

Architecting Modern Java EE Applications
Architecting Modern Java EE Applications
Sebastian Daschner
Find out how to craft effective, business-oriented Java EE 8 applications that target customer’s demands in the age of Cloud platforms and container technology. About This Book ? Understand the principles of modern Java EE and how to realize effective architectures ? Gain knowledge of how to design enterprise software in the age of automation, Continuous Delivery and Cloud platforms ? Learn about the reasoning and motivations behind state-of-the-art enterprise Java technology, that focuses on business Who This Book Is For This book is for experienced Java EE developers who are aspiring to become the architects of enterprise-grade applications, or software architects who would like to leverage Java EE to create effective blueprints of applications. What You Will Learn ? What enterprise software engineers should focus on ? Implement applications, packages, and components in a modern way ? Design and structure application architectures ? Discover how to realize technical and cross-cutting aspects ? Get to grips with containers and container orchestration technology ? Realize zero-dependency, 12-factor, and Cloud-native applications ? Implement automated, fast, reliable, and maintainable software tests ? Discover distributed system architectures and their requirements In Detail Java EE 8 brings with it a load of features, mainly targeting newer architectures such as microservices, modernized security APIs, and cloud deployments. This book will teach you to design and develop modern, business-oriented applications using Java EE 8. It shows how to structure systems and applications, and how design patterns and Domain Driven Design aspects are realized in the age of Java EE 8. You will learn about the concepts and principles behind Java EE applications, and how to effect communication, persistence, technical and cross-cutting concerns, and asynchronous behavior. This book covers Continuous Delivery, DevOps, infrastructure-as-code, containers, container orchestration technologies, such as Docker and Kubernetes, and why and especially how Java EE fits into this world. It also covers the requirements behind containerized, zero-dependency applications and how modern Java EE application servers support these approaches. You will also learn about automated, fast, and reliable software tests, in different test levels, scopes, and test technologies. This book covers the prerequisites and challenges of distributed systems that lead to microservice, shared-nothing architectures. The challenges and solutions of consistency versus scalability will further lead us to event sourcing, event-driven architectures, and the CQRS principle. This book also includes the nuts and bolts of application performance as well as how to realize resilience, logging, monitoring and tracing in a modern enterprise world. Last but not least the demands of securing enterprise systems are covered. By the end, you will understand the ins and outs of Java EE so that you can make critical design decisions that not only live up to, but also surpass your clients' expectations. Style and approach This book focuses on solving business problems and meeting customer demands in the enterprise world. It covers how to create enterprise applications with reasonable technology choices, free of cargo-cult and over-engineering. The aspects shown in this book not only demonstrate how to realize a certain solution, but also explain its motivations and reasoning.
Mastering Linux Kernel Development
Mastering Linux Kernel Development
Raghu Bharadwaj
Explore Implementation of core kernel subsystems About This Book ? Master the design, components, and structures of core kernel subsystems ? Explore kernel programming interfaces and related algorithms under the hood ? Completely updated material for the 4.12.10 kernel Who This Book Is For If you are a kernel programmer with a knowledge of kernel APIs and are looking to build a comprehensive understanding, and eager to explore the implementation, of kernel subsystems, this book is for you. It sets out to unravel the underlying details of kernel APIs and data structures, piercing through the complex kernel layers and gives you the edge you need to take your skills to the next level. What You Will Learn ? Comprehend processes and fles—the core abstraction mechanisms of the Linux kernel that promote effective simplification and dynamism ? Decipher process scheduling and understand effective capacity utilization under general and real-time dispositions ? Simplify and learn more about process communication techniques through signals and IPC mechanisms ? Capture the rudiments of memory by grasping the key concepts and principles of physical and virtual memory management ? Take a sharp and precise look at all the key aspects of interrupt management and the clock subsystem ? Understand concurrent execution on SMP platforms through kernel synchronization and locking techniques In Detail Mastering Linux Kernel Development looks at the Linux kernel, its internal arrangement and design, and various core subsystems, helping you to gain significant understanding of this open source marvel. You will look at how the Linux kernel, which possesses a kind of collective intelligence thanks to its scores of contributors, remains so elegant owing to its great design. This book also looks at all the key kernel code, core data structures, functions, and macros, giving you a comprehensive foundation of the implementation details of the kernel’s core services and mechanisms. You will also look at the Linux kernel as well-designed software, which gives us insights into software design in general that are easily scalable yet fundamentally strong and safe. By the end of this book, you will have considerable understanding of and appreciation for the Linux kernel. Style and approach Each chapter begins with the basic conceptual know-how for a subsystem and extends into the details of its implementation. We use appropriate code excerpts of critical routines and data structures for subsystems.
