Yes, Please. Whatever!: How to get the best out of your teenagers
Following the success of her first book, Yes, Please. Thanks! mum and author Penny Palmano, This Morning’s Mrs. Manners, is back with this comprehensive guide to raising teenagers. After her fair share of parenting, Penny Palmano decided to tackle what she saw as an epidemic of bad manners, and wrote a guidebook on teaching good manners to children. The book, Yes, Please. Thanks!, touched a nerve and has become a bestselling sensation. Yes, Please. Whatever! takes you, the parents, to the next stage and teaches you how to avoid the pitfalls of teenagers and all the problems specific to that age group from hormonal fluctuations and untidiness to dating. Penny shows you how to build mutual respect with your teenagers, the foundation stone for good behaviour and a good relationship. The book also includes first hand advice on teaching your teenager how to deal with siblings, relationships, exams, stress, food, money, part-time jobs, drinking, paying compliments, how to behave in public and with friends and even advice on how to teach them to pour wine. The result is that your teenager will be totally prepared in all life and social skills when they finally leave home.
Discipline Kids
Discipline Kids
Raising Boys
Raising Boys
The Reality of a Married Life
The Reality of a Married Life
The Single Dad's Guide to the Galaxy: Parenting in the Real World
The Single Dad's Guide to the Galaxy: Parenting in the Real World
Advanced Parenting Techniques Of Rebellious Teens
Advanced Parenting Techniques Of Rebellious Teens
Parenting: 3 Manuscripts - Raising Boys, Raising Daughters and Raising Teenagers
Parenting: 3 Manuscripts - Raising Boys, Raising Daughters and Raising Teenagers
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Ο Παρδαλ?? καμηλοπ?ρδαλο? και η Σκουληκαρδο?λα
λοι εμαστε ξιοι να αγαπηθομε, ταν μπορομε να αγαπσουμε...Να αγαπσουμε χαρζοντα την ομορφι που κρβουμε μσα μα!Aυτ η ομορφι μπορε να αλλξει, χι μνο τον κσμο μα, αλλ και ολκληρο το σμπαν! Everyone deserves to be loved, if they can love…Love by giving our internal beauty, because only this kind of beauty can change not only our world, but the whole universe!
Puntea artelor
Are 4 roi care se nvrt, dou sau trei pedale aflate n dreptul picioarelor, un schimbtor de viteze care se folosete cu mna i un volan. Ce este aa greu“ Asta dac suntem att de ignorani, nct nici soarele nu-l vedem. Sau suntem att de ncuiai la minte, nct nu ne-ar sensibiliza nici mcar o piatr aruncat ntre ochi. Sau suntem aa de arogani i plini de noi, nct i la coada de la pine sau n mijlocul pdurii trebuie s artm noi cum st treaba“. Dac ni se pare att de simplu ca numrarea pe degete pn la zece, atunci de ce suntem att de penibili n calitate de oferi
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: (Illustrated)
". . . aphorism are seldom couched in such terms, that they should be taken as they sound precisely, or according to the widest extent of signification; but do commonly need exposition, and admit exception: otherwise frequently they would not only clash with reason and experience, but interfere, thwart, and supplant one another." ? ? ? ? Issac Barrow "The very essence of an aphorism is that slight exaggeration which makes it more biting whilst less rigidly accurate." ? ? ? ?