

Ultimul imperiu
Ultimul imperiu
Sanderson Brandon
Sandplay reprezint? o abordare terapeutic? eficient? ?i accesibil? de vindecare a persoanei ?n ?ntregul ei. Baz?ndu-se pe vaste cuno?tin?e de mitologie ?i folclor, dar mai cu seam? pe dezvolt?rile analizei jungiene, autoarea explic? felul ?n care imaginile ?n nisip contribuie la autoreglarea psihicului, iar interpretarea simbolurilor spa?iale ajut? la clarificarea ?i dep??irea blocajelor interioare. La fel ca pictura, analiza viselor sau imagina?ia activ?, modelarea ?n nisip are meritul de a aduce ?ntr-un spa?iu imaginar procese incon?tiente ?i emo?ii nespuse, care sunt mult mai greu de accesat ?n urma unei simple ?cure prin vorbire“. Prin coimplicarea trup ?i suflet ?n jurul cutiei cu nisip, analistul ?i pacientul ob?in o imagine concret? a evolu?iei rela?iei terapeutice, dar mai ales desc?tu?eaz? capacitatea pacientului de autovindecare.Volumul include o serie de istorii de caz, dar ?i ilustra?ii fotografice ?i sfaturi practice pentru psihologii care sunt tot mai interesa?i de metoda sandplay. Pe l?ng? virtu?ile sale vindec?toare, terapia prin jocul cu nisip serve?te ?i diagnostic?rii, put?nd fi utilizat? at?t pentru adul?i, c?t ?i pentru copii.?Tehnica jocului cu nisip i se potrive?te lui Ruth Ammann ca o m?nu??.“ (Verena Kast)
Miracolul micronutrien?ilor
Miracolul micronutrien?ilor
Jayson Calton, Mira Calton
p>Descoperi?i al patrulea volum dintr-o serie de c?r?i pentru copii a c?ror popularitate a dep??it orice a?tept?ri! ?Pisicile r?zboinice” s-au v?ndut ?n mai mult de 14 milioane de volume ?n peste 20 de ??ri ?i au ap?rut pe lista New York Times a celor mai v?ndute titluri. De genera?ii ?ntregi, patru clanuri de pisici s?lbatice convie?uiesc ?n p?dure, departe de oameni. Au un cod al onoarei ?i pre?uiesc loialitatea. Se antreneaz? ca r?zboinici pentru a-?i proteja Clanurile. Se vindec? de boli cu remedii naturiste. Respect? legile statornicite de ?nainta?i. Sunt ghida?i ?n ac?iunile lor de spiritele str?mo?ilor r?zboinici, reuni?i ?n Clanul Stelelor. Ro?covanul este un fost pisoi de cas? care s-a dovedit a fi tare puternic ?i descurc?re? ?n s?lb?ticie. Mai ?nt?i a fost acceptat ca ucenic ?n Clanul Tunetului, apoi a devenit r?zboinic sub numele Inim? de Foc, iar ?n cele din urm? vitejia l-a adus p?n? la pozi?ia de secund ?n clan. Dar Inim? de Foc nu poate sta prea mult lini?tit c?t? vreme Ghear? de Tigru, fostul secund, poate ataca oric?nd. ?i conduc?toarea Stea Albastr? ?i-a pierdut ?ncrederea ?n r?zboinicii clanului dup? ce Ghear? de Tigru s-a dovedit a fi un tr?d?tor. De aceea, Stea Albastr? ?i Inim? de Foc pornesc spre Pietrele ?nalte pentru a se sf?tui cu ?n?elep?ii din Clanul Stelelor. Dar drumul trece pe teritoriul Clanului V?ntului, o patrul? de r?zboinici condus? de Ghear? de N?mol le iese amenin??tor ?n cale ?i sunt nevoi?i s? se ?ntoarc? ?n tab?ra lor. Vara sose?te cu noi provoc?ri pentru Inim? de Foc. Ucenicul lui, Lab? de Nor, face un gest necugetat merg?nd la oameni dup? m?ncare ?i este r?pit pe loc. Dar pericolul abia acum urmeaz?. Canicula devine din ce ?n ce mai puternic? ?i un incendiu devastator cuprinde p?durea, distrug?nd tab?ra Clanului Tunetului. Volumul cuprinde h?r?i ?i simboluri din via?a pisicilor r?zboinice. ?Un episod palpitant din aventurile pisicilor r?zoinice, care va fi cu siguran?? pe placul cititorilor.“ - ALA Booklist ?Povestea este mereu surprinz?toare; personajele sunt ?nzestrate cu tabieturi ?i comportamente feline autentice.” - VOYA ?O carte plin? de suspans, pentru to?i cei care se ?ntreab? ce visuri de grandoare nutre?te mot?nelul de pe pre?ul de la u??.“ - Publishers Weekly ?Dup? ce cite?ti Pisicile r?zboinice, nu mai ai ?ncredere nici m?car ?n Motanul ?nc?l?at.“ - Kirkus Reviews Din aceea?i serie: PISICILE R?ZBOINICE. CARTEA I - ?N INIMA P?DURII PISICILE R?ZBOINICE. CARTEA A II-A - FOC ?I GHEA?? PISICILE R?ZBOINICE. CARTEA A III-A - P?DUREA SECRETELOR PISICILE R?ZBOINICE. CARTEA A V-A - O CALE PRIMEJDIOAS?
