

Fix Your Sexless Marriage: How To Fix A Sexless Marriage And Bring Back The Spar
Fix Your Sexless Marriage: How To Fix A Sexless Marriage And Bring Back The Spar
Amber Roseline
Fix Your Sexless Marriage: How To Fix A Sexless Marriage And Bring Back The Spark In Your Bedroom
Seduction Force Multiplier 4: Power of Routines - Situational Scripts, Lines and
Seduction Force Multiplier 4: Power of Routines - Situational Scripts, Lines and
Jack N. Raven
Seduction Force Multiplier 4: Power of Routines - Situational Scripts, Lines and Routines
Raising Boys
Raising Boys
John S. Roberts
Raising Boys
Ceylan Simge
Como esquecer uma grande paix?o
Como esquecer uma grande paix?o
Luan Marinho
Como esquecer uma grande paix?o
Living With Aspergers Syndrome
Living With Aspergers Syndrome
Jessica Caplain
Living With Aspergers Syndrome
Parenting: 3 Manuscripts - Raising Boys, Raising Daughters and Raising Teenagers
Parenting: 3 Manuscripts - Raising Boys, Raising Daughters and Raising Teenagers
John S. Roberts
Parenting: 3 Manuscripts - Raising Boys, Raising Daughters and Raising Teenagers
Oyun ?nerileri :Her gün Bir Oyun
Oyun ?nerileri :Her gün Bir Oyun
Simge Ceylan
Oyun ?nerileri :Her gün Bir Oyun
Se?me Hikayeler ?ocukalar ??in
Se?me Hikayeler ?ocukalar ??in
Derya Binici
Se?me Hikayeler ?ocukalar ??in
Maternal Effects in Mammals
Maternal Effects in Mammals
Dario Maestripieri,Jill M. Mateo
Evolutionary maternal effects occur whenever a mother's phenotypic traits directly affect her offspring's phenotype, independent of the offspring's genotype. Some of the phenotypic traits that result in maternal effects have a genetic basis, whereas others are environmentally determined. For example, the size of a litter produced by a mammalian mother-a trait with a strong genetic basis-can affect the growth rate of her offspring, while a mother's dominance rank-an environmentally determined trait-can affect the dominance rank of her offspring. The first volume published on the subject in more than a decade, Maternal Effects in Mammals reflects advances in genomic, ecological, and behavioral research, as well new understandings of the evolutionary interplay between mothers and their offspring. Dario Maestripieri and Jill M. Mateo bring together a learned group of contributors to synthesize the vast literature on a range of species, highlight evolutionary processes that were previously overlooked, and propose new avenues of research. Maternal Effects in Mammals will serve as the most comprehensive compendium on and stimulus for interdisciplinary treatments of mammalian maternal effects.
Leiner Laura
Támba Renátó (1987–) író, gyermekkor-kutató. Doktori értekezését 2016-ban védte meg a Debreceni Egyetemen, gyermekkor-t?rténeti ikonográfia tudományterületen. Jelen m? disszertációja javított változata, s az alf?ldi iskola fest?inek gyermekábrázolásait járja k?rbe a gyermekszemlélet t?rténeti kutatásának tükrében.
Nevelés és iskola: A nevelés pedagógiai antropológiai és ?sszehasonlító megk?zel
Nevelés és iskola: A nevelés pedagógiai antropológiai és ?sszehasonlító megk?zel
Mrázik Julianna
A F?ld más tájain is élnek tépázott idegzet? és gondterhelt szül?k – err?l hajlamosak vagyunk megfeledkezni, mik?zben probléma- és pelenkahegyeken verekedjük át magunkat nap mint nap… Szül?k, akik pont ugyanannyit aggódnak és bosszankodnak, és persze ugyanolyan büszkék is szemük fényére, mint mi! Mark Woods lebilincsel?en alapos és sziporkázóan szellemes k?tete, a Szül?k bolygója világ k?rüli utazásra hív, hogy F?ldünk kül?nb?z? nevelési módszereivel, hiedelmeivel és szokásaival ismertessen meg. Mit keres a méhlepény a kambodzsai újszül?tt mellett? Mindenhol válogatósak a gyerekek, vagy csak a mienk k?pi a falra a t?kf?zeléket? Tényleg eminensebbek a skandináv és délkelet-ázsiai gyerekek? Hogyan és miért válik feleslegessé oly korán a pelenka egyes helyeken? Valóban csak dicsérettel lehet ?ntudatos és magabiztos porontyokat nevelni? ?s akkor még nem ejtettünk szót a kamaszokról: létezik szül? a F?ld bolygón, aki képes megbirkózni ezekkel a kis ?sz?rnyetegekkel”? Hipermodern tudományos módszerek és ?si rítusok, divattrendek és hagyományok ? mindenki másképp csinálja! Végs? soron mégis mindannyian ugyanazt szeretnénk: életre való és sikeres feln?tteket nevelni gyermekeinkb?l. A paletta széles és sokszín?: szemezgessünk a világ legjobb gyereknevelési módszereib?l, fogadjuk meg más népek jó tanácsait – és ismerjünk ?nmagunkra! Mark Woods újságíró, három gyermek édesapja. Els? fia születése alkalmából két k?nyvet írt az apáknak, felkészítve ?ket gyerekük születésére és a korai id?szakra. Ezt k?vet?en jelent meg a Szül?k bolygója, egy izgalmas barangolás anyák és apák számára egyaránt!
