

每满80减40 系统中医学之路:祝世讷中医基本理论研究论丛
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王锡山,Petr V. Tsarkov
The Classic Morpurgo Collection (six novels)
The Classic Morpurgo Collection (six novels)
Michael Morpurgo
Six best-loved novels by award-winning author of ‘War Horse’, brought together in this ebook collection. A perfect introduction to Michael Morpurgo’s enthralling storytelling for new readers and a classic collection for fans. ‘Kaspar’: Kaspar the cat first came to the Savoy Hotel in a basket – Johnny Trott knows, because he was the one who carried him in. Johnny was a bellboy, you see, and he carried all of Countess Kandinsky's things to her room, including this very special cat! ‘Born to Run’: When Patrick saves a litter of greyhound puppies from the canal, he convinces his parents to let him keep one. Patrick names his puppy Best Mate, and that’s what he becomes… Until one day Best Mate is kidnapped by a greyhound trainer. The trainer’s step-daughter loves the greyhound and renames him Bright Eyes. But what will happen when he can’t run any more? ‘The Butterfly Lion’: When Bertie is a little boy, he rescues an orphaned white lion cub from the African veld. They are inseparable until Bertie is sent to boarding school far away in England and the lion is sold to a circus. Bertie swears that one day they will see one another again, but it is the butterfly lion which ensures that their friendship will never be forgotten. ‘Alone on a wide, wide sea’: When six-year-old orphan Arthur Hobhouse was shipped to Australia after WWII he lost his sister, his country and everything he knew. Now he has built a special boat for his daughter Allie – a yacht designed to carry her to England, in search of his long-lost sister… ‘Running Wild’: For Will and his mother, going to Indonesia isn't just a holiday. It's an escape, a new start, a chance to put things behind them. Until Oona, the elephant Will is riding on the beach, begins acting strangely, shying away from the sea. That's