗歌与语言文化密切联系。他用毕生精力致力于文学翻译。希望让世界看到中国之美。 诗文赏析:化解字句难点,细细剖析典故,浪漫唯美的语言,带领读者走进诗的国度。 深度解读:时代背景、历史典故、现代价值……每首词都有其独有的意义,值得品味和阅读。 诗人小传:诗人们传奇的人生经历,读诗也读人,不仅能让读者轻松读懂诗,还让读者了解词背后的故事和诗人生平。 难字注音:将诗歌中的重点难字加上拼音,让读者们轻松阅读无障碍。 有声音频:数百卷诗文随书流韵,让读者沉溺在故纸堆中,倾听金戈铁马,俯瞰江山如画。 生动插画:精细雅致的古画,于翰墨丹青中勾勒出诗情画意。 三位著名作家执笔,两种语言的韵律融合, 数百位诗人的传奇人生,上千卷诗词的风骨流韵,千年前的故世风华。 长安古道、烟雨江南、天山明月、大漠孤烟…… 唐诗中有江山如画、金戈铁马; 云中锦书、红笺无色、小窗幽梦、故人万里…… 宋词中藏着两宋文采风流,经风雨而妖娆,历岁月而弥香; 有匪君子、青青子衿、南有乔木、山有扶苏…… 诗三百,一言以蔽之,思无邪; 诗词,是傲视古今的中国文学*,不读,则不知中国文学有多美。

Star Wars Cookbook: BB-Ate - Awaken to the Force of Breakfast and Brunch
Awaken your inner Force with 29 intergalactic breakfast recipes. Fuel up with Hans Soloatmeal, battle hunger with Admiral Ackbars, and so much more! These easy-to-make, mouthwatering recipes feature characters and scenes from Star Wars: The Force Awakens as well as from the upcoming film Star Wars: The Last Jedi. And photographs featuring Star Wars figurines re-creating epic moments from the films provide an extra helping of humor. and TM Lucasfilm Ltd. Used Under Authorization

Living on the Fault Line
The fault line -- that dangerous, unstable seam in the economy where powerful innovations and savage competition meet and create market-shattering tremors. Every company lives on it; no manager can control it. In the original edition of Living on the Fault Line, Geoffrey Moore presented a compelling argument for using shareholder value (or share price) as the key driver in management decisions. Moore now revisits his argument in the post-Internet bubble world, proving that the methods he espouses are more germane than ever and showing companies how to use them to survive and thrive in today's demanding economy. Extending the themes of Crossing the Chasm and Inside the Tornado, his first two books on the dynamics of the high-tech markets, Moore shows why sensitivity to stock price is the single most important lever for managing in the future, both as a leading indicator of shifts in competitive advantage and as an employee motivator for making necessary changes in organizations heretofore impervious to change. This revised and updated edition includes: A deeper emphasis on core versus context, which has emerged as the key distinction in allocating resources to improve shareholder value A new Competitive Advantage Grid that will aid managers in achieving and sustaining competitive advantage, the most important component in managing for shareholder value An expanded Value Discipline Model as it relates to the Competitive Advantage Grid Analysis of the powerful new trend toward core/context analysis and outsourcing production duties Updated models of organizational change for each stage of market development As disruptive forces continue to buffet the marketplace and rattle the staid practices of the past, Moore offers a brilliant set of navigational tools to help meet today's most compelling management challenges.