Difficult Reputations
We take reputations for granted. Believing in the bad and the good natures of our notorious or illustrious forebears is part of our shared national heritage. Yet we are largely ignorant of how such reputations came to be, who was instrumental in creating them, and why. Even less have we considered how villains, just as much as heroes, have helped our society define its values.Presenting essays on America's most reviled traitor, its worst president, and its most controversial literary ingnue (Benedict Arnold, Warren G. Harding, and Lolita), among others, sociologist Gary Alan Fine analyzes negative, contested, and subcultural reputations. Difficult Reputations offers eight compelling historical case studies as well as a theoretical introduction situating the complex roles in culture and history that negative reputations play.Arguing the need for understanding real conditions that lead to proposed interpretations, as well as how reputations are given meaning over time, this book marks an important contribution to the sociologies of culture and knowledge.
What Is Education?
One day in 1938, John Dewey addressed a room of professional educators and urged them to take up the task of "e;finding out just what education is."e;?Reading this lecture in the late 1940s, Philip W. Jackson took Dewey's charge to heart and spent the next sixty years contemplating his words. The stimulating result of a lifetime of thinking about educating, What Is Educationis a profound philosophical exploration of how we transmit knowledge in human society and how we think about accomplishing that vital task.?Most contemporary approaches to education follow a strictly empirical track, aiming to discover pragmatic solutions for teachers and school administrators. Jackson argues that we need to learn not just how to improve on current practices but also how to think about what education means-in short, we need to answer Dewey by constantly rethinking education from the ground up. Guiding us through the many facets of Dewey's comments, Jackson also calls on Hegel, Kant, and Paul Tillich to shed light on how a society does, can, and should transmit truth and knowledge to successive generations. Teasing out the implications in these thinkers' works ultimately leads Jackson to the conclusion that education is at root a moral enterprise.?At a time when schools increasingly serve as a battleground for ideological contests, What Is Educationis a stirring call to refocus our minds on what is for Jackson the fundamental goal of education: making students as well as teachers-and therefore everyone-better people.
Gendered Paradoxes
In 2005 the World Bank released a gender assessment of the nation of Jordan, a country that, like many in the Middle East, has undergone dramatic social and gender transformations, in part by encouraging equal access to education for men and women. The resulting demographic picture there-highly educated women who still largely stay at home as mothers and caregivers- prompted the World Bank to label Jordan a "e;gender paradox."e; In Gendered Paradoxes, Fida J. Adely shows that assessment to be a fallacy, taking readers into the rarely seen halls of a Jordanian public school-the al-Khatwa High School for Girls-and revealing the dynamic lives of its students, for whom such trends are far from paradoxical.?Through the lives of these students, Adely explores the critical issues young people in Jordan grapple with today: nationalism and national identity, faith and the requisites of pious living, appropriate and respectable gender roles, and progress. In the process she shows the important place of education in Jordan, one less tied to the economic ends of labor and employment that are so emphasized by the rest of the developed world. In showcasing alternative values and the highly capable young women who hold them, Adely raises fundamental questions about what constitutes development, progress, and empowerment-not just for Jordanians, but for the whole world.?
Empowering Science and Mathematics Education in Urban Schools
Math and science hold powerful places in contemporary society, setting the foundations for entry into some of the most robust and highest-paying industries. However, effective math and science education is not equally available to all students, with some of the poorest students-those who would benefit most-going egregiously underserved. This ongoing problem with education highlights one of the core causes of the widening class gap.?While this educational inequality can be attributed to a number of economic and political causes, in?Empowering Science and Mathematics Education in Urban Communities, Angela Calabrese?Barton?and Edna Tan demonstrate that it is augmented by a consistent failure to integrate student history, culture, and social needs into the core curriculum. They argue that teachers and schools should create hybrid third spaces-neither classroom nor home-in which underserved students can merge their personal worlds with those of math and science. A host of examples buttress this argument: schools where these spaces have been instituted now provide students not only an immediate motivation to engage the subjects most critical to their future livelihoods but also the broader math and science literacy necessary for robust societal engagement. A unique look at a frustratingly understudied subject,?Empowering Science and Mathematics Education?pushes beyond the idea of teaching for social justice and into larger questions of how and why students participate in math and science.?