when the tsunami comes crashing in, and Oona begins to run. But when the tsunami is gone, Oona just keeps on running. ‘Farm Boy’: The fascinating sequel to ‘War Horse’. Set on a farm in rural Devon, this is the story of Grandpa’s memories. Family secrets come to light as Michael’s wonderful writing depicts the moving relationship between grandfather and grandson.
每满80减40 医学养生大百科(套装10册)
该套装包括:《医路向前巍子给中国人的救护指南》《你是你吃出来的2》《你是你吃出来的》《手到病自除1:常见病反射区自愈疗法(上)》《手到病自除2:常见病反射区自愈疗法(下)》《手到病自除3:人体反射区简明自疗图典》《五味子》《医目了然》《医学就会》《医本正经:珍藏版》 《医路向前巍子给中国人的救护指南》讲的是:针对大众对急救常识的缺乏,作为急救医生的巍子没有等待,他开始动笔科普日常生活中的疾病知识和急救技能,用简单、通俗的文字,写就了这本健康科普书,涉及春夏秋冬容易出现的急救问题、儿童急救知识、外伤、心脏养护、如何正确拨打120等,近400页健康知识详细解读,满足一家人的健康知识需求,文章有温度,有血有肉,体现出了医生的情怀与责任,同时加入手绘漫画、视频演示等新式,轻松学习,简单有效。 《你是你吃出来的2》讲的是:本书是一本针对高血压、高脂血、糖尿病、痛风等慢病患者、亚健康人群从临床医学角度提出营养治病调理思路和方案的临床营养实践类图书。营养专家夏萌老师总结几十年临床经验,从营养学角度辨别诊治多种慢病和亚健康的成因,破除营养认知误区,深入浅出地剖析疾病的饮食根源,带给慢病患者科学的营养指导。 《你是你吃出来的》讲的是:夏萌总结自身患病经历和10万+临床病例写成。高血压、高血脂、糖尿病、冠心病等慢病人群都曾陷入同一个误区——误以为低油低脂保健康,其实多是蛋白质缺乏式营养不良;误以为只能终生服药或手术,忽略了饮食等生活方式改变带来的真正康复。 《手到病自除》讲的是:涵盖了80多种常见亚健康症状和慢性疾病的预防和自我调理方法;500多幅全彩真人示范图,详细展示了每套手法的步骤分解动作。 《五味子》讲的是:你是你好的医生,你一定可以把自己治好。这是老钱跟吴畏说过多的话。现在,这句话成了遗训,也成了吴畏心里的灯。 《医目了然》讲的是:这本书是一本日常生活中实用且有效的工具书,可以帮助你解决很多常见的身体健康问题。小到常见的感冒发烧,如果在生病初期没有选对正确的药品不及时对症治疗,极可能会引发其他严重疾病。中医复杂的就是,所有的病都要辨证,没有一个方子能治一个病的所有证型…… 《医学就会》讲的是:本书从中医基础知识入手,帮助你把中医知识的星星点点,慢慢的连在一起,先连成线,再连成面。等整合成了一个系统在你心里时,不需要学习所有病的治疗方法,只需要根据症状归类就能查准病因。 《医本正经:珍藏版》讲的是:《医本正经:珍藏版》新增了5篇作者自科普中医以来的感悟,更希望能通过这本书让大家用中医的思维去生活,健康快乐每一天。
每满80减40 关于未来的答案系列套装(10册)(未来学家、社会科学家玛蒂娜·罗斯布拉特、詹姆斯·坎顿、马克·冯·里吉门纳姆、迈克斯·泰格马克为你揭秘那些你看不见、看不懂的未来重要趋势)
虚拟人 人类躯体死亡,思维是否有可能继续存在,从而实现思维不朽?思维克隆人、网络人等虚拟人将如何颠覆人类对“我”的定义? 利用思维克隆技术,我们能否重新构建所爱之人的记忆、行为方式以及人格特征?思维克隆人和其生物学原型有着怎样的区别?未来,我们该如何界定思维克隆人的社会地位和法律地位? 毫无疑问,思维克隆人的出现将会对传统人类社会产生深刻的哲学影响、社会影响、法律影响以及伦理影响,人类传统社会将被彻底颠覆。那么,作为人类的我们该如何应对这些问题?如何“给思维克隆人一个说法”? 元宇宙概念大爆发,虚拟人成为zui受入局者关注的切入点,玛蒂娜·罗斯布拉特《虚拟人》一书将帮助你quan面了解虚拟人,了解人类未来与自己的虚拟人分身共生的未来! 比史蒂夫·乔布斯、埃隆·马斯克更偏执的“科技狂人”,现实版“弗兰肯斯坦”,美国知名生物制药公司联合治疗公司创始人兼CEO玛蒂娜·罗斯布拉特缔造不死未来的世纪争议之作,在元宇宙打造你的di二分身,掌握未来世界的数字化生存指南! 指数型商机 新技术的出现将如何改变社会?