The Balintol Cycle II: The fourteenth Dray Prescot omnibus
If you are prepared to hurl yourself into adventure, to face peril with a brave heart, to risk all, then the marvelous world of Kregen offers you everything you have ever dreamed. For Dray Prescot the challenges are enormous. His task is to unite the sub-continent of Balintol against the Shanks, but the megalomaniac striving for power of various factions looks set to send Balintol up in flames. Scourge of Antares Prescot has uncovered some of the details of a plot by the cultists of the religion of Dokerty to turn ordinary men and women into receptacles for demons, who then destroy wantonly until the frail human body can no longer support the intolerable demonic forces. Now he has escaped from the Dokerty temple with a mysterious young woman, Veda. They are fleeing for their lives as the Suns of Scorpio descend into night... Challenge of Antares Born in 1775, Dray Prescot joined the Royal Navy as a boy when his father died from the sting of a scorpion, and his mother followed soon after. Life in Nelson's Navy, harsh, intolerant, formed and molded him. He has been consistently passed over for promotion, even though he has fought his way from the lower deck through the hawsehole to the quarterdeck. He considers himself a failure. Just recently he has been experiencing unsettling dreams... Wrath of Antares The rulers of the countries of Balintol, and the people trying to usurp them, appear to care only for their own ambitions. Having saved the Illusionist of Winlan and preserved the Wall that retains the demon monsters created by Khon the Mak's Dokerty priests, Prescot now realizes to his profound horror that the phantom of his wife Delia he saw buried by falling rock was no apparition... Includes a glossary of the entire Balintol cycle.

The Pandahem Cycle II: The ninth Dray Prescot omnibus
Four hundred light years from Earth, Kregen is a marvelous world, peopled by wonderful beings, filled with the light and clamor and furor of life lived to the hilt. But Kregen has its darker side, where horror and terror bind innocent people, where sorceries rend reason, where injustice denies light. Down in the island of Pandahem, Prescot and his comrades, having burned a temple or two, must now press on and open a fresh campaign against the Silver Wonder. Of course, life is not as simple as that, particularly on the horrific and fascinating world of Kregen where, under the mingled streaming radiance of the Suns of Scorpio, the unexpected is always to be expected. Containing the novels: Talons of Scorpio Masks of Scorpio Seg the Bowman This edition includes a glossary of the Pandahem cycle and the short story “Green Shadows”

The Havilfar Cycle II: The third Dray Prescot omnibus
In the first Havilfar Cycle omnibus, Dray Prescot was launched headlong into a brand-new series of adventures upon the planet of Kregen, that marvelous and beautiful, mystical and terrible world four hundred light-years away beneath the Suns of Scorpio. Now Hamal, the greatest power in Havilfar, is bent on conquest, and Prescot hates the Hamalese because he slaved in their diabolical Heavenly Mines. His mission is to discover the secrets of the Hamalese airboats for his own people. Bladesman of Antares: The problem with being a spy is that you have to make friends with the enemy. Dray Prescot, Earthman, who had become prince of Vallia, was the kind of man who always stood by his friends. So in his quest to learn the war secrets of Hamal, empire of the aircraft-makers, Dray found himself not only becoming comrade to some of its greatest warriors but of championing the very life of its cruelly beautiful queen. Although Dray's devotion to his glorious princess Delia never flags, his mission, and his life, is perilously balanced upon the razor-edged blades of loyalty versus duty... Avenger of Antares: For a brief but wonderful moment it seemed as if Dray Prescot was on the road to victory, but he has not fulfilled the mission of the unseen Star Lords, and until he does there can be no escape from peril! And peril arrives in the form of hideous sea raiders, in the sharp edges of the dueling blades of a swordsman enemy, and in the horrid rites of the underground cult of the Silver Leem. Armada of Antares: All of the electrifying aspects of Dray Prescot's adventurous life on Kregen were to climax when the armies of Havilfar made their move toward his adopted homeland. But he has yet to fully solve the secret of their mysterious air fleets. Armada of Antares is the culmination of his experiences on Kregen so far. A peril-pitched novel of an alien world stirred up to a life-or-death frenzy. This edition contains a glossary to the Havilfar Cycle.