Framing Finance
As the banking crisis and its effects on the world economy have made plain, the stock market is of colossal importance to our livelihoods. In Framing Finance, Alex Preda looks at the history of the market to figure out how we arrived at a point where investing is not only commonplace, but critical, as market fluctuations threaten our plans to send our children to college or retire comfortably. As Preda discovers through extensive research, the public was once much more skeptical. For investing to become accepted, a deep-seated prejudice against speculation had to be overcome, and Preda reveals that over the course of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries groups associated with stock exchanges in New York, London, and Paris managed to redefine finance as a scientific pursuit grounded in observational technology. But Preda also notes that as the financial data in which they trafficked became ever more difficult to understand, charismatic speculators emerged whose manipulations of the market undermined the benefits of widespread investment. And so, Framing Finance ends with an eye on the future, proposing a system of public financial education to counter the irrational elements that still animate the appeal of finance.
【内容简介】 未来呼啸而来 作者彼得·戴曼迪斯和史蒂芬·科特勒全面展示了商业创业风口上的9大指数型技术——量子计算、人工智能、网络、机器人、虚拟现实与增强现实、3D打印、区块链、材料科学与纳米技术、生物技术,并洞察这9大指数型技术的互相融合会带来巨大的变革力量,将会完全重塑我们的生活方式与商业模式。两位作者结合9大指数型技术的融合,充分预测和描述了零售业、广告业、娱乐业、教育、医疗保健、长寿、商业、食品业等8大行业指数型变革的未来。 AI 3.0 本书源自米歇尔多年来对人工智能领域发展真实状态的记录,她在书中通过5个部分揭示了“现在的人工智能可以做什么,以及在未来几十年我们能从它们身上期待什么”。在描述了人工智能的发展历史之后,作者通过对视觉识别、游戏与推理、自然语言处理、常识判断这4大人工智能领域的热门应用的发展现状和局限性的探究,厘清了人工智能与人类智能的关系,书中关于人脸识别、无人驾驶、机器翻译等方面的案例分析都充满了巨大的启示! 人工智能的未来 库兹韦尔把“奇点”当作一个绝佳的“隐喻”:当智能机器的能力跨越这一临界点之后,人类的知识单元、链接数目、思考能力,将旋即步入令人眩晕的加速喷发状态——一切传统的和习以为常的认识、理念、常识,将统统不复存在,所欲的智能装置、新的人机复合体将进入“苏醒”状态。 库兹韦尔通过对人类思维本质的全新思考,大胆地预言了人工智能的未来。他坚信,未来人类一定会制造出可与人脑相媲美的“仿生大脑新皮质”。它们甚至比人脑更具可塑性,并可放置在云端,与遥远的人类生物大脑远程相连。 人工智能简史 约翰·马尔科夫在他的重磅新作《人工智能简史》一书里,从多个维度描绘了人工智能从爆发到遭遇寒冬再到野蛮生长的发展历程,直击了工业机器人、救援机器人、无人驾驶汽车、语音助手Siri等前沿领域,进而深入探讨了人工智能(AI)与智能增强(IA)的密切关系,而马尔科夫也会剖析“人与机器谁将拥有未来”这一机器时代的核心伦理问题。 如何创造可信的AI 作者盖瑞·马库斯是人工智能领域的专家,同时还是心理学和神经科学教授,在计算机科学、认知科学、语言学、人工智能等领域都练就了相当深厚的学术功底,并敢于挑战学术界的主流观点。盖瑞·马库斯和欧内斯特·戴维斯从深度学习算法固有的缺陷出发,阐述了当下 AI 技术发展的桎梏,对当前 AI 的场景应用和研究范式中的问题进行了分析,他指出AI真正的问题在于信任,常识才是深度理解的关键。 智能学习的未来 想要在这场人机大战中取胜,我们就必须换一种方式来思考智能。罗斯玛丽?卢金教授是国际AI教育学会主席,她在《智能学习的未来》中重新定义了人类智能,提出了交织型智能模型,详解了人类智能的7大要素,指明了如何在当下和未来进行智能的学习,使我们不至于因过时的“智能”而落后于时代。 与机器人共舞 约翰·马尔科夫在他的重磅新作《与机器人共舞》一书里,从多个维度描绘了人工智能从爆发到遭遇寒冬再到野蛮生长的发展历程,直击了工业机器人、救援机器人、无人驾驶汽车、语音助手Siri等前沿领域,进而深入探讨了人工智能(AI)与智能增强(IA)的终极关系,而马尔科夫也会剖析“人与机器谁将拥有未来”这一机器时代的核心伦理问题。 