

Tara: "A Mahratta Tale"
Tara: "A Mahratta Tale"
Philip Meadows Taylor
The "Times."?"For its rapid action, in fact, we have seldom read a better story, or one which is more full of incidents, sanguinary, trenchant, and robust."??The "Daily Telegraph."?"A true and a wonderfully well-sustained piece of Oriental life and striking history."??The "Spectator."?"This is a very remarkable book. It is a determined attempt to bring the interior Hindoo and Mussulman life of a great Mahratta province during the most exciting times home to the hearts and understandings of Englishmen, to interest them in people with whom they have nothing except human nature in common."??"Morning Post."?"'Tara' is a unique work. There is nothing like it in the English literature of fiction. No other writer has ever attempted the portrayal of Indian life, society, and interests, entirely free from any European admixture of character or incident. The author himself now does so for the first time. 'The Confessions of a Thug' related to British jurisdiction in India. 'Tippoo Sultan' dealt with the gallant struggles of that monarch against the encroaching British power, but 'Tara' is all Indian."??"Saturday Review."?"It is seldom that we meet with a work of fiction executed with anything like the conscientious care and minute elaboration of Captain Meadows Taylor's Indian Tale. His characters have mostly the clearness and individuality of portraits, and his scenery exhibits all the marked and decisive features of photographs taken on the spot. The work throughout is evidently that of a master of Oriental life and character in love with his subject, to whom nothing appears trivial or beneath notice that can illustrate the peculiar traits of Asiatic nature, or kindle an enthusiasm for knowing more of the history, manners, and usages of our fellow-subjects in the east."??The "Standard."?"In no one part of the work has Captain Taylor shown more thorough art than in those pages in which he details the features of the Hindoo and Ma-homedan family life. He never overloads; his characters are not lay figures attired in triple folds of gorgeous robes to hide their nakedness. With a few subtle touches he shows us the interior life of each household, and the morning springs of every character, and he leaves us to fill in the obvious details for ourselves."???My Lord,?The scenes and characters which i have endeavoured to depict in these volumes will be necessarily new and strange to you; but if they excite interest in the native annals of a country of which i find but little real knowledge existing, the object of the work will have been attained; while, by the kind courtesy which permits me to dedicate it to you, your excellency confers upon me a very sincere gratification.??I have the honour to be,?Your Lordship's very faithful servant,??MEADOWS TAYLOR.
Charles II
Charles II
Jacob Abbott
KING CHARLES THE SECOND was the son and successor of King Charles the First. These two are the only kings of the name of Charles that have appea-red, thus far, in the line of English sovereigns. Nor is it very probable that there will soon be another. The reigns of both these monarchs were stained and tarnished with many vices and crimes, and darkened by national disasters of every kind, and the name is thus connected with so many painful associations in the minds of men, that it seems to have been dropped, by common consent, in all branches of the royal family.??The reign of Charles the First, as will be seen by the history of his life in this series, was characterized by a long and obstinate contest between the king and the people, which brought on, at last, a civil war, in which the king was defeated and taken prisoner, and in the end beheaded on a block, before one of his own pala-ces. During the last stages of this terrible contest, and before Charles was himself taken prisoner, he was, as it were, a fugitive and an outlaw in his own dominions. His wife and family were scattered in various foreign lands, his cities and castles were in the hands of his enemies, and his oldest son, the prince Charles, was the object of special hostility. The prince incurred, therefore, a great many dangers, and suffered many heavy calamities in his early years. He lived to see these calamities pass away, and, after they were gone, he enjoyed, so far as his own personal safety and welfare were concerned, a tranquil and prosperous life. The storm, however, of trial and suffering which enveloped the evening of his father's days, darkened the morning of his own. ??The life of Charles the First was a river rising gently, from quiet springs, in a scene of verdure and sunshine, and flowing gradually into rugged and gloomy regions, where at last it falls into a terrific abyss, enveloped in darkness and storms. That of Charles the Second, on the other hand, rising in the wild and rugged mountains where the parent stream was engulfed, commences its course by leaping frightfully from precipice to precipice, with turbid and foaming waters, but emerges at last into a smooth and smiling land, and flows through it prosperously to the sea.
