

GB 50825-2013 钢铁厂加热炉工程质量验收规范 (英文版)
GB 50825-2013 钢铁厂加热炉工程质量验收规范 (英文版)
GB 50825-2013 钢铁厂加热炉工程质量验收规范 (英文版)
随着20多年来人文科学和鲁迅研究的不断发展,专家、读者陆续发现1981年版的一些不足:鲁迅的佚文、佚信不断被发现,当时的注释有其历史的局限。此外,书中也有一些误植、误排的字。更重要的是,鲁迅研究取得的重要成果,应在全集中有所体现。新版《鲁迅全集》新在哪里?其修订原则是“以1981年版为基础,增补不足,修订错讹”。根据现在的定稿,新版《鲁迅全集》由原来的16卷增至18卷,书信、日记各增加了一卷,共计创作10卷,书信4卷,日记3卷,索引1卷,总字数约700万字。 与1981年版相比,此次《鲁迅全集》修订集中在三个方面:佚文佚信的增收;原著的文本校勘;注释的增补修改。   ◆收文:书信、日记各增加了一卷 此次修订,增收新的佚文23篇,佚信20封,鲁迅致许广平的《两地书》原信68封,鲁迅与增田涉答问函件集编文字约10万字。 修订编委会委员、绍兴鲁迅纪念馆馆长裘士雄介绍说,在认定的23篇佚文中,内容涉及古籍整理、介绍外国文学家作品和悼念文章等,体裁包括杂文、诗歌等,反映了鲁迅文学创作道路的变迁和思想的演。其中发表于1912年1月的《军界痛言》一文尤为重要。该文痛斥了辛亥革命后光复军在绍兴的一些劣行,在当时曾触动了一些光复军人士,他们对照此文行检查,军风有所改变。 与增收的文章相比,佚信的增收量更多。在新发现的20封佚信中,有相当一部分是鲁迅写给张琴孙、蔡元培、宋庆龄、胡适、江绍原、郁达夫、杨之华、申彦俊等社会名流、外国友人的。其中一封是1933年鲁迅写给宋庆龄、蔡元培商讨共同营救党人的信,弥足珍贵。这些信件内容的涉及面很广,包括文化交流、学术探讨和生活等多个方面,反映了鲁迅各个时期的思想活动和生活经历。 在增收的书信中,专家们就两个有争议的问题达成了共识,即鲁迅致许广平的《两地书》原信和鲁迅、茅盾联名致中央祝贺红军东征胜利的信件。 1933年由青光书局出版的《两地书》,鲁迅在编辑过程中对原信做了很多改动,包括删节内容、加写部分文字,同时鲁迅把原信抄录保存了下来。但1981年《鲁迅全集》出版时,鲁迅原信尚未印行。此次修订,在收《两地书》的同时,将鲁迅的原信按时间顺序与鲁迅的其他书信一起编书信卷,这样既保存了《两地书》作为独立版本的完整性,又能使读者看到鲁迅原信的全貌。 鲁迅、茅盾联名致中央祝贺红军东征胜利的信件,1995年全文被发现,但专家们认为,此信没有原件依据,文字风格与鲁迅手笔完全不同,而且也不能证明此信经过鲁迅审阅,有很多不确定因素。但鲁迅、茅盾联名给中央写信确有其事,这封信具有很重要的文献意义,并且在鲁迅生前公发表过,应该在全集中得到反映。修订本将这封信编书信卷附录,作为资料,便于读者查找。 据修订编辑委员会成员、人民文学出版社现代文学编辑室主任王海波介绍,新版《鲁迅全集》还删去了经鉴定不属于鲁迅书信的《致北方俄罗斯民族合唱团》等。   ◆校勘:改动了1000多处 据初步统计,此次修订,校勘改动达1000多处,使鲁迅作品的文本更加准确。负责全集第二卷修订的张梦阳举例说,收《朝花夕拾》的《从百草园到三味书屋》,写“我”按照闰土的父亲传授的方法,支起竹筛罩鸟,“明明见它们去了,拉了绳,跑去一看,却什么都没有,费了半天力,促住的不过三四只。”这里“促住”为“捉住”之误,而且一错就错了几十年。张梦阳发现这个错后,不是轻易去改,而是认真查阅了登在1926年《莽原》半月刊上的原文,得到确认后才改过来。再如收《野草》的《好的故事》中“大红花和斑红花,都在水里面浮动,忽而碎散,拉长了,缕缕的胭脂水,然而没有晕。”这里“缕缕的胭脂水”应为“如缕缕的胭脂水”,此文在《语丝》周刊发表时漏掉“如”字,鲁迅当年曾在杂志上发过更正,但收集子时未改过来。像这类校勘,看上去是一字之改,但要改这一个字,却需要做大量严谨细致的考证工作。   ◆注释:更加客观、公正、科学 修订编辑委员会副主任林非和陈漱渝认为,此次《鲁迅全集》注释的修订前了一大步,对原注中带有评价说明性的内容、带有政治性和批判色彩的注释酌情做了修改和删节,把客观性作为新版注释的追求。此次修订,注释更为客观、不发议论,不解释鲁迅原文的含意,对注释对象不做评论,但要尊重历史,对大是大非问题不能回避。如新月派、现代评论派、“第三种人”以及相关人物的注释,删去了评价,只客观介绍情况。 按照“向中等文化程度的读者提供相关资料和知识,同时对文化程度较高的读者也有参考价值”的注释宗旨,此次修订新增注释900余条,对1000多条原注做了重大修改,仅查补修改中外人物的生卒年一项就达到900余人。 专家们普遍认为,新版《鲁迅全集》融会了20多年来鲁迅研究的新成果、新资料,质量得到全面提升,内容更加充实严谨,学术资料的可靠性更强。单独看某一处的修改,也许它很细微,甚至很琐碎,但综合每一个细微之处来看,《鲁迅全集》的修订呈现出的是蔚为大观的气象,体现了20多年改革放对中国的社会生活、思想文化所带来的深刻影响和变化。
