The Savvy Shopper
Inspired by her weekly column in Telegraph Weekend, this is Rose Prince’s guide to buying the tastiest, highest-quality good food with peace of mind and a clear conscience. Following the success of ‘The New English Kitchen’, Rose Prince’s eye-opening guide to shopping, cooking and eating in a cost-effective and environmentally conscious way, this must-have reference book provides comprehensive and insightful information on how and where to find the best ingredients. Rose Prince’s weekly ‘Savvy Shopper’ column in Saturday’s Telegraph Weekend has become essential reading over the past few months, not least because of our current preoccupation with questioning the quality of the food we eat. This book takes the best of Rose’s journalism and much more, encouraging readers to look for the right qualities in the food they buy, to ask the right questions of food producers and retailers, and to eat better – and with greater awareness of the provenance of their meals – than ever before. With its easy-to-read format and listings of essential stockists and markets, ‘The Savvy Shopper’ is absolutely essential for anyone who cares about how and what they shop, cook and eat.
First Bite: How We Learn to Eat
Fortnum & Mason Food Book of the Year 2016 We are not born knowing what to eat; we each have to figure it out for ourselves. From childhood onwards, we learn how big a portion is and how sweet is too sweet. The way we learn to eat holds the key to why food has gone so disastrously wrong for so many people. But how does this happen? And can we ever change our food habits for the better? An exploration of the extraordinary and surprising origins of our taste and eating habits, in First Bite award-winning food writer Bee Wilson explains how we can change our palates to lead healthier, happier lives.
Лето – прекрасное время для приготовления салатов! Вам понадобятся всего 5 ингредиентов и 5 минут! Для каждого салата приведено 5 вариантов. Заменив один ингредиент, вы получите новые необычные вкусы. Вы удивитесь, сколько новых салатов можно сделать из привычных овощей, сыра, мяса, рыбы! Каждый салат описан пошагово, готовые блюда показаны на фото. Воспользуйтесь рецептами из книги и приготовьте ?Цезарь? или ?Нисуаз?, салат с копченой курицей и черносливом или крабовый, шопский или азиатский салат. Leto – prekrasnoe vremja dlja prigotovlenija salatov! Vam ponadobjatsja vsego 5 ingredientov i 5 minut! Dlja kazhdogo salata privedeno 5 variantov. Zameniv odin ingredient, vy poluchite novye neobychnye vkusy. Vy udivites', skol'ko novyh salatov mozhno sdelat' iz privychnyh ovoshhej, syra, mjasa, ryby! Kazhdyj salat opisan poshagovo, gotovye bljuda pokazany na foto. Vospol'zujtes' receptami iz knigi i prigotov'te ?Cezar'? ili ?Nisuaz?, salat s kopchenoj kuricej i chernoslivom ili krabovyj, shopskij ili aziatskij salat.
Чтобы приготовить восхитительные десерты из этой книги, вам не придется возиться с тестом. Используйте для них простые продукты – вафли, печенье, шоколад, ягоды, орехи, сливки. ? Торт ?Три шоколада? ? Йогуртовый торт с желе ? Шоколадная панна-кота ? Клубничный пудинг ? Сливочно-шоколадный десерт ? Десерт ?Птичье молоко? ? Пирожное ?Картошка? ? Тирамису ? Парфе с ягодами и др. Chtoby prigotovit' voshititel'nye deserty iz jetoj knigi, vam ne pridetsja vozit'sja s testom. Ispol'zujte dlja nih prostye produkty – vafli, pechen'e, shokolad, jagody, orehi, slivki. ? Tort ?Tri shokolada? ? Jogurtovyj tort s zhele ? Shokoladnaja panna-kota ? Klubnichnyj puding ? Slivochno-shokoladnyj desert ? Desert ?Ptich'e moloko? ? Pirozhnoe ?Kartoshka? ? Tiramisu ? Parfe s jagodami i dr.
