

【内容简介】 本选题分类结集叶秀山先生全部已经出版的专著,在学术期刊上发表的所有论文,以及部分笔记、札记、书信和讲演录,共11卷。本选题代表了当代中国哲学的高度,是哲学专业学习者和研究者的重要学习和参考用书。第六卷包括《西方哲学史卷·总论》《中国社会科学院学术委员文库·叶秀山文集》《哲学要义》这三本作者著作。
关键在于实验-卷1 潮流
关键在于实验-卷1 潮流
著名美术史家、艺评家、策展人巫鸿教授,深度参与中国当代艺术的重要事件,与国内外美术馆和艺术家合作举办具有重大影响的展览,并撰写大量文章探讨中国当代艺术的发展过程、潮流走向,以及重要艺术家的创作历程。这些文章对于理解和研究自20世纪70年代始的中国当代艺术及其与国际当代艺术的关系具有重要意义。经过5年的亲自选编、磨,首次汇集呈现。 50年光阴,世界大变。不变的是,中国当代艺术以世界性的语言,以常人难以料及的胆识,暴露自身的纠结和尴尬,敢于直面真实的生活。文集以“潮流”“艺术家”“展览”为主题,从中国当代艺术的宏观面貌到微观肌理,透过变化的角度从不同层面立体呈现中国当代艺术的丰富性和实验性,以及艺术家有血有肉的探索经验。 以窥面,《关键在于实验》创造“重访”当代中国与世界的方法,我们“过去”的共同记忆得以凝视,我们共同的“现在”和“未来”得以审视和想象。
著名美术史家、艺评家、策展人巫鸿教授,深度参与中国当代艺术的重要事件,与国内外美术馆和艺术家合作举办具有重大影响的展览,并撰写大量文章探讨中国当代艺术的发展过程、潮流走向,以及重要艺术家的创作历程。这些文章对于理解和研究自20世纪70年代始的中国当代艺术及其与国际当代艺术的关系具有重要意义。经过5年的亲自选编、磨,首次汇集呈现。 50年光阴,世界大变。不变的是,中国当代艺术以世界性的语言,以常人难以料及的胆识,暴露自身的纠结和尴尬,敢于直面真实的生活。文集以“潮流”“艺术家”“展览”为主题,从中国当代艺术的宏观面貌到微观肌理,透过变化的角度从不同层面立体呈现中国当代艺术的丰富性和实验性,以及艺术家有血有肉的探索经验。 以窥面,《关键在于实验》创造“重访”当代中国与世界的方法,我们“过去”的共同记忆得以凝视,我们共同的“现在”和“未来”得以审视和想象。
海量超详实案例,揭秘心理病和怪癖背后的幽暗角落!畅销破百万“重口味心理学”系列全新合集。 《重口味心理学:我们内心的小怪兽》:「 丧」「抑郁」「焦虑」「购物癖」「社交障碍」,你怎样安放这些蠢蠢欲动的小怪兽?轻松读懂超有趣心理学知识,揭开16种“现代心理病”的终极奥秘! 《重口味心理学:我们都是孤独星人》:各种心理病和怪癖的背后,到底隐藏了什么?学会认识你自己,探索心底不为人知的另一个自己。 《重口味心理学:当你凝视深渊,深渊也在凝视你》:变态杀人狂为什么会有奇特的内心?哪些人更容易犯罪?人可以跟动物沟通吗?教你一眼看穿身边人的秘密和怪癖。
何勤华,李力,任海涛,程维荣,王晓峰 等(著)
古代远东法是与“古代近东法”、“古代西方法”并列的一种文明形态,具有较为独立的地域范围和文明发展的特色。 本卷主要研究隋唐之前的中国、日本、朝鲜、越南、印度五个国家和地区的法律文明。中国法律文明经历了从夏商到魏晋南北朝时期的发展演化,形成了较为发达的文明成就,为中华法系的形成奠定了坚实基础。日本、朝鲜、越南充分吸收了中国文明的成果,形成了十分相近的法律文明样式,同时又保有自己的特色,如日本的“神道法律思想”等。古代印度法律除了具有东方法特征外,还有自身特色,如与宗教紧密结合、“种姓”身份等级制等。本卷中国部分写作主要以出土的甲骨文、金文、简牍为资料,结合传世文献稽考钓沉。日本、越南部分,以日语、越南语文献为基本资料行研究。而朝鲜、印度部分则以英语资料为基础。 古代远东法的研究,为我们认清古代东方法律文明的发展脉络、理解东西方法治文明不同演路径以及其主要内容、基本特征和发展规律提供了新的视角。
本书讲述了大英帝国结束后,一群富有的英国知识分子、政治家、会计师和律师如何将他们的资本转移出国、冻结资产、脱手债务的故事。这造成了全球范围内极度的不平等现象。由于无情的资本家不断获利,而英国在非洲、亚洲和加勒比地区的前殖民地的平民陷了极度贫困。然而,资本主义在世界各地造成的伤害如今也反弹回英国自身,这让许多英国人感到困惑:他们自己的主权和繁荣去哪儿了? “去殖民化”不仅仅是一个时髦的流行语,而是过去百年来全球发生的巨大变化之一,但英国——这场混乱戏剧中的主角居然忘了它的存在。本书揭露了英国在帝国崩溃之后对独立国家行压迫的丑闻,作者认为,英国在过去几十年中做过的决定,正是如今导致英国崩溃的根源。
要了解各个帝国的兴衰史,我们必须循着河流沿岸、港口之间以及横跨海城的粮食贸易路线行探寻。历史学家斯科特·雷诺兹·尼尔森(Scott Reynolds Nelson)在《小麦战争》中揭示了:通过努力控制这些路线,可改变世界强国之间的力量均势。 19世纪初,俄罗斯帝国通过乌克兰境内的敖德萨港口向欧洲大部分地区供应食物。但在美国内战之后,成吨的美国小麦始涌大西洋,食品价格暴跌。这些廉价的外国粮食推动了德国和意大利的崛起、哈布斯堡王朝和奥斯曼帝国的衰落。这也是第一次世界大战与俄国革命爆发的关键因素之一。 作者从公元前一万年娓娓道来,讲述了谷物重塑世界霸权的历程,透过历史档案,重现英国、法国、荷兰、比利时、乌克兰与俄罗斯帝国如何因谷物的运输与供给兴盛,又如何因为美国廉价的小麦与全球化贸易遭遇挑战。
“轴心时代”是人类历史上光耀千古的时代,是人类伟大思想传统的发端,也是人类精神给养取之不尽、用之不竭的源泉。这个时代诞生了四大文明——中国的儒道思想、印度的印度教和佛教、以色列的一神教,以及希腊的哲学理性主义得以形成。“轴心时代”是真正群星璀璨的时代,是人类伟大精神导师集体亮相的时代——孔子、孟子、老子、庄子、释迦牟尼、苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德和犹太先知们,共同塑造了此后2000多年人类的心灵,实现了人类文明的“突破”和人性的整体飞跃。 面对史无前例的暴力,轴心时代的贤哲们认识到古老部落宗族伦理的局限,将关切扩展至所有造物,发现了可以将自我提升到超越个体和世界的内在根源,开始用理智、道德的方式面对世界。他们不约而同地发现了相同的“金规则”,即推己及人、关爱众生。孔子教导弟子“己所不欲,勿施于人”,印度教推崇守贞专奉,佛陀说“是故为自爱,勿以伤害他”,《圣经》中的首要诫命之一“爱人如己”,古希腊悲剧对同情和怜悯之心的呼唤,都是金规则的体现。人类形成了某种“深刻的互相理解”,“迈出走向普遍性的步伐”,这不是历史的巧合,而是“人性的本源的表现”。 本书按时间顺序追寻四个轴心民族的发展历程,以及这些突破性洞见如何酝酿、生根、发展、辉煌,并终在公元前3世纪末期渐次逝去。历史上,我们从未超越轴心时代的洞见,当历经精神和社会危机之时,往往回溯轴心思想以寻求引导。轴心时代的贤哲们在世界上不同地域生发出的一致见解,昭示了人类共同的精神追求。面对当代纷繁复杂的问题,我们亦有必要回溯轴心精神,诉诸人性的共同本源,寻求更深刻的相互理解。
