The Original Suffrage Cookbook
As featured in The Guardian - Superb edition of this historic gem! Celebrate the centenary of women getting the Vote by cooking and eating some of the Suffragettes’ favourite meals. Dozens of vintage recipes contributed by some surprising supporters of the popular?cause, including famous writers, governors and even a judge. With none of the fads of modern-day cooking, these simple recipes range from hearty breakfasts to healthy soups, salads and meaty casseroles, alongside witty?contributions such as Pie for a Suffragist’s Doubting Husband and the Dumplings?That Never Fail. Choose between the many tasty desserts such as Suffrage Angel?Cake or Devil’s Food to enliven your party. Why not devise your own Suffragette Menu with recipes like Blanquette of Veal or?Sweet Potato Soufflé? And don’t forget your Creole Balls! You might follow that up?with Parliament Gingerbread or Strawberry Shortcake á la Mode. To top it off, why?not toast the Suffragettes’ success with a Peppermint Cup or an Albuminous?Beverage? Originally published in 1915 to help raise funds for the campaign for the vote for women. History and fun all in one book! This new edition includes vintage illustrations and short biographies of many of the contributors as well as a new endnote by award-winning writer Cheryl Robson, which places the book both in its historical and contemporary contexts. Authors Mrs L.O.Kleber (compiler) Born in Freeport, Pa on April 4th,1867, she moved to Pittsburgh where she lived for 40 years and was often referred to as Pittsburg's 'most interesting woman'. She devoted herself to public works and was years ahead of her time, organising food relief and garden projects in the city's slum districts. Initially opposed to women having the vote,she was converted to the suffrage cause by Mrs Henry Villard, the daughter of William Lloyd Garrison, a famous slavery abolitionist. She wrote to many famous men and women to collect the recipes for The Suffrage Cookbook which she published in 1915 to raise funds for the suffrage cause. Theodore Roosevelt was the only man who failed to send a recipe, claiming that he was too busy to do so. Following the success of the campaign for the vote in 1920, she became the director of the Allegheny County League of Women Voters. She died on April 4, 1939, aged 72 at her home at 1135 Murrayhill Avenue, Pittsburgh. Cheryl Robson (editor of new edition and author of afterword) Cheryl is the founder of Aurora Metro Books. She has won numerous awards for her plays, books and films. She decided to revise and re-publish Kleber's 1915 Suffrage Cookbook to coincide with a touring exhibition that she had produced about the suffragists' campaign for the vote in the UK. Titled 'How the Vote was Won', the exhibition toured to libraries, museums and theatres in southeast England in 2018, the centenary of some women gaining the right to vote in the UK. You can watch a video about the project here.? Reviews “It’s a fabulous historical document of its time but also an interesting cook book to boot, interspersed as it is with line drawings and including letters to the editor – or Editress as she is described? in the contents section of the book.?Recipes aside this is a great gift idea. It’s both practical and fascinating on so many levels and I’ll be trying out more of the recipes over time. A unique way to celebrate the centenary of women getting the vote.” –?Frost Magazine “Great fun for cooks.”?***** – Robert Armin, Amazon “The recipes in the compilation run the gamut from simple soups to fish (Virginia fried oysters and ‘shrimp wriggle’ both make the cut), meat (the baked ham à la Miller is described as “a dish fit for the greatest epicure”), breads and puddings, the latter section incorporating a series of “admonitions” directed at “those who would excel in cake making”. As the writer Cheryl Robson observes in her endnote, “most of the contributors to this cookbook are long-forgotten but their legacy survives today in the spirit of social activism that inspires others to work for a better, fairer world”.? ?