哪些能源将改变未来的世界?医学技术的发展将为人类提供何种可能性?气候变化如何影响人类社会?以及zui重要的,你希望自己的生活、事业或者地球发生什么样的改变?……这些关于自主经济、社会企业、创新经济体、quan球化2.0、创新生态系统、人工智能、后奇点未来、企业家精神、医学2.0、终身学习、气候危机、气候工程、可持续能源系统、神经未来,以及3大技术突破:超级智能网络、纳米、基因编辑等15个方面的重要趋势,作者quan球未来研究院创始人、奇点大学创始董事、苹果公司顾问詹姆斯·坎顿将在《指数型商机》中为你一一揭秘。 区块链蓝图 区块链是一项与互联网同样重要的发明。在人类历史上,我们终于看到一种数字技术能真正为所有人创造更美好的世界:区块链不仅将极大程度地优化我们现有的商业业务,包括优化供应链、物流、身份验证、数字签名、支付系统、合规性、企业治理、保险、医疗服务以及商品溯源等。同时,更有助于缓解气候变化带来的影响,给贫困人群提供改善生活的机会,降低进入金融体系的壁垒,以及解决身份信息被盗等社会问题。 quan球大数据影响力人物马克·冯·里吉门纳姆与世界知名区块链专家菲利帕·瑞安深入探讨了“区块链应用的六大场景“,指出了区块链在构建更公平、更普惠的世界中如何发挥关键性作用。而关于区块链如何为所有人创造更美好、更公平的世界,《区块链蓝图》这本书无疑提供了一份蓝图。而对于关心quan世界或自己业务的人来说,这也无疑是一本之书。 区块链的真正商机 quan球知名研究咨询公司Gartner的两位杰出副总裁大卫·弗隆和克里斯托夫·乌聚罗强强联合之作,通过金融、物流、房地产、汽车、文娱、医疗、智慧城市等区块链创新实例,他们会揭开区块链真正落地会走过的3大阶段,以及未来20年内,区块链究竟会如何改变你的组织。《区块链的真正商机》不是一步到位的落地捷径,而是写给所有商业领袖的让区块链真正落地的商业寻宝图,是区块链版《大数据时代》。 大卫·弗隆和克里斯托夫·乌聚罗两位作者指出,无论是简化多方流程、创造和交易新资产,还是利用人工智能和物联网,区块链都能带来quan新的商业机会。当然,这仅仅是个开始。随着区块链被更广泛地采用,它有可能彻底改变公司和社会的运作方式,就像互联网的出现带来的范式转变一样。 捍卫隐私 你的密码可以被轻易破解? 除了你,还有谁在读你的电子邮件? 你的手机就是一个窃听器? 勒索病毒是如何一步步诱惑你落入陷阱的? 你是否意识到了隐私的重要性?在你不知情的情况下发生了什么? …… 你的每一次鼠标点击、浏览的每一个网站,都有人看在眼里。 人脸识别、无人机、智能联网汽车、社交网络……都在泄露你的隐私。 你可以跑,却无处躲藏! 《捍卫隐私》将为你揭示关于数据时代的真相,那就是:每个人的隐私都处在被泄漏的危险边缘。作者凯文·米特尼克和罗伯特·瓦摩西首先从个人角度出发,科普每个人都应该掌握的隐私安quan之道;并运用生活中真实的故事和生动的案例,描绘出与隐私zui为相关的6大未来场景,教你如何掌握隐身的艺术。 如何创造可信的AI 作者盖瑞·马库斯是人工智能领域的专家,同时还是心理学和神经科学教授,在计算机科学、认知科学、语言学、人工智能等领域都练就了相当深厚的学术功底,并敢于挑战学术界的主流观点。当整个人工智能学术界都在过分乐观地高歌猛进时,他不断撰文和发表演讲来指出以深度学习为代表的当下AI的弊端和局限性,《如何创造可信的AI》这本书正是马库斯对他关于人工智能观点的zui佳总结。 盖瑞·马库斯和欧内斯特·戴维斯从深度学习算法固有的缺陷出发,阐述了当下 AI 技术发展的桎梏,对当前 AI 的场景应用和研究范式中的问题进行了分析,他指出AI真正的问题在于信任,常识才是深度理解的关键。zui终从认知科学中提炼出了11条对人工智能发展方面的启示,以通用人工智能为发展目标,给出了未来 AI 技术的一种发展方向。 宇宙的结构 我们的宇宙是一首即兴创作吗?宇宙结构与音乐之间有着什么样的秘密联系?我们的宇宙本质上是一个音乐宇宙吗?《宇宙的结构》一书是理论宇宙学家、萨克斯演奏家斯蒂芬?亚历山大的颠覆式新作,他在书中创新地揭示了音乐和宇宙结构之间的秘密联系,非常独特。 物理与音乐看似是对立的,但在《宇宙的结构》一书中,斯蒂芬?亚历山大将带领我们走过他非凡的探秘旅程——从毕达哥拉斯到爱因斯坦,从爵士乐到理论物理学,从天籁之音到弦理论,并揭示出:宇宙结构的起源实际上可能与爵士乐的即兴演奏有着很大的相似之处,那就是都是一种振动与共振! 生命3.0 在人工智能崛起的当下,你希望看到一个什么样的未来?当超越人类智慧的人工智能出现时,人类将何去何从?你是否希望我们创造出能自我设计的生命3.0,并把它散播到宇宙各处?人工智能时代,生而为人的意义究竟是什么?