

Cocinando con ni?os: ?Comparta momentos mágicos con su hijo(a)!
Cocinando con ni?os: ?Comparta momentos mágicos con su hijo(a)!
Cristina Rebiere, Olivier Rebiere
Cocinando con ni?os: ?Comparta momentos mágicos con su hijo(a)!
Great Cake Recipes Box Set
Great Cake Recipes Box Set
My Ebook Publishing House
Great Cake Recipes Box Set
365 Foreign Dishes
365 Foreign Dishes
Author, Traditional
Are you ever stuck for a fascinating new dish to try? This amazing cookbook contains 365 regional dishes from around the world - one for every day of the year. From Egyptian Cabbage to Scotch Scones and French Spiced Venison, this amazing list of recipes will have you trying new foods in no time! Each recipe is presented in a simple way, with easy-to-understand instructions. This edition has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.
Classic Cookery - Things Mother Used To Make
Classic Cookery - Things Mother Used To Make
Gurney, Lydia
Things Mother Used to make is not only a wonderful cookery book with recipes for many classic dishes, but also contains a section with handy hints on running your home economically and effectively. With sections on Soups, Desserts, Meat dishes, Vegetables, Sweets, Sauces and much more, this classic book is a valuable addition to anyone's cookery range. This edition has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.
Jelek...: ?letsz?sszenetek nem csak ?tvenéveseknek
Jelek...: ?letsz?sszenetek nem csak ?tvenéveseknek
Все тонкости изготовления домашних деликатесов! ? Описание технологии горячего и холодного копчения ? Рецепты аппетитных блюд ?с дымком? ? Советы по созданию стационарных и переносных коптилен В книге вы найдете подробное описание технологии холодного и горя?чего копчения, соления, маринования, а также множество рецептов приготовления мяса, птицы, рыбы, грибов, сыра, фруктов. Бастурма и ветчина, карбонад и сырокопченый окорок, копченые лещ и щука, колбаски и сало, копченый шпик и грудинка, пастрома и пашина, копченая курица и утка, вяленые абрикосы, дыня, помидоры – ваш стол будет ломиться от домашних деликатесов, и при этом вы будете уверены в их качестве! ПРАКТИЧНЫЙ БОНУС! Схемы и инструкции по сборке переносных и стационарных коптилен, которые можно соорудить как дома, так и на даче. Vse tonkosti izgotovlenija domashnih delikatesov! ? Opisanie tehnologii gorjachego i holodnogo kopchenija ? Recepty appetitnyh bljud ?s dymkom? ? Sovety po sozdaniju stacionarnyh i perenosnyh koptilen V knige vy najdete podrobnoe opisanie tehnologii holodnogo i gorja?chego kopchenija, solenija, marinovanija, a takzhe mnozhestvo receptov prigotovlenija mjasa, pticy, ryby, gribov, syra, fruktov. Basturma i vetchina, karbonad i syrokopchenyj okorok, kopchenye leshh i shhuka, kolbaski i salo, kopchenyj shpik i grudinka, pastroma i pashina, kopchenaja kurica i utka, vjalenye abrikosy, dynja, pomidory – vash stol budet lomit'sja ot domashnih delikatesov, i pri jetom vy budete uvereny v ih kachestve! PRAKTIChNYJ BONUS! Shemy i instrukcii po sborke perenosnyh i stacionarnyh koptilen, kotorye mozhno soorudit' kak doma, tak i na dache.
Re?eta fericirii. Schimb? ceea ce faci, nu felul ?n care g?nde?ti
Re?eta fericirii. Schimb? ceea ce faci, nu felul ?n care g?nde?ti
Paul Dolan
Тающие во рту блинчики, хрустящие вафли, нежные оладьи! ? Шоколадные блинчики с вишней ? Налистники с творогом ? Драники с ветчиной и сыром ? Вафли с грудинкой ? Сырники со сгущенкой ? Блинчики-мешочки с грибами ? Тыквенные оладьи ? Печеночные оладьи ? Яблочные оладьи с грушами ? Блинные рулетики на шпажках и еще более 60 рецептов! Прекрасные фотографии вдохновят вас на приготовление своих кулинарных шедевров! Tajushhie vo rtu blinchiki, hrustjashhie vafli, nezhnye olad'i! ? Shokoladnye blinchiki s vishnej ? Nalistniki s tvorogom ? Draniki s vetchinoj i syrom ? Vafli s grudinkoj ? Syrniki so sgushhenkoj ? Blinchiki-meshochki s gribami ? Tykvennye olad'i ? Pechenochnye olad'i ? Jablochnye olad'i s grushami ? Blinnye ruletiki na shpazhkah i eshhe bolee 60 receptov! Prekrasnye fotografii vdohnovjat vas na prigotovlenie svoih kulinarnyh shedevrov!