Augmented Reality for Developers
Augmented Reality for Developers
Jonathan Linowes;Krystian Babilinski
Build exciting AR applications on mobile and wearable devices with Unity 3D, Vuforia, ARToolKit, Microsoft Mixed Reality HoloLens, Apple ARKit, and Google ARCore About This Book ? Create unique AR applications from scratch, from beginning to end, with step-by-step tutorials ? Use Unity 3D to efficiently create AR apps for Android, iOS, and Windows platforms ? Use Vuforia, ARTookKit, Windows Mixed Reality, and Apple ARKit to build AR projects for a variety of markets ? Learn best practices in AR user experience, software design patterns, and 3D graphics Who This Book Is For The ideal target audience for this book is developers who have some experience in mobile development, either Android or iOS. Some broad web development experience would also be beneficial. What You Will Learn ? Build Augmented Reality applications through a step-by-step, tutorial-style project approach ? Use the Unity 3D game engine with the Vuforia AR platform, open source ARToolKit, Microsoft's Mixed Reality Toolkit, Apple ARKit, and Google ARCore, via the C# programming language ? Implement practical demo applications of AR including education, games, business marketing, and industrial training ? Employ a variety of AR recognition modes, including target images, markers, objects, and spatial mapping ? Target a variety of AR devices including phones, tablets, and wearable smartglasses, for Android, iOS, and Windows HoloLens ? Develop expertise with Unity 3D graphics, UIs, physics, and event systems ? Explore and utilize AR best practices and software design patterns In Detail Augmented Reality brings with it a set of challenges that are unseen and unheard of for traditional web and mobile developers. This book is your gateway to Augmented Reality development—not a theoretical showpiece for your bookshelf, but a handbook you will keep by your desk while coding and architecting your first AR app and for years to come. The book opens with an introduction to Augmented Reality, including markets, technologies, and development tools. You will begin by setting up your development machine for Android, iOS, and Windows development, learning the basics of using Unity and the Vuforia AR platform as well as the open source ARToolKit and Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit. You will also receive an introduction to Apple's ARKit and Google's ARCore! You will then focus on building AR applications, exploring a variety of recognition targeting methods. You will go through multiple complete projects illustrating key market sectors including business marketing, education, industrial training, and gaming. By the end of the book, you will have gained the necessary knowledge to make quality content appropriate for a range of AR devices, platforms, and intended uses. Style and approach This book adopts a practical, step-by-step, tutorial-style approach. The design principles and methodology will be explained by creating different modules of the AR app.
Learning Ceph - Second Edition
Learning Ceph - Second Edition
Anthony D'Atri,Vaibhav Bhembre,Karan Singh
Implement and manage your software-defined, massively scalable storage system About This Book ? Explore Ceph's architecture in order to achieve scalability and high availability ? Learn to utilize Ceph efficiently with the help of practical examples ? Successfully implement Ceph clusters to scale-out storage solutions along with outstanding data protection Who This Book Is For A basic knowledge of GNU/Linux, and storage systems, and server components is assumed. If you have no experience of software-defined storage solutions and Ceph, but are eager to learn about them, this is the book for you. What You Will Learn ? The limitations of existing systems and why you should use Ceph as a storage solution ? Familiarity with Ceph's architecture, components, and services ? Instant deployment and testing of Ceph within a Vagrant and VirtualBox environment ? Ceph operations including maintenance, monitoring, and troubleshooting ? Storage provisioning of Ceph's block, object, and filesystem services ? Integrate Ceph with OpenStack ? Advanced topics including erasure coding, CRUSH maps, and performance tuning ? Best practices for your Ceph clusters In Detail Learning Ceph, Second Edition will give you all the skills you need to plan, deploy, and effectively manage your Ceph cluster. You will begin with the first module, where you will be introduced to Ceph use cases, its architecture, and core projects. In the next module, you will learn to set up a test cluster, using Ceph clusters and hardware selection. After you have learned to use Ceph clusters, the next module will teach you how to monitor cluster health, improve performance, and troubleshoot any issues that arise. In the last module, you will learn to integrate Ceph with other tools such as OpenStack, Glance, Manila, Swift, and Cinder. By the end of the book you will have learned to use Ceph effectively for your data storage requirements. Style and approach This step-by-step guide, including use cases and examples, not only helps you to easily use Ceph but also demonstrates how you can use it to solve any of your server or drive storage issues.
