

7 Checklist Items for Success:A Guide to a Richer and More Successful Life
7 Checklist Items for Success:A Guide to a Richer and More Successful Life
Jean G Mathurin, M.D.
KIRKUS REVIEW A U.S. Navy physician shares his secrets for a more successful life in this self-help work. Mathurin conceived of his debut book when he realized how critical checklists are in the worlds of naval aviation and medicine. Itemized lists, he says, help avoid flight mishaps and operating room errors, so he wondered, “Why not apply this same concept to people’s lives to help them achieve their highest potential?” That epiphany resulted in this book—a kind of instruction manual for living that breaks achievement into seven “checklist items”: “Goals,” “Take Action,” “Courage to Consistently Commit,” “Value Resources,” “Investing in Yourself and Others,” “Giving Back,” and “Create a Legacy of Service to Others.” An introductory section helpfully explains each of the core concepts, in brief, and these same blocks of text are repeated at the beginning of each of seven chapters. The items themselves are unlikely to be new to most readers, as many of the ideas are common in self-help literature (such as “Have the courage to go the extra mile with everything that you do, each and every time”). But the presentation of the material feels more novel, as the overarching checklist concept isn’t taken literally; the book’s merit derives from the idea that one can systematically address several broad areas in the quest for a fuller life. At the very least, this notion gives the book a highly focused structure that makes it easy for readers to navigate.? Unsurprisingly, given the author’s military and medical background, there’s a sense of logic and precision to this book. Each chapter’s content is uniformly positive and always emphasizes proactivity, but it’s also clear that the book isn’t intended to highlight step-by-step procedure. Instead, it offers a wide-ranging, general discussion of each list item, using examples and personal anecdotes to illustrate specific points. To that end, Mathurin writes from a very personal perspective—sharing, for example, how he grew up in poverty in Haiti—and he explains with some eloquence how he used the principles that he lays out in his book to “transform [his] life from famine to abundance.” He writes with a great deal of insight, as well, offering not only accounts of his own experiences, but also the wisdom of others, such as investor Warren Buffett and the late self-help authors Zig Ziglar and Napoleon Hill. Mathurin’s style often takes an inspirational tone, as he exudes a sense of confidence in his approach to life: “Success,” writes Mathurin, “is only ten percent intention and ninety percent action.” About leading others, he writes, “always strive to be the leader you would want to follow; strive to be the calm voice in the midst of the chaos, and—while you are at it—strive to be the change that you want to see.” Finally, Mathurin stresses that you can “lay the path to your legacy by focusing on giving back the acts of kindness you have received along the way.”? A book of noble, sincere, and expressive advice for living.
The Spikatur Cycle: The seventh Dray Prescot omnibus
The Spikatur Cycle: The seventh Dray Prescot omnibus
Alan Burt Akers
Four hundred light years from Earth, Kregen is a marvelous world, peopled by wonderful beings, filled with light and clamor and furor of life lived to the hilt. But Kregen has its darker side, where horror and terror bind innocent people, where sorceries rend reason, where injustice denies light. The Spikatur Cycle brings Prescot closer to the realization of many of his dreams. He is determined to do what he feels is laid upon him; but he finds it is not so easy, particularly when the Empress Delia and his comrades are determined to keep him out of trouble. But, he is Dray Prescot, Lord of Strombor and Krozair of Zy, and that canny old leem hunter will not be prevented from buckling up the brave old scarlet breechclout and hurtling off beneath the Moons of Kregen into fresh headlong adventure with a sword in his fist... Containing the four novels: Beasts of Antares Rebel of Antares Legions of Antares Allies of Antares This book contains a glossary of the Spikatur cycle.
The Lohvian Cycle II: The twelfth Dray Prescot Omnibus
The Lohvian Cycle II: The twelfth Dray Prescot Omnibus
Alan Burt Akers
On the magnificent and mysterious, beautiful and terrible world of Kregen, a planet orbiting Antares four-hundred light-years from Earth, much may be achieved and much lost. Far more than merely a strong sword arm is required for victory. Far more than a cunning and devious brain is needed to secure success. Having won his princess, Delia of Delphond, Delia of the Blue Mountains, and having become the Emperor of Vallia with Delia at his side as Empress, Dray Prescot has renounced the crown and throne. Any thoughts of a quiet life are foolish, as he well knows. Among the many problems besetting him, the most important are uniting the lands of Paz and beating off the viciously hostile raiders from over the curve of the sea, the feared and hated Shanks. Containing three novels: Scorpio Ablaze Scorpio Drums Scorpio Triumph This edition includes a glossary to the Lohvian cycle.