The Home Workout Plan for Seniors:How to Master Chair Exercises in 30 Days
The Home Workout Plan for Seniors:How to Master Chair Exercises in 30 Days
Dale L. Roberts
Are you concerned about your balance, building strength and maintaining independence? Wouldn’t it be nice having a simple step-by-step exercise plan to do on your own at home? Most importantly, won’t you have a better piece of mind knowing it’s a safe and proven fitness routine specifically for senior citizens? Then, The Home Workout Plan: How to Master Chair Exercises in 30 Days has your answer in a short, concise book you can read in less than an hour. That way you can get your information, exercise today and maintain a great quality of life! In this health and fitness short read, you’ll get: -34 seated exercises with additional modifications -Exercises ideal for the unconditioned to the active senior -Brief and straightforward instructions of each exercise -A reliable and tested 30-day workout plan -Helpful guidelines and tips to get the most from your workouts -Over 34 full-color pictures for a better understanding -And, so much more! Get Your Copy Today!
Recovering The Self:A Journal of Hope and Healing (Vol. VI, No. 1 )
Recovering The Self:A Journal of Hope and Healing (Vol. VI, No. 1 )
Bernie Siegel
Recovering the Self: A Journal of Hope and Healing (Vol. VI, No. 1) April 2017 Recovering The Self is a quarterly journal which explores the themes of recovery and healing through the lenses of poetry, memoir, opinion, essays, fiction, humor, art, media reviews and psycho-education. Contributors to RTS Journal come from around the globe to deliver unique perspectives you won't find anywhere else! The theme of Volume VI, Number 1 is "Focus on Grief & Loss." This issue includes a special tribute to author Jewel Kats. Inside, we explore physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental aspects of this and several other areas of concern including: ·Pet loss and animal companionship ·Eldercare ·Loving yourself ·Soul mates ·Art Therapy ·Happiness ·Living alone with confidence ·Partnership ·Narcissism ·...and more! This issue's contributors include: Ernest Dempsey, Brittany Michelson, Gerry Ellen Avery, Dave Roberts, Craig Kyzar, Natalie Jeanne Champagne, Erin Ergenbright, Martha M. Carey, Kyle Torke, Mrrinali Punj, Janet Grace Riehl, Marjorie L. Faes, Claire Luna-Pinsker, Diane Wing, Candy Czernicki, Allison Ballard, Valerie Benko, Diana Raab, Maureen Andrade Montague, by Sam Vaknin, Sarah Conteh, Katrina Wood, Bernie Siegel, Max Skinwood, Nora Trujillo, Sherry Lynn Jones, Janet Grace Riehl, Steve Sonntag, Patrick Gere Frank, Peter MacQuarrie, Christy Lowry and others. "I highly recommend a subscription to this journal, Recovering the Self, for professionals who are in the counseling profession or who deal with crisis situations. Readers involved with the healing process will also really enjoy this journal and feel inspired to continue on. The topics covered in the first journal alone, will motivate you to continue reading books on the subject matter presented. Guaranteed." --Paige Lovitt for Reader Views Visit us online at www.RecoveringSelf.com Published by Loving Healing Press www.LovingHealing.com
Discipline Children
Discipline Children
Joseph R. Parker
Have you wondered if you're making the right decisions when it comes to raising your child? Over the last years, there has been a lot of confusion about the role of boys and girls in our society. It's easy to see why parents are left with lots of unanswered questions when they're raising their children.Using positive discipline methods can significantly help them become responsible and balanced adults later in life.Here's some of what you can expect to learn inside the pages of this book: ·Learn how to avoid common discipline mistakes that parents make that can end up harming their child's development in the long-term. ·Setting healthy boundaries that your kids will always respect. ·Learn the best methods to handle conflicts and arguments. ·Effective communication with yout child or teenager. ·Teaching self-control, handling aggressive behaviors, and more! Would you like to enjoy going through every stage of your child's development without worrying if you're doing the right thing or not?The earlier you manage to give proper guidance, the easier it is for them to grow into healthier adults.However, there is no such thing as being too late, and even the most damaging of behaviors and habits can be helped.Do not leave anything to chance. Start by guiding them towards the best possible path towards a healthy and responsible adulthood today!