Vremea plec?rii
Vremea plec?rii
Jodi Picoult
Medicamentul cel mai des folosit ?n medicina general? este medicul ?nsu?i; altfel spus, nu doar flaconul sau cutia cu medicamente conteaz?, ci maniera ?n care acestea sunt prescrise pacientului – de fapt, ansamblul atmosferei ?n care medicamentul este dat ?i luat. ?n cartea de fa??, Michael Balint descrie diferite procese incon?tiente ce intervin ?n rela?ia medic-pacient, aspecte care pot favoriza vindecarea, sau pot duce la tensiuni, nepl?ceri ?i tratamente lipsite de rezultatul benefic a?teptat. Dac? rela?ia stabilit? ?ntre specialist ?i client poate fi un obstacol ?n calea bunei desf??ur?ri a activit??ii, atunci unul dintre modurile ?n care rezultatele profesionale pot fi ?mbun?t??ite este supervizarea centrat? pe reac?iile emo?ionale ale medicului fa?? de pacien?ii s?i. ?n?elegerea acestor reac?ii poate oferi date importante despre pacient, pe care specialistul s? le poat? folosi mai departe ?n evaluarea cazului ?i ?n stabilirea unei interven?ii eficiente. Numeroase exemple clinice ilustreaz? dinamica incon?tient? a rela?iei terapeutice, precum ?i modul ?n care se desf??oar? grupurile Balint pentru medici.
Ultima scapare
Ultima scapare
Federico Axat
O colec?ie de peste patruzeci dintre eseurile preferate ale lui Tyson, Moartea ?ntr-o gaur? neagr? abordeaz? nenum?rate subiecte, de la firavele eforturi ale industriei filmului de a crea cerul ?nstelat, p?n? la ce-ar ?nsemna s? te afli ?n interiorul unei g?uri negre.?Cel mai cunoscut astrofizician al Americii, Tyson este un profesor ?nn?scut, care ?tie s? explice pe ?n?elesul tuturor teoriile complicate ale astrofizicii ?i ?n acela?i timp s? ne transmit? fascina?ia pe care o are fa?? de univers.?Este absolut obligatoriu s? g?sim oameni de ?tiin?? care s? ne poat? explica nu doar ceea ce descoperim, ci ?i modul ?n care facem acele descoperiri. Neil deGrasse Tyson este unul dintre ei." - Boston Sunday Globe?
Teorii contemporane ale ?nv???rii. Autori de referin??
Teorii contemporane ale ?nv???rii. Autori de referin??