Jacob Abbott
HANNIBAL was a Carthaginian general. He acquired his great distinction as a warrior by his desperate contests with the Romans. Rome and Carthage grew up together on opposite sides of the Mediterranean Sea. For about a hundred years they waged against each other most dreadful wars. There were three of these wars. Rome was successful in the end, and Carthage was entirely destroyed.?There was no real cause for any disagreement between these two nations. Their hostility to each other was mere rivalry and spontaneous hate. They spoke a different language; they had a different origin; and they lived on opposite sides of the same sea. So they hated and devoured each other.?Those who have read the history of Alexander the Great, in this series, will recollect the difficulty he experienced in besieging and subduing Tyre, a great maritime city, situated about two miles from the shore, on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Cart-hage was originally founded by a colony from this city of Tyre, and it soon became a great commercial and maritime power like its mother. The Carthaginians built ships, and with them explored all parts of the Mediterranean Sea.
The Adventures of Akbar
The Adventures of Akbar
Flora Annie Steel
THIS BOOK is written for all little lads and lasses, but especially for the former, since it is the true—quite true—story of a little lad who lived to be, perhaps, the greatest king this world has ever seen.?It is a strange, wild tale this of the adventures of Prince Akbar among the snowy mountains between Kandahar and Kabul, and though the names may be a bit of a puzzle at first, as they will have to be learned by and bye in geography and history lessons, it might be as well to get familiar with them in a story-book; though, indeed, as everybody in it except Roy the Rajput, Meroo the cook boy; Tumbu, the dog; and Down, the cat (and these four may have been true, you know, though they have not been remembered) really lived, I don't know whether this book oughtn't to be considered real history, and therefore??A LESSON BOOK:??"Anyhow, I hope you won't find it dull."??STORIES:?FAREWELL ?THE FIRST VICTORY ?THE ROYAL UMBRELLA ?TUMBU-DOWN ?ON THE ROAD ?AT COURT ?WINTER?DOWN'S STRATAGEM?SPRING ?THE NIGHT OF RECORD ?A WINTER MARCH?SNOW AND ICE ?OVER THE PASS ?IN THE VALLEY?DEAREST-LADY?CRUEL BROTHER KUMRAN?IMPRISONMENT?THE GARDEN OF GAMES?BETWIXT CUP AND LIP?ESCAPED?DAWN
Fifty Famous Stories Retold
Fifty Famous Stories Retold
James Baldwin
THERE are numerous time-honored stories which have become so incorporated into the literature and thought of our race that a knowledge of them is an indispensable part of one's education. These stories are of several different classes. To one class belong the popular fairy tales which have delighted untold generations of children, and will continue to delight them to the end of time. To another class belong the limited number of fables that have come down to us through many channels frorn hoar antiquity. To a third belong the charming stories of olden times that are derived from the literatures of ancient peoples, such as the Greeks and the Hebrews. A fourth class includes the half-legendary tales of a distinctly later origin, which have for their subjects certain romantic episodes in the lives of well-known heroes and famous men, or in the history of a people.??It is to this last class that most of the fifty stories contained in the present volume belong. As a matter of course, some of these stories are better known, and therefore more famous, than others. Some have a slight historical value; some are useful as giving point to certain great moral truths; others are products solely of the fancy, and are intended only to amuse. Some are derived from very ancient sources, and are current in the literature of many lands; some have come to us through the ballads and folk tales of the English people.
101 poeme
101 poeme
Lazu Lidia
Prin u?ile l?sate vrai?teDe cei ce nu se mai ?ntorcPrin pere?ii pe care i?i zg?riar?ViseleD? buzna glasul mul?imiiCare se zbateDeja prins? ?ntre fireleIscusitei urzeli a paianjenilorPoliticiThrough the wide-open doorsBy those who never returnThrough the walls on which they’d scratchedTheir dreamsThe voice barges through from a crowdWhich is strugglingAlreadz trappedIn the skillfullz/woven webOf the spiders of politics
The Road to Femininity: A New Life for a New Woman
The Road to Femininity: A New Life for a New Woman
Katherine Reilly
This book is a guide for trans women who need help in their first steps to becoming who they are, as well as experienced trans women who wouldn't mind some more advice dealing with everyday issues they might face. The Road to becoming a Woman has never been easy. Even though society has changed over the years, humanity still has a long way to go... Some countries are more accepting, while others are not. This book highlights most of my experience as a transitioning woman living in Greece. A country that does not legally accept transgenders or support LGBT rights for that matter. My advice will help you avoid a lot of mistakes I’ve made in the past and hopefully have an easier time becoming who you are with less heartache. Being who you are is difficult but not impossible. Just stay true to yourself and remember... This is YOUR LIFE!