莎士比亚全集(套装共39本 英汉双语)
莎士比亚全集(套装共39本 英汉双语)
木心说,“我是一个在黑暗中大雪纷飞的人哪”……理想国典藏版“木心全集”,汇齐15种文字著作(含讲稿《文学回忆录》《木心谈木心》),收入木心晚年定稿、作家影像、创作手迹等,一字一句,悉从木心生前的文稿原貌(及陈丹青听课笔记),均首次布面精装——【一】 木心讲稿系列3种《文学回忆录》(上下册)《木心谈木心》《鱼丽之宴》【二】 木心散文小说系列6种《哥伦比亚的倒影》《琼美卡随想录》《温莎墓园日记》《即兴判断》《素履之往》《爱默生家的恶客》【三】 木心诗歌系列6种《西班牙三棵树》《我纷纷的情欲》《诗经演》《巴珑》《伪所罗门书》《云雀叫了一整天》 友情提示:套装“木心全集”之外,另有2册“木心精选集”(编选者童明),一是诗歌《木心诗选》,一是小说《豹变》,如双子星座,但均为单行本,不属于“木心全集”。
Early Antiquity
Early Antiquity
I. M. Diakonoff, Alexander Kirjanov
The internationally renowned Assyriologist and linguist I.M. Diakonoff has gathered the work of Soviet historians inthis survey of the earliest history of the ancient Near East,Central Asia, India, and China. Diakonoff and hiscolleagues, nearly all working within the general Marxisthistoriographic tradition, offer a comprehensive, accessiblesynthesis of historical knowledge from the beginnings ofagriculture through the advent of the Iron Age and the Greekcolonization in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea areas.Besides discussing features of Soviet historicalscholarship of the ancient world, the essays treat thehistory of early Mesopotamia and the course of PharaonicEgyptian civilization and developments in ancient India andChina from the Bronze Age into the first millennium B.C.Additional chapters are concerned with the early history ofSyria, Phoenicia, and Palestine, the Hittite civilization,the Creto-Mycenaean world, Homeric Greece, and the Phoenicianand Greek colonization.This volume offers a unified perspective on earlyantiquity, focusing on the economic and social relations ofproduction. Of immense value to specialists, the book willalso appeal to general readers.I. M. Diakonoff is a senior research scholar of ancienthistory at the Institute of Oriental Studies, LeningradAcademy of Sciences. Philip L. Kohl is professor ofanthropology at Wellesley College.