本套丛书包括《365天读历史》《365天读文学》《365天读哲学》,内容涵盖古今,贯通中西,不管是想要读文学、哲学,还是想要了解历史,这一套书满足你的所有阅读需求!《365天读历史》包含中国史和世界史两部分,让你一本书通晓五千年中国史 世界文明史;《365天读文学》收录作品皆是中外文学经典、名家名作,分为诗词佳作、散文精粹、小说名作、戏剧经典四大部分,更有翔实注释 解题,实现无障碍阅读;《365天读哲学》几乎涵括中外所有经典哲学理论,将那些深奥的哲学思想通俗化、直白化,即使零哲学基础也能看得懂。
Farewell, Damascus
Farewell, Damascus
Ghada Samman
Ghada Samman’s most recent novel,? Farewell, Damascus ?is set in early 1960’s Damascus – a city that now languishes in the grip of corruption and political oppression following the Baathist takeover in Syria. The book opens as Zain Khayyal, a university student and aspiring young writer, plots an early-morning escape from her house as her husband slumbers. Her mission: to get an illicit abortion, plans for which she’s divulged to no one, and to announce that she wants out of her stifling marriage. A rebel and a trail-blazer par excellence, Zain draws down the wrath of polite society and the authorities, political and religious alike, as she challenges attitudes and practices that demean rather than dignify, and a ruling regime that sucks the life out of both oppressed and oppressor. As the plot unfolds, Zain finds her way as a student to a neighbouring country which, though it grants her the freedom, respect and appreciation she had lacked in her homeland, becomes a place of anguished exile. Armed with her accustomed humour, pathos and knack for suspense, Samman fearlessly tackles issues that roil societies across the globe to this day: the stigma that attaches to the divorced woman but not the divorced man; whether to choose a life partner for love, or for social status, prestige and material security; whether abortion is a crime or a means of forestalling needless undeserved suffering; lesbian intimacy as a declaration of freedom from male abuse and tyranny; rape as an instrument of humiliation and subjugation and unconditional acceptance as healing balm.? Farewell, Damascus ?is both a paean to a beloved homeland and an ode to human dignity.
Tradition and Creativity
Tradition and Creativity
J. Krishnamurti
Krishnamurti delivered these Talks at Rajghat - Benares, on the banks of the Ganges River, during the month of December 1952, to boys and girls, of the ages of 9 to 20. Krishnamurti begins by putting forth the following questions to the students: "Why are you learning history, mathematics, geography? Have you ever thought of why you go to schools and colleges? Is it not very important to find out why you are crammed with information, with so-called knowledge? What is all this so-called education? Your parents send you here because they have taken certain degrees and have passed certain examinations. Have you ever asked yourselves why you are here, and have the teachers themselves asked you why you are here? Do the teachers themselves know why they are here?"
What Are You Seeking?
What Are You Seeking?
J. Krishnamurti
