Medicine Show
In Medicine Show, inner conflict is wonderfully realized in the clash of down-home plain speech and European high culture utterances. Freely translating and adapting Catullus (Latin), Villon (Middle French), Corbiere (French), Hikmet (Turkish), and Orpheus (Greek), and placing them alongside Jagger and Richards, skinheads, and psalms, Tom Yuill's book mirrors an old-style hawking of wares, with all the charm and absurdity that results when high culture meets pop, when city meets small town, and when provincialism confronts urbanity. Here, the poems talk to one another, one poem nudging the cusps of many others, those poems touching still others' circumferences. Yuill, by invoking the Rolling Stones as muses and as background music, offers cover versions of Shakespeare, Keats, and Dylan Thomas, ultimately giving us a new kind of verse, funneled through the languages and rhythms of his masters' voices.

Undertones of War
"e;I took my road with no little pride of fear; one morning I feared very sharply, as I saw what looked like a rising shroud over a wooden cross in the clustering mist. Horror! But on a closer study I realized that the apparition was only a flannel gas helmet. . . . What an age since 1914!"e;In Undertones of War, one of the finest autobiographies to come out of World War I, the acclaimed poet Edmund Blunden records his devastating experiences in combat. After enlisting at the age of twenty, he took part in the disastrous battles at the Somme, Ypres, and Passchendaele, describing them as "e;murder, not only to the troops but to their singing faiths and hopes."e;All the horrors of trench warfare, all the absurdity and feeble attempts to make sense of the fighting, all the strangeness of observing war as a writer-of being simultaneously soldier and poet-pervade Blunden's memoir. In steely-eyed prose as richly allusive as any poetry, he tells of the endurance and despair found among the men of his battalion, including the harrowing acts of bravery that won him the Military Cross.Now back in print for American readers, the volume includes a selection of Blunden's war poems that unflinchingly juxtapose death in the trenches with the beauty of Flanders's fields. Undertones of War deserves a place on anyone's bookshelf between Siegfried Sassoon's poetry and Robert Graves's Goodbye to All That.