The Western Front 1917–1918: From Vimy Ridge to Amiens and the Armistice
The Western Front 1917–1918: From Vimy Ridge to Amiens and the Armistice
Andrew Wiest
The History of World War I series recounts the battles and campaigns that took place during the 'Great War'. From the Falkland Islands to the lakes of Africa, across the Eastern and Western Fronts, to the former German colonies in the Pacific, the World War I series provides a six-volume history of the battles and campaigns that raged on land, at sea and in the air. Following the climactic battles of Verdun and the Somme the previous year, the Allies sought to finish the war on the Western Front in 1917 through a major French offensive designed to rupture the German front and roll up their position. This attack was to be supported by a diversionary British offensive at Arras in the north, which would draw off both German attention and their reserves. In the event, the French offensive in Champagne failed to deliver the promised breakthrough, leaving the French Army in a state of open mutiny. While French discipline recovered, the British Expeditionary Force took on the burden of the bulk of the fighting for the rest of the year. The need for an Allied offensive to take the pressure off the French resulted in the Third Battle of Ypres, more commonly known as Passchendaele. The battle degenerated into a slaughter in the Flanders mud thanks to heavy rain, and the only rays of light for the Allies at the end of 1917 were the arrival of fresh American troops on the Western Front, and the potential for a decisive victory shown by the use of armour at the Battle of Cambrai. However the Russian Revolution brought the fighting on the Eastern Front to an end, releasing numerous battle-hardened divisions to reinforce the Germans in the west. The year 1918 saw Germany launch her Spring Offensives, desperate attempts to defeat the Allies before the Americans could arrive in force. Although these assaults came close to breaking the Allied line, they eventually petered out in the face of determined resistance and over-extended supply lines. Following the Battle of Amiens in August, the Allies pressed onwards: the British in Flanders, the French and the Americans in the Meuse-Argonne region. By September it was obvious that Germany was losing the war, and the decision was made to sue for peace before Allied troops reached German soil. The Armistice came into force at 11am on the morning of 11 November 1918, although the war did not officially end until the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in June 1919. With the aid of over 300 black and white and colour photographs, complemented by full-colour maps, The Western Front 1917–1918 provides a detailed guide to the background and conduct of the conflict on the Western Front in the final years of World War I.
The Circle of Friends Series
The Circle of Friends Series
L. Diane Wolfe
Get inspired to achieve your dreams! ? Book I...Lori - Driven by Olympic dreams, the swimmer appears destined for success. But something is holding her back. Can the star quarterback help Lori break free and achieve her dreams? ? Book II...Sarah - There are no rewards for second best. Estranged from her father, envious of her best friend’s perfect life, Sarah’s unable to measure up to expectations. Can a future NFL receiver with baggage of his own make a difference? ? Book III...James - Haunted by a troubled past, he’s determined to break free of the abuse and start a life with Maria. When a life-changing crisis erupts, James nears the breaking point. Can he find peace before the mistakes of his father destroy him? ? Book IV...Mike - A prisoner of guilt for so long, he’s consumed with condemnation and unable to forgive himself. When Danielle enters his life, he can no longer hide the past. Will she be able to reach him or is Mike past the point of redemption? ? Book V...Heather - When confidence turns to frustration, she finds her dream of coaching basketball tarnished. Heather struggles with a dying father, a troublesome sister, and a cocky player. Can Mark help the feisty woman survive?
The Pandahem Cycle I: The eighth Dray Prescot omnibus
The Pandahem Cycle I: The eighth Dray Prescot omnibus
Alan Burt Akers
Four hundred light years from Earth, Kregen is a marvelous world, peopled by wonderful beings, filled with the light and clamor and furor of life lived to the hilt. But Kregen has its darker side, where horror and terror bind innocent people, where sorceries rend reason, where injustice denies light. Called to be the Emperor of Vallia, Dray Prescot, with his comrades, has vanquished poor old mad Thyllis, Empress of Hamal, and now seeks to create a fresh and lasting unity among all the nations of Paz. They all face a common foe in the Shanks, the Fishheads who raid their coasts. And, there are worms within the bud, secret enemies who desire only to drag all down for their own selfish ends... Containing three novels: Mazes of Scorpio Delia of Vallia Fires of Scorpio This edition includes the short story “Lallia the Slave Girl”.