Learning Pentaho Data Integration 8 CE - Third Edition
Learning Pentaho Data Integration 8 CE - Third Edition
María Carina Roldán
Get up and running with the Pentaho Data Integration tool using this hands-on, easy-to-read guide About This Book ? Manipulate your data by exploring, transforming, validating, and integrating it using Pentaho Data Integration 8 CE ? A comprehensive guide exploring the features of Pentaho Data Integration 8 CE ? Connect to any database engine, explore the databases, and perform all kind of operations on relational databases Who This Book Is For This book is a must-have for software developers, business intelligence analysts, IT students, or anyone involved or interested in developing ETL solutions. If you plan on using Pentaho Data Integration for doing any data manipulation task, this book will help you as well. This book is also a good starting point for data warehouse designers, architects, or anyone who is responsible for data warehouse projects and needs to load data into them. What You Will Learn ? Explore the features and capabilities of Pentaho Data Integration 8 Community Edition ? Install and get started with PDI ? Learn the ins and outs of Spoon, the graphical designer tool ? Learn to get data from all kind of data sources, such as plain files, Excel spreadsheets, databases, and XML files ? Use Pentaho Data Integration to perform CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations on relationaldatabases ? Populate a data mart with Pentaho Data Integration ? Use Pentaho Data Integration to organize files and folders, run daily processes, deal with errors, and more In Detail Pentaho Data Integration(PDI) is an intuitive and graphical environment packed with drag-and-drop design and powerful Extract-Tranform-Load (ETL) capabilities. This book shows and explains the new interactive features of Spoon, the revamped look and feel, and the newest features of the tool including transformations and jobs Executors and the invaluable Metadata Injection capability. We begin with the installation of PDI software and then move on to cover all the key PDI concepts. Each of the chapter introduces new features, enabling you to gradually get practicing with the tool. First, you will learn to do all kind of data manipulation and work with simple plain files. Then, the book teaches you how you can work with relational databases inside PDI. Moreover, you will be given a primer on data warehouse concepts and you will learn how to load data in a data warehouse. During the course of this book, you will be familiarized with its intuitive, graphical and drag-and-drop design environment. By the end of this book, you will learn everything you need to know in order to meet your data manipulation requirements. Besides, your will be given best practices and advises for designing and deploying your projects. Style and approach Step by step guide filled with practical, real world scenarios and examples.
Computer Vision with OpenCV 3 and Qt5
Computer Vision with OpenCV 3 and Qt5
Amin Ahmadi Tazehkandi
Blend the power of Qt with OpenCV to build cross-platform computer vision applications About This Book ? Start creating robust applications with the power of OpenCV and Qt combined ? Learn from scratch how to develop cross-platform computer vision applications ? Accentuate your OpenCV applications by developing them with Qt Who This Book Is For This book is for readers interested in building computer vision applications. Intermediate knowledge of C++ programming is expected. Even though no knowledge of Qt5 and OpenCV 3 is assumed, if you’re familiar with these frameworks, you’ll benefit. What You Will Learn ? Get an introduction to Qt IDE and SDK ? Be introduced to OpenCV and see how to communicate between OpenCV and Qt ? Understand how to create UI using Qt Widgets ? Know to develop cross-platform applications using OpenCV 3 and Qt 5 ? Explore the multithreaded application development features of Qt5 ? Improve OpenCV 3 application development using Qt5 ? Build, test, and deploy Qt and OpenCV apps, either dynamically or statically ? See Computer Vision technologies such as filtering and transformation of images, detecting and matching objects, template matching, object tracking, video and motion analysis, and much more ? Be introduced to QML and Qt Quick for iOS and Android application development In Detail Developers have been using OpenCV library to develop computer vision applications for a long time. However, they now need a more effective tool to get the job done and in a much better and modern way. Qt is one of the major frameworks available for this task at the moment. This book will teach you to develop applications with the combination of OpenCV 3 and Qt5. This book will teach you to create cross-platform computer vision applications. We’ll begin by introducing Qt, its IDE, and its SDK. Next you’ll learn how to use the OpenCV API to integrate both tools, and see how to configure Qt to use OpenCV. You’ll go on to build a full-fledged computer vision application throughout the book. Later, you’ll create a stunning UI application using the Qt widgets technology, where you’ll display the images after they are processed in an efficient way. At the end of the book, you’ll learn how to convert OpenCV Mat to Qt QImage. You’ll also see how to efficiently process images to filter them, transform them, detect or track objects as well as analyze video. You’ll become better at developing OpenCV applications. Style and approach This book will help you understand and create cross-platform and multithreaded computer vision applications with the help of OpenCV 3 and Qt5, using a plugin-based and modular application development approach.