《轻松英语名作欣赏小学版全套盒装(配MP3)》分册介绍: 《白雪公主》讲述了白雪公主为了逃离恶毒后母的迫害,逃到了森林里,在那里遇到了七个小矮人,经历了许多冒险故事。 《秘密花园》讲述了小女孩玛丽在舅舅家里发现了一座就要死去的秘密花园,在那里结识了有趣的新朋友,他们一起让花园恢复了生机。 《糖果屋历险记》讲述了一对小兄妹在森林里迷了路,又累又饿的时候发现了一座糖果屋,却无意中落入了坏巫婆的圈套,聪明的孩子们历尽艰辛终于逃了出来。 《风语河岸柳》讲述了小河边的生活安静悠闲,却因为好动冒失的蛤蟆充满冒险,水鼠、鼹鼠和獾几个好朋友想尽了办法,终于让蛤蟆得到了教训,学会享受平静的生活。 《绿山墙的安妮》讲述了活泼的红头发小女孩安妮来到绿山墙,成了家里的一分子,聪明可爱却不安分的她让绿山墙的生活变得丰富多彩起来。 《皮诺曹》讲述了皮诺曹是个木头男孩子,和老木匠相依为命,他和所有的孩子一样会贪玩、会撒谎,但也有一颗善良的心,在经历了重重磨难,得到了种种教训以后,他终于学会了爱,变成了真正的男孩子。 《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》讲述了爱丽丝在很早以前一个夏日里的梦。在这梦的奇境里,白兔戴着手套,疯了的帽子商和三月兔总是在喝茶,而红桃王后要砍掉每一个人的头…… 《卖火柴的小女孩》讲述了圣诞节之夜,贫穷的小女孩冒着风雪,沿街叫卖火柴,但没有一个人来买。这时,她想到了手中的火柴。哪怕是一根火柴的光和热,对她也是温暖的。火柴燃起来了。在那温暖明亮的火光里,她看到了多么奇异的景象啊…… 《小公主》讲述了父亲去世和破产的消息让萨拉顷刻之间从令人羡慕的“小公主”沦为寄宿学校的女佣。她饱尝人情冷暖,但始终保持着善良、高贵的心,因为她相信:就算穿着破衣服,她也可以在心里像一个公主。 《穿靴子的猫》讲述了从前有一个磨坊主,死的时候给三个儿子留下的*财产仅仅是一个磨坊、一头驴和一只猫。那只猫留给了老三,猫只要了一个口袋和一双靴子,却带给它的主人一个接一个的惊喜…… 《彼得-潘》讲述了一个黑暗的夜晚,小飞侠彼得?潘飞到了女孩温蒂和弟弟们的窗前,说要教会他们飞翔,带他们去一个美丽的地方——永无岛。原来,小飞侠是永无岛上永远也长不大的调皮小孩,他和小仙子叮铃铃一起生活在这个岛上,这里有茂密的丛林、高大的树木,还有野蛮的坏蛋海盗…… 《王子与贫儿》讲述了一个王子和贫儿通过一个阴差阳错的偶然机会互换位置的故事。王子变成了贫儿,贫儿成了王子。贫儿汤姆穿着王子的衣服在王宫里尽享荣华富贵,还当上了英国的新国王。而真正的王子爱德华却在外四处流浪,不得不忍受贫穷和乞丐们的欺凌和嘲讽…… 《黑骏马》描写了一匹叫做黑骏马的马儿的故事。黑骏马小时候无忧无虑的生活在农场里。成年之后,被多次转卖,见识了不同的主人并经历了人世间的种种坎坷,*后终于找到快乐生活,安享晚年的故事。 《阿拉丁和神灯》用浅显的语言讲述了阿拉丁由于遭到坏魔法师的欺骗被困地下,后来偶获神灯,与心仪的公主喜结良缘。坏魔法师得知后又试图夺走神灯,*终阿拉丁与坏魔法师斗志斗勇,在公主的帮助下夺回神灯,惩罚了坏魔法师,并*终获得幸福的故事。 《威尼斯商人》用浅显的语言讲述了莎士比亚的名剧威尼斯商人的故事。安东尼奥是一位慷慨善良的商人,为了帮助他的朋友巴萨尼奥向心仪的姑娘鲍西娅求婚,而向阴险狠毒的商人夏洛克借了一笔钱。夏洛克一直对安东尼奥心怀不满,便借机商定安东尼奥如果无法还钱,就要割自己的肉赔偿。后因安东尼奥无法还钱而被夏洛克送上法庭。就在危急关头,巴萨尼奥的妻子鲍西娅女扮男装变成律师为安东尼奥巧妙辩护,*终惩罚了夏洛克并解救了安东尼奥。 《丑小鸭》讲述的是鸭妈妈孵出一只又大又丑的鸭子,人们都叫他丑小鸭,兄弟姐妹们不喜欢他,邻居们嘲笑他,小伙伴们不理他,鸭妈妈也不要他,就连大狗也不想和他待在一起……可怜的丑小鸭只好过着流浪的生活。后来,丑小鸭变成了美丽的天鹅,飞上了蓝天。 《灰姑娘》讲的是一个勤劳、善良的小女孩,受到继母和两个姐姐欺侮。后来,在一位仙女的帮助下,灰姑娘变成了美丽的公主去参加舞会,赢得了王子的心,从此过上了幸福的生活。 《侠盗罗宾汉》讲述了罗宾汉劫富济贫,整治暴戾的贵族、官吏,并把得来的钱财用于救助贫苦的百姓的故事,他是世界上深受人们喜爱的绿林英雄。 《堂吉诃德》是塞万提斯的代表作,讲述的是一个沉迷于骑士小说的穷乡绅异想天开要重振骑士精神,带着仆人桑丘云游四方,闹出了无数笑话的故事。

Loto Francais
Bingo is a child-friendly and enjoyable way for children to learn French vocabulary. Topics include numbers, food, animals and clothes. Three types of lotto board are provided for each topic: words only, words and pictures and pictures only. Handy call sheets make adminstration easy.