GB/T 50744-2011 轧机机械设备安装规范 (英文版)
GB/T 50744-2011 轧机机械设备安装规范 (英文版)
GB/T 50744-2011 轧机机械设备安装规范 (英文版)
scikit-learn : Machine Learning Simplified
scikit-learn : Machine Learning Simplified
Raul Garreta, Guillermo Moncecchi, Trent Hauck, Gavin Hackeling
Implement scikit-learn into every step of the data science pipeline About This Book Use Python and scikit-learn to create intelligent applications Discover how to apply algorithms in a variety of situations to tackle common and not-so common challenges in the machine learning domain A practical, example-based guide to help you gain expertise in implementing and evaluating machine learning systems using scikit-learn Who This Book Is For If you are a programmer and want to explore machine learning and data-based methods to build intelligent applications and enhance your programming skills, this is the course for you. No previous experience with machine-learning algorithms is required. What You Will Learn Review fundamental concepts including supervised and unsupervised experiences, common tasks, and performance metrics Classify objects (from documents to human faces and flower species) based on some of their features, using a variety of methods from Support Vector Machines to Naive Bayes Use Decision Trees to explain the main causes of certain phenomena such as passenger survival on the Titanic Evaluate the performance of machine learning systems in common tasks Master algorithms of various levels of complexity and learn how to analyze data at the same time Learn just enough math to think about the connections between various algorithms Customize machine learning algorithms to fit your problem, and learn how to modify them when the situation calls for it Incorporate other packages from the Python ecosystem to munge and visualize your dataset Improve the way you build your models using parallelization techniques In Detail Machine learning, the art of creating applications that learn from experience and data, has been around for many years. Python is quickly becoming the go-to language for analysts and data scientists due to its simplicity and flexibility; moreover, within the Python data space, scikit-learn is the unequivocal choice for machine learning. The course combines an introduction to some of the main concepts and methods in machine learning with practical, hands-on examples of real-world problems. The course starts by walking through different methods to prepare your data—be it a dataset with missing values or text columns that require the categories to be turned into indicator variables. After the data is ready, you'll learn different techniques aligned with different objectives—be it a dataset with known outcomes such as sales by state, or more complicated problems such as clustering similar customers. Finally, you'll learn how to polish your algorithm to ensure that it's both accurate and resilient to new datasets. You will learn to incorporate machine learning in your applications. Ranging from handwritten digit recognition to document classification, examples are solved step-by-step using scikit-learn and Python. By the end of this course you will have learned how to build applications that learn from experience, by applying the main concepts and techniques of machine learning. Style and Approach Implement scikit-learn using engaging examples and fun exercises, and with a gentle and friendly but comprehensive "learn-by-doing" approach. This is a practical course, which analyzes compelling data about life, health, and death with the help of tutorials. It offers you a useful way of interpreting the data that's specific to this course, but that can also be applied to any other data. This course is designed to be both a guide and a reference for moving beyond the basics of scikit-learn.