The Witch War Cycle: The tenth Dray Prescot omnibus
The Witch War Cycle: The tenth Dray Prescot omnibus
Alan Burt Akers
On the magnificent and mysterious, beautiful and terrible world of Kregen, a planet orbiting Antares four-hundred light-years from Earth, much may be achieved and much lost. Far more than merely a strong sword arm is required for victory. Far more than a cunning and devious brain is needed to secure success. The island Empire of Vallia, sundered by internal dissension and invasion, is gradually reestablishing itself after the Times of Troubles, but the grouping of continents and islands called Paz are threatened by the Shanks, fish-headed reivers from over the curve of the world. Dray Prescot’s task is to unite all of Paz in alliance against the aggressors, but not all the people of Paz are willing to forget their old enmities. But in the passionate, shrewd, charismatic figure of Delia of Delphond, and his family and blade comrades, Prescot possesses riches past the mundane dreams of empire. Werewolves of Kregen: Having at last returned to his home empire, to his wife and his friends, Dray Prescot will learn that the vengeance of his defeated enemies has unleashed nine occult curses against Vallia. The first curse, the plague of murderous werewolves, takes Dray by surprise. Could his valor and courage stand up against an unprecedented onslaught of warring witchcraft? Witches of Kregen: When his new army was ready to march against the witch hordes, it rained frogs! That's the sort of thing Dray Prescot is up against in the war of the Nine Unspeakable Curses! He was struggling to gather together his shattered empire when the witchcraft hit. But he has wizards on his side, too, and very soon it becomes a battle of sheer courage, quick wits, and fast flying. Storm over Vallia: Drak, Crown Prince of Vallia, Dray Prescot's son, was sore beset on three sides. For one, he was leading an army of liberation against the usurper Alloran who had seized part of Vallia. For two, he was the target of a marriage plot by an allied queen, whose forces he needed desperately. For the third, he was in love with Silda, daughter of his father's loyal friend, Seg the Bowman. And Silda was now in Alloran's camp... Omens of Kregen: Dray Prescot must conquer the bloodthirsty forces of the would be king of North Vallia, while at the same time protecting the realm from the evil witch Csitra. Journeying to the witch's dark Maze of Coup Blag, Dray and his comrades must meet the challenge of this realm of traps and treasures, where death waits around every turn, and a wizardly battle of destruction is the price of winning free... Warlord of Antares: His empire endangered by the diabolical schemes of Csitra, Dray Prescot has been summoned by the powerful Star Lords who warn of a dread menace approaching from the South. Dray must take on all challengers to become the Warlord of Kregen, uniting his people against the dual threat of Csitra's deadly magic and a seemingly unstoppable invasion by the Shanks... This edition contains a glossary to the Witch War cycle.
The Chained Adept (1-2):A Lost Wizard's Tale
The Chained Adept (1-2):A Lost Wizard's Tale
Karen Myers
A bundle of books from The Chained Adept - Books 1-2. ---A STRONG WIZARD WITH UNANSWERED QUESTIONS AND A CHAIN AROUND HER NECK. The Chained Adept - Book 1 of The Chained AdeptPenrys’s past is unknown, but she’s got a better grip on her future: find out where she came from, discover what happened to her, and figure out how the unremovable chain around her neck makes her different from other wizards.What any of this has to do with the renewal of an ugly war between neighboring countries, half a world away, is just something she’ll have to sort out, along with the rumors of wizards where they don’t belong.Assuming, of course, that no one removes her as a threat before she can find her footing.All she wants is a firm foundation for the rest of her life, with a side helping of retribution, and if she has to fix things along the way, well, so be it.---AN ERRANT CHILD WITH DISASTROUS POWERS AND NO ONE TO STAND IN HER WAY. Mistress of Animals - Book 2 of The Chained AdeptPenrys, the wizard with a chain and an unknown past, is drafted to find out what has happened to an entire clan of the nomadic Zannib. Nothing but their empty tents remain, abandoned on the autumn steppe with their herds.This wasn't a detour she'd planned on making, but there's little choice. Winter is coming, and hundreds are missing.The locals don't trust her, but that's nothing new. The question is, can she trust herself, when she discovers what her life might have been? Assuming, of course, that the price of so many dead was worth paying for it.