The answer to the question, What are you Seeking?, is simple: We want to find truth, God, everlasting peace. The real question, says Krishnamurti, is: 'Why do you seek at all?' (p. 328) Knowing conflict, repression, self-doubt, and fear as consistent companions, we naturally wish for them to come to an end. So begins the search for relief, the search for everlasting peace--through ideas, religions, self-help, self-analysis, etc., and we think of this search as a right action towards finding what we are looking for. But do we know what we are looking for, or are we merely seeking relief from what is happening presently? Are we seeking at that point only an idea, the supposed opposite of the emotion that we are experiencing now? It is the search that maintains the present emotion and its projected opposite in a state of mutually co-existent conflict, inherently.
The World Within
The World Within
J. Krishnamurti
"Truth is not something that is mysterious; truth is where you are. From there you can begin. The truth is that I am angry, I am jealous, I am aggressive, I quarrel. That is a fact. So one must begin, if one may most respectfully point out, from where one is. That is why it is important to know yourself, to have complete knowledge of yourself, not from others, not from psychologists, brain specialists and so on, but to know what you are. Because, you are the story of mankind. If you know how to read that book which is yourself, then you know all the activities and brutalities and stupidities of mankind because you are the rest of the world." – J. Krishnamurti Reading the teachings of J. Krishnamurti, one is immediately struck by how personal the words are to one’s own thinking and what a close mirror they are of our human psychological activity. His language is not bound by time, place, or circumstance, and so readers in any era or on any continent can find themselves clearly and compassionately made plain. Krishnamurti’s heuristic approach was typical not only of his dialogues or interviews, but also of his public talks where an attendee in an audience of thousands felt in direct contact with the speaker. His language was simple, without jargon or without any assumptions about the audience by the speaker. Krishnamurti helped the interviewees, without intending to, to see for themselves the intricacies of their thinking and of their problems. During the Second World War (1939-1945) Krishnamurti did not speak publicly in the United States, but lived quietly in Ojai, California. People sought him out and came to dialogue with him on many issues of the times or their own personal dilemmas. Their problems were universal human problems, and each made true his statement that ‘You are the world.’ As Krishnamurti unwound the tight threads of their thinking and feeling, the core or source of a concern was revealed, unadorned and without blame or guilt. After the Second World War years, there was a set of three volumes of interviews with Krishnamurti that appeared worldwide, titled Commentaries on Living. This new book, The World Within, out of the Krishnamurti Archives, is a compendium of additional perennial questions with their timeless answers. The inquiry is still fresh, after seventy years, and readers will find themselves in both the questions and the responses.