第四次革命 随着线上线下大融合以及人工智能的极大发展,人类已经进入超历史时代。在这一时代中,人类终于迎来了继哥白尼革命、达尔文革命、神经科学革命之后自我认知的第四次革命——图灵革命,整个世界正化身为一个信息圈,每个人都生活在云端,人类已不再是信息圈毋庸置疑的主宰。毫无疑问,图灵革命引爆了人工智能重塑整个人类社会的序曲! 【编辑推荐】 未来呼啸而来 《未来呼啸而来》给了我们一张寻宝图,一把开启下一个10年的钥匙。戴曼迪斯和科特勒为我们提供了一个充满希望的、强大的未来愿景。书中充满了令人惊叹的故事、令人惊叹的技术和所有非凡机遇的深刻教训。 一部让人热血沸腾酣畅淋漓的杰作!这本书描述的9大指数型技术和指数型技术融合颠覆的8大行业,会让你仿佛置身于科幻小说中的世界,清晰的感受那些即将在下一个10年实现的场景。未来到来的速度比你想象的还要快,千万别眨眼。 AI 3.0 《AI 3.0》是超级畅销书《复杂》的作者、复杂系统前沿科学家梅拉妮?米歇尔耗时10年思考,厘清人工智能与人类智能的全新力作。 《AI 3.0》全景式地展现了人工智能的过去、现在和未来。作者首先从人工智能的发展历程讲起,然后从视觉识别、游戏与推理、自然语言处理、常识判断等人工智能的4个主要应用领域来详细阐述人工智能的原理、当下的能力边界,及其正在面临的关键挑战。 人工智能的未来 美国国家技术奖获得者、奇点大学校长、谷歌公司工程总监雷?库兹韦尔力作。这是一部洞悉未来思维模式、全面解析“人工智能”创建原理的颠覆力作。库兹韦尔对于大脑和人工智能的理解,将对我们生活的方方面面、各行各业,以及我们有关未来的设想产生巨大的影响。库兹韦尔通过一系列推理告诉我们,我们有能力创造超越人类智能的非生物智能。 人工智能简史 《人工智能简史》是迄今为止非常完整又具可读性的人工智能史著作,为我们描绘了一幅机器人与人工智能趋势的宏大图景!人工智能究竟是天使,还是魔鬼?人工智能为何在经历“寒冬”之后在今日迸发出野蛮生长的态势?人工智能和智能增强终将走向何方?奇点来临时,人还会是自身命运的主宰者吗?本书将给你答案。 如何创造可信的AI 这是一本对当下人工智能大潮的反思之作。让人们了解到人工智能领域的真实状况,不受宣传报道的欺骗。与“人工智能霸主统治人类”的夸夸其谈不同,这本书既诊断出了当下人工智能领域的真实疾病,也开出了切实可行的治愈良方。 智能学习的未来 《智能学习的未来》的作者卢金教授是国际AI教育学会会长,教育领域的人工智能博士,研究人工智能与学习近30年,指出了未来的教育问题。《智能学习的未来》重新思考和定义了人类智能,并详解了人工智能与人类智能的关系,辨析了在终身学习时代,我们到底应该学什么。 与机器人共舞 人工智能时代的科技预言家、普利策奖得主、乔布斯极为推崇的记者约翰·马尔科夫重磅新作! 《与机器人共舞》是迄今为止完整、可读性的人工智能史著作,为我们描绘了一幅机器人与人工智能趋势的宏大图景!人工智能究竟是天使,还是魔鬼?人工智能为何在经历“寒冬”之后在今日迸发出野蛮生长的态势?人工智能和智能增强终将走向何方?奇点来临时,人还会是自身命运的主宰者吗?本书将给你答案。 第四次革命 继哥白尼革命、达尔文革命、神经科学革命之后,人类迎来的自我认知的第四次革命——图灵革命,人类进入超历史时代,并引爆人工智能的飞跃式发展。在人工智能急速发展的超历史时代,人们的自我认知、个人隐私、身份认同,甚至周围的政治环境都在发生变化。
《这里是中国1》内容简介:本书集结星球研究所近3年来中国主题文章的精华,按照中国地势三级阶梯顺序,呈现出荒原到人间的变化,全书收录300余张精致摄影作品,涵盖诗词、动植物、人文等丰富内容,以广阔的地理视角和宏大的时间尺度,重新解读中国故事。 以18 个关于中国的独特话题,365 张具有地域代表性的高清摄影作品,串联起中国的地理科普和人文故事。了解中国在时间长河中的起源和变迁、生命和文明的孕育及成长。 《这里是中国2》内容简介:以近代以来一百年为时间尺度,讲述现代化进程之下,中国的地理变迁和中国人的创造,呈现这个蓝色星球上伟大的地表塑造。 通过原创摄影图片及充满情感温度的文字,描绘中国具有代表性的地理人文景观和自然风貌,让我们享受视觉盛宴的同时,了解自身所处的自然世界,并以可感知的方式收藏大自然的美好。 100年,我们重塑了一片山河 100年,我们振兴了一个民族 100年,我们改变了一个国家 从没有一根钢轨,到铁路、公路纵横四方 从没有一盏电灯,到14 亿人全民通电,以及西气东输、南水北调、国土绿化、载人航天、北斗导航、登陆火星…… 《这里是中国2》一书尽览中国建设之美、家园之美、梦想之美。逆天改命的中国人,告诉世界什么叫大国崛起。 超级工程,超级风景。百年重塑山河,建设改变中国!
Illustrators 54
This 54th edition of the Society of Illustrators Annual represents the very best work created throughout the year. These volumes have been collected and treasured for decades by those interested in the art of illustration, and are not only an invaluable source for art buyers, but also keep professional artists abreast of current trends and serve as inspirational teaching tools for art students and those entering the field.Highlights include: Revealing commentary by individual artists describing the creative process behind their works. Gold and Silver Medal winners in seven categories. Biographies of the artists elected to the prestigious Illustrators Hall of Fame, along with examples of their work. Profiles of the Hamilton King Award and the Richard Gangel Art Director Award winners.
