Becoming Vegan: The Beginner’s Guide to Vegan Cooking
Are you thinking of making the switch and going all out Vegan? Are you unsure of what it means to be Vegan? Having trouble figuring out what you can and can't eat when you're a Vegan?This book is the perfect introduction to being Vegan and is guaranteed to answer any beginner's questions about Vegan cooking and is a must have for anyone thinking of going Vegan.? Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... The Fundamentals of Cooking Vegan Food the Correct WayAn Outline of Typical Ingredients Used in Vegan CookingHow To Stock Your Vegan PantryBasic Cooking Methods to Create an Assortment of Satisfying Vegan MealsHow to Create a Complete Vegan Meal That Contains the Proper Balance of Vitamins, Minerals, and NutrientsHow to Handle Special Nutritional Needs like Diabetes or High Cholesteroland 10 Recipes to Get You Started! Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to start living a healthier life the Vegan way!
A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga: [The Highest Yogi Teachings]
The Yogi Philosophy may be divided into several great branches, or fields. What is known as "Hatha Yoga" deals with the physical body and its control; its welfare; its health; its preservation; its laws, etc. What is known as "Raja Yoga" deals with the Mind; its control; its development; its unfoldment, etc. What is known as "Bhakti Yoga" deals with the Love of the Absolute—God. What is known as "Gnani Yoga" deals with the scientific and intellectual knowing of the great questions regarding Life and what lies back of Life—the Riddle of the Universe.??Each branch of Yoga is but a path leading toward the one end—unfoldment, development, and growth. He who wishes first to develop, control and strengthen his physical body so as to render it a fit instrument of the Higher Self, follows the path of "Hatha Yoga." He who would develop his will-power and mental faculties, unfolding the inner senses, and latent powers, follows the path of "Raja Yoga." He who wishes to develop by "knowing"—by studying the fundamental principles, and the wonderful truths underlying Life, follows the path of "Gnani Yoga." ??And he who wishes to grow into a union with the One Life by the influence of Love, he follows the path of "Bhakti Yoga."??But it must not be supposed that the student must ally himself to only a single one of these paths to power. In fact, very few do. The majority prefer to gain a rounded knowledge, and acquaint themselves with the principles of the several branches, learning something of each, giving preference of course to those branches that appeal to them more strongly, this attraction being the indication of need, or requirement, and, therefore, being the hand pointing out the path.
San-Antonio. Urm?ri?i, prinde?i ?i aduce?i whisky-ul
Planul sigur ca s? scapi pentru totdeauna de kilogramele ?n plus Fie c? vrei s? scapi de 2-3 kilograme sau de 20, acest plan va da rezultate spectaculoase. Vei sl?bi ?n jur de un kilogram de la o zi la alta, stimul?ndu-?i metabolismul cu shake-uri s??ioase, ?n Programul de o zi. Organismul t?u va continua s? ard? gr?simi ?n Programul de ?ase zile, cu un plan alimentar din care fac parte multe feluri delicioase, inclusiv gust?ri ?i desert. Exerci?iile fizice recomandate intensific? arderile, red?nd fermitate corpului t?u pe m?sur? ce kilogramele se topesc. Planul recomandat de Dr. Caroline Apovian te va ajuta: S? sl?be?ti peste noapte p?n? la 3,5 kilograme ?n prima s?pt?m?n? S? reduci reten?ia de ap? ?i balonarea S?-?i men?ii musculatura supl? S? ?ii foamea la distan?? S? nu ajungi ?n faza de platou S? te sim?i mai s?n?toas? ca oric?nd Cum s? sl?be?ti peste noapte nu este o carte oarecare printre c?r?ile de sl?bit, ci CARTEA destinat? celor care vor cu adev?rat s? sl?beasc? foarte repede ?i ?n modul cel mai s?n?tos ?i durabil. – Dr. GEORGE L. BLACKBURN, membru asociat al Departamentului de Nutri?ie ?i ?ef al catedrei de Nutri?ie medical? de la Facultatea de Medicin? a Universit??ii Harvard Reperul suprem pentru oricine ?ncearc? s? sl?beasc?. Aceast? diet? unic? ofer? ceea ce caut? cu disperare to?i cei care ?in un regim de sl?bit: un plan u?or de urmat pentru a sl?bi repede ?i mult, cu rezultate durabile, ?mbun?t??indu-?i ?n acela?i timp starea de s?n?tate ?i devenind mai longevivi. ?i este prima astfel de carte care cucere?te ?i ultima redut? ?n lupta cu kilogramele: aceea a men?inerii unei mase musculare suple. – Dr. LOUIS J. ARONNE, profesor de medicin? la Weill Cornell Medical College / New York Presbyterian Hospital ?i autor al c?r?ii The Skinny, bestseller New York Times
San-Antonio. Bravo, doctore Béru!