Vrtoglave godine: Europa, 1900.–1914.
Vrtoglave godine: Europa, 1900.–1914.
Philipp Blom
Biografia sugereaz?, ?n chip aproape inevitabil, prin relatarea cronologic? a faptelor vie?ii acelui individ, ?ncep?nd de la na?tere ?i continu?nd cu experien?ele tr?ite pe parcursul anilor, c? evenimentele respective au avut o importan?? mai larg?, mai cuprinz?toare dec?t cele ale unui om oarecare, c? au contribuit, ?ntr-un fel sau altul, la scrierea istoriei acelor vremuri. ?n cazul lui Napoleon Bonaparte, merit? s? ne aplec?m ?i asupra mitologiei, ad?ug?nd-o impresiei generale, create de-a lungul deceniilor de nenum?ra?i istorici ?i biografi, conform c?reia ceea ce a contat ?n principal a fost omul ?nsu?i, viziunile ?i ambi?iile sale, ?i nu vremurile ?n care a tr?it ori circumstan?ele ?nt?lnite ?n cale. Pu?ine personaje istorice s-au bucurat de at?ta notorietate ?i de at?tea scrieri dedicate ?i pu?ine au fost descrise ?ntr-o manier? at?t de subiectiv?, prezent?nd ?ntrega istorie a epocii de parc? ar fi fost o reflectare a voin?ei ?i a dorin?ei de putere ?i de glorie a unui singur om. Din acest motiv poate c? ar fi mai ?n?elept ca, ?nainte de orice, s? ne oprim un pic ?i s? ?ncepem aceast? carte cu un soi de avertisment.
Othello, The Moor of Venice
Othello, The Moor of Venice
William Shakespeare
Othello, The Moor of Venice is a tragedy by William Shakespeare based on the short story "Moor of Venice" by Cinthio, believed to have been written in approximately 1603. The work revolves around four central characters: Othello, his wife Desdemona, his lieutenant Cassio, and his trusted advisor Iago. Attesting to its enduring popularity, the play appeared in 7 editions between 1622 and 1705. Because of its varied themes — racism, love, jealousy and betrayal — it remains relevant to the present day and is often performed in professional and community theatres alike. The play has also been the basis for numerous operatic, film and literary adaptations.
Omul ultra. De la supraponderal, la campion de anduran??
Omul ultra. De la supraponderal, la campion de anduran??
Rich Roll
Cartea care a schimbat vie?ile a milioane de oameni Jocul A?adar, vedem c?, pentru a juca cu succes jocul vie?ii, trebuie s? ne antren?m facultatea de a ne imagina. Un om cu aceast? abilitate, antrenat s? ??i imagineze doar binele, va atrage ?n via?a sa ?toate dreptele dorin?e ale inimii“ – s?n?tate, bog??ie, iubire, prieteni, expresia perfect? a sinelui, idealurile cele mai ?nalte. Imagina?ia a fost supranumit? ?foarfeca min?ii“, care taie ?i taie, zi dup? zi, imaginile v?zute, iar omul ??i ?nt?lne?te propriile crea?ii, mai devreme sau mai t?rziu, ?n lumea exterioar?. Pentru a ?i antrena cu succes imagina?ia, omul trebuie s? ?n?eleag? cum ?i func?ioneaz? mintea. Grecii au spus ?Cunoa?te te pe tine ?nsu?i!“ Exist? trei planuri ale min?ii: subcon?tientul, con?tientul ?i supracon?tientul. Subcon?tientul este, pur ?i simplu, putere f?r? direc?ie. El este ca aburul sau electricitatea ?i face ceea ce este direc?ionat s? fac?; el nu are putere s? influen?eze. Tot ceea ce omul simte profund sau imagineaz? cu claritate este imprimat ?n subcon?tient ?i este executat ?n cele mai mici detalii. Iubirea Adev?rata iubire este dezinteresat? ?i eliberat? de team?. Ea se revars? asupra obiectului afec?iunii ei f?r? a cere nimic ?n schimb. Bucuria ei se g?se?te ?n bucuria de a d?rui. Iubirea este Dumnezeu manifestat ?i cea mai puternic? for?? magnetic? din univers. Iubirea pur?, lipsit? de egoism, atrage ceea ce ?i apar?ine; nu trebuie s? caute sau s? cear?. Foarte pu?ini au o vag? idee despre adev?rata iubire. Omul este egoist, tiranic ?i tem?tor ?n afec?iunile lui, pierz?nd astfel obiectul iubirii lui. Gelozia este cel mai r?u du?man al iubirii, c?ci imagina?ia se dezl?n?uie?te, v?z?nd fiin?a iubit? atras? de altcineva, ?i, inevitabil, aceste temeri devin realitate dac? nu sunt neutralizate.