Knud Illeris
De la autoarea bestsellerului Secretul so?ului Cu Marile minciuni nevinovate Liane Moriarty î?i d? m?sura talentului s?u. Sirenele url?. Oamenii ?ip?. Directoarea e înm?rmurit?. Cineva a pl?tit cu via?a. E vorba de o crim?, un accident tragic sau doar de ni?te p?rin?i care se poart? necivilizat? Marile minciuni nevinovate e o poveste irezistibil? despre c?s?torie, maternitate, via?a familiilor moderne din clasa de mijloc ?i, nu în ultimul rând, despre minciunile periculoase pe care ni le spunem ca s? putem supravie?ui. S? cite?ti romanele lui Liane Moriarty e ca ?i cum ai bea un cocktail cosmopolitan cu câteva pic?turi de arsenic. Marile minciuni nevinovate nu te poate l?sa în niciun caz indiferent. Moriarty s-a întors mai în form? ca niciodat?. – USA Today Secretele pe care le ascunde acest or??el aparent lini?tit sunt impregnate de o atmosfer? noir atât de ap?s?toare, încât David Lynch ar fi încântat. – Entertainment Weekly S? arate latura întunecat? a ceea ce pare familia perfect? e una dintre specialit??ile lui Liane Moriarty. – Library Journal „B?ie?ii fuseser? dintotdeauna motivul pentru care r?m?sese, dar acum, pentru prima oar?, ei erau motivul pentru care pleca. L?sase violen?a s? devin? o parte fireasc? a vie?ii lor. În ultimii cinci ani, Celeste devenise insensibil? ?i îng?duitoare fa?? de violen??, ceea ce îi permitea s? riposteze ?i uneori chiar s? loveasc? ea prima. Zgâria, lovea cu picioarele ?i p?lmuia. De parc? ar fi fost normal. Nu-i pl?cea, dar asta f?cea. Dac? r?mânea, aceasta era mo?tenirea pe care le-o l?sa b?ie?ilor ei.“
Țvetaieva Marina
Autoarea trece ?n revist? principalele direc?ii din teoria critic? a ultimelor dou? decenii, a c?ror surs? empiric? este literatura publicat? la grani?a dintre secole. Din studiul paralel, al limbajelor teoretice ?i al lumilor fic?ionale, se poate observa omogenitatea epistemic? ?i retoric? a operelor literare apar?in?nd unei faze din istoria literaturii, for?a modelatoare a unui spirit al timpului care se manifest? dincolo de grani?e geo-politice. Totodat?, printr-o lectur? comparatist?, se poate demonstra capacitatea impresionant? a unei literaturi na?ionale de a reface, ?ntr-un timp foarte scurt, leg?turile cu marile centre de cultur? ?i de a ?negocia“ cu succes forme ?i idei literare ale unei epoci comparabile, prin ambi?iile enciclopediste ?i de sinteza, cu Rena?terea. Abordarea are caracter interdisciplinar, la grani?a dintre studiul filologic ?i modelele epistemologice furnizate, ?n epoca numit? a ?complexit??ii“, de ?tiin?a dominant?: fizica cuantic?.
Ce tip de carier? ?i se potrive?te? Cum s?-?i g?se?ti cariera perfect?
Ce tip de carier? ?i se potrive?te? Cum s?-?i g?se?ti cariera perfect?
Dunning Donna
Trei sferturi dintre elevii rom?ni se tem de comportamentul agresiv al colegilor, ?n vreme ce Rom?nia se afl? printre primele locuri ?n clasamentul interna?ional al violen?ei ?colare, potrivit studiilor OMS realizate ?n 37 de ??ri.Cartea de fa?? ofer? p?rin?ilor ?ngrijora?i solu?ii practice pentru a-?i ajuta copiii s? nu se lase teroriza?i de colegii de ?coal?. Ve?i afla cum s?-i ajuta?i pe cei mici s? stopeze din fa?? orice tentativ? de intimidare, dar ?i cum s? colabora?i eficient cu ?coala, autorit??ile sau p?rin?ii altor elevi. Cu ajutorul unor minidialoguri, al jocurilor de rol ?i al unor sfaturi intuitive, copiii vor ?nv??a cum s? citeasc? limbajul nonverbal al b?t?u?ilor, cum s?-?i p?streze cump?tul ?i s? fie asertivi, dar ?i c?nd e cazul, s? apeleze la persoanele cu autoritate. Pe de alt? parte, p?rin?ii sunt ?ncuraja?i s? asculte cu aten?ie ?i f?r? o atitudine moralizatoare ce au de spus copiii, tocmai pentru a pre?nt?mpina din vreme posibilele traume sau depresii ale elevilor exclu?i, intimida?i, persecuta?i sau batjocori?i pe internet.
A?a ceva nu ?i s-ar putea ?nt?mpla niciodat?
A?a ceva nu ?i s-ar putea ?nt?mpla niciodat?