Drawn from Paradise
From the moment Europeans were introduced to the birds of paradise in the early sixteenth century, their unique beauty was recognized and commemorated in the first name that they were given - birds so beautiful they must be from paradise. Originally they were thought not to have legs and therefore never to land. Still very rarely encountered, even in their natural habitat of New Guinea, they are still birds that elicit sheer awe in those who are lucky enough to see them. Drawn From Paradise will showcase the magnificence and beauty of the birds of paradise as they have never before been seen, with more than two-hundred hand-painted images and sketches by the men who originally studied them and luminary artists such as Jacques Barraband, William Hart, John Gould, Rubens and Breughel, to name a few. The art comes from the private collections of the two authors and has been rarely if ever published. Not only will the book feature the beautiful Greater Bird of Paradise-a bird that was originally believed to have been sent from Paradise, and was thought to never touch the earth-but it will also present more than forty other distinct species currently recognized-each representing amazing differences in size, shape, and color patterning.The introduction provides a brief history into the discovery of these illustrious birds, from how they were originally perceived and idolized by the natives of New Guinea, to the arrival of Europeans, who were immediately captivated by their bright, vibrant colors. The chapters are ordered according to the sequence in which the birds representing the various genera made their appearance in Europe (thereby highlighting the books educational aspect). Within its pages, readers will catch a glimpse of these birds through vivid, highly-detailed painting, as well as learn more about each individual bird and genus-comparisons and contrasts between the males and females, as well as between the different genus's.A tour through art and history, with a good deal of ornithology thrown in, Drawn From Paradise is not only a must-have for ornithologists and bird-watchers, but also a beautiful collectible for students, artists, and aesthetes. Its central idea is to showcase the breathtaking beauty of these birds and the enormous interest that still surrounds them even today.