I'll Find a Way or Make One
A comprehensive and definitive guide to America's 107 historically black colleges and universities, this commemorative gift book explores the historical, social, and cultural importance of the nation's HBCUs and celebrates their rich legacy.Included in this one-of-a-kind collection are: Detailed profiles of each HBCU Illuminating portraits of distinguished HBCU graduates such as Leontyne Price, Thurgood Marshall, Spike Lee, and Oprah Winfrey Little-known anecdotes about pre-Civil War efforts to educate blacks, such as how a white pastor founded what became Lincoln University after his black prot was excluded from Princeton's Theological Seminary Rare photographs and archival materials featuring the likes of Eleanor Roosevelt addressing students at Howard University Chronicling the history of education in the African American community, I'll Find a Way or Make One is not only an unprecedented salute to historically black colleges and universities, but also an indispensable account of some of the most important events of African Americana and American history.

True Blood Drinks & Bites
For the ravenous fanbase of HBO's smash hit series, True Blood Drinks and Bites presents 45 quick and easy recipes for themed gatherings and weekly watch parties, all inspired by the series' most notorious vampires and victims. From the creator of True Blood and his writing team, these are deliciously &quote;in-world&quote; appetizers, cocktails, and nonalcoholic drinks to enjoy as the drama goes down in Bon Temps. Think Scorn Fritters and Hot Dates, washed down with an ice-cold Spirit Lifter. Entertaining and packed with noveltyincluding quotes and commentary from the characters themselves, plus original unpublished photography from seasons 1 through 5True Blood Drinks and Bites brings home a fun and tantalizing taste of the onscreen action.

What does it mean to be three?
What Does It Mean To Be Three, from child psychologist Jennie Lindon, will give you the tools you need to ensure that your work with children, whether in a school, nursery or home setting, is relevant to their individual stages of development.This books looks at the six areas of learning in the EYFS and focusses on what each area means for three-year olds. Each area of development is backed up with examples of how real children learn, what good practice looks like and working in partnership with parents. A must-have for anyone working with three-year olds.

EYFS Inspection in Practice
The EYFS Inspection in Practice is a must-have guide to preparing for your early years Ofsted inspection. This straight to the point guide is designed to help all early years settings prepare and manage an inspection with confidence, as well as follow up the Ofsted report in a positive way. This book features:A step-by-step guide to writing an exceptional Self Evaluation Form, with examples of evidence to support each question and recommendations for collecting this evidenceTried and tested methods for improving reflective practice in the early years settingTechniques to demonstrate that all aspects of the EYFS are working in your practiceReal life examples of how a range of early years settings have prepared for their own inspectionUpdated in accordance with the October 2009 amendments to the Self Evaluation FormThe book is designed to ensure your inspection is a positive and stress-free experience, and is written to encompass both home-based and group settings so that any early years practitioner will find the book useful.

Lotto in Italiano
Bingo is a child-friendly and enjoyable way for children to learn Italian vocabulary. Topics include numbers, food, animals and clothes. Three types of lotto board are provided for each topic: words only, words and pictures and pictures only. Handy call sheets make adminstration easy.

What Does It Mean to Be Five?
What Does It Mean To Be Five, from child psychologist Jennie Lindon, will give you the tools you need to ensure that your work with children, whether in a school, nursery or home setting, is relevant to their individual stages of development.This books looks at the six areas of learning in the EYFS and focusses on what each area means for five-year olds. Each area of development is backed up with examples of how real children learn, what good practice looks like and working in partnership with parents. A must-have for anyone working with five-year olds.