在《生命3.0》中,麻省理工学院物理系终身教授、未来生命研究所创始人迈克斯·泰格马克将带领我们参与这个时代zui重要的对话。 《生命3.0》一书中,作者迈克斯·泰格马克作为一位ding尖的物理学家,基于zui严密的逻辑推理和zui大尺度的想象力,对人类的终极未来进行了quan方位的畅想。从我们能活到的近未来穿行至1万年乃至10 亿年及其以后,从可见的智能潜入不可见的意识,重新定义了“生命”“智能”“目标”“意识”,并澄清了常见的对人工智能的误解,将帮你构建起应对人工智能时代动态的quan新思维框架,抓住人类与人工智能共生演化的焦点。 穿越平行宇宙 平行宇宙理论研究权威——迈克斯·泰格马克教授告诉我们,这一切都可能发生!苍茫宇宙可分为四层多重宇宙,每一层多重宇宙又包含无数层平行宇宙。也就是说,所有已经发生的和即将可能发生的,都有可能在不同平行宇宙中重演!而生命、宇宙和万物的终极问题的答案也隐藏其中! 在这场物理学和宇宙学的终极智力冒险中,迈克斯·泰格马克教授从“实在是什么”开始,从极大的尺度和极小的尺度开始,带领读者踏上了探索宇宙终极本质的神秘旅程,并得出了堪称“惊世骇俗”的结论:宇宙不只是被数学所描述,宇宙本身就是数学!无论你能否接受他的假说,这一幅宏大的宇宙图景都将让我们感慨宇宙与生命的微不足道! 星际穿越 在《星际穿越》之后,这一系列问题quan世界都在问!本书将会告诉你答案! 为什么黑洞会吞噬一切,甚至连光都不能幸免? 为什么虫洞不是一个洞,而是一个球? 又是什么神奇的力量,让米勒星球上的一小时等于地上七年? zui简明清晰的时间与空间理论入门读本。基普·索恩教授,电影《星际穿越》的唯yi科学顾问,以浅显易懂的语言一一破解了宇宙中让人瞠目结舌的奇景——大爆炸、黑洞、时空弯曲、潮汐力、虫洞、引力弹弓、星际旅行等,解释了所有推动剧情的天体物理学理论,还就内容的真实性将书中的科学知识分为三种:科学事实、有根据的推测和猜想,并做了明确的标注,以帮助我们解开所有剧情设计与时空旅行之谜! 《星际穿越》是继《时间简史》之后天体物理学领域的又一里程碑式著作。
每满80减40 里程碑第四辑(全4册)
《法国大革命》 本书中,大卫·安德烈斯震撼发声:是法国的农民阶层让1789 年的大革命取得胜利,并捍卫了*终成果。 长期以来,人们谈到这场革命时,眼中只有法国贵族、精英与市民阶层,但事实上,农民阶层的抗争惠及的人群更广、影响范围更大。史学著作用更多篇幅来讲述罗伯斯庇尔、丹顿、拿破仑的故事,却忽略了这场革命中率先揭竿而起的法国农民,忽略了他们在拼死捍卫自己的政治权利与底层人民权益方面的积极作用。 这本书为我们展现了一个充满良知、勤奋踏实的乡村世界,展现了身处这个世界的人们是如何奋力捍卫自己的生活,并为后代、为集体而努力的。 《航海者》 2010年沃尔夫森历史奖获奖作者,2021年《华尔街日报》年度十大好书。 数以千计的岛屿分散在辽阔的太平洋上,这里居住着许多不同的民族。从16世纪詹姆斯·库克船长开始,造访太平洋的欧洲探险家们就对离大陆数千公里的人口在此繁衍生息感到震惊不已。这些人是谁?他们从哪里来?他们是如何到达并分散在如此广阔的海洋岛屿上的呢? 杰出的人类学家尼古拉斯·托马斯描绘了从史前晚期开始,人类在亚洲岛屿与美洲岛屿之间的迁徙过程,以及促使这些史诗般航行得以发生的航海技术。一本书快速了解太平洋上的岛屿文明,同时*、多维度体察岛民的神话、历史与风俗。 《火车铁道》 一个新的世界诞生后,每个人都会开始习惯它的存在。 从马拉铁道到如今的高铁,完整记录火车铁道的百年历史,火车铁道是经济的拓荒者,也是人类文明进程的助推器。资本、能源、技术、革命、国家、战争、工业家、改革者、政治家、商人……一部火车铁道的历史,就是一部现代世界简史。 克里斯蒂安·沃尔玛尔以火车铁道的发展为线索,*展示铁路这项发明在过去200年里对每个人的影响。从朝九晚五工作制的确立,到人们的居住、饮食与娱乐方式,大到国际格局, 在多变流动的世界中还历史以原貌。 《但丁与〈神曲〉》 这是但丁人生的传记,也是《神曲》的导读。从但丁的家庭到他的生活、挚友、一生挚爱贝雅特丽齐,再到他受何种影响走上诗人之路,又为何创作出传世巨作《神曲》,本书细致生动地重现了诗人坎坷的一生。书中也分析了诗人生活的时代背景,探寻了《神曲》全诗三部分的深层含义,引导我们通过中世纪的文学作品,窥见文艺复兴精神和人文主义的曙光。 《神曲》的影响力绵延数个世纪,直至今日,这部文学巨著留下的点点星光仍照亮着我们的文化生活。伊恩·汤姆森还在本书中广泛考察了《神曲》的现实内涵,及其对后世作家、诗人、艺术家、电影导演与文化作品产生的深刻影响。
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Prevention of Child Poverty with Public Health Leadership Theory and Systems Thi