The Krozair Cycle: The fourth Dray Prescot omnibus
Kregen, that grim and beautiful, marvelous and terrible world four hundred light-years away beneath the red and green fires of Antares is a world too rich in passion and action to allow a fighting man like Dray Prescot to rest for long. Once more, then, he is launched into fresh adventures, but this time there is a hiatus which might easily break a man of lesser fire and spirit... The Tides of Kregen: Of all the honours that Dray Prescot, Earthman, has won during his fabulous adventures on Kregen, none are valued by him more than his membership in the Order of the Krozairs of Zy. The Krozairs are the highest order of chivalry on that turbulent planet, dedicated men, warriors of stern convictions and unflinching hearts. Thus, when the Krozairs in their hour of need called on all their far-flung members for aid, he should have gone. But he could not. His return from Earth was blocked by the anger of the mysterious Star Lords. And before Dray Prescot can achieve redemption, he has two armies opposed to him, two warring kingdoms naming him outlaw, and only the tides of the seven moons as a weapon... Renegade of Kregen: Never before in his adventurous career under the double suns of Antares has Dray Prescot been in as desperate a situation as he finds himself on his second entry into the city of Magdag. Magdag was the scene of one of Prescot's earliest experiences on Kregen and he recalled it with loathing as a city of power-lusting slavers, of decadent worshippers of the Green Sun. As one who had been initiated into the chivalric order of Krozairs, he despises all that the city stood for. But now Prescot is an outcast. Any Krozair, any follower of the Red Sun of his former friends, will slay him on sight. For him there is only one way to recover his home, his children, his self-respect. He would have to perform an act of valor so extreme, so fabulous, that its glory would wash away all that now stains his name. Only by reaching to the very heart of mighty Magdag could he hope to achieve such a suicidal triumph... Krozair of Kregen: Dray Prescot has been condemned by his old enemies whose battle color is the green of the sun Grodno. For while among these slavers and conquerors of the green, searching for a way to turn the tide of war to his own redemption and his friends' advantage, he had personally encountered the deadly animosity of Grodno's king, had betrayed his champion, and had shattered all he so carefully worked for. But he must soldier on. For, now, in addition to the enormous feat that alone would restore his honor, he has a blood vengeance to achieve that overrides everything. This edition contains the short story "Wizard of Scorpio", and a glossary to the Krozair Cycle.

The Western Front 1914–1916: From the Schlieffen Plan to Verdun and the Somme
The Western Front, running from the Belgian coast in the north to the Swiss border in the south, was to prove the decisive battlefront of World War I. It was where the great powers of Germany, France and the British Empire concentrated the bulk of their military might, and it was where many believed the war would be settled before Christmas 1914. The German General Staff realised the dangers of fighting a two-front war against both France and Russia simultaneously. They sought to knock the French out of the war quickly, making a rapid advance on Paris through neutral Belgium – the infamous 'Schlieffen Plan'. After desperate delaying actions fought by the French and British armies, the German hope for swift victory in the West was thwarted by their defeat at the First Battle of the Marne. Following a 'Race to the Sea' – where each side sought to outflank the other, culminating in the battles of First Ypres and the Yser – the Western Front settled down into a pattern of trench warfare that would remain little changed until 1917. The year 1915 proved one of frustration for the Allies as attack after attack – in Champagne, at Neuve Chapelle, Festubert and Loos – all failed to pierce the German defensive lines. To break the deadlock, a joint Allied offensive was planned for 1916 with simultaneous attacks against the Central Powers to take place in all the European theatres. This planned major effort was pre-empted by the German assault on the fortress city of Verdun, intended to bleed the French Army dry. The joint Somme offensive thus became a largely British and Imperial affair to relieve the pressure on their French allies. The blooding of Kitchener's volunteer New Army on the first day of the Somme has become a byword for the slaughter on the Western Front. By the year's end, it was clear there would be no easy victory for either side. With the aid of over 300 photographs, complemented by full-colour maps, The Western Front 1914–1916 provides a detailed guide to the background and conduct of the conflict on the Western Front in the first half of the war, up to and including the Battles of the Somme and Verdun.