Hendrik de Mol ?i Planeta de aur
Nutri?ie + Hidratare + Oxigenare + Alcalinizare + Detoxificare = S?n?tate perfect? De prea multe ori suntem aten?i la s?n?tatea noastr? doar atunci c?nd ceva nu e ?n regul?. Ni se pare normal s? ne doar? c?nd ?i c?nd capul sau spatele ori s? avem arsuri stomacale. ?ns?, c?nd primim un diagnostic, suntem lua?i prin surprindere. ?n opinia autorului, nu trebuie s? ignor?m toate aceste mici nepl?ceri, care pot fi semnalele unor probleme mai grave. Folosind o abordare holistic? unic? a st?rii de bine, Olien ne ?nva?? cum s? valorific?m puterile extraordinare ale hranei, apei, oxigenului ?i echilibr?rii pH-ului, r?sturn?nd astfel miturile general acceptate despre nutri?ie.Olien a c?l?torit prin lumea larg?, explor?nd, din perspectiva s?n?t??ii, propriet??ile alimentelor consumate de secole de popula?iile b??tina?e. Pun?ndu-?i ?n aplicare cercet?rile, autorul ne ?nva?? cum s? ne p?str?m o greutate normal?, cum s? prevenim chiar ?i cele mai grave boli ?i cum s? ne sim?im bine – toate acestea f?r? impunerea unor diete restrictive, care nu func?ioneaz? niciodat? pe termen lung. Cartea cuprinde ?i un indispensabil ghid alimentar conceput astfel ?nc?t s? ne ajute s? pornim pe calea spre o s?n?tate optim?. “Prin acest manual dedicat vie?ii la superlativ, Darin ?i-a demonstrat pasiunea sincer? pentru s?n?tate. El nu se mul?ume?te doar s? scrie despre cum trebuie s? m?nc?m, s? facem mi?care ?i s? ne sim?im excelent, ci pune ?n practic? toate aceste principii ?i asta se vede.“ - Laird Hamilton, surfer de renume mondial ?i autor al c?r?ii Force of Nature: Mind, Body, Soul, and, of Course, Surfing, bestseller New York Times
Mental Endurance: How to develop mental toughness from the world's elite forces
You can train all you like, but when it comes to the crunch, do you have the mental endurance to see yourself through combat situations, being held hostage or finding yourself at the mercy of the elements? SAS and Elite Forces Handbook: Mental Endurance examines what it takes to be as mentally fit as a special forces soldier. It is equally important to focus on diet, rest patterns and mental discipline as it is to concentrate on push-ups, sit-ups and other physical exercises. Using simple steps, the book shows the reader how they can build up their endurance over a matter of weeks and months, and how their quality of life will benefit. SAS and Elite Forces Handbook: Mental Endurance demonstrates how you can gain the psychological edge over your opponent. Whether you are competing in unarmed combat sports, running a marathon or just looking to get ahead, the book will have helpful and practical advice for you. Exercises such as positive thinking and visualisations and memory games are explored as ways of dealing with solitude, depression, anger management and torture when in crisis situations. Using 300 instructive artworks, SAS and Elite Forces Handbook: Mental Endurance shows you how special forces units such as the SAS and Delta Force stretch themselves mentally.
Mental and Physical Endurance: How to reach your physical and mental peak
Most of us know that we are not exercising our minds and bodies as much as we should. The Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance uses techniques developed by special forces units to train their recruits to show how we can improve our mental and physical fitness. The book is a detailed examination of what it takes to become as fit as a special forces soldier, taking a holistic view of the body and mind. It is equally important to focus on diet, rest patterns and mental discipline as it is to concentrate on physical exercises. Using simple steps, the book shows the reader how they can build up their endurance over a matter of weeks and months, and how their quality of life will benefit. Like elite soldiers, top athletes need the spur of competition to achieve their greatest successes, and The Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance demonstrates how you can gain the psychological edge over your opponent. Whether you are competing in unarmed combat sports, running a marathon or just looking to get ahead, the book has helpful and practical advice for you. Using photographs and artworks, The Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance shows how special forces units such as the SAS and Delta Force stretch themselves mentally and physically, giving the reader the opportunity to train as they do in easy-to-follow steps to reach their peak of mental and physical strength.
The SAS Self-Defence Manual: Elite defence techniques for men and women
Written by a former Survival Instructor of the SAS, The SAS and Special Forces Self-Defence Handbook provides easy-to-follow, illustrated instructions on coping with all kinds of threatening situations, from muggings to knife attacks. The author teaches you strategies for both avoiding conflict and getting out of a dangerous situation quickly and safely. Learn how mental attitude, body language, assertiveness, and the ability to overcome fear can prevent you from becoming a prime target for criminals. Learn which parts of the body are the most effective weapons in fending off an attacker, and which are the most likely targets for attack. Defend yourself from sudden grabs, strangles, weapons, and road rage. And find out how to deliver the SAS five-second knockout, a defence previously available only to British SAS Special Forces soldiers. Illustrated with black-and-white photographs and instructive artworks and including expert advice throughout, The SAS and Special Forces Self-Defence Handbook is a comprehensive guide to self-defence for both men and women.