—Leslie Stephen There are of course, girls and girls; yet at heart they are pretty much alike. In age, naturally, they differ wildly. But this is a thorny subject. Suffice it to say that all men love all girls-the maid of sweet sixteen equally with the maid of untold age. There is something exasperatingly something-or-otherish about girls. And they know it—which makes them more something-or-otherish still:—there is no other word for it. A girl is a complicated thing. It is made up of clothes, smiles, a pompadour, things of which space and prudence forbid the enumeration here. These things by themselves do not constitute a girl which is obvious; nor is any one girl without these things which is not too obvious. Where the things end and the girl begins many men have tried to find out. Many girls would like to be men—except on occasions. At least so they say, but perhaps this is just a part of their something-or-otherishness. Why they should want to be men, men cannot conceive. Men pale before them, grow hot and cold before them, run before them (and after them), swear by them (and at them), and a bit of a chit of a thing in short skirts and lisle-thread stockings will twist able-bodied males round her little finger.It is an open secret that girls are fonder of men than they are of one another—which is very lucky for the men. Girls differ; and the same girl is different at different times. When she is by herself, she is one thing. When she is with other girls she is another thing. When she is with a lot of men, she is a third sort of thing. When she is with a man. . . But this baffled even Agur the son of Jakeh.As a rule, a man prefers a girl by herself. This is natural. And yet is said that you cannot have too much of a good thing. If this were true, a bevy of girls would be the height of happiness. Yet some men would sooner face the bulls of Bashan.Some foolish men—probably poets—have sought for and asserted the existence of the ideal girl. This is sheer nonsense: there is no such thing. And if there were, she could not compare with the real girl, the girl of flesh and blood—which (as some one ought to have said) are excellent things in woman. Other men, equally foolish, have regarded girls as playthings. I wish these men had tried to play with them. They would have found that they were playing with fire and brimstone. Yet the veriest spit-fire can be wondrous sweet.Sweet? Yes. On the whole a girl is the sweetest thing known or knowable. On the 6 whole of this terrestrial sphere Nature has produced nothing more adorable than the high-spirited high-bred girl.—Of this she is quite aware—to our cost (I speak as a man). The consequence is, her price has gone up, and man has to pay high and pay all sorts of things—ices, sweets, champagne, drives, church-goings, and sometimes spot-cash.
Fic?iuni secunde
Vremurile s-au schimbat, ?i la fel ?i ideea despre ce ?nseamn? s? fii mam?. Costurile vie?ii ?i presiunile acesteia nu mai fac posibil modul de odinioar? de a fi mam?. Femeile de azi trebuie s? aib? mai multe ocupa?ii ?n acela?i timp ?i s? fie ?i mame bune. Cartea de fa?? ??i arat? cum s? procedezi. ?ncepe cu sarcina ?i cum s? fi?i am?ndoi s?n?to?i. Apoi ??i ofer? sfaturi despre via?a ?n familie, cum s? ??i p?strezi bebelu?ul fericit, s? te ?ntorci la munc?, s? ?i modelezi comportamentul, s? ?i alegi ?coala potrivit?, s? ai un adolescent fericit ?i s? mearg? totul bine.
Korszimfónia: Harmincegy beszélgetés életünkr?l és világunkról
Bels? irányt?nk ahhoz az élethez vezet el, amelyr?l mindig is álmodtunk. Célunk felé tartva ráismerünk azokra a pontokra, ahol irányt kell változtatnunk, hogy kihasználhassuk teljes bels? potenciálunkat. Ez az inspiráló utazás minden életterületen átvezet: segít, hogy felismerjük életfeladatunkat, hogy meghozzuk a helyes d?ntéseket, hogy megvalósítsuk legrejtettebb vágyainkat. A híres életmódtanár ezúttal gyakorlati útmutatót ad ahhoz, miként menedzselhetjük sikeresen a saját életünket. "Már maga az a felismerés, hogy minden élethelyzetben igent mondhatok az életre, hihetetlenül gazdaggá tette a hétk?znapjaimat. ?jra meg újra próbára tettem, hogyan tudom az éveken át gy?jt?tt élettapasztalatokat és az új látásmódot alkalmazni, és az eredmények mindig azt igazolták, hogy minden egyes esetben lehetséges változást elérni. ?ppen csak meg kell teremteni a változás el?feltételeit." (a Szerz?) A K?nyvjelz? magazin 2015. májusi számában megjelent cikk: Okosabban kéne élni
101 dialoguri ?n libertate (vol. 1)