Parada de Pa?te
Parada de Pa?te
Richard Yates
O ?nt?lnire ?nt?mpl?toare ?ntre dou? femei singure, de condi?ii diferite, duce la o poveste de dragoste pasional? ?n acest roman-cult scris de Patricia Highsmith. Therese, o t?n?r? v?nz?toare ?ntr-un mare magazin, care viseaz? la o via?? mai bun?, ?i Carol, o femeie ?nst?rit? aflat? ?n mijlocul unui divor? amar, abandoneaz? rutina ap?s?toare de zi cu zi, aleg?nd libertatea de a c?l?tori ?i dragostea neconven?ional?. Dar fericirea nou descoperit? este spulberat? atunci c?nd Carol este obligat? s? aleag? ?ntre feti?a ei ?i noua sa iubit?... ?Un roman despre c?utarea dragostei ?i a adev?ratei fericiri, scris ?ntr-un stil vibrant ?i plin de tensiune.” The Sunday Times ?O carte care pune ?n discu?ie un subiect exploziv, cu sinceritate ?i bun-gust.” New York Times ?Are tensiunea unui thriller ?i farmecul unei pove?ti de dragoste.” Val McDermid Romanul Carol a fost ecranizat de regizorul Todd Haynes ?ntr-un film de excep?ie, cu Cate Blanchett ?i Rooney Mara ?n rolurile principale.
Siajul mor?ii. Ultima c?l?torie a navei Lusitania
Siajul mor?ii. Ultima c?l?torie a navei Lusitania
Erik Larson
i-a dorit o aventur. Dar nu i-a imaginat c va ajunge att de departe. Totul ncepe cu un reality-show. Doisprezece concureni sunt trimii n pdure pentru a fi supui unor provocri extrem de dure. n rstimp, lumea e devastat de o catastrof, despre care, izolai de societate, concurenii nu tiu nimic. Cnd d ntmpltor peste anumite indicii, tnra Zoo, una dintre participante, i imagineaz c totul face parte din joc. Singur i dezorientat, ea refuz totui s se dea btut. Ptrunznd tot mai adnc ntr-un teritoriu necunoscut, Zoo i testeaz toate abilitile de supravieuire. Dar, pe msur ce puterile i scad, ea ncepe s neleag c lumea real s-a schimbat n mod neateptat i c viaa ei depinde acum de capacitatea de a dezlega aceast enigm. Sofisticat i provocator, Supravieuitoarea pune n discuie rolul jucat de mass-media n mecanismul prin care desprim realitatea de nchipuire: ct de pripit emitem judeci de valoare i ct de uor ne lsm manipulai. n Supravieuitoarea, dou dintre obsesiile noastre contemporane – ameninarea unei catastrofe globale i drama reality-show-urilor – se contopesc ntr-o poveste plin de imaginaie despre psihicul uman afectat de stres. Un debut lipsit de compromisuri i provocator.” Justin Cronin Romanul Alexandrei Oliva este, la fel ca Jocurile foamei, plin de suspans i profund tulburtor.” Rosamund Lupton
C?nd ?nflore?te liliacul
C?nd ?nflore?te liliacul
Hall, Kelly Martha
G?nde?ti exagerat de mult ?nainte de a ac?iona? E?ti ?nclinat s? faci previziuni negative? ??i faci griji c? e posibil s? se ?nt?mple ce poate fi mai r?u? Te afecteaz? prea tare feedbackul negativ? E?ti foarte autocritic? Dac? r?spunsul este afirmativ, suferi de anxietate. Vestea bun? este c? po?i ?nv??a s? ??i gestionezi capcanele anxiet??ii – ezitarea excesiv? ?nainte de a ac?iona, reflectarea ?ndelungat? ?i ?ngrijorarea, perfec?ionismul paralizant, teama de feedback ?i critic? ?i evitarea (inclusiv procrastinarea). R?spunde mai ?nt?i la chestionarele care te vor ajuta s? apreciezi ?n ce stadiu te afli ?n raport cu un blocaj specific anxiet??ii, apoi afl? ce schimb?ri de g?ndire ?i modific?ri comportamentale ??i recomand? autoarea. Bazate pe principiile terapiei cognitiv?comportamentale, acestea pot fi folosite ?n via?a de zi cu zi pentru a dep??i blocajele ?i a avea succes ?n rela?ii, at?t ?n via?a personal?, c?t ?i ?n cea profesional?.