Social Psychological Aspects of War and Violent Conflict
Social Psychological Aspects of War and Violent Conflict

My Life is My Responsibility: Insights for Conscious Living
My Life is My Responsibility: Insights for Conscious Living

Quinta Mazatlan: A Visual Journey
Quinta Mazatlan: A Visual Journey

Everyday Productivity
Everyday Productivity

Reverse Speech In Theory and Practice
Reverse Speech In Theory and Practice

Odiseea pl?cilor memoriale
O edi?ie definitiv? a romanului Ruptura, ap?rut ?n anul 2004 la Editura Albatros. Av?nd ca subiect rememorarea unei iubiri de la sf?r?itul anilor ?aizeci, romanul a fost bine primit de critica literar? ?i a avut un semnificativ succes de public. Autorul reconstituie, din fr?nturi de imagini ?i amintiri disparate, fulgurante, persist?nd din vremea studen?iei sale bucure?tene, contextul ?n care s-a ?ndr?gostit de una dintre colegele de la forma?ia de dansuri a Universit??ii, dar totul s-a curmat prea cur?nd, datorit? inabilit??ii tinere?ti a celor doi parteneri, care nu au reu?it s? ocroteasc? abia-izbucnita flac?r? a dragostei lor. Este totodat? repunerea ?n discu?ie a unor op?iuni ale acelor vremuri, diferit abordate de fiecare ?n parte. Dar este mai ales aplecarea cu devo?iune asupra unor amintiri de la grani?a cu uitarea propriu-zis?, dup? patru decenii, a sentimentului ce se ?nfiripase, la ?nflorirea spiritual? a celor doi adolescen?i. ?Cu timpul ajungi s? ?n?elegi ?n alt fel raporturile dintre amintire ?i uitare, scrie autorul. Amintirea pare doar c? se afl? la cheremul uit?rii, dar de fapt adesea reu?e?te s? i se sustrag?, revenind ?n mod prodigios, atunci c?nd nu mai aveai nicio speran??, cu scena de o prospe?ime extraordinar?. Degeaba ne temem de uitare, ?mi spun, c?t? vreme amintirile ??i mai amintesc de noi! Ci abia c?nd amintirile nu mai vor s? ?tie de noi ?i refuz? s? ne mai viziteze, abia atunci uitarea se poate l?uda c? a ?nvins definitiv.“

Business For Authors:How to be an Author Entrepreneur
Are you ready to take the next step in your author journey? Art for the sake of art is important. Writing for the love of it, or to create something beautiful on the page, is absolutely worthwhile and critical to expand the sum of human expression. But I’m not here to talk about creativity or the craft of writing in this book. My aim is to take the result of your creativity into the realm of actually paying the bills. To take you from being an author to running a business as an author.I was a business consultant for 13 years before I gave up my job in September 2011 to become a full-time author-entrepreneur. I worked for large corporates and small businesses, implementing financial systems across Europe and Asia Pacific. I’ve also started a number of my own businesses ”" a scuba dive charter boat in New Zealand, a customized travel website, a property investment portfolio in Australia as well as my freelance consultancy. I’ve failed a lot and learned many lessons in my entrepreneurial life and I share them all in this book. In the last six years of being an author, through tempestuous changes in the publishing world, I've learned the business side of being a writer and I now earn a good living as an author-entrepreneur. I’m an author because it's my passion and my joy but also because it's a viable business in this age of global and digital opportunity. In the book, you will learn: Part 1: From Author To Entrepreneur The arc of the author’s journey, definition of an author-entrepreneur, deciding on your definition of success. Plus/ should you start a company? Part 2: Products and Services How you can turn one manuscript into multiple streams of income by exploiting all the different rights, various business models for authors and how to evaluate them, information on contracts, copyright and piracy. Plus/ putting together a production plan. Part 3: Employees, Suppliers and Contractors The team you need to run your business. Your role as author and what you’re committing to, as well as co-writing. Editors, agents and publishers, translators, book designers and formatters, audiobook narrators, book-keeping and accounting, virtual assistants. Plus/ how to manage your team. Part 4: Customers In-depth questions to help you understand who your customers are and what they want, as well as customer service options for authors. Part 5: Sales and Distribution How to sell through distributors and your options, plus all the information you need to sell direct. ISBNs and publishing imprints ”" do you need them? Plus/ your options for pricing. Part 6: Marketing Key overarching marketing concepts. Book-based marketing including cover, back copy and sales pages on the distributors. Author-based marketing around building your platform, and customer-based marketing around your niche audience and targeted media. Part 7: Financials Revenues of the author business and how to increase that revenue. Costs of the author business and funding your startup. Banking, PayPal, accounting, reporting, tax and estate planning. Part 8: Strategy and Planning Developing your strategy and business plan. Managing your time and developing professional habits. The long-term view and the process for becoming a full-time author. Plus/ looking after yourself. Part 9: Next StepsQuestions from the book to help you work out everything to do with your business, plus encouragement for your next steps.Appendices, Workbook and Bonus Downloads including a workbook and business plan template.If you want to go from being an author to running a business as an author, download a sample or buy now.

