From the Earth to the Moon
From the Earth to the Moon
The Alchemist
The Alchemist
The Gentle Art of Cooking Wives
The Gentle Art of Cooking Wives
Chapters of Opera
Chapters of Opera
Note-Book of Anton Chekhov
Note-Book of Anton Chekhov
Sea Power in its Relations of the War of 1812
Sea Power in its Relations of the War of 1812
The House in the Mist
The House in the Mist
The Old Stone House and Other Stories
The Old Stone House and Other Stories
A Strange Disappearance
A Strange Disappearance
Bouvard and Pecuchet
Bouvard and Pecuchet
Mansfield Park
This Point Blank Classics edition includes the full original text as well as exclusive images exclusive to this edition and an easy to use interactive table of contents. Mansfield Park is a novel by Jane Austen, written at Chawton Cottage between February 1811 and 1813. It was published in May 1814 by Thomas Egerton, who published Jane Austen's two earlier novels, Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice. When the novel reached a second edition in 1816, its publication was taken over by John Murray, who also published its successor, Emma. The main character, Fanny Price, is a young girl from a large and relatively poor family, who is taken from them at age 10 to be raised by her rich uncle and aunt, Sir Thomas, a baronet, and Lady Bertram, of Mansfield Park. She had previously lived with her own parents, Lieut. Price and his wife, Frances (Fanny), Lady Bertram's sister. She is the second child and eldest daughter, with seven siblings born after her. She has a firm attachment to her older brother, William, who at the age of 12 has followed his father into the navy. With so many mouths to feed on a limited income, Fanny's mother is grateful for the opportunity to send Fanny away to live with her fine relatives. Mansfield Park is the most controversial of Austen's major novels. Regency critics praised the novel's wholesome morality, but many modern readers find Fanny's timidity and disapproval of the theatricals difficult to sympathise with and reject the idea (made explicit in the final chapter) that she is a better person for the relative privations of her childhood.
The Shoven Elect
Aliens have landed on the moon. The war for Earth has begun. Can we stop fighting each other long enough to save the planet!
The Analysis of Mind
This Point Blank Classics edition includes the full original text as well as exclusive images exclusive to this edition and an easy to use interactive table of contents.
The Last Tenant
This Housemartin Classics edition includes the full original text as well as an easy to use interactive table of contents.
The Time Machine
This Housemartin Classics edition includes the full original text as well as an easy to use interactive table of contents.
Paranormal Investigators 10 Paranormal Pioneers and The Modern Investigator
In Paranormal Pioneers and The Modern Investigator, we look at early pioneers such as Sir William Crookes, one of the world's great scientist who also happened to be a paranormal investigator. The remarkable Frederick Bligh Bond. The two men most responsible for the popularity of Paranormal investigations Jason Conrad Hawes and Grant Steven Wilson. Thanks to their Ghost Hunters show millions of people discovered the world of the paranormal investigators for the first time.
12 Winning Leadership Qualities
12 Winning Leadership Qualities
Black Pearls and Red Tide
The strange death of three young children in a small coastal village in far away Papua New Guinea in March 1972 did not rate a mention in the territory’s annual report that year to its Australian governors—let alone make a ripple in international ponds. Yet, it was an event of incredible proportions. It marked the end of a chain of knowledge that extended back more than 45,000 years; it heralded the beginning of an era of immense, baffling phenomena and disasters around the world; and it marked the rise of a deadly toxin from the seabed that would spread from country to country. The book works back in time to discover the origin of the toxin’s host, traces its emergence and bizarre spread from country to country with resulting deaths, and projects into the future the likely, unsettling to horrific, consequences for the world’s food security, already set irreversibly in motion. It is a story that encompasses much of the globe, from the Pacific islands to Asia—Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and the Philippines—to the Middle East—Persian Gulf and Red Sea, and the Egypt of the Pharaohs—to the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the Americas, and to Australia and Antarctica. It is a detective story too, about who or what killed the three children, taking us in helicopters, light planes, speedboats and a naval patrol vessel, and on underwater explorations. It is a romance spanning a period from the tail end of the Palaeolithic era, pausing for a less ancient exodus, that of the Jews from Egypt, and for Cleopatra’s—incredibly expensive as we will see—dinner with Marc Antony, and leap-frogging through events over the following two millennia via connections with Spanish kings, Napoleon Bonaparte, and the most famous pair to play the part of Cleopatra and Marc Antony in modern times: Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. Finally, it is the story of a young scientist sent unknowingly as a spy into Papua New Guinea shortly before its independence. How did he find himself enmeshed in the threads of this strange puzzle and what did he discover?
Sifat Zuhud & Kesabaran Dalam Pandangan Islam
Merasa cukup (qanaah) terhadap apapun yang kita peroleh memang gampang-gampang susah. Ego diri, kurang bersyukur serta melihat seseorang yang lebih tinggi dan memiliki dari kita adalah penyakit-penyakit yang semestinya harus kita obati. Kendati demikian, tak sedikit pula orang-orang di sekeliling kita yang memilih untuk zuhud meski ia memiliki banyak harta, jabatan yang tinggi dan kekayaan yang tak ada habisnya. Lalu, apa definisi zuhud yang sebenarnya? Zuhud dalam sesuatu (al-zuhd fi al-sya’i) menurut bahasa artinya berpaling dari sesuatu yang bersifat duniawi karena menganggapnya hina, remeh, dan yang lebih baik adalah tidak membutuhkannya. Di dalam Alquran banyak disebutkan tentang zuhud di dunia, kabar tentang kehinaan dunia, kefanaan dan kemusnahannya yang begitu cepat, perintah memperhatikan kepentingan akhirat, dan kabar tentang kemuliaan dan keabadiannya. Jika Allah menghendaki suatu kebaikan pada diri seorang hamba, maka Dia menghadirkan di dalam hatinya bukti penguat yang membuatnya bisa membedakan hakikat dunia dan akhirat, lalu dia memprioritaskan mana yang lebih penting……