Jon McGregor
Progresele“ moderne care ne-au invadat stilul de via i obiceiurile alimentare i au preul lor: sntatea noastr. De la pesticidele din sol la refrigerarea i pasteurizarea alimentelor la abuzul de antibiotice i obsesia pentru produsele de curenie, dorina noastr de a fi mereu curai i n siguran ne expune, n realitate, riscului dezvoltrii diverselor afeciuni cronice.Faptul c ne-am concentrat tot mai mult pe eliminarea microbilor a avut un efect devastator asupra organismului uman i, n special, a sistemului digestiv. Lipsa nutrienilor, alimentaia bogat n cantiti toxice de alimente procesate i pline de substane chimice, stresul i utilizarea n exces a produselor antimicrobiene au creat fisuri microscopice n pereii intestinali, care au cauzat o inflamaie generalizat i au sczut imunitatea, simptome asociate cu o boal denumit sindromul intestinului permeabil“.nMnnc murdar”,Dr. Josh Axeexplic efectele generalizate i cauzele ascunse ale acestui sindrom, o boal considerat a fi punctul de plecare pentru numeroase afeciuni, printre care: alergii, astm, sensibiliti alimentare, diabet, tulburri digestive, artrit, disfuncii tiroidiene i chiar boli greu de tratat, precum oboseala cronic i autismul.Dr. Axearat c soluia pentru aceste probleme de sntate este foarte simpl: nu trebuie dect s folosim mai mult pmnt“. El ofer sugestii concrete care s ne ajute s ne murdrim“ puin: s renunm la spunurile antibacteriene, s folosim uleiuri eseniale pentru produsele de ngrijire personal, s reducem consumul de antibiotice, s consumm miere natural, s petrecem mai mult timp n aer liber, s mncm produse de sezon, s reducem stresul i s includem mai multe alimente bogate n probiotice n hrana noastr zilnic.Mnnc murdarabordeaz principala cauz a tuturor bolilor bazndu-se pe dovezi concrete. Sntatea intestinului este prima condiie n procesul de vindecare. Folosind tiina microexpunerilor,dr. Axene ofer un ghid simplu privind cei cinci pai necesari pentru repararea intestinelor afectate i nvingerea unei game largi de boli, de la cele autoimune pn la inflamaia cronic.“ - Dr. Mark Hyman, autorul crii The Blood Sugar Solutionnelegerea noastr privind ceea ce ne pericliteaz sntatea sufer o revoluie, iarMnnc murdardescrie ntr-o manier magnific aceast schimbare de paradigm. ndrumriledoctorului Axe, centrate pe refacerea bacteriilor intestinale sntoase, sunt n concordan cu cele mai respectate i mai naintate cercetri medicale. Citind aceast carte, vei deschide ua spre o sntate durabil.“ - Dr. David Perlmutter, autorul crii Grain Brain, bestseller New York Times
Diabetul f?r? medicamente
Diabetul f?r? medicamente
Suzy Cohen
volumul al III-lea dintr-un interviu de un cristian Trilogia lui Ion Cucu este, deopotriv?, o construc?ie editorial? ?i o demonstra?ie personal?. Ion Cucu nu e, cum s-a crezut, doar un fotograf, iar opera lui cap?t? o cu totul alt? dimensiune dac? iese din tiparul unui album oarecare sau al unei expozi?ii, fie ea ?i permanent?. Interviul ?i portretele spun mai mult dec?t povestea unor fotografii – ?mpreun?, acestea dezv?luie talentul, for?a, patimile ?i d?ruirea fotografului celor zece pre?edin?i. Ai Uniunii Scriitorilor. Pentru c? prin aceast? institu?ie s-a legitimat ?i se reg?se?te, ca artist fotograf, scriitorul Ion Cucu. Trilogia s-a sf?r?it, de-acum urmeaz? Istoria. (un cristian)
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Adler, Bill
In between her fairy-tale wedding and her premature death, there lived the most beloved royal presence of our century, surely as multifaceted as any celebrity of our time. The radical twists and turns in her brief life drew the fascination of millions. Yet the most photographed woman in the world was also the least quoted--her actual words were seldom heard, and never gathered, until now. This unique book is the result of a scrupulous worldwide search for every one of Diana's significant quotes. Upon reading this collection, one will find that behind her shy veneer dwelled a woman of extraordinary resourcefulness, stamina, and, perhaps above all, vulnerability. In fact, her open frankness about the events and people around her is both disarming and startling. The reader will discover the sharp clarity, endless warmth, and ready wit that she brought to her legendary life in this intimate self-portrait. This is the closest we will ever get to an autobiography from the People's Princess.