The Chained Adept (3-4):A Lost Wizard's Tale
The Chained Adept (3-4):A Lost Wizard's Tale
Karen Myers
A bundle of books from The Chained Adept - Books 3-4. ---CHAINS WITHOUT WIZARDS AND A RISING COUNT OF THE DEAD. Broken Devices - Book 3 of The Chained AdeptThe largest city in the world has just discovered its missing wizards. It seems the Kigali empire has ignited a panic that threatens internal ruin and the only chained wizard it knows that’s still alive is Penrys.The living wizards and the dead are not her people, not unless she makes them so. All they have in common is a heavy chain and a dead past—the lives that were stolen from them are beyond recall.What remains are unanswered questions about who made them this way. And why. And what Penrys plans to do to find out.---SETTING A TRAP TO CATCH THE MAKERS OF CHAINED WIZARDS. On a Crooked Track - Book 4 of The Chained AdeptA clue has sent Penrys back to Ellech, the country where she first appeared four short years ago with her mind wiped, her body stripped, and her neck chained. It's time to enlist the help of the Collegium of Wizards which sheltered her then.Things don't work out that way, and she finds herself retracing a dead scholar's crooked track and setting herself up as a target to confirm her growing suspicions. But what happens to bait when the prey shows its teeth?In this conclusion to the series, tracking old crimes brings new dangers, and a chance for redemption.
Cavalerul templier
Cavalerul templier
Jan Guillou
Dr. Moalem spune poveti fascinante astfel nct cititorii s neleag uor complexitatea tiinei moderne a geneticii.“Dr. Temple Grandin, autorul crilor The Autistic Brain i Thinking in PicturesO carte revoluionar, care va transforma ceea ce nelegem despre noi nine i despre familiile noastre, dezvluind c tot ce credeam c tim despre genetic este greit:genele nu sunt fixe;trsturile pe care le motenim nu sunt de nemodificat;comportamentul nostru poate afecta modul n care genele sunt transmise copiilor notri.Am fost nvai c nu prea avem de ales n privina a ceea ce primim sau ceea ce transmitem mai departe, pentru c motenirea noastr genetic a fost fixat n momentul n care prinii ne-au conceput. Greit! Genele noastre sunt dinamice, unele se activeaz, altele se dezactiveaz, ca rspuns la ceea ce facem, vedem i simim. i toate aceste lucruri se pot schimba, ceea ce nseamn c i noi ne putem schimba. Genetic.Cartea aceasta este un ghid pentru aceast schimbare. Nu mai suntem nevoii s ne mulumim cu ceea ce ne-a fost dat. Putem s ne scriem singuri istoria!
Corporate paradoxes
Corporate paradoxes
Cristian Cojocaru
"---this fantasy of a night-black, dead planet, with the remains of the human race concentrated in a stupendously vast metal pyramid & besieged by monstrous, hybrid & altogether unknown forces of darkness, is something that no reader can ever forger" (H. P. Lovecraft)."One of the most potent pieces of macabre imagination ever written" -?H.P.Lovecraft. Lovecraft wasn't wrong: this is, perhaps, the greatest single work of fantastic fiction in the English language. The sun has died, as have the stars. Not a solitary light shines in the heavens. The days of light are nothing by a legend?-?they are a story told to soothe children. The last millions of humans still live in their Last Redoubt -?but the end of their days is at hand.
Min?i primejdioase
Min?i primejdioase
Alexandra Bracken
Friederich Nietzsche a fost un important filosof german, poet ?i critic al culturii. E celebru datorit? conceptului de ?voin?? de putere“, prin intermediul c?ruia a contestat etica tradi?ional?. N?scut ?n 1844 l?ng? Leipzig, Germania, a inspirat, prin intermediul teoriilor sale, oameni din toate domeniile, de la dansatori ?i poe?i la psihologi ?i revolu?ionari sociali?ti. ?n acest volum veti g?si fragmente din lucr?rile sale cele mai importante. Seria Lec?ii de via?? din The School of Life alege c?te un mare g?nditor ?i pune accentul pe acele idei ale sale care au o ?nsemn?tate profund? pentru noi, cei de ast?zi. C?r?ile din aceast? serie demonstreaz? c? voci importante din trecut ?nc? au lucruri fundamentale de transmis genera?iilor actuale.