Practical Test-Driven Development using C# 7
Practical Test-Driven Development using C# 7
John Callaway,Clayton Hunt
Develop applications for the real world with a thorough software testing approach About This Book ? Develop a thorough understanding of TDD and how it can help you develop simpler applications with no defects using C# and JavaScript ? Adapt to the mindset of writing tests before code by incorporating business goals, code manageability, and other factors ? Make all your software units and modules pass tests by analyzing failed tests and refactoring code as and when required Who This Book Is For This book is for software developers with a basic knowledge of Test Driven Development (TDD) who want a thorough understanding of how TDD can benefit them and the applications they produce. The examples in this book are in C#, and you will need a basic understanding of C# to work through these examples. What You Will Learn ? The core concepts of TDD ? Testing in action with a real-world case study in C# and JavaScript using React ? Writing proper Unit Tests and testable code for your application ? Using different types of test double such as stubs, spies, and mocks ? Growing an application guided by tests ? Exploring new developments on a green-field application ? Mitigating the problems associated with writing tests for legacy applications ? Modifying a legacy application to make it testable In Detail Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a methodology that helps you to write as little as code as possible to satisfy software requirements, and ensures that what you've written does what it's supposed to do. If you're looking for a practical resource on Test-Driven Development this is the book for you. You've found a practical end-to-end guide that will help you implement Test-Driven Techniques for your software development projects. You will learn from industry standard patterns and practices, and shift from a conventional approach to a modern and efficient software testing approach in C# and JavaScript. This book starts with the basics of TDD and the components of a simple unit test. Then we look at setting up the testing framework so that you can easily run your tests in your development environment. You will then see the importance of defining and testing boundaries, abstracting away third-party code (including the .NET Framework), and working with different types of test double such as spies, mocks, and fakes. Moving on, you will learn how to think like a TDD developer when it comes to application development. Next, you'll focus on writing tests for new/changing requirements and covering newly discovered bugs, along with how to test JavaScript applications and perform integration testing. You’ll also learn how to identify code that is inherently un-testable, and identify some of the major problems with legacy applications that weren’t written with testability in mind. By the end of the book, you’ll have all the TDD skills you'll need and you’ll be able to re-enter the world as a TDD expert! Style and approach A practical step-by-step approach with real-world case studies.
Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux - Third Edition
Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux - Third Edition
Gilberto Najera-Gutierrez,Juned Ahmed Ansari
Build your defense against web attacks with Kali Linux, including command injection flaws, crypto implementation layers, and web application security holes About This Book ? Know how to set up your lab with Kali Linux ? Discover the core concepts of web penetration testing ? Get the tools and techniques you need with Kali Linux Who This Book Is For Since this book sets out to cover a large number of tools and security fields, it can work as an introduction to practical security skills for beginners in security. In addition, web programmers and also system administrators would benefit from this rigorous introduction to web penetration testing. Basic system administration skills are necessary, and the ability to read code is a must. What You Will Learn ? Learn how to set up your lab with Kali Linux ? Understand the core concepts of web penetration testing ? Get to know the tools and techniques you need to use with Kali Linux ? Identify the difference between hacking a web application and network hacking ? Expose vulnerabilities present in web servers and their applications using server-side attacks ? Understand the different techniques used to identify the flavor of web applications ? See standard attacks such as exploiting cross-site request forgery and cross-site *ing flaws ? Get an overview of the art of client-side attacks ? Explore automated attacks such as fuzzing web applications In Detail Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux - Third Edition shows you how to set up a lab, helps you understand the nature and mechanics of attacking websites, and explains classical attacks in great depth. This edition is heavily updated for the latest Kali Linux changes and the most recent attacks. Kali Linux shines when it comes to client-side attacks and fuzzing in particular. From the start of the book, you'll be given a thorough grounding in the concepts of hacking and penetration testing, and you'll see the tools used in Kali Linux that relate to web application hacking. You'll gain a deep understanding of classicalSQL, command-injection flaws, and the many ways to exploit these flaws. Web penetration testing also needs a general overview of client-side attacks, which is rounded out by a long discussion of *ing and input validation flaws. There is also an important chapter on cryptographic implementation flaws, where we discuss the most recent problems with cryptographic layers in the networking stack. The importance of these attacks cannot be overstated, and defending against them is relevant to most internet users and, of course, penetration testers. At the end of the book, you'll use an automated technique called fuzzing to identify flaws in a web application. Finally, you'll gain an understanding of web application vulnerabilities and the ways they can be exploited using the tools in Kali Linux. Style and approach This step-by-step guide covers each topic with detailed practical examples. Every concept is explained with the help of illustrations using the tools available in Kali Linux.