O nara?iune ?tiin?ific? fascinant?, care exploreaz? urm?toarea frontier? a medicinei ?i geneticii prin prisma extrem de personal? a copiilor ?i a familiilor pe care terapia genic? i-a afectat. B?iatul de opt ani Corey Haas era aproape orb ca urmare a unei boli ereditare c?nd vederea i-a fost restabilit? printr-o procedur? delicat?, care a f?cut istorie. Ca ?ntr-un roman SF, doctorii au injectat cu mare grij? ?n ADN-ul din ochii b?iatului viru?i purt?tori de gene vindec?toare. Dup? c?teva zile, Corey putea s? vad?, terapia genic? ajut?ndu-l s?-?i recapete vederea. Vindecat pentru totdeauna este prima carte care relateaz? povestea fascinant? a terapiei genice: cum func?ioneaz?, care sunt fundamentele ?tiin?ifice ale metodei, cum au fost ajuta?i sau v?t?ma?i pacien?ii (?n majoritate copii) ?i cum au ?nv??at oamenii de ?tiin?? din fiecare experiment s? se apropie pas cu pas de promisiunea imens? a unui ?tratament definitiv“ care, rezolv?nd problemele la originea lor genetic?, s? nu mai necesite alte opera?ii chirurgicale sau medicamente. Spus? prin vocile copiilor ?i familiilor care au fost surse de inspira?ie, subiecte experimentale ?i succese ale ?tiin?ei geneticii, Vindecat pentru totdeauna vorbe?te ?n mod conving?tor ?i captivant despre viitorul medicinei. ?n acest studiu impresionant, meticulos documentat, al ultimelor evolu?ii captivante din terapia genic?, geneticiana ?i jurnalista pe teme medicale Ricki Lewis (autoarea c?r?ii Human Genetics) analizeaz? ?ndeaproape momentele dificile din istoria trat?rii bolilor genetice rare, precum ?i progresele de ultim? or?. Dup? cum relateaz? autoarea ?n aceast? lucrare riguroas? ?i plin? de energie, cu fiecare nou succes, vindecarea infec?iei HIV ?i a altor zeci de boli devine o posibilitate tot mai apropiat?. -- Publisher’s Weekly Ricki Lewis a scris o carte remarcabil? care surprinde momentele de v?rf ame?itoare ?i c?derile devastatoare ale terapiei genice din ultimul deceniu, d?nd cuv?ntul tuturor p?r?ilor implicate – bravilor pacien?i voluntari, p?rin?ilor acestora ?i medicilor. -- Kevin Davies, redactor fondator al publica?iei Nature Genetics, autor al c?r?ilor The $1,000 Genome ?i Cracking the Genome
Légy jó mindhalálig
Az els?k k?z?tt lenni nagy kihívás, nehéz feladat! DR. T?TH CSABA gyakorló orvosként, hosszú utat bejárva talált rá a számára hiteles paleolit szemléletre, amelyet sikerrel épített be gyógyító munkájába. Olvasóit is arra sarkallja, hogy gondolják újra egészségükh?z és általában az egészségügyh?z való hozzáállásukat. ?gy t?nhet, a szerz? magányos harcos, pedig komoly sz?vetségeseket tudhat maga m?g?tt: az evolúciós orvostudományt, a paleolit táplálkozást és mindazokat, akik a krónikus betegségekkel küzdve nem hajlandók belet?r?dni a sorsukba. Dr. Tóth Csaba nekik, valamint minden egészséges életmódra vágyó embernek kínál ebben a k?tetben olyan módszereket, amelyek segítségével visszanyerhet? vagy megtartható az egészség. A paleolit orvoslás és étrend számos betegség esetén a kiváltó okok megszüntetését jelentheti – a szerz? ezek k?zül leginkább a már népbetegségnek számító cukorbetegség kezelésében szerzett tapasztalatairól és eredményeir?l számol be részletesen. DR. T?TH CSABA gondolkodva gyógyító orvos. Munkájában h? marad ahhoz az ?si elvhez, miszerint a beteg java a legf?bb t?rvény.