Az angyal napja
Az angyal napja
Irina Muravjoja
Londonban él egy lány (Anna), és Budapesten egy fiú (Olivér). Mindenben kül?nb?znek, mint t?z és víz, mégis egymásba szeretnek. Helyzetüket távolságon és ellentéteken túl ügybuzgó barátok és segít?kész rokonok sora nehezíti. De hogy még ez se legyen elég, t?rténetüket egy férfi-n? szerz?páros írja meg, Olivér és Anna szemsz?géb?l. Másképp nem lehetne visszaadni ellentmondásos kapcsolatuk alakulását, és ett?l lesz az egész csiklandósan szórakoztató, romantikus és eredeti hangvétel?. No meg izgalmas, hiszen az utolsó oldalon is nyitva marad: vajon Anna vagy Olivér sztorija igaz?
Cel mai bun roman al tuturor timpurilor
Cel mai bun roman al tuturor timpurilor
Daniel Bănulescu
Col?i-Lungi. Uniunea triburilor
Col?i-Lungi. Uniunea triburilor
Alex Cuc
Planul de 28 de zile pentru creterea energiei i a imunitii i scderea n greutatePotrivit autorilor acestei cri, stilul nostru de via actual duce la o diminuare i chiar eliminare din alimentaie a micronutrienilor – vitamine i minerale eseniale pentru o sntate optim. Iar acest deficit cauzeaz majoritatea bolilor larg rspndite n prezent. Mira nsi sufer de osteoporoz avansat la vrsta de 30 de ani. Dar, cu ajutorul lui Jayson, a reuit s inverseze evoluia bolii prin terapie cu micronutrieni. Soii Calton au creat Miracolul micronutrienilor", un excepional program de vindecare general.CarteaMiracolul micronutrienilorne dezvluie adevrul despre ceea ce mnnci de fapt i motivul pentru care obiceiurile legate de stilul de via pot duce la epuizarea micronutrienilor. Ofer, de asemenea, un plan de 28 de zile pentru inversarea acestor efecte prin refacerea nivelurilor de micronutrieni. n carte gsim reete delicioase care pot fi adaptate diverselor stiluri de via: fr gluten, hipoglucidic, hipolipidic, vegan i Paleo.Deficitul de micronutrieni eseniali cauzeaz boli grave i cronice, cum ar fi osteoporoz, cancer, diabet, boli de inim, demen, obezitate i altele. Autorii au identificat cu precizie problema i ne ofer o soluie care ne ajut s scdem n greutate, s fim mai plini de energie i s inversm evoluia bolilor mai rapid dect am fi crezut vreodat." -Dr. Mark Hyman, autorul crii The Blood Sugar SolutionDac eti stresat, supraponderal, epuizat sau suferi de orice boal, citete aceast carte." -Dr. Sara Gottfried, autoarea bestsellerului The Hormone Reset DietMicronutrienii sunt adesea veriga care lipsete pentru meninerea unei snti optime. n aceast carte revoluionar, Mira i Jayson Calton ofer un plan eficient i uor de implementat, care te ajut s-i pstrezi supleea, tonusul muscular i s ai o sntate excelent." -JJ Virgin, autoarea bestsellerului The Sugar Impact Diet
Superimunitatea. F?r? injec?ii, f?r? medicamente, f?r? concedii medicale
Superimunitatea. F?r? injec?ii, f?r? medicamente, f?r? concedii medicale
Joel Fuhrman
E u?or s? te ba?i cu pumnul ?n piept c? iube?ti Rom?nia. E simplu s?-?i cumperi un fular ?n culorile tricolorului – ro?u, galben ?i albastru – ?i s? ie?i ?n pia?? de 1 Decembrie, la un pahar de vin gratis. E comod s? te cer?i ?n diferite grupuri pe Facebook cu ?nenoroci?ii care nu iubesc trupul patriei mam? ?i-l p?ng?resc“. E la ?ndem?n? s?-?i lipe?ti pe man?et? o etichet? care url? c? ?rom?nii sunt frumo?i“. E confortabil s? te ?mp?unezi cu reu?itele altor rom?ni, al?ii dec?t tine – fie c? vorbim despre filme rom?ne?ti premiate ?n lume, fie c? vorbim despre o echip? de fotbal sau ni?te liceeni olimpici la matematic?. E ideal s? spui, de acas?, din fotoliul t?u, scuip?nd o coaj? de s?m?n?? pe covor: ?E buni, domle, e rom?ni de-ai no?tri!“ Dar, de fiecare dat? c?nd e?ti tentat s? spui asta, pune-?i ?i ?ntrebarea: c?nd am f?cut, cu adev?rat, ceva real ?i personal PENTRU Rom?nia?