MySQL 8 Cookbook
MySQL 8 Cookbook
Karthik Appigatla
Design and administer enterprise-grade MySQL 8 solutions About This Book ? Store, retrieve, and manipulate your data using the latest MySQL 8 features ? Practical recipes on effective administration in MySQL, with a focus on security, performance tuning, troubleshooting, and more ? Contains tips, tricks, and best practices for designing, developing, and administering your MySQL 8 database solution without any hassle Who This Book Is For If you are a MySQL developer or administrator looking for quick, handy solutions to solve the most common and not-so-common problems in MySQL, this book is for you. MySQL DBAs looking to get up-to-speed with the latest MySQL 8 development and administration features will also find this book very useful. Prior knowledge of Linux and RDBMS is desirable. What You Will Learn ? Install and configure your MySQL 8 instance without any hassle ? Get to grips with new features of MySQL 8 like CTE, Window functions and many more ? Perform backup tasks, recover data and set up various replication topologies for your database ? Maximize performance by using new features of MySQL 8 like descending indexes, controlling query optimizer and resource groups ? Learn how to use general table space to suit the SaaS or multi-tenant applications ? Analyze slow queries using performance schema, sys schema and third party tools ? Manage and monitor your MySQL instance and implement efficient performance-tuning tasks In Detail MySQL is one of the most popular and widely used relational databases in the World today. The recently released MySQL 8 version promises to be better and more efficient than ever before. This book contains everything you need to know to be the go-to person in your organization when it comes to MySQL. Starting with a quick installation and configuration of your MySQL instance, the book quickly jumps into the querying aspects of MySQL. It shows you the newest improvements in MySQL 8 and gives you hands-on experience in managing high-transaction and real-time datasets. If you've already worked with MySQL before and are looking to migrate your application to MySQL 8, this book will also show you how to do that. The book also contains recipes on efficient MySQL administration, with tips on effective user management, data recovery, security, database monitoring, performance tuning, troubleshooting, and more. With quick solutions to common and not-so-common problems you might encounter while working with MySQL 8, the book contains practical tips and tricks to give you the edge over others in designing, developing, and administering your database effectively. Style and approach This book takes a recipe-based approach to tackling the pain points of SQL developers. It is a comprehensive book full of solutions to common problems faced by SQL administrators and developers alike.
Odoo 11 Development Cookbook - Second Edition
Odoo 11 Development Cookbook - Second Edition
Holger Brunn,Alexandre Fayolle
Create fast and efficient server-side applications using the latest features of Odoo v11 About This Book ? Get the most up-to-date guide on Odoo 11 to create custom and reusable modules ? Interconnect your application with other systems by implementing web APIs ? Understand the mechanisms powering the Odoo framework to build robust enterprises Who This Book Is For If you're a Python developer and want to develop highly efficient business applications with the latest Odoo framework (or if you just want a hands on problem solution book for all your Odoo Development related issues), this book is for you! Some experience with the JavaScript programming language and web development is required to get the most out of this book. What You Will Learn ? Install and manage Odoo environments and instances ? Use models to define your application's data structures ? Add business logic to your applications ? Add automated tests and learn how to debug Odoo apps ? Learn about the access security model and internationalization features ? Customize websites built with Odoo, by writing your own templates and providing new snippets for use in the website builder ? Extend the web client with new widgets and make RPC calls to the server In Detail Odoo is a full-featured open source ERP with a focus on extensibility. The flexibility and sustainability of open source are also a key selling point of Odoo. It is built on a powerful framework for rapid application development, both for back-end applications and front-end websites. Version 11 offers better usability and speed: a new design (as compared to the current Odoo Enterprise version) and a mobile interface. The book starts by covering Odoo installation and administration and Odoo Server deployment. It then delves into the implementation of Odoo modules, the different inheritance models available in Odoo. You will then learn how to define access rules for your data; how to make your application available in different languages; how to expose your data models to end users on the back end and on the front end; and how to create beautiful PDF versions of your data. By the end of the book, you will have a thorough knowledge of Odoo and will be able to build effective applications by applying Odoo development best practices Style and Approach This recipe-based practical guide presents each topic with step-by-step instructions on how you can create fast and efficient server-side applications using the latest features of Odoo v11
Functional Kotlin
Functional Kotlin
Mario Arias,Rivu Chakraborty
Learn how to apply Functional Programming with Kotlin to real-life projects with popular libraries like Arrow. About This Book ? Focus on the functional aspects of Kotlin and identify the advantages that functional programming brings to the table and the associated coding benefits, ? Implement common functional programming design patterns and techniques. ? Learn to combine OOP and Reactive Programming with Functional Programming and how RxKotlin and funkTionale can help you implementing Functional Programming in Kotlin Who This Book Is For Kotlin developers who have no functional programming experience, will benefit from this book. What You Will Learn ? Learn the Concepts of Functional Programming with Kotlin ? Discover the Coroutines in Kotlin ? Uncover Using funkTionale plugin ? Learn Monads, Functiors and Applicatives ? Combine Functional Programming with OOP and Reactive Programming ? Uncover Using Monads with funkTionale ? Discover Stream Processing In Detail Functional programming makes your application faster, improves performance, and increases your productivity. Kotlin supports many of the popular and advanced functional features of functional languages. This book will cover the A-Z of functional programming in Kotlin. This book bridges the language gap for Kotlin developers by showing you how to create and consume functional constructs in Kotlin. We also bridge the domain gap by showing how functional constructs can be applied in business scenarios. We’ll take you through lambdas, pattern matching, immutability, and help you develop a deep understanding of the concepts and practices of functional programming. If you want learn to address problems using Recursion, Koltin has support for it as well. You’ll also learn how to use the funKtionale library to perform currying and lazy programming and more. Finally, you’ll learn functional design patterns and techniques that will make you a better programmer.By the end of the book, you will be more confident in your functional programming skills and will be able to apply them while programming in Kotlin. Style and approach Loaded with numerous code examples and real life projects, this book helps you dive deep into Functional Programming with Kotlin as well as applying it with help of Functional Programming Plugins like funkTionale and RxKotlin.