Ce fel de educa?ie poate ajuta copiii de azi pentru a reu?i ?n era informa?iei ?i a inov?rii? Cum poate fi ?ncurajat? creativitatea tinerilor angaja?i? ?n ce mod p?rin?ii pot cultiva curiozitatea ?i inventivitatea celor mici? Plec?nd de la triunghiul joc-pasiune-determinare, Tony Wagner reface traseul formativ al c?torva dintre cei mai str?luci?i inovatori ai zilelor noastre, de la inginerul care a contribuit decisiv la crearea primului iPhone, la activi?ti sociali care n?scocesc, ?n Africa, ?biciclete“ ieftine pentru dep?nu?at. Pe l?ng? interviurile cu aceste min?i pline de creativitate, Wagner discut? ?i cu profesorii ?i p?rin?ii acestor inovatori. Scopul s?u este s? arate c?t de important? este o copil?rie ?n care sunt ?ncurajate pasiunile celor mici ?i c?t de mult conteaz? modelul personal al dasc?lilor dedica?i. De asemenea, sunt descrise c?teva dintre liceele ?i facult??ile americane cele mai vizionare ca program? ?i ca abordare interdisciplinar?.?Cum putem da fiec?rui copil sau t?n?r ?ansa de a fi creativ ?i de a fi educat pentru inova?ie? Cum ne asigur?m c? viitorii ?transformatori? ai lumii sunt preg?ti?i s? r?spund? provoc?rilor? Profesorul de pedagogie Tony Wagner d? r?spunsuri ?i solu?ii surprinz?toare ?n aceast? carte, pe care o recomand ?n primul r?nd celor care au fost ?mpiedica?i cel pu?in o dat? s? fie inovatori...“ - Prof. univ. dr. Lucian Ciolan,coordonatorul colec?iei ?Educa?ie ?i formare“, decanul Facult??ii de Psihologie ?i ?tiin?ele Educa?iei, Universitatea din Bucure?ti
Elita gora od rulje
Spune nu agresiunii ?i h?r?uirii, fii un bun prieten! Ghidul de supravie?uire pentru adolescen?i acoper? toate problemele legate de h?r?uire: de la h?r?uirea cibernetic? la cea din ?coal?, de acas?, din grupul de prieteni ?i multe altele. Parcurg?nd acest ghid, vei ?nv??a cum po?i s?-?i ?nvingi frica ?i s?-?i construie?ti via?a pe care ai visat-o. Cartea Aijei Mayrock ??i pune la dispozi?ie ?roeme“ (poezii rap) inspirate, ponturi de supravie?uire, pove?ti personale ?i chestionare rapide, un capitol despre cum s? le dezv?lui p?rin?ilor problema ta ?i un interviu ?n exclusivitate cu autoarea. Ghidul de supravie?uire pentru adolescen?i a fost supervizat de dr. Deborah Temkin, specialist? ?n fenomenul de h?r?uire ?n ?coal?, ?i de dr. Myrna Fleishman, psiholog. Pentru fete ?i b?ie?i de 11–16 ani.
Manualul redactorului. Introducere ?n teoria ?i practica edit?rii este descrierea clar? ?i concis? a unei ocupa?ii esen?iale ?n domeniul editorial. Adresat? ?n primul r?nd redactorilor specializa?i ?n carte nonfiction, lucrarea este structurat? ?n nou? capitole. Acestea trateaz?, pe r?nd, toate aspectele teoretice ?i practice pe care un redactor de carte aflat la ?nceput de carier? trebuie s? le cunoasc? pentru a-?i ?ndeplini ?n bune condi?ii sarcinile prev?zute ?n fi?a de post: multiplele ?n?elesuri ale termenului ?editor“, istoria concis? a edit?rii, domeniile generale ale c?r?ii de nonfic?iune, elementele componente ale unei c?r?i de nonfic?iune, personajele-cheie ale edit?rii ?i raporturile func?ionale dintre acestea, aspectele de etic? ?n rela?ia cu autorii, principiile de baz? ale legisla?iei rom?ne?ti ?n materie de drepturi de autor, etapele edit?rii ?i normele generale de editare prezentate sistematic, cu exemple concrete de tratare a unor situa?ii des ?nt?lnite ?n practica de zi cu zi (scrierea numelor proprii, scrierea numeralelor ?i a unit??ilor de m?sur?, folosirea abrevierilor, ?ntocmirea notelor ?i a bibliografiilor, ?ntocmirea indicilor de nume de persoane sau tematici, tratarea ilustra?iilor ?i a legendelor aferente etc.).
Whole Lotta Love
Félelem helyett bizalom. Versengés helyett együttm?k?dés. Hogyan alakul át társadalmi-gazdasági k?rnyezetünk, mik a kihívások, mik a lehet?ségek? Mit jelent a tanulás a digitális korban? Mit jelent a karrier? Milyen szervezeti formákban zajlik a munka, milyen emberi min?ségeket keresnek a cégek?