Geniul inimii
Geniul inimii
Aura Christi
Cel mai inovator ?i mai complet program pentru ?ngrijirea pielii ?i a corpului creat vreodat?Dr. Nicholas Perricone, autor de bestselleruri New York Times, ne prezint? nutrigenomica, o nou? ?i puternic? strategie pentru men?inerea unui ten frumos ?i a unui corp s?n?tos, cu o ?nf??i?are tinereasc?, indiferent de v?rst?. Cel pe care Vogue ?l consider? unul dintre primii patru dermatologi din Statele Unite ale Americii are o audien?? imens?, care include multe dintre cele mai frumoase chipuri ale lumii.Urm?nd programul remarcabil, dar simplu, pe care dr. Perricone ?l prezint? ?n cartea de fa??, ve?i ?nv??a cum s? opri?i ac?iunea genelor responsabile pentru ?mb?tr?nire ?i s? stimula?i ac?iunea genelor care vor: re?ntineri tenul ridat ?nl?tura gr?simea corporal? cre?te masa muscular? ?mbun?t??i func?iile cerebrale ?i memoria cre?te energia accentua starea de bine psihic ?i fizic?n centrul acestei c?r?i se afl? o nou? ?i captivant? ?tiin??: nutrigenomica ?i expresia genelor. Cu viziunea sa inovatoare, dr. Perricone a aplicat aceast? ?tiin?? cu scopul de a reduce ridurile ?i de a transforma tenul ?ntr-unul suplu, fin ?i str?lucitor. Programul propus de el va ?terge pur ?i simplu anii de pe chipul ?i corpul dumneavoastr?, v? va ?mbun?t??i s?n?tatea ?i vitalitatea ?i va intensifica limpezimea g?ndirii.?Sunt o mare admiratoare a dr. Perricone ?i a filosofiei lui, potrivit c?reia ?adev?rata frumuse?e ?nseamn? o s?n?tate radiant??. ?n Ve?nic t?n?r ve?i descoperi cheile acestei ?mp?r??ii, alimentele miraculoase ?i nutrien?ii pentru un ten ?i un corp re?ntinerite ?n mod fabulos. Mul?umesc, dr. Perricone!“ – Eva Mendes, actri?? ?i filantrop?Dr. Nicholas Perricone a schimbat modul ?n care ne hr?nim. El a adus ?n centrul aten?iei alimente ?nalt performante, ajut?ndu-ne s? navig?m printre rafturile cu produse ?i s? facem alegeri inteligente ?n ceea ce prive?te nutri?ia, pentru a avea un ten ?i un corp s?n?tos. Dup? ce am citit Ve?nic t?n?r, mi-am completat imediat proviziile de chia aurie ?i de n?sturel!“ – Ying Chu, Director al departamentului de s?n?tate ?i frumuse?e, Marie Claire
Franz Kafka
Postul intermitent reprezint? dieta transforma?ional? care asigur? o pierdere eficient? ?n greutate. ?n M?n?nc?, poste?te, sl?be?te, nutri?ionista Amanda Hamilton ne arat? care este modalitatea s?n?toas? de a include un plan de post ?n via?a de zi cu zi. Pierde?i rapid ?i s?n?tos ?n greutate – rezultate vizibile ?n doar ?ase s?pt?m?ni. Urma?i programul s?n?tos de post al Amandei ?i ve?i beneficia de to?i nutrien?ii necesari pentru rezultate pe termen lung. Folosi?i planurile pentru maximizarea beneficiilor postului, pentru a pierde ?n greutate, a ?ncetini procesul de ?mb?tr?nire ?i a v? ?mbun?t??i starea de s?n?tate. ?mpreun? cu sfaturile pentru post, bucura?i-v? de m?nc?ruri delicioase ?i hr?nitoare, cu peste 100 de re?ete s?n?toase ?i s??ioase pentru mic-dejun, pr?nz ?i cin?.