[荷]伊恩·布鲁玛;[美]大卫·I·科泽;[英] 劳伦斯·里斯
有奥斯维辛,就不能有上帝的存在。——普里莫·莱维 无论我在思考什么,总要思考奥斯维辛。感谢那些要求、甚至逼迫我们讲述一切的人,因为他们想听到、想知道发生在奥斯维辛的那些人、那些事。——凯尔泰斯•伊姆莱 我们要知道“人”真正是什么,毕竟,这是发明奥斯维辛毒气室,也是祈祷着走毒气室的“存在”。——维克多·弗兰克 本书力图以一个具体场所为切,对人类历*深重的罪行行*透彻的诠释,这就是奥斯维辛。 历史不是剧本,真相永远不止一个。奥斯维辛并不是专门用于杀害犹太人的灭绝营,也不仅仅与“*终解决”有关——奥斯维辛,是集中营指挥官霍斯等纳粹官员的奋斗史;是波兰人、吉卜赛人、苏联战俘、耶和华见证人的情感炼狱;它是一个八岁德国女孩一天起床,突然发现自己成了吉卜赛人,被扔奥斯维辛的故事;它是战后幸存者回到家乡,却发现外面的世界比奥斯维辛更糟的故事……这部书没有孤证,每一个说出来的字,都出自两处以上的历史记录,包括苏联解体后的解密档案和亲历者访谈。 “人们问我,你在奥斯维辛学到了什么?我想我只能确定一件事:没人真正了解自己。”1944年11月,希姆莱要求艾希曼停止驱逐匈牙利犹太人,并说:“到目前为止你一直都在灭绝犹太人,但我现在命令你从今天起变成犹太人的拥护者。”人的行为和信念能顷刻颠倒,因应自身处境(situation)而朝着没有预料到的方向演变,这恰恰是所谓的“人性”。 奥斯维辛是一个更大的故事,我们从未真正了解它。这里所涉及的故事,有不少可以让我们更好地认识我们自己。
Michael Oakeshott Selected Writings Collection
Michael Oakeshott Selected Writings Collection
Oakeshott, Michael
A collection of 6 volumes of Oakeshott's work: Notebooks, 1922-86, Early Political Writings 1925-30, The Concept of a Philosophical Jurisprudence, Vocabulary of a Modern European State, Lectures in the History of Political Thought, and What is History?
全18册书,以及超值赛雷三国群英卡收藏礼盒(144张三国卡 集卡册)! 专为新生代读者造,比电影还好看的漫画三国演义!一看就会的知识! 1000万人正在看的“超萌赛雷”,前后创作三年,精心绘制全彩漫画三国演义! 电影式全场景,爆笑还原三国演义!超立体,超生动,超涨知识! 《赛雷三分钟漫画三国演义》大全集礼盒,包含全部18册书,以及超值赛雷三国群英卡收藏礼盒(144张三国卡 集卡册)。 “赛雷三分钟漫画三国演义”系列以“三国演义”为底稿,按照章回目录从前到后,桃园结义、三英战吕布、官渡之战、三顾茅庐,连环计,舌战群儒,赤壁之战,关羽之死,白帝托孤等经典场景,精心绘制的全彩漫画三国演义,将三国场景化,希望为新生代读者造一套立体生动的“三国演义”,让读者在哈哈大笑中了解三国的历史。它突出的地方就在于用赛雷漫画的幽默风格按时间线索将三国的历史讲述出来,让读者在哈哈大笑中知晓三国历史的发展脉络。
随着2022年底中央经济工作会议部署和防疫政策的优化,世界第二大经济体焕发生机。中国正迈着更加坚定的步伐,以更开放之姿拥抱世界,去迎接广阔的发展机遇与前景。然而面对经济复苏,中国经济新一轮的增长难题与挑战也渐渐付出水面,当前现实的经济形势矛盾较多、压力较大,发展面临诸多困境。如人口增长率首次为负,如何破解生育率低与老龄化严重的对峙矛盾?房地产趋势会如何发展?中美关系会如何演进?中小企业如何实现持续增长?中国预计进入M型社会,如何提高中产阶层的财产性收入? 爬坡过坎,提振信心,笃定前行。中国始终在世界经济舞台上发挥着举足轻重的作用,在电动汽车、人工智能、数字经济、航天技术、深海探索等领域成就斐然,展现出强大的韧性与活力。展望未来,中国市场潜力将被充分激发,一个春意盎然的中国必将给世界经济复苏带来重大利好,注入强大信心。 因此本套装汇集20本经济商业类图书,内容涵盖碳中和、大数据、云计算、新国货、中国制造、数字医疗、科技养老、人工智能等重要方向,剖析当前宏观经济形势,关注产业前沿动态,研判经济长期增长之势,为广大的相关从业者、管理者呈现*新的商业趋势,提供发展新思路。 《大视野》:如果世界倒退,我们如何前行?翻开本书,与秦朔一同探寻不确定性的大环境下,中国经济和金融发展的方向和共识,思考中国商业文明的前景和新维度。 《称霸未来的企业》:哈佛大学理学硕士×纽约金融机构前研究员×原谷歌行业分析师×硅谷风险投资家对未来商业和生活图景的分析预测,11家行业巨头公司如何颠覆未来生活! 《云上的中国2》:后疫情时代,数智化已呼啸而来!直面不确定时代“双碳”目标与共同富裕大趋势下的行业机遇,产业互联网转型值得一读的作品! 《迈向碳中和:中国未来转型路径与产业机遇》:碳中和是史无前例的一场自我革命,立足于全球低碳化转型背景,了解“双碳”目标的实现方式,把握“双碳”带来的新机遇,一部政府机关、企业机构和社会公众,不可错过的碳中和科普读物! 《历代经济变革得失》:亚洲周刊2013年度十大好书!十余年潜心研究,探寻中国两千多年来经济变革的得与失!如果不研究历代经济的变革,其实无法真正理解当前的中国!