The Lost World
The Lost World
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Lost World is a novel released in 1912 by Arthur Conan Doyle concerning an expedition to a plateau in South America where prehistoric animals (dinosaurs and other extinct creatures) still survive. The character of Professor Challenger was introduced in this book. Interestingly, for a seminal work of dinosaur-related fiction, the animals only occupy a small portion of the narrative. Much more time is devoted to a war between early human hominids and a vicious tribe of ape-like creatures.
Cum s? scapi de anxietate
Cum s? scapi de anxietate
Alice Boyes
De peste 160 de ani, impozanta Cavendon Hall este re?edin?a a dou? familii ale c?ror destine s-au ?ntrep?truns inexorabil: aristocra?ii Ingham ?i slujitorii lor loiali, membrii familiei Swann Charles Ingham, al ?aselea conte de Mowbray, locuie?te aici cu so?ia lui Felicity ?i cu cei ?ase copii. Lady Daphne, cea mai frumoas? dintre cele patru fiice ale contelui, se preg?te?te s?-?i fac? debutul ?n ?nalta societate, iar acest eveniment capteaz? aten?ia ?ntregii familii. ?ns? cineva ?i-a pus ?n g?nd s? distrug? totul ? ?i a ales cel mai crud mod cu putin??. Consecin?ele pot fi dezastruoase at?t pentru via?a ?i reputa?ia frumoasei tinere, c?t ?i pentru ?ntreaga familie ?i pentru numele de Ingham. Re?ntoarcerea lui Hugo Ingham Stanton, v?rul primar al contelui, alungat de la Cavendon Hall cu ?aisprezece ani ?n urm? de c?tre propria mam?, va fi pentru Lady Daphne nu numai o salvare providen?ial?, ci ?i g?sirea unei iubiri pentru o via??. Sub amenin?area Primului R?zboi Mondial, familiile Ingham ?i Swann vor fi supuse unor ?ncerc?ri pe care nu le-ar fi crezut niciodat? posibile – loialit??i vor fi puse sub semnul ?ntreb?rii, secrete vor fi dezv?luite ?i iubiri vor fi tr?date. ?n acele vremuri pline de incertitudini, un singur lucru este sigur: pentru cele dou? familii, via?a nu va mai fi niciodat? la fel. Roman a c?rui ac?iune se desf??oar? pe o perioad? de ?aisprezece ani, ?ntre 1913 ?i 1929, Cavendon Hall nu-i va dezam?gi pe cititorii Barbarei Taylor Bradford. ?Fani Downton Abbey, preg?ti?i-v?! Ac?iunea urm?torului bestseller al Barbarei Taylor Bradford se petrece ?n Anglia edwardian?, unde membrii familiei Swann i-au slujit cu credin?? pe aristocra?ii Ingham vreme de secole. Dar, odat? cu Primul R?zboi Mondial, totul se schimb?…” Library Journal ?Barbara Taylor Bradford scrie o saga clasic? despre loialit??i, secrete, pasiuni ?i intrigi. O carte pentru fanii Downton Abbey.” Mail Online ?n cele aproape patru decenii de carier?, Barbara Taylor Bradford a scris 35 de bestselleruri, v?ndute ?n 92 de milioane de exemplare, ?n 90 de ??ri ?i traduse ?n 40 de limbi. Zece dintre romanele sale au fost ecranizate, bucur?ndu-se, ca ?i c?r?ile, de un succes remarcabil.