Gesturing to God - Mudras for Physical, Spiritual and Mental Well-Being
Gesturing to God - Mudras for Physical, Spiritual and Mental Well-Being
Maya Cointreau
Mudras are symbolic hand gestures or positions used throughout the world in spiritual and daily practice. Studies show that they have the same effect on the brain as language: when you use a mudra, you are activating a specific thought or intent, and that thought carries energy, working like a radio signal to communicate with God, to All that IS, for fulfillment and manifestation. This book is a pocket guide to the mudras, illustrating over 35 mudras in a joyful and colorful way. Look at them when the mood strikes you, or use them every day. Above all: enjoy them!
Eminescu, poem cu poem. Doina, ?mp?rat ?i proletar,Gloss?, Epigonii,O, mam?
Eminescu, poem cu poem. Doina, ?mp?rat ?i proletar,Gloss?, Epigonii,O, mam?
Alex. Ștefănescu
Dr. Carolyn Bernstein, neurolog care a suferit de migrene n tineree, mpreun cuElaine McArdle, jurnalist i avocat, i ea confruntndu-se cu aceeai problem, prezint o analiz clar i cuprinztoare a acestei boli neurologice complexe care afecteaz sistemul nervos central. Durerea de cap sever este doar unul dintre simptomele ei, alturi de grea, vrsturi, modificri ale vederii sau sensibilitate exagerat la lumin sau sunete.Autoarele i ajut pe cititori s identifice factorii declanatori ai unui atac (stresul, somnul insuficient, ciclul menstrual etc.), ndrumndu-i apoi s aplice un plan personalizat pentru prevenire, evitare sau vindecare.Sunt prezentate cercetrile legate de noua clas de medicamente denumite triptani, care pot ntrerupe reacia neurochimic a unui atac, oprind evoluia migrenei, precum i informaii despre medicaia preventiv (beta-blocantele i antidepresivele) sau despre unele metode alternative, cum ar fi biofeedback i acupunctur.Cu creativitate, rigoare tiinific i compasiune, autoarele ofer o gam de tactici i tratamente care s-i ajute pe cei care sufer de migrene s-i controleze i s-i calmeze durerile."Programul propus de dr. Bernstein a ajutat sute de pacieni s-i in migrenele sub control, iar cartea ei v poate ajuta i pe voi.“ -Dr. Mehmet C. Oz, coautor al crilor You: Staying Young i You: On a Dietn sfrit! Migrenele ofer cu adevrat speran, ajutor i compasiune tuturor celor care se confrunt cu aceast suferin.“ -Dr. Pauline W. Chen, autoarea crii Final Exam: A Surgeon's Reflections on MortalityCartea de fa este o surs de informare complet i actual, fiind absolut necesar celor care sufer de migrene i persoanelor din jurul lor. Este aprofundat, uor de neles i bine structurat. Un ghid fundamental n materie de migrene.“ -Dr. Nieca Goldberg, M.D., autoarea crii Dr. Nieca Goldberg's Complete Guide to Women's Health
De Profundis
De Profundis
Oscar Wilde
De Profundis is a letter written by Oscar Wilde during his imprisonment. In the letter Wilde considers events leading to his conviction and discusses his spiritual development in prison and identification with Jesus Christ, whom he characterises as a romantic, individualist artist.
A Kidnapped Santa Claus
A Kidnapped Santa Claus
L. Frank Baum
Santa Claus lives in the Laughing Valley, where stands the big, rambling castle in which his toys are manufactured. His workmen, selected from the ryls, knooks, pixies and fairies, live with him, and every one is as busy as can be from one year's end to another. One would think that our good old Santa Claus, who devotes his days to making children happy, would have no enemies on all the earth; and, as a matter of fact, for a long period of time he encountered nothing but love wherever he might go.
The Ballad of Reading Gaol
The Ballad of Reading Gaol
Oscar Wilde
The Ballad of Reading Gaol was written in exile in France. The poem narrates the execution of Wooldridge; it moves from an objective story-telling to symbolic identification with the prisoners as a whole, highlighting the brutalisation of the punishment that all convicts share.