Kutyák és macskák kultúrt?rténeti kislexikona
Meskó Zoltán Temesvárról indulva valósította meg az amerikai álmot, egész életében fittyet hányva esélyekre és valószín?ségekre, amióta csak családjával bekerült az ?tven?tezer nyertes k?zé a z?ldkártyalottó-sorsoláson - tízegynéhány millió jelentkez? k?zül. Hihetetlen utazása során meg sem állt a világ leggazdagabb sportbajnoksága, az NFL nagyd?nt?jéig, a híres Super Bowlig, mik?zben kétszeresen is kívülállóként - bevándorlóként a t?sgy?keres amerikaiak, és kül?nc rúgójátékosként a vérbeli amerikaifutball-játékosok k?z?tt - a Michigan egyetem legendás csapatának kapitánya is lett. Játszott minden id?k egyik legjobb és leg?nt?rvény?bb edz?je, Bill Belichick keze alatt, szerepelt egy csapatban a t?kéletes futballjátékossal, Tom Bradyvel, és a New England Patriots, a Pittsburgh Steelers és a Cincinnati Bengals együtteseinél megtapasztalta a profi elitbajnokság csillogását és árnyoldalait egyaránt. ?s mindig volt egy B terve... "?desanyám mindig azt mondta, a tanulás a legfontosabb, és ha nem egy gyorsétterem pultjában akarok kik?tni, akkor ezt véssem az eszembe - talán az anyai intelemnek is k?sz?nhet?en kezdetben a foci számomra pusztán eszk?z volt ahhoz, hogy bejussak az egyetemre. Nem akartam mindenáron NFL-játékos lenni, csak elvégeztem, amit kellett, a legjobb tudásom szerint, aztán egyszer csak eljutottam a Super Bowlig... Ha a kis dolgokat lépésr?l lépésre megteszed az életedben, esélyes, hogy azon kapod magad: valami nagy lehet?ség kapujában állsz! Err?l szól az én t?rténetem is." (Meskó Zoltán) A K?nyvjelz? magazin 2015. októberi számában megjelent cikk: Aki meccseket d?nthet el A K?nyvjelz? magazin 2015. novemberi számában megjelent cikk: A legkisebb fiú Super Bowlja
A Tu?ske?s Birodalom: Az ismeretlenek birodalma
It is a story about Lily, who did not want to go to the kindergarten. She was afraid of a lot of things. One day the doctor told Mum to find a nice psychologist who could help Lily to overcome fears…? In this book children and parents can find out what is happening in a psychologist office. You may read a short progressive muscle relaxation technique, and a lot of usefull information about anxiety in childhood as well.