The Sign of the Four
The Sign of the Four
Arthur Conan Doyle
First published in 1890, The Sign of Four is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's second book starring legendary detective Sherlock Holmes. The story is complex, involving a secret between four ex-cons from India and a hidden treasure. More complex than the first Holmes novel, The Sign of Four also introduces the detective's drug habit and leaves breadcrumbs for the reader that lead toward the final resolution.
Through the Magic Door
Through the Magic Door
Arthur Conan Doyle
Through the Magic Door (1907) is an essay by Arthur Conan Doyle: his subject is the charisma and charm of books. Doyle invites readers to enjoy the greatest minds of all times through what they have left behind and argues that, when we read, the selfishness and hopelessness of the world can be left behind.
How to Write a Bestseller: No Mistakes Writing, Volume II
How to Write a Bestseller: No Mistakes Writing, Volume II
Giacomo Giammatteo 
So you've written a book. Big deal. Did you write one good enough to sell? Will it sell? There are millions of books out there. Why should readers buy yours? Before you put your book up for sale, before you even finish writing, you should read this book. Find out what you're doing wrong, and what you're doing right. Discover why character development and editing are everything. And learn to make your readers laugh and cry. ?
Surviving a Stroke—or Two: The Secret to Recovery
Surviving a Stroke—or Two: The Secret to Recovery
Giacomo Giammatteo 
Having a stroke isn't bad. I didn't even know it was happening. It's afterward that all the fun starts. When you can't move or talk—even blink your eyes. That's a scary feeling. This book is a record of my journey—how the strokes happened—and more importantly, the long road to recovery ?
Arhive secrete, secretele arhivelor vol I
Arhive secrete, secretele arhivelor vol I
Gh. Buzatu
C??tig?tor al Michael L. Printz Honor Award"Cel mai bun roman pentru adolescen?i al anului 2015" - Boston Globe"Cea mai bun? carte a anului 2015" - Kirkus Reviews"Hubbard surprinde perfect toat? fr?m?ntarea primei iubiri, bucuria prieteniei ?i rela?ia complicat? dintre adolescen?i ?i adul?i." – VOYAPaul Wagoner, elev ?n ultimul an de liceu, intr? ?n ?coal? cu o arm? furat?, ??i amenin?? iubita, pe Emily Beam, apoi ??i ia via?a.Emily, furioas? ?i cople?it? de vin?, este trimis? la ?coala cu internat Amherst, unde dou? colege ciudate ?i spiritul lui Emily Dickinson ?i sar ?n ajutor.Dar Emily trebuie s? g?seasc? ?n ea ?ns??i for?a de a-?i vindeca sufletul r?nit, de a afla binele din spatele r?ului, speran?a din spatele disper?rii ?i promisiunea prim?verii, odat? cu ultima z?pad?."Gra?ioas? ca o pan? dus? de v?nt, aceast? poveste plin? de lirism vorbe?te despre experien?a vindec?rii ?n urma unei tragedii." - Kirkus Reviews"Z?pada mieilor e o mic? bijuterie. Aduce ?n scen? un personaj feminin puternic, care se str?duie?te din r?sputeri s? treac? peste un eveniment dureros din via?a ei." - School LibraryJournal"Stilul lui Hubbard e elegant ?i emo?ionant." - Publisher’s Weekly"Romanul acesta ?mbin? proza ?i poezia ?ntr-un mod aparte, iar efectul este uluitor." - Booklist
The Fat and the Thin
The Fat and the Thin
Emile Zola
The third novel in Zola's twenty-volume series entitled "Les Rougon-Macquart," this story revolves around and within the 21-acre market Les Halles Centrales of Paris. The starving scholar Florent has escaped his unwarranted exile on Devil's Island, and he is alternately entranced and disgusted by his refuge in 'the belly of Paris.' Zola describes the market and Florent's experiences in the midst of it with his characteristically captivating comprehension, foreshadowing the total mastery of working-class speech in his later works. Florent makes a friend of Claude Lantier, a painter who explains the battle being waged in the vast Central Markets between the 'fat' burghers and 'thin' lower class, in which Florent is soon embroiled. He is a man caught between the fat and the thin, and this lack of allegiance leads to painful condemnation and Florent's ultimate disintegration. Presented here is the somewhat expurgated 1895 translation of Ernest Alfred Vizetelly, entitled "The Fat and the Thin".