Fundamental Aspects of Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues in Nursing 2nd Edi
This popular title from the Fundamental Aspects of Nursing series has been revised and updated to reflect the advances in the field. Vital reading for all student nurses to help them develop an understanding of the myriad of dilemmas in professional practice and ensure they meet professional standards. This book will outline the implications and application of the relevant recent legislation that relates to nursing practice. Professionally, this book will look at the demands and requirements of nursing, as it moves to an all graduate profession, and the subsequent legal and ethical implications. It will also be helpful for qualified nurses as a refresher text & for those undertaking Overseas Nurses' Programmes. With the new Nursing and Midwifery Council's proposals, there is a greater emphasis on nurses' awareness and ability to use, and be assessed in, legal, ethical and professional issues in their clinical practice.

What Does it Mean to be One?
What Does It Mean To Be One, from child psychologist Jennie Lindon, will give you the tools you need to ensure that your work with children, whether in a school, nursery or home setting, is relevant to their individual stages of development.This books looks at the six areas of learning in the EYFS and focusses on what each area means for one-year olds. Each area of development is backed up with examples of how real children learn, what good practice looks like and working in partnership with parents. A must-have for anyone working with babies.

Vision Within
Stress amongst primary-age children is a growing problem, and this in turn impacts on pupils' ability to learn effectively. Meditation has a calming, beneficial effect and at the same time increases children's creative thinking skills. The Vision Within provides a practical introduction to creative visualization for primary school teachers. The tried-and-tested visualization sequences are ready to use, with little or no preparation. Optional follow-up activities link the visualizations to maths, drama, poetry and the arts. The visualizations in this book will help children to develop a range of life skills, from problem solving, reasoning and evaluation to managing feelings, empathy and social skills - making them more creative and relaxed learners - and better able to cope with the stresses of modern day life.

Special Educational Needs in Practice (Revised Edition)
Special Educational Needs in Practice has been revised so as to consider all professionals involved with working with children with special needs. This edition covers the role and responsibility of the SENCO, but also outlines procedures and suggests numerous strategies for everyone working in the field. It includes how to best support children with a wide range of different conditions, how to develop and manage you SEN policy in line with government requirements and how to utilise the resources and support available.There are up-to-date contacts and pages of helpful advice as well as new information on legislation, government guidelines and instruction. A comprehensive section on therapies has been added to introduce new ideas and concepts to encourage relaxation, creativity, concentration and imagination through exercise, touch, sound and experience.

What Does it Mean to be Two?
What Does It Mean To Be Two, from child psychologist Jennie Lindon, will give you the tools you need to ensure that your work with children, whether in a school, nursery or home setting, is relevant to their individual stages of development.This books looks at the six areas of learning in the EYFS and focusses on what each area means for two-year olds. Each area of development is backed up with examples of how real children learn, what good practice looks like and working in partnership with parents. A must-have for anyone working with two-year olds.

What Does it Mean to be Four?
What Does It Mean To Be Four, from child psychologist Jennie Lindon, will give you the tools you need to ensure that your work with children, whether in a school, nursery or home setting, is relevant to their individual stages of development.This books looks at the six areas of learning in the EYFS and focusses on what each area means for four-year olds. Each area of development is backed up with examples of how real children learn, what good practice looks like and working in partnership with parents. A must-have for anyone working with four-year olds.