Java EE 8 High Performance
Java EE 8 High Performance
Romain Manni-Bucau
Get more control of your applications performances in development and production and know how to meet your Service Level Agreement on critical microservices. About This Book ? Learn how to write a JavaEE application with performance constraints (Service Level Agreement—SLA) leveraging the platform ? Learn how to identify bottlenecks and hotspots in your application to fix them ? Ensure that you are able to continuously control your performance in production and during development Who This Book Is For If you're a Java developer looking to improve the performance of your code or simply wanting to take your skills up to the next level, then this book is perfect for you. What You Will Learn ? Identify performance bottlenecks in an application ? Locate application hotspots using performance tools ? Understand the work done under the hood by EE containers and its impact on performance ? Identify common patterns to integrate with Java EE applications ? Implement transparent caching on your applications ? Extract more information from your applications using Java EE without modifying existing code ? Ensure constant performance and eliminate regression In Detail The ease with which we write applications has been increasing, but with this comes the need to address their performance. A balancing act between easily implementing complex applications and keeping their performance optimal is a present-day need. In this book, we explore how to achieve this crucial balance while developing and deploying applications with Java EE 8. The book starts by analyzing various Java EE specifications to identify those potentially affecting performance adversely. Then, we move on to monitoring techniques that enable us to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize performance metrics. Next, we look at techniques that help us achieve high performance: memory optimization, concurrency, multi-threading, scaling, and caching. We also look at fault tolerance solutions and the importance of logging. Lastly, you will learn to benchmark your application and also implement solutions for continuous performance evaluation. By the end of the book, you will have gained insights into various techniques and solutions that will help create high-performance applications in the Java EE 8 environment. Style and approach This book will cover vital concepts implemented through a sample application built throughout the book. This will enable you to apply these concepts to suit your software requirements.
Beginning Server-Side Application Development with Angular
Beginning Server-Side Application Development with Angular
Bram Borggreve
Discover how to rapidly prototype SEO-friendly web applications with Angular Universal About This Book : ? Rapidly build an application that's optimized for search performance ? Develop service workers to make your application truly progressive ? Automatically update metadata and load in content from external APIs Who This Book Is For : This book is ideal for experienced front-end developers who are looking to quickly work through an intelligent example that demonstrates all the key features of server-side development with Angular. You'll need some prior exposure to Angular, as we skim over the basics and get straight to work. What You Will Learn : ? Use the official tools provided by Angular to build an SEO-friendly application ? Create a dynamic web application that maps to current Angular best practices ? Manage your Angular applications with Angular CLI ? Implement server-side rendering for your future web application projects ? Configure service workers to automatically update your application in the background In Detail : Equip yourself with the skills required to create modern, progressive web applications that load quickly and efficiently. This fast-paced guide to server-side Angular leads you through an example application that uses Angular Universal to render application pages on the server, rather than the client. You'll learn how to serve your users views that load instantly, while reaping all the SEO benefits of improved page indexing. With differences of just 200 milliseconds in performance having a measurable impact on your users, it's more important than ever to get server-side right. Style and approach : With this book, you'll be equipped to create modern, SEO-friendly web apps with best practices using Angular CLI. This book focuses on creating a progressive web app using Angular that is optimized for search engines.