– Town and Country Magazine “Giving Jamie Oliver and Nigella Lawson a run for their money, the cookbook includes a wide range of soups, salads and casseroles. Drinks also feature, from the “Peppermint Cup” to a wide selection of “Albuminous Beverages” (“When a large amount of nutriment is required the albuminized drinks are valuable. The egg is a fluid food until its albumen is coagulated by heat.”)? Kleber, however, writes in her foreword to the book that “as it is a serious matter what is put into the human stomach, I feel it incumbent to say that my readers may safely eat everything set down in this book”. She does add that, while she has tested most of the recipes herself, “it being a human Cook Book there will likely be some errors, but as correcting errors is the chief duty and occupation of Suffrage?Women, I shall accept gratefully whatever criticisms these good women may h
Eminescu, poem cu poem. Scrisoarea a III-a
Fii gata s? ar??i ?i s? te sim?i mai t?n?r?!Este bine cunoscut? zicala care spune c? ?v?rsta e doar un num?r". Acum, Roxy Dillon, considerat? un adev?rat ?guru al tinere?ii", o demonstreaz? cu ajutorul ?tiin?ei. Ridurile de sub ochi nu sunt pur ?i simplu o parte inevitabil? a procesului de ?mb?tr?nire. De fapt, acele surprize nepl?cute din oglind? sunt rezultatul unui declin al func?iilor celulare ?i hormonale. ?tiin?a ne arat? c?, dup? treizeci de ani, activitatea hormonal? scade rapid, ceea ce duce la o varietate de schimb?ri ?n corp, cum ar fi pierderea p?rului, piele l?sat? ?i apari?ia nedorit? a p?rului facial. Vestea bun? este c? toate simptomele ?mb?tr?nirii pot fi oprite... ?i chiar inversate.?n Secretul ?ntineririi, renumitul expert anti?mb?tr?nire Roxy Dillon te ?ndrum? ?n adoptarea unui regim u?or de urmat care va opri ?i inversa ?n mod natural procesul ?mb?tr?nirii. ?n mod uluitor, alimente ?i plante obi?nuite con?in compu?i care acum este dovedit ?tiin?ific c? stimuleaz? func?ia celular? ?i hormonal?, invers?nd efectiv ?mb?tr?nirea!?Descoper? bioactivele pe care trebuie s? le consumi sau s? le aplici extern ?i ?nva?? cum s? le folose?ti compu?ii esen?iali (cum ar fi resveratrolul din vinul ro?u, squalenul din uleiul de m?sline sau acidul ferulic din uleiul din t?r??e de orez) pentru a-?i ?ngriji pielea, pentru a reduce tensiunea arterial? ?i chiar pentru a lupta ?mpotriva celulelor canceroase. Exist? o solu?ie natural? pentru orice problem? ?i Roxy a creat un program clar care te va ajuta s? preiei controlul asupra modului ?n care ar??i ?i s? dai ceasul ?napoi.?O abordare plin? de via??, informativ? ?i incitant? privind sfidarea ?mb?tr?nirii." -?BooklistUn program anti?mb?tr?nire revolu?ionar, complet natural ?i u?or de urmat, care folose?te vitamine, uleiuri naturale ?i multe alimente obi?nuite pentru a te ajuta s? ar??i ?i s? te sim?i mai t?n?r.?
Maria Dragomiroiu. C?ntecul ?i dragostea
Cel mai cuprinz?tor ?i mai u?or de utilizat ghid pentru p?rin?ii care vor s? foloseasc? homeopatia pentru a trata bolile copiilor lor ?ntr-o manier? bl?nd?, eficient? ?i lipsit? de riscuri!?Concis ?i practic, Ghidul de homeopatie pentru p?rin?i ofer? remedii homeopatice pentru peste 150 de afec?iuni acute, care pot ap?rea ?n via?a de zi cu zi a copiilor. ?n cuprinsul lui ve?i g?si:* instruc?iuni privind observarea simptomelor fizice ?i emo?ionale ale copiilor, de la nou-n?scu?i la adolescen?i;* descrieri succinte ale remediilor bl?nde, sigure ?i netoxice;* sec?iuni despre bolile de iarn?, primul ajutor, accelerarea procesului de vindecare ?i sfaturi pentru c?l?torie.?Tabelele cu remedii din ultima parte a c?r?ii sunt extrem de utile dac? vrem s? g?sim tratamentul corect pentru fiecare boal?.??Ghidul de homeopatie pentru p?rin?i este o carte cu un con?inut bogat de informa?ii, scris? ?ntr-un stil clar ?i care cuprinde o mul?ime de sfaturi pentru tratarea bolilor, pe care nu le vei g?si ?n alte lucr?ri de specialitate." – Mitzi Lebensorger, Homeopathy Today?Cartea de care are nevoie orice p?rinte." – Dr. Ifeoma Ikenze, pediatru homeopat?Dac? homeopatia e ceva nou pentru tine, atunci ai ?n m?n? o carte care te ajut? s? afli ce ?nseamn? aceast? metod? de tratament. ?n cazul ?n care ?tii deja c?te ceva despre homeopatie ?i vrei s? afli mai multe, atunci nu-mi pot imagina o cale mai bun? dec?t s? apelezi la acest ghid." – Collin Griffith, specialist ?n s?n?tatea mamei ?i a copilului, membru al Asocia?iei Medicale de Homeopatie?Cartea aceasta nu trebuie s? lipseasc? din biblioteca niciunei familii care ?ine la s?n?tatea membrilor ei ?i dore?te s? evite efectele secundare ale medicamentelor." – Dr. Stuart H. Garber, pre?edinte al Societ??ii Medicale Homeopatice din California