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Prevention of Child Poverty with Public Health Leadership Theory and Systems Thinking Approach
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盖瑞·马库斯,杰里米·弗里曼 等 著,
《哪些神经科学新发现即将改变世界》一场改天换地的科研突破,正在悄然来临。数千年来,人类一直在试图破解自己的大脑,却因种种局限而步履维艰。现今,随着技术的飞速发展,脑科研先驱者们不仅开发出能够深度探索大脑之谜的工具与方法,而且已经取得了令人振奋的关键进展。 通过《哪些神经科学新发现即将改变世界》,你便可以一睹大脑的研究走到了多远。书中,33位杰出科学家记录了他们对历史级难题的挑战,比如绘制大脑图谱、全脑神经成像、全脑模拟等,这些技术获得了哪些全新进展?神经技术如何应用于抑郁症等疾病的治疗?大脑计划、人类大脑工程等雄心勃勃的研究项目究竟在做些什么? 在取得惊人成果的同时,他们也陈述了自己乐观又谨慎的预想与反思,指明了我们需要跨越的困难和前进的方向。 《哪些神经科学新发现即将改变世界》是展现未来技术突破口的重要依据,也是展望21世纪人类社会和科学前景的一扇窗口。普通读者和专业人士都将从中获得面向明天的知识与领悟。
Moralizing Technology
Moralizing Technology
Verbeek, Peter-Paul
Technology permeates nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Cars enable us to travel long distances, mobile phones help us to communicate, and medical devices make it possible to detect and cure diseases. But these aids to existence are not simply neutral instruments: they give shape to what we do and how we experience the world. And because technology plays such an active role in shaping our daily actions and decisions, it is crucial, Peter-Paul Verbeek argues, that we consider the moral dimension of technology.?Moralizing Technology offers exactly that: an in-depth study of the ethical dilemmas and moral issues surrounding the interaction of humans and technology. Drawing from Heidegger and Foucault, as well as from philosophers of technology such as Don Ihde and Bruno Latour, Peter-Paul Verbeek locates morality not just in the human users of technology but in the interaction between us and our machines. Verbeek cites concrete examples, including some from his own life, and compellingly argues for the morality of things. Rich and multifaceted, and sure to be controversial, Moralizing Technology will force us all to consider the virtue of new inventions and to rethink the rightness of the products we use every day.