What is Right Action
What is Right Action
J. Krishnamurti
This volume covers talks given in New Zealand, Ojai, New York, South America and Mexico. Krishnamurti begins by stating "What we call problems are merely symptoms, which increase and multiply because we do not tackle the whole life as one but divide it as economic, social or religious problems. ..Now it is my intention to show that so long as we deal with these problems apart, separately, we but increase the misunderstanding, and therefore the conflict, and thereby the suffering and the pain..." An extensive compendium of Krishnamurti's talks and discussions in the USA, Europe, India, New Zealand, and South Africa from 1933 to 1967—the Collected Works have been carefully authenticated against existing transcripts and tapes. Each volume includes a frontispiece photograph of Krishnamurti , with question and subject indexes at the end. The content of each volume is not limited to the subject of the title, but rather offers a unique view of Krishnamurti's extraordinary teachings in selected years. The Collected Works offers the reader the opportunity to explore the early writings and dialogues in their most complete and authentic form.
The Beauty of Death
The Beauty of Death
J. Krishnamurti
"Only in peace can a human being flower in goodness - not in war, not in violence, not in disorder, but only when there is a deep abiding peace. And to understand this whole phenomenon of hate, destruction and disorder, one has to enquire not merely intellectually - because such an enquiry is futile, worthless and has no meaning whatsoever - but actually what order means, what violence means, and the significance of peace; one has to enquire non-verbally, non-intellectually - [intellectual inquiry] really has very little meaning, because most of us have read or indulged in theory what peace should be, how to get rid of violence, and how to establish order.." Krishnamurti gave these talks in India and Europe. The talks span the whole of human existence, exploring what it means to live rightly in a world full of confusion and misery.
The Mirror of Relationship
The Mirror of Relationship
J. Krishnamurti
Within the process of daily relations with people, with nature, and with society, our own causes of sorrow are revealed. 'In relationship the important thing to bear in mind is not the other but oneself,' states Krishnamurti, 'It is within oneself that harmony in relationship can be found, not in another, nor in environment.' (p. 160) This is not cause for isolation but the beginning of a process of self-revelation which creates the foundation for true relationship.
Crearea ?i ruperea leg?turilor afective
Crearea ?i ruperea leg?turilor afective
John Bowlby
Aceast? culegere ?nm?nuncheaz? articole ap?rute ?n perioada cuprins? ?ntre vara lui 2014 ?i sf?r?itul anului 2016. Facem acest efort, deoarece omul de azi este at?t de gr?bit, ?nc?t poate nu reu?e?te s? urm?reasc? ni?te articole ce apar pe saituri, care se ?nscriu ?n ceea ce se nume?te la ora actual? media de alternativ?, adic? una care merge ?mpotriva curentului general, dominat de eurolatrie, occidentomanie, spirit de vasalitate ?i chingi (neo)liberale. Selec?ia f?cut? a vizat doar acele articole, care dep??esc cadrul unor polemici de moment, circumstan?iale, mai pu?in relevante pentru viziunea autorului asupra unor procese mai generale. Printre acestea se reg?se?te ?i o serie de recenzii sau prezent?ri mai ample ale unor c?r?i ap?rute ?n diverse ??ri, ?n englez? sau francez?, dar ?i ?n rom?n?, pe care le-am g?sit utile pentru ?n?elegerea unor fenomene de ordin geopolitic, economic ?i cultural, care marcheaz? lumea de azi, afect?nd ?n mod direct interesele na?ionale, identitatea colectiv? ?i perspectivele noastre de afirmare ?i d?inuire ?n istorie. Au fost incluse ?n acest volum ?i c?teva texte semnificative, traduse din rus? ?i francez?, apar?in?nd unor g?nditori de ieri ?i de azi, care consun? perfect cu viziunea autorului.