16 conferin?e despre traum?
16 conferin?e despre traum?
Crocq Louis
Mivel az informatika egyre inkább átsz?vi életünket, a szoftverek min?ségével kapcsolatos elvárások egyre magasabbak. Egy szoftver el?állítása azonban nem csak programozásból áll, és a programozóktól sem lehet elvárni emberfeletti képességeket, a megrendel? el nem mondott elképzelésének t?kéletesen megfelel?, teljesen hibamentes munkát, mivel csak az nem hibázik, aki nem is dolgozik. Az informatika világában a szoftvertesztel?k azok, akik a szoftverek min?ségéért dolgoznak. A szoftvertesztel?k?n óriási felel?sség nyugszik és folyamatosan elvárások kereszttüzében kell helytállniuk. Mégis, szoftvertesztelés nélkül a legt?bb szoftver el sem jutna a felhasználókig, vagy ha igen, akkor megjelenésük botrányokkal, valamint óriási anyagi és erk?lcsi veszteségekkel járna együtt, a rengeteg fel nem tárt programhiba miatt. Szoftvertesztelésre és tesztel?kre ezért mindenképp szükség van. K?nyvünk a professzionális szoftvertesztelés alapjaival ismerteti meg az olvasót, számos gyakorlati példával f?szerezve, mell?zve a száraz, pusztán technikai megk?zelítés? leírásokat, kezdve a szoftvertesztelés általános bemutatásától, a fogalmak ismertetését?l, majd részleteiben tárgyalva a szoftvertesztelést és annak helyét a fejlesztési folyamatokban. Segítségével jó adag gyakorlati ismerettel vértezhetjük fel magunkat, melynek során valódi, a tesztelést támogató alkalmazásokat ismerhetünk meg, biztos alapot nyújtva a szoftvertesztelésben elhelyezked? leend? és gyakorló szakembereknek a mindennapi munkájukhoz. A szoftverteszteléssel most ismerked? szakembereknek és laikusoknak kimondottan hasznos lehet ez a k?nyv, de fejleszt?k és cégvezet?k számára is tartogat hasznos információkat, melyek segítségével bevezethetik, illetve hatékonyabbá tehetik a szoftvertesztelést munkájuk során.
The Hounds of Annwn (3-5):A Virginian in Elfland
The Hounds of Annwn (3-5):A Virginian in Elfland
Karen Myers
A bundle of books from The Hounds of Annwn - Books 3-5. MORE VALUABLE AS A WEAPON THAN A KINGMAKER, HE MUST MAKE HIS OWN CHOICES TO SECURE THE FUTURE. King of the May – Book 3 of The Hounds of Annwn.? ? George Talbot Traherne, the human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, had hoped to settle into a quiet life with his new family, but it was not to be.? Gwyn ap Nudd, Prince of Annwn, has plans to secure his domain in the new world from the overbearing interference of his father Lludd, the King of Britain. The security of George's family is bound to that of his overlord, and he vows to help.? But when he and his companions stand against Lludd and his allies at court, disaster overturns all their plans and even threatens the Hounds of Annwn themselves. George and his patron, the antlered god Cernunnos, must survive a subtle attack that undermines them both.? Other gods and gods-to-be have taken an interest, but the fae are divided in their allegiances and fear the threat of deadly new powers in their unchanging lives. George and his companions must save themselves if they are to persuade their potential allies to help.? But how can they do so, attacked on so many fronts at once?? Will he put his family into greater jeopardy by trying to defend them? DISTURBING THE FAMILY SECRETS COULD BRING RUIN TO EVERYTHING HE’S WORKED SO HARD TO BUILD. Bound into the Blood – Book 4 of The Hounds of Annwn. George Talbot Traherne, the human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, is preparing for the birth of his child by exploring the family papers about his parents and their deaths.? When his improved relationship with his patron, the antlered