Coyote Nation
Coyote Nation
Mitchell, Pablo
With the arrival of the transcontinental railroad in the 1880s came the emergence of a modern and profoundly multicultural New Mexico. Native Americans, working-class Mexicans, elite Hispanos, and black and white newcomers all commingled and interacted in the territory in ways that had not been previously possible. But what did it mean to be white in this multiethnic milieuAnd how did ideas of sexuality and racial supremacy shape ideas of citizenry and determine who would govern the region?Coyote Nation considers these questions as it explores how New Mexicans evaluated and categorized racial identities through bodily practices. Where ethnic groups were numerous and-in the wake of miscegenation-often difficult to discern, the ways one dressed, bathed, spoke, gestured, or even stood were largely instrumental in conveying one's race. Even such practices as cutting one's hair, shopping, drinking alcohol, or embalming a deceased loved one could inextricably link a person to a very specific racial identity.A fascinating history of an extraordinarily plural and polyglot region, Coyote Nation will be of value to historians of race and ethnicity in American culture.
Citizen Hobo
Citizen Hobo
DePastino, Todd
In the years following the Civil War, a veritable army of homeless men swept across America's "e;wageworkers' frontier"e; and forged a beguiling and bedeviling counterculture known as "e;hobohemia."e; Celebrating unfettered masculinity and jealously guarding the American road as the preserve of white manhood, hoboes took command of downtown districts and swaggered onto center stage of the new urban culture. Less obviously, perhaps, they also staked their own claims on the American polity, claims that would in fact transform the very entitlements of American citizenship.In this eye-opening work of American history, Todd DePastino tells the epic story of hobohemia's rise and fall, and crafts a stunning new interpretation of the "e;American century"e; in the process. Drawing on sources ranging from diaries, letters, and police reports to movies and memoirs, Citizen Hobo breathes life into the largely forgotten world of the road, but it also, crucially, shows how the hobo army so haunted the American body politic that it prompted the creation of an entirely new social order and political economy. DePastino shows how hoboes-with their reputation as dangers to civilization, sexual savages, and professional idlers-became a cultural and political force, influencing the creation of welfare state measures, the promotion of mass consumption, and the suburbanization of America. Citizen Hobo's sweeping retelling of American nationhood in light of enduring struggles over "e;home"e; does more than chart the change from "e;homelessness"e; to "e;houselessness."e; In its breadth and scope, the book offers nothing less than an essential new context for thinking about Americans' struggles against inequality and alienation.
Divas in the Convent
Divas in the Convent
Monson, Craig A.
When eight-year-old Lucrezia Orsina Vizzana (1590-1662) entered one of the preeminent convents in Bologna in 1598, she had no idea what cloistered life had in store for her. Thanks to clandestine instruction from a local maestro di cappella-and despite the church hierarchy's vehement opposition to all convent music-Vizzana became the star of the convent, composing works so thoroughly modern and expressive that a recent critic described them as "e;historical treasures."e; But at the very moment when Vizzana's works appeared in 1623-she would be the only Bolognese nun ever to publish her music-extraordinary troubles beset her and her fellow nuns, as episcopal authorities arrived to investigate anonymous allegations of sisterly improprieties with male members of their order.?Craig A. Monson retells the story of Vizzana and the nuns of Santa Cristina to elucidate the role that music played in the lives of these cloistered women. Gifted singers, instrumentalists, and composers, these nuns used music not only to forge links with the community beyond convent walls, but also to challenge and circumvent ecclesiastical authority. Monson explains how the sisters of Santa Cristina-refusing to accept what the church hierarchy called God's will and what the nuns perceived as a besmirching of their honor-fought back with words and music, and when these proved futile, with bricks, roof tiles, and stones. These women defied one Bolognese archbishop after another, cardinals in Rome, and even the pope himself, until threats of excommunication and abandonment by their families brought them to their knees twenty-five years later. By then, Santa Cristina's imaginative but frail composer literally had been driven mad by the conflict.?Monson's fascinating narrative relies heavily on the words of its various protagonists, on both sides of the cloister wall, who emerge vividly as imaginative, independent-minded, and not always sympathetic figures. In restoring the musically gifted Lucrezia Orsina Vizzana to history, Monson introduces readers to the full range of captivating characters who played their parts in seventeenth-century convent life.?
