

Blood and Basketball
Blood and Basketball
Janice Greene
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Dale has a chance to "go pro" right out of high school. Will he make the grade? In spite of his youth, his skills are superb. Only his trouble-making brother stands between Dale and his lifetime dream. But his brother is all the family he has.
Rough Diamond: Turning Disruption Into Advantage in Business and Life
Rough Diamond: Turning Disruption Into Advantage in Business and Life
Nicole Yershon
In life you are most likely to regret that you didn’t do more of what you love...You will likely feel as though you spent your professional life getting up, going to the office and living the same day over and over, week after week, year after year, decade after decade. Ironically, it’s the same people who wind up regretting not doing more who spend their careers resisting change and shutting down creative ideas. I know, because I spent nearly two decades as a change agent in a large advertising agency.If you found your way to this book, chances are it’s because you have a fire in your belly, a hunger for change, and a belief in the transformative power of disruption. If you found this book, it’s probably because you know it’s time to shake things up but you’re not quite sure how.This book puts you on notice. You have it within your power to do more and be more, and I’m going to give you the tools to start. This is your opportunity to change your destiny, so you are the statistical anomaly - the Rough Diamond - who shines bright, even if unpolished, and savors each day for the opportunity it presents to innovate, connect and disrupt the status quo. "Ultimately, this book is about how to live a truthful life without regrets. It's about how to turn the inevitable disruptions into advantages - and in doing so - polish your own diamond."?(Nicole Yershon) Readers' reviews "A great insight into how to make things happen, nurture people in the workplace, and believe in yourself. Truly inspiring!" -?5 stars "This is not your typical business book and that's what makes it perfect" -?5 stars "Wonderfully inspiring!" -?5 stars About the AuthorNicole Yershon is a maverick, inspiration and the original rough diamond. She is, at once a consultant, speaker, judge, mentor and connector. She works on the front line of innovation - bringing organisations kicking and screaming into the 21st century. In that sense she properly defines disruption.Nicole is the founder of Lab For Hire? and before that the Ogilvy Labs – a dedicated Innovation unit of Ogilvy & Mather Group. Part of WPP Group plc.Just a few of the clients she has worked with over recent years. Amex, IBM, BP, Crimestoppers, Selfridges, Unilever, BA and Wetherspoons.
Acas? - ?n exil
Acas? - ?n exil
Aura Christi
16 somit??i din ?tiin?ele educa?iei î?i prezint? cele mai inovatoare cadre teoretice ?i cele mai influente contribu?ii din domenii precum achizi?ia con?inuturilor, dezvoltarea uman? sau studiul cultural ?i social al procesului înv???rii. Cu un accent aparte pus pe instruirea continu?, dar ?i pe natura experien?ial? ?i transformativ? a înv???rii, textele din acest volum familiarizeaz? profesorii ?i cercet?torii cu cele mai proaspete idei ?i curente din teoriile educa?iei. Dintre autorii de referin?? prezen?i în aceast? antologie nu lipsesc Howard Gardner, Jerome Bruner, Peter Jarvis, Etienne Wenger, Jack Mezirow ?.a. Înv??area e „treaba" tuturor: profesori ?i elevi din sistemul de educa?ie, adul?i angaja?i în procese de formare profesional?, manageri con?tien?i de avantajul comparativ dat de excelen?a ?i creativitatea angaja?ilor, consultan?i în procese de înv??are (traineri, mentori, consilieri). Knud Illeris ne pune la dispozi?ie o selec?ie excep?ional? de autori de mare prestigiu ?i texte fundamentale care au marcat în?elegerea pe care o avem azi cu privire la procesele de înv??are. Un motiv în plus s? „lu?m de bun?" aceast? carte este c? ilustreaz? perspectiva unui autor scandinav, iar sistemele de educa?ie ?i formare de acolo reu?esc s? îmbine cel mai bine performan?a în înv??are cu fericirea ?i starea de bine.- Prof. univ. dr. Lucian Ciolan, coordonatorul colec?iei „Educa?ie ?i formare", decanul Facult??ii de Psihologie ?i ?tiin?ele Educa?iei, Universitatea din Bucure?ti
No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home
Janet Lorimer
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Karen yearns to move back to her old apartment building- until she discovers that people are much more important than places.
Student Bodies
Student Bodies
Janet Lorimer
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Something downright creepy is happening on campus. When Jake's girlfriend, along with several other students mysteriously disappears, he does some research.
The Accuser
The Accuser
Anne Schraff
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Ricky is the only family Donyell Mason has left. When Ricky becomes a prime suspect in a terrible crime, Donyell sets about to clear his big brother.
The Experiment
The Experiment
Anne Schraff
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Psychology professor Odin Fruder has had it. He designs a very special project for his most disruptive students.
The House on the Hill
The House on the Hill
Janice Greene
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Devin purchases an old house with a secret past without consulting his new wife, Sarita. While Sarita detests her new home, Devin loves it and undergoes a serious personality change.
Janet Lorimer
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Malia MacLeod is part Hawaiian and part Haole, the Hawaiian word for Caucasian. Raised in Los Angeles, she returns to Oahu to teach high school and learn about her family's history.
Bus 99
Bus 99
Terri Thomas
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Normalcy gets turned on its head when the bus Jamal usually take takes to school enters a wrinkle in time and space. His father explains, "destiny has many paths." But what does that message mean- especially coming from a man who's been dead for 8 years?
Danger on Ice
Danger on Ice
Janet Lorimer
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! The police swore that the hulking serial killer was dead. Then Ken Hudson sees Leviathan standing right there in the doorway.