god Cernunnos, is jeopardized by an unexpected opposition, he finds he must choose between loyalty to family and loyalty to a god. He discovers he doesn't know either of them as well as he thought.? His search for answers takes him to the human world with unsuitable companions. How will he keep a rock-wight safe from detection, or even teach her the rules of the road?? And what will he awaken in the process, bringing disaster back to his family on his own doorstep?? What if his loyalty is misplaced? Tales of Annwn – A Story Collection from The Hounds of Annwn. THE CALL: A very young Rhian discovers her beast-sense and rushes to the rescue of an errant hound. UNDER THE BOUGH: Angharad hasn’t lived with anyone for hundreds of years, but now she is ready to tie the knot with George Talbot Traherne, the human who has entered the fae otherworld to serve as huntsman for the Wild Hunt. As soon as she can make up her mind, anyway. NIGHT HUNT: George Talbot Traherne goes night hunting for fox in Virginia and thinks about the choices he has made. CARIAD: Benitoe and Luhedoc are off to fetch horses for the Golden Cockerel Inn in Edgewood. Luhedoc needs to relearn an important lesson about confidence. THE EMPTY HILLS: George Talbot Traherne shows a bit of the human world to family and friends, hoping to share some of the sense of wonder he discovered when he encountered the fae otherworld.
Weightlifting For Beginners
Weightlifting For Beginners
Dan Kent, Mihai Ivan
A complete step-by-step guide to weightlifting, including the snatch, clean and jerk, assistance exercises, mobility, nutrition and beginner training programmes.
Ghinioane ?i ?ncurc?turi
Ghinioane ?i ?ncurc?turi
Lee Child
Via?a e un vis. Apoi te treze?ti. Eu l-am inventat pe Max. Cel pu?in asta mi-am spus ?ntotdeauna. To?i b?rba?ii pe care i-am adorat ?nc? din copil?rie, combina?i ?ntr-un singur tip perfect. Problema e c? m-am ?n?elat. Pentru c? ?n u?a clasei, uit?ndu-se direct la mine, st? Max. Max al meu. Max cel din visele mele. Max al meu care nu exist? ?n realitate. De c?nd se ?tie, Alice ?l viseaz? pe Max, un b?iat pe care nu l-a ?nt?lnit niciodat?. ?mpreun? au c?l?torit prin toat? lumea, au c?l?rit pe elefan?i roz, s-au b?tut cu biscui?i ?n Muzeul Metropolitan de Art? ?i s-au ?ndr?gostit nebune?te, iremediabil, unul de cel?lalt. Max e b?iatul viselor ei (?i doar al viselor ei) p?n? ?n diminea?a ?n care ?l descoper? st?ndu-i al?turi la or?, c?t se poate de viu. Dar el habar nu are cine e Alice. C?nd te ?ndr?goste?ti ?n vis, mai poate realitatea s?-?i fie de ajuns? ??n mod evident, sunt perfect con?tient? c? par sut? la sut? ??c?nit? c?nd spun c? m-am ?ndr?gostit de un om pe care nu l-am ?nt?lnit niciodat?, care nici m?car nu exist?. Dar din moment ce nu-mi pot aminti o perioad? ?n care s? nu-l fi visat pe Max, mi-e greu s? fac diferen?a. Locurile se schimb?, la fel ?i pove?tile, ?ns? Max r?m?ne acela?i, ?nt?mpin?ndu-m? ?n fiecare vis cu z?mbetul lui pozna? ?i inima lui mare. El e sufletul meu pereche.“
Publishing Architect's Blueprint: Self-Publishing Fundamentals
Publishing Architect's Blueprint: Self-Publishing Fundamentals
Sherrie A. Wilkolaski
The Publishing Architect's Blueprint: Self-Publishing Fundamentals is a no-nonsense roadmap to publishing success for the author and small publisher alike. Both fiction and nonfiction authors will utilize this book as their publishing guide for print, e-book and audio titles. It maps the most direct route to publishing success in the most cost-effective manner, providing the indie publisher with the skills and approach of a traditional publisher and marketing strategy of a bestseller.