At the Barriers
At the Barriers
Joshua Weiner
The contributors wish to thank the Hornbake Library at the University of Maryland, College Park, and the Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley, for access to their holdings of Thom Gunn’s manu*s; the Graduate Research Board and the Department of English at the University of Maryland, for material support; Thom’s brother Ander, for the use of his photograph of Thom for this volume’s cover; and Mike Kitay, for permission to print excerpts from unpublished writings and the several published poems, in their entireties, in this volume.
Constructed Climates
Constructed Climates
William G. Wilson
As our world becomes increasingly urbanized, an understanding of the context, mechanisms, and consequences of city and suburban environments becomes more critical. Without a sense of what open spaces such as parks and gardens contribute, it's difficult to argue for their creation and maintenance: in the face of schools needing resources, roads and sewers needing maintenance, and people suffering at the hands of others, why should cities and counties spend scarce dollars planting trees and preserving parksIn Constructed Climates, ecologist William G. Wilson demonstrates the value of urban green. Focusing specifically on the role of vegetation and trees, Wilson shows the costs and benefits reaped from urban open spaces, from cooler temperatures to better quality ground water-and why it all matters. While Constructed Climates is a work of science, it does not ignore the social component. Wilson looks at low-income areas that have poor vegetation, and shows how enhancing these areas through the planting of community gardens and trees can alleviate social ills. This book will be essential reading for environmentalists and anyone making decisions for the nature and well-being of our cities and citizens.
Church Mother
Church Mother
Katharina Schütz Zell
Imbued with character and independence, strength and articulateness, humor and conviction, abundant biblical knowledge and intense compassion, Katharina Schutz Zell (1498-1562) was an outspoken religious reformer in sixteenth-century Germany who campaigned for the right of clergy to marry and the responsibility of lay people-women as well as men-to proclaim the Gospel. As one of the first and most daring models of the pastor's wife in the Protestant Reformation, Schutz Zell demonstrated that she could be an equal partner in marriage; she was for many years a respected, if unofficial, mother of the established church of Strasbourg in an age when ecclesiastical leadership was dominated by men.Though a commoner, Schtz Zell participated actively in public life and wrote prolifically, including letters of consolation, devotional writings, biblical meditations, catechetical instructions, a sermon, and lengthy polemical exchanges with male theologians. The complete translations of her extant publications, except for her longest, are collected here in Church Mother, offering modern readers a rare opportunity to understand the important work of women in the formation of the early Protestant church.
Sorcery in the Black Atlantic
Sorcery in the Black Atlantic
Luis Nicolau Parés,Roger Sansi
Girls abused in London and torsos of black boys found in the Thames; African boys disappearing from school and child traffic in Africa; child sacrifice and Brazilian Pentecostal exorcism. Unrelated events are swiftly connected in an uncanny work of prestidigitation, including hitech digital images of torsos and forensic drawings of abused children. Les correspondances symboliques, Baudelaire would say, or contiguous magic, in Frazer’s more prosaic de*ion. It all could make sense, if we believe in our fears, suspicions, gossip, and prejudices. Furthermore, this incredible work of prestidigitation was engineered by two respectable institutions, known for their enlightened search of truth: the BBC and Scotland Yard. But where was the evidence that all these things were connectedThe “exorcism scandal” bewitched the media in Britain for the whole month of June, until some dissenting voices started to talk about a “racist witch hunt.” 5 By then, however, a population of hundreds of thousands of Africans, in particular Pentecostal Africans, was already under suspicion. “What if some of that was true?” some people still may ask. In fact, shortly before completing this introduction, the local London newspaper Evening Standard published a two-page report on an African church in the United Kingdom, with the title “Miracles and claims of baby-snatching,” mixing rumors of child trafficking, sorcery, syncretism, and extreme wealth. 6 That is how sorcery works: not by fully demonstrating its power, but by opening a possible doubt; one is never fully sure it is not true.