McCarthyism: Memories of a Blacklisted Bert Corona
McCarthyism: Memories of a Blacklisted Bert Corona
Michael J. Lynch, Carlos Larralde
McCarthyism: Memories of a Blacklisted Bert Corona
Alternative Minimum Tax (Pulliam)
Alternative Minimum Tax (Pulliam)
Pulliam Darlene
Alternative Minimum Tax (Pulliam)
Complete Horoscope 2020: Monthly Astrological Forecasts for Every Zodiac Sign fo
Complete Horoscope 2020: Monthly Astrological Forecasts for Every Zodiac Sign fo
Tatiana Borsch
In the second English edition of her popular annual horoscope series, leading Russian astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020, Borsch includes a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This complete 2020 Horoscope features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHORTatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
Many Reasons Why Black Women Don’t Wear Their Own Hair
Many Reasons Why Black Women Don’t Wear Their Own Hair
Francois Attadedji
MOST PEOPLE BELIEVED THAT BECAUSE BLACK WOMEN HAIR IS NAPPY, ZIPPY, CURLY, KINKY, TINY, WAVY, AND SHORT; THEY WEAR WIGS, WEAVES, EXTENSIONS, AND BRAIDS TO COVER IT UP. BUT THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN IN BLACK WOMEN SHOES. UNLIKE MOST PEOPLE, I DID MY HOMEWORK AND FOUND OUT IT’S NOT TRUE. Before I started writing this book, my preconceived notions as to why black women did not wear their natural hair, was wide-ranging.Since I had quite a few assumptions (which may or may not be true), I started looking for ways to know the truth about black women and their dislike of their natural hair. I finally came up with an idea to interview a sample of black women and get the facts instead of sticking to my assumptions. After my interactions with many black women from different continents,countries, and cities, I decided to write this book to give an opportunity to other people to read about my findings that reveal a variety of answers to my burning questions. I hope you read it, learn from it, and comprehend the many reasons why black women choose not to wear their hair. This book may not coverall those reasons but all the answers in it were real and from black women themselves.You will be surprised to discover a variety of reasons why they don't wear their natural hair.
Els? az étel
Els? az étel
Dallas Hartwig, Melissa Hartwig
Els? az étel
Das Urteil
Das Urteil
Franz Kafka
Das Urteil
Kula'i Street Knights
Kula'i Street Knights
Janet Lorimer
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Who are the strangers in Eddie Kahele's Honolulu neighborhood? The old people are calling them heroes. But Eddie suspects there's a lot more to the story.
Tough Girl
Tough Girl
Janice Greene
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! To Wesley Chan, Zoe is beautiful in spite of her messy hair, ragtag clothes and smart mouth. His parents disapprove of their relationship.
The Eye of the Hurricane
The Eye of the Hurricane
Janice Greene
Just 32-pages each- eBooks for struggling readers power-packed with reading employment. Here are 40 exciting Hi-Lo books with various themes guaranteed to keep your students turning the pages until the very end! Laina, Bobby, and Cesar are trapped in a flooding house with three small children during a terrible hurricane.
Cross-Cultural Dialogues on Homelessness
Cross-Cultural Dialogues on Homelessness
Jay S. Levy, Robin Johnson
Cross-Cultural Dialogues on Homelessness Reveal New Insights This groundbreaking book presents compelling narratives and innovative approaches for addressing the psychological traumas that can underlie homelessness and is the first to explore in-depth what the US and UK can learn from one another. Authors focus on understanding and applying the precepts of Pretreatment and "Psychologically Informed Environments," as well as effective ways to promote productive dialogue on all levels -- with clients, clinicians, advocates, policymakers, researchers, and others. Detailed case studies review and integrate "hands on" practice with Appreciative Inquiry, Open Dialogue, and Common Language Construction methods. "In Cross-Cultural Dialogues on Homelessness, Jay Levy and co-authors provide the conceptual tools, the hitherto 'missing language', needed by practitioners and policymakers working with excluded individuals. This book has been informed by the authors' practice and should come with a warning: it will revolutionise how you work -- irreversibly and, undoubtedly,for the better" -- Cliona Ni Cheallaigh, MB, MRCP, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Medical Gerontology, Trinity College (Dublin) "Jay distills many decades of his own street experience, and by cross comparing his brilliant schema of Pretreatment with the British model of Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE), he reveals the underlying common processes of effective street engagement. As a long-time practitioner of street medicine, I recommend this book to anyone who seeks that sacred place on the streets where healing begins." -- Jim Withers, MD, Founder and Medical Director and Operation Safety Net and the Street Medicine Institute (Pittsburgh) "Cross Cultural Dialogues on Homelessness is a timely and important collection of the latest thinking on how we should respond to the traumatic life experiences of so many homeless people. Levy and colleagues suggest a commitment to reflective dialogue will improve both the quality of frontline services and the way policy makers, managers and commissioners think about responding to the needs of people pushed to the margins of our societies." -- Alex Bax, Chief Executive, (London) Pathway - transforming health services for homeless people "This book is different because it is based on theory and practises, dialogue and the sharing of ideas - from both sides of the Atlantic. The human interest stories add great value to the book, which should be required reading for anyone interested in creating a better world for his/her fellow human beings. It should be read and debated by all with a vision for a better future for those who need services and those attempting to provide them." -- Alice Leahy, Director of Services Alice Leahy Trust (Dublin, Ireland) Learn more at www.JaySLevy.com From LHPress - www.LHPress.com