Jamaican Paleo
Jamaican Paleo
Julie Hislop
Jamaican Paleo
Jar Canning and Preserving Guide: Delicious Strategies, Methods, & Recipes
Jar Canning and Preserving Guide: Delicious Strategies, Methods, & Recipes
Alessandra Thompson
Jar Canning and Preserving Guide: Delicious Strategies, Methods, & Recipes
The Double-Dealer: A Comedy
The Double-Dealer: A Comedy
William Congreve
Touchwood, about to marry Cynthia, daughter of Sir Paul Plyant. Lady Touchwood, a violent and dissolute woman, is in love with Mellefont, but as he rejects her advances, determines to prevent the match and ruin him in Lord Touchwood's esteem. In this design she finds a confederate in Maskwell, the Double Dealer, who has been her lover, pretends to be Mellefont's friend, and aspires to cheat him of Cynthia and get her for himself.
A Christmas Rose and Other Stories
A Christmas Rose and Other Stories
Bessie Hatton
It was in a desolate London lodging-house that Marietta’s courage gave way. In Italy she could live and be merry on the most frugal fare. A little polenta, a handful of grapes, and a piece of bread sufficed for a good meal. Not so in London; nor were there grapes or polenta even if she desired nothing else. The poor little heart needed nourishment against the gloom and harass of the great dull city. So she laid her head upon her brother’s breast in a fit of despair and wept bitterly.
A Christmas Dream, and How It Came True
A Christmas Dream, and How It Came True
Louisa May Alcott
I am so tired of Christmas I wish there never would be another one!' exclaimed a discontented-looking little girl, as she sat idly watching her mother arrange a pile of gifts two days before they were to be given. 'Why, Effie, what a dreadful thing to say! You are as bad as old Scrooge; and I'm afraid something will happen to you, as it did to him, if you don't care for dear Christmas,' answered mamma, almost dropping the silver horn she was filling with delicious candies...
Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde, Volume 1
Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde, Volume 1
Oscar Wilde
In this collection of beautifully written modern fairy tales Oscar Wilde does not fail to both entertain with humorous characters and witty dialogue and at the same time deliver a subtle yet very potent message about some of the most human qualities such as true friendship, true happiness, selfishness, ignorance, playfulness and love. Some of the most famous epigrams of Oscar Wilde come from the characters in these tales. This volume includes: The Happy Prince, The Nightingale And the Rose, The Selfish Giant, The Devoted Friend, The Remarkable Rocket.
The Old Bachelor: A Comedy
The Old Bachelor: A Comedy
William Congreve
The Old Bachelor is Heartwell, a surly old pretended woman-hater, who falls in love with Silvia, not knowing her to be the forsaken mistress of Vainlove, and is lured into marrying her, only discovering her true character afterwards, from the gibes of his acquaintances. The parson who has been brought in to marry them, however, is in fact Vainlove's friend Belmour, who has assumed the disguise for the purpose of an intrigue with Laetitia, the young wife of an uxorious old banker, Fondlewife; and Heartwell is relieved to discover that the marriage was a pretence.
The Best Green Smoothies for Weight Loss:Over 30 Simple Recipes for Healthy Eati
The Best Green Smoothies for Weight Loss:Over 30 Simple Recipes for Healthy Eati
Dale L. Roberts
Over 30 Tasty and Easy-to-Make Green Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss Learn How Green Smoothies are the Best Kept Secret to Losing Weight! Green Smoothies for Weight Loss?is a collection of 30 simple smoothie recipes for anyone looking to enhance a safe and effective weight loss. It is a great companion for dieters who want to lose a few inches and pounds while enjoying their journey to a healthy body. The book contains over 30 different green smoothie recipes that harness the incredible power of leafy green vegetables and fruits without the use of dairy and grain-filled mixes. This collection of smoothie recipes is an indulgent yet sustainable way of losing weight. These recipes are cheap and simple to make so that the newbie can begin and sustain a healthy, effective weight loss program. In Green Smoothies for Weight Loss, you’ll learn: ·How to get all of the USDA's recommended daily intake for vegetables and fruits·How to prepare the vegetables and fruits·What food is ideal to make the best beverage·How to cut bitterness with small changes·How to thicken a smoothie to your preference·Over 30 different, green smoothie recipes·Recipes that will suit vegans, vegetarians, AND meat-eaters·And, much more! Included in this book is a glossary of ingredients that explains the benefits and how to utilize each recipe best. This glossary of ingredients gives a better understanding of why each fruit or vegetable is ideal for losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Green Smoothies for Weight Loss is an excellent companion guide to The Best Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss by Dale L. Roberts. Both work well together and will bring out the best in any weight loss program. Scroll to the Top of This Page and Click the “Buy Now” Button to Start TODAY!