Java EE 8 Cookbook
Java EE 8 Cookbook
Elder Moraes
A practical guide for building effective enterprise solutions with Java EE 8 About This Book ? Recipes to get you up-and-running with Java EE 8 application development ? Learn how to apply the major Java EE 8 APIs and specifications ? Implement microservices and Reactive programming with Java EE 8 Who This Book Is For This book is for developers who want to become proficient with Java EE 8 for their enterprise application development. Basic knowledge of Java is assumed What You Will Learn ? Actionable information on the new features of Java EE 8 ? Using the most important APIs with real and working code ? Building server side applications, web services, and web applications ? Deploying and managing your application using the most important Java EE servers ? Building and deploying microservices using Java EE 8 ? Building Reactive application by joining Java EE APIs and core Java features ? Moving your application to the cloud using containers ? Practical ways to improve your projects and career through community involvement In Detail Java EE is a collection of technologies and APIs to support Enterprise Application development. The choice of what to use and when can be dauntingly complex for any developer. This book will help you master this. Packed with easy to follow recipes, this is your guide to becoming productive with Java EE 8. You will begin by seeing the latest features of Java EE 8, including major Java EE 8 APIs and specifications such as JSF 2.3, and CDI 2.0, and what they mean for you. You will use the new features of Java EE 8 to implement web-based services for your client applications. You will then learn to process the Model and Streaming APIs using JSON-P and JSON-B and will learn to use the Java Lambdas support offered in JSON-P. There are more recipes to fine-tune your RESTful development, and you will learn about the Reactive enhancements offered by the JAX-RS 2.1 specification. Later on, you will learn about the role of multithreading in your enterprise applications and how to integrate them for transaction handling. This is followed by implementing microservices with Java EE and the advancements made by Java EE for cloud computing. The final set of recipes shows you how take advantage of the latest security features and authenticate your enterprise application. At the end of the book, the Appendix shows you how knowledge sharing can change your career and your life. Style and approach Task based learning guide to help ease application development with Java EE.
Intelligent Mobile Projects with TensorFlow
Intelligent Mobile Projects with TensorFlow
Jeff Tang
Create Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning apps for multiple platforms with TensorFlow About This Book ? Build TensorFlow-powered AI applications for mobile and embedded devices ? Learn modern AI topics such as computer vision, NLP, and deep reinforcement learning ? Get practical insights and exclusive working code not available in the TensorFlow documentation Who This Book Is For If you're an iOS/Android developer interested in building and retraining others' TensorFlow models and running them in your mobile apps, or if you're a TensorFlow developer and want to run your new and amazing TensorFlow models on mobile devices, this book is for you. You'll also benefit from this book if you're interested in TensorFlow Lite, Core ML, or TensorFlow on Raspberry Pi. What You Will Learn ? Classify images with transfer learning ? Detect objects and their locations ? Transform pictures with amazing art styles ? Understand simple speech commands ? Describe images in natural language ? Recognize drawing with Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short-Term Memory ? Predict stock price with Recurrent Neural Network in TensorFlow and Keras ? Generate and enhance images with generative adversarial networks ? Build AlphaZero-like mobile game app in TensorFlow and Keras ? Use TensorFlow Lite and Core ML on mobile ? Develop TensorFlow apps on Raspberry Pi that can move, see, listen, speak, and learn In Detail As a developer, you always need to keep an eye out and be ready for what will be trending soon, while also focusing on what's trending currently. So, what's better than learning about the integration of the best of both worlds, the present and the future? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely regarded as the next big thing after mobile, and Google's TensorFlow is the leading open source machine learning framework, the hottest branch of AI. This book covers more than 10 complete iOS, Android, and Raspberry Pi apps powered by TensorFlow and built from scratch, running all kinds of cool TensorFlow models offline on-device: from computer vision, speech and language processing to generative adversarial networks and AlphaZero-like deep reinforcement learning. You’ll learn how to use or retrain existing TensorFlow models, build your own models, and develop intelligent mobile apps running those TensorFlow models. You'll learn how to quickly build such apps with step-by-step tutorials and how to avoid many pitfalls in the process with lots of hard-earned troubleshooting tips. Style and approach This book takes a practical, project-based approach to teach specifics of mobile development with TensorFlow. Using a reader-friendly approach, this book will provide detailed instructions and also discuss the broader context covered within.