公元799年,教宗利奥三世为了对抗政敌,向法兰克人的国王查理求助。公元800年12月25日,利奥三世突然把一顶皇冠戴在正在圣彼得大教堂做弥撒的查理头上,宣布他为“罗马人的皇帝”。这便是神圣罗马帝国戏剧性的端。终于,西罗马帝国在灭亡300多年后,有了继承者。 神圣罗马帝国屹立于欧洲的中心,其领土覆盖了今天德国、奥地利、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、瑞士、捷克、斯洛伐克、波兰、意大利、丹麦和法国等十几个国家的全部或部分地区。而英国、匈牙利、西班牙、瑞典、克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚等国也与帝国有着千丝万缕的联系!从查理曼加冕到拿破仑称帝,神圣罗马帝国是君士坦丁堡以西欧洲独一的帝国。帝国的君主享有“罗马人的皇帝”这一尊号,名义上高于欧洲其他国家的君主!帝国宣称自己是普世的,是基督徒的共同家园!可以说,神圣罗马帝国的历史,就是欧洲中世纪史和近代史的主线。帝国的历史发展也呈现出欧洲历史的一般特征。? 帝国宣称继承了罗马帝国的正统,但它并不像罗马帝国那样由专制君主统治。帝国有皇帝,但皇帝并非一言九鼎,甚至皇帝的产生都需要教宗的加冕和选侯的推选。帝国的主权是分散的,由皇帝、教宗、诸侯、帝国议会、帝国法院、城市联盟、教会领地等各种政治体共享。帝国的治理主要靠寻求共识和协商调解,而不是靠霸权。帝国内部是多元的,它既孕育了“钢铁王国”普鲁士,也孕育了 “海上马车夫”荷兰;既有以庄园制为基础的封建经济,也有以意大利城邦、尼德兰联合省和汉萨同盟为代表的发达贸易网络。它是一个和我们以往所熟知的帝国都不相同的帝国,既不同于靠征服建立的传统大陆帝国,也不同于靠贸易网络维系的现代海洋帝国! 然而长久以来,人们往往根据现实政治需要来看待帝国。启蒙思想家伏尔泰趣它既不神圣,也不罗马,更非帝国。德国人视其为德意志民族的帝国,意大利人视其为外来压迫者,当下的欧洲主义者则认为它是欧盟的模板。那么帝国究竟是什么?威尔逊教授试图纠正人们长期以来对这个帝国的种种偏见,为我们还原出帝国的本相。全书从四个主题切,厘清了帝国是什么、如何运作、为何重要,以及对今日欧洲有何影响,内容涵盖帝国的使命意识、社会秩序、治理模式、经济发展、司法制度、邦国关系和改革变迁等方方面面,描绘出一幅直至18世纪末仍然很有活力的大帝国的全貌!

第四波,精品咖啡的未来!本书是咖啡爱好者及专业人士与时俱进的充电宝典。从产地到出杯,*解读咖啡世界正在发生的巨变,是具有前瞻性的咖啡宝典。咖啡行业长销著作《精品咖啡学》作者、华人咖啡教父韩怀宗五年潜心打磨重磅著作。作者专门增写简体中文版序言,解读云南产区在第四波浪潮中扮演的重要角色,并概述第四波咖啡浪潮的整体面貌。 咖啡行业近5年的巨变几乎可以颠覆过去50年:全球气候变迁,千百年来的咖啡带突破南北回归线的天险,向更高纬度凉爽的地带扩展延伸——意大利西西里岛、美国加州南部等地区成为全球* 高纬咖啡产地之一,而埃塞俄比亚、巴西等传统咖啡产区的适耕田地则各有消长,此前有着咖啡世界“香槟产区”美誉的肯尼亚,在气候变迁的大背景下衰退;咖啡农和各国顶 尖科研机构不断创新,诸多高质量新品种、新处理法横空出世,不仅形成了惊艳的地域之味,也扩展了咖啡的新味域;几十年来行业内公认的杯测焙度标准、萃取手法进化,金杯理论框架被打破,更多咖啡师和爱好者冲煮出了好喝的咖啡……第四波咖啡浪潮已成形。本书是咖啡爱好者和专业人士人手一本的实用工具书,让你*更新咖啡知识体系,一本书看懂精品咖啡的未来。

《腾讯游戏发精粹Ⅲ》是腾讯游戏研发团队不断积累沉淀的技术结晶,是继 2019年推出《腾讯游戏发精粹I》和《《腾讯游戏发精粹II》后的诚意续作。本书收录了 21 个在上线项目中得到验证的技术方案,深介绍了腾讯公司在游戏发领域的新研究成果和新技术展,涉及人工智能、计算机图形、动画和物理、客户端架构和技术、服务端架构和技术及管线和工具等多个方向。本书适合游戏从业者、游戏相关专业师生及对游戏幕后技术原理感兴趣的普通玩家。