都市言情作家沐茶茶作品大合集。破镜重圆、先婚后爱、豪门娇妻、离婚虐渣......起初,他是有所图。后来,他爱她入骨。女主人间清醒脑,又爽又甜又有钱。 合集共13册,分为别《在他心上撒野》《你好,李警官》《在他心头娇宠》《在他眼中沉迷》《在他掌心骄纵》《终是心上人》《在他心尖安睡》《他比风更柔》《撞他满怀欢喜》《嫁给裴先生》《独宠》《在他怀里撒娇》《他比钱更撩》
Septimus Heap Complete Collection
Septimus Heap Complete Collection
Sage, Angie
Fantasy adventure at its best! This collection contains all seven books in the New York Times bestselling Septimus Heap series. Also included are The Magykal Papers, a wonderful full-color compendium of extras such as maps, guides, and journals, and The Darke Toad, a 96-page novella packed with the action, humor, and magic that make this series perfect for fans of Fablehaven or Harry Potter.The series follows the adventures of Septimus Heap, who, as a seventh son of a seventh son, has magical powers. After he becomes the apprentice of the ExtraOrdinary Wizard, Marcia Overstrand, he starts his studies for seven years and a day to become an Ordinary Wizard (or maybe an ExtraOrdinary?). His adventures take place in a fictional world full of secrets and mysteries, a world where rats are messengers and can speak, a world where spells are common and where the dark forces are trying to penetrate.Magyk, Flyte, Physik, Queste, Syren, Darke, and Fyre are the enchanting and humorous adventures of Septimus Heap and his friends in this magical world.
Pretty Little Liars: The Second Half 8-Book Collection
Pretty Little Liars: The Second Half 8-Book Collection
Shepard, Sara
In Rosewood, majestic estates sprawl for acres, and Tiffany toggle bracelets dangle from every girl's wrist. But not all that glitters is gold, and the town harbors secrets darker than anyone could imagine—like the truth about what really happened the night Alison DiLaurentis went missing. . . . Sara Shepard's #1 New York Times bestselling Pretty Little Liars series is the inspiration for the hit ABC Family original TV show. This collection contains the final eight novels in the series.Includes:Pretty Little Liars #9: Twisted Pretty Little Liars #10: Ruthless Pretty Little Liars #11: Stunning Pretty Little Liars #12: Burned Pretty Little Liars #13: Crushed Pretty Little Liars #14: Deadly Pretty Little Liars #15: Toxic Pretty Little Liars #16: Vicious
《吴玉章全集》(6卷本)以时为序,分类编排,所收资料起自吴玉章留学日本时期,迄止1966年去世,包括吴玉章所撰写的著述,以及由别人代笔而经他或修改、或寓目、或署名之文,乃至别人记录的演说词和谈话等,分为论著、往来书信、诗词歌赋对联挽幛等。所收内容,突出表现了吴玉章“一贯的有益于广大群众,一贯的有益于青年,一贯的有益于革命”,“始终是站在时代的前面奋斗着”,代表了老一辈无产阶级革命家心系百姓、关注现实、服务国家社会的优良传统。 《吴玉章全集》(6卷本)各卷分期和专题如下:第一卷,从1904年至1938年完成《救国时报》工作任务回国前(1904年5月14日—1938年);第二卷,从1938年到武汉新华日报社工作至1946年底(1939年8月23日—1946年);第三卷,从1947年初至1954年出席党的七届四中全会(1947年1月1日—1954年2月6日);第四卷,从纪念《中苏友好同盟互助条约》四周年至撰文回忆“五四”前后(1954年2月14日—1959年4月3日);第五卷,从出席中国人民大学第七次科学讨论会至去世前的谈话(1959年5月4日—1966年10月底);第六卷,往来函电、诗词歌赋、对联题词挽幛卷。
Machine Learning: End-to-End guide for Java developers
Machine Learning: End-to-End guide for Java developers
Richard M. Reese, Jennifer L. Reese, Bostjan Kaluza, Dr. Uday Kamath, Krishna Choppella
Develop, Implement and Tuneup your Machine Learning applications using the power of Java programming About This Book Detailed coverage on key machine learning topics with an emphasis on both theoretical and practical aspects Address predictive modeling problems using the most popular machine learning Java libraries A comprehensive course covering a wide spectrum of topics such as machine learning and natural language through practical use-cases Who This Book Is For This course is the right resource for anyone with some knowledge of Java programming who wants to get started with Data Science and Machine learning as quickly as possible. If you want