Moodle 3 E-Learning Course Development
Moodle 3 E-Learning Course Development
Susan Smith Nash,William Rice
A complete guide on course development and delivery using Moodle 3.x About This Book ? Get the best out of the latest Moodle 3 framework to ensure successful learning ? Gain experience in creating different kinds of courses ? Create your first Moodle VR app using the Moodle VR toolset Who This Book Is For This book is for anyone who wants to get the best out of Moodle. As a beginner, this is a thorough guide for you to understand how the software works, with great ideas for getting off to a good start with your first course. Some experience of working with e-learning systems will be beneficial. Experienced Moodle users will find powerful insights into developing successful and educational courses. What You Will Learn ? Know what Moodle does and how it supports your teaching strategies ? Install Moodle on your computer and navigate your way around it ? Understand all of Moodle's learning features ? Monitor how learners interact with your site using site statistics ? Add multimedia content to your site ? Allow students to enroll themselves or invite other students to join a course In Detail Moodle is a learning platform or Course Management System (CMS) that is easy to install and use, but the real challenge is in developing a learning process that leverages its power and maps the learning objectives to content and assessments for an integrated and effective course. Moodle 3 E-Learning Course Development guides you through meeting that challenge in a practical way. This latest edition will show you how to add static learning material, assessments, and social features such as forum-based instructional strategy, a chat module, and forums to your courses so that students reach their learning potential. Whether you want to support traditional class teaching or lecturing, or provide complete online and distance e-learning courses, this book will prove to be a powerful resource throughout your use of Moodle. You’ll learn how to create and integrate third-party plugins and widgets in your Moodle app, implement site permissions and user accounts, and ensure the security of content and test papers. Further on, you’ll implement PHP scripts that will help you create customized UIs for your app. You’ll also understand how to create your first Moodle VR e-learning app using the latest VR learning experience that Moodle 3 has to offer. By the end of this book, you will have explored the decisions, design considerations, and thought processes that go into developing a successful course. Style and approach Packed with clear step-by-step instructions, plenty of screenshots, and thorough explanations, this book guides you through the many features and options that you have to choose from when using Moodle 3.
Django 2 by Example
Django 2 by Example
Antonio Melé
Learn Django 2.0 with four end-to-end projects About This Book ? Learn Django by building real-world web applications from scratch ? Develop powerful web applications quickly using the best coding practices ? Integrate other technologies into your application with clear, step-by-step explanations and comprehensive example code Who This Book Is For If you are a web developer who wants to see how to build professional sites with Django, this book is for you. You will need a basic knowledge of Python, HTML, and JavaScript, but you don't need to have worked with Django before. What You Will Learn ? Build practical, real-world web applications with Django ? Use Django with other technologies, such as Redis and Celery ? Develop pluggable Django applications ? Create advanced features, optimize your code, and use the cache framework ? Add internationalization to your Django projects ? Enhance your user experience using JavaScript and AJAX ? Add social features to your projects ? Build RESTful APIs for your applications In Detail If you want to learn about the entire process of developing professional web applications with Django, then this book is for you. This book will walk you through the creation of four professional Django projects, teaching you how to solve common problems and implement best practices. You will learn how to build a blog application, a social image-bookmarking website, an online shop, and an e-learning platform. The book will teach you how to enhance your applications with AJAX, create RESTful APIs, and set up a production environment for your Django projects. The book walks you through the creation of real-world applications, while solving common problems and implementing best practices. By the end of this book, you will have a deep understanding of Django and how to build advanced web applications Style and approach This easy-to-follow guide takes you through the process of building four different production-ready Django projects with a simple step-by-step approach.
Marmalade SDK Mobile Game Development Essentials
Marmalade SDK Mobile Game Development Essentials
Sean Scaplehorn
A practical tutorial that's easy to follow with lots of tips, examples and diagrams, including a full game project that grows with each chapter,This book targets Professional and Indie game developers who want to develop games quickly and easily to run across a huge range of smartphones and tablets. You are expected to have some experience writing games using C++ on other platforms. Its aim is to show how to take your existing skills and apply them to writing games for mobile devices (including iOS and Android) by explaining the use of the Marmalade SDK,Familiarity with games and 3D graphics programming would be helpful. No knowledge of specific mobile SDKs such as iOS or Android is required.
Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Cookbook
Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Cookbook
Leandro Carvalho
"Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Cookbook" is a practical cookbook packed with recipes showing and explaining all the features and components of Hyper-V. You’ll learn from best practices, tips and tricks and examples of how to automate daily and common tasks. If you are an administrator who wants to master Microsoft Server Virtualization with Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V, then this book is for you. You should be comfortable with virtualization concepts and practices, and knowledge of previous versions of Windows Server would be an advantage.
HTML5 Graphics & Data Visualization Cookbook
HTML5 Graphics & Data Visualization Cookbook
Ben Fhala
This cookbook is organized in a linear, progressive way allowing it to be read from start to finish, as well as to be used as a useful resource for specific tasks. The HTML5 examples and recipes will have you making dynamic, interactive, and animated charts and graphs in no time. You don't need to have a background in HTML5 or Canvas but you do need to have a basic understanding of how HTML works and know how to code in any language (preferably in JavaScript). In this book we will not explain how to learn to code but how to create projects and how to plan and execute them in the process.
Oracle APEX Best Practices
Oracle APEX Best Practices
Alex Nuijten
In clearly written chapters you will be guided through different aspects of Oracle Application Express. Varying from setting up your environment to maximizing SQL and PL/SQL. Examples are given based on a simple but appealing case. This book is filled with best practices on how to make the most of Oracle APEX. Developers beginning with application development as well as those who are experienced will benefit from this book. You will need to have basic knowledge of SQL and PL/SQL to follow the examples in this book.