The Big Sur Bakery Cookbook
Here from the celebrated California restaurant Big Sur Bakery is a stunningly photographed cookbook showcasing seasonal ingredients, local vintners, fishermen, and farmers—and the food that makes the Big Sur Bakery unique.Tucked behind a gas station off California's legendary Highway 1, the Big Sur Bakery is easy to miss. But don't be fooled by its unassuming location—stumbling across the Bakery, as countless visitors have done on their way up and down the Pacific Coast, will make you feel as if you've discovered a secret: a gem of a restaurant where the food, people, and atmosphere meld together in a perfect embodiment of the spirit of Big Sur.The three restaurant owners, chef Philip Wojtowicz, baker Michelle Wojtowicz, and host Michael Gilson, escaped the Los Angeles food scene to create their version of the ideal restaurant, nestled in the heart of some of the most beautiful country in the world. This is simple, wood-fired American cooking at its best, executed in a way that lets the ingredients—seasonal and often locally produced—shine. Weekend brunches feature thick, nine-grain pancakes and savory breakfast pizza topped with crisp bacon, fresh herbs, and pasture-raised eggs. At night, Phil offers classics like Grilled Prime Rib Steak with Red Wine Sauce along with twists on traditional favorites like Venison Osso Buco or Rockfish Scampi. And every meal should end with one of Michelle's great desserts, whether it's a homemade Peppermint Ice Cream Sundae or Hazelnut Flan with Roasted Cherries.But this is more than a cookbook; it's a yearlong glimpse into what it's really like to live in Big Sur, introducing the people and places that make the restaurant's renowned food possible, including Wayne Hyland, hunter and forager, Jamie Collins, organic row cropper, and Gary Pisoni, the eccentric vintner who supplies some of the restaurant's most beloved wine. With its outstanding photography, lively profiles, and dozens of must-make recipes, this book helps bring the experience of Big Sur home.
The Splendid Table
Just when you thought you knew the best of Northern Italy, along comes Lynne RossettoKasper to introduce you to Emilia-Romagna, a fertile wedge between Milan, Venice, and Florence, as gastronomically important as any land in the world. The lush homeland of balsamic vinegar, Prosciutto di Parma, tortellini, and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, this is a region venerated by Italy's food cognoscenti. "Ask an Italian where to take only one meal in Italy, and, after recommending his mother's house, he will more than likely send you to EmiliaRomagna,"writes Kasper.A cuisine at once voluptuous and refined, the dishes of Emilia-Romagna's kitchen are literally irresistible. just listen to the names"Little" Spring Soup from the 17th Century, His Eminence's Baked Penne, Modena Crumbling Cake. Then imagine sitting down to a dish of Hot Caramelized Pears with Prosciutto, a Risotto of Red Wine with Fresh Rosemary or a Pie of Polenta and Country RagúThe first American book to present the food of this singular northern region, The Splendid Table is an Italian cookbook for the nineties. It will take you from Parma, Bologna, Modena, Ravenna, and Ferrara to tiny villages in the foothills of the Apennines, from Renaissance banquet halls to the simplest of farmhouses, offering history, folklore, and substantive cooking tips along the way.Among the things you will find are:A 56-recipe pasta chapter including many never before seen in America. From fast and easy dishes such as Linguine with Braised Garlic and Balsamic Vinegar to a lasagne of chicken, pine nuts, and currants.A veal Parmigiano like no other-Pan-Fried Veal Chops with Tomato Marsala Sauce, the whole finished with curls of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.An array of meatless or almost meatless recipes. Grilled vegetables with maccheroni; acountry dish of braised lentils with ribbons of pappardelle and crisp nubbins of pancetta; Tortellini of Artichokes and Mascarpone; or Fresh Tuna Adriatic Style.Straight out of the Renaissance but perfect for today, a sumptuous tortellini pie, ideal for important dinners and holidays.A salad of tart greens, Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, and Prosciutto di Parma with a warm garlic and balsamic dressing and many other antipasto dishes.Over thirty dessert recipes including Chestnut Ricotta Cheesecake and Torta Barozzi, a mysterious chocolate cake made at only one pastry shop in the entire region."A Guide to Ingredients" that shares the secrets of how to select, use, and store the very best balsamic vinegars, olive oils, porcini mushrooms, Prosciutto di Parma, mortadella, Parmigiano-Reggiano, coppa, fresh herbs, and much more.Encounters with Lucrezia Borgia, Gioachino Rossini, Napoleon's Empress Marie Louise, Giuseppe Verdi, Arturo Toscanini, Carlo Bergonzi, Renata Tebaldi, and Luciano Pavarotti, all characters in the epic of Emilia-Romagna.The Splendid Table is the Italian cookbook America has been waiting for a book firing our passion for Italian food while responding to our health concerns. It not only reveals Italy's best-kept culinary secret, the great cuisine of Emilia-Romagna, it is at the same time one of the most important teaching books of our era. Know it will become a good friend, well thumbed and lovingly stained over years of good cooking and good reading.24 pages of finished dishes in full color. 200 recipes with wine and menu suggestions.