Cake Angels: Amazing gluten, wheat and dairy free cakes
An irresistible collection of easy-to-make recipes from the award-winning home bakery. Enjoy truly delicious cakes and bakes that are free from gluten, wheat or diary. Light and fluffy sponges, gorgeous cupcakes, rich fruit cakes and moreish traybakes – all without butter, flour or cream. Julia Thomas, the talented home cook behind the popular Cake Angels bakery, shares her secrets for a delicious range of well-loved cakes that everyone can enjoy, even if they have an intolerance or allergy. Cake Angels takes you step-by-step through the secrets of successful baking, explains frequently used ingredients and provides easy-to-follow recipes that even novice bakers will feel confident making. These cakes look impressive – with tempting frostings and pretty decorations – but don’t require hours in the kitchen nor resort to hard-to-find specialty ingredients. Divided into simple chapters this gorgeous, much-needed cookbook includes: Victoria sponge Carrot cake Chocolate, vanilla and lemon cupcakes with different frostings Chocolate and walnut brownies Date and caramel shortcake Raspberry and almond traybake Coffee and walnut cake with coffee cream Italian hazelnut cake Orange and poppy seed cake Chocolate marmalade cake with chocolate cream filling Flapjacks Apricot and hazelnut traybake Gingerbread cupcakes with ginger caramel frosting White chocolate blondies
How to Be a Better Cook
TV chef Lorraine Pascale’s fabulous new prime-time BBC Two TV tie-in “How to be a Better Cook” Bestselling TV chef, Loraine is famous for her simple, delicious recipes to suit every occasion, and with this book she offers us even more: kitchen shortcuts to help you put gorgeous food on the table every time. Whether you’re rustling up a cosy romantic supper or a big family feast, Lorraine will share her secrets (from good knife technique to quick tricks for stand-out presentation). And Lorraine’s warmth and gentle encouragement comes across in every page and tip. She brings her sense of fun to the recipes and encourages everyone from beginner to expert alike to try new flavours and new methods and just get stuck in. Lorraine’s latest book ties in to her fourth BBC series, in which she helps people live up to a wide range of cookery challenges. Lorraine draws on cuisines from Italian to West Indian, caters for occasions from Hen parties to Bonfire Night, and even refreshes old favourites from Roast dinner to Summer Pudding. Impress guests with chic snacks like chrorizo and lemongrass puff pastry scrolls; add spice to midweek meals with quick stir fried chicken with toasted cashew nuts, ginger, basil and hoisin sauce; and pander to your friends’ and family’s sweet tooth with delectable Jamaican rum truffles and spiced apple tarte tatins. With so many smart yet simple dishes to make, this is the cookery book your shelf deserves. Beautifully presented and packed full of photos and useful tips, the TV Kitchen Goddess brings another must have guide to creating effort-free and delicious food; the ultimate companion for stylish cooks of all abilities.
Juicing for Health:How to use natural juices to boost energy, immunity and wellb
Updated with healing Superjuices and the most refreshing smoothies. Our new edition of this extremely helpful guide to using juice contains all the right updates for today’s juice market. Superjuices such as Wheatgrass are now included along with delicious, fresh fruit smoothies. Juicing For Health will also look more attractive than ever before – with a larger format and a 2 colour design throughout. Juicing For Health is comprehensive without ever rambling. It includes: Over 200 juice recipes and blends. ? The vitamin & mineral content of over 60 different fruit & vegetable juices. ? The basic healing qualities of each fruit and vegetable juice. ? Nutritional therapy juice blends for a whole range of specific – and more general – ailments. ? Beginner-friendly guide to starting up and managing a healthy detox programme. ? A–Z Vitamin & Mineral hotlist – with the “Best Fruits” and “Best Vegetables” for each nutrient.
Cheap and Easy Vegetarian Cooking on a Budget (The Essential Rose Elliot)
Essential vegetarian cookery for those on a budget. Updated version of Rose Elliot’s vegetarian classic – Cheap and Easy is an essential guide to vegetarian cookery. It includes a wide range of recipes for all tastes, but keeps in mind those with a low budget.