ISO Internal Audit – A Plain English Guide
Let’s be realistic – it is human to make mistakes, so it’s impossible to have a system with no errors; it is, however, possible to have a system that improves itself and learns from its mistakes. Internal audits are a crucial part of such a system. In this book, Dejan Kosutic, an author, and experienced ISO consultant is giving away his practical know-how on ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 20000, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 13485, AS9100 and IATF 16949 internal audits. This book is written primarily for beginners in internal auditing and for people with moderate knowledge about internal audits. On the other hand, if you do have experience with internal audits, but you feel that you still have gaps in your knowledge, you’ll also find this book helpful. So, no matter if you are new or experienced in the field, this book gives you everything you will ever need to learn and more about internal audits. Inside you will find not just basic information about the internal audit and ISO 19011 but also information on how to create the internal audit checklist, how to write the internal audit report, what are the best technics for finding evidence during the audit, how to perform interviewing during the audit and much more. Kosutic uses real-life examples and plain English in order to explain everything that is necessary to completely understand how to perform an internal audit for all ISO management standards.

ISO 27001 Risk Management in Plain English
“Risk management is the central idea of ISO 27001. And, the way ISO 27001 tells you to achieve this tailor-made suit is to perform risk assessment and risk treatment.” This book, ISO 27001 Risk Management in Plain English, is a quick read for people who are focused solely on risk management. It has one aim in mind: to give you the knowledge and practical step-by-step process you need to successfully implement ISO 27001 risk assessment and treatment – without struggle, stress, or headaches. ISO 27001 Risk Management in Plain English is written primarily for beginners in this field and for people with moderate knowledge about risk assessment and treatment. It is structured in such a way that someone with no prior experience or knowledge about information security can quickly understand what it is all about, and how to implement the whole risk management project. However, if you do have experience with ISO 27001, but feel that you still have gaps in your knowledge, you’ll also find this book very helpful. This book will give you a complete overview of risk management according to ISO 27001. It will also explain the differences between risk management in ISO 27001 and other risk-oriented standards, such as ISO 27005 and ISO 31000. You will learn the five main steps in the risk management process, the purpose of risk assessment, and how to perform it. “In my experience, the employees (and the organization as a whole) are usually aware of only 25 to 40% of risks,” says author Dejan Kosutic. “Therefore, a thorough and systematic process needs to be carried out to find out everything that could endanger the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their information.” This book will serve as your complete guide to ISO 27001 risk management. From the simple explanation of requirements, steps in risk management, development of methodology, and which documents are required for risk management – you will quickly see that this is the only book you’ll ever need on the subject.

Calla's Story:(Creepy Hollow Books 4, 5 & 6)
The magic, mystery & adventure continue, ten years later ... When Calla Larkenwood is given the opportunity to realize her dream of becoming a guardian, she enters a world far more dangerous than she could ever have imagined. One foe is intent on bringing the Guild down for good, while another prepares for a horrifying prophesied spell that will forever change both the magic and non-magic realms. In a world where everyone keeps secrets and the line between good and bad has become blurred, how will Calla figure out whom to trust? Join beloved Creepy Hollow characters and new heroes in this thrill ride of heart-pounding action, startling revelations, and dangerous magic, beginning ten years after the events of The Faerie War. Includes the following THREE Creepy Hollow books: A Faerie’s Secret A Faerie’s Revenge A Faerie’s Curse THE COMPLETE CREEPY HOLLOW SERIES CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING BOOKS: Violet's Story 1. The Faerie Guardian 2. The Faerie Prince 3. The Faerie War Calla's Story 4. A Faerie's Secret 5. A Faerie's Revenge 6. A Faerie's Curse Emerson's Story 7. Glass Faerie 8. Shadow Faerie 9. Rebel Faerie

Flatland: Our Journey
Flatland: Our Journey

The Ides of Matt 2015
The Ides of Matt 2015

De Italiaanse Prinses: Een Hartendiefjes Verhaal
De Italiaanse Prinses: Een Hartendiefjes Verhaal

De Rijzende Ochtendster: Saga Van De Twee Prinsessen 2
De Rijzende Ochtendster: Saga Van De Twee Prinsessen 2

Amalia's droom: De saga Van Zon En Maan
Amalia's droom: De saga Van Zon En Maan

Wing Chun Kuen Awakening: The Disclosure (Book 2)
Wing Chun Kuen Awakening: The Disclosure (Book 2)