Hunting: Essential hunting and outdoor survival skills from the world's elite fo
With the aid of superb line artworks, the Elite Forces Handbook: Hunting demonstrates the core skills involved in being a self-reliant hunter. From tracking large game to shooting wild pheasant, this book is the essential guide to finding, killing and surviving off animals in the wild. The book offers useful tips on a vast array of topics, including laying traps, building your own weapons, deciphering tracks, skinning and butchering your kill, cooking meat and building smokehouses. It also describes various shooting techniques, as well as covering topics such as selecting firearms, choosing the right ammunition and gun maintenance. With more than 300 easy-to-follow artworks and handy pull-out lists of key information, the Elite Forces Handbook: Hunting is the definitive pocket guide for huntsmen of all levels. When nature’s all you have, you need to know how to use it to survive.
Armed Combat: Defending yourself against hand-held weapons
Overhead block, upward stab, step-through lunge, bayonet slash; knife fighting, handgun shooting, sword play. If your enemy is armed, you need to know how to deal with him. SAS and Elite Forces Guide Armed Combat teaches a huge range of armed close combat techniques, including tips on fighting stances and postures, movement and evasions, quick draws, parries, fend-offs, blocks, cuts, thrusts, strikes, and stabs. Our expert author will teach you how to tackle single opponents and groups using blunt weapons, blades, firearms, and improvised weapons. Presented in an easy to follow format, SAS and Elite Forces Guide Armed Combat is divided into separate chapters covering fighting skills mindset, what to attack and where to defend, blunt weapons, sharp and pointed weapons, firearms, unarmed techniques, training drills, and improvised techniques. The author also offers plenty of short, handy tips on key topics such as bayonet training, quick draw techniques, copying with injury and dirty tricks. Written in easy-to-understand steps and accompanied with more than 150 black-and-white illustrations, SAS and Elite Forces Guide Armed Combat guides the reader through everything they need to know to overcome an armed aggressor in any hand-to-hand combat situation.
Ore de diminea??
Fii con?tient de corpul t?u Ia aminte la convingerile tale! Fii prezent ?n propriul t?u corp! Simte-?i energia subtil? a corpului! Caut? ?ndrumare interioar?! Ascult? de visele tale!Aplic? ace?ti cinci pa?i: ??i vei recupera ?i cultiva capacitatea intuitiv? ?nn?scut?. Vei dob?ndi vitalitatea de care depinde via?a ta.Prezentul ghid pentru vindecare intuitiv? te va ajuta s?-?i stimulezi r?spunsul imunitar, s? te refaci dup? boal?, s? accesezi for?ele vitale ale sexualit??ii, s? controlezi durerea, s? identifici cei mai buni agen?i pentru vindecare ?i s?-?i ?nfr?ngi anxietatea, deprimarea precum ?i alte blocaje emo?ionale.Medic cu o solid? preg?tire tradi?ional?, Judith Orloff ??i practic? profesia apel?nd la intui?ie ?i spiritualitate. Astfel, ea ?ncearc? s? creeze o punte ?ntre medicina clasic? – bazat? pe tehnologii de ultim? or? dar, deseori, ?i pe proceduri invazive – ?i un nou tip de practic? a vindec?rii. Cartea de fa?? are scopul de a expune ?n mod clar ?i accesibil viziunea autoarei despre necesitatea de a aborda ?ngrijirea corporal? prin prisma celorlalte dimensiuni ale s?n?t??ii ?i vindec?rii. Starea ?i evolu?ia fizic? merg m?n? ?n m?n? cu transformarea emo?ional? ?i spiritual?.?Doctorul Judith Orloff este un adev?rat pionier ?n domeniul medicinei, fiind st?p?nit? de pasiunea ?i hot?r?rea de a aduce intui?ia ?i spiritualitatea at?t ?n sfera medicinei clasice, c?t ?i ?n miezul vie?ii noastre cotidiene. Recomand c?lduros aceast? carte.“ – Deepak Chopra, autor al c?r?ilor Quantum Healing ?i Perfect Health.?Cartea de fa?? v? poate salva via?a. ?n acest minunat ?i foarte practic ghid pentru vindecarea corpului ?i a min?ii, dr. Judith Orloff v? ?nva?? cum s? v? dezvolta?i propria ?n?elepciune intuitiv? ?i cum s? c?p?ta?i ?ncredere ?n ea. Prin intermediul unor relat?ri de cazuri ?i al unor exerci?ii bine alese, ea v? arat? cum s? evita?i pericolele ?n s?n?tate, rela?ii ?i ?n via??, ?n general.“ – Dr. Brian L. Weiss, autor al c?r?ii Many Lives, Many Masters
Hamupip?ke, menj a búsba!