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La ?Morrison Hotel“. Povestiri de p?n? azi
Moda zilei este s? sl?be?ti f?r? s? te supui unor diete s?race ?n calorii ?i prin ?nfometare, ci prin procedee mai pl?cute. De o tot mai mare popularitate se bucur?, de pild?, practicarea dansului, a thalassoterapiei, a masajului, care te pot ajuta s? dai jos greutatea excedentar? ?i pot duce la ?nt?rirea mu?chilor. De kilogramele nedorite se poate sc?pa, dup? cum sus?in reflexote?rapeu?ii chinezi, ?i cu ajutorul unor exerci?ii speciale de res?pira?ie. Deci, nu exerci?ii obi?nuite, ci exerci?ii care intensific? procesele metabolice, regleaz? func?ionarea stomacului ?i ?ndep?rteaz? cutele de gr?sime de pe ?olduri. Nu este deloc obligatoriu s? v? istovi?i organismul cu diete dure ?i s? v? ?ndopa?i cu suplimente alimentare costisitoare. Pentru a ?ndep?rta kilogramele ?n plus sunt suficiente uneori schimbarea modului de alimentare ?i a ?ntregului stil de via??, consumarea mai frecvent? a unor feluri dietetice gustoase, o respira?ie corect? ?i ?ngrijirea corpului. Cum sunt posibile toate acestea f?r? eforturi inutile ?i f?r? prea mul?i bani, putem afla citind cartea de fa??. ?n plus, ea include informa?ii pre?ioase despre con?inutul de calorii ?i substan?e nutritive existente ?ntr-o serie de alimente, despre raportul corect dintre ?n?l?ime ?i greutate, despre consumul nostru de energie ?i despre cum putem elimina unele deprinderi ?i stereotipuri d?un?toare.
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A House of Pomegranates
A House of Pomegranates offers an eclectic collection of Oscar Wilde tales which he considered as 'intended neither for the British child nor the British public.' The stories here indeed have universal appeal and will delight both children and adults of any nationality. The collection includes: The Young King, The Birthday of the Infanta, The Fisherman and his Soul, The Star-Child.
Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde, Volume 2
Oscar Wilde's is most famous for his satirical plays which he wrote at the time of great literary enlightenment, when all Britons were able to embrace literature previously only available to the wealthy and educated. At the height of the prosperity sweeping through London in the Victorian Era Oscar Wilde also wrote many tales offering rich and dramatic portrayals of the human life and condition. This volume of Oscar Wild tales includes: The Model Millionaire, The Star-Child, The Sphinx Without a Secret.
Louise de la Valliere
In this continuing sequel to The Three Musketeers, Raoul de Bragelonne finds his childhood sweetheart, Louise de la Vallière, is maid of honor to the Princess. Fearing a tarnishing of Louise's reputation by affairs at court, Raoul seeks to marry her. His father, Athos, the Comte de la Fère, disapproves, but eventually, out of love for his son, reluctantly agrees. The king, however, refuses to sanction the marriage because Louise is of inferior social status, and so marriage is delayed until Louise has earned her fortune and Raoul grows in prestige.
Love for Love: A Comedy
Valentine has fallen under the displeasure of his father by his extravagance, and is besieged by creditors. His father, Sir Sampson Legend, offers him enough to pay his debts if he will sign a bond engaging to make over his right to his inheritance to his younger brother Ben. Valentine, to escape from his embarrassment, signs the bond. He is in love with Angelica, who possesses a fortune of her own, but so far she has not yielded to his suit. Sir Sampson has arranged a match between Ben, who is at sea, and Miss Prue, an awkward country girl, the daughter of Foresight, a superstitious old fool who claims to be an astrologer.