Foxfire Living:Design, Recipes, and Stories from the Magical Inn in the Catskill
A gorgeous full-color field guide to the innovative neo-vintage design style that is the hallmark of Foxfire Mountain House, the magical inn in the Catskills, bursting with design ideas, recipes, projects, and tips for achieving its dreamy aesthetic in your own home.When designer Eliza Clark and her chef husband Tim Trojian viewed the property that would eventually become the Foxfire Mountain House in Mount Tremper, New York, the real estate listing was for an adjacent cottage; the teetering remains of what had once been a popular Catskills hotel was thrown in as a bonus.Eliza and Tim set to work, radically redesigning the derelict property to create a relaxed bohemian retreat they called Foxfire Mountain House. The design and food of this transcendent inn is guided by nature, science, and curiosity, and informed by its rural location amid the bucolic mountains. The scenery is as much an element of Foxfire’s design as the color scheme; the inn’s old bones are complemented by unique vintage finds; and the meals are sourced from neighboring farms and local crops. Eliza and Tim’s eleven-room inn, cottage, and bar room/restaurant became an instant hit and a hot destination for urban dwellers looking for an escape in the country.Foxfire Living now brings the dreamy, rustic modern style that is the hallmark of this special place into any home. This lush guide is divided into chapters based on the phases of the day—Dawn, Morning, Day, Dusk, and Night—allowing you to move through each element of the inn’s design and renovation process in a natural and holistic way. Whether you want to completely redo your home or just make a few changes or additions, you’ll find thoughtful concepts and advice to guide you to:Discover—use the bones of your space to inform your design choicesGather—set up a design pantry and collect inspirationEvolve—allow yourself to stay open and curious as your design comes togetherReflect—enjoy what you’ve built and share it with othersIn telling the intriguing story of Foxfire’s rebirth, Eliza and Tim include thirty recipes and renovation projects that capture its spirit. Brimming with ethereal photos that are as full of wonder as the drive up the hill that leads to the inn, Foxfire Living is the story of paint colors, light fixtures, materials, and furnishings. But it is also about writing your own home’s story and creating a personal narrative that reflects your truest desires.
本书收录辽宁木本植物81科187属638种6亚种111变种48变型,计803个种及种下单位。另外,本书还收录了数十个栽培品种。其中,野生357种6变种76变种17变型,计456个种及种下单位;栽培281种35变种31变型,计347个种及种下单位。本书是迄今为止东北收录木本植物总量*多的资料。 本书出版价值体现在所收录的植物中,有11科为东北木本植物新纪录,均为栽培;新纪录属30个,其中野生的为黄连木属Pistacia L.,其他均为栽培;新纪录102种19变种5变型,其中,裸子植物4种1变型,被子植物98种15变种4变型。同时,补充完善了引进属或种的中文资料、验证了宽叶胡枝子在东北存在的真实性、红王子锦带的分类地位得到修正,弥补了现有资料的不足之处,体现了对科学严谨负责的态度。 本书所收录植物的形态特征都有精炼而准确的描述,95%的种配有原生态照片及分类特征照片,生境真实,形态直观。全书共使用原生态照片及分类特征照片1800余张,均为著者多年积累的一手资料。
1.汇集了冯其庸先生数十年来红学研究各方面的重要成果,是对红楼的全面解读。 2.以《脂砚斋重评石头记》(庚辰本)为底本,以甲戌、己卯、列藏、蒙府、戚序等本为校本,并参以时贤新校注本。内容包括对语句、段落和每回的点评,对《红楼梦》写作的历史背景、作者家世和特殊语句的笺释等。无论是从诠释的深度、评点的方式,还是从疏证的切实、校勘的确切等方面来说,均堪称典范。 3.不仅有冯其庸先生本人的评点,同时择要录入了甲戌本、己卯本和庚辰本上的脂评,以便读者参考研究。