A világ legnagyobb sportsz?vetségének b?nügyi krónikája. A FIFA neve évek óta egyet jelent a megvesztegetéssel, a hivatali visszaéléssel, a nepotizmussal - r?viden: a maffiára emlékeztet? jegyekkel. Thomas Kistner egyike a világ vezet? oknyomozó újságíróinak. Immár t?bb mint húsz éve tárja a nyilvánosság elé a sportvilág b?nügyi mesterkedéseit, most pedig eddig ismeretlen dokumentumokból és tanúvallomásokból szerzett számtalan kül?nleges információkból drámai képet fest a világ legnagyobb sz?vetsége, a FIFA világában uralkodó hihetetlen állapotokról.??
Szabadulj meg a pasitól!
G?rnyed? hátak lakatják jól a gyomrot. . . . Ebben a leny?g?z? és egyedi k?nyvben Michael Gibney mind?ssze huszonnégy óra t?rténetébe s?rítve eleveníti fel mindazt a sokrét? bajtársi viszonyt és kulináris koreográfiát, amely egy elit New York-i étterem mindennapjait jellemzi. Az olvasó igazi információ-záporban tudja meg, hogyan is készül el egy-egy pazar fogás - avagy a kiválóság útja fáradtsággal van kik?vezve... Az egyes szám második személyben megszólaló Sous Chef t?rténete egy magával ragadó, adrenalin f?t?tte futam, ahol az olvasó a kibic szemsz?géb?l leshet be az étkeztet?-ipar kulisszái m?gé, és r?vid id?re maga is belakhatja a konyha ajtaja m?g?tti titkos világot. A rendszeres étteremlátogatók és az ínyencek számára mulatságos, részletes, bizalmas beszámoló a kezd? szakácsok el?tt is ?szintén feltárja, mivel jár szakmai j?v?jük, mik?zben tisztelettel adózik a séfek karrierjét megalapozó nehéz és komoly elhivatottságot k?vetel? munka el?tt. Egy olyan konyhában, ahol a legmagasabb k?vetelményeknek kell megfelelni, és a legkisebb bakl?vés is katasztrófához vezethet, a Sous Chef a kifinomult ?tletekre helyezi a hangsúlyt, amelyek mind az emlékezetes és ínycsiklandozó végeredményt szolgálják. A karcos humorral megírt, szellemes prózában Michael Gibney kend?zetlenül nyers, de mégis csodás jellemzést ad err?l az emberpróbáló, néha mégis alábecsült szakmáról, árnyalt képet festve az ételkészítés és felszolgálás m?helytitkairól. ,,Szédít? vágta, érzelmi hullámvasutazás, amelyben az olvasó is átélheti mindazt a drámát, feszültséget, ?r?m?t, csüggedést és megk?nnyebbülést, amely egy elegáns manhattani étterem konyhájának munkáját kíséri."-- USA Today ,,Leny?g?z? és mulatságos... Gibney nemcsak ügyes megfigyel?, hanem a séfszakma mestere és kiválóan ismeri a profi konyhák m?k?désének minden titkát."--The Boston Globe ,,Gibney k?nnyed megfogalmazásban elképeszt? mennyiség? szakmai információt k?z?l a konyhai hozzávalókról és módszerekr?l."--The Wall Street Journal ,,A Sous Chef elárulja, micsoda szédült táncot járnak mások a mi vacsoránkért."-- NPR
The Tofu Cookbook: Over 150 quick and easy recipes (Text Only)
Tofu is a soya-based bean-curd which has been used for cooking in the Far East for centuries. This cookbook shows how easy to cook, deliciously versatile and wonderfully healthy tofu is. High in protein, low in calories and completely cholesterol-free, tofu is an excellent substitute for eggs, dairy products and meat. This inspiring cookbook explains the different types of tofu, how to store it and how to cook creatively with it. The easy to prepare recipes are dairy-free versions of international favourites including classic dishes such as English shepherd’s pie, Mexican tacos, savoury Mediterranean-style risotto as well as soup, salads and desserts from around the world.