Richard II
A history play by William Shakespeare believed based on the life of King Richard II of England (ruled 1377–1399). The play begins with King Richard sitting majestically on his throne in full state, having been requested that he arbitrate a dispute between Thomas Mowbray and Richard's cousin, Henry Bolingbroke, who has accused Mowbray of squandering money given to him by Richard for the King's soldiers and of murdering his uncle, the Duke of Gloucester.
The Best Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss:Over 30 Healthy Fruit & Vegetable Blend
Over 30 Tasty and Simple Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss Learn How Juicing Fruits and Vegetables Is the Best Kept Secret to Losing Weight! “The Best Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss” is a collection of fresh juice recipes for anyone wanting to lose weight safely and effectively. It is a perfect companion for dieters who want to lose a few inches and pounds while keeping their body nourished, vibrant and healthy. “The Best Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss” contains: -How to prepare the vegetables and fruits -What food is ideal to make the best beverage -How to cut bitterness with small changes -An understanding of why juicing for weight loss is so effective -How to get the most from every glass for losing weight -When you should juice for optimal results -Over 30 different juicer recipes for fruit and vegetable blends -Tips to alter flavors to your taste -Advice on how to save money when juicing -Recipes that will suit all dietary lifestyles: vegans, vegetarians, and meat-eaters -And, much more! Included in this book is a glossary of ingredients that explains the benefits and how to utilize each recipe best. This glossary of ingredients gives a better understanding of why each fruit or vegetable is ideal for losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. “Green Smoothies for Weight Loss” is an excellent companion guide to Dale L. Roberts’ “The Best Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss.” Both work well together and will bring out the best in any weight loss program. Get Your Copy Today!
Bunner Sisters
The Bunner sisters were proud of the neatness of their shop and content with its humble prosperity. It was not what they had once imagined it would be, but though it presented but a shrunken image of their earlier ambitions it enabled them to pay their rent and keep themselves alive and out of debt; and it was long since their hopes had soared higher.
What makes art wonderful is that it is absolutely indifferent to fact. Art invents, imagines, dreams, and keeps between herself and reality the impenetrable barrier of beautiful style, of decorative or ideal treatment. Wilde was at the height of his form when these brilliant essays on art, literature, criticism, and society were released. A leading spokesman for the English Aesthetic movement, Wilde promoted art for art’s sake against critics who argued that art must serve a moral purpose.
The Happy Prince
High above the city, on a tall column, stands the statue of the Happy Prince. He is gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he has two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glows on his sword-hilt. He is very much admired by the town officials yet a lot of poor people suffer here. One day a swallow who was left behind after his flock flew off to Egypt for the winter stops to sleep over under the statue of the Happy Prince and forms a lasting friendship with the Happy Price who helps the swallow discover the meaning of true happiness.
Encounters in Yoga and Zen
The Stories Gleaned from the author’s experiences over many years Yoga and Zen training as well as from conversations with teachers, folk stories and temple magazines, this is a fascinating and enlightening compendium of tales from the Yoga and Zen traditions. Stories such as these are used in many spiritual schools’ teaching – they’re the flint or steel that makes the spark which, when nurtured daily, fires the imagination, heralds enlightenment and insight.
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The Sphinx Without a Secret
Lord Murchison recounts to his old friend a strange tale of a woman he had loved and intended to marry, but was now dead. She had always been very secretive and mysterious, and he one day followed her to see where she went, discovering her stealthfully going to a boarding house. He suspected there was another man, and confronted her the next day. She confessed to having been there, but said nothing happened. He did not believe her and left; she died some time later.
Salome: A Tragedy in One Act
Oscar Wilde’s play Salome is a twist on the execution of John the Baptist, fuelled by motives of lust and slaughter. Wilde’s interpretation is deeply rooted in the Biblical story of Salome’s dance to please Herod and her mother’s plea for John the Baptist’s head. Wilde’s twist on the biblical story focuses on the personality of Salome and the hypersexual implications.