Beyond Reengineering
Beyond Reengineering
Hammer, Michael
Reengineering has captured the imagination of managers and shareholders alike, sending corporations on journeys of radical business redesign that have already begun to transfigure global industry. Yet aside from earning them improvements in their business performance, the shift into more-process-centered organizations is causing fundamental changes in the corporate world, changes that business leaders are only now beginning to understand. What will the revolutions final legacy beBeyond Reengineering addresses this question, exploring reengineering's effects on such areas as: Jobs: What does process-centering do to the nature of jobsWhat does a process-centered workplace feel likeManagers: What is the new role of the manager in a process-centered companyEducation: What skills are vital in the process-centered working world, and how can young or inexperienced workers prepareSociety: What are the implications of process-centering for employment and the economy as a wholeInvestment: What are the characteristics of a successful 21st-century corporationAn informed look at one of the most profound changes to ever sweep the corporate world, Beyond Reengineering is the business manual for the 21st century.
The Scrambler's Dozen
The Scrambler's Dozen
McGetrick, Mike
In this invaluable book, Mike McGetrick, one of Golf Magazine's Top 100 Teaching Professionals in America and 1999 National PGA Teacher of the Year, shows how to make the best shot possible and shave strokes off your game. Sharing the same methods he uses when coaching some of the best players in the world, McGetrick outlines 12 basic shots you can incorporate into your game without overhauling your technique."Shotmaking is much more than simply curving the ball or hitting it low and high," explains Mike McGetrick, personal instructor to top golf professionals such as Juli Inkster, Brandt Jobe, and Meg Mallon. "It's understanding how the lie, the wind, the contour of the target and the hazards of the course will affect your decision making process." To reach full scoring potential on a course, you have to be a scrambler at heart, a master who can read a course's shifting challenges-from weather and terrain to pin positions-and adapt accordingly.Following the clear advice in The Scrambler's Dozen, you will learn to be a great scrambler-to trust your decisions and your ability to execute shots to get the greatest rewards from the game. Like the pros, you too can learn when and how to chip or pitch or putt from off the green, and know how to practice so you're rarely in unfamiliar situations on the golf course. The Scramblers Dozen is the secret for squeezing every ounce out of your game and reaching your full scoring potential.
The Soy Zone
The Soy Zone
Sears, Barry
As America is finding out, soy is the most complete and versatile protein in existence. It has no cholesterol or saturated fat but plenty of vitamins and fiber and offers amazing health benefits for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. Based on the simple idea that food is your best medicine, The Soy Zone shows you how to maintain peak mental alertness, increase your energy, and reduce the likelihood of chronic disease -- all while losing excess body fat. Dr. Barry Sears brings all the life-enhancing benefits of the Zone to a mouthwatering collection of delicious soy-based Zone meals, featuring:Soy Zone-perfect breakfasts, lunches, appetizers, dinners, and snacksAppetizing new recipes from top chefs, such as Red Bean Chill, Hong Kong Burger, and Soy Zone-friendly Vegetarian Pad ThaiThe ultimate healthful food plan, with quick and easy fat-burning alternatives to dangerous high-carb dietsAn exercise and longevity plan for men and womenHelpful recommendations for Soy Zoning your kitchenA scientifically proven plan for achieving perfect hormonal balance while losing weight
Educational Disobedience
Educational Disobedience
Dr. Annise Mabry
In “Educational Disobedience,” educationist, Dr. Annise Mabry, offers a compelling, unique and refreshing insight into how she helps her children overcome the limitations of what she terms “a broken education system,” in the State of Georgia. Her decision to homeschool them were borne largely due to the fact that they were not receiving the best of education, and more because protection from the unending problem of bullying in public schools was lacking. She soon realized that only a crucial intervention could save her family from falling apart, and it was a decision that proved timely because not only did she achieve her objectives, but she also ended up saving her community! She has helped many parents to transform their children from struggling students to homeschool high school graduates!This isn't the guide for how to homescool--it's the story of survival because of homeschool.
Mothers' Miracles
Mothers' Miracles
Miller, Jamie
The authors of Christmas Miracles deliver true stories that show just how enduring a mother's remarkable love can be.
The Magic Of Christmas Miracles
The Magic Of Christmas Miracles
Miller, Jamie
Last holiday season, Christmas Miracles touched the hearts of thousands with its inspiring true stories of real people and their miraculous encounters. With The Magic of Christmas Miracles we have a second collection of amazing true stories of people whose lives were forever changed by small, yet wondrous, Yuletide events. Among them are:The Red Cap: Santa leaves behind a calling card to convince a doubting child.Epiphany: A walk in the woods with an angel gives a lonely woman new hope.Lost at Sea: Two racing yachtsmen put aside rivalry in a dramatic Christmas Day rescue in the Indian Ocean.Fly Away Home: A private plane carrying an unconscious pilot lands safely in an empty field.. . . and many more to brighten the spirit. The Magic of Christmas Miracles will uplift readers' hearts for this and many future holiday seasons.