Food Facts for the Kitchen Front
The perfect gift for yourself or someone else, this classy reproduction of a 1940's cooking manual combines time-tested wisdom with practical, no-nonsense recipes. Start with a handful of recipes, add a dash of nutrition, a sprinkle of time-tested wisdom and bake for 70 years. Finish with a light dusting of nostalgic charm, and what you get is this beautifully reproduced facsimile of a genuine archive title. For times when healthy home-cooking matters more than cordon bleu, we have resurrected this excellent war-time food guide. As revelant in our current thrift minded times as in the forties when it was written this excellent cookery book makes the perfect gift for yourself or someone else. Uniform with this guide: Food Facts for the Kitchen Front o Make your Garden Feed You o The archive collection- because good advice never goes out of date.
Jók és rosszak iskolája
Разнообразные салаты и закуски Сочное жаркое и паштеты Наваристые супы Румяные отбивные и котлеты Сытные запеканки и жюльены Пышные пироги и др. Что вкусного и полезного подать на ужин Чем порадовать неожиданных гостей Какой доступный продукт станет основой для массы аппетитных и всевозможных блюд Конечно же курица! Открывайте книгу и убедитесь сами! Нежнейшие отбивные, ароматные котлетки, окорочка гриль с золотистой корочкой, хрустящие наггетсы, аппетитное филе с грибами, овощами и фруктами, куриные запеканки с тающей сырной корочкой, фаршированная курочка с самыми разными начинками! Блюда, приготовленные по рецептам книги, украсят и повседневный, и праздничный стол. Raznoobraznye salaty i zakuski Sochnoe zharkoe i pashtety Navaristye supy Rumjanye otbivnye i kotlety Sytnye zapekanki i zhjul'eny Pyshnye pirogi i dr. Chto vkusnogo i poleznogo podat' na uzhin Chem poradovat' neozhidannyh gostej Kakoj dostupnyj produkt stanet osnovoj dlja massy appetitnyh i vsevozmozhnyh bljud Konechno zhe kurica! Otkryvajte knigu i ubedites' sami! Nezhnejshie otbivnye, aromatnye kotletki, okorochka gril' s zolotistoj korochkoj, hrustjashhie naggetsy, appetitnoe file s gribami, ovoshhami i fruktami, kurinye zapekanki s tajushhej syrnoj korochkoj, farshirovannaja kurochka s samymi raznymi nachinkami! Bljuda, prigotovlennye po receptam knigi, ukrasjat i povsednevnyj, i prazdnichnyj stol.
Indezirabilii. Aspecte mediatice
Rezultate rapide, pierdere permanent? ?n greutate ?i zile f?r? stres Dieta DODO ne ajut? s? ne cl?dim un fizic nou-nou? ?ntr-o manier? simpl? ?i durabil?. Dietele apar ?i dispar. Unele sunt incredibil de eficiente, c?teva sunt u?or de re?inut, unele sunt flexibile ?i altele chiar ne permit s? m?nc?m alimente normale din c?nd ?n c?nd. Rar apare c?te una care s? aib? toate calit??ile pe care le c?ut?m. Dieta DODO este acea diet?. Se mai nume?te dieta cu ?zile da” ?i ?zile ba” ?i este o form? de postit intermitent. Dieta DODO utilizeaz? astfel ab?inerea de la m?ncare din timpul somnului ?i o extinde ?n unele zile ale s?pt?m?nii. Se pot ?ndeplini trei scopuri principale: eliminarea gr?simii, cre?terea masei musculare, ?mbun?t??irea st?rii generale de s?n?tate. DODO nu este un plan de sl?bire m?rime universal?, ci un stil de a m?nca ce poate fi adaptat pentru a se potrivi nevoilor individuale. Modific?rile asupra s?n?t??ii ?i a fizicului sunt durabile, nu se pierd de pe o zi pe alta. Cartea cuprinde: - 3 p?r?i dedicate dietei DODO ?i antrenamentelor pentru nutri?ie ?i schimbare - Sec?iunile bonus: exerci?ii, somn ?i stres - Re?ete utile ?i delicioase
The Mini Book of Pies