Will Grayson, Will Grayson
Will Grayson, Will Grayson
John Green, David Levithan
Pornind de la leg?tura natural? care se creeaz? ?ntre mam? ?i copil, D.W. Winnicott exploreaz? o serie de probleme cotidiene din via?a unui bebelu? ?i a mamei lui, cum ar fi hr?nirea, pl?nsul ?i joaca, grijile, primele mi?c?ri spre independen??, precum ?i, mai t?rziu, probleme serioase, cum sunt furtul ?i minciuna. Importan?a mamei la ?nceputul vie?ii, timiditatea, educa?ia sexual? ?n ?coal? ?i r?d?cinile agresivit??ii sunt expuse ?ntr-o manier? direct?, accesibil? ?i prietenoas?. Pe parcursul fiec?rui capitol, Winnicott scoate ?n eviden?? abilit??ile ?nn?scute ale mamei ?i ale p?rin?ilor ?n general ?i face diferen?a ?ntre acestea ?i deprinderile care trebuie achizi?ionate de-a lungul timpului de c?tre cei care cresc ?i educ? un copil. Capacitatea voastr? de a ?ti ceea ce este real ?i ceea ce nu este real ?i este de mare ajutor copilului din toate punctele de vedere, pentru c? el nu reu?e?te s? ?n?eleag? dec?t treptat c? lumea nu este a?a cum ne o imagin?m ?i c? imagina?ia nu este chiar ca lumea real?. Dar fiecare are nevoie de cealalt?. ?ti?i prea bine c? primul obiect pe care ?l iube?te bebelu?ul – o buc??ic? de p?tur? sau o juc?rie moale –?nseamn? pentru el o parte din propria persoan? ?i, dac? i o lua?i sau o da?i la sp?lat, este o tragedie. C?nd bebelu?ul ?ncepe s? arunce obiectul iubit ?i alte obiecte (a?tept?ndu-se, desigur, s? le ridice cineva ?i s? i le dea ?napoi), atunci ?ti?i c? a venit momentul ?n care ave?i ?i voi permisiunea de a pleca ?i a v? ?ntoarce. Unele persoane cred c? un copil este ca lutul ?n m?inile unui olar. Ele ?ncep s? ?l modeleze ?i se simt responsabile de ceea ce vor ob?ine. Total gre?it. Dac? asta este ceea ce sim?i?i, ve?i fi cople?i?i de o responsabilitate pe care nu trebuie s? v-o asuma?i. Dac? accepta?i ideea c? bebelu?ul con?ine ?n el tot ce ?i trebuie pentru a tr?i, atunci ve?i putea acorda mai mult? aten?ie procesului de dezvoltare ?i ve?i fi ferici?i s? r?spunde?i nevoilor lui.
Vandermeer Jeff
„Greu este s? fii bun“. A?a suna verdictul unui filozof presocratic la care m? încruntam abitir pe la 20 de ani. Acum, la 60, dup? ce am înv??at de la aceia?i în?elep?i c? „to?i oamenii sunt r?i“, dar c? „nu trebuie s?-i judeci“, nu m? mai gr?besc cu încruntarea. Doar zâmbesc pu?in ofilit, în dulce resemnare. Cu un astfel de zâmbet – trist, admirativ, îng?duitor ?i comp?timitor totodat? – trebuie întâmpinat (?i f?r? îndoial? iertat) Tomas H., personajul axial din romanul Cameliei Cavadia. Destinat fericirii, dar e?uat lamentabil. Vinovat inocent ?i egofil culpabil. ?i totu?i înseninat, dureros de triumf?tor în final, dup? ce altruismul învinge mizantropia, iar d?ruirea de sine absolv? vinov??ia. În fond, ce ar fi vina f?r? isp??ire? Un roman despre povara fericirii (chiar a?a!) ?i chinul permanent al demonicului de a surpa – prin patologia patimii oarbe – iubirea curat?, armonia conjugal?, farmecul divin al copil?riei ?i nobila condi?ie de p?rinte. Un debut surprinz?tor prin precizia arhitecturii narative ?i siguran?a rotirii caruselului cu multe ?i subtile rela?ii psihologice. În plus, îmbucur?tor prin op?iunea preponderent moral?, într-o vreme dominat? de anarhie, relativism ?i etic? în r?sp?r. – Dan C. Mih?ilescu ?„De când m? ?tiu am vrut s? devin scriitoare. PR de meserie, am scris pove?tile altora, dar mi-am dat seama c? am în?untrul meu propriile pove?ti care a?teapt? s? le dau via??. Tot ceea ce am f?cut pîn? acum a roit în jurul cuvintelor. Prin prisma meseriei mele, am scris sute de comunicate, am luat zeci de interviuri, m-am trezit cu zeci de fraze construite-n cap ?i am adormit cu altele bâzâindu-mi în ureche. Am hot?rât ca e timpul s?-mi urmez visul ?i s? devin ceea ce m-am sim?it mereu.“ – Camelia Cavadia