Framing a Family:Building a Foundation to Raise Confident Children
Framing a Family:Building a Foundation to Raise Confident Children
Robin Marvel
Framing A Family will guide you to giving your children a childhood they do not need to recover from! This book will strengthen your family, inspiring you to build your home with encouragement, empowerment, forgiveness, and most important love. You will: ·Gain proven tips and tools to empower, encourage, and strengthen your family ·Let go of your expectations and embrace the hard times and the good times with an open mind ·Build your confidence as you raise the self esteem of each family member creating an unshakable unit ·Forgive, heal and move forward in the present moment with action steps that build family ·Learn tried and true methods to build a foundation, raising confident children "Robin's wonderful stories illustrate her challenges and how she has been able to turn these challenges into personal victories and inspirational nuggets of hope for other people. I am happy to recommend this book to anyone who needs encouragement, hope, and direction to take their lives to the next level, to live life to the fullest with love, empowerment, and integrity." --Stacey Toupin, Life and Career Coach "Framing a Family teaches parents around the world the value of family, union, and unity. She both guides us and gives us tools and skills. The way she raises her children is a inspiration and we can all learn valuable lessons from her experiences. Robin is a hardworking, fun-loving, wise mother. I have found all of Robin's books and talks to be empowering and uplifting." --Mia Bredenkamp, Bultfontein, FS, South Africa Robin Marvel is a multi-published author and speaker in the field of self-development. Despite a childhood filled with abuse, homelessness, and teen pregnancy, Robin has overcome many challenges to make her life one of purpose. Today she has devoted her life to show others how to do the same. Using her story, books, and workshops as tools, she is inspiring others to break cycles and choose to live the life they desire. Learn more at www.RobinMarvel.com Another empowering book from Marvelous Spirit Press
En amour comme à la guerre: Livre 1 : Je n’ai jamais été doué pour faire ce qu’o
En amour comme à la guerre: Livre 1 : Je n’ai jamais été doué pour faire ce qu’o
Liz Levoy
En amour comme à la guerre: Livre 1 : Je n’ai jamais été doué pour faire ce qu’on me disait
Ο Παρδαλ?? καμηλοπ?ρδαλο? και η Σκουληκαρδο?λα
Ο Παρδαλ?? καμηλοπ?ρδαλο? και η Σκουληκαρδο?λα
Κατερίνα Κατσάπη
λοι εμαστε ξιοι να αγαπηθομε, ταν μπορομε να αγαπσουμε...Να αγαπσουμε χαρζοντα την ομορφι που κρβουμε μσα μα!Aυτ η ομορφι μπορε να αλλξει, χι μνο τον κσμο μα, αλλ και ολκληρο το σμπαν! Everyone deserves to be loved, if they can love…Love by giving our internal beauty, because only this kind of beauty can change not only our world, but the whole universe!
The Four Loves
The Four Loves
C. S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis’s famous inspirational work on the nature of love. C.S. Lewis’s famous work on the nature of love divides love into four categories: Affection, Friendship, Eros and Charity. The first three are loves which come naturally to the human race. Charity, however, the Gift-love of God, is divine in its source and expression, and without the sweetening grace of this supernatural love, the natural loves become distorted and even dangerous.
Steve Biddulph’s Raising Girls
Steve Biddulph’s Raising Girls
Steve Biddulph
Steve Biddulph's Raising Boys was a global phenomenon. The first book in a generation to look at boys' specific needs, parents loved its clarity and warm insights into their sons' inner world. But today, things have changed. It's girls that are in trouble. There has been a sudden and universal deterioration in girls' mental health, starting in primary school and devastating the teen years. Steve Biddulph's Raising Girls is both a guidebook and a call-to-arms for parents. The five key stages of girlhood are laid out so that you know exactly what matters at which age, and how to build strength and connectedness into your daughter from infancy onwards. Raising Girls is both fierce and tender in its mission to help girls more at every age. It's a book for parents who love their daughters deeply, whether they are newborns, teenagers, young women - or anywhere in between. Feeling secure, becoming an explorer, getting along with others, finding her soul, and becoming a woman - at last, there is a clear map of girls' minds that accepts no limitations, narrow roles or selling-out of your daughter's potential or uniqueness. All the hazards are signposted - bullying, eating disorders, body image and depression, social media harms and helps - as are concrete and simple measures for both mums and dads to help prevent their daughters from becoming victims. Parenthood is restored to an exciting journey, not one worry after another, as it's so often portrayed. Steve talks to the world's leading voices on girls' needs and makes their ideas clear and simple, adding his own humour and experience through stories that you will never forget. Even the illustrations, by Kimio Kubo, provide unique and moving glimpses into the inner lives of girls. Along with his fellow psychologists worldwide, Steve is angry at the exploitation and harm being done to girls today. With Raising Girls he strives to spark a movement to end the trashing of girlhood; equipping parents to deal with the modern wor
The Yummy Mummy’s Family Handbook
The Yummy Mummy’s Family Handbook
Liz Fraser
‘Liz Fraser portrayal of family life is hilarious and so true. I loved Liz Fraser's first book, but this is even better. Every single mum and dad in the world should have a book like this in their homes!’ Amazon review Throw off your Domestic Goddess apron or Superwoman's powersuit – the new family ensemble is far more wearable. But work pressures, stroppy kids, and run-ins with the in-laws can all lead to split seams and frayed nerves, and family life isn't a simple one-size fits all. Liz Fraser, mother of three, invites you into the family home to explore the most common of domestic snags. From TV tantrums to refreshing your sex life, feeding time at the zoo to playground politics, she offers invaluable reassurance and top tips for keeping it all hanging together. A honest, hilarious must-have guide on how to survive family life.
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