Pies are the ultimate comfort food. Enjoy sweet and savoury pies, try traditional and modern recipes and discover new family favourites with The Mini Book of Pies. The perfect book for the beginner pie maker, it features 85 inventive and delicious recipes for the true British classic, the pie. This book also includes simple to follow guides on making pastry, pie dishes and pie decoration and also reveals a few secret baking tips, making sure your pies turn out perfect every time (and no soggy bottoms!). Whether you are looking for simple family suppers or pies to impress; a winter warmer or a summer picnic pie; a meaty pie, a veggie pie, a fish pie or a classic pudding pie, you will find it in The Mini Books of Pies. Recipes include; Beef and Beer Pie with Sweet Potato Mash Pie Moroccan Lamb with Apricots Pie Sausage and Caramelised Onion with Mash Pie Spanish Chicken Pie Smoked Trout and Almond Quick Pie Roasted Vegetable with Cumin Puff Pastry Pie Butternut Squash, Sage and Goat’s Cheese Pie Easy Peasy Plum and Blackberry Pie Features content first published in Pies by Sophie Conran, 2006
A kis kavics
Marty Gallagher, a háromszoros er?emel?-világbajnok és Amerika-szerte ismert sportember hosszú éveken keresztül kutatta az er? és az egészség titkát. E t?bb évtizedes tapasztalat és elmélyült tudás gyüm?lcse ez az enciklopédikus igénnyel megírt, leny?g?z? k?nyv, amely páratlan segít?társa lehet mindazoknak, akik a lehet? legjobbra t?rekszenek – a test és lélek világában egyaránt. A k?tet az edzésmódszerekkel, a táplálkozástudománnyal és a sportpszichológiával kapcsolatos hasznos információk széles tárházát kínálja mindazoknak, akik komolyan szeretnének foglalkozni az er? világával. A szerz? ugyanakkor nem csupán az er?sportok, de az írás m?vészetében is otthonosan mozog. Lebilincsel? stílusban megírt munkája szórakoztató olvasmány: az er?emelés legkiválóbb bajnokairól szólva számos anekdotát felidéz, mik?zben részletesen bemutatja e legendás sportemberek gondolkodásmódját, alapelveit és konkrét gyakorlatait is. A primitív ?ser?re épül? testedzés filozófiáját valló Gallagher hatalmas, átfogó munkája mindent egybegy?jt, amit a testedzés tudományáról és m?vészetér?l tudni érdemes. Kit?n? érzékkel válogatja ki azokat a létfontosságú érzelmi, szellemi, fizikai, lelki és társas kapcsolati elveket, amelyek nem csak az egészséges életmódot, a testedzést és a sportolást illet?en, hanem általában véve is alkalmazhatók, ha az ember tartalmas és teljes életet szeretne élni.
A f?n?k
"Negyvenkilenc voltam, amikor megszületett az els? és nyilvánvalóan egyetlen gyermekem, Linda.? Bár k?rnyezetem felkészített rá, hogy szinte minden ismer?snek, s?t idegennek is lesz valamilyen reakciója a hírrel kapcsolatban, talán még engem is meglepett, hogy milyen mennyiségben kaptam hideget-meleget. Ez a k?nyv az én verzióm, de nemcsak a saját sztorimat mesélem el benne, hanem hiszek abban, hogy segíteni tudok másoknak is a gondolataimmal.? Ha nem is tudom megoldani, hogy mindenki, aki szeretne, anyává válhasson, de bízom benne, az olvasóim céljainak eléréséhez kell? inspirációt nyújthatok." ?va ?szintén a kései teherbe esésr?l, gyermekvárásról, az els? hónapokról együtt.? Fej?s ?va új k?nyve egy személyes, naplószer? írás élete legutóbbi igen fontos eseményér?l, gyermeke születésér?l. ?szinte és humoros vallomások, t?rténetek gyerekvárásról, nevelésr?l, a mindennapokról. Egyfajta reflexió a sokakat foglalkoztató témára: a negyven f?l?tti gyerekvállalásra.? Tabukra fittyet hányó írás, amely minden gyereket tervez? vagy éppen már nevel? n?nek ajánlott olvasmány, kortól függetlenül, hogy mindenki számára egyértelm? legyen: Nem vagy egyedül, egy cip?ben járunk ;-)
GDPR konyhanyelven: K?zérthet? magyarázat az adatvédelemr?l kisvállalkozóknak
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