Kitchen Memories
Lucy Boyd, head gardener for Michelin-starred café Petersham Nurseries and trained chef understands ingredients, and knows how to turn them into extraordinary food. Quality ingredients – in season, simply cooked and perfectly prepared – are at the heart of Lucy’s cooking. This beautiful debut collection of irresistible ingredient-inspired recipes is full of Lucy’s passion and knowledge of produce. Following a serendipitous apprenticeship into cookery as the daughter of Rose Gray, founder of the River Café, Lucy went from planning and cooking dishes alongside Rose for both the family and customers, to lovingly creating the much-lauded kitchen garden at Petersham, providing vegetables and salads for the cafe and for Petersham’s owners Francesco and Gael Boglione. Her myriad cooking and gardening experiences has guided Lucy throughout her 8-year partnership with award-winning chef Skye Gyngell as well as nurturing a fascination for Italian vegetables and salads, herbs and edible flowers, a fascination which continues to heavily influence her cooking. This cookery book, complete with stunning, fresh photography and Lucy’s poignant memories describing a recipe’s origins is essential for anyone with a passion for good food. From Summer Girolles, Veal Loin and Rocket to Cicoria, Mozzarella, Tomatoes with Marinated Salted Anchovies, Lucy’s food effortlessly combines quality and simplicity, making this the perfect gift for foodies everywhere.
innocent hungry?: The innocent recipe book for filling your family with good stu
Tasty and smooth, just like innocent's smoothies, these recipes have been especially selected for small people innocent is the UK and Europe's favourite smoothie brand. innocent's mission is to make it easy for people to do themselves some good. And to make it taste nice at the same time. As one of the UK's largest growing food and drinks companies, the innovative team at innocent have been making smoothies, veg pots and fruit tubes for years. Now it's time to let their expertise shine out on its own in the family kitchen. 'The innocent recipe book for kids' is a brilliant source of classic, smart meals and drinks for the whole family from quick breakfasts, snacks-on-the-go, to clever lunches and big dinners all served up with the innocent twist. Including a separate section on food for journeys, top tips to bag your five-a-day with minimum fuss, helpful portion ratios in relation to children's ages, a clear breakdown of seasonal food and some clever solutions to overcome the resistance of the most reluctant diners, this book informs about healthy eating habits and fully engages children in the cooking process. Using ingredients that are super rich in specific nutrients and other good stuff to keep your little ones nice and healthy, from food for bears, to broccoli trees and secrets feasts, this book is packed full of great food and drinks perfect for picky eaters and growing appetites.
Easy Meals
In her new book, bestselling TV cook, Rachel Allen shares her ultimate fast and easy family recipes. You can always trust Rachel to help you get a delicious and doable dinner on the table. Whether the cupboards are bare or you just want a fabulous meal without the fuss (or the washing up) you’ll find the answers here. Any situation, any problem, these are recipes you can come back to time and time again for delicious dinner solutions. After all, making home cooking both simple and enjoyable is what Rachel does best. Easy Meals contains 180 family friendly recipes for any night of the week. And even better, as well as being mouth-wateringly delicious they are simple enough for even the most novice of cooks. This book is full of ideas and recipes that you can rely on to help you tackle the most common meal-time problems; when your fridge is empty, when you’re short on time, that use 5 ingredients or less or can be cooked in one pot, even delicious dinners you can serve up without so much as turning on the oven. Finally! A cookbook that truly understands the way your life works. Easy Meals is an essential kitchen companion. Chapter breakdown; Store Cupboard Cooking All in One Pot Fast and Fabulous Take 5 ingredients or less No Cook Cooking Quick Extras and Sides Recipes include; One-pot lamb biryani Turkey breast with honey, thyme and cream Spiced Pilau rice with chicken Pork, chorizo, haricot beans and red wine Thai Mussels Chunky chowder with potatoes and bacon Taragon chicken and lemon pasta with crème fraiche Chickpea and aubergine salad Fishcakes Chinese braised beef with pak choy Chicken with yoghurt and a carrot and apple salad Lentil and sausages Cardamom and orange Semifreddo Chocolate Bread and butter pudding Quick fruit brulee Lemon posset
Pizza Pilgrims:Recipes from the Backstreets of Italy
Incredible pizzas and authentic Italian recipes from street-foodie brothers who have taken London by storm. Pizza Pilgrims is the brainchild of James and Thom Elliot who decided to give up their 'proper' jobs to follow a dream. Excited by the burgeoning street food movement in London, they decided to travel 4,000km around Italy in their Ape three-wheeler van, meeting food producers, top chefs and passionate local cooks, to uncover the best-kept secrets of pizza making and bring them home. Armed with their Italian foodie knowledge, they set up shop (or van) in Berwick Street market in Soho selling incredible takeaway pizzas at a reasonable price. Since then they’ve garnered five-star reviews for their food, opened a pop-up restaurant, which was an instant sell-out and fed a host of hungry festival goers throughout the summer. This book shows how to make the best pizzas ever – from the simple but revered Neapolitan margherita to saltimbocca (pizza sandwiches) and pizza nduja (pizza topped with a spicy pork sausage). Pizza Pilgrims focuses on the key ingredients and techniques that will make your pizza stand out from the crowd as well as showcasing other cherished Italian recipes from the brothers; Pepperonata on bruschetta, Tuscan chicken with green olives, the cheese farmer’s wife’s Caciofiore ravioli, vanilla ice cream three ways and many, many more. James and Thom’s enthusiasm for Italian food is addictive and this is a cookbook to inspire and to have fun with.
The Savvy Shopper
Inspired by her weekly column in Telegraph Weekend, this is Rose Prince’s guide to buying the tastiest, highest-quality good food with peace of mind and a clear conscience. Following the success of ‘The New English Kitchen’, Rose Prince’s eye-opening guide to shopping, cooking and eating in a cost-effective and environmentally conscious way, this must-have reference book provides comprehensive and insightful information on how and where to find the best ingredients. Rose Prince’s weekly ‘Savvy Shopper’ column in Saturday’s Telegraph Weekend has become essential reading over the past few months, not least because of our current preoccupation with questioning the quality of the food we eat. This book takes the best of Rose’s journalism and much more, encouraging readers to look for the right qualities in the food they buy, to ask the right questions of food producers and retailers, and to eat better – and with greater awareness of the provenance of their meals – than ever before. With its easy-to-read format and listings of essential stockists and markets, ‘The Savvy Shopper’ is absolutely essential for anyone who cares about how and what they shop, cook and eat.
With a dab of bright icing and a sprinkle of colour, you can transform drab sugar cookies into glowing planets, plain marshmallows into scary zombies and simple cake pops into blooming flowers. Meaghan Mountford, creator of the blog The Decorated Cookie and the Edible Crafts editor of, shares her secrets for producing adorable, edible art. Full of beautiful colour photos and illustrated step-by-step directions, this guide will demystify professional techniques so that anyone can learn how to pipe icing like a pro and have fun with fondant. YOU’LL LEARN HOW TO CREATE: Milkshake cake pops Barnyard animal snack cakes Petit-four presents Deep sea creature cupcakes Marshmallow villages and much more! With the lively inspiration and foolproof directions in this book, you can discover how to personalise any sweet treat and turn your home kitchen into a studio for sugarlicious works of art!
Bread Matters: The sorry state of modern bread and a definitive guide to baking
Andrew Whitley, organic baker and founder of The Village Bakery, reveals the deplorable state into which mass produced bread has fallen, and the secrets behind making good, nutritious bread at home. All is not well in British baking. Commercial bread is laced with additives to make it look good and stay soft. It uses varieties of wheat that have been bred for high yield and baking performance with little concern for human nutrition. To rush it through the bakery at the lowest possible cost, it's dosed with four times as much yeast as before. Described as 'fresh' when it may have been frozen and re-heated, it's sold as a loss-leader at knock-down prices which undermine what little respect it may once have commanded. Even before the Atkins diet frightened people off, there was evidence of a massive growth of intolerance – to gluten, wheat and yeast in particular. Call it coincidence. Dismiss it as hypochondria if you will. But things have come to a pretty pass when people avoid their staple food – the staff of life – in droves. ‘Bread Matters’ offers a solution. Revealing the madness behind this modern adulteration of our most basic food as only an insider can, organic baker Andrew Whitley, founder of The Village Bakery in Melmerby, shows why and how to make real bread at home. Unlike many bread book authors, he has baked for a living for over 25 years. His recipes are fool-proof because he explains what’s really going on, demystifying the science, sharing a practical baker’s craft. Using the skills he deploys on his popular courses, he guides and inspires beginners and seasoned bakers alike. And he brings good news to those who have had to abandon bread because of dietary sensitivity, showing how to bake tasty and nutritious food without yeast, wheat or gluten.