101 Poems That Could Save Your Life
101 Poems That Could Save Your Life
Goodwin, Daisy
Prozac has side effects, drinking gives you hangovers, therapy's expensive. For quick and effective relief -- or at least some literary comfort -- from everyday and exceptional problems, try a poem. Over the ages, people have turned to poets as ambassadors of the emotions, because they give voice and definition to our troubles, and by so doing, ease them. No matter how bad things get, poets have been there, too, and they can help you get over the rough spots.This is the first poetry anthology designed expressly for the self-help generation. The poems listed include classics by Emily Dickinson, Lord Byron, Ogden Nash, and Lucretius, to name just a few, along with newer works by such current practitioners as Seamus Heaney and Wendy Cope. This book has a cure or consolation for nearly every affliction, ancient or modern. And no side effects-except pleasure.
The Clean Tech Revolution
The Clean Tech Revolution
Pernick, Ron
When industry giants such as GE, Toyota, and Sharp and investment firms such as Goldman Sachs are making multibillion-dollar investments in clean technology, the message is clear. Developing clean technologies is no longer a social issue championed by environmentalists; it's a moneymaking enterprise moving solidly into the business mainstream. In fact, as the economy faces unprecedented challenges from high energy prices, resource shortages, and global environmental and security threats, clean tech technologies designed to provide superior performance at a lower cost while creating significantly less waste than conventional offerings promises to be the next engine of economic growth.In The Clean Tech Revolution, authors Ron Pernick and Clint Wilder identify the major forces that have pushed clean tech from back-to-the-earth utopian dream to its current revolution among the inner circles of corporate boardrooms, on Wall Street trading floors, and in government offices around the globe. By highlighting eight major clean-tech sectors solar energy, wind power, biofuels and biomaterials, green buildings, personal transportation, the smart grid, mobile applications, and water filtration they uncover how investors, entrepreneurs, and individuals can profit from this next wave of technological innovation. Pernick and Wilder shine the spotlight on the winners among technologies, companies, and regions that are likely to reap the greatest benefits from clean tech and they show you why the time to act is now.Groundbreaking and authoritative, The Clean Tech Revolution is the must-read book to understand and profit from the clean technologies that are reshaping our fast-changing world.
Schools Without Fail
Schools Without Fail
Glasser, William, M.D.
The author of the bestselling Reality Therapy offers daring recommendations to "shake up educators" (Alexander Bassin).
A Fatal Waltz
A Fatal Waltz
Alexander, Tasha
At her friend Ivy's behest, Emily reluctantly agrees to attend a party at the sprawling English country estate of Lord Fortescue, a man she finds as odious as he is powerful. But if Emily is expecting Lord Fortescue to be the greatest of her problems, she is wrong. Her host has also invited Kristiana von Lange, an Austrian countess who was once linked romantically with Emily's fiancé, the debonair Colin Hargreaves. What Emily believes will be a tedious evening turns deadly when Fortescue is found murdered, and his protégé, Robert Brandon—Ivy's husband—is arrested for the crime. Determined to right this terrible wrong and clear Robert's name, Emily begins to dig for answers, a quest that will lead her from London's glittering ballrooms to Vienna's sordid backstreets. Not until she engages a notorious anarchist in a game of wits does the shocking truth begin to emerge: the price of exonerating Robert can be paid only by placing Colin in deadly peril. To save her fiancé, Emily must do the unthinkable: bargain with her nemesis, the Countess von Lange.
The Fires
The Fires
Steinke, Rene
Smoke has as many different scents as skin. Part of the pleasure is not knowing what it will be -- sulfurous or closer to incense or airier and sweeter as I imagine the smell of clouds.Ella is a connoisseur of fire, a woman enthralled by it as other women are by love. She savors the seductive promise of a spark, the caress of a curling wisp of smoke, the all-consuming hunger of a spreading blaze. Ella's heart seethes with a rage that can be spoken only with tongues of flame.In her remarkable first novel, Rene Steinke has created a narrator so lyrical and lucid in her madness as to raise the book to the level of romance. Trapped in a sleepy Indiana town, torn by inner demons that drive her to pyromania and promiscuity, Ella is at once entirely original and unforgettably real.As she struggles to come to terms with her family's tormented past and her own uncertain future, she draws the mesmerized reader ever deeper into her scorched soul, revealing a sensuality that will spiral into final, fiery destruction -- unless it can be quenched by love.