《麻省理工科技评论》从2001年开始,每年都会公布“10大突破技术”,即TR10(Technology Review 10),并预测其大规模商业化的潜力,以及对人类生活和社会的重大影响。 这些技术代表了当前世界科技的发展前沿和未来发展方向,集中反映了近年来世界科技发展的新特点和新趋势,将引领面向未来的研究方向。其中许多技术已经走向市场,主导着产业技术的发展,极大地推动了经济社会发展和科技创新。 正如《麻省理工科技评论》主编JasonPontin所说,突破性技术的定义非常简单,那就是能够给人们带来高质量运用科技的解决方案。有些技术是工程师们天才创意的结晶;而有的则是科学家们对长期困扰他们的问题所采取的诸多尝试的集大成者(比如深度学习)。评选“10大突破技术”的目的不仅仅是向人们展示新创新成果,同时也是为了强调是人类的聪明才智促生了这些创新技术。 本书收集了2012年~2016年的50大突破技术。这些技术是为解决问题而生,将会极大地扩展人类的潜能,也有可能改变世界的面貌,值得在未来十年内给予特别关注。
The Food of Spain
In The Food of Spain, Claudia Roden, the James Beard award-winning author of the classics A Book of Middle Eastern Food and The Book of Jewish Food, and one of our foremost authorities on Mediterranean, North African, and Italian cooking, brings her incomparable authenticity, vision, and immense knowledge to bear in this cookbook on the cuisines of Spain. New York Times bestselling cookbook author Claudia Roden believes that through food a cook can reconstruct an entire world. And in her classic A Book of Middle Eastern Food–eight hundred recipes long, a treasure trove of folk tales, proverbs, stories, poetry, and local history–that's just what she did. Historian and critic Simon Schama has said of her that "Claudia Roden is no more a simple cookbook writer than Marcel Proust was a biscuit baker." The Book of Jewish Food, another classic, is equally magnificent in its span, a cookbook that is also a history of Jewish life and settlement, told through the story of what Jews ate, and where, and why, and how they made it.Now, in The Food of Spain, Claudia Roden applies that same remarkable insight, scope, and authority to a cuisine marked by its regionalism and suffused with an unusually particular culinary history. In hundreds of exquisite recipes, Roden explores both the little known and the classic dishes of Spain–from Andalusia to Asturias, from Catalonia to Galicia. And whether she's writing about smoky, nutty Catalan Romesco sauce, Cordero a la Miel–sweet and hot tender lamb stew with honey–or the iconic, emblematic national dish of Spain, saffron-perfumed Paella Valenciana, her clear, elegant, humorous, and passionate voice is a reader's delight, a guide not only to delicious food but to the peoples and cultures that produced it.Both comprehensive and timeless, The Food of Spain is one of the most important books on this tremendous cuisine to appear in the last fifty years. A classic in the making, it is an essential work not only for fans of Spanish and Mediterranean food but for every serious cook as well as discerning armchair travelers.
肩水金关汉简是二十世纪七十年代在甘肃肩水金关汉代遗址考古发掘出土的一批珍贵文物,总计简数为10778枚,时间断代大致在西汉末至东汉初,按照内容分类,主要有文书类、册简类和历书类等,涉及公私文书、账簿、出关情况登记、书信、历法等,是研究秦汉政治、历史、语言、文化的重要参考资料。 本书以中西书局于2011至2016年出版的五卷本《肩水金关汉简》为研究对象,按照相关简号顺序逐简核对文字,在吸收已有研究成果的基础上,纠正误释、误缀,对一些重要的字词演变情况、典章制度、历史背景、人名地名等施以详细注释。另外,编制了《金关汉简所见郡国郡邑乡里表》《候官烽燧表》《金关汉简人名索引》作为全书附录。
南宋袁枢撰《通鉴纪事本末》总计42卷,纪事本末体史书。该书在司马光《资治通鉴》原文的基础上,以事件始末为线索重新编排,分239个题目,始于《三家分晋》,终于《周世宗之征淮南》,总括了1300余年的“治乱与兴衰之迹”。 《通鉴纪事本末》内容脉络清晰,每事独立成篇,起讫了然,使纪事本末体成为独立史书体裁,可弥补纪传、编年体之不足,对后世影响深远。