Cooking Without Made Easy: Recipes free from added Gluten, Sugar, Yeast and Dair
This is the third book in the ‘Cooking Without’ collection written by nutritional therapist Barbara Cousins. This series of cook books has been an enormous success. They have been recommended by nutritional therapists all over the world and have transformed the lives of thousands of people. In ‘Cooking Without Made Easy’ Barbara offers ultra-simple new recipes all of which are free from gluten, dairy, sugar and yeast. They include lots of one-pot meals, and cakes and cookies also rely on the all-in-one method for simplicity. In this book Barbara summarises the effect that ‘Cooking Without’ can have on people’s lives. Barbara tells her own story and includes lots of client case histories to inspire you. They help one to realise the extent to which dietary measures can improve not only our physical health but our mental and emotional states too.
Floyd’s India
Selling over 60,000 copies in hardback, this book to accompany the Channel 5 series has proven to be a fantastic hit with Floyd and curry fans alike. A sumptuous read, the book features witty anecdotes and fascinating historical insights, as well as a whole sub-continent of delicious recipes! New paperback version of Floyd’s best-selling culinary guide to India. Home of rich, aromatic spices, countless regional dishes and a cuisine both envied and emulated around the world, India is a truly remarkable continent. In his latest culinary adventure, Keith Floyd journeys across this varied landscape, meeting the local people, investigating the busy market places and cooking many of the local specialties. From the green hill stations in the north of the country, through the bustling markets of Delhi, Calcutta and Madras, to the lush rice fields of the south, Floyd’s adventure never stops. Whether he’s taking tiffin with sari-clad memsahibs or cooling off in the sparkling Indian Ocean, haggling his way through a busy marketplace, or taking a ride on an elephant, Floyd captures the very essence of this great continent. Cooking in his own inimitable style, and using local produce such as spices, dals, ghees, lotus seeds and paneer, Floyd presents a delicious array of dishes to tempt all food enthusiasts. From passandras to kormas, and chutneys to lassis, this book covers all the regions, together with their specialties and their delicacies. Much more than this, though, Floyd also captures the true experience of India – its sights, its smells, and its wonderful cuisine.
Rose Elliot’s Vegetarian Meals In Minutes
In this cookbook for vegetarians on-the-go, Rose Elliot shows you how to create tasty, original, meat-free meals – fast! It contains over 200 recipes for every occasion, all ready to eat in under half an hour. Rose combines ingenuity with speed to create mouth-watering, original, vegetarian meals in no time. This is fast food for any occasion – from a quick snack for one, to a speedy lunch with a friend, or a last-minute impromptu dinner party. Starting with the store cupboard, there are essential tips on what to have in stock to ensure you always have the basis of a quick meal or snack. The next six chapters are each based around a key main ingredients: ? Bread ? Eggs, Cheese and Dairy Foods ? Pasta ? Pulses, Grains and Nuts ? Vegetables ? Fruit. Delicious ideas include quick pizzas, pittas and crostini, fillings for frittatas and tortillas, spicy lentil burgers, risottos, soups, dozens of pasta dishes, gratins and grills, stir fries and salads and plenty of tempting desserts and puddings that you can whip up in a flash. There are also more applied recipes (but nothing longer than half an hour) such as Polenta with Grilled Vegetables, Mixed Vegetable Curry and Red Beans with Thyme and Coconut Cream. Rose Elliot’s Vegetarian Meals in Minutes is the perfect book for the busy veggie. Keep it handy in the kitchen and you’ll be able to rustle up a meal in no time.