to gain meaningful insights from big data and develop intelligent applications using Java, this course is also a must-have. What You Will Learn Understand key data analysis techniques centered around machine learning Implement Java APIs and various techniques such as classification, clustering, anomaly detection, and more Master key Java machine learning libraries, their functionality, and various kinds of problems that can be addressed using each of them Apply machine learning to real-world data for fraud detection, recommendation engines, text classification, and human activity recognition Experiment with semi-supervised learning and stream-based data mining, building high-performing and real-time predictive models Develop intelligent systems centered around various domains such as security, Internet of Things, social networking, and more In Detail Machine Learning is one of the core area of Artificial Intelligence where computers are trained to self-learn, grow, change, and develop on their own without being explicitly programmed. In this course, we cover how Java is employed to build powerful machine learning models to address the problems being faced in the world of Data Science. The course demonstrates complex data extraction and statistical analysis techniques supported by Java, applying various machine learning methods, exploring machine learning sub-domains, and exploring real-world use cases such as recommendation systems, fraud detection, natural language processing, and more, using Java programming. The course begins with an introduction to data science and basic data science tasks such as data collection, data cleaning, data analysis, and data visualization. The next section has a detailed overview of statistical techniques, covering machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning. The next couple of sections cover applying machine learning methods using Java to a variety of chores including classifying, predicting, forecasting, market basket analysis, clustering stream learning, active learning, semi-supervised learning, probabilistic graph modeling, text mining, and deep learning. The last section highlights real-world test cases such as performing activity recognition, developing image recognition, text classification, and anomaly detection. The course includes premium content from three of our most popular books: Java for Data Science Machine Learning in Java Mastering Java Machine LearningOn completion of this course, you will understand various machine learning techniques, different machine learning java algorithms you can use to gain data insights, building data models to analyze larger complex data sets, and incubating applications using Java and machine learning algorithms in the field of artificial intelligence. Style and approach This comprehensive course proceeds from being a tutorial to a practical guide, providing an introduction to machine learning and different machine learning techniques, exploring machine learning with Java libraries, and demonstrating real-world machine learning use cases using the Java platform.
刘以鬯著 梅子编
本文集共12卷,内含长篇小说10部,中篇小说17部,故事新编17篇,短篇小说84篇,微型小说93篇,散文38篇,诗歌25首,评论、讲演录、序跋147篇(含专论1部)。 每卷如下:第1卷长篇小说《私恋》《酒徒》,第2卷长篇小说《围墙》《陶瓷》,第3卷长篇小说《岛与半岛》《对倒》),第4卷长篇小说《他有一把锋利的小刀》《吧女》,第5卷长篇小说《香港居》《时代曲》,第6卷中篇小说,第7卷中篇小说,第8卷故事新编,第9卷短篇小说,第10卷短篇小说、微型小说,第11卷散文、诗歌、评论,第12卷评论、讲演录、序跋。
《抗战时期常宁哨所管理档案汇编》是根据常宁市档案馆现存民国档案3000余卷中关于常宁抗战哨所管理类档案汇编而成。 本书选稿起自一九三九年,迄至一九四六年。本书按照“主题--时间”体例编排,全书共分为组设哨所、哨所事务、联络